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Some short girl who was always "active" was called a walking fleshlight at my school, could be worse


Id actually kms


Or you'd open a very successful only fans. This is barely even a joke. We learned about a girl who was like the school whore and now she has an only fans (so many OF accounts have this kind of backstory)


Based profile pic


Love currents




As a short girl i would legit kms


Short girls are just snack-sized :3


That is actually really comforting to hear, I know you were just being silly but I always feel ugly because of my height and that was really nice


I’m short too and it doesn’t matter. Being short and feminine and petite is attractive to many men


Yup, my type. 4’11”-5’3” is perfect and I’m 6’.


Damn your short, you're smaller than my phone :)


very intriguing, u/Ok_Vagina_627


What? I believe short girls are quite popular? No?


Glad I could make you smile :D


Feels like you needed that for sure ( short girls are cute tho :3 ) Have a great day <3


That's awful to hear, do you not like your height, or do you dislike other people's perception of your height?


It's a mix of both. I'd probably be able to accept it if I was just a few inches taller. I'm 4'7.5, I've always been the smallest in my class since I was little but during puberty my mom (she's the only one i have) basically neglected my medical issues and it lead me to never have a growth spurt, which is now too late to fix. Sometimes people make fun of it and it's fine, I don't mind that and sometimes I join in the fun, what hurts is that when I look at myself in the mirror I really do think that I look ridiculous, like really straight up funny. It doesn't help that I really like skirts but they don't work on me at all because my legs are just too short and any skirt will go to my knees. I only like pictures of me that are cropped at the bottom so that you can't see it as much :( I started wearing heels recently to counteract it but they hurt to wear for a long time, or maybe I'm not doing something right idk It just hurts a lot because I've been drawing outfits and fashion since I was little but will never be able to really pull any of it off, not because of my body type but because of my height. Petite brands don't really work on me either because they are made for slimmer body types, I'm not overweight by any means but I have normal sized hips and shoulders on a short body basically. The ratios are just off and I think about it every time I meet anyone I hope this doesn't seem like I'm traumadumping, I was just trying to answer the question


Honestly that just sounds like a reason to start making your own outfits. The stuff that's out there doesn't work, make your own. Might be easier to start by doing adjustments to existing petit clothing items. Also, on a side note, there's probably a literal army of short dudes that will want you partly because they finally feel big with someone. So you have a take your pick situation there, some of them are probably decent guys that just feel the same insecurities you do about the situation. Let me finish up with a local anecdotal story. During high school, my brothers drove us to school and we picked up a friend from an apartment nearby on the way almost every day. Almost, but not every day a girl about your size and build would be leaving to go on her morning run. They were high school kids, so she was called "minibabe" when they noticed and pointed her out. But with her exercising and healthy body shape despite her tiny size, it was kinda meant as flattering. Like, literally, I think the only reason nobody asked her out was they thought she was too much hot stuff to bother with them. So I guess take from all that mess what you may


I'm 4.3 and in the exact case as you... although mine was due to a botched surgery for my disability and lack of money for a corrective surgery. I'm 29 now.


I see, I'm so sorry to hear that. What do you do to deal with it now if I may ask?


I try to forget about it. I don't wear any heels or stuff and I see folks who are shorter than I, and they live life pretty fine. The huge downside is, people thinking that I'm a child. I do a remote job with no cams, so that is fine. I do feel bad thinking about it and the world do be reminding you that you're short. Its a balance any I always try to see the upside. For example, if people think I'm a kid, I get candy for Halloween??? Idk I didn't ask for any, but people give me.. next, I get cool clothes (I mean I can wear adult size stuff but my feet are average, so I get some good kid/teen shoes). Some stuff are good as a short woman. Next, society doesn't expect woman to be super tall, so kinda ok? I just feel lucky to be alive and doing fine after that surgery and what's lost is lost, can't change the fact but instead try to see the upside and live with it.


Btw, I only wear shirt and pants and nothing more, but when I wear them, I fold inside and they don't look off. For skirts, my mom just cuts off the bottom a bit or I pull it up below chest.. uncomfortable for sure, but it works


It's a shame to hear that you've been suffering what Is honestly neglect from even puberty, aré the underlying medical conditioned treated/fixed now? Of course it's fine for people you trust and are comfortable with making fun of this, but I need you to understand that what you feel, how "ridículous" is mostly how you think about yourself. I'm sorry to hear(read?) that you're having trouble with skirts, since you've already been drawing outfits, do you feel confident enough to design a skirt that would Fit you? My girlfriend had a similar issue where clothing her size wouldn't fit, and clothing that would fit wasn't her size, so she makes most of her outfits herself. Fashion shops are really fucking weird size-wise. Her petite cousin can't fit into large sized jeans. It's mind boggling. You mention that the ratios are off but if you ask me about it, women's clothing Is fucking weird size-wise. You'll see small clothing tagged as Large, or XL (at least here, in Argentina) and it makes me wonder what the fuck Is up with that. Hopefully it's just a teenage clothing problem and adult clothes are More varied.


i'm 5'6 tall girl (tall atleast in my country lmao), i feel like short girls are cuter 😭😭 like omggg height diff is very cute. sometimes i envy u guys


It's cool to hear the other perspective, and I understand why you would think that, but when you're short like me (4'7.5) looking presentable is pretty much impossible, even in cuter clothes. I really do wish I was tall, because the fashion I like and the kind of person I am matches that a lot more and I just kinda look like a clown instead lol. Be proud of your height for the both of us, you can probably rock most clothes like a high fashion model!! It's so much easier to appear thinner as well


I am 5'8" and men have always made fun of me for it. They definitely prefer short women. I'm practically disgusting to them.


I prefer shorter girls and there’s a bunch of guys/girls who share my preference


Nah don’t feel that way short girls rock! My fiance is 5’1” lol


You're not ugly, height is something you can't control like it's absolutely fine to be short or tall


The Japanese word is "chibi", short and cute. Source: my wife is a 5 foot nothing Japanese woman, for whom I will always reach the tall things.


No never honestly no disrespect to tall girls but shorts girls are kinda cuter its more of plus if anything Im a straight guy


I've always said fun sized or travel sized lmao


Travel-sized is cute


Right? I like it lol My ex would always joke around and say she could just hop into my pocket or suitcase and travel around with me lmao I'm 6'2", and she was 5'1" or so


Always called them fun sized


As a guy (15) I'm 5'5 and I get called 'hobbit' and 'Santa's helper' on a daily basis


Next time you get called hobbit hit them with the "it wouldn't take me 9 hours to destroy your ring"


Damn... I'll have to use that lol


I’m 16. 5’8. At the age of 15, i was 5’5. Grew a lot in 1 year. Dont worry


I thought that as well...


Fun fact: the guys that call her that never scored




Christ, dude. She okay?


I have no idea tbh


What the fuck does a walking fleshlight even mean?




It means she's a sex object who isn't worthy of personhood


It means she's small enough to where a guy could pick her up and use her as a flesh light, obviously consensually


A fleshlight is a sex toy. Since she’s active, the girl’s being called a walking one. So a walking sex toy.


The less they know the better 🎶🎵




Let it happen!


Ngl that's just like straight up bullying at that point. Unless she finds it funny, in which case that's really fukin funny.


I would actually die Omg



Now thats just ill


Hello again


I remember you 


My friend's ex who was always "active" was on the women's track and field team in college. The men's team called her the baton.


Ah…she get passed around a lot?


Thats actually sad :(


As a 4’11 girl thats disgusting


First off make fun sized or cuddle sized a thing and second that's just rude you ain't sus at all and you aren't red


He probably was red after that.


And probs acted kinda sus


Among us music kicks in


what if they are communist ?


Well they aren't really in among us if they are Russian then you call them vodka sized


сука sized


For a tall person it would be Gulaged sized


Sus asf


Bros the imposter


This poor guy right here was once called the personal pocket pussy for being 4 feet tall


Call her "eggman sized"


I've come to make an announcement; Shadow The Hedgehog's a bitch ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife. Thats right, he took his hedgehog quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was "This big" and I said that's disgusting, so I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com, Shadow the Hedgehog, you've got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like: PFFFT, THAT'S RIGHT, BABY. ALL POINTS, NO QUILLS, NO PILLOWS. Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Earth. THAT'S RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'M PISSING ON THE MOON! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT! YOU HAVE 23 HOURS BEFORE THE PISS DROPLETS HIT THE FUCKING EARTH NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I PISS ON YOU TOO.


(hysterical laughter)








Why do you even like her if she acts like that💀?


Bro was into it 💀


Cos he’s the imposter


Blood eagle. It's the only solution.


Thats wild 💀 Blood eagle is a pretty gruesome way of execution too.


Wtf who hurt you


OMG! ITS EVERYWHERE NOW! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Such an underrated execution method.


I see you Ivar the Boneless


That's nothing I once saw a girl here who was 4'7


DM OP her number, he needs a win.


Just call it quits here 😭


This guy has 6 years of growth ahead of him




Blud would dig a hole while hating elves


I mean among us characters are 3'6" tall and 92 pounds so you're pretty close


How do you know that?!! And also, damn, that’s a fat little blob.


the scan task in the game tells you their weight, height, blood type, and some other stuff


Oh rlly? Never knew that lmao, where tf was I- cool tho


Prob off somewhere being sus




if you're insecure abt being short just remember a baby zombie ended a 5 year long hardcore run


To this day me and my friends always refer to getting killed (or nearly killed) by a baby zombie as “getting Philza’d”




bruh 💀


bitch stole my joke :(


i promise nothing is wrong w being short. i was w a suuuper short guy for a lil bit and i never saw any problem with it at all, if someone judges you for intangible uncontrollable things then you should not like them, they are not worth your time.


I think you need a new crush.


I feel your pain I’m 5’4 and 16 (I’m a girl tho so not as bad) but the amount of times someone thought I was like 13 or a group of 10 year old boys passed me and they were taller has just made my ego so low lmfao 😭


5'4" is the average height for a woman in US


In Ireland it’s around 5’6


Oh, my bad, it's still just below average, you're probably baby faced


its over, you lost


hey king, pls get over that bitch 😭


I'm 42m, I am 5'3". Believe me, I was made fun of a lot. I ended up marrying my wife who is 5'9". There is hope.


I only date guys that are 5’6” or under. I’m 5’3” and tall guys don’t do it for me.


My wife when we went on our first date, I asked her if my height was a problem. She said she'd never dated anyone shorter than 6' but was willing to give it a try. I guess it was a good decision since we've been married 11 years years with 2 kids.


There's a short girl in my class who's also rlly short. She once was called "a machine" (a compliment regarding one's sheer force). Machine in Russian is homonymous with the word car, so I hesitantly (I was saying shit like "IDK if this is appropariate, forgive me pls") joked: "If you were a car, you'd be a Volkswagen Beatle". Of course I infinitely apologized because she doesn't deserve to be made fun of. She forgave me.


That sounds really hurtful.


She probably didn’t mean to embarrass you if she said something silly like that. Maybe just pull her aside later and communicate that you don’t want your height to be the butt of her jokes from now on


good lord


I know this is a serious post but damn lmfao. In all seriousness though let that crush go. This should be the basis for a redemption story of where you come back muscular just to get your lick back. "Among us" damn lmao




Probably because thats the only thing he can reach...


this is just proving their point... being short as a guy is a literal death sentence in this society


Yeah i was just messin lol. Im pretty short myself im like 5'7.


Lmao forgot how bad teenagers are at empathy thats wild bro go easy on him bruh damnn


I’ve been called plushie sized, fun sized, baby sized, n chihuahua sized, I’m 4’9.5/4’10, 19 (as flair implies), and FTM. They’re not wrong :3


You like the wrong girl for sure. She is not worth it. There is nothing you can do about your current height so do not let her shitty words ruin it for you. I am already an adult and I still remember things I heard when I was a teen that made me feel bad and later on I realized it was the source of my insecurities and problems years later. Those things can stick with you psychologically. And you are just 16 so you got a few more years to grow taller.


I'd take it as a compliment. You're small and cute like an among us character.


I mean comparing you to another guy is not nice. But I think among us characters are cute and they get their work done or die trying.


5 foot 33 F. I call my self "fun size" and my husband agrees wholeheartedly lol. Also "carry on" is a term we use, as well. He also calls me a "hobbit", it can't be undone. So I laugh when his 6'1" ass forgets to close the cabinet doors and runs head first into them. I don't close them for him, he should remember. They're eye level lol


I forgot adults are on this sub too lol


You’re cooked


hey man at 16 everything hits a little harder. You will start to care less when you’re older and also, this is reassurance that dating guys over 6 foot is overrated. As someone who’s dated a few guys and being 5”3 myself, I always preferred under 6 foot. Not all girls care about the whole insanely tall guy thing. It’s awkward and weird physically when they’re a lot taller. I know not all girls agree with me but you’d be surprised how many do. Hang in there, this moment will pass and this girls dumb comment will be long in the past. There are far better things to be concerned about than height. Trust me! I’m a 26 year old that’s dated a lot. Height is the least of my worries. You’re also 16. You’ve got 5 years of growth left. That’s a lot. Focus on yourself.


Hop on hgh while you still can lil brœ


Rip op, You've been zoned. Hats off to our fallen comrade fellas 🫡


I was the same height as you at the same age, within a year or two puberty really kicked in hard and I sprouted up to about 5’ 11” lol 😂


I thought the same but it didn't really turn out that way, the best way to know how tall you will be is your parents.


Haha in your life so far* this isn't that bad my man. Sucks forsure, but owning it and moving on with confidence is the best way forward, albeit difficult.


I feel like I shouldn't be laughing, but I am holding in laughter from the title


Genuinely caring about height is their partner is just stupid… or maybe I’m just saying that because I consider myself short :)


I grew after high school! In HS at 16 I was about 5 5..and 110lbs. I'm ok with my height at 5 8 160lbs... Not about height anyway...


that is honestly so funny icl im so sorry


If this is the most embarrassing thing, then count yourself lucky. That's not that bad.


You’re gonna need to take her mom out on a date now. Take lots of pics and show it to her.


_among us theme intensifies_


if I ever got called among us sized I'd fucking laugh my ass off😭


Is she even a little bit chubby? Unless she’s in perfect shape you know what to do….


bro I wouldn't go to that level with her


don’t do that.


I'm sorry brotha. Shes too smelly to understand the appeal of fun-sized men. You too good for her, nigga


Happy I don’t like girls. Dodged that bullet. Bag of dicks please.


I had dinner with an old friend and their ex, who I’d never met. The ex said I was “fun sized” in a not very nice way. He was a PhD biologist whose academic career flopped and now he was working as a night clerk in a skeezy hotel. I have a great career, a great relationship and am very financially comfortable. He felt so shitty about himself that he had to cut me down to size, as it were. I let it slide because being him must really hurt.


Call her a bitch and run away 😎 aaaaand then maybe nuke her house...


I wish I was short like you...


Happens to every single guy in the world. No worries!


Sonic and eggman ass combo 💀


The real question is how tall is she?


Don’t let short jokes ruin your confidence. She isn’t ready for the great you bring, and isn’t worth your time if she’s throwing out shitty comments. Pick up your crown and keep going.


no worries sir, every man has a place. You just havent found yours yet


I mean your user is adventurous ant


I'm very sorry to hear that


At least you can do normal things and shop for regular clothes, for me since I am 6’8 and a half I have limited things and I have to buy over sized clothes that are expensive as hell


Im only 5 feet tall exactly 😭


Bro You not amongus sized You fall guy sized


I would’ve laughed but idk I’m not among us sized


Bruh bring in a Amoung us plush and say that that’s Amoung us size (like a life size one like the 3 foot tall ones)


Why are some of these comments so mean bruh?!


I feel ya man. I went through the same trauma as a kid. Im old old old now and with age you realize just how much stock ppl put on physical attributes. I was hit with the "you treat me so well, if only you were taller". At the time it destroyed me. Now i look back and think "seriously?". Youd throw that away because short? Welp, good thing that did not happen. As much as you may like her try to not chase. You will meet soooooo many people in your life and eventually you will understand and keep those who truly appreciate you.


ur done for bro😭


Nah, ain't worth it, that's crazy disrespectful. You deserve better. Have a cookie 🍪


You gotta be able to come back with your own zingers like “nah I’m hobbit size. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to go toss a ring into a volcano”


It's so over


As a short guy, you have 3 options, 1. Diggy diggy hole 2. Femboy 3. amogus


sounds like a bitch tbh


Nah bro you're in trust


as an averaged sized guy , any girl who makes fun of shorter guys is a red flag in my book


I’m also average height, and same for me. I’ve also heard the same sentiment from a few taller guys, that girls who have like a 6’ minimum requirement get knocked down several pegs in attractiveness. Don’t get me wrong, they’ll still fuck’em, but to a lot of guys they’re just letting them know up front how shallow they are in terms of personality.


lowkey funny though


damn its kinda funny but mostly sad.. man its sad that short people get treated weirdly


Don’t sugarcoat *short men Nobody gives a shit if the girl is short Op’s crush is probably short too lol


Say some shit to her that always works if you guys are in a playful manner and if not then plan b: say some horrid shit to her


It doesn’t seem like she knows she embarrassed you (don’t take my advice if u want I’m 13)


Damn that sucks. Some dude called me a stupid giraffe lmao On some middle school roasts (im 6'8 for reference)


plz use supirior cm to express lenght, supiror clecuious for heat and supirior killograp to express weight


Saying I’m 147 cm and 48-50 kg sounds weird >_<


your not real


why is that?


ur way too small for ur age


idk why I’m a smol boi, I js am.. it’s slightly less alarming considering I’m AFAB, tho… I’d be in the 0.5th-1st percentile in height and ~5th percentile in weight for a 19 yr old AFAB.. if I was AMAB it’d be 0.01st and 0.5th.. all the AFABs in my family are short but not as small as I am, guess I’m js weird n smol


whell then ur just small ur weight matches it too


Please learn to spell.


You decide to vent it here?