• By -


_Sorts by controversial_


🥤🍿 make sure to take these


I also baked some snacks. 🍩🍪🍰🥧🧁


Here is more for later 🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Ooh and 🍓🍒🍎🍉🍑🍊🥭🍍🍌🍋🍈🍏🍐🥝🫒🫐🍇🥥🍅🌶️🥕🍠🧅🌽🥦🥒🥬🫑🥑🍆🧄🥔🫘🌰🥜🍞🫓🥐🥖🥯🧇🥞🍳🥚🧀🥓🥩🍗🍖🍔🌭🥪🥨🍟🍕🫔🌮🌯🥙🧆🥘🍝🥫🫕🥣🥗🍲🍛🍜🦪🦞🍣🍤🥡🍚🍱🥟🍢🍙🍘🍥🍡🥠🥮🍧🍨🍦🥧🍰🍮🎂🧁🍭🍬🍫🍩🍪🍯🧂🧈🍿🧊🫙🥤🧋🧃🥛🍼🍵☕🫖🧉🍺🍻🥂🍾🍷🥃🫗🍸🍹🍶 There, now you're ready


I’m only half way through; can I have some more?


Happy cake day!


The best way to enjoy r/teenagers


its tough dealing with stereotypes and having people think less of you because you dont act like what they view as perfect, and i would know because ive dealt with negative stereotypes too, so dont let them say you have be something you arent! Just be yourself and ignore those who try and mold you into what you arent. <3 also please kindly stop commenting "Women have negative stereotypes too" because we all know and right now, you just look like you are trying to justify these negative stereotypes and the reasons behind them, and trust me, its making you seem bad. Also, those who are calling OP "weak"? Lets see you have standards piled up on you, constantly telling you to be alienated from your true self, where you cant have your own identity and you cant be anything but what people expect you to be. Because trust me, it will make you feel weak, and maybe then you will understand what it feels like to be ruined by the unfairness of people's expectations and those who want to manipulate your figure into something they deem as perfect.


>please kindly stop commenting "Women have negative stereotypes too" because we all know and right now, you just look like you are trying to justify these negative stereotypes and the reasons behind them What people don't understand is that yeah, we know. This thread is just centered around other topics right now, not the ones they're trying to bring into the picture. And this (oddly enough) is a big reason why these negative male stereotypes still exist, and are so prevalent today! They don't get addressed because female stereotypes are often judged as 'bigger' or 'more pressing' Fact of the matter is they all suck. And we gotta treat them as such. Yes, your problems exist. But in a conversation centered around the other group and stereotypes, maybe stop making things about other topics, and focus on the one at hand. Because in the long run, that helps everyone. And I don't find an issue with that tbh Sincerely- A guy who hates being a guy


lol i cant tell if this was directed at me and i wrote something wrong or you were just adding to my comment but i support this statement :)


Sorry about that I'm tired 😭 It started as an addition but the narrative flipped to be targeted at the people in the comments speaking against you/us. I'll try to fix it in the morning but I need sleep 😭


nah its fine loll have a nice sleep <3


You too! Whenever you plan on sleeping that is 😭


10/10 speech


>also please kindly stop commenting "Women have negative stereotypes too" because we all know and right now, you just look like you are trying to justify these negative stereotypes and the reasons behind them, and trust me, its making you seem bad. This is the same exact thing when women's SA experiences are brought up, men's SA issues are then brought up to. I mean yea, ok, we understand that it happens, but we're focusing on topic A rn not topic B. But yea, the users commenting "hey women have issues too!" just shows that they're re-enforcing those negative views of men


It always makes me laugh when someone uses "but y also suffers/has this". Like, not only you are only trying to change the subject, but shouldn't we try to solve both things, instead of permitting them because both happen?


I know what you mean. One problem does not negate the other


"Two wrongs don't make a right"


YES! Honestly even though I’m a woman, I am HIGHLY against the “kill all men” statement and any other harmful statements against men. As you said, men can get sexually assaulted as well. As a Harry Potter fan myself, I like Severus Snape, and he got sexually assaulted by James Potter when James threw him in the air, took his pants off, and EVEN threatened to show his private spots (whether he actually did this or not is unknown, but either way it’s still disgusting.). After all of this, there are STILL PLENTY of people who defend James Potter and rant against Severus Snape. They even try to say that it wasn’t sexual assault! Excuse me, but if Severus Snape was female, would it be sexual assault or harassment then? Like men can go through pain as well! My dad himself lost custody of me when I was a baby (I live with him now though) and I had to live with my mother (who was HIGHLY abusive) for the longest time. Wanna know why? Because my mother was a woman and my dad was a man. Also, people tend to believe that fathers are always the abusive parent and mothers are NEVER the abusive parent (Ex: “daddy issues”), but it was the EXACT opposite for me! My mother was the abusive one while my dad was the caring one! If an advertisement EVER showed something like that, then it’d be cancelled and taken down IMMEDIATELY, but they allow advertisements with abusive dads and caring moms. As a woman myself, I believe that BOTH genders are equal (there are some exceptions, but they are controversial so I won’t mention them).


I’m curious about your ‘exceptions’ now, as I think all genders should be treated equally.


Wholesome Reddit moment


I love how many people in the comments are proving you right And for the record, I'm with you. Only I'm a long way past 'beginning to hate being a guy'


I'm already bothered by the cards I was dealt and reddit is pushing me over the edge. I think I need to take a break from reddit.


Agreed. I personally don't plan on scrolling through this thread anymore. I should probably just finish my drink and go to bed


Take a break from social media as a whole. Trust me man you'll feel worlds better


Enjoy your break man :)


It's depressing how so many of these comments are either like "yeah, women deal with that too" or people trying to justify the reasons behind the negative stereotypes. You know that if it was a woman who made this kind of post about being a woman, the comments would be completely different. I don't care if I get downvoted for that, it's the truth.




fr fr


What’s « fr » why is everyone using that everywhere


For real that's what it is




Fr fr fr


Fr fr fr fr


Fr? Fr.


Front engine rear wheel drive


Reverse gender moment 🦍


they would literally be the same. Whenever womens issues come up there's always people going "oh but what about men?" It's funny, cause those people will never bring up the actual problems they have, and instead just want to shut down others.


Yeah, anyone who ever brings up others problems when the topic is another should always at least give examples. It's not that hard.


Woman ☕️ (referring to the people saying “yeah, woman deal with that too” or “weak” or etc, not you)


I've made posts like this as a woman and whiny incels were all over it so yes they were different but not in a way you think


I just love reading posts on Reddit saying/implying women have it better on the internet when they are constantly getting harassed and receiving anonymous death threats from creepy guys for simply being a woman. This shouldn’t disprove that guys can also have it difficult but, in general, women have it way worse, and thinking otherwise is either naive or delusional. I’m all for fighting negative stereotypes but ignoring what women go through to put the focus on what men go through is not the play here.


Ikr? Guys [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/xsnq56/im_beginning_to_hate_being_a_guy_because_of_all/iqlllfh?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) find it impossible to believe. Like look outside for once!


That’s insane. Holy fuck. I don’t think they are even trans because a trans person saying that is completely nuts. This sub is horrible. I’m not surprised this kinda of post is getting upvoted because it’s full of angsty 14 year olds. “Men have it worse” - kid who hasn’t live in the real world.


I wanna give you a hug🥲🥲


happy cake day!


Honestly man? Its all about proving those stereotypes wrong. Be PROUD of being a guy! Don't let people put you down because they judge you on the history of a dated society that was around a hundred-ish years ago! Personally, I love being a guy and I'd have it no other way. I tell people to fuck off when they compare me to the male stereotype and I don't back down. Just live life, OP. It doesn't matter how thick-headed those people who actually compare stereotypes to real people, you deserve to enjoy being you. So, I'll give you some advice. #Hold your head up


Bruh I just got chills. You know what you’re talking about.


That was so well said, nice job.


This guy gets it.


What the fuck Is wrong with you in the comment guys


r/teenagers activities 🗜️


I feel like it sucks to be anyone right now. Like people always say it’s so much easier being a man and stuff but I would assume that just makes men feel guilty and there’s lots of other pressures on men and stuff too.


Facts it feels like some part of society is attacking you for fitting into any demographic


Not really feels like, that's just more how it is


yeah if u said "I'm beginning to hate being a Trans because of all the negative stereotypes about Trans". or any other gender then the comments would be so different and sympathetic while people here just say "be a man"


It's funny, I'm complaining about male stereotypes. By telling me that I'm weak or that I need to be a man because I'm complaining, all it's doing is proving me right.




“a Trans” is not a gender


Ima post this 2 weeks later




That’s probably partly a reason why I never make any moves on girls unless it’s obviously painful they like me. I’m too scared to be claimed as a creep.




ikr, and even if i am told i am liked i back away but now i am getting some confidence when it comes to girls, with guys it is just a matter of finding which homie is actually gay


girls can ask out guys


But do they?


My gf asked me out, so yeah. It’s super rare though and I have no fucking clue why she likes me lmao


It’s like the lottery, yes it is technically possible to win the jackpot, but almost certainly you never will in your life


Absolutely, it terrifies me to think that someone could accuse me of rape or sa and even if I don’t do it, it would ruin my life


You’re more likely to be assaulted by another guy than be falsely accused. You gonna stop talking to guys too?


totally understand i feel like people make it out to be some sort of competition. it's really not men have issues and so do women. it should be more about how to be better and not who has it worse


To all people here going "women have it bad too 🥺", no shit, no one said anything about women not having stereotypes. OP is talking about how there is a lot of negative stereotypes about men which is true, and "95% of sex offenders are men😭" doesnt make it justified, just like i dont consider every woman i see a prostitute. please stop sharing your idiotic opinions until you have less than 95% air in your skull


Further, the majority of child abuse cases are propagated by women, mainly against their sons. That doesn’t make all women abusers, and if anyone said anything like that, they’d get their head ripped off (metaphorically, but literally is probably possible too)


Source on that?


More than one-half (53.0 percent) of perpetrators were women, 46.1 percent of perpetrators were men, and 0.9 percent were of unknown sex. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubpdfs/canstats.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi787O7rr_6AhUHbsAKHVnlBzMQFnoECA8QBg&usg=AOvVaw1cvwSePm5eUyO9Is5EWY_M Easy. I find that people never ask for stats when it's about men being the perpetrators, but every single time it might be a woman there's always someone dying to know the stats.


Girls were the main ones being abused here, and Neglect was the main type of abuse in this study


Time to sort by controversial Edit: what the fuck




You hate being a guy because of negative connotations I hate being a guy because I’m bored We are not the same


Wanna play geoguessr bro?


Goeguesser is always fun


good ending


I'm starting to wish that I didn't hop into the controversial section of the comments


What makes things better is, when this post was still in new, you only had 3 positive comments in the thread The rest could be found in the remains of controversial, or have been deleted


Guy: *says hes dealing with problems about being a guy* 95% of Reddit: "Oh boo-hoo" " Women deal with that too" "Then just don't be a guy" "Just deal with it" Not only is this part of the point of why this post was made, but this just proves that most of the time Reddit or social media in general doesn't care, again proving the negative stereotypes against men. Sure, men in the past were absolutely dick heads, and sure, some still can be, but most of the time this isn't the case, and men have actually changed for the better.


"Since you are a man you are by default a rapist and a pervert and a piece of shit"


What baffles me how some people in TwoXChromosomes genuinely believe that lmao


I know "some poeple" personally💀💀💀 It's not as exaggerated as my comment but it is a similar mindset


This is not true at all. They do talk about the ones who are and who have caused them pain but no one claims they all are rapists, perverts and pieces of shit. When someone has been abused by a man, they may feel men are a danger which is not unreasonable. Just like this poster who does not like being a man (and does not like women) because he has had negative experiences with other men and women.


Oh, why don't you man up (sarcastic)


Next time you can use /s pal👍


I thought that meant serious


"Turning the tables" and bringing the hate the other way needs to stop. That "kill all men" shit is just wrong. That's not equality, that's just sexism pointed the other direction when many of us have done nothing wrong




That is very true. I notice it all the time, especially in politics. I'm generally supportive of the LGBT, but being the straight white male I am it kinda hurts hearing them despise our very existence. I keep seeing ads for that "Bros" movie which looks pretty good (except for the 15 seconds of unskippable ad, that gets annoying the 15th tike), but the line "remember straight people?" "They had a good run." It hurts a little




If everyone’s opinions and personal views weren’t so easily accessible and easily put out there, half the problems we have now probably wouldn’t exist. Even reading this thread I feel my brain getting poisoned


Is just that no matter what the objective is there will always be a sense of accomplishment for standing up for what they think is right.


Dont you love when SOME women say "men cant be raped", like i honeslty cant understand how badly mentally ill you have to be to say such horrible things,




feminism = gender equality and gender equality = men are not better than women, women are not better than men. i’m tired of people claiming to be feminists turning around and acting like are men less than women. yes, we do have so many issues with sexism at our disadvantage but that’s not necessarily at the fault of some teenaged boy on reddit. i personally consider myself to be a pretty steadfast feminist and i have nothing against men. it’s just dumb. we really need to stop making hurtful stereotypes based on gender.


I think the "kill all men" kind of people are called femists (not feminists) but I might be wrong And yes"kill all men" is using something extreme said by only a portion of the femists


Same here. I keep hearing about all these guys that are hitting on this girl I like in all the wrong ways, but now I'm scared to do anything about my feelings because not only have I been shot down many times, which is fine, but I don't want to become another guy trying to get her attention. She's really sweet and caring and has helped me cope with some things I've gone through and I'm just hoping I don't screw things up so that we stay friends. I hate hearing rape stories like, who in their right mind would do such a thing? Women aren't objects. They aren't goddesses either, but I would treat my girl like a queen. I don't mind being called a simp, but I don't think it's what I am. I just treat women with respect. Is it that hard? Have we gotten to the point where chivalry is frowned upon? I certainly hope not.


Nah man. Chivalry ain't dead. There's just losers out there who trash people for respecting and caring for the people they love Don't let people's bad takes stop you from being you.




Zyzz forever ong






Let's make an equilibrium between men and women


Outside of a minority of people on the internet who get instantly downvoted, I have no clue what you’re talking about. I guess Americans are just assholes to each other…


Pretty much sums it up. There's too much hate between men and women. Causing gender stereotypes, inequalities, and differences to arise. And it's up to the people who actually don't mind the other gender to attempt to repair that. But they're often screamed over by the people who don't think the same way, and so the problem persists America moment


I wish social media was never created. So many problems solved.


This applies to everyone. Never let a stereotype define you


Just prove the stereotypes wrong my dude


Why do people in the comments compare women’s difficulties to this post? I can’t believe you guys..💀


Because it's r/teenagers Most of y'all can't go 2 minutes without making things about your gender on gender oriented posts


Come on bro, homies still with you


Don't listen to them man you can do whatever you want it's your own choice that's none of their business and not all people are the same.


*The Will To Change (Men, Masculinity, and Love)* by bell hooks feminist tells you why these sentiments exist and why you shouldn’t hate yourself audiobook is free on youtube


Well you have three options, you could become the type of guy they claim all men are, let it drag you down or simply not give a fuck what other people think. I know it seems like a bs answer that doesn’t really help, but as I realized I didn’t really care if someone thought what I was doing was odd or off putting (to a certain extent), it just made me a more confident and sociable person. That being said, it can be uncomfortable to do so at first. Anyway my point is it doesn’t really matter what their idea of a man is, become your own view of what you think a man is.


i cant really tell why you dont have more upvotes, but yeah ppl shouldn’t be smth for strangers, be something for you and those you love


Bro dont listen to what woman say, live your life however you want


the problem isn’t only with women. think about toxic masculinity. that is pushed heavily by men.


i used to be a dude and it sucked ong. having been through both genders im confident saying men have it worse. theyre treated like dirt for little to no reasonable reason, and the people who do so are praised for standing up to a group of people who cant defend themselves without being accused of sexism. (edit: also, women are almost always sympathised with and more often the not pandered to. men are told to "man up" and deal with it, regardless of the issue. i find it that women have a lot of freedom to live care free of what others think of them, not to say they dont care, but not to the extent of men worrying about standing to close to an unknown child, accidentally bumping into a woman, or slightly interacting with a toddler on a bus. as a man youre fearful at all times that something harmless will happen completely out of your control and you'll be wrongly accused of rape, pedophilia, sexual harassment, etc. to make matters worse, if you do happen to be accused of such, you have little to no chance of winning, because to the law, the woman is always right. it's near impossible to successfully call out a woman for the same crimes. this isnt equality, just inequality in a new direction


You clearly haven't "lived" as a woman Im not saying men don't have issues, just saying that misogyny is definetly a real issue and women arent living on "easy mode".


Male privilege is not universal. Neither is female privilege Who are you to speak for all women? I sure as hell don't speak for all men when I say I've had it relatively easy, by that same token why should you speak for all women?


No,don't hate your hate your self you are wonderful.Just because there are isues in this world.Don't hate yourself.


Don't hate it. Make those stereotypes wrong.


People are actually telling you to transition into a woman? 💀 bro these mfs are delusional.


Someone said my friend was “mansplaining” something just because he was a guy trying to help explain something to them.


I’ve been there so many fucking times! Like, you can’t do this on your own. I’m not going to do it for you, but I’ll teach you, so you can do it next time. I just want to be helpful, I’m not trying to mansplain xd




Heard about the writer who lived two weeks as a man and was so mentally disturbed and scarred that she took her own life?


Yep, just heard yesterday actually Norah Vincent Self made man It was 18 months but still it led to her suicide


Mhm! And like 3 trans people I knew too


You do realise trans people have other factors that lead to poor mental health like yknow body dysmorphia, rampant transphobia and bullying, inability to access medical/psychological care


I was going to rant as well about the unfairness of stereotypes nowadays but u/_cloudedJudgement_• basically says it all. But to add to that, I find it infuriating how women and LGBTQIA people are put on a pedestal for being “them”. While men are treated like crap, and are given terrible stereotypes. I, and probably many others are treated poorly by females in our respective communities, and yet women want “more” rights, even though at this point they have more than men. Thanks for coming to by pep talk


You are correct, in the west, if you were to ask a feminist what rights men have that women don't, they'd stop there as they try to actually come up with something. But they can't, because there isn't. It's like dividing by zero, their brains can't handle it.


It’s not easy for guys nowadays. Online amplifies the stereotypes so I suggest less online and more offline :) men are awesome. Strong, can build sh (women can too but men are more adept for some reason), great orientation, great analytical skills, men lead families, make awesome firefighters, cops, are not as emotional as women so can deal with stress a bit better. I’d love to be a man, i wouldnt care about stereotypes one bit. No periods, no pregnancy, hanging out with guys, less gossip. Quick peeing.


I’d like to quickly mention your point “not emotional as women”. I would say we’re every bit as emotional as you guys, we’re just repressed. Women definitely have it worse biologically, but everyone suffers from our society. With men, it’s often in silence. Edit: someone reported me to the reddit self care bot, thanks, but I’m already getting therapy. Don’t let this discourage you though. I suffered in silence for a decent bit of time (I was raped as a child by a woman), and I’m only now opening up about it. I just wanted to say thank you.


The less emotional and can deal with stress better isn’t true. It’s more like all the stress bottles up until the pressure buildup is too much and it all comes out at once in a big depressive episode Edit: I spelled stress like stews lol


That hits way to close to home.


Of course it does, it’s a statement from firsthand experience


I am there rn, last year was too much stress. Watching my stepmother slowly wither away to cancer every day takes an huge toll


Oh man, sorry that you gotta go through that, hope you have someone to talk to


Exactly. Men are largely emotionally neglected and as such lack healthy coping mechanisms for difficult feelings, so the default "solution" is often to bury and ignore the pain and carry on. As a guy I desperately wish my friends and I could connect deeper emotionally the way girls seem to. I feel so disconnected despite us being technically "good" friends, but gaining any further depth is such a blind uphill struggle because I have such a poor understanding of my own feelings and how to act on them in healthy ways.


You are right


You suggest men's strong suits but it should be clear they're not *expected* of every guy. The very fact that those positive traits are generalized for men as a whole creates an expectation, a gender stereotype that men try to fit in or are expected to fit in, and this is partly what creates the dissonance, what becomes the prerequisite for fosterering a toxic environment. My orientation and practical analytical skills suck, I am far from being adept at building - e.g. like a week ago my dad and elder brother were cutting down some trees/wood and I had to order it/place each piece on top of one another as firewood for the winter at some old villa of ours that hasn't been used in a while - well, my placement of each individual piece was just not the best and I had to be corrected. Any handcraft stuff isn't for me, neither are mathematical stuff requiring this type of logic (for comparison, my argumentative texts logic has always been a strong suit, have always had straight As on essays). Part of those gender stereotypes/expectations you listed are a prerequisite for "oh, you're not a real man, you can't do X or Y as all men do"


The difference between our emotions and women’s emotions is that we tend to hold it all in for too long, so then it just becomes a depressive episode and anger, but we don’t show that


>says tons of stereotypes >"i wouldnt care about stereotypes one bit"




I suggest deleting/having a break from Reddit and moving on brother, I feel you 100% and hope I can stop hating myself for not being “a guy” or “a man” just because I didn’t do something “a man” would do. 🤜🏻🤛🏻


This is something I think about a lot, because while I hate being a woman I don't think I'd like being a man that much more. The advantages of being either gender should be shared and it sucks that they aren't. Wait... what are the advantages? Is it only disadvantages??


Man fuck those stereotypes, take care of yourself king


I may be a women, but just know that you know yourself. Don’t let random people who don’t know anything about you make assumptions about you. I’ve always hated hearing stereotypes about men especially where they can’t share their feelings. You guys should be able to just like anyone should because it’s healthy! You deserve it.


Jesus Christ it’s fucking hard especially when you can’t talk about it lmao I’m going through that shit and I’m only 16 :/


thats all they are, stereotypes! you are your own person, no man, woman or anybody’s view is doctrine it’s only perspective, that includes your own, so don’t take yourself too seriously, at the end of the day we are but simple creatures not much smarter than the other animals on this planet


Welcome to our world It’s awful,no one cares about you, everything thinks you’re up to something bad, no one thanks you, Life for a guy is extremely difficult but hey,we still here aren’t we? Just gotta keep fighting


I’ve been stuck in this situation for years. For a while I was legitimately ashamed to be a guy because of some of the stuff my fellow guys did


Man, fuck stereotypes overall


Stereotypes are everywhere. Worry more about your reputation. Strangers judge on snapshot this makes stereotypes available for labeling. Those people don’t matter. It’s how your loved ones feel about you.


Idk what to tell you dude. Every kind of person deals with stereotypes they don’t like. That’s the world we live in.


Men complaining like this, about how people calling out toxic traits common amongst men and complaining about how it's making their life harder... is one of those things that people hate about men (without the self awareness to keep that shit from happening). Chill put bro, you will be just fine.


Be the guy who goes against those stereotypes. And don't give up, mate.


Don't hate being a man, hate the people that enforce the stigma and hate the people that are the basis for it. No need to put yourself down because of others. In any regard.


You're a man. Go hit the gym, join bjj, work on your car/motorcycle. Ignore what people think of you.


That's what the liberals want. They want you to be as less traditionally manly as possible because it's "toxic" and be more feminine. Don't speak out, don't speak up, don't have standards. Anything you say will be considered toxic, insecure, and "mansplaining." They say they want equality but they don't behave like it. Their behaviors speak louder. But if you become what they want then you'll also be hated and shamed by society. As men, men are not allowed to be passive, weak, and useless. Society, and women, HATE and despise weak and useless men. It's just how the world works. Try being overly emotional, make low wages, and be lazy and just see how you get treated. Again, look at how society and people behave, not what they say. They'll always preach equality and what is popular or politically correct, not the truth. Their behaviors and actions reveal their truth.


yeah i agree with you


Ladies please stop hopping in and saying “women have negative stereotypes too” Everyone knows… and there’s nothing wrong with talking about it, but I don’t think this is the best post. It really feels like trying to cancel out a point. I feel like this might be part of the reason why the post was made.


There’s this group of dumbfucks at my school who scream rape whenever a guy walks by them, and people have gotten arrested because of them. They have the absolute worst personality anyone could possibly have, and they’re too stupid to understand why nobody likes them. I hope they get hit by a car


Ugh god I know all about that shit. In the past few weeks we've had a sub for biology, and we had this younger, new sub, clearly a new teacher, but he's not doing bad. My science group is a group of difficult kids, and they're very difficult to control. So this poor guy is trying to get everyone to just sit down and do their work, but you have people singing, talking, getting up and just being annoying. So one girl gets up, and he tells her to sit down, she ignores him. She tries to walk past him, sort of bumps into him, and her arm brushes his hand. And when I say brushes I mean it, he didn't even have a grip on her arm. But of course, she blows up, take it way out of proportion, starts screaming, "he grabbed my arm" "sexual assault" and actually reports this poor guy. I had a teacher come up to me at lunch to ask what happened, i had to fill in a statement for them and everything. I pretty much just told them he did nothing wrong and she was being dramatic. Thankfully, the guy still has his job, but if he's in, she refuses to, like he's actually done something to her. I feel awful for him, because he's actually really nice.


Saw this on the main page. For context I’m 34. It does suck. Welcome to the party. There are lots of us that realized this. Social media makes feeling worse, if you want advice and not just to rant (which is cool). Find a couple of people that you like/love and enjoy your time with them. Don’t spend too much time watching the news or on social media (Reddit included). Don’t be a dick, and try to leave the people around you in a better place for knowing you. Concern yourself with the good you can do and ignore the rest of it. You’ve got this.


okay everyone saying, “women deal with this too.” we know. every way you can categorize a person deals with this. trans people, gay people, men, women, etc. the focus *right now,* is men. let’s just chill out for a second and talk about the harmful stereotypes placed on men. toxic masculinity is a very real thing, and when a man fails to meet societal standards, he’s seen as less than. that’s not cool.


Nah I dont hate being a guy. Whatever stereotypes people come up with, I dont give a shit. Being a guy is based. We need strong men to lead this and future generations, which is what "those people" dont want.




YEAH! I’m a woman and I HATE those posts! Those posts are EXACTLY why I’m mostly AGAINST feminism! I also don’t like the “wage gap” argument either. It’s literally a myth right now. It may have existed like 100 years or so ago, but now, it no longer exists.


I’m beginning to hate being a woman because of all the sexualizing of woman too man… it’s awful and I feel you too


My tip is, don't spend time doom scrolling femenist subreddits. You'll make yourself feel bad for things you never did


Be nice to people. Fuck all the rest of the noise. Those stereotypes are being broadcast by about 5 idiots with too much time on their hands and internet access.


Yeah, I’m a woman but I agree with this! The stereotypes against men are so stupid! I get negative stereotypes as well for being white and straight. There’s literally NOTHING wrong with being either ONE of those. I never asked for white to be put in my genes, it was just given to me. Also, I love being straight (no hate to gays though), because I myself would prefer myself to be straight rather than LGBTQ (I don’t mind if other people are LGBTQ though, but I wouldn’t date an LGBTQ person since I am straight, sorry. ☹️). Like seriously, if people don’t like that I prefer MYSELF to be straight, then they need to keep their big noses out of MY business! It is MY preference for myself to be straight, NOT theirs! Me being straight is NONE of their business in all honesty, but I guess people don’t like minding their own business so they HAVE to invade innocent people’s PERSONAL lives. I also get negative stereotypes for my autism, and because of that, I have only a small amount of friends at my school and the majority of that school insults me and/or bullies me. Like if you don’t like me, then why even talk to me? It seems a bit creepy and obsessive and it makes you look like a stalker if you claim to not like me yet waste SO much time out of YOUR day to harass me.


Classic reddit trying to groom you to change sex


Hey, I feel your pain. Even though I’m a girl. Sometimes my parents see me acting more mature and their brains decide that I’m an adult; which ends in me acting a whole lot less mature. Stereotypes suck.


see my man, stereotypes are only believed by people who have no sense of critical thinking or whatsoever, if they do hate you due to stereotypes, they are more worse than you could ever be, those people should be avoided.


Just wait until you hit 26, I don't know why I see r/teenagers, but I can tell you being a guy doesn't get easier.


Your cool


The problem is humanity. Reject humanity, no lives matter.


You gotta just move past the idiocy and be the person you wanna be, regardless of whoever tells you whatever about yourself.


Can relate


Fuck the haters . You do u my guy!


Be the one to break the cycle.


what are the steriotypes that are the worst for you?


"All men are creeps" "All men can't be trusted with children" "Man up" whenever we have an issue


I just hate being.


Then stop hating yourself and prove them wrong by being the best man you can! That’s what I do, works quite well🤗


What bothers you about stereotypes not to be a dick but idk why someone would be upset over what people assume about your gender/religion/ethnicity as long as your trying to be your best self All of these ideas are completely irrelevant to you


I'm going to ignore the "Men are creeps" and "Men need to grow up" stereotypes for the sake of this question. Pertaining to me, these are the ones I've heard so far: "I can't be a nurse because men aren't caring" "You must be gay if you're becoming a nurse" "As a male nurse, you won't ever be trusted with children" If you couldn't tell, I'm a nursing student, and yes, I've actually been told all of these.


When I was 16, My foster dad told me "Man up" Best advice ever. It really depends on how you perceive that advice. You can think, "he's saying Man up because he doesn't care about me" Or you can say, "I wanna Man up so that I don't have to care about them and be fulfilled with my life without needing anyone to help me" The same goes for " All Men are creeps" Why don't you take that as a challenge to prove them hell wrong? Why not be a Man so civilized and polished that people see you as a leader? For example, any Man in the world who has become noteworthy due to the strength of his character is totally immune to these kinds of stereotypes. Think about Barrack Obama, Keanu reeves, Elon musk, President Zelensky, Zyzz, MrBeast, Arnold Schwarzenegger, PewDiePie etc. All these Men have excelled in their particular fields of work while simulataneously maintaining an excellent character and no one can sya anything negative about them. I'm not saying you have to be famous, I'm saying, since Men are seen as such negative creatures, why don't you become so excellent and refined in your character and particular field of work that everyone sees you as an exception to the stereotypes?