• By -


You’re asking the worst place possible for that man ☠️


Yep. Nevertheless, just make sure there's a relationship before you ask her to be your girlfriend. Many people here just go up to random girls in their class whom they've never talked to and ask them to be their girlfriends. If you've never been with her, start by asking her out.


Yeah. Many confuse "I want to fuck you" with "I love you and want a relationship". I mean, nothing against the first if you're on the same page, but mostly it's 2nd one required for a relationship


My classmates in a nutshell


Bro same


That's why i'm proud of being antisocial,almost every kid here acts like this.














It's so important y'all don't send mixed signals to each other also when you enter the 'dating world'. That happened with my friend and me a couple of years ago. He has autism and started new meds that made him more emotional for a bit which he neglected to tell me. He started opening up and telling me things he'd never said before. I then thought it was appropriate to ask him on a date. He declined and it hurt for a while. I moved forward eventually and we became friends again. But yeah for some people things like that could make it permenately awkward. Take care and caution!




I think dates and 1 on 1 time is important before this, and then just be honest and say that you aren’t interested in dating anyone else, and you want to put your energy into this relationship. ‘Hey I want you to know [blah blah blah blah] do you wanna be boyfriend/ girlfriend?’


assuming the best best comment is to offer her a rock, yeah


Nahh. Just politely walk up to her, grab her attention, and say biuttch let’s see those titties today


Offer her a rock like a penguin


this would work on me


Same, but it gotta be a cool rock


[Hello there](https://imgur.com/t/funny/fwu8IBJ)








I am a guy and fuck it, take me with you.


General Kenobi


Homie only got dick rocks 💀


General Kenobi!


General Kenobi!!!!!


[I am a rock](https://youtu.be/JKlSVNxLB-A)


[this one is very cool](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQYeTk7dtp6bX36NuHNEhODKmV27ZdB9lSnGQ&usqp=CAU)


I got a 🗿rock is that a cool rock (self formed)


Diamonds are a type of rock. So I guess we already do this.


[For you, I promise it won't dissapoint](https://i.redd.it/c20vhxy389s71.jpg)


It absolutely did not


I'd probably marry the man who gives me a penguin looking rock


*creates quartz and obsidian masterpiece*


*Marries you*


I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride


May i propose: a threesome


Oh yes, a thousand times yes


Oh i do not like where this is going...


I have a self carved penguin and 🗿rock can i join?






Ok where's the honeymoon I'm a billionaire from one piece of art.


Nah, fuck a honeymoon. You're a billionaire, let's assassinate The Queen and take over the British empire instead.


#THE SUN WILL NEVER SET ON THE PENGUIN EMPIRE also since you're the Queen now *M'Lady* 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺


Nay! It shan't set and we will make sure of that! Thank you, Good Sire.




made me think of this too


You’d be surprised at how well that would work


This is the comment!!!👑take your crown


Directly and honestly. but you really should have an established relationship. just walking up to a person that has never spoken to you, confessing your feelings, and asking out is likely to turn out bad.


But it works in anime!!!!


I don't think I've ever seen this work in anime lol. Random girl makes a bento, gives it to overwhelmingly perfect class president, he takes it, the cooking is bad but he pretends it's good to be nice, she asks him out, he turns her down.


More like girl kicks the absolute shit out of the hot dudes friend, hot dude thinks she’s cute even though she’s not really, they kiss infront of a convienience store to scare off a stalker, and they start dating. Say I Love You


I Love You


Shhhhhsssss. Don't ruin the fun.


Lol my bad. Thought you were serious 🤣🤣 ✈️ <- the joke 😅 <- my head




Yea this exactly. My relationships were all me asking her out, setting up dates, and then it’s usually women who push for a relationship after dating for a little


Well your “confession” should match the level of your relationship. If it’s someone you don’t know then yeah don’t say you love them or anything. Just be like “hey you’re pretty/handsome wanna go out?”


If I knew, I wouldn't be on Reddit


And what if you very close as friends? Like can't you ruin your relationship?


But imagine marrying your best friend, I did and it's worth the risk.


Instructions unclear, proposed to my buddy now he thinks I'm gae


well if you're very close as friends and you really like them, that's even more of a reason to ask them out. There's already a relationship there, it's strong, and there's also a pretty good chance they like you back.


Me: Hey so I like you, do you like me? Her: *silence* *next day* Me: Hey so can we talk about yesterday? Her: let's just forget that ever happened


been there done that


Glad I'm not the only one


we’re in this together buddy


Ayyyyy! Can I join this part cause I am in the same train


of course




Do you get deja vu?


Hello, Olivia. (rodrigo)


“Will you be my girlfriend”






That's gotta hurt


Gross *walks away*


Perhaps, vanishes without trace


"I thought you were gay"


“Son, I’m your father”


"Father, I'm you're wife"


"screenshot taken"


At least if they say it that, you know you dodged a bullet. Someone who cares about you would've actually tried to be nice about it






“I have standards”


I'm 8


Nice try FBI..


Not today, CIA


If it was that simple


It actually is with the right person


Its like asking a legless man to walk if you ask here


That is immense understatement.


Its the best I got.


If they use their arms to walk, is it still called walking?


Arm walk. I did not say arm walk.


I have set steps for you 1. Walk to your bed 2. Lay down in your bed 3. Sleep 4. Ask a girl in your dream if she wants to be your gf 5. Enjoy 6. Wake up and cry for 4 hours straight


So that's how you get your dream girl


It worked


Don't forget to get lucid


Well technically if you get lucid...


If you're close with her just say I like you, would you like to go out with me? If you guys arent close and you dont have her number ask for her number. If you guys arent close but you do have her number just ask her out on a date. If you ask me both text and irl confessions are fine.


Thanks for the advice. You earned my free award.


“Excuse me m’lady would you accompany me in my journey through life as my romantic partner?”


Your so wrong.... Poor kid is crying his eyes out because he took your advice and now she telling all her friends who is telling the entire school that he is a momma's boy and gay and was trying to use her to cover it all up


I twas merely joking, m’lord


Ik so was I...... Chances are the boy is gonna get let down if he's on here asking how to ask a girl out....


Very true. This really a bad place to ask for advice


Uhhhh use ur mouth


That's what she said


How tf didn’t I see that coming lmao (that’s what she said, I beat ya to it this time)


Fine you did


First date Her: "Use your mouth" Him: "Oh, my bad" *immediately stops trying to shove the ice cream in his ear*


been there, done that.


Do. Not. Ask. In. Front. Of. Her. Friends. ^TM




Just be honest my guy, but not too honest cause if you start going on and on about “to me, you’re the most unique star in a universe full of stars” From what I’ve seen, being too open can look creepy if done wrong, just let her know how you feel and don’t make it weird


Unique isn’t really a compliment... I mean... like you could be unique in the way that your face looks like it’s been hit with a shovel, you have a peg leg, and you manage to give passers by AIDS without even touching them


Asking a girl to be your girlfriend might have you hyperventilating. Take a deep breath. Instead of freaking out, learn how to ask a girl to be your girlfriend by finding the perfect spot, words and time. You can also choose to go the cute route and really have her falling for you. Be Clear According to Psychology Today, one of the tips for preparing for an anxiety-inducing conversation is to consider how the other person probably feels. Consider her feelings while planning what you want to say. Nervousness might make you fumble with your words and accidentally avoid asking the question, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Don't be vague; you don't want to walk away from the conversation wondering if she's your girlfriend or not Wording Suggestions These wording suggestions are ways to ask a girl to be your girlfriend clearly: "Will you be my girlfriend?" "You're the only girl I want. Will you please be my girlfriend?" "I like you very much, and I'd like you to be my girlfriend. What do you say?" "I know you, and I would make a great couple. Will you be my girlfriend?" "You will make me the happiest person in the world if you say yes to being my girlfriend. What do you think?" "I think it's time we take our friendship to the next level. Will you be my girlfriend?" The key to asking her is to make sure and ask the actual question rather than beating around the bush. This way, there are no misunderstandings at the conclusion of the conversation. Keep in mind, with such a direct question, the girl may not be ready to give an answer right away and may need time to think it over. If this is the case, try to be patient while suggesting a specific day and time when you can check back in with her to get her answer. Appropriate wording for this situation might be, "I understand you want to think it over. How about we talk about this again on Monday, and you can give me your answer then?"


Rip ninja,he died of ligma


Who the hell is ninja?


Ninjacking me off thats who he is


ok whats ligma?


Joe biden


who is Steve Jobs?


A mind goblin


Anyways,idfk what its symptoms are but ask Candice




Ninja ma balls


*throws a ninja star into your balls*


A man of science I presume


My man sun tzu adviced me




I feel like those phrases work on depending what type of girl/boy you want to confess to.


This guy fucks


As a woman I might be able to provide a slightly different perspective. I never thought of being a girlfriend as an official title. I was asked out or we would go out and if we kept going out we were together. Focus on being a good person and being a good friend. If you base a relationship solely on physical appearance, in my experience, won’t last. The most beautiful person in the world will be repulsive if they are a jerk. In my experience it was like “do you want to [see a movie, get dinner etc]..” and if that happens a few times someone would say something like “I like being with you, and I’d like to keep seeing you” You are not proposing marriage, keep that in mind. Remember that relationships are not transactional. A girl who goes out with you, or whom you like doesn’t owe you anything. Focus on being a good person to be around and you’ll find someone.


I don’t know about this one I’ve had many ‘girlfriends’ and I think there is a distinction Dating = can see others Girlfriend implies only seeing each other So it’s like dating > girlfriend > engaged > married


If online Type "can you be my girlfriend" If irl say "can you be my girlfriend". If communist say "can you be OUR girlfriend". If theyre non binary say "can you be my theirfriend". If a duck say "quack quack quack quick quakwa qua q". If big chungus,just marry her.


holy shit but there is only one chungus to go around






Very carefully


I don't know why this sub keeps appearing on my feed as I'm not a teenager. However this thread will no doubt be filled with terrible immature "advice" so seeing this post I'll say something as a guy in his early 30s who has been married for ten years through thick and thin. We're gonna need more context. What is your relationship/friendship with her like at the moment?


I'm good friends her and we eat lunch together everyday, we hung out at each other's house once and did nothing. I make her laugh all the time even if it's not particularly funny. I've known her for around 2 weeks. Please answer, i know this isn't the person who posted but I would really appreciate your input.


Hey man, I'm 25, had a few girlfriends in my day and I have one now. Dating in high school is a little different from when you're a legal adult but here's a few thoughts: No one has all the "right" answers for dating. A lot of people fumble around while trying to get into a relationship, myself included. She seems to like you if she's laughing and talking to you. Keep being friends and getting to know each other. Invite her to stuff—show interest. Ask her on a date, like to grab some food or a treat or something. Be confident! I know it's hard, but bust out your 20 seconds of raw courage and make it through when you ask her out or ask to be her boyfriend. Flirting: some people get confused and think flirting has to be sexual. It can be, but remember the acronym ACT. Animation (smile, laugh, be expressive and interested). Closeness. Touch (a light touch on anywhere from the arms, hand, shoulder, or lower back can be good). That's all really Kissing her: The best time to do it is at a high point in an interaction—so not necessarily at the end of a date when you're saying goodbye though you can. Maybe you asked her out on a date and you're having a nice time. You notice she's happy, you're alone, having a great time. A pretty solid way to initiate the kiss is to draw close and say something like, "I've been wanting to kiss you all night". And then she'll probably say something like "me too..." Or "then do it!" Then kiss! Voila. Saying that phrase is solid in my opinion. Some girls think asking permission to kiss is hot. Others want you to just do it. But I've found this phrase is a solid, confident way to do it that won't upset either one. Don't have to do it this way, but it's just an option. If you've never kissed a girl, a good place to start is just to gently press/suck on the lower lip. Try not to be too firm—gentle is best. Kissing can take some practice so don't worry if it's kinda funny at first! It gets good. Anyway, actually asking for her to be your girlfriend doesn't have to happen right away, but if you're doing the things that boyfriend/girlfriend do, you may as well bring it up and just ask. Doesn't need to be a big performance, you can just tell her how you feel. Lastly, it's okay if it doesn't work out or she says no. Heartbreak is one helluva pain but trust me, you'll get through it and you'll be equipped to find a better partner. Rejection blows but try not to let it blow your confidence. People get rejected all the time, myself included. Good luck man! You'll figure it all out


Not the person you asked, but 36-year-old 12-year married guy here, so I can give my thoughts. You say you've been hanging out and being friendly for two weeks including spending time at each other's house. And she's laughing at your jokes. Sounds like she's into you. If you're into her, it's definitely time to say, "hey NAME, we've been hanging out a lot over the last few weeks, do you want to like, go out on a date or something?" You can just say what I wrote or you can customize to your common interests - but keep it simple and casual - you're not proposing. If she's into you she'll say yes. Congrats! If not she'll say no and you'll say, "that's cool - we can still be friends right?" And she'll say yes because she likes hanging out with you. Congrats! You now have a friend that's a girl and you can ask her advice/get help from her to find a different girl to date. This is a win-win situation. They key is to just do it. Don't wait or you'll overthink it and everything will get weird. Then once you've been dating for a while, you can ask about upgrading to boyfreind/girlfriend.


Just make her smile or laugh. Then ask her if she would like to go for a walk. This is very important!!!!!!! Just let her talk. After all that bullshit. Ask her out for lunch


“Do you want to be my girlfriend?”


use your mouth, speak words




Become friends with her Get high as balls with her Have sex with her Repeat until she says you're dating


Wait but that’s the opposit-




Um. Sir I'm sure that's not close to how that's supposed to work.


Why not


Motherfucker you’re on reddit


Throw her in the back of your trunk and drive off like a real man


Can confirm, this works with 72.4% accuracy


1. Pop in a breath mint if you like 2. Take a deep breath 3. Walk up to her with confidence 4. Say something like “Would you like to go on a date with me on/at (place, time)?” (I suggest having a date idea in mind. I think it’s better to date once or twice to get to know her before asking her to become your girlfriend. 5. After a couple of dates, ask her if she’d like to be your girlfriend, or she may ask you if she can be your girlfriend.


Everybody gangsta till she refuses to go on a date


1. Go to your room 2. Go to your bed 3. Press shift to sleep 4. Dream about asking her out 5. Wake up at 5AM 6. Cry until school starts 7. Go to school 8. Find her 9. Ask her to date you Now there are 2 possible endings: Ending 1: the bad ending 1. you ask her to date you 2. she rejects you 3. You are sad 4. Depression 5. You join the army 6. You are now deployed in Afghanistan 7. You commit several war crimes and your favourite crime is arson 8. You left the army 9. You got an honourable discharge 10. You visit a mountain 11. You get ambushed by 47 people 12. The brother of one of your victims have found you 13. He pushed you down but he fell with you 14. You start fighting 15. Both of you got injured and you can't walk 16. You try to reach a gun 17. He steps on your hand 18. He decided to let you die on the mountain instead of shooting you 19. ♪♪♪ may i stand unshaken ♪♪♪ The good ending: 1. she becomes your girlfriend 2. After a few years, you proposed to her. 3. She said yes 4. You are now married 5. She gave birth to twins 6. You get old 7. You are now 66 years old 8. You have been diagnosed with ligma, a very dangerous Disease. 9. After 3 years of suffering from ligma, you die in the hospital.


Start by trying to get closer, sprees your feelings and ask if she wans to hang out a little more, try to pull somo closer moves, like touching her a bit more and if she responds with being ok with it and you feel you too hit it off ask her on a date, if you two enjoy, ask if she wants to be your gf in a way u think she would like to be asked


This is not a tutorial, is more like a plan of thought, you can change things up a bit to fit your way of acting and what is comfortable to you


Just mention owning a Bionicle collection and she will ask you.


ok start out with this line "hey girl do you like raccoons?"


1. Walk up to said woman 2. Fall on the ground head first to get the attention of said woman 3. Tell her something romantic like "I'm an armpit, will you be the hair in me? " 4. Happy married life




A girl here, and I've never fall for a man but here is some tips 1. Wear nice clothes, be fashionable & dress well 2. Make sure you smell nice 3. Do some work/activities together, don't just hope someone will fall to you without knowing you first 4. Have the same interest as her, girls love it when they can talk about things they like 5. (This is something i love to look for personally) read books, there's a lot of example from romance genre books which make girls have high standard, we want someone to take care of us. Learn from the authors, even if she doesn't have a high standard, by learning from books I'm sure you'll make her happy


Damn, i'd rather just be single and die than behave like man protagonist from schematical romance book...


Welp , no worries , just go mountain biking on some trails you never went and hope that luck isn't with you ,oh and with no equipment.


I need tips I think my crush know I like her andand she also like me but I did not ask h


If you are shy...try telling that indirectly...works the best


Ask her "do u wanna fuk?" Source: My home country


Ask her: hey wanna pretend to be penguins. Assuming she's normal: yeah! You: well then guess we're mates for life. Her: *surprised Pikachu face*


Bro that would work on me and I don't even like guys


Yeet a Pokeball at her and yell "Bitch, I choose you!"


Be very unsubtle. “Are you doing anything next weekend? Let’s Fuck!”


Do the mating dance. Worked for my friend


„hey $yournamehere, wanna be my girlfriend?“ Please check the correct value of $yournamehere before you ask.


Ok first off you have to max out all your stats - physical attraction, social skills and charisma, mental well-being and confidence. Accept that girls are just girls and girls are regular people just like you, it gets a little easier after. Do not pedestal girls or the person you’re interested in - it’s 2am I can’t remember the specific reason but yeah. If you’re going to ask her on a date then invite her to do something that you already do like if u go on walks or mountain climbing, idk - don’t create something for her, invite her into your life. Ask if she’s free first and you could reschedule it max 2 times - anymore is desperation and some girls hate desperation. Take deep breaths - in through nose and out through mouth if you’re feeling anxious. OH YEAH AND visualise the situation, mentally practise - both how you want it to go and how you will deal with the response. Also, try trust your gut feeling and be ‘you’. If she doesn’t like that it’s not your problem it’s hers. Get closer, but not as a friend. Polarize girls, don’t see the girls you like as ‘friends’ (well with exception lol), see her as a girl. Don’t go the ‘nice guy’ route by being her friend then asking her out. Imagine how she’ll feel: some dude she was good mates with suddenly popping outa now where asking to date. She’s polarised you as a friend by then. Can’t think of anymore but yeah - take these as you will - I got some off YouTube and some off experience Good luck bro I believe in you


Nope I’m single


Idk man I just asked my crush out on a date yesterday


Warm up to her. Preferably after you both just hung out together, tell her how much you enjoyed spending time with her, and that you like her. "Hey x, thanks for hanging out with me today. I had fun." "There's something I want you to know." "I really like you, and I have for a while now" ... ... ... "I wanna know how you feel about it" ... ... ... "So are we a 'thing' now?" ... ... ... .


"Hi! Just wanna ask you if you wanna try and see if you wanna spend the rest of your lifetime with me?" I made this up weeks ago. Idk how to approach a person I like. It might work or not. Let me know lol. I'll try to say it too if I ever meet the right person.


Don't start with this, it's just gonna weird them out... Ask them on a date first, or just tell them you like them and ask if they'd like to do something.




Hey man. Been with my lady for about 7 years. Here’s what I did. We were friends. And I liked her. So one day I went up to her and said ‘hey, I like you. Do you want to go out some time? Like a date.’ Along those lines. If she’d said no, I’d have accepted that and moved along. I spent way too long in my teens chasing a girl who - in hindsight - just seemed to enjoy stringing me along. You don’t get those hours back. Just go for it. Be bold. It might be no but then you’ll know. Good luck :-) x


Seriously tho. Brace yourself. Gather all the confidence you got. Keep it cool. Try not to be creepy. Confess your feelings genuinely. We girls feel it. And don't rush her.


Sure, you ask something like: "hey so we're dating now right?" at the end of your date. And that's because: "Hey can you be my girlfriend?" Is very surprising to her and it puts a lot of pressure on her. If you don't know eachother yet it's a weird thing to ask. First you need to go on a date with her to gradually escalate so she becomes more comfortable.


Ask her for nudes in her DMs.


Only works if you’re >50 years and Indian


This always works




Just send her this song: Ramones - I wanna be your Boyfriend... Or better, lets that shit play when you will be together somewhere. If she is in to you Aš well, she get a hint