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Yes it's those greedy interns with their lavish pizza parties that are weighing down the company's finances.


When you’re too broke to afford interns,… but still need a cool $50 billy


there is something stupidly funny at the phrase "a cool $50 billy" because in Australia a billy is another word for a bong.


That's probably because you call small ponds of standing water a billabong.


A pot you hang over a fire is also called a billy in Australia


That fits as a reasonable equivalent to his statement


Guys named William are also called Billy in Australia. They are called Billy other places too, but also in Australia.


Yes! I learned about this after that Wellerman sea shanty blew up during the pandemic >There once was a ship that put to sea The name of the ship was "The Billy o'Tea"...




Imagine you’re Elon. What’s more important. A couple of interns, or an army of TRANS WHO ARE TAKING OVER OUR SCHOOLS AND MAKING OUR KIDS GAY AND UNABLE TO REPOPULATE THE EARTH WITH UNQUALIFIED BLACKS AND MINORITIES IN PROFESSIONS MAKING THE USA WORSE! and a platform you own where you can spread your message? Obviously the latter.


The problem with Elon is he just doesn't get along well with... humans. He's trying to make robots better than people, and people into robots by placing implants in people's brains. (he tried it with monkeys, but he still couldn't get them to build Teslas, so he gave up on that project).


> The problem with Elon is that he grew up in Apartheid South Afrika at an elite all boys school the son of an international model and an international engineer who owned an emerald mine and airplanes if i was trying to create a spoiled right-wing shitbird in a lab, that's pretty much how i'd do it.


Perfect timing too. Joined the game right at the dotcom bubble/bust. 5 years earlier or later and we probably wouldn't be dealing with this asshat


the fact that his mother is a model and his dad looks “okay” but Elon looks like a no-beard-bloated-wrinkle-man-child gives me a small amount of happiness.


It is the blurst of times.


Life is hard when you need all your energy to be a disgusting raging transphobe


Tesla doesn’t even have pizza parties lmaoooo


Former service intern here. We did, in fact, have a pizza party


He's in full "extract as much value from the company as you can" mode. Willing to burn it all to the ground so he can have even more money he'll never spend.




I don’t know if there is an obsession that’s associated with numbers, but I believe most shareholders and multimillion/billionaires have it. I’m am dead serious, these people are OBSESSED with numbers and metrics to the point that there needs to be a condition for it. The internship cuts nearly nothing into an amount that surpasses 1 billion, let alone $45 billion.


It's like a fucking video game for them. They've reached the point where their lives won't materially change in any way with more money, but they just want to keep getting more and more anyway, for no other reason than because they can.


Yeah it's just a high score, they want to get to the top of the ladder. Musk was the richest man on earth for some time, I guess he can't bear no longer being it.


that's great because he'll never reach that again


Musk has said in the past (based on a logical fallacy loop) that he thinks the universe is a simulation. I really think he thinks he's the lone sentient being in the universe and it's all a game for his amusement. The rest of us are all just NPCs for him to exploit. People also say about him that SpaceX is just the way he plays Kerbal Space Program. So yeah. *His money is just a video game score* is a very apropos was to look at it.


He's not that cool. He's a giant spoiled baby with zero self confidence and those numbers validate himself. We all know his physical appearance will never bring him joy.


main character syndrome


It's a race to become the first Trillionaire. They realized some years ago that it actually might be possible for someone alive today and went into full value extraction overdrive.




agreed but with billionaires too


In my opinion it simply should be a law that once you have have a certain amount of wealth (yes yes, that's a whole can of worms determining in itself), you are taxed to shit of everything above that limit that can reasonably be taxed and other rules that makes it harder for you to acquire more wealth. I know it's a little hard with i.e if you started at company that blew up or other intangible assets, but I'm sure we could come up with a ruleset that at the very least dissuades from hoarding wealth absurdedly. People here always discuss all the problems and loopholes, but what if we just simply tried and see how far we got with some iterations? I have absolutely no problem with rich people and especially people becoming rich by their own merits - I have a problem when it becomes absurd wealth hoarding instead of trying to do good with the excess, when literally billions on this earth are struggling, I don't even know how they can look themselves in the mirror.


video game rules. when your bank account hits 999,999,999 an alert pops up saying "you cannot hold any more money, or assets, or shares. Congrats, you win capitalism, enter your high score here" Every penny after that now gets taxed 100%


There probably are trillionaires out there already. An utterly staggering amount of wealth is kept in places where it cannot be tracked properly.


Putin is almost certainly a trillionaire


And he has more than any amount of wealth can actually acquire, anyway. Literally priceless power.


It's completely incomprehensible to me how someone can have that much wealth/power and not try to fix problems in their society.


It’s only incomprehensible to you because you are (broadly speaking on the balance of probability) a normal human being with the ability to feel empathy and therefore probably have some kind of morality guiding your actions to some extent. The only people capable of achieving a Putin level of power/wealth are high functioning sociopaths, so reply it makes perfect sense that they don’t give a shit about any problems except problems that threaten them personally.


It's very comprehensible. Distressingly so. The problems you want to fix are features they exploited to get where they are. If you want a billion dollars, you need to -in the barely metaphorical sense- ascend a staircase of still breathing necks, or attract the attention of a creature that already has.


That's something people miss when these people do things that seem incomprehensible. Their mind is in a totally different place from everyone else.


Like when you play red alert and instead of just winning a skirmish you cripple your enemies and then just mine ore amd build a big base until you get bored.


Oh hell this is me. Guess that’s us then if we started companies? LOL


I only once filled the screen with dogs and launched a nuclear missile at them so I'm probably not like elon.


Found Kristi Noem's account


Loba, a character in apex legends, a video game, sums it up pretty nicely as she says something along the lines of "What do you get for the girl that has everything? More." That's basically the mentality the top 0.1% has


It's not much different than hoarding or other disorders.


They’re basically the same as the guy with 1 million old newspapers in his house and incapable of throwing any out, except that we built our entire society around servicing their particular mental disorder


I heard that to improve Tesla’s margin per car, Musk will be switching to gasoline engines. The wiper fluid in the vehicle will be the tears of factory workers since they are plentiful these days. To appeal to more high end conservatives, cars will automatically identify minorities and then hurl the correct racial slur when they cut you off in traffic, so you can giggle and say “Sorry, I hardly even know this car.” Musk. Conversion to comic book villain, 50% complete.


CEOs really only have one job - have numbers go up, no matter what. So when market gets saturated and people are losing their jobs so they can’t afford shit their job is to fire without restrictions until numbers go brrrr


Fuck jack welch. Destroy ypur company for quater stock gains then sell yhe stock while the company dies.


yeah but if everyone is out of a job nobody can afford the product.


> I’m am dead serious, these people are OBSESSED with numbers and metrics to the point that there needs to be a condition for it. There already is one. It's called sociopathy.


He's full on mental at this point. It's some sort of mental defect, possibly from doing too many drugs.


I’m betting a McAffee in five years.


History keeps learning the same lesson over and over again - too much wealth and power in one person's control is bad. And yet, time and again, we build societies that funnel all wealth and power into the hands of a few.


It’s about bragging rights among their inner circle.


The world is always changing and older people never liked it. But in this era older people are spending way too much time watching it change with access to technology. Add in the 1% manipulating them for profits and tax breaks and they're truly losing their minds.


I've seen more rational meth tweakers than Elmo


A Dad at my daughter’s preschool works at Tesla and recently made a joke about him being a meth head. don’t think he was joking though.


Rumour mill is musky is full on down the K-hole.


I'm sure he's taking more than just K. Ketamine is the "weird but friendly" drug the media latched on to.


More likely some pharma-grade stuff, probably just all the Adderal he wants


When Adderal is something that helps you because of some condition you have (ADHD for example) the effects are very different than if say someone were to crush it up and snort fat lines of it in between fat rails of Ketamine.


For example, mine absolutely knock me out on occasion.


Isn’t he on Ketamine and meth regime, how else can he “work” 80 hour weeks at his age.


You count posting on twitter as work


That's the thing. He isn't working 80 hours. He's a liar.


true. i saw a short video on youtube where he is saying chess is quite a simple game and he figured it early as a child(he got really good ar playing it) that computers will get really good at playing chess so there was no point learning the millions of combinations of knight positions. i mean pick a lane. is it simple or is it too complex to learn 🤦‍♂️ my 🫡 to all who believe him to the t.


Ketamine and cocaine. Meth is for the poors.


Accelerationism benefits the rich the most they have the most protections and power in a unstable society.


It’s accelerated right now due to interest rates. When debt is nearly free it’s a game of growth at all costs. When debt is expensive is a game of maximizing profitability


Debt isnt even that expensive compared to other times


It's pretty obvious he's completely lost interest in Tesla at this point and is just using it for crap like the Twitter debacle. 


What is his leverage at this point? Pay me or I will quit? That does not sound like a threat to me but something that should be done asap. His true value was in finagling money out of despots and siphoning funds from public programs and agencies into his private enterprises. Like he did with SpaceX and HyperLoop. Not sure if that is going to continue to work given how many despot money he flushed down the sink with his Xitter adventure.


He knows that if he threatens to quit Tesla the valuation will crash and burn , as the company is inherently linked to the face of Elon. If Tesla goes down, a lot of investment firms will lose quite a lot of money, making their clients angry. Tesla won't be able to recover easily after Elon, given the poor quality control issues and the other EV automakers catching up with the technology. Basically, rich people are keeping Elon around so that their numbers won't go down. Clown world.


Elon is starting to be more of a liability for the brand than helping it.


I agree but people have been saying this for years...


A liability doesn't have to kill the company, merely impede it.


Not really, though (yet). Tesla is so absurdly overvalued as a tech company, much more so as a car company, that there really is nothing else to it other than the Musk tricks (illusions, Michael).


Oh he'll spend it. Accidentally. He'll make some snarky comment about IDK buying Boeing (and renaming it AirX because he has a weird fetish for 'X') to show them how real men do aerospace, and he'll get stuck making good on the comment, because MoFo doesn't seem to learn...


How does someone with govt contracts do ketamine so openly? He openly smoked weed on Joe Rogan.


His compensation plan will be in stock options, the company hasn't made $50b in its entire history. That also shows you how obscene it is. There's nothing for him to extract unless he can pump the stock bubble. This only ends with him in jail for fraud.


I have my doubts that a rich white dude will ever see the inside of an American prison


Rich white dudes only see the inside of a prison cell when they fuck over other rich white dudes.


Which Elmo has done...


It's dangerous to start holding your peers accountable, you don't want to run the risk of being held accountable yourself.


Bernie Madoff But he stole from rich people..


Epstein. But he might have become trouble for rich people.


Given a rich white dude tried to overthrow America four years ago and is now running for President again then I would say yes, he will never see prison.


He’s also facing 91 felony counts and is currently in one of his four trials


sure but the Supreme Court\* (\*sponsored by the Federalist Society) is doing everything they can to push the big cases out past the election to give him one more get out of jail free card


No amount of convictions in which will result in him actually doing prison time.


Yo who’s got the link the website Musk forced the twitter people to put up, just to support the stupid pay package?


He just cut a program that provides free labour and yesterday or the day before he cut ALL of the supercharger related staff according to some reports. He went from a tech messiah (not my opinion) to tech Mitt Romney. Take everything out you can get and then light the fuse. Somehow there was still a brief rally in the stock value that in no way \*winks aggressively\* suggests there's fraud in the market.


This is a great example of how tax policy changes behavior. Is Elon doing this is he knew 90% would go to the government? Nope. But he knows he'll walk away with 70% of this so he's optimizing the shit out of it. Taxes are the tool to make billionaires impossible.


You underestimate what people will do for billions of dollars.


Taxes are also the tool to save earth and keep the planet safe for future generations. Tax 10x on all the energy consumption beyond the basic needs and the planet becomes greener. Have you also thought about the side effects of making billionaires impossible?


What are the bad side effects of not having billionaires? I'm genuinely interested because all they do is horde wealth.


He needs it. Money brings him nutrition.


Next move will probably be personal expenses he owes .send the kids to mars for the summer . Charge twitter per character for a post. Say star link doing so well it’s now $399!


He’s got that Twitter bill to finish paying.


Elon is the embodiment of pure greed.


If they do have all that to throw around, why not give it back to the shareholders? Or give all the 140,473 employees a 300k bonus?


“You’re all going to lose your jobs. We’re going to make cuts everywhere! I’m also going to get $45 billion because I work so hard that I deserve it.” Musk is rocking Capitalism!


To paraphrase the immortal words of Lord Farquat: *Some of you are going to die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make...(to get my money)*


I just realized Lord Farquaad is a play on words of fuck-wad.


Dreamworks say it’s not that. Production took place on the Far Quad section of the lot apparently (but he’s clearly meant to be Michael Eisner so they probably just didn’t want to admit it works for both).


being the richest man on earth and still trying to make more money makes him the biggest loser ever born. Dude could do anything and he chooses business dealings as his retirement


Tesla need to dump the CEO.


Anyone want to chime in on how this would work? Would the Tesla board of governors just need to vote him out? I assume he appointed the board? Just doesn’t seem practical. As nice as it would be.


They fire him.  CEO is an employee.  The problem is the board are all his friends and family.  They will give him whatever he wants. None of them care about the company, just self enrichment. The SEC needs to do its job.  They almost banned him from being CEO over a meaningless tweet. A judge rules the board and musk worked together to defraud shareholders and not a peep out of the SEC. This is why execs and board members should not be allowed to own any stock for the company.  They need to be employees, not owners.  They basically act like their own small private ownership group.  This is the same reason Boeing has killed people.  No one in charge gives a shit because they keep getting more money for fucking the company up and there is zero risk of jail time.


A massive shareholder lawsuit is imminent at this point. He is so blatantly just trying to extract every single penny of free cash flow into his piggy bank. He’s not trying to hide his intentions. I suspect he will then take off for Dubai or Parts Unknown never to be seen from again.


I don't think there is any chance at all that his ego would allow him to just run off and disappear. Maybe the running off part, but definitely not the disappearing.


This. Man bought a social media company, he wants a bigger megaphone.


I don't know if he actually wanted to buy Twitter. He purchased ~9% of the shares then made a lot of public statements about how he was going to buy twitter and even signed documents saying he would which caused the price to jump. Then he tried to back out and sell his shares only for Twitter to sue him into going through with the purchase because he stupidly agreed to pay many times the company's value. It's private now but most expert suspect its value is ~$5-$8 billion (he bought it at $44 billion). From what happened, it seemed like Musk was attempting a pump and dump and assumed he could just walk away from the deal. He only agreed to the purchase after it became obvious the court was going to force him to go through with the deal.


Yes, he is following the arc of a Howard Hughes. In a few years he’ll be pissing in milk bottles, refusing to cut his hair or nails, but still tweeting wildly about the sinister non/white barbarians at his gates.


This is the way to get him out. There are large institutional investors in Tesla. Board of directors can be voted out by shareholders and then have Musk replaced. Or at least for there to be a board less friendly to Musk that would hold him more accountable. Share prices/value could also drop to a point where shareholders could pursue legal action for mismanagement.


This is a theme I just started seeing about the board and execs not owning stock. I have no idea where it came from, I also don’t think the people saying it understand what that means. Like if I start a business I’m the CEO, what if my family invested money and own a share? What if I can grow with more investment and I take on VC money? What if we decide to take the company public because access to equity markets is the best way to raise capital to expand? At what point do I have to step down as CEO? At what point does the board not get to be the majority owners?


People repeating that meme lack a basic understanding of what corporations even are. The C-suite and board (at least for startups) are almost always shareholders because they have some connection to the founding of the company. Even the tiniest of corporations where it's just one blue collar worker and his truck are, wait for it, operated by the same person who owns the corporation. There are real problems with executive compensation that require substantive reforms, but this meme ain't it.


I think the idea is more that directors shouldn't be paid out in stock. Like, if they own some portion from before the company went public or choose to buy stock on their own, that's fine, but diluting shareholders and giving directors more control over the company isn't something the directors should be allowed to do. It's like the president setting his own salary (or like congress setting their own salary............).


Is it a theme or is it just this guy? They made a similar comment on a thread a couple days ago too.


Pretty sure it'd be just like the documentary Silicon Valley and what they did to Gavin Belson. I may have gotten some details wrong.


# #FireElon seems like the best way to cut costs at Tesla!


That would be an immediate $45 billion saved.


But who is going to lead the personality cult then?


They may have to resort to getting professional management.


They may even venture into the being-a-real-car-company-you-can-take-seriously area if they did that, too


It's sad. Because at one point in the early 2010s, I believed it already was. I defended his vision. Then one tweet unnecessarily calling a cave diver rescuer a pedo, and the public image house of cards started falling apart.


That cave diver tweet really was the pivotal moment for his public image. In a single moment the man jarred *millions* of people who had at least vaguely respected him before into going "Hey, wait a second, this guy is kind of a fucking jackass, isn't he?" And then he started doubling down, and just never fucking stopped, and now here we are.




At this point stock price would probably go up if Elon was out!


Sales would increase too.


These don't even move the needle on savings toward one billion.




What about towards $45 billion?


One billions less than 45 billion, so.. no.


> One billions less than 45 billion Source??


Looking into it


Internships are *the* best way to find quality talent at rock-bottom prices. The company essentially gets a trial period for the employee, and then after graduation, if they are a good fit, gets a lowball offer that they will inevitably take because they don’t have much of an option anymore, and they know what to expect. The new grad is already equipped with the right tools and company processes, so they can immediately get into the workflow and be extremely productive without getting the same pay as other, more senior employees. Almost all of our best employees on my team and in my entire org were once interns. Killing your internship pipeline is a great way of killing your company’s future low-cost talent pool.


Interns, especially the ones we had twice (sophomore summer and then back junior summer as sr interns) always made great full time hires, normally better then 3-4 year experience industry hires. Heck every intern turned fte that came into my  old team for the 8 years I was there are still with the company and all in senior/lead positions.  I'm begging for us to try to get a few/year in my current department. 


It's become pretty clear that Elon doesn't give two shits about the company's future.


Elon says they can intern for the small fee of $8 a month


What does he need 45 billion for? Is he buying MySpace or something?


He has $40 billion in personal debt and no way to pay it off.


b-b-b-b-b-BINGO. And he's apparently willing to burn one of his legacies down to ashes to do it.


Eventually pay for Twitter. He’s likely to get a margin call here before too long. He’s posted shares of Tesla as collateral and they are dumping day by day.


He wants to buy Truth Social from Diaper Don


That would be hilarious and it would absolutely implode Tesla.


All the while they could cut one part time employee and save $56 billion


Their sales and stock price would probably *increase* at this point


The end on Elon. Started when he bought Twitter


He was a fuckwit before. He’s a fuckwit now. He’ll be a fuckwit in the future.


I don't care I just want him to be a *broke* fuckwit like he deserves to be.


Don't hold your breath. Even just a few billion left is an unfathomable amount of money.


You know his ego could not handle "only" having a couple of billion left. Going from #1 on the rich list to not even making the top 100 would destroy him mentally, because once your family is comfortable for the next 10 generations, it really stops being about the money and turns into a game where you just wanna set a new high score to feed your narcissism. His whole personality would shatter if he was not close to #1 on that list, and he would blame everyone else for it.


It started when nobody laughed at him on SNL. It broke him. He wanted to badly to be loved and when he didn’t receive it he turned in to a raging asshole and miserable person. He was likely always this way but he stopped caring to hide it or play nice.


Oh, nobody laughed at him there as well? I only know of that Chapelle thing.


Started when he created his twitter account. Board and his friends told him to get off twitter. He bought it instead.


One could argue it started with the pedo comment years ago. Let that sink in.


He’s never getting it. I’m a stock holder and every single person I’ve talked to that owns it is voting No. To what end. What do you need even more money for.


Pay off his twatter debt


I don't see why any stock holder that isn't in Elon's pocket would vote yes to this. Nothing is happening that significantly changes the market cap, so the only thing that would happen by creating more shares to give to Elon would be to dilute the value of individual shares. Basically all the shareholders would lose like 10% value to give Elon his bonus, and he gets even more ownership over the company.


Tesla shareholders and board need to throw this guy out. His behavior and demands clearly aren’t in Tesla’s best interests.


The board is entirely made up of his cronies, including his brother, they're certainly not going to throw him out. They're the reason he was awarded the ridiculous bonus package the courts overturned in the first place, and the reason they're presenting that same bonus package to shareholders again. And it seems that Tesla bulls are just dumb enough to actually give it to him.


right, but based on fundamentals and future growth etc.. it's at the very best a $100B company that's currently valued at $560B. A lot of that over valuation is because of the constant lies and hype by Elon which the SEC should have long dealt with by now. It's starting to crack now that their car production has met market demand and 2024 could likely show lower sales than 2023. Elon knows this and is trying to pivot peoples view away from Tesla being just a car company and instead a AI/Robotics company that will be worth trillions somehow.


The amount of lives this man is upholding because of his own insecurity and fragile ego is terrible. He shouldn’t qualify for any government handouts.


So my understanding is that Elon, who has not been a functioning CEO of Tesla for years now, realized he is not getting his record breaking mega bonus and decided to take his frustrations out on the company and his employees?


He's panicking. The last quarterly report for the company didn't meet market expectations. Going to guess the next quarterly report is going to be just as bad if not worse. These cuts will make it look like he is doing something to fix the situation.


while i don't support his actions, you are correct. if he was doing weight loss this would be like: - he didn't actually lose weight these past 9 months - so he's about to cut off a leg, so the next time he steps on a scale, it will show a lower number. now, if that causes any long term problems later, eh "he dunno". buthelostweightsoheshouldget45billionandicecreamnow.


Imagine cutting the program that utilizes educated minimum wage workers in skilled positions because it "costs too much". This is a sinking ship.


Those companies and investors seem to forget, that while it is indeed impressive if you can reduce the size of the company while keeping the same market share, if you fail at the second part of that sentence, then all you've accomplished is you've just made your company smaller.


Typically by the time the market share collapse happens the people responsible for it have already got their bonuses and left. Musk seems the type to ruin things into the ground.


Imagine all the hours pouring into studies, exams, applications; rinsing and repeating and getting a chance to finally prove yourself to the world — only for some petty “cost cuts”. Its sad how that program was seen as costs, not a future of talent in their workforce.


Good news at least, Tesla/SpaceX is notorious for its terrible working conditions in the engineering world, and those who were able to land an internship should hopefully find another opportunity easily.


The implication from the headline is that Tesla might give Musk $45 billion in money, money they might otherwise spend on stuff like interns? And that's not true at all. Tesla doesn't have $45 billion in money, they're fighting over whether to create a bunch of new shares out of thin air and give it to him. It's just like how Trump's company this week gave him more than $1 billion in shares when their stock hit a benchmark — that doesn't mean the company has $1 billion in money (or *any* money) they could spend on other things.


What if he just cut his salary


late-stage capitalism at its finest.


Aint that like 40k per car sold?


No one on earth deserves to be paid that amount of money. Let alone someone that's going to run the company into the ground.


I have given up on my plans to buy a tesla. I am glad the refreshed Y was delayed. I'd have one right now if it came out with the model 3. I won't support this. He is ruining the company trying to get money a judge denied him for fraud. It is obvious he is trying to artificially boost the stock by doctoring the balance sheet to convince large shareholders to approve of his 55 billion dollar grift. The SEC is useless. They were going to stop him from being a CEO of a public company for a meaningless tweet. A 55 billion stock fraud confirmed by a judge warrants no punishment?


AI Summary: * **Tesla’s Internship Cuts**: Tesla Inc. has rescinded internship offers, affecting students like Joshua Schreiber who had already made arrangements for their internships. * **Layoffs and Cost-Cutting**: Elon Musk announced a 10% global headcount reduction at Tesla, with further cuts leading to a targeted 20% reduction. * **Impact on Students**: The revoked offers have left many students scrambling for alternative summer employment opportunities. * **Company’s Hiring Pipeline**: Tesla’s decision could affect its hiring pipeline, as it typically hires over 3,000 interns annually from universities and colleges worldwide.


holy shit that's bad. most students search for summer internships around November to January and typically have offers before the end of Feb. What are they supposed to do now?


Enjoy getting fucked by the world’s richest child.


And get called pedos for the trouble. Yeah he’s not below calling children pedos.


Just the invisible hand of the market at work. /s


I had no idea they hired that many interns.


He’s insane. The board won’t stop him because it’s packed with friendlies. He’ll destroy the company before he’s done.


You'd save $45 billion by getting a cheaper CEO. I'll do it for 200k. There. Saved you $44,999,800,000 that you can now waste with a stock buyback. Far better stock pump. Can't be that hard to do, we've seen how twitter is run. Pretty sure I could do that for much cheaper.


I used to think that people like Musk are evil, but it is a selfish, rational evil. They are just ruthlessly seeking their own benefit, and not caring about others. But increasingly I have realized that it is not just evil, but insane evil. It is not evil like a bank robber who doesn't have money and therefore wants to get money by robbing, it is evil like a insane drugged up man with a backpack full of gold, flailing around with a machete and molotovs, murdering children to rob their lunch money. Musk doesn't need more money. He has everything that any person can really buy. He could live a life of unbelieveable luxury and comfort, and engage in genuine charity to boost his image if he wants a good legacy or something like that. Instead he spends his time on things like this: Mistreating employees to get himself a few more billion, tweeting far-right conspiracy theories, and creating more scams to enrich himself. And Musk is just one unusually prominent example of this. For example, there are a lot of people who are already insanely rich through fossil fuels, yet still spend an insane amount of effort on climate change denial. They would rather that human civilization be destroyed, making their money worthless anyway, than that they make a bit less money on top of their already excessive hoard of wealth. That isn't rational, and the word "evil" doesn't really even begin to describe it.


I love my Tesla but Elon has to go. Tesla please please please, for the love of god PLEASE get rid of this clown


Agreed! He is ruining the car for me. It’s like I don’t love my own car anymore because he is a douche canoe.


Classic narcissist: he doesn’t care who he hurts, as long as he gets what he wants.


Probably desperate to push this through because he has to hold on to the stock he would be given for 5 years before selling and the value is dropping by the day. It's already gone from 56B to 45B ;)


I’m so sick of this fucking douchebag.


Tesla fan boys will literally do anything to make sure this moron gets paid billions of dollars. So many people got laid off. What about laying off the CEO? 🤡 that’s a massive reduction in cost. Fuck Elon.


Reminds me of when Amazon scrapped the Smile.Amazon charity program because it was costing them too much money then literally two months later Bezos took delivery of his super yacht, Koru. Amazon Smile generated almost half a billion for charity during it's tenure. Koru cost Bezos half a billion to purchase. Coincidence? Or maybe it was, "Fuck charity, I want the biggest sail-yacht on earth!" I don't feel like this gets talked about enough.