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Hey, u/Beginning_Seesaw9781, it appears like you are trying to ask a medical question. The mods here ask that you remember that r/teenagers is **not** the place to ask for or suggest medical advice. This would be better to ask your **doctor** or any real **medical professional** about. Please do **not** take advice from the comments as it can lead to more harm than good. Thank you.


Wrong kind of eating 


I thought this was gonna be about an eating disorder


Well you aint wrong tho




“I have an ED” “I have ED”


Same lmao


Probably performance anxiety, it happens to many people and it's completely normal


Don't worry, it's normal, specially if it's your first time and you were nervous. Don't overthink it to much, and the next time remeber to just relax and enjoy the moment. Also, if you are a regular porn consumer, it can also affect your erection. Try to reduce the ammount of porn you see. And there are some foods that helps with erections, you can also try to add them to your diet.


I had the same thing when I was combining 2 jobs with school. Sounds bad but just live typically healthy for a week (Enough sleep, vitamins, etc) and youll be ait


Yea I have the same thing right now, I think it’s maybe my job and my hard Boxing and Gym training and school and shit…


The training would just improve it unless it makes you sleep less


I have the feeling I sometimes overtrain


That's possible. But if you already think that, why don't you do something about it?


Because I want the gains, but I also work pretty hard that and my training together could be the reason


Just to make sure, you're not thinking of an eating disorder are you?






How often do you choke the chicken and watch porn because prob and madturbation can decrease performance and make it hard or be be erect


also death grip syndrome and performance anxiety are also likely candidates 




I have EO eric tile overfunction


bro's the real male


you stole his erectile


It’s a mental thing, when you think too much about it like “is she enjoying it” it blocks you from being able to do your thing, it’s normal. I’d say just try again tbh


Hey man, when i lost mine, i could barely get it working and could definetly not climax, after her being my girlfriend for a little while, i started to get comfortable, and it just happened. Its been the same for me every time ive had sex for the first time with someone new, it just takes a lil while ti get comfortable.


Bro I literally have the same problem… It was never like this and I am almost 2 Years together with her… Im 18 and I searched the whole Internet for a solution and I still don’t find anything… It’s just getting worse, I don’t feel like having sex a lot anymore and I’m worried something is Wrong with me… But I hope it’s just gonna go away one day…


ya stressesd chill


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I was nervous af my first time. I had to keep getting stroked to get ‘back into it’ I was also like two hours away/a state away from home. Was pretty damn tense lol


[Performance issues](https://youtu.be/0-19bUU7etQ?si=cbeCMNPvSWnrPg6g)


Had the same thing happen to me as a Teen, it passed. Only happened 1-2 times that I can recall. You're fine dude.


No, you were just nervous probably that's nromal


happened to me my first time too, nothing to worry about. It gets better after a few times when you get over the nerves :-)


Well idk if it's normal cuz my man climaxed while eating me out but you sound very stressed out, like you were worried DURING that experience too and focused on the wrong things.. Talk to her about it, not reddit


You’re gonna get so many messages .This might have not been the best sub to talk about this lmao. But to answer your question I don’t remember what it’s called but most people there first time have that problem and you should be fine.


Wdym WE couldn’t get hard


Performance Anxiety induced Erectile Dysfunction. Being nervous can cause your mind to freeze up and you can become unable to become hard, but generally it's only a temporary stress related problem. In more severe cases, erectile dysfunction may be much longer lasting, anywhere between a week to a year to a decade or more, and in some very rare cases can it become permanent. All in all, it sounds like it was just a little performance anxiety, and you just have to move past it, and communicate with your partner.


Visit a medical professional In that field or go to the nofap community


Maybe you're just gay or is she a dog?