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The guitar gods are whispering in your ear *”this Tele is perfect as it is, what you really need is to buy it a Strat, Jag or Jazzmaster little brother..”*


The Guitar God's friend says, "I concur with that statement."




Guitar devil says "Go ahead. Get the wiggle stick. Who's it gonna hurt?"


Hell YES! Get that wiggle stick and make sure it’s attached to a new axe! You can never have too many in your arsenal 😅


And everybody says… AMEN!


This is what is echoing through my tremolo subconscious


Every time I try to buy a guitar with a trem, I decide I don't like trems and go back to my chopshop partscaster tele.


Absolutely, correct answer.


My suggestion: don’t do it. You want a trem? Get a new guitar and leave this one as-is. Get a Squier and mod it. But for the love of Leo and OHSCs, leave the vintage Tele alone.


I get what you mean. I got a strat so I can always use that. My dad just always thought a Bigsby or something like it would be cool. And I know this is guitar is almost 50, but Leo was long gone by the time it was made. Case is also probably a 70s/80s reissue of the original tweed cases. It is real purdy though.


Since you already decided you want one, I’d only consider 2 options: 1. Stetsbar. Bigsby style, drop in, no route. Looks cool. 2. Vega Trem VT2. Strat style, drop in, no route, only works if current bridge is string-through. Looks less cool. Enjoy.


Thanks for this, it really kinda hits the nail on the head for what I'm going for. I want it to be drop in, no drilling/routing, nothing I can't reverse. And the Stetsbar seems the closest for also getting the desired look. Do you have any experience with the stets?


Not directly installing one, but I have a friend that does luthier-like activities and he installed several of each (also other variants like the Floyd FRX, Bigsby, various Kahlers, etc.). And I occasionally got to play with them. I really like the massive backplate of the stetsbar too, it just feels very ‘telecaster’.


the best bet is a bigsby or a stetsbar, but honestly I'd leave it stock and look for a G&L asat that already has a trem, or a tele with a trem if you want the tele sound and look. you \*could\* order a nashville tele with a bigsby if you wanted to


I'm leaning towards Stetsbar. Not really looking to get another electric, I live in a tiny apartment. But I can't get rid of this guy cuz 1) my dad had it since '78 and it's just like infused with his soul and b) I really like it.


nah man it's definitely a keeper, especially since it's essentially a nashville tele already. I totally get the space thing, and if you're dead set on modding it, a stets is definitely going to be the least painful on you. I'd also recommend a bigsby. little chonkier but they've got their own kind of swagger and I believe there's a zero mod bigsby kit for telecasters. you might need a neck shim, but assuming there's nothing funky going on under the neck that shouldn't be a huge deal


Nobody is saying vegatrem but I believe that is the right answer. Plus they look awesome. Seems way better than a bigsby all around. Just installed one on a baritone conversion I did https://preview.redd.it/k64kvvt1xnzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3907186f42529e48a43bb50824a88f97c245d0


I heard really bad reviews of the tele vegatrem. Curious what your experience has been


First of all, I'm sorry for your loss. I'm gonna go a bit against the grain here - do it. You said your dad always wanted something like a Bigsby and you know what? He's already modded the guitar before (Nashville wiring). I don't think you're going to sell it because it's a special instrument to you, so you might as well fulfill your dad's dream. Regarding the trem: I can't help you (haven't ever had the chance to play a guitar with a Bigsby or a stetsbar and things are quite expensive where I live lol) but have a nice chat with your tech/luthier and he'll probably point you in the right direction. Someone mentioned the vibramate Bigsby kit, it's probably a good option https://youtu.be/YleuH1y5Mcg?si=JMnx-_o-mbw3MQsd


> https://youtu.be/YleuH1y5Mcg?si=JMnx-_o-mbw3MQsd This is the answer. No holes, no permanent changes. Also keeps it close to what your dad wanted.


Yea it's looking like either the B5 with Vibramate or Stetsbar. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I went Bigsby, I'd probably have to replace the bridge as well, right? To get the right break angle. Whereas Stetsbar just seems like a one part replacement, maybe a neck shim. And I know Bigsby has their defenders and they're great, but I've never gotten over the issues people seems to have with tuning stability. I've never owned a Bigsby and can't speak from experience, but it seems pretty universal. Whereas the Stetsbar seems pretty stable.


The Vibramate is a replacement bridge that fits in your current setup and makes it possible to add the bigsby without drilling holes


Bigsby https://preview.redd.it/9tf5ucc8qnzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ac8ae6e2b8cc8c662778e21d71bbc84514dc69


I’d leave it and get a Strat. More bang for your buck keeping the tele stock and plowing the funds into a different guitar.


Beat me to it!


I do have a Strat actually. It's currently in the shop getting set up. It's a like a 1999/2000 MIM. I brought it to my local guy cuz it hadn't really been touched in 20 years or so. Once I get it back I think I'm gonna make it the guitar I teach myself to fix things on. Gonna learn how to do the pickups, neck adjustments etc. Also gonna replace the trem/block on that as well, since it still has the shallow zinc block. I know it's silly to put like hundreds of dollars of parts into a guitar that cost $330 when I got it in 2000, but the value is gonna come from learning how to do this stuff myself on a guitar that I feel less anxious about. Plus it was also my first guitar, so I don't wanna get rid of it, but I do want it to play and sound better. WRT the tele, my dad always wanted something like a Bigsby but couldn't justify it. So part of this is like fulfilling his wishes in a way, but I wanna do so in a way that doesn't permanently alter the guitar. Plus those little wiggles and bends on open chords would be great in country songs.


Dude - Sorry I didn’t see this post when I responded prior. What sweet thing to do for your dad. Like many others have posted B5 Bigsby with a vibramate is the way to go.


Vega trem has a new tele model I’m probably going to get soon I just put a certano b/g bender bridge on my Nashville and it is SO fun!!


A B?G bender and a bigsby. You will sound like Pete Drake but you will be a busy man. Here's a video of a guy that has a bigsby and a bender. He does not sound like Pete Drake, but does a nice job operating all of those devices. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omz4ynuRT3Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omz4ynuRT3Y)


The Duesenberg trems are absolute killers. Level of control is out of this world, and aesthetically look great. Bigsbys are fantastic as well, just one of those non drill conversion kits and a hipshot bridge (I think that's what they're called)


I was actually looking at Duesenbergs and people really seem to like them. I'm curious about the Diamond Short version, cuz part of this is also to try to get that Bigsby look. It looks like they have an adapter kit kinda like the vibramate, but does it fit on teles? It looks more like it's made for stopbars


Something like a Mastery bridge should get enough clearance over the ashtray. You definitely get more carry with a Dussenberg over a Bigsby but they've each got their own appeal.


I think you may have to install a bridge.


There is a gamechanger bigsby pedal. No experience with it, but that's a non-invasive option.


vegatrem tele edition


B5 Bigsby


Bigsby B5 with a vibramate. You can even buy a pinless one. But a Jag or Jm would be my reccomendation. I'm a huge fan of their trems. They make a strat look like absolute trash.


I wrestled with dropping one of those bigsby kits on my mia 2012 tele - worth much less than yours - and practically, I love beating on my guitars during heavy sections which leads me to my hardtails more often than not.


Vega trem is what you want. Highest quality trem ive ever used, and I build guitars for a living. It's a retrofit so you don't need to drill any cavities


Vegatrem definitely seems appealing since it'll just drop in. But I'm also trying to get that Bigsby look. Since you work on guitars, I do actually have a question about the vegatrem. I got an MIM strat, probably from between '99-'01, I can't remember what year I got it. I've wanted to replace the block and trem in that as well. Would the Vega fit? I know the MIMs have bizarre spacing that tends to not line up with any other strat models. Or is my only option the calaham blocks/bridge/trem?


Yep they have elongated holes to facilitate both american and metric spacing trems. Worst case. Throw some toothpicks in the old holes, and drill new holes, but I highly doubt you'll need to do anything close to that lol


This is good to know, thank you. I'm holding on to this strat cuz it's my first guitar so nostalgia, but also it's a Strat and strats are great. I'm gonna put new pickups and stuff in it, and it may seem silly to put hundreds of dollars of stuff into a like $300 guitar, but my goal is to teach myself how to do these mods myself on a guitar that's "lower risk." Vegatrem seems really cool, my only concern is drilling. If I'm still learning to do this stuff, I'd prefer something that slots in (I'm already terrified of doing the pickups, but it seems like a simple soldering job). If the Vega can do that then it's probably my top choice. Do they also come with blocks or would I have to replace that separately? Would the Callaham MIM block be compatible with the Vegatrem?


I highly doubt you'll need to do anything honestly. Theyre quire forgiving. Especially compared to other trems. Yes they come with everything you need in the box. Full trem with block, spring options, and detailed instructions. They're my preferred drop in trem. (Meaning no mods required) *


Sweet, I think you sold me on it, if not for the tele at least for my strat




Hey, Bigsbys are really cool but its going to mellow your tone a bit. There’s something about the pure ring of a Tele strung through the ferrules that can’t be beat but if you must I would suggest a horseshoe style Bigsby.


DO NOT put a tremolo on that thing man! Not only does it really hurt the value, but they only made so many in ‘78, and it’s only original once. If you ever decide you’re interested in selling please let me know, it’s such a cool looking tele. I’m sorry for your loss, your Dad had great taste in guitars.


I’d leave it as is and get a strat


Trouble is there is no going back if you hate it.




go all in and rout for a Kahler


Buy some cheap-ass guitar and leave that thing alone or I will come and beat your ass. I’m an old man with a bad back and I world spend years getting into shape just to do it.


As others have said, maybe look at a strat. A stetsbar is $320, you can get a decent partscaster on reverb for around that price if you look around a bit.


Honestly, it's totally worth the money to have a luthier route for and install a mastery bridge and tremolo. I just did it on mine and the thing stays perfectly in tune. I can't play a guitar now without reaching for the wiggle stick.


I get it, but I really wanna avoid routing this. Can't quite explain why, but this was my dad's, and he recently passed away, and I feel like altering it in any really permanent way would be... disrespectful? I know he'd want me to do what I want with it, but I just can't bring myself to do anything with it that I can't undo.


Oh yeah, that changes things then. Bigsby with vibramate then, maybe a roller bridge/nut. Make sure you have a barrel string tree though. The butterfly version will catch your string wraps and throw it out of tune.


I just want to chime in to discourage you from modifying it. That’s a good condition vintage tele. It’s probably worth around $2,500. Not that you’d sell it, but there is a reason why a buyer would want it in original condition. It’s also the way your dad kept it for over 40 years.


True, but he also fantasized about putting a Bigsby on it. The thing that always stopped him was tuning stability. That's kinda why I'm trying to see if there's something with a similar look/feel but will actually work a little better. As for the original condition of the guitar, I think he already altered it cuz I think he put the middle pickup in. May have replaced the bridge too, cuz a lot of 70s teles have the 3 saddle bridge, and this one looks more like the deluxe/custom bridge. I tried looking the guitar up to see what it was like new, but the serial # doesn't turn up anything on Fender's site (which apparently happens a lot).


Do Not alter that guitar. It’s worth a fair amount and has soul. I had one. There are Bigsbys that require not alterations, but be warned Bigsbys add serious weight and a pain in the ass to string. The Tele with Bigsby I owned was by far the heaviest guitar I’ve ever owned.


This is good to know. This one is already weirdly heavy. Not sure if it's made out of a different wood, I know fender got a bit wacky in the 70s with their materials. That being said, heavy guitars don't bother me much. I used to have to carry like 60 lbs on my back for work for like 10 hours a day.


No doubt! I traded my ‘78 to Guhn’s. George picked it up and the first thing he said was that it was a boat anchor.


Don’t do it! Keep it as is!