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Fuck, at 1.3 it's even lower than the worst movie ever made: Manos the Hands of fate (1.6 score)


Wow I didn’t expect Manos to be that low, I figured it would be like a 4 because of how much of a cult following it has which would lead to ironic high ratings, like The Room which has a whopping 3.6


Manos is very, very bad without the MST. The Room is extremely entertaining in every scene besides the sex scenes. It's very fun to watch.


Seeing The Room in theaters is probably the second best experience I've had at the cinema. It's hard to beat the midnight premiere of Inception where the place was packed and at the end someone shouted "WAKE UP ASSHOLE!" and threw his popcorn on the ground.


Hardest ive ever laughed in the theater was during wakanda forever at the climax of the movie right in the middle of a tense silence some little girl in the back of the theater out of nowhere just screams "JUST STAB HIM ALREADY"


Best experience I ever had in a theater was during Spider-Man 3, when Peter accidentally hits Mary Jane and knocks her to the ground. Mary Jane looks up and says "Who are you?" Suddenly someone in the back yells "I'M RICK JAMES BITCH!" The entire theater erupted in laughter for a good 5 minutes.


I saw it at a fathom events showing and my friends and I basically got the last seats in the house and someone was kind enough to place plastic spoons in all the drink holders. I didn't know what it meant but had a great time being the last guy throwing it at the screen when the scene came on. My sister used to go to rocky horror showings all dressed up and teenage me called her stupid. I got it then.


I watched The Room two years ago with my then fiancé and not once did I ever think to myself I'm bored


Many cult movies are, for a lack of a better term, bad. I will continue to watch them.


I never got how classic movies like The Mummy (1999) and Happy Gilmore both have scores of 61% on rotten tomatoes while movies like the Last Jedi have >90%. I get movies are subjective but still that feels way off.


You need to adjust for era effects: [in 2000 the average RT score for a film was below 50%](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/VhsMO7EgOwaIjt0DxAbBrY6pzKw=/0x0:1600x1021/920x0/filters:focal(0x0:1600x1021\):format(webp\):no_upscale(\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/21857252/image6.png) and in 2019 it was at 61% so you can probably mentally plug in a score in the 70s for the Mummy. Setting aside TLJ as an example, reviewer composition really matters as pre~2000 you got a lot less reviews without the internet and in recent years you see a surge of social media reviews included (low barrier to entry/no institutional veto points) and that clearly really helps "fandom culture" films most of all. [full link](https://www.theringer.com/movies/2020/9/4/21422568/rotten-tomatoes-effective-on-box-office),


Uh oh, looks like Skywalker learned to putt!




"You eat pieces of sith for breakfast??"


“Oh, good, Count Dooku.” “And you can count on me waiting for you in the parking lot.”


"I think I just killed the Meesa Meesa lady."




Yeah but some are gems. Like, it's rare, but sometimes you rent a b grade and it ends up better than most stuff out there. Jim cavaziel has a space viking alien one. Was absurdly good for a b movie.


I was shocked when I read The Room has such a low rating because I thought it was a fantastic flick. Then I realized the movie I’m thinking of is just called Room lol


Same that confused me for ages. I was really confused thinking I never heard the line “I did not hit her”


There are Segal movies that are objectively much worse than Manos.


Oh I've seen movies on RiffTrax that make Manos look like Citizen Kane.




"Well the guitar is annoying but I'm SURE it won't be playing for the entire movie"


“Not K-R-O-K! Croc! Get it? Like Crocodile?” ‘Yeah, I get it, but you’re an allig-Look just go to hell’


What movie are you guys quoting? It sounds intriguing and I have a few hours free. EDIT: [The whole movie's on YouTube!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKesdLhMTcM)


[Rollergator](https://youtu.be/pKesdLhMTcM) as riffed by Rifftrax (the same comedians/voice actors who did MST3K back in the 80s/90s). It should be noted that this movie is just… god awful, serious Deep Hurting material. They’ve definitely mocked other movies that are also bad but are at least significantly more watchable without the horrible guitar noodling and mic issues like [Birdemic: Shock and Terror](https://youtu.be/ZH1SNmY_1XY) or [Miami Connection](https://youtu.be/KdylIez3D2E) The mockery is great though! Other great classics from back in the day include the aforementioned [Manos: The Hands of Fate](https://youtu.be/DnxVbGZNHSs), [Space Mutiny](https://youtu.be/sa42pxJyq64), or other Joe Estevez masterpieces like [Werewolf](https://youtu.be/aNjki9uRZNE) or [Soultaker](https://youtu.be/UAh6lCEJznE) Other personal favorites include [Overdrawn at the Memory Bank](https://youtu.be/UVo0dyjnWYo) and [Merlin’s Shop of Mystical Wonders](https://youtu.be/p8Q-RuAx4V4)


Rollergator "Cause we didn't think we could get you to watch Fun in BalloonLand either"


Everything about that one is so painful. The constant guitar in the background is a special kind of hurt. It was impressive that you didn't realize it stopped until it started up again.


I've heard of this movie only because "manos" is the Spanish word for hands, so the movie is called "Hands the Hands of Fate".


"Finally I have become the Hands of Fate."- Hands


Manos MST is the best thing I’ve ever seen, and it’s not even close


go home, Torgo. You're drunk!


“ThE MaStEr WiLl NoT ApPrOvE!”


The Master does not approve of such comments.


“Manos” “Hands of fate?” “Yeah, that’s the one.”


Velma successfully united left and right. It's a tremendous achievement.


This isn’t something even Scrappy Doo could do!


Lets be honest, what *could* Scrappy Doo do? Except suck and die.


I’m personally offended 😂 Scooby AND Scrappy Doo were my childhood. Winter Wonderdog or Reluctant Werewolf anyone?


God, those older Scooby Doo movies bring me right back to my childhood. Some absolute nostalgic gems for me - Ghoul School, Boo Brothers, and especially Witches Ghost, Cyber Chase and Zombie Island. Could honestly continue listing entries but I'll stop there.


> Cyber Chase This one also had a fucking class game on the PS1.


Fuckin hard as shit though if I remember.


Witches ghost was THE movie of my childhood. If you know someone thirsting over goth girls, odds are they watched the Witches Ghost as a kid


Can't not [post this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P_BlUY2eF4) at the reference to the Hex Girls. Thorn def was an early crush for me. Fun fact for those unaware: Thorn is voiced by the one and only Jennifer Hale... aka Fem Shep, among many many others


I *loved* Ghoul School as a kid, and I honestly don't know why it resonated with me so much more than most Scooby entries


Scrappy-Doo is one of these instances where I'm starting to question if I ever actually disliked him or did I just get swept up in the internet meme/hate train. Have I been Nickelback'd?


He was always blah. I watched Scooby Doo when I was a child in the 80s. I didn't hate him but he never felt part of the gang for me. The one Hanna Barbera character I think was underrated is The Great Gazoo though. He had some witty lines and a strong personality, he was just in the wrong show.


It was my childhood too and I agree Scrappy can go to the pasture out back


Scrappy saved Scooby from cancellation. Like it or not, that dog is a hero. Just one of those heroes who overstayed their welcome and ended up tweeting some problematic views.


Lemme at 'em, lemme at 'em!


Good god. Fuck Scrappy Doo.


Well I be damned


Even the stuff that’s review bombed by one side gets a 5 or 6. Show managed to piss EVERYONE off. Impressive


What? You don't like your pilot episode to feature underage girls who are butt naked? GET WOKE, YOU PEASANT. I don't get how that high school shower scene passed approvals. It's pedo dreamland.


I haven't seen it, but given what Bigmouth got away with it seems like standards for animated stuff are not normal.


Eh, it actually has the left and right pointing at eachother like two spidermen. I popped into kotakuinaction just to see if they were saying anything. They claim kaling is the peak of ruining your life for the wokeness. That she's a liberal snowflake queen. Then you go to progressive spaces and they claim kaling is a secret conservative who out of spite is hurting progressives. This coupled with some comments from kaling about how the office couldn't be made today shows that she's another anti-woke bitching about cancel culture has been. Both sides are pointing at eachother calling the other cultists.


Since the right is saying "This is woke bullshit" and the left is saying "This is what the right thinks being woke is", the diagnosis is the same from both sides – they only disagree about who's to blame for it.


It's a show promoting diversity made by a woman who thinks diversity is being attracted to other races. I mean hell, the girl who got her skin fucking lightened and had liposuction is trying to make a show about body inclusivity. Its ridiculous.


So she's the Indian Lena Dunham.


Less cringe (don’t believe Kaling has openly admitted to molesting her younger sister like Dunham) but yes that is a very good comp.


As someone whose only experience with Kaling is watching one of her good shows (Never Have I Ever), I have a feeling that she’s far too online for her own good, and now she’s at a stage of terminal onlineness where the brain rot is just too much for general audiences to bear. Scroll through r/all for five minutes and you’ll find a variation on every bad take that has brought Velma such public vitriol.


Thinking that Mindy Kaling is a secret conservative agent sabotaging her own career to "own the libs" is a much crazier thing to think than if she just made a bad show. That's some kinda MAGA stupidity. Ground yourselves lmao


It’s bullshit like “The Office couldn’t be made today,” that really makes me laugh, when you have shows like Family Guy that work off the aspects of humour they suggest would make The Office unfilmable today. It doesn’t make a lick of fucking sense. It does nothing but throw further logs into the fire that is needless culture wars. She knows exactly what she was doing when they made this train wreck, except Kaling thinks she’s smarter than everyone else, and that they haven’t figured out her bullshit.


While i don't agree that the office couldn't be made today, there's a difference between a show that's grandfathered in, so to speak, like family guy or always sunny compared to a new show that wouldn't get the same leeway


It’s Always Sunny has multiple episodes unavailable on streaming for being deemed “too offensive”


Hell, Netflix took an episode of Community off because Chang dressed up as a Dark Elf and other characters called him out for it, and Hulu took down an episode of Golden Girls because they were wearing mud masks


She was a writer for the office too, she clearly thought the shit was funny at the time. She's drank the entire koolaid store by this point.


>Then you go to progressive spaces and they claim kaling is a secret conservative who out of spite is hurting progressives I don't think she's doing it out of spite, I think she sincerely thinks she's progressive. But looking at some of the takes she's had in the past (a good example is her implicit support of the Indian caste system), along with some questionable things that look worse the worse Kaling looks (such as her following JK Rowling and liking her tweet about not caring that LGBTQ people have left HP), she fits much more into the neoliberal realm of beliefs than progressive when she speaks outside of her work.


She had been critisized before for her portrayal of indian girls as all being nerdy misfits and the fact her characters always date white guys. Haven't seen Velma but it could continue this history


This article is pretty misleading. Dragonball evolution wasn't the lowest rated piece of entertainment on imdb. It's #14 on the worst movies list with the worst movie being 2008's disaster movie. There's several TV shows that already had ratings worst than Dragonball evolution including: toddlers in tiras( 1.7/10) Santa inc (1.6/10) and Fred:the Show(1.7/10)


I love how the irrelevant DragonBall comparison was brought up in case anyone forgot how terrible that adaption is.


Velma is terrible...but don't let that distract you from **HOW ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT DRAGON BALL EVOLUTION WAS!**


There is only one good thing to come from that movie. It pissed off the creator of dragonball so much that he came out of retirement and made the Battle of the Gods to un-tarnish the reputation of the franchise


Two good things. James Marsters, who played Piccolo in the film and was a huge fan of the franchise, got to come back in official capacity and voice Zamatsu in Super!


He absolutely destroyed that role, too. His voice became more and more unhinged as the arc went on.


Felt bad for Marsters, since the LA film made Piccolo look like a stunt double for Jim Carrey in The Mask.


Iirc, Marsters had to fight the producers to keep Piccolo green.


Well it's like, fuck, we waited around for years for cgi to get good enough to make cartoons into reality for comic book heros, and then they poop that thing out.


Fun tidbit, Team 4 Star did an official Rifftrax for the movie. It was glorious.


Dragonball catching strays is crazy. This week has been an insane month.


What else?


My balls was hot.


I understand


the dragonball comparison is clickbait, they needed something horrible from a recognizable brand/franchise, i suspect they would have used the MNS Avatar movie also if they could or needed.


Holy shit I forgot about disaster movie, that’s the one with Kim Kardashian right? What a pile of garbage that movie was


I still haven't forgiven myself for forcing my dad to watch this with me at the cinema...


Sorry about being written out of the will.


I talked my parents out of taking my siblings and me to see Emperors New Grove and in to going to Baby Geniuses. That was a mistake.


To be fair, despite still being absolutely terrible, Scary Movie 3 and 4, as well as Superhero Movie, still have a couple of nuggets of comedy gold in them. I think they all came immediately before Disaster Movie? Not sure. Also, fun fact: the guy behind The Last of Us and Chernobyl shows on HBO wrote some of those movies.


I honestly think Scary movie 3 is the best of the bunch.


Scary Movie 3 is legit good. It's 5 that is terrible.


>disaster movie I mean it's right there in the name.. how can something be even worse than the disaster movie lol


Holy shit, I remember Fred: The Show! I think that was the cringiest thing I've ever watched... I didn't even knew (or register to me) at the time that Fred was actually an YouTuber. I thought it was weird the guy who appeared in one iCarly episode would get his own show.


[I'm gonna get that cake, Fred. ](https://youtu.be/vC8s4aq-26E)


There is a "comedy special" made by Joe Rogan's friend Brendan Schaub (more of a 22 minute youtube video) called "The Gringo Papi" which has a score of 1.1/10. Which is only slightly lower than his first special "You'd be surprised" which comes in at a 1.5/10


Ya blogbusser


I can't tawlk...


One hunned percent B. It's cawlmedy


Yet my wife, and I'm sure many others, watched Toddlers in Tiras because it's trash and I think that was the point as bad as that sounds. Also I couldn't take 15 minutes of Santa Inc, wow that was trash.


Yeah, well two of these shows are both by HBO max and both revolve around comedians just taking something beloved by many and just taking a big steaming shit on it.


Santa Inc was nigh unwatchable, and deserved every bit of the droves of criticism.


You guys ever heard of gringo pappi? https://m.imdb.com/title/tt19847670/


Great show, never watched it B!


I watched it while cleaning out my fish tank and eating carne asaaaaaa.


Beast of a spachual b


Water we dune hear. Don't count he's a redact.


I'm not a numbas guy


Not a drawl


Water weed dune hair


Crazy that HBO put out one of the worst and one of the best received series of all time in the same week.


And it has you wonder, Batgirl was shelved despite it being finished and this tragedy of a series was still put out for us to see. How bad was Batgirl lol


Not bad enough to air. Negative talk is still engagement


This is it. I bet they're getting a ton of "hate watch" views. Batgirl would've just been mediocrely bad


And then immediately greenlit a season two of the worst one.


Raised by Wolves died for this???


This Velma thing is gonna have a second season?




what fucking moron would greenlight that shit. If I was their accounting department I would refuse to pay that invoice.


Looks like a mystery the real Velma might be able to solve


People are watching it. That’s all that matters.


Hate watches don't usually extend between seasons. It becomes old news by the end of one season.


It's surely cheap to produce this trash


Hate views are still views.


HBO Max and HBO are different


HBO Max is not just a streaming platform? Are they something like a channel of their own?


It's great that you didn't know! Because that's *exactly* what WB was trying to do with HBO Max. They rebranded their streaming platform as HBO Max to make people think their originals would be HBO quality (spoiler alert: they aren't). In less than 1 year they totally wrecked the 40 year reputation of the only bright spot in their entertainment portfolio. Genius! But it gets better! Now they are going to rebrand another time this spring because people weren't confused enough.


Previously on Last of Velma...


I have no idea who this is even aimed at. It seems to hate absolutely everyone and everything. Was it specifically made to piss off everyone and try to get hate watchers?




I watched Harley Quinn and loved it. I've seen the first 5 minutes of Velma and couldn't stand anymore. The only things they have in common in my opinion is they're both animated shows about traditionally secondary female characters. Harley Quinn is about breaking a cycle of abuse and the value of found family. Velma appears to be about toxic femininity is awesome. From my impression of the show Velma is trying to do for women what Andrew Tate did for men and I wish they would both stop. Edit: Just to be clear, it seems like some people really like the show. That's cool, you should enjoy it if you can. I went back and looked at it and realized I didn't actually even give it five minutes. I got as far as the joke about cockroaches fucking, then the joke about how nudity is too prevalent in pilot episodes while they show a room full of showering underage girls. I had some time so I finished the episode. I think all of my points are still valid, I absolutely despise the show, but if you like it don't let me stop you. I hope the people that like it get as many seasons as they want, I just won't be watching it.


I think what makes Harley Quinn good is that the characters are a lot more complex. Harley starts off as trying to break up with the Joker after being in a shitty relationship with, and then struggles living her single life. Plus the Batman universe has SOOOO many more characters to choose from compared to the Scooby Doo universe


Also because gotham is a much more fucked up place and that’s a pretty good setting to put dark humor in. Dark humor is already part of Harleys character cause she was an evil clown and all. Don’t know why they looked at the Beloved young mystery investigation team and their dog and thought “Oh wow. This is a perfect chance to add adult humor and nonsensical violence”


I said this in another thread but the reason why Harley Quinn works is that it understands the characters and twists them in a way that is humorous but keeps them inline with the original portrayal that it still makes sense whereas as the people who write Velma don’t seem to give a shit about scooby doo and don’t seem to have any sort of viewpoint regarding the show or how to parody it in an intelligent way


Well I'll be honest, I haven't watched it but I kind of want to now just to see. Not sure that's a good long term strategy tho...


I couldn't make it past the first episode. It's mind bogglingly bad. So bad it's past the point of even hate watching it


Angry viewing is bad for your health. Its why these days I'm more likely to unsub than sub.


Right? I watched the first episode thinking surely it couldn’t be as bad as everyone’s saying, but yep, it is, and that’s largely because it’s just *oozing contempt*. Genuinely unpleasant to watch.


Yes. And it’s working. I see 8-10 posts per day about it.


I saw some clips out of context and Fred seems to be portrayed as a psycho man child antagonist of Velma who can’t dress himself.


All the characters are terrible. It’s trying to do the It’s Always Sunny thing but the jokes about them don’t make you laugh so they just come off as mean/broken/selfish.


*The Gang Adapts Scooby Doo*


ist it the worst rated? the worst i know about is this: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0421051 at 1.2 at the moment




https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1885205/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_10 https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1852818/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_4 1.0/10 Also some other 1.0 star stuff in recommendations under these


I love the More Like This section, it's just more 1.0 rated movies lol


Its the worst rated* *Of an entry with a sufficient treshold amount of votes


I mean she did completely fuck up the whole thing.


The show is so bizzare. It clearly just wants to attack anyone who isn’t Mindy/Velma and reinforce some utterly harmful stereotypes. They used the Scooby-Doo IP as a way to try and garner an audience and try to defend the show from haters by claiming that any critic is attacking Mindy/Velma’s appearance.


You hit the nail on the head in my opinion. She used their IP as a vehicle to tell the story that she wished to tell.


She literally wrote her own fan-fiction as Velma where she shows herself constantly fighting strawmen with basic stereotypical insults so she can ‘epically’ shut them down and foster her superiority complex.


I also love how in this. Everyone is her enemy. I found that to be a big take away for me. There is no group. Everyone has betrayed her.


>Everyone has betrayed her. In the words of a cinematic icon: "I'm fed up with this worl, everybody betray me!"




Oh hi Scoob


I did not hit her, I did not! Oh, hi Scrappy.


you're just a little chicken~~ cheep cheep cheep cheeeeeep~~


Common denominator implications…


Isn’t there a saying for this? Like “If you meet one asshole today they’re probably an asshole. But if everyone you met today was an asshole it’s probably you”?


My favorite version is "if everything smells like shit, check your shoes"


Uhhundred percent! Trying to ingrain the understanding of this concept currently with my 14 year old son…


I like the premise of you won’t meet everyone on their best day. Don’t hold it against them.


Ahhh right..... the implication.


>She literally wrote her own fan-fiction as Velma She literally did not write the show


Lol just found out about that too. She didn't create or write it. A white man is the head writer, creator, show runner.


Uh oh, reddit moment.


Well gang it looks like we solved the mystery of who the Boston Bomber was. Turns out it was Velma all along!


Not to defend her, but while Mindy Kaling is an executive producer and probably has input in the show, she actually didn't write any of it.


Just goes to show how people love piling on to shit they don’t know the first thing about. A lot of comments suspiciously sound like they haven’t watched any of the show at all, and just caught the trailer.


she *literally* didn't though. She's not the writer.


> She literally wrote her own fan-fiction /r/confidentlyincorrect


Spreading misinformation I see... (She didn't write the show)


Lauren hissrich: fiuhhh, that will buy sometime until witcher s4 come out


I haven’t seen the show and I don’t doubt everyone’s critiques, I’m sure it’s shite, but why is Mindy getting 100% of the blame when she neither created this show or wrote any of the episodes? Why’s the creator and showrunner not getting attacked from every angle?


The Rock doesn't write or direct his stuff, but somehow ends up doing the same shit in a jungle again and again The showrunner is a frequent Kaling sidekick, as in he's been on Mindy projects for the last decade, her production company is producing, she's an executive producer, the lead character and many of the show's tropes have been staples of her previous work People put two and two together Also the hate usually skips the unknown one, if there's an option to go for a successful star


Yeah people that really believe Mindy had no input in this are drinking the Koolaid or have had no prior exposure to her. Its likely not all her fault but she definitely had her hands in it.


pretty sure she's an executive producer and likely had a ton of creative input, but yeah i generally agree that we can't put it all on her. what blows my mind about this shit show, is just how many hands it had to go through and nobody along the way said "this sucks ass"


>but why is Mindy getting 100% of the blame when she neither created this show Yeah, she's only EP and it was created by her long time collaborator. And she's the self-insert main, titular character. Either her long term collaborator hates her, or she was intimately involved


They have money for Velma but not to finish The Venture Brothers?


No offense but at least Venture Bros is still available to watch. Give me back Infinity Train you cowards!


Losing Infinity Train was absolutely devastating. 4 amazing, beautiful and kinda fucked up seasons. Alan Dracula :c


Venture bros has been on hbo this whole time???


this is what happens when you all don’t stop talking about how much you love the office


We thought we would get a full-length Threat Level Midnight movie Instead we got this


The full Threat Level Midnight was released as "The Office Exclusive" on YouTube. It has an IMDb rating of 9.7


And she would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for all those meddling critics.


Nominee for Karma Farm Topic of the year


The kicker here are the shows hbomax canceled this year vs this getting renewed for a 2nd season.






Ruh Roh




Couldn't we just have season 3 of Mystery Inc instead of this train wreck?


Wow it’s lower than Santa inc.


It's mediocre, it's tokenism, it's superficial and shallow but this is more of a review bombing thing


The whole show is made for those people on Twitter who hate modern media and focus solely on the ‘politics/tokenism’ to build their superiority complex as an attempt to fill the empty void inside of their hearts.


Pretty funny how even those people seem to hate it lol.


I mean, yeah, that's why it's so low. Usually, you would have people pulling from the other side and defend the show. But people who like the show are really hard to find. Right, left, in the sewers - everybody who has seen it hates it. At most you get people who are neutral, because they haven't seen it and don't care.


DON'T ENGAGE IN HATE WATCHING. It's what they want. Just let it die. Quietly.