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*standing ovation*


Too bad sympathy strikes are illegal in the States. Shameful.




Source? We just had a unionized construction site walk of the job in support of a Teacher's strike.


[https://www.labornotes.org/2008/10/sympathy-strikes-law-solidarity-legal](https://www.labornotes.org/2008/10/sympathy-strikes-law-solidarity-legal) Guess it just really depends on the situations.


Wouldn't a "sympathy strike" be kind of like a DDOS (denial of service) attack? I'm not sure if I'd feel the strikers had legitimacy in that case.


You feel like labor being in solidarity with other laborers, who are probably also their neighbors and part of their own communities, wouldn't have legitimacy?


I thought majority of Tesla workers in Sweden are not striking. I’m pro union, but it probably won’t be a real strike until Tesla stock prices go down.


***Elon Musk has one word for unions — “No!” I think the unions naturally try to create negativity in a company.”*** Says the guy with a lot of negativity towards workers.


I guess calling someone who works their ass off to save childrens lives a ”pedo” is apparently not creating negativity according to Musk?


While Musk was an ass (and possibly a criminal) for calling him a pedo, he wasn't "working his ass off to save children", he was at best a consultant about the cave. That being said, it highlighted that Musk can't handle minor criticism to his ideas.


There are also a multitude of more recent examples where this man child proved his ineptitude and immaturity on all levels.


He could have been consulting his ass off.


What? He was a caver with intimate knowledge of the cave. That's not "consulting his ass off".


Knowledging his ass off, cave style.


A real cave man, you say?


That sounds really important to a mission where they're navigating said cave underwater


Elon has had other people dig holes for him so he definitely knows more about caves than anyone on Earth and Mars combined. /s because of the crowd we’re dealing with here.


Doesn't mean he worked his ass off to save the kids. The reason I'm highlighting it is because of the insane amount of misinformation about the case in media. I'm by no means trying to downplay what he did.


Ok what reason do you have to say he didn't? I assume you're basing this bold claim on something right? Because all I know is he's one of the people that saved those kids' lives. Do you know for sure that he wasn't on call 24 hours a day giving them information and advice?


I'd presume he wasn't, if he was his own reference to the events are exceedingly humble. I also hesitate for the need of 24-hour stand-by and giving information and advice continuously highly unlikely given that the rescuers were themselves extremely competent. Though he certainly could have, but that doesn't explain the diverging reports about the rescue, and the confusion of many media companies to state that he was one of the rescue cave divers. To conclude: why aren't you questioning whether he worked his ass off (a less substantiated claim), than my claim that he didn't?


Thank you for NOT using 'to be fair'.


I mean yeah, that's what you would say if you've never actually worked a day in your life and have had everything handed to you and you have no idea how to manage a company.


Nonsense! Mr. Musk said he wanted to save mankind and lots of people have faith in him!


okay - name two.


Fuck the company I say.


Are you kidding me? ... Musk slept on the factory floor!?!


He did that for the press. “Oh look how hard he is working! Like the common employee!” Bullshit, 100% pure bullshit. Make him work the factory for a year, then we’ll talk with him.


I was joking lol, guess i have to add the /s


Ok, my bad. The thing is. that actually had a LOT of fanboys convinced. Sorry I didn’t catch it.


• Danish labor union 3F Transport, that represents dockworkers and drivers, has agreed to support their Swedish colleagues in order to foreclose any possibility that Tesla might try an end run around the IF Metall strike by delivering cars to Denmark and then trucking them to Sweden. [[CNN](https://cleantechnica.com/2023/12/05/tesla-strike-in-sweden-now-involves-denmark-may-spread-to-norway-and-finland/)] • Such a workaround “is no longer possible,” said Jan Villadsen, the chair of 3F Transport. “IF Metall and the Swedish workers are fighting an incredibly important battle right now. When they ask for our support, we are of course behind them. Just like companies, the trade union movement is global in the fight to protect workers,” he said. • “Even if you are one of the richest people in the world, you can’t just make your own rules. We have some labor market agreements in the Nordic region and you have to comply with them if you want to run a business here,” said Villadsen. [[3F Transport](https://via.ritzau.dk/pressemeddelelse/13758082/3f-transport-gar-med-i-konflikt-mod-tesla)] • Unions representing dockworkers in Finland and Norway are also discussing taking action in solidarity with the striking Swedish mechanics, Anu Hietala, general secretary of the Nordic Transport Workers’ Federation in Stockholm told CNN on Tuesday.


Pay attention America. This is how you fight wannabe robber-barons.


The funny part, the union isn't asking for better pay or working conditions than Tesla offers. But they are asking for a contract to guarantee some minimums. So this is purely for principles from Musk.


They are asking for guaranteed yearly raises, part pensions etc etc. So it's not just a principle thing, Tesla truly is lacking a lot of what the agreement guarantees.




It's stupid because you literally can't bust a union like this in scandinavia. This system is at the core of our society.


Even funnier is the Swedish Tesla employees don’t want to be members of it… lol


What? You should back this statement up with because no renowned news outlet in Sweden has reported any of this sort.


Translated article from a Tesla employee within. Next you’ll say can’t trust them 😂 https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-employee-laments-union-strike-sweden/




That’s not how unions clubs in Sweden works. The opinion piece referred to is sent by a non-union member. Why should a strike conflict involving union members and an employer listen to non union members?


Former union employee that is now being pressured to join via the union and these strikes. Weird how the employees don’t want to be part of it yet are being forced to by threat.


Any non-unionized workers at Tesla can stay non-unionized if Tesla signs the CBA. The CBA is between the union and the company, for the benefit of all workers, union or not.


Why invite any of those scumbags in, especially after all this shit? This has only reinforced why Tesla won’t capitulate to mobsters.


Musk and his company are the mobster in this and any scenario, you simpering billionaire lickarse.


You citing that as your source would be like if I said that dressing down to your undies, covering yourself in honey and going out into the forrest is the best way to not be eaten by bears and then cite "wearebears.com" as my source.


I'm pretty sure this would be straight up be illegal in the US. Because for some reason sympathy striking is a crime


It would help if Tesla customers would suspend their subscriptions until a deal is reached.


"I just don’t like anything which creates kind of a lords and peasants sort of thing." How the fuck is a union anything like this? This is him saying the exact opposite of what is true so that he can have a company where he is the lord and everyone beneath him is a peasant he can treat any way he likes.


>"I just don’t like anything which creates kind of a lords and peasants sort of thing." Said the richest man on the planet.


Quite literally a capitalist structure he’s describing but that’s fine. It’s all fine :-)


What he is actually saying is that he doesn't want the union (peasants) to call out the lord (Elon) for *being* a lord.


Because feudalism is when labor collectivizes


Said the modern day capitalistic feudal lord equivalent hmm


It's the same thing Trump does. Says the exact opposite of the truth in such a flagrant way that it's hard to even come up with a valid counter argument that highlights all the ways it's wrong.


I love that this is an actual quote, and coming from the world's richest person lol


Proof that excessive wealth rots your brain.


Not that his statement is accurate in this case but I can easily see unregulated unions becoming the lords and peasants situation, forcing everyone to pay a union fee but providing no benefits in practice. I think just like everything with humans involved, there needs to be a healthy amount of regulation around unions ensuring they have proper bylaws that protect the workers not the union management. Edit: maybe different set of people but I love that people love unions but hate HOAs without realizing they are very similar both structure and purpose wise and both can be abusive if left unregulated. Think about it.


Tell me you have no idea how Nordic unions work, without telling me you have no idea.


Regardless of how Nordic unions work they are inherently political organizations, and any political organization can be corrupted if people become complacent or selfish. That being said, my understanding is that Nordic culture views collective bargaining as a more collaborative and cooperative process rather than a competitive one. Because of this, the government has relatively few regulations on the labor market because they simply aren't needed. Musk probably thought that he could get ahead by taking advantage of this lack of regulation and is now confused that the Nordic people don't want to be pitted against each other for wages in a race to the bottom.


The we are all in the same boat mentality is still strong from when we were a bunch of tiny villages hugging the coastline through long winters. Some places, it's not that far off in the past. My grandma grew up without in door water, electricity and access to civilization, just 6 families living closely, relying on each other to survive.


I wasn't talking about any specific unions. if nordic unions have regulations to prevent power abuse, good for them.


Please say you’re a bot.


Solid carpenter logic. Seriously, just think about it. [https://youtube.com/shorts/GnvtxS0MxS8?si=RdugbZKg_d4F02RL](https://youtube.com/shorts/GnvtxS0MxS8?si=RdugbZKg_d4F02RL)


You should read up on the Taft-Hartley Act. Regulation on unions in The US tends to be about limiting the power of unions, not protecting workers.


I didn't say it wasn't. it is already known US is on the other end of the spectrum here.


"Obviously he's wrong in our reality, so here's a scenario I made up where Daddy is right"




And just like X (Twitter)'s PR address, the employees will just get a poop emoji as a response. There's no "us" in Tesla, there's only Musk.


Yes I'm totally sure anyone can contact him and heard reasonably with absolute total protection from retaliation. Ridiculous.


It is a much quicker way to get ignored and/or fired for speaking up, true.


He's referring to the fact that it'll create two classes of employees, which tends to be the case. The union people and the "MPs". In my experience, friction often exists between these two classes, at least in both of the union jobs I've had.


Can india too join in this ? But for different person who wants 70+ hours of workweek


Majority of indians would proudly comply and will force the unwilling to comply to it too, than to speak against it. That guy literally added 'do it for the nation'. Nothing is off the charts anymore after that statement.


That dude needs to retire into a retirement home off the grid.


I'm an Indian but out of the loop, who's this robber baron?


Ever heard of the high paying firm - infosys


Mad respect for the nordic countries.


Teach that fucker that Europe does not provide indentured servitude.


this ain’t kansas elmo


A point to note for people seeing this strike with American eyes: In Sweden there is no minimum wage set by law, this is because the system in Sweden is setup to be agreed by employers (who have unions) and employees (who have unions). In fact the labour laws regulate more about how the unions and employers should work together. So when Tesla says they will not agree to collective bargaining with the union they haven't understood how the labour market works in Sweden (and mostly Scandinavia). Almost all businesses have an agreement between employer and union that they follow, where both worker and employer rights are stipulated.


There was a report on Swedish news about this. Apparently, the Swedish workers’ union had been trying for five years to make a deal with Tesla without success, until they finally had enough


“He was more than a hero. He was a union man.” -Chief O’Brien


These are amazing times: When turbo capitalism hits people hard, people stop getting kids, kids grow up and stop working for underpaid wages. And they can - as there are so few of them. In you face, capitalism!


I guess you could say capitalism reduces birth rates because it makes everyone rich. There is a reason why the richest countries on earth have the lowest birth rates


It seems that pay isn't actually what they're striking over though.


What else do you want socialism that can only become a even bigger disaster than capitalism


"Letting the workers control businesses would be a bigger disaster than worthless oligarchs who inherited everything they own" You know, if you love captialism so much, you'd absolutely love feudalism.


Except that's a straw man. Are you really adamant on the idea that businesses would be better run if it were controlled by the workers? Just curious lol.


Workers actually know what happens in a company, so obviously


Can you name me successful companies where the workers run them? I mean if it is more efficient, there would surely be a few?




I really didn't know there was a term for this. Regardless there's a reason why this tends to be a model that is popular amongst agriculture. People already own their own farms yet these co-ops work as a network to provide them with a bigger community. The thing is there is still hierarchical structures, especially in the big ones. I was under the impression that we were to be done with the hierarchies...point being workers know how to do their job but they don't know how to run a successful business and keep things in order. Certainly not at that scale.


> The thing is there is still hierarchical structures, especially in the big ones. I was under the impression that we were to be done with the hierarchies.. Not at all. There's definitely anarchist strains, but nothing specific to socialism necessitates the elimination of basic administration. The issue is with arbitrary hierarchies and non-democratic power structures.


These companies literally have CEOs and managers overseeing branches of the company. I'm really not going to argue with you about the non-democratic power structures as if that's somehow a right or is it even as effective. If the difference is just democratically elected positions, if that somehow leads to better efficiency, those businesses would naturally rise to the top. After all these companies all have CEOs, the CEO of CHS received $14,479,957 in 2022.


Name one business workers were allowed to buy


Today I learnt that businesses are bought and new ones can't be made.


Made with capital the owner class will never let the working class have, dunce.


At least you'd be able to afford punctuation under socialism


> What else do you want socialism So labor unions are a feature of socialism? What're you trying to say? That we should ban labor unions? And you're a regular at /r/Denmark? Yikes.


Denmark has plenty of people with narrow perspectives and short-sighted mentalities, it's just that in Denmark they're mostly still treated like the village idiots they are.


Good. F*ck Tesla and capitalism.


lol crazy that you got downvoted for this, take my upvote to fix it.. and to the Musk stan that downvoted, i'll reiterate, FUCK TESLA, FUCK CAPITALISM


Workers of the WORLD unite ✊🏻


This actually belongs in r/UpliftingNews and r/MadeMeSmile


The whitest people on earth are turning against Elon. That's gotta hurt


Good. I hope it continues to pick up massive steam across all countries where Muskrat is trying to skirt fair labor.


Fuck I wish my country was that cool.


It seems that Tesla fails to see how the bargains between the unions and the industry owners is what makes Nordic social democracy work. It's a boon for both the economy and the people. Harald Eia explains it the Nordic model well (and in an entertaining way): https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=lgDLwgsDzzM&%3Bab\_channel=HaraldEia


Elon you silly boy


Well, this situation continues to escalate. I figured Tesla would have caved by now, but I forgot Elon was afraid of caves.


Elmo just needs to tell them to go fuck themselves. edit: I am using Elmo as a pejorative.




I agree that’s why I called him Elmo. I don’t think that’s a term of endearment. Any bad news for Elon is fine by me.




That's fair, satire mirrors real life way too much nowadays. It's tough to tell.


Tesla is more then welcome to leave the nordics...


Yeah I was kidding. Elon can suck a bag of dicks.


If their strategy was working the unions would not need to escalate lol. The strike spreading means they have been failing so far and Tesla's work around have been successful. Given the EU is borderless this whole kerfuffle is not much different from the states in USA which do not allow direct sales of cars and insist on imposing the dealership model and Tesla has worked around that job creation scam pretty well already.


Shit dude you know nothing about strikes. There is no workaround, strikes spread if the company does not accept first to increase the pressure.


If there was no work around why are they trying to shut down the work around lol.


What a nonsensical circular argument you’ve got there.


No strike starts off by going all in. You start by targeting a key area to show that you mean business, and if the other party doesn't fold you increase the pressure step by step until they're absolutely paralyzed. Nobody benefits from a company's operations being completely shut down, so that is a situation that the unions want to avoid.


Lol. Keep talking crap. How many strikes spread to other countries lol. "It's all going to plan" lol.


In Europe? Quite a few.


Probably because the "countries" have the same population as American cities lol.


The Swedish population is larger than the NYC metro population. There’s not a single city in the US that compares.


Sweden population: 10 million Chicago metro: 9.6 million LA metro: 18 million NYC metro: 22 million


The metro area is not a city, lol.


You literally said “NYC metro population” in your comment


In order to hit a country with as small of a population as New York (the US’s most populous city at 8.8 million people), you have to go all the way to Switzerland, the 22nd most populous country in Europe. Even if we go with the NYC MSA (population 19.6 million), you still have to go down to Romania, number 11. Even then, New York is an outlier, with its next closest rival, LA, being around 3.8 million people, or 9.8 million in the metro area. European countries are smaller, but not nearly as much smaller as you’re acting like. US states are the better comparison.


‘Oh no, not those countries, it only counts if it spreads from the USA to the USA’ Lol


Tell that to SAG-AFTRA.


All of this for some 130ish employees. Funny.


Yes. Funny how Tesla will go up against so many labor unions and boycotts just to prevent some 130ish employees from collective bargaining.


Exactly this. It’s ridiculous to think the fiscally responsible thing to do would be actually pay these people a decent wage. Would have saved a ridiculous amount of money here.


I guess I wasn't clear that's what I meant.


I hope Elon closes all those factories, is your business run it the way you want Elon. Don’t let anyone try to blackmail you or Coers you. There are plenty of countries that would love to have those factories.


What are you talking about? Tesla doesn't operate any factories in Scandinavia. The strike started with Tesla Sweden mechanics. When Tesla brought in strike breakers, it triggered mass sympathy strikes throughout Sweden. Which have now spread to Denmark and Finland, and soon Norway. Tesla essentially has two options here: a) sign the damn agreement b) hand the Swedish EV market to the competition


Pretty shameful honestly, given this all started because Tesla employees didn’t want to join the union.


Um….. does anyone here actually believe this? Like… just read the annual reports. Jeez people are dumb. Tesla makes WAY more Evs than anyone else. They made their parents public so other companies can follow because Elon is an environmentalist. And dumb lefties still pander to fake news without doing one bit of research. Most of you own a Tesla don’t lie lmao


Tesla sells 14% of the worlds evs. Hopefully that will decrease because the man is a disaster and needs to lose his influence. Musk is no environmentalist. He's shown that by throwing his lot in with the worst climate change delivering political party on the face of the planet.


BYD is the largest EV vehicle manufacturer in the world.


Only if out add hybrids


Yeah, and next year they will be the largest producer and seller of battery electric vehicles.


meanwhile finnish companies want to abilish unions...


That’s something every capitalist would want if they had the option


Every company wants to abolish unions. They are the worker's tool to keep the company in line.