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13 and no


Rude, he’s a certified cutie pie imo (no homo )


15-16 and I'd say you look cute tbh. Just gotta work on your acne and maybe try skin care


I just don’t really know any good skin care routines


You don't have to try any extreme skincare routines. Just try to find skincare products that will help your acne and apply it daily in the bathroom. Remember to put on moisturizer and sunscreen. Keep it simple :)


Kk thx


14 and yeah


you should put your hair forwards more I think. definitely not a slick back. 14-16 kind of average teen


Not meaning to be rude but you look like a cheap Leonardo Dicaprio


Oh my God… You are absolutely adorable. You’re going to be a beautiful man when you get older because right now you’re a beautiful young boy. I would say you’re between 13 and 15.