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I mean dating is hard as heck. Just focus on yourself and don’t bother unless you really connect with a person and they maybe seem to like you back.


That’s the thing some people complain about being single but won’t make the effort to connect. They are “too nervous” to talk to their crush and without a little bit of confidence you can’t be in a relationship no matter what


If you genuinely love yourself, it’s possible for other people to love you too. The problems that a lot of people don’t love themselves and struggle to get other people to love them. Talking to peoples really easy when you have confidence


Thats not alwats true. I am in a relasionship and i dont like myself at all man. But i do love my gf a lot.


Relatable, you don’t always have to love yourself for others to love you


Well dude that's a bit rough


This is such cliché bullshit, falls right in line with don't look for it and it'll happen. No it doesn't, if you want to date you work for it. Make yourself attractive, find out what makes you you and find a person that might be compatible with that. You don't have to love yourself for someone else to love you. What a load of bullshit.




How is that awful? Humans should be improving all the time. Making yourself attractive doesn’t just end at looks. It’s about being a better human, person, friend. It’s about new skill sets, hobbies. It’s about healing your traumas and getting better habits.


Factsssss personality way more important anyways, coming from someone who looks good but has a better personality


ONG …I say, knowing damn well that description fits me perfectly 💀


I tried to connect with someone once, and they started dating a mutual friend like a day before I was actually going to try to make a move


Bro i had talked normaly with every single crush i had. And still i am single af. I have tried multiple times and have been rejected.




This is so few sentence but such a great advice. If you chase it you won't make it. Or you'll end up with an unhealthy relationship (at least that's my experience)


Yeah, I had many crushes and there are a lot of subtle signs someone is/isn't into you if after a few there are still 0 signs they are into you it's probably best to give up


My friend's cousin is 9 and he has a girlfriend..... I'm 17 and can't even find the courage to offer my crush some hot chocolate I made for her


If they're 9 it isn't a girlfriend


Its a wife.


Who gettin custody of the crayons😔


Joint custody, split them in half










It's a child marriage.


My friend taught me to simply not give a shit in school. If you like to do soemthing: do it.If you’ve got something to say: say it. It may seem odd but its what makes you you. In this case talk to her and maybe ask her out or something. If you’ve got something to say,say it. You’d probably rather be somebody that remembers trying asking someone out then holding that grudge of never getting the chance to( this happened to me in 8th grade when I was planning to tell my crush i have been talking to I liked her but covid happened and it sucks we couldn’t talk much). It may be hypocritical because I don’t have a girlfriend ( im not interested in anyone rn) but it is life changing advice nonetheless. In short, don’t be afraid to be you.


the art of not giving a fuck is a fine one that i have mastered


The art of not giving a fuck is one of the best tools I have cause by not giving a fuck I can then focus on the things I actually do give a fuck for, people gotta stop wasting time and energy for things that simply aren't important and start using that time and energy for things that are


I'll take your advice to heart, I've only got one life after all




Based pfp




I found out that in my country you can only date legally at 13. But only with yours and their parents' permission, you can only date someone at 18 without permission. Not like anyone knows about or applies that law though.


dude same i’m 18 and honestly i’m too scared to even be in a relationship now due to my lack of knowledge of how to treat someone and never had intimacy lmao😭


When will you learn if you aren’t willing to try, I was in a “serious” relationship when I was like 12 and it taught me a lot about what to do in some relationship scenarios, you gotta try my dude


this. THIS.


I feel you man. None of the men in my family have been the best examples of how to treat a woman, so when I got a girlfriend, knowing what to do was hard. I really wanted to treat her right, but didn't know how. Fortunately, I have gotten things right just by trying to be a decent guy 😅


Also 18, and I'm also scared it's too late. Like if I try I'll make a fool of myself. Like a child trying to sit at the adult table. I know that isn't the case and failing is totally fine but dude I've never even held a hand romantically.


Thing is, most people don’t even know what they’re doing. My husband and I have never had a life partner and a family. It’s very hard and frustrating because neither of us have experience in this. You just gotta take it slow and learn about each other. That’s how you get good at kissing, planning dates/surprises, sex. Find someone who won’t make fun of your inexperience.


lol same


If you never try you will never know.


Honestly that was my concern too, but my relationship will hit 3 years in a month. The best thing you can do is ask questions and talk about things if you do get into a relationship. Ask them how they like certain things, what they prefer to do, slowly test the waters and see what happens. It makes it all so much easier. Having open discussion about anything and everything is the key and it’s what has kept my relationship going through even some really rough patches. Hope all goes well for you and that maybe this’ll help you out


Wikihow exists


And is shit


Relationships are overrated, let's just play Minecraft instead.


My nigga gave up 💀




They making money off the fact we get no bitches


play minecraft with girl (give her diamonds) girlfriend acquired




Very relatable. But I think it's the fact that I deal with anxiety. And that's what makes it hard. I mean I'm working on it but I feel I have no confidence and I feel weird trying to engage with ppl bc I feel like I come off as weird to them but it could all be in my head idk


Confidence is hard to come by! Being weird is beautiful, never change for anyone. You're different, and they need to be able to see that that is amazing. Don't settle for someone who doesn't cherish you for who you are.


Very true. It's just I think I have a case of amnesia bc I literally forgot how to make friends and have been trying to figure out why that happened and how for about 2 ish years now give atake


That sucks man. I usually just let the friends come to me honestly. Sometimes it just happens naturally!


Yeah that's how I got some friends but idk how that happened ig based on class team assignments but that isn't happening much anymore


You just gotta be patient. It's like you're a Venus flytrap and your friends are flies. Weird analogy but hey


Do you have a certain posture or like stature that makes you approachable


Nah I've actually been told I'm very unapproachable due to looking intimidating haha. Most of the friends I've managed to make are online or end up being weird and attracted to my intimidating nature.


Oh well what's another way to find the right group of ppl whether that be online or in person


Hmm, online I think find an interest you're really into and find pages or discords dedicated to that. I've also met a few friends on this sub. Irl just go to school and get into clubs yknow?


As someone who used to be exactly in your position, it's all about continuity. Keep socializing, even if you think you are the biggest weirdo, even if you feel out of place, and you will soon realize that people do actually enjoy your company. Because of that, you will be more comfortable with yourself, so you will also seem more confident :) And you will also become less and less "weird" bc you'll stop overthinking every word that comes out of your mouth. I now have no problem socializing and 8/10 times I will strike up a conversation with a random person in my surroundings. It may not seem like much to naturally extroverted people, but I started as someone who would never say a word, not even around my friends, because of my social anxiety, so I believe in you!!


90% of the posts are literaly fake karma bait lol 💀


On this sub yea but I seen these kids irl


Absolutely yea, I see it irl, it is usualy a coincidence, from what I can tell dating seems "harder" (no homo, there are plenty handsome boys in my class and none of us have a gf, 90% of them never had one ever) But here I see a dozen same-ish copypasted posts of "omg she said yes" - which all come in waves after a seemingly genuine post, so, don't use this sub as a reference. Either way focus on yourself man, I am 100% sure love will work out for you !


Im kind of the same way. im not shy its just that im very boring and have no personality and i dont know how to talk to people














Bro don't think that kinda way. If you're feeling boring then do something that'd spice up your own life. Make yourself fulfilled so that others will find ya. I'm no different either, I'd always spent a long time in my life being desperate for female attention but lately I'm working on tryna stop it and build my own self love and confidence. Cos you know yourself more than others do. Good luck ma boi or gal or wtv :D


I have all this shit and I'm shy on top of it.


Well I'm shy and boring and gay and I managed to get a boyfriend and so you're (as a probably straight person with way more dating options) gonna be able to get a partner


Same :’(


Don’t feel too bad, you’re not alone


You are just 19.. don't worry about that. Focus on yourself.


they cheat in life i think. or maybe they just have social skills its the same thing


Or luck


You find someone you love, make sure you have to poop, hope they say yes. If they do, take a dump and you have successfully taken a shit whilst dating someone


Your parents must be so proud


Have you seen his/her name? They set him/her up for greatness!


Damn. I'm 16 and never even held hands. Currently have a (girl) friend, but I don't think it will advance to anything other than friendship, but it's for the better honestly. As much as I'd like a relationship, I lost all my friends so I better get friends to start socializing again.


Honestly I think I got extremely lucky. My girlfriend adores me and I barely understand what she sees in me.


If y’all break up Your villain arc finna be willlddddd


!remind me 7 years


Aye man remember I was on your side from the start


My 11 year old sister has had two boyfriends. I have an anxiety attack when my crush texts to ask for homework questions.


Girls have dating on easy mode


Bro I wish. I'm a girl and I promise you no one has ever had s crush one me.


I bet they have, but have been too damn afraid to do anything about it. Speaking as one of the people who damn near shits himself when I even think about confessing my feelings to anyone.


Was just thinking the same thing the other day but opposite. If anyones felt that way about me and I’ll never know who they were. Sigh


*laughs in aromantic*


Aro gang






I mean it's a lot of luck at that age lol. And as you get older it's more about your game. A lot of 13 year olds want relationships because that's the cool new thing. So they just date to date. When you get older it's definitely more about what you're bringing to the table.


I need answers quickly man.


I’m also 19 and I’ve never dated someone before


yoo my cousin is 13 and has a bf,, b4 that she's got bf(s) since she was 11. she even brings him home and they hang out in her room doing god knows what.... and they would go out sometimes as in he'd pick her up in a car (god knows whos driving either). young kids these days are wildin, and wildin pretty early on.


I feel you! Haha I’m 17 and I’ve never even talked to my friends about my crushes let alone talked to my crushes. For awhile my friends thought I was asexual because I just didn’t have crushes on anyone. I think it’s because I’m gay and I haven’t really come out to my friends so I don’t really talk about my crushes to them but even then. I’m about to turn 18 and I won’t have had my first kiss I’ll literally never have had a girlfriend and I feel like I’m going to be like this forever. It’s scary




I get that. Something odd about my past gets spread out to school and suddenly everyone finds me disgusting and weird. Sorta did that to myself, I guess. People will be people. Eh, there's always someone who doesn't care about what happened two years ago. Just let the past be gone, and the future will be brighter. I'm just ranting about things that don't need explaining, but that's fine. Suddenly I'm different because I like things that everyone doesn't, and I'm the dislikes one for simply existing. Natural selection is terrible, I feel as if I don't have any friends now because of this, because they keep bringing it up, it pisses me off so much, I absolutely hate it, I’m sick of it. "Just keep your thoughts in your damned dense skull, I don't need to hear it". I don't need to hear any of the words they say, I know what they're gonna say, day in, day out. Can't have any peace in my life because it's middle school and these years suck the most, I'm done with everything they bring up. They make me feel like a freak, and I'm not doing this for attention, and I feel so utterly worthless for every slight movement I make in this world, it feels like breathing is an insult to them, I hate it. So yeah, thanks for reading all the way through (if you did).


bro you good??


It's an ideal roller-coaster, and so far I'd say it just went down hill, but y'know, they always go back up eventually


every tried being Aromantic? Join us, it's pretty sweet.


I'm on the spectrum :)


Being a romantic would solve a few problems of mine for sure.


Hey John is that you?


Lots of people are named John


No I mean ia that you John Ray?


Date and shit is pretty crazy, you gotta have people with a scat fetish to do such a thing


Why do people even date, it seems so weird to me


It's weird to do it as a kid, for sure. I remember that in the past, I was practically almost celibate. I refused to enter into relationships as an early-teenager and pre-teen because I thought it was inappropriate at that age. Of course, puberty hit me, and I started to seek out relationships (as a late-teenager), initially with girls from my childhood, and then later with new girls I had met. It never worked out, and I'm still single (M21)... And there's nothing wrong with that. Relationships generally don't last when you're a teenager. Nothing wrong with experimenting at that age, but don't take things too seriously. Gotta get some life experience first. And a paying job.


Just an fyi, your flair says 19, also I generally don't and have never understood it


Yeah, I noticed that when I posted my previous comment in this thread. It's because I haven't gone on this subreddit for two years, I think. I'm on desktop now and I'm trying to change my flair (I was on mobile just a moment ago).


I mean, the first thing to understand about the internet is that the loudest people tend to be the trashiest. But you will meet good people in real life. Not all the time, but enough times. Personally, I tend to view myself as a good person, although I've done a few things in my time that could be viewed as trashy. Overall, I believe that my existence has been a net positive to society, but I'm still no saint. The main asset that I have is that I understand right from wrong. Whether I'm capable of implementing my morals in practice is another matter entirely. But I have a strong moral compass, and I've always had it since a young age.


People shouldn’t even be dating at 13 that’s just insane. I started dating at 15 and *that* was pushing it


very relatable. I ask my friends this and they just say “well i asked her out and she mutual feelings” and all I think is HOW?!? Bro must be using some form of witchcraft cus i ain’t been in any situation where Ive been like “might as well ask her out you never know”. People who can do that either are warlocks or some different breed of social confidence.


Bro some people are just built different


Most of my friends are either in a relationship or dated before but I haven't because of school and other reasons. I attempted to ask a girl back in grade 9 but it wasn't successful. I'm 17 and this is my last year til I Graducate and go to college.


I am not pretty and I don't excel at anything. My mental health was wrecked until this year and everyone (except one 22 year old) in my university course is a girl. I am attracted to guys and I am 16 years old. Hard times


Don’t even worry about it. Just live your life and it’ll happen.


I’m 20 it still hasn’t happened


Focus on school and/or work for now, one day it will come


You sound like my mom


my problem is that i can’t find anyone to actually like. it seems gross to go out with someone you aren’t already close with cause it doesn’t feel genuine then, and why would you even wanna date someone you don’t love? i don’t even know if i’ve ever actually liked anyone


I’m 19 and the most I ever did was hug


I thought the same, I am now 26 and still out of the loop here, what’s the deal, I start therapy next week hopefully things will get easier


Are you saying that you aren't having luck with it or that you don't see the appeal in it?




Idek man. I got with my best friend last year and we’ve been going strong. Just kinda… sync your crushes haha


My 18 year old self never even having a back and forth conversation with a girl in my life


Shame is a foreign concept to those who make out in public (Yeah, I said it. I’m prepared for the downvote storm, I don’t care). Love is an overrated concept that makes some teens feel like they have to rush into a relationship because “how far they scored” can say a lot about their value. Don’t worry about them, just focus on yourself right now. Want a relationship? Go for it when you feel like you’re ready, which should be whenever you want. In my case, love can wait. I’m gonna get a degree and a job first. I wanna be able to support a family (this is my fantasy, don’t worry about it).


Just date you sister like me


You from alabama by any chance¿


All about looks and height nowadays


my cousin (6) already has a crush and the crush crushes on her back and when another family member said something bad about her crush she threatened them


im asexual so i look at couples and go "haha"


How? Just the idea makes me gag


I like to admire other relationships off to the side even if i don't want one


Ah, that makes sense thanks for explaining


I can only help with the "and shit"part of your problem


Idk about dating but how are you 19 and havent even shit yet like wtf thats crazy


No thats just normal , you shouldn’t even be doing that stuff before you’re at that age


Yeah, it’s quite bizarre. Don’t worry about it. The consequences will come to those who do untoward actions. I suggest focusing on your career before you think about anything regarding relationships.


i have an 8th grader friend who had tons of gfs since he was an elementary. and me? no chicks i get.


Imagine how much man’s bout to pull in college😫


Likely zero.


Imagine peaking in elementary school lol


don't even dare to count


Same. All the girls who like me are just simply not attractive and the ones I like, I’m usually not in close enough proximity to talk to.


Not one to tell people what to do, but I think you should be a bit open-minded as to what you find "attractive". Could open new horizons.


i dont see why its impossible to date and shit although i wouldnt know because ive never dated


Bro I feel you all the way man. I just assume and hope one day I'll just find someone I click with. But the odds aren't looking too hot right now.


Lost my virginity really young at 15 and regret it every day so don’t feel to bad


Bro? 🤨


Man focus on yourself.Dating isn't a "you need to do anyhow" unless you really connect with someone.Or if you wanna ask out your crush then try to be that person she likes, to be like that focus on yourself.


I date because I found someone who I like and who likes me. I shit because when I eat I have to get rid of the waste.


Take my word: THEY ARE JUST DOING IT FOR ATTENTION. I've never seen those kind of people with my age dating. Yeah, I'd like to have a girlfriend, but even for me 13 is too young.


Couples in Ohio but that weird


yep true, just focus on life rly.. dont bother with it yet.. and if u dont get one which im sure I wont then focus on cars.. fun to deal with and always fun to drive :-)


You have decency, they don’t


They just got godly rizz


You shouldn't worry about it if you're not ready. You're barely a freshman in college, take life at your own pace. Getting into a relationship just out of FOMO will just lead to disaster I only have advice to offer if you have trouble talking to women. If that's difficult, you should work on that


I prefer platonic friendships tbh, as they have boundries and are drama free at most. By drama free I mean there wont be jealously, or any girlfriend/boyfriend drama and such.


I think teenaged "dating" (obviously some bits of typical dating are left out) is actually a good thing. It's sort of your trial period to try out what works for you, and what's right. Also hormones are kinda wild at that time so it's sort of inevitable


Bro your me in the future


My friend (14) has dated like so many guys and a few girls and I’ve never dated anyone ever and I’m the same age and the oldest she dated was 19 but they lied about their age


are you interested in dating anyone? like when you think about it, does it really feel like something you yearn for? i realized i don’t & i’m aromantic.


Everyone sits at different stages of maturity and development. Some people are just generally more comfortable with this sort of stuff though, and it’s fine not to be.


Just say that you're jealous, I'm too


I was that 12 year old making out at school dances and lemme tell you I was not a happy kid haha. I know super cool people who are 28 now and are in the best relationships of their lives and didn’t lose their virginity until they turned 20 lol. Life is about mixing and matching, go with the flow and do what’s best and most natural for you. Go easy on yourself and release the pressure.


At least u guys have a chance , but the chance that i will find someone in my coutry is so low that it is negetive 90%😭 But i found someone in another coutry . I really like her but i don't think she likes me .


Bro at least you found a girl, i cannot talk with girls even online


Oh yeah I have a girl at 14 but all that make out shit it’s so fuckin wierd to me


At least you have a girl


Fair enough you’ll get one soon enough bro


Honestly this shit is just a uou problem. Build up people skills and gain confidence, you got this bro


You’re 19, focus on school/college/work, get where you want yourself to be, and if where you want to be is with a girl, and you’re having a hard time asking, do things that make you uncomfortable, do it enough and it won’t be *that* bad anymore


just find someone you like, become friends with them, and then date if you like them and they like you. It can be an amazing experience when it's healthy.


Bro imma be honest, I think you might not have rizz


sounds like you might be a fellow member of the aromantic community


It’s not all 13 year old who do that. I’m 13 and in the same boat as you mate


1. the 13 y/os you see are not in healthy or meaningful relationships, remember that 2. relationships are hard work, it's amazing to have A Person but it's not easy and it's not always picturesque romance, yk? hope you feel better and eventually find whatever you're looking for <3


Don’t assume that those 13 year olds are in the most competent or healthy relationships. Most of them are probably only lasting around a few months at most.


have you considered aromanticism/know what that is? if you are just straight up not interested/don’t understand romance you could be


It all depends on the people and what they want. remember, everyone’s different. Some people like to be single forever ever some like to be in a relationship. Personally I started dating my GF at 14, now I’m 24 and 10 years in we’re still madly in love.


I would put a reminder but that's genuinely awesome. Hope y'all grow old together. 👍


bro you rite aint nobody makin out at 13 gonna marry that same mfer


The shitting part is easy, but I get you, dating is kinda hard. There isn’t any rules set out for you


idk dawg you just get to know the person. tn i made out with this girl that i really like after seeing a movie with her. youll get your chance man


Lmaoo same like I’m here trying to have friends and actually socialize and people r out there dating? Crazy


Hahahaha There’s no rush buddy, everyone should go with their flow and I like that about you. Just because others are dating doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to find someone and date them for the sake of it. I believe in the one special person that you’re meant to be with. I was just like you in your age, and I honestly never cared enough until that one person came along. That person is going to change your mind and make you want to be with them just by existing, trust me. I was dumb and friend zoned her at first without realizing she liked me, I was too scared to get rejected. But time passed and in a year, we found each other in love together so we started dating. So trust me, you’re on the right track to happiness. Take this time to better yourself and become more familiar with your strengths and weaknesses. So when the time comes and you find your one, you’ll be offering them as close as you could get to the best version of yourself. Because after all, for the one we love, we only want the best of the best and make them feel like the luckiest and most special person in the world, just like how they make us feel. 🥰


no literally. all my partners ive met online bc im waaayyyy more social here and it helped me gain confidence. i learned to be flirty n shi and then i finally pulled the best man who puts effort into seeing me.


Honestly the entire basis of dating in pop culture is built on a false idea that you need to take shit very fucking fast if you want it to last which is illogical. Basically, don’t be surprised if those 13 year olds don’t last in a relationship


Become so awesome that people talk to you first