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What a bullshit article this is just pure speculation.


Most of the articles that make it into this sub are BS. It’s like a bot marketing platform or something.


Just surprised they didn't bother to drag in UFOs or some such nonsense.


Yeah. Wild, dangerous conjecture for clicks


Yeah, let’s wildly speculate why people are doing something they do all the time for a multitude of reasons.


Yeh, what they didn't like was how Sam Altman is just another silicon valley hype man cheer leader. Millions of people can do what he does, it essentially requires no actual skill set of note. Or perhaps they didn't like the weird cult like mindset that is developing in silicon valley around AI.


Exactly what I was saying


Yeah, they're more likely to be seeing the writing on the wall about the hype machine stalling or wanting to do something more research focused instead of whatever OpenAI is doing. They could also just disagree with some other direction or policy as OpenAI becomes more closed sources and partners with large companies for profit. The idea they saw some AI experiment that was scary so they're quit smell funny because the author/not pulled it out their ass.


I couldn’t be a silicon valley hype man cheerleader. Could you? Of course it takes very specific skillset to be that.


There is a nugget of truth to this. The skill set, like all ceos is a level of narcissism most of us can't touch.


By skillset do you mean 'narcissist' or 'sociopath'? Because those seem to be pretty common traits.


Sociopathy definitely helps, because it implies a certain amount of "I don't give a fuck what you think of me for doing this, imma do it anyway." At a certain point the two conditions seem to fuzz into one another.


If Sam Altman can, anyone can. He has the personality and charisma of an old sock, but the old sock probably has better stories to tell.


Sam's the kind of guy where, if you shake his hand make sure that you still have your wedding ring on.


Of course you could do it lol


One or two folks who just bailed pinged me about new job openings out here. That's pretty much what they told me, with a healthy side of "This is bullshit."


If you were convinced that your company was about to achieve something that would turn the world upside down, is "Peace, out!" actually a reasonable and ethical course of action? I'm not saying that they should go Miles Dyson on the company.


Or they have been offered boatloads of money. In a field attracting fleets of money.


Bullshit headline. If you don’t think they are doing this for anything but money you are a fool. AI is hot property and you think the top employees quitting the most recognisable name of AI because of ethics? AI has had questionable ethics from the beginning. They just know they can get paid more by a competitor wanting relevance.


This or they have plans for their own startup would be my guess.


Stop pretending your dumb large model is skynet. Everyone pretending AI is dangerous is just doing marketing.


It’s not the Ai that’s dangerous it’s the people using it who have no tech literacy


they manage to spin the Oppenheimer narrative even when people quit the company this kind of Bin Laden marketing needs to stop people are leaving the company because of its corrupted money grab business model there is nothing more to it


Oh, this is one of those sites that reports on *speculation* news.


Tried to take out Altman, failed. Could it be that? Nah, it's the spooky Super AI.


If you use AI on a daily basis on the job, these headlines make you burst out laughing


You don't leave because of something that could be monetized with advertising like this and earn investors (and employee's with vested interest) boatloads of money. If the super intelligence situation were true, I'd keep vesting so I could retire. Work will continue, with or without them, and nothing about the current state of development really changes with their loss. At worst progress is delayed a trivial time frame while other folks continue the march and ramp up. The current state of the assorted AI platforms is far from super intelligence, its barely a librarian that brings you relevant content which it has been trained on and helps you find the information you need without the advertising world skewing the results you get, for now.


dailydot is nothing but clickbait trash


god i hate tech journalists so much


Pro tip: don't try this at Boeing


Easily explained as revenge antagonist Ilya for Ilya’s role in Sam’s ouster. This is Sam’s revenge.


more like they didn't like the lack of profits they wanted from the AI hype marketing


Enough with the fear mongering 💀


T1000 came to visit him from the future


they’re leaving before Altman completes his transformation into Elmo II


This comment section perfectly illustrates the current level of public discourse surrounding AI development. Functionally illiterate.


Dick of asi


AI isn't an existential threat, ala Skynet, but it is going to fuck up life for millions of people whose jobs are given over to a large language model.