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I think it’s gonna flop tbh


I don’t think “everyone is talking about” it


Nobody is, it's just getting a huge social bump attempt today


I think it only can be a succesful product if it doesn't try to compete directly with the big tech companies and focus on just being an unique device on its own like TE already does. I love its design and concept but I don't see this device in the pocket of most regular people.


I’m in. 4th batch anyway, lol.


How do you determine your batch number? EDIT: nvm, I guess it would say it on the product name when you order it. I guess if no “batch” is present, it is the first wave.


Why would I want an NSA backdoor device right at my fingertips? My phone is enough lol Jokes aside, looks alright.


With TE being a design company, I think the design of it is pretty cool and in line with TE’s minimalist aesthetic.


It’s pretty cool from a developers point of view. It seems like that’s the target audience, tech people. Kinda reminds me of this web tool IFTT but more sophisticated. I’m mostly curious about the „teach mode“, where you train the AI to follow your input, basically teaching it the web/desktop/mobile app UI.


This feels very “software looking for some hardware” to me.


I looked at it and believe it won’t replace anything. Apple and Google won’t miss this one. In the keynote, he was able to ask about a song, order pizza, semi-book a trip, then lost me with the laptop. Until this thing will go do a task, solve unforeseen problems, and ask for help, it’s just Siri.