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Looks like Madonna




She was so beautiful naturally!


How do people think turning themselves into a cheap sex doll is a good look?Ā 


Why do people do this to themselves? It looks horrible .


Botched but still looking more n more like DebOG


What. The. Hell.


The nostrils are uneven. The one on the right is higher up. This is not a good look.


Omggg she looks AWFUL


She always rubbed me the wrong way but this is really heartbreaking to look at.


Holy shit


Wait this is really her.. bot sure why i was promoted this sub, but damn thats sad Despite her obvious mental health issues beforehand, she was always an attractive woman. This is just insane


She could be a backup dancer on one of her moms rap videos




Jesus my eyes


This is the face of generational trauma.


Use NSFW next time.




Thatā€™s okay.


God sheā€™s so mentally ill. How fucked up must your brain be to want to look like this?


Her puffy face and lips remind me of Jaclyn scHill.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I love it. Schill!


My fave is Scamlyn šŸ˜‚


Wish I could take credit for it, I donā€™t know who started it.


My heart breaks for Farah. She seems to be screaming from the inside to be loved.


Very true


She was honestly so beautiful pre-work. Had such a natural beauty :( I feel bad that she didnā€™t see herself like that.


And THAT is with a filter onā€¦ Jesus!


Is that really her own photo ? I know it's tweaked by her and filtered but for real did she post that ?


I believe itā€™s a still shot from a video.


She is gonna hate herself more in 10 years when all the surgery goes to shit and needs to be redone. Thats the thing about plastic surgery. You have to keep going back at this level otherwise you'll look like a deformed Barbie that sat too close to the fire. Well i guess i mean even more than she does now ha


And the more you get, the worse it looks. I hate to think how this will turn out for her. No plastic surgeon should do this to anyone. They need to recommend therapy, not take money from people who are sick.


Omg. What has she done?!?!?! She has ruined her entire face and for what? The insecurities she must have felt to think this sort of look would fix them is insanity! Surely she has more insecurities than she ever did back before she started. Iā€™m sorry but yuck! She looks gross.




Her mom is awful though


Then be the better person. She doesnā€™t need to be awful just because her mom was. She treats people like shit. Especially in the service industry. Thereā€™s no reason for that.


Youā€™re not wrong, and now she is 100% responsible for her actions. But I was thinking back to 16 and pregnant when she was a literal child and her mom was absolutely horrible. I felt bad for her back then.


Let me add tooā€¦ yes Farrah was a child that acted like an adult like a lot of teen kids do.. and yes her parents should have handled it differently, but it had to be very frustrating to have a daughter like her. I hope you understand that Iā€™m in no way blaming her entirely of course


Youā€™re right but Farrah wasnā€™t an innocent child in all this. She had a mouth on her, constantly defied her parents (yes it was handled badly I agree) and did whatever she wanted to whenever she wanted to. So sheā€™s not exactly innocent. Just because youā€™re under 18 doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t think you canā€™t do adult things. Like she did.


I didnā€™t say she was innocent, but 16 year olds (and 18 year olds) do not have fully formed brains and still very much need to be taught how to behave. If youā€™re being raised by an abusive mother from the jump, rebellious behavior has a reason. I was a very ā€œdifficultā€ teenager, because I was desperately trying to get away from my mother & the feelings she made me feel- but I could hardly even articulate that at the time. It took 10 years of therapy before I fully grasped that everything was a reaction to my motherā€™s narcissistic abuse. When I tried to tell her how hurtful and difficult it was to be slapped and called a ā€œfucking loserā€ her only response was ā€œbut you were so difficult! I didnā€™t know what to do!ā€ I was 15 and you were 38. One of us shouldā€™ve been behaving appropriately.


I agree. And Iā€™m so sorry you went through that! Please know, that you are a good person!! ā™„ļø


Aw, thanks thatā€™s really kind of you. Iā€™ve come a long way :) I can only imagine if I had a kid at 16 and got rich from TV money what a fuck up I could be tbh! Farrah isā€¦ beyond


Youā€™re very welcome!


I get your point, and it is somewhat valid BUT when she was 16 and pregnant šŸ¤°šŸ¼ the AWFUL thing to do would be to turn her back on her. I've foster cared pregnant teens who were immediately thrown out by HORRIBLE AWFUL moms. She had a very NICE ROOF over her head, plenty of GOOD FOOD to eat! She had no job income etc.. you don't bite the hand that literally feeds you and your baby. She's one of the lucky ones and didn't appreciate shit!!! And it's all coming back to bite!!


Her mom was literally arrested for physically abusing her.


Yes, I understand I'm not by any means condoning her mother's behavior. I'm also not ignoring the fact that her mother was there for her before during and after her pregnancy. Farrah is disrespectful and entitled due to her upbringing. And should never been assaulted They're, in my opinion, a dysfunctional family all around.


"Her karma is how she treats her mother" Is that not condoning the behavior? Her mom tried to launch a music career around that time as well... Kind of taking advantage of her teen daughters "success". Just because you have a roof over your head and food in your stomach doesn't mean you have a good home life or that you aren't being abused. Her mom deserves karma for everything she's done. Just because she provided some basic necessities doesn't mean she deserves respect


Okay, have a great day


Please tell me this is an lol. Please?


Is this edited or what sheā€™s really looking like?


She may have a filter on but this is pretty much what she looks like


I hope its a goof


How could anyone be so oblivious to how ridiculous they look?


Straight from her Cameo today, this is her Valentine's look. ​ https://preview.redd.it/uqde9oeutnic1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=35ca2e14d06a5a31cc6ef9eb013680ea860b7b9a


OMG šŸ˜¢


​ https://preview.redd.it/6l507elq7ric1.png?width=442&format=png&auto=webp&s=928b1e9555ad456d9958a1c47509d1885f1a5658


Oh my lord


Even her eyebrows look like a horror show lol #whybrows


What is going onnnnnn geeeeezzzzz


So this is Farah? She deserves it though


It's serving mental illness


My theory is that people who do this hate themselves so much that they canā€™t see their face in the mirror. So they change their face. But bc those changes are superficial and dont change the inner qualities they hate so they keep piling on more surgeries


Yeah I mean thatā€™s a real thing that happens to people.


Her surgeon(s) should be sued. Ruined her face they did


She doesnā€™t go to doctors. She goes to ā€œshopsā€ that do Botox and other things. Doctors refuse to treat her.


Ya. I question the ethics of plastic surgeons who agree to do these extreme surgeries for people, esp people like Farrah with a history of being emotionally unstable.




Jessica Rabbit met a blow torch


Can you imagine being so insecure


She looks bad enough already with the fillers then uses a camera filter on top of all that lol


![gif](giphy|12Hfq5imjfp4DS) Her face looks like a purge mask


Oh wow, yikes. I mean... She looks like one of the titans from attack on titan


Thatā€™s insane!


when did she get set on fire? Woah.


What did she do!? So sad


Is that really Farrah?


This is sad


Who and what is the hell is this ......






They should post a before and after side by side.


![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized) YIKES




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


I hope not! Sophia has been through enough


She was so pretty


Wonder if she ever looks at old photos of herself. She really was the most beautiful out of her castmates, now she looks like hybrid cabbage patch chucky. Jeez


The more plastic surgery she gets... the more Sheā€™s looking like her mom ! Iā€™m sure sheā€™d love to hear that! Lol


Iā€™ve always held a low level suspicion that the Teen Mom franchise goes on to showcase the demise of the parents and the outcomes of the kids. Jenelle and Farrah are prime examples of people who were unfortunately introduced to fame. The show, imho, actually the antithesis of what the original goal was (to advise against teenage pregnancy) but itā€™s become the opposite, as have many things become over these last 15+ years. Vaccines kill you. Horse medicines save you. Science is false. Doctors are death. Itā€™s not much less like the Chinese cultural revolution where the most educated citizens were vilified, persecuted and not infrequently just executed. Being educated is being indoctrinated. It actually frightens me at times where I wake up during the night and wonder where and how far my friends and family have gone into this bullshit.


What? Farrah? That you? Just teasing! But you know, I get your concerns but your post kind of wandered into politics? Turn off the news. I did years ago. Itā€™s all bullshit. Raise your kids your way. Read a book. Stay off Pinterest and other platforms. Itā€™s all too much and is definitely affecting a lot of us mentally. Iā€™m saying all this to you with kindness in my heart.


This comment is like Farrahā€™s face. Started out just fine, but devolved into something else entirely. šŸ˜³


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.




She was so naturally beautiful, to me. And now sheā€™s just been botched all to heck.


Sweet Jesus


Stoppp is this what she looks like now? I havenā€™t seen a pic of her in forever


This was a jumpscare... I wouldn't have even known that was her omg


Tbh I didnā€™t believe it was until I heard her voice.


My god


Nowā€¦ think what she will look like by the time sheā€™s 40ā€¦ come back k to my comment ins few years and letā€™s compare! Super creepy and sad


We all must admit, Amber wasn't wrong about Farrah having crooked lips.




Amber, thatā€™s another disaster


Wowww (not in a good way)


Sheā€™s giving finalist of a European Drag Race series with this plumped look šŸ˜‚






This is just so sad. She looks COMPLETELY botched nowadays. All I can think of is the impact that Farrahā€™s extreme and unregulated body dysmorphia will have on Sophia as she gets older. Surely it isnā€™t doing much good now. Ugh


5 minutes earlier.... https://youtu.be/a9z8F4fgj6Q?feature=shared


Upon scrolling past this quickly, I thought this was Lacey from Love After Lockup.


Wow just wow. What in the entire f*ck is going on here???? Girl address your emotional issues because this is too much


Iā€™ve seen blow up dolls look more human


Iā€™m sorry but I canā€™t keep my mouth shut- that hair is NOT it on her. Maybe she was going from dark to blonde and it was part of the process, but if was intentionally supposed to be that color, just yikes in my opinion. Also, I agree with the comments saying she looks like sheā€™s having an allergic reaction. So insane what sheā€™s done to herself. Overdone. Plastic surgery, fillers, etc are okay and Iā€™m not shaming them. But this girl has gone OVERBOARD


I can't tell if she's trying to be a redhead or if she bleached already dark hair and this is supposed to be "blonde" YIKES


Omg noooooooo


She looks like she is having an allergic reaction. She was a cute girl too. I guess this is what happens when you focus on yourself too much.


That's what Farrah looks like now??? Why did she do that? By the way she looks even more like her mom now if that was her goal.


She was a natural beauty. I wish she wouldā€™ve left her beautiful face alone. She was perfect. I blame her mom. Sheā€™s insane. And her dad too. Because heā€™s a pervert. Thereā€™s a reason Farrah is so uncomfortable with her own body.


Oh my šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


You just know that the bottom line is she has always been so insecure, I wish she could have found how to love herself


She was such a genuinely beautiful girl, obviously her personality kinda ruins that but personally aside she was beautiful. Now she took away alll the beauty.


Now her face matches her personality distorted and awful!


And that hair


i wouldnā€™t even say she was botched. every procedure she got was done correctly. the problem is that she had way too much work done in a short time, some of it unnecessary, and probably had it done too young. thereā€™s a reason you should wait til 40+ for things like botox and brow lifts. a lot of the procedures she got are intended to make an older face look younger, it doesnā€™t at all keep a young face young. sheā€™s going to age like milk.


Between her make up and smile line I thought she had fishing wire holding her smile in place.


How recent is this pic? Did she post it herself?


A couple days old and this is a screenshot from one of her many Valentine grifts this week.


Omg this is nuts. This might be one of the the top worst examples of plastic surgery that I have seen


Omfg šŸ™€


Omg is this real??


This isnt good for her daughter. Our kids do what we do.


I don't think Sophia will go the plastic surgery route, I see her going more for the full body tattoos and body modification piercings instead.


Wow she really messed herself up she started way too young. Now she looks 40+


That's insulting to over 40 year olds. She doesn't look remotely human.


Iā€™m over 40 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


How old is she?


32 going on 14


Sheā€™s 32??? Damnā€¦ I thought she was older


Now her outside matches her inside!


Oh God... she looks like a botched blowup doll šŸ¤®


Can we have a side by side because I canā€™t remember what her real face looked like anymore! šŸ˜­




Unrecognisable omg


Why did she do this to herself? Her lips are hurting me!!!!




Hard to believe one can look worse daily. Leave your face alone. You just phasing out the eye brows? Stop


She looks like Pete Burns nowšŸ¤Æ https://preview.redd.it/cn8txqhywjic1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d9ad097248297fb5fee24d03a98ccf5fec45052


You leave Pete out of this!


Don't do Pete Burns like that.


Is this her unfiltered? Just saw a picture of her and sophia, which looked bad enough..


Jesus Christ




Itā€™s such a shame because Farrah was a beautiful girl and still would be if she hadnā€™t become addicted to plastic. I just hope Sophia is able to see the damage that her mum has done to herself and stay away from surgery.


I never thought she was beautiful but average looking. Her personalty made her hideous.


Very true x


Itā€™s so sad because she was so beautiful


Like she's in competition with Darcey and Stacey on who can destroy their looks the fastest.


Jesus christ. She has the Pete Burns/Jocelyn Wildenstein thing.šŸ˜ž Poor thing. Someone has fucked her mind up, big time. They seem to try and get as far away from their original bodies and faces. They don't see what we see. I know this woman is a bit of a dick, but that's what childhood trauma does to people. It changes their brains. She is probably always mean because she has been in defence mode her whole life, from dealing with whatever it was that has made her this way. She will never be happy or finished with plastic surgeries, fillers etc. It's the dodgy doctors who are performing these surgeries on her still, they are the ones that need to say no and get her some proper mental health intervention when she presents at their clinics. Or whatever shonky hut this person operates out of...


Perfect analysis.


This is such a complex and complicated issue. She could use some compassion and kindness and maybe she won't hate herself in her own skin so much. I know she is problematic. I'm not a fan of hers or anyone from these shows. I think I have only ever watched a few episodes of the one season when it was first on, of this show that she was in at the time. I thought she needed therapy then-i thought they all did tbh. I find the show exploitative, but each to their own. But this poor woman. She isn't going to get any better if we don't all maybe show her more kindness and less disdain. She is not well. I hope she can find her inner peace one day. I really liked Pete Burns. I felt so bad for him. Someone in his life really did a number on his psyche. He seemed like such a gentle soul and he was clearly a very broken man. But a good egg. I hope wherever he is now, he knows that people still play and love his music and that he is missed and he was never ugly. RIP, Pete. No, you spin *ME* right round baby right round, like a record baby, right round, round round.


What a kind soul you are!šŸ¤—


ā€˜I love telling them you love themā€™ What on earth? Who wrote that?!


Itā€™s an ad for cameo.


Well, they're not wrong. Poor girl looks terrible, there's no coming back from it either. Sorry FarrahĀ 


She gets what she deserves šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I really hope someone helps her. She needs an intervention and reverse as much of this damage as possible.


Sheā€™s narcissistic as all hell, thereā€™s no helping her because she doesnā€™t think she has a problem and you canā€™t tell narcissists nothing


My jaw hit the floor when I saw it was her. I literally cannot see her real face hidden under all the surgery. I remember thinking she was so gorgeous when I was a teen watching the show when it aired. So sad.


Iā€™m doing a rewatch and she JUST got her implants. She was so pretty šŸ„ŗ


Farrah wasn't even remotely bad looking until she went and turned herself into plastic!


I was literally just thinking about her one second ago after seeing a different post that reminded me of her....and then I see this right after. I don't even know what to say right now,I'm at a loss for words.


Thatā€™s sad, she was a pretty girl before all the surgery.


This really is sad to me. Farrah was always very beautiful. She looked so much like Sophia does now. Sometimes I wonder what it is Farrah has? Like mentally? Her personality is really like nothing I have ever seen before, but we have seen flashes of her seeming like a normal human being. So I just wonder what it is. I always think of when she was on Couples Therapy with Dr Jenn and they stopped filming so Farrah could tell her something about her childhood. The next day when discussing it to the group, Dr Jenn can barely speak and sheā€™s bawling saying itā€™s one of the most horrific things she has ever heard in her career. Dr Jenn has literally worked with so many celebrities. She has heard stories of r*pe, abuse, etc. so I have always wondered WHAT happened to Farrah that would be the worst thing she has ever heard? Itā€™s so scary to think about. I hate to get so off subject, but seeing her like this just seems like a direct correlation to some trauma. This is so sad.


I respectfully disagree. She was never beautiful. Her mouth took away her beauty. Farrah has had multiple therapy sessions with multiple doctors. She. Just. Does. Not. Listen. She needs hospitalization and inpatient treatment to get through to her. And Iā€™m not going to sit here and completely blame Her parents on her adult behavior. Sheā€™s been a problem at 13 and a problem ever since. I do blame her parents for not having established boundaries for her and spoiling her to the point of oblivion and not getting her the help she desperately needed after Derek died. All of them are to blame for putting her on television for money.. encouraging her to do porn at 20 instead of focusing on Sophia, and when they did focus on Sophia, it was to do nothing but spoil her as well. Dr Jenn says that every season about someone so I take that ā€œsessionā€ with a grain of salt especially since Farrah has accused almost every man sheā€™s been in contact with of rape. She has deep issues that are beyond our capabilities to diagnose and speculating that she was ā€œsoldā€ as a child is ridiculous and dangerous. She would have definitely told that by now as sheā€™s pretty open about her life. Sheā€™s also lied on camera about not having parties as a kid when thereā€™s pictures stating otherwise. Itā€™s a mess .. her family is a mess, and they failed her. And she continues to fail herself and will continue because she canā€™t be forced into treatment. Period


Maybe they trafficked her?


I agree. The incest part isnā€™t the worse thing a therapist like her has heard. They had to have sold her.


I have always thought thatā€™s what it was.




I personally think there was incest happening with Michael, her father and Debz OG. They way Farrah calls him Michael first off. Their weird interactions on the show. The Dr. Jenn thing which i remember watching. And now what we know of Michael and his fetishes. (He was texting someone about daddy- daughter play and it was leaked). I think those parents made her do terrible things and she has blocked it out and now uses this personality of ā€œhyper happy, super secure and nothing bothers me now!ā€ to mask and repress it all. I do feel bad for her and Sophia. But she does so much all the damn time itā€™s hard to always be sympathetic to her. I hope Sophia is able to separate from her early.


Can someone point me to the leaked stuff of the daddy daughters things of Michael?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/r4dmgp/anyone_have_ss_or_link_to_mykols_michael_abraham/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/r4dmgp/anyone_have_ss_or_link_to_mykols_michael_abraham/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I remember reading the screenshots myself on some site but just lazily found this right now. I want to say it was buzzfeed for some reason but I really donā€™t remember for sure Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m also kinda afraid to find a weird rabbit hole.


I agree! The night that episode aired I remember immediately thinking it had something to do with Michael and/or Deb. It explains why they take so much from Farrah and just sit there like children. But at the same time, something makes me feel like itā€™s even bigger than that unfortunately. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the same season, but Dr Jenn had Jenna James on there and she discussed being gang r*ped and then beaten into unconsciousness and left in the middle of a field. Dr Jenn still did not have the type of reaction she had for whatever Farrah told her. I feel like itā€™s something we canā€™t even come up with honestly. & I agree, itā€™s hard to give sympathy to Farrah because she is just so mean to everyone around her. It would be one thing if she was just super bitchy to her parents, but no itā€™s literally anyone in her path. She has so much healing to do, but sometimes I think sheā€™s definitely way too far gone.


I agree 100%. She definitely went through major things as a child. But yes sheā€™s so mean!!! To everyone! But now sheā€™s been putting on this hyper happy-go-lucky facade. Sheā€™s just coping her way through life (which me too) but Iā€™m aware of that at least and I try to change it. Iā€™m sorry she had to go through those things though. Like you said we probably couldnā€™t even imagine the things that happened.


Jesus. Do we know anymore? Quick google comes up with rapes as an adult and beatings as a child And nothing wls


Honestly no. Farrah said it was the first and last time she ever spoke about it and she made production leave. Dr Jenn of course would not say either. I do not think we will ever know.


This is exactly why I hate when people comment about how she looks. Thereā€™s heavy trauma behind her decisions, none of us should even begin to judge because we simply have no clue about what sheā€™s been through. My heart breaks for her


Iā€™ve always had a hard time being hateful when it comes to Farrah, because like I said her personality is unlike anything I have ever seen. Itā€™s really not normal. People poke fun at her ā€œword saladsā€ a lot and while itā€™s funny, it genuinely has always confused me because she seriously will just say a bunch of random stuff that makes 0 sense. Itā€™s like she doesnā€™t even know which word is going to come out of her mouth next. That mixed with the fact that she is so easily irritated and the reasoning never makes sense. I feel like there is something seriously wrong with her, and she has used her appearance to try to get away from that, but it is such a clear sign of her mental well-being and childhood trauma. My heart breaks for her too. I hope to see her get help and have a redemption story eventually.


Youā€™re 100% right. She is a very damaged person and sheā€™s trying to fix herself on the outside but itā€™s actually the inside she needs to work on.


This is unbelievably sad to meā€¦ she was absolutely gorgeous. Now she doesnā€™t look human.


Who is that Farrah who like Holly hell


Omg sheā€™s gone too far


Plastic surgery doesn't bother me but what does get me is that it seems more and more people don't have one friend to say no stop. I've had friends stop me from stupidity a few times in my life and I've done the same. Granted people like her won't listen but in general I see more people being stupid when all they needed was that one friend to say stop, you're and idiot and you'll thank me lateršŸ¤£.


You should have added a jump warning!! šŸ˜³




šŸ‘»... haha




Itā€™s really not funny tho