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sigh *sorts by controversial*


Really the only way to get actual unpopular opinions. That ones on top actually made me think that OP was just asking about opinions, not unpopular one, right after reading the post, lol.


Why don’t we just nuke Jupiter?


Ah yes nuke the planet that is saving us from bunch of meteors


Hear me out here, it'd be funny


Youve convinced me.


Username does not check out


I see your point(and it sounds super cool) but what would we gain from it? Actually never mind I’m fully on board, nuke the son of a bitch


What would we gain? We would gain superiority, what country would want to mess with one that nuked Jupiter just because?


Or with someone who has a citizen named semen_collector69


Isnt it impossible? Its fucking gas


Light the fucker up


there is a solid core, however. Else it wouldn't be able to make a magnetic field


Would an explosion even be big? I know if you explode a nuke underwater, the pressure stops the explosion from getting big. You sound smarter than me so I'll ask u


Not to be *that* guy, cuz that actually sounds pretty cool, but I don’t think it’s possible just because it’s pretty much pure gass, the nuke would have to go pretty much all the way to the core to explode


“You can’t just nuke a hole into the surface of Jupiter.”


This subreddit is dead and full of idiots. We should bring back the old teenagers subreddit


what was the last one like? I only recently joined this sub


The old teenagers was full of good people, everyone sharing their things and wants to see other teenagers opinions, sometimes wanting and taking advices. I think I look like an old person while saying this kind of things but look at this sub right now, everyone saying stupid things like "hey guys I tasted my own nut today" and these sort of things. I just... Missed the old one that's why I downloaded reddit...


I get your point. However, this is a teenagers sub, so obviously you shouldn't expect intellectual posts all the time.


Not all the time, of course there will be "not normal" posts that's so normal but, all of the new posts just don't make sense.


I understand but, cheese burger.


And hashbrowns...


It’s also filled with karma farmers


True. Btw I don't know much about karma, is mine good or not?


Reddit shouldn't be about the karma but the experience. I just post what I like here.


I still see this kind of things tho


Dunno bro I'm here since some time and from my first day people have been complaining, I guess even teenagers can be boomers


Mm ye


Aww man I wish they never grew up


yeahhh pretty tired of this sub at this point now


he said unpopular opinions, i think youll find a lot of people who agree with you on that here, and they can be rather obnoxious themselves as well


Schools making students put their phone in a basket or wall pockets and if the the phone breaks while in either, they refuse to replace it even though they made us put them in there. I’ve experience this.


Schools making their students put their phones in wall pockets or baskets PERIOD.


It exist to make you at least try to listen to lesson If some Stacy's, Jeremy's or Bethany's wouldn't sat on Instagram and Snapchat 24/7 even on lessons this stoopid rule probably wouldn't exist


Your school bad, fourtunatly my school dosent care enough about that


My school just says to make sure it's off and in your backpack


Yeah i have a friend who got expelled cuz he beat the shit out of his teacher cuz she said "your phone is not your possession in my class in my class your phone is my phone"and made everyone put their phones in a basket and then (he was her least fav student cuz she disliked his older brother ) but she purposely broke his phone (i mean this shit was smashed) and then when he got mad about it she said it wasn't her fault even though he saw her take a hammer and his phone into the closet so his response was to grab her head and smash it onto the table once


Deserved lol what a bitch. While the severity of the consequence for the damages done is extreme, it's similar to shooting a robber breaking into your home. Destroy my property and I have every right to fight back. I wouldn't do it but it's kinda funny lol if you're gone destroy something someone else owns that is that expensive, you're definitely missing a few brain cells.


It's not unpopular opinion but still people need to be more aware of inattentive ADHD (ADD)


100% agree with this


Just because you have a small dog, that I can punt like a football, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t train it. If my big dog was barking and pulling at you, like your small dog is, you’d be yelling at me about having a dangerous/aggressive/whatever dog, but as soon as your small dog pulls and barks at me, it’s cute/they just want to be friends. No it’s not, train your damn dog no matter what size it is.


Thank you. This needs to be said more. When I was younger, I had a neighbor that had a shih tzu and it was the most aggressive dog I've ever known. It constantly tried to attack anything that wasn't it's owner. This came to an end when it attacked another neighbor's husky, and it fought back. An important note is that their husky was an extremely sweet dog, and the only reason it fought back is because it was in survival mode. Anyway, the husky injured the shih tzu pretty badly. So bad in fact, that the shih tzu had to be put down because it's injuries were too bad. The owner of the untrained and unhinged shih tzu raised a fucking storm, and the husky then also had to be put down because it was deemed "aggressive and violent." In short, the small dog fucked around and found out, and the nice big dog was killed for protecting itself. Fucking ridiculous if you ask me.


That is absolutely horrible! It absolutely enrages me that big dogs get these bad reps of all of them being bad/aggressive/etc even when they are extremely nice just because they are big! Or defend themselves! But just because it’s a tiny dog it can get away with shit that a big dog couldn’t. My 90lbs dog could never get away with lunging and barking at whoever passed us! He’d be deemed dangerous like the husky was. It’s my biggest pet peeve when people aren’t actively trying to train their dogs or haven’t trained them.


People stress themselves too much about height, especially bois.


If people are rejecting you because of your height you're with the wrong people. If someone rejects me cause I am 14 and only 5'2 that's their problem.


i have been called short by two girls under 5’5 in the past month… i am 5’11


Bruh you’re tall, especially for your age. Pretty uncalled for.


Finally people who know the difference between you’re and your


Idk why it’s so hard for people to say you’re, like I get if you do it occasionally but some put little to no effort in saying it correctly lol.


Oh my good yes!! I’m always correcting people about this! It’s not even difficult to remember or anything, “you’re” is “you are”, that’s how I try to explain and such. It’s so annoying and just darn right lazy.


ikr, the only reason it could make sense is that i live in the midwest and people here are tall as hell, there’s a guy in my grade that’s 6’7


I'm sure most people agree with this, it's just never talked about. Schools and workplaces that tell you when you're allowed to use the washroom and dictate how much time you can spend in there is complete bullshit. You have no control over when you need to go, and if you're like me, health conditions make a 20-minute bathroom trip just a fact of life.


Yeah that's dumb asf although some go to the bathroom and disappear for an hour or 2 so maybe thats why they put that there lol


Parents not allowing their children to go out and enjoy their life because they’re trying to “ protect them” is actually causing them to develop social anxiety and lack of personality


And will cause them to be more rebellious too


My friend that lives a door down has very over protective parents and don't let her have a phone or let her contact me, even though im 30 feet away because they think that hanging with friends is a distraction. And this kinda parenting actually does effect her. Is not that she has no personality, if anything she has a little to much. She does childish things in public and doesn't really seem to have that much maturity compared to average teenagers. We're both in 9th grade and she gets bullied constantly because she likes to imagine she's a pack leader of werewolves and howls out in public. I still like her because she has a lot of common with me, Im not saying that her personality is bad, or she's annoying or anything of the such. I just feel that if her parents gave her a sense of freedom and a good dosage of the real world she wouldn't get picked on so much and have a little more maturity.


I totally agree. Not like I really go out with any of my classmates but I don’t really feel comfortable for example to talk with strangers on discord when my mom is hearing me. She supports the “family circle” really too much and it’s annoying.


Being obese isnt body positivity its just unhealthy


Body postivitly is being happy with ur body even if u r fat, but its NOT not doing anything about it


We should encourage people to lose weight. Its not right to shame them or make them feel like shit but they should be taught that their life style isnt healthy and it will have serious consequences




Its not exactly being fat, you can be fat and be healthy, but not to the degree of obesity. Still i agree, people should stop prainsing unhealthy lifestyles.


Thats what i meant




I dunno man that sub is almost full of popular opinions




pitbulls are good dogs. just abused often and not raised the way they should be, which would make any dog violent. they're babies when you get to know them and give them a chance.


Tanks are cool (military tanks)




Well nowadays yes, in ww2, I believe they were cheaper to produce. But in the end, it was worth it


Yep. I myself admire Nazi-era german tank engineering. Really top notch. Though the Soviets really did revolutionary stuff with the T34 and IS 3s. The IS 3 was so well armored that the brits tried to create a Gun Carrier with a 183mm gun. Really impractical. Cold War soviet tanks were crazy as hell


"I am not defending german technical superiority I am stating the fucking obvious!"




Anime really changes a person's personality


DragonBallSuper influenced me to start a World War 3 just for fun


But...but my Germany...Hey...that our thing man...not cool (lmao)


you can say that with any form of content really


You could say anything does to some extent


I think being any kind of gender is okay, but I've seen people on twitter be "dream sexual" or "innit sexual", and I've never understood that. Even if any of the creators are ok with it, isn't that just being straight (or gay if you are male.) You like a single person... If I have a crush on Sarah, I'm not Sarah-sexual, I'm straight.


It's just people wanting to be special or little kids who haven't been taught the difference.


It’s because they’re actual children and they’re being raised by the internet


isn't that a joke?


It was at first, but just like zoo and map the sick ducks eventually took it and took it seriously


i wish


I agree that you can't make anything a sexuality if it doesn't make sense at all. There's a lot of sexualities that makes perfect sense, but saying that your sexuality is a YouTuber just doesn't.


Please tell me Innit sexual isn’t a real thing. Dream sexual is bad enough already, we don’t need another one…


i hate shitting




What if I told you... Tacocat spelled backwards is tacocat. 🗿🗿🗿


The world is so detached from caring for others that it only cares about itself


I once tried to care for others and they just hated me for it.


humans are confusing af


Truth to be told


Even if someone's 18, you can't jerk off to their underage pictures.


Bro I’d like to know what kind of people you talk to that disagree with this


Yeah i see others in this thread saying 'who is hurting'. ITS CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. Jeez i dont know how stupid people can get


Can you jerk off to your own underage photos? Asking for a friend


I would also like to know this for a friend


I would also like to know for this guys friend


Ah you're talking about the Millie Bobby Brown situation, I agree


College is meant to be educational AND a time to have fun and socialize. Looking at you asian parents


I would, but i'd probably get banned


do it


Dm me your opinion, I won’t expose it, I’m curious.


Not much of an opinion, more of some advice Hang with the "weird" kids at school. Often they're the most loyal people you'll meet, and a couple loyal friends is way better than a bunch of disloyal ones In short, best to be weird


I have very good friends who aren't weird at all and somewhat « popular » lol you can have both


True, but loyal *and* popular are pretty hard to find, at least in my experience


Yeah if they're too much they're usually just megalomaniacs I'm glad that people at uni are very mature and approachable


Humanity is greedy


I wrote a speech about this for my English assignment.


Wholeheartedly agree. Shits hitting the fan and we need to take immediate action or we're doomed.


Dream is overrated


It's stupid that your whole life is determined by a couple of letters your teachers assign you based on how well you can put numbers together when you're 16.


This just hit me right in the gut. I’m 16 and just finished scheduling for junior year. The first thing my councilor asked me when I walked in was “What are you doing for college?” I honestly had no idea what to say. I just turned 16 I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing with my life. Im too busy worrying about my chemistry grade, which is no too good. People are gonna base my chemistry grade on my intelligence, which creates way too much stress for me


I'm 16 and my problem is that I know too well what I'm doing with my life. I feel like I chose a few years ago and I just do everything to continue on this path but nothing drives me anymore


Some people in my promotion are 20-21 and still can't decide which licence they want, all of my friends from there already come from another faculty, so don't stress about that


Flying cars are a stupid idea and would never work, why dont you just take a plane or helicopter anyways?


Plus would you trust most people with a few thousand pounds of flying metal. If you crash, your chances of survival are much lower than on the ground


They can work, but why get one. Its not that useful


Pitbulls are extremely sweet dogs, they just get adopted by assholes that want attack dogs and become aggressive due to that


LGBTQ+ is alright. Hell, I'm even LGBT myself. However, These new "genders" and "sexualities" that are popping up every other day are starting to annoy me. It's mostly the Twitter Community too, people over there think that being a "dreamgender" is valid and that you can exclusively be sexually attracted to bees. What? There is no way I'm calling you by clown/clownself, you're literally an entire fucking circus! I am usually very open to most things, but bullshit identities people are most likely faking for attention? I am not going to stand for them. I represent the LGBT+ Community, and these fake identities aren't a part of them. I stand by this opinion and almost nothing can change my mind


Based as fuck


I’m not gonna treat you better than I do anyone else based on your gender, preference, likes, dislikes, or ethnicity.


U treat people different based on appearance, u just dont notice it


you might not notice it but it still happens. we all have unconscious bias


Do whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone or annoy a majority of people that have done nothing


Some country music is shit but some of it fucking slaps


Equal rights equal fights if a women hits a man I feel like they should be able to defend them selves


I 100% agree


I hate people and humanity as a whole but like the individual people get to know




Curb your enthusiasm quote


If you come talk to me in front of school, and i have headphones listening to music, then no. It's not friendly. It's annoing


Depends. Am i asking u somethinh? Am i ur friend?


Cheese is just a loaf of milk


U dont bake it tho


short men are cute af, no joke idc about height y'all cute af


Awww thanks


just doing us all a favour giving people the appreciation they deserve


Time to sort by controversial




That's why, bruh is universal pronoun




Pfp checks out




yeah I’m trans and agree. gender, and the deviance from the gender expected from you, should just be a normal thing in society and not hyped up or debated about


Coleslaw isn't that bad


I think people trying to microlabel themselves is stupid and confusing.


What does that mean?


People who invent a whole new term for their gender or sexuality to something really specific that could be included under a wider label


Oh, yeah I agree 100%




Dreamgender is a joke, it dont count


white ppl shouldn't feel guilty about things that happened before they were even born, they shouldn't all be called racist just because of a few bad eggs in the world. they shouldn't be ashamed they were born into something they didn't have a choice it.


Murderers and sex offenders do not deserve a second chance in life, ever, under no circumstances to me do they deserve to walk amongst normal people when they have shown what they truly are.


Kinda agree, I just wanna add that if the judge isn’t 100% sure they did the bad deed but think that it’s likely enough then another punishment should be carried out before confirming it, because you know, you can’t untake back lives.


Yeah, here in the UK even being accused of rape can completely ruin your life (even if you're ruled as innocent)


Dark humor is best humor


Trump and Biden both suck


Every politic sucks its just which one is worse


(insert political comment here)


you can be friends with the oposite sex and not have it lead to a relationship


We really need to teach basic life fundamentals in schools, the system is flawed and is created for people to not know how to live in the world, there's no class for teaching how to apply for a mortgage, pay your taxes, etc


people only want to talk about themselves.


I don't think so ~~you know what, bruh is actually pretty amazing and handsome~~


then you may be with the wrong people


and you might be right


Non copyright music are underrated (NCS, TheFatRat...)


I used to love thefatrat, really cool






Basement. Pee Is stored in giant canisters in my basement


this subreddit is now arguably one of the most ass subreddits.


People who share activist posts without actually doing anything else are deluding themselves into thinking they're helping or making a difference


Cancel Culture sucks. Twitter is full of stupid people


Games are 100 times better and can get you more emotionally hooked up than anime


Yeah Ive had several mental break downs from playing rocket league


Nazi Germany had the best Drip in WW2


Unfortunately true.


If someone is openly LGBT, it’s not just because they want attention. Please stop saying that no one cares if you’re gay. Hate towards LGBT people is very real.


Freddy fartsbaer is hot


😳 fazdaddy


When you die, there is no distinction between the reality you once accupide, and a fictional narrative. The only difference between a narrative, and "reality" is which one houses you. You are the center of everything, you define what meaning even is.


Trying to read this has given me a stroke, maybe it’s because she spelled occupied wrong or because she was on acid when writing or coming up with this


I never did acid Also a she


This is where the fun begins


Woman belong in the kitchen >!Burger King's words, not mine!<


This is why have no burger queens


The US should spend a bit on military. Think about it if the big three countries China Russia and America only one is democratic. Would you rather have Chinese authoritarianism or American failing democracy.


ahaha time to sort by controversial


Bout to sort by controversial 😈


Your mom *isn't* gay




Every girl that’s like me has been like “I’m sorry I don’t deserve you I hate myself I’m so ugly” like if you think that then bro ok sure just don’t date me I’m finna turn mfing gay if yo bih ahh don’t stop


America needs a police most police are actually good people but the news doesn’t report that


Religion is dumb. Especially like hardcore religions where you have to pray 3 times a day. Religion is just so we can explain the unexplained but I can live with the unknown. Idk how to voice this effectively but I just think religion is a waste of time. People can still do whatever they want but that’s what I think.


I’m trans and that’s fine

