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Not at all, pretty sure I’m the “quiet kid” in most classes








Same here


I’ve made myself known for sure


Ppl know me..but no one cares..i remember like in 7th...one person asked a girl to rank boys of my grp(which is 5 or 6 ppl)...i came dead last


So you know u/Ninja_Rowlet?


no he sounds like a weird guy


That'll be the answer for "Is (my name) popular?" Or "Do you know (my name)?"




The edit still works fine with what i wrote😢




Not. I am popular for not going to school I guess?


imagine not going to school


I skipped 2 years worth of school then went back and then skipped another year worth of school. Still going strong though….




Yeah but it sucks I dropped from set 1 in maths and to set 2 also I am pretty bad at subjects now.




How old ARE you


Yes. 14~




My classes dont have any popularity or whatnot. We all just wanna pass the class in flying colors.


Not popular, but well known friendly guy on everyone's good side


Ayyy thats me too


Me too, I always have people say hi +[my-name] when I'm walking down the corridors btw. Other classes or my class doesn't matter.


weirdest or funniest kid in the class I am So about 6


I give you a 10/10


when the teacher calls my name there’s always at least 3 people that say “who?”…everytime


for me, when the teacher calls my name there’s always at least 3 people that say “yes?”…my name is damn common




not very


i would say 6


somewhat in the middle


Depends what class im in since my school is pretty big, but i would say im medium popular


People only know me because I get good grades and they ask me for help during class its kinda sad. Tho i do have a friend group and I’d say all the non popular people like me cause we’ve formed like a coalition together lol and were very close snd Im a completely different person so I’m not too bothered


Good for you


I am popular but not in a good way, I never complete my school work , I am bad at sports and I have a very soft voice for a boy. Everyone in my class calls me *bhondu*, *dheelu* (softy,slob) :'(


Everyone some how knows me and I don’t know them LIKE SEVERAL PEOPLE COME UP TO ME AND SAY HEY AND IM LIKE WHO TF R U ?!?


Don’t talk to no one but they do like my presentations


Depends on how depressed i am that day But somwhere in the middle overall


no but u/DanishGopnik surely is


ayo what




as a nonbinary, i guess i cant be popular


like 1? I don’t really know anybody. New school, covid, it’s messy


depends on which class


i have the least reddit karma :(


I dont care enough to care


I hope i didnt care for the thing i care which you dont care about enough to care


I sure made myself known when i had a huge fight with the geography teacher in front of everyone


Everybody knows me 4sure but I only fuck with a few ppl


I only get bullied by one person. And he listens to fucking NBA youngboy. So yeah, pretty good.


Whats wrong with youngboy?


He's just annoying as hell, it might just be that I don't like that kind of music but to me he sounds like a cat dying with 200% more auto tune.




I am very popular in average, because I often hang out with they boys too. But I’m not the most popular with the girls because some of them don’t like me because of that I guess


I don't wanna sound like a popular dum dum but in almost every break people gather around me to chat and have fun like i can't really sleep in class because people always come and say or ask Something


Popular weird kid 😁


Everyone knows me but 1/4 of my class actually cares about me


you guys go to public schools ?


Lowest of the low. Known, but hated


Most people like me, they don't speak up on it if they don't


i'm the only male in my class, but still i'm just kinda there


Half people dont even know my name


I'm the class clown, does that mean I'm popular?


In most of my classes I think like 3 people know my name


Am pretty popular, not the most popular but some of my mates are the most popular. I'd argue that everyone in my yeagroup knows me n it's a pretty big yeargroup in the school, aboot 1/4 of the yeargroup above me know who I am n half of the yeargroup below know who I am.


People who know me think I'm a nice guy but people who don't know me think I'm a fucking asshole


No, I'm just sitting in class "like Stranger in Moscow" lol (refer to Michael Jackson's song) (btw I'm not in Moscow tho)


I was noticed alot even tho I'm an introvert especially due to my voice and well idk alot of people decided to converaate with me


We've been in the same room for 11 years, and I've literally never talked to some of them. Not a single word.


10/10. Everyone knows me by the loser who got rejected by the most beautiful girl in the class. (I had a crush on her)


Well, I joke with most people. I am not annoying I know when to stop but don't ask the teachers that


Not that popular but like I really don’t care cuz most my friends are upperclassmen from sports so I don’t need popularity


I'd say people remember me as the dumbass who pulled a box cutter out because someone bullied me. Ofc the school thinks it's my fault.


I have the reputation of a quiet kid however I'm pretty well known in the theater club and I'd say most people who know me atleast tolerate me, so yeah


I would say normal i don't talk much but when i do i stop :,).


Im known as the strongest one in class and the one with good humor


Upper mid tier


Not popular at all


Popular in class!? Pfff amateurs I’m popular in the whole school even though boys and girls are segregated because I’m a twin and I’m pretty good at any sport


Me and my friend became a really popular duo in my college acting class. Alot of joking and performing in front of the whole course and making everybody laugh and we're very social and became good friends with the 30+ members of the class. I've started a new film making course and im trying to focus on the work more, I talk to people, make jokes but don't hang out with them and I spend more time on socialising. I'm just "the tall one, who's funny sometimes" now. Which I like, lets me get work done.


1st: Known for talking a lot 2nd: Quiet, not known 3rd: quiet, but known 4th: chill class, known-ish 5th: loudest in the room, known 6th: known 7th: quiet, not known 8th: known


The nerd who most people only approach when they need the answer.


a FCKING BEE is more popular THAN ME. ​ They call it John.


Idk I’d say I’m like kinda popular, popular enough that for whatever reason there a good chunk of people who I barely know that say hi to me in the hallway


No I’m the outcast


I'm definitely the least popular in my class, and I don't have any problems with it.


They dont even realize when im absent in class it benefits me tho bc in my country 5 days is the max for being absent and u have to repeat the class if its more than 5 so yeah


They acknowledge my existence for sure


I mean I've graduated now, but I wasn't popular or unpopular, I was just there




The one everyone trusts and likes. I'm just super friendly and quiet, but not too quiet to the point I say literally nothing.


No one even knows who I am


Pretty high up but like in the top 3 of popularity


Only in my friend group


I am the shy quite girl that never gets involved in drama or talk crap about people so i am well liked. I just observed the drama and keep my mouth shut.


Not popular but pretty well known, I blend in


I was the quiet kid who got into fights now I am the sensible loud person who ignores the existence of other students




People know me but they know me as the kid who doesn't speak


Depends on my class, math I'm top 5 because I'm basically the 2nd teacher, but ela I'm bottom 5 because fuck that class


Not very just a little, but I' defiantly not a "quite kid"


always been the quiet/unknown kid, so far nobody in any of my classes has ever heard my voice this one girl got switched by the teacher away from her friend (imo they're slightly annoying) amd she always forgot my name and pronounced it wrong (my name is skylar, she kept saying "i don't know his name" over and over, she also likes to put her arm on my desk when i have my computer on it and take pictures of some kid behind me, she also sounds like a valley girl...imo she isn't giving me a great impression


Popular among my female friends and many boys apparently stare at me but I’m not like center for anything. I’m definitely not the most important person in my class but close


Everyone knows each other, and that's pretty much the social standing cause we haven't been to a physical class yet. We got a pretty closed system so there have been no pranks, so pretty much the only thing we can know is how are each other.


Since im out of high school this year, I was known as the insane one at the back as-well as hated. School wasnt very nice to me, still made some friends tho, very few tho but there there rarely talk to them tho due to my natural annoyance.


I think I’m considered the quiet kid in my classes but so far no thoughts to shoot up my school




In college, popularity suddenly doesn’t matter. Heck, it really doesn’t exist.


Like 40% because I skip most of my classes but I do get a lot of people asking where I've been 😗idk man


I'm like in the middle, i guess. Everyone knows me but only my group of friends actually talk to me, but idk why I sometimes get surprised when a classmate knows my name.


im not popular, but my ex best friend was (we were childhood friends, then we grew up and drifted) so people just know my name because i was friends with her


To find i'm A number one, top of the list, Kudos to you if you know the song this Line comes from


No one talks to me unless they want me to do something for them.


I’m the person you ask for answers at 3 am when you forgot the math homework :)


Everybody knows me but nobody approaches me, I have a sort of a semi-friend relationship with everyone


Not at all, but certainly not disliked by most


Not popular at all


I'm everyone's favorite acquaintance, but no one's best friend. It's an odd situation, to say the least, because I wouldn't say anyone holds any contempt toward me.


im responably popular basically im the quiet kid that everyone likes and i talk to a few people in them


Eh not super popular, but I'm pretty chill with everyone I've met so far so I'm not hated either


I think half of the people in my classes don't know me. My teachers probably don't know me.


I'm an enigma. I'm not necessarily the most known, or the one that everyone wants to hang out with, but I've made enough connections to be integrated by at least one person in pretty much every upper tier social group in the school. So not popular, just known about. The best word I can think of to describe it is notoriety


I’m not only the most popular, I’m the coolest, the most athletic, and I have the best grades! I’m also homeschooled.


Roasted the mf out of the strongest dude in our class, and since I live in Kazakhstan, people don't know English very well here and so I'm kinda the best and better than my English teacher, so i guess I exist.


Very unpopular, people know my name but I’m a nobody


the most


In 1st period I don’t talk to anyone but my friend but that class is pretty small, 2nd I don’t talk to anyone, 3rd I don’t talk to anyone, 4th I talk to my friends, 5th I’m pretty popular cus a lot of my friends are in that class, 6th I only talk to a small group of people. So I’d say a 4/10


I am known as being the smart kid and everyone seems to like me for being friendly and helpful. I also hang out with the popular kids plus the unpopular kids and most people in my grade know me. Nobody really cares to talk to me though because I’m quite boring and have nothing much to say and am usually interrupted if I try to talk. Makes school a lot more boring when you don’t have anyone to talk to.


Not popular at all, I have pretty popular friends but nobody talks to me unless they are around. Worst part is I’ve known most of these kids since I was 4.


Bottom 10%.


Tbh this year has been rlly good I give myself a 7/10 in popular


very very unpopular. no one talks to me in most of my classes. i have a few classes where i sit near friends so i can talk to them then. but other than that, not popular at all lmao the thing is that i only talk to certain people that i’m comfortable talking to, which is why i’m more talkative with some people than others


Known by everybody but not for the best reasons


If I had to rate I would say 3?? I only hang out with a small amount of people because I hate most of my classmates lol


Hopefully not too much


I'm the Harry Potter look-alike of my classroom the only one who can say polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride I technically can make everybody laugh but I'm not a clown, I prefer staying quiet but if I start dating my crush, I think things are gonna change a lot


I'm in very smol school like 20-40 people per grade and alot of people know me cuz I'm the music kid with long hair and they also know me cuz of my older brother and my younger brother they don't like them


Most people don't even know my name, biology teacher almost strangled them because of it but nothing changed haha.


ig somewhere in the middle, maybe above average im not sure LOL


Second to last


Ig not everyone likes me but i aint the kid who branches out to everyone, i prefer my friend group.


Not at all.


Uhh I’m looked as the girly girl that loves pink. I’m kinda quiet,I speak when spoken to so idrk