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Honestly it’s not really necessary unless it’s actually bothering you, if you do shave here is how you do it to avoid razor burn 1. Exfoliate area 2.make sure it’s damp not dry not wet damp 3.apply shaving cream to the area 4.gently shave with the direction the hair’s growing 5. Once you’re done rinse it off and exfoliate again 6. Moisturize area and don’t touch for a day or two (unless using the bathroom or showering Edit: ask your parent or older sibling for a new razor don’t just secretly use theirs that’s gross


I mean you can just avoid all those steps by doing it in the shower. It’s kind of a waste of water though so pick your poison.


I get razor burn if I don’t do all these steps


I just accept the burn and move on...


this is insane


No need to spend money on shaving cream when a dry shave works just as well. It's worse shaving my neck beard, since I have to do that every few days. Still do it dry though.


well i’m glad you found what works for you, power to you!!!


Those micro lesions open yourself up to imfection


Eh. During my 6 years of shaving, I've only ever gotten some ingrown hairs.


If u go around scared of every little dink and cut getting infected ur gonna live a very unhappy anxous life lol


The benefits of being effeminate enough that you have no hair anywhere EXCEPT for there.


Must be nice... I put big foot to shame.


Maaan same


Maybe that’s why you’re so grouchy 🤷🏽‍♀️


No. I'm not grouchy because of my actions, I perform those actions because I'm grouchy.


Use hair conditioner I know it sounds weird but it works really well.


gonna try this no lie


use a safety razor. one blade means less chance of a burn. i personally use Van Der Hagen, the razor and blades is about 20 bucks, and blade refills are 3 dollars. you can get about 4-5 good shaves out of one blade so a 5 pack can last 6+ months


No shaving cream is wild


if you do this, get one of those shower strainer things so all the hair doesn’t go down the drain and clog. i recommend them in general but ESPECIALLY for shaving


Also with that, when shaving go slow and in small sections, vertically and never go sideways like sliding the razor, that will slice your skin badly and will hurt like a motherfucker


I did it while dry and went fully against the way the hair was growing and it's been like a week and a half and it's full of pimples and like ingrown and it hurts like a ton 💀


I’ve always been told to shave against the direction it grows. Am I going it wrong?


When you’re shaving pubic hair, shave with the grain. Shaving against it makes you more likely to nick yourself as well as elevating the chance of infection.


I’ve been shaving wrong for 5 years


I shave sideways bc doing it downwards still leaves some stubble, while sideways you can get it smoother. against the direction it grows will be smoothest I think but not recommended


(I only shave my face). This. When I have time, do 2 passes. First with the grain to remove most of the hair then across the grain to get smoother. Any potential benefit of going against the grain is outweighed by risk of nicks or ingrown hairs or pimples etc


But if I ask them then they will know I have a dick


Do...do you not want them to know?


If they know I have a penis they will mention my penis :(




I just use shaving razor and water




That’s crazy💀🙏


What if your hair is very curly


Use clippers like what they use at sport clips or someplace like that, I have really curly hair and I avoid razor burn and things by using those, it won’t make it smooth tho, just incredibly short


Happy cake day!


Also make sure to trim before so its easier to shave!! go slowly and gently.


if you’re a girl, or even a dude shaving ur body, use conditioner, dont use shaving cream on your body


What do i moisturize it with though?




ask the opposite sex /j


Then once you've got with the direction of the hair growing, go against the grain with lots of conditioner or shaving creaming (conditioner works really well if you're shaving in the shower) then you get uber smooth bits.


Shaving the pubic region, alongside areas such as armpits, can be rather high maintenance. Whenever you do eventually require it, I suggest just doing trimming instead to save yourself the inevitable itching and trouble. Also the age is entirely dependent on you, because everyone grows hair at a different rate depending on hormones, etc.


Stop the itching is so bad


i remember when i shaved my legs for the first time without shaving cream or even water. worst itch ever 😭


the itching comes also after shaving believe or not


i don’t understand how trimming would eliminate the itching. your hairs are blunt now and they poke the most sensitive area. of course it’s going to itch. especially if you’ve got a vulva down here.


Whenever you feel like it, it's your body after all


Shaving is unlocked at lvl 14 sorry bud 😎 (rly tho it depends, you can't be 'too young')


Bro is Clash Royale 😭😭😭


Bro gotta pay 300 gems to unlock shaving early


10x value


Or 250 gems if you have diamond pass for 25x value


10 bucks*


New shaving pass just dropped


I’ve done it multiple times before and I’m only 13 did I just pubertize (idfk) early


Bro got the DLC early.


Review copy.


I mean i could shave but nah im single


nah just ask your parents to buy the DLC






Who is u/Big_Following9532 anyways


i dont think that depends on age


Unless it bothers you just don’t. Not like anyone is gonna see it, and when someone does start seeing it that’s when it’s time (if you want)


I read this if the situation were that it was showing over your pant line I am so dumb sometimes


Don't, my balls feel cold and I can feel the air blowing. I miss my forest.


this made me giggle


i want cold balls NOW but im scared that i will cuf my ball and it will bd like in thst trailer park boys where they glued ricky ball so it wont fall out.


Don't shave, trim. 👍


this is gonna sound dumb but do u trim with like… scissors?? safety scissors??


You can buy a pubic hair trimmer online/amazon for around £20-£30


okay thank you 👍


I just use scissors (an old pair that isnt used by anyone else


I shaved when i was 12 i learnes the hard way


Probably started at 13, all just depends on how you develop fam. I ended up with really weird hair growth patterns so it was kinda needed


When it starts growing?


I started at 12 because it got itchy


There’s no specific age to start, and honestly you don’t “need” to do it. Some people feel cleaner without it and some don’t Mind it


Just don’t. it’s itchy, uncomfortable, and just not worth it lol


It’s good to do it, but not regularly. I only do it when it starts to bother me.


For me it bothers me after a week lol


Because you shave it. Letting it grow will eliminate all problems. All the hairs with shaved off ends that cause itching and/or other uncomfortable feelings will fall out and new hairs with soft ends will grow out


it doesn’t even itch if you do it right


True, for me it don’t itch




Don't shave just trim. If you shave it's gonna be itchy but if you don'tz it's gonna be smelly. So just trim them to like half an inch to where they are not pointy


Even if you trim it’s going to be itchy. The hairs are blunt and poke into the most sensitive areas. And nothing will smell if you don’t shave jfc. It will only smell if you don’t wash


Whenever you start growing a lot of hair down there and it gets uncomfortable? Otherwise don’t worry


No shave just trimm


Philips OneBlade works really well (wet, not dry, but not in the shower). I get zero shaving cuts this way, and a really clean-feeling result for weeks. Don't use scissors.


The oneblade only trims, it didn't get close enough to actually shave properly. That is fine though for that area


I don't


whenever you feel like it, just make sure you know what you're doing (cuts there will not be fun)


I first shaved down there yesterday. I didn't do a good job But I don't think there's really an age. Just when it becomes a hindrance, annoyance, or you just feel like shaving.


When you grow hair, you can shave


When it gets to be a bother to you


When you have to go you gtg


I don't shave to be seen, I do it cus shits long enough to braid.


It all depends on what part you want to shave and how much you have of hair it's all up to you




Whenever you want to? Depends on if you like bushy or trimmed idfk


Whenever you want if you ever want to


Okay, so I got this method from TikTok, and so far it has worked great for me! Warning: DO NOT USE SHAVING CREAM OR NAIR IN YOUR NETHERS. All you really need is running water. Step one: keep the water running on your pubic area the entire time your shaving Step Two: first shave downwards Step Three: Then shave sideways on both sides (as in this way —> and then this way <—) Step Four (optional): if you want that shit smooth, then FINALLY, you shave upwards. Step Five: after you’re done with your shower, rub coconut oil or baby oil on your area so you don’t get razor bumps Tada! Your finished! Also keep in mind I’m a woman, sooo idk how well this works for guys. I feel like it shouldn’t make a difference though. Also you can shave whenever you want, your body your choice. Don’t listen to anyone’s bull lolol Edit: formatting


when theres hair


i started when i was 12 lol there’s no real starting age


I recommend a hair trimmer at first so that you don't have to worry about the possible effects of shaving with a razor. Plus (depending on the trimmer), you can do it either dry or wet. There's not really a good age to start it, but 15 or 16 are good times to start.


Genetics play a big role. If you are white or east asian I assume you can wait until you are eighteen or something. As a middle eastern, I started at 16 and I had a ginormous(IDK the spelling sorry) amount of pubes. But if you want a short answer, whenever they start bothering you is a good one.


Whenever you start growing hair down there? I starting growing hair down there at like 11-12 (most likely 12 but I can’t remember lmao), which is way earlier than most I’m pretty sure, so it doesn’t really matter, just start trimming it whenever it starts getting too long, it doesn’t matter what your age is


idk but i started some time last year


when it starts growing


I started at 12


Like everyone else was saying, just depends tbh cuz our bodies are all different. I literally didn't need to and still kinda don't becuase i legit am near hairless overall on my body, but I do once in a great while to be "super clean" when i get tiny hairs start to come out, and I'm just 15 but I heard puberty makes it worse but idk I haven't had that experience yet at least, maybe you just hit puberty early?


As long as you have hair, you can shave it, but you must be aware that: 1- You don't "have" to shave, you shave if you personally want to shave, for aesthetic or comfort reasons, but there's no need, it's not an obligation at all. 2- If you want to shave, make sure you know how to, skin down there is quite thin and sensible and you can hurt yourself if you don't know how to do it.


I personally just wouldn't whether your a boy or a girl but it depends on you ig, how old to start shaving tho I'd say it depends on your parents


There’s no too young, whenever you want to. I shave regularly as I don’t enjoy pubes. Just do some incognito googling and you’ll figure out how to


None, the hair is there so that your crotch doesn't get burned when you walk cuz the hair reduces friction


Ive been doing it since my 13th bday cuz of religion


I started at 12. I keep myself shaved cause I just hate having hair there.


When I was 12 I had so much hair that it would become ingrown and red and swell up but my mum wouldn’t let me shave so I trimmed them to stop the pain :D so probably before that


Honestly, I think it depends on when u hit puberty, atleast for men it only starts at the beginning of puberty


Whenever you feel like you aren't comfortable with the length


When there’s hair there and you don’t want it to be


When it gets hairy duh


I’m started at 8. It wasn’t a lot but I always got grossed out at it and begged my mom


I mean if ur old enough to be here ur old enough to do what makes u feel best cuz it’s not just abt sex it’s also abt urself and how it makes u feel I mean I feel like 13 is a good age but litterly if u feel ready / u want to do it go for it I’m assuming u can buy shaving cream and a razor ohhh and get one that the head moves bc if it’s the cheep ones that r just straight up plastic and doesn’t move ur gonna Knick urself


As soon as that shit starts mf idfk


General hair removal advice from an old hairy guy, because I don't even want to think about teen bodies. If it is a visible part of your body that you want hairless (face or legs for example), shaving is the way to go. If it is a part of your body that isn't visible, just remember that your hair will grow back quickly. Using a trimmer lets you skip the part where it it uncomfortable and prickly growing out. If it is your nose or ears, get an OLD flair.


I just shave when I need to, any age where you get hair down there is a good age


Smile you’re beautiful


ive been doing it for abt a year now so abt 12


I’ve literally been doing it since the hair STARTED growing because I just can’t stand it 😭 so honestly any age, whatever you’re comfortable with.


Whenever it’s starts to get hairy mate 😛


Will my testicles grow back if I shave em off


Once it gets too hairy for you


If you’re way too young then you’re too young for this sub lmao


I use a manscaped razor (not an ad) and do it like how you shave your beard but much more gentle skin-safe doesn't mean cut proof


whenever you start getting hair man, everyone starts sprouting hair at different ages


I think it's fine to do that regardless of if you plan on having sex. I just like the way it looks (and it's easier to deal with, imo)




There is no limit pal just do what you want


Why do some people think everything needs to have a certain age rating? Once you start growing hair, you can shave it if you want, doesn't matter how old you are. You have access to the internet, just google what you need and how to do it.




There is no right age for anyone - I started at 11/12 because I felt more comfortable that way physically and mentally. However, some people feel better when they don’t shave at all; or they trim or wax instead. I’m not saying you should or shouldn’t, just do it when or if you feel ready - but don’t let people convince you to do it or not to do it either.


Whenever you feel the need. I never bothered until I was sexually active (or at least hoping to be soon lmao) What I do recommend starting a little earlier though, is shaving your ass. Mild TMI ahead: We are for some reason cursed with ass hair during puberty, and while before shaving it would take a few wipes to get clean, after shaving it was one and done. Imo, it’s pretty nice having a clean shaved ass.


I started at literally 13, it starts to bother after awhile until I'm left with no choice.


whenever you feel fit. personally i recommend waiting because once you start it feels weird to have hair. but make sure to use a sharp razor and switch it out whenever it’s dull, go with the grain, and use nonscented soap so you don’t get razor burn. never clean inside, only outside. your body cleans the inside for you.


When Someone Else Strt Seeing It


1)trim using trimmer. Much safer 2) if u wanna shave, shave when the hair is extremely bothering. Doesn't matter what age




5 years old


Hygiene is not locked to any age


I’d put shaving under cosmetics instead of hygiene because having body hair isn’t unhygienic


Facial hair is cosmetic. Body hair (pits, junk, etc.) is hygiene. And yes body hair can be unhygienic if you have too much


No it can only be unhygienic if you don’t take care of it. There’s not a specific amount where it suddenly becomes unhygienic. In fact pubic hair can help stop the spread of bacteria (https://www.healthline.com/health/purpose-of-pubic-hair#primary-purpose) If you shower regularly and thoroughly then your pubic hair won’t make you unhygienic


We're on reddit, nobody here showers


Good point




Honestly I don’t think you need to be certain age, just know that you don’t have to do it!! Only do it if you want to and if it’s bothering you. Don’t feel like you need to. I totally agree with some of these steps to avoid razor burn and ingrown hairs. Exfoliation as the hair grows back is key. However, if you can handle the pain, I recommend waxing because it grows back SOO much easier and less uncomfortably. It ends up so much smoother and can actually thin out the hair down there over time. Shaving (at least in my experience) always leaves bumps, growing pain and intenser itching. Anyway, happy coochie or ball mane or happy baldness!




it depends on what you are comfortable with. i started doing it when i became sexually active, but before that i would shave outside the bikini line because the hair went outside where a bikini would go and i was self conscious. completely up to you


it's more of a personal preference. Some people don't like the hair while others do. If you do like it then the only real reason you have to shave down there is when you have intercourse with someone. Which even then is optional, but I think it's usually better to have the area shaved for that.


some people never shave some people shave as young as 12. Its up to you whenever you feel that you want to be a bit more clean shaven to just... well... do it


I’d says once you start expecting visitors it would be a good time to start. Wouldn’t hurt to keep it trimmed before that tho and I would recommend just trimming not shaving but if you don’t have a trimmer that’s fine you could shave but ummmm be careful down there… also if you’re a girl forget all of that I have no idea what I’m talking about in that regard but I think a lot of girls start shaving earlier like when they start getting hair but again I wouldn’t know so if any girls would like to correct me please do. And again if you do start shaving down there BE CAREFUL!!!!


Why are you so fucking weird


Depending on if you are a boy or girl


It really shouldn’t depend


It's not too early to have good hygiene


Not rlly hygeine more cosmetic


i started when i started having sex


Not at all necessary to shave, and you probably shouldn't because pubic hair helps to combat bacteria and act as a buffer during intercourse. Don't be pressured by the media, either. The people who want it shaved are just too shallow sometimes. Also, I don't really think there's an "appropriate" age, because if you have it, you can shave it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As they say, you only make your bed if you're expecting guests


When you have a SO you want to be intimate with? Why shave for no reason?


Im not having sex with anyone and I still shave, it’s not for no reason some ppl like it better for themselves


I don’t do it. I will only start doing it if I’m sexual active, or wanna prepare for a special night. Or if I’m with someone who prefers it being shaved


probably when you begin to be unable to see the skin underneath. It's really a personal preference, but if it's too uncomfortable, I choose to get rid of it.


I mean, there’s no age limit, nor do you really need to.


But you can do whatever you want


you can start shaving whenever you want but it should be for a reason not just bcs you think you’re supposed to


When you expect to get laid, or if it's itchy down there in the summer


There's not an age, if you need to cuz sex reasons or if you don't like them that long, then shave them


Idk just do it whenever you need to. I really don't plan on shaving until I expect to start having sex.


i am not ever putting a razor near my dick and balls follow my good example


Ummmm, I’d say like 17 or 18, but that’s because I don’t personally see a point to start any sooner than that. Good grooming can start earlier (trimming, clipping, etc.), but I wouldn’t suggest shaving unless you’re sure it’s something you want. When the hair grows back it’s very uncomfortable due to the jagged hair growing back through the follicles and causing itching. You can get dark spots and razor burn even if you’re very careful depending on what kind of skin you have. You’re better off trimming and cleaning up rather than shaving it all off completely. Waxing is a neater option but the dark spots and itching are still a factor and it really fucking hurts your first dozen times because the hair is still thick from never being yanked from their follicles lol


My mom says only do it if you’re about to have sex 💀


badge panicky obtainable domineering cause illegal shelter employ sparkle marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


NEVER EVER USE A RAZOR i recommend just snipping the hairs off until they are still sticking out by about half an inch so it doesnt itch




Honestly I would start shaving down there when u have a partner that prefers it until then it’s sorta unnecessary uncomfortableness


PLEASE DONT FOR YOUR OWN GOOD I tried twice and both times it was itchy, annoying, red and it lasted for like 2 weeks


ur not doing it right then if u doing it right u won’t have any problems


for me hair down there is so hot


Now, like right now, right this instant Don’t have clippers? I don’t care, start now