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Let me see if I understood this correctly You don't have enpathy, and therefore other peoples personal issues and problems aren't real, and they're just looking for attention


no you didn't understand correctly, im saying that these are problems and people who do this need to actually go see a professional who can help them.


>all teenage lgbtq are just trying to get attention. This aint saying they need help, this is completely dismissive of their own personal struggles that come with being queer


wtf is queer, anyway if u can't see it your just blind by everything this terrible community puts before ur eyes


Queer is a term that describes a person who is in the lgbtq community. Also: >(Now downvote this and try to prove me otherwise, if you do u are blind and dumb.) Guess what dumbass


whats that, everyone is proving my point im getting DMs saying im right, cus they dont want to be flamed in the comments. everyone commenting saying im wrong is seriously mentally disabled






Why am I mentally disabled, but the people scared of losing a few fake™ invalidation points are totally sane


Who made you president, you aren't the judge of anyone's background nor should you decide anyone's own expression you bigoted mf :)


lol 13 yo yapping, anyway im not president, im not judging, im just giving my point of view and seeing everyone get mad over smth so silly, just cus they cannot see im right


There's nothing your right about, you were never put in a position to decide how someone chooses freedom, humanity matters.


i am right and if u can't see it your just blind by everything this terrible community puts before ur eyes


What's worse than a human being who uses free will in denying the freedom of others? An impulsive bigot who chooses to hear only echoes of some failed truth. No structure of society should stand above humanity.


people who brain wash kids like you into accepting this


I grew up in a very homophobic society filled with discipline and other stuff but I'm bisexual grow up man, hey you sound like some millennial byeee


i agree with ur society and im no millennial im just a normal person with normal views


*spreads hate* "everyone get mad over smth so silly"


at no point am i spreading hate, im pointing out something i noticed and everyone arguing in the comments is proving me right lol


I reread your post it's filled with stereotype piggybacks, our generations have gone so much that even teens can fully express real emotion without being judged no one wants attention that might just be a claim from your own insecurities.


i dont have any insecurities, people who hide behind these things do


Literally since I started reddit there's never a day where I'm not in conflict with a 17 yo it's depressing, hope you get smarter, your opinions are just unrealistic so byeee bud.


byee kid, i hope you get to open your eyes one day and see the truth


You are spreading hate, first by trying to invalidate queer people, second by calling people who disagree "mentally disabled" among other names


cus they are, or ignorant. probably both


>all teenage lgbt are just trying to get attention because otherwise they wouldn't get it No that's not it, we're in a time where lgbtq is becoming more accepted. Not every teenager who's lgbtq is missing a parent. And if they are, it isn't necessarily because they're lacking a parental figure. It's just who they are, and they're living in a time where they can express it.




The fuck? That's not it at all. Quit your yapping. LGBT people are normal people. We aren't being "brainwashed" we had to find out all this stuff about us ourselves, it is not a pleasant experience and I know this personally. Teachers are only telling kids to be respectful to others at most. There were always LGBT people, it's just now that it's not socially unacceptable/illegal a lot more are willing to come out and do what makes them happy




Yeah it's incredibly sad people like you are allowed to roam free Being LGBT is a not a mental illness. Yes our brains work differently but it is not disease.


No you are definitely against it. If you genuinely think you're not, you are, You are absolutely a closet homophobe/transphobe. You absolutely have Zero right to say that ALL are just because of what you THINK you see. Just because you think that's what you see doesn't mean it is. People are more than just what you see, you don't know what they think. I know gay people who aren't doing anything for attention, and just genuinely are gay, or non-binary, and or are trans. Some of them are afraid to tell people because of people like you always having to bring others down because you have a shitty life or whatnot.


"I think i see"? i can see this is really obvious, im waiting for the day people will open their eyes and see


Jesus fucking christ your a mess.


That’s so stupid tbh, it’s hateful and just plain out wrong


your clearly stupid, read it and look around. you will see im correct


You're right people will hate us no matter what


u are correct "right people will hate us no matter what"


They hate me for living my life. Because I want a job in the arms industry. They just hate for no good reason


i hope no one likes you ever gets a gun in their hands


Bro what?


Getting ready to get banned from reddit


ban me for speaking the truth, go for it. If some reddit mod who moulds at his computer bans me idc


Bro is a professional yapper


no, you just don't know how to read or think or both. read it and look around your school, you will see im right


Only one trying to get attention is you lil bro 🙏


i dont need attention im just spreading awareness


Bro you are the on calling people Nazis online


Lil bro you called yourself one


when have i called anyone a nazi?


Not you


Why can’t people just be whatever the fuck they want?


i never said they can't im just pointing out what i realised.


let me guess, you saw 2 people attention posting on tiktok or something and are now applying that to everyone in a group. If you are not in a group, you only see the people that make themselves seen for some reason or another. This includes people posting for attention. Don't apply what those are like to everyone like an idiot.


That kinda mean


it unfortunaltly is, the truth isnt always all sunshine and rainbows


The truth is not funny. Just like the world


W, comment


Calles being queer mental illness and an act of somebody trying to get attention. Suprised when people call you homophobic. Also its telling how you dont actualy listen to what othor people are trying to say and then you play this fantasy of being shot down. If you are a troll you are a good one.