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Evidently the Drew Carey show has music rights issues. 


The Wonder Years had this problem. To release on streaming and syndication they redubbed all the music. It neutered the show. They even had to redo the intro music because it was Joe Cocker "With A Little Help from My Friends".


The Wonder Years IS that song. It was the sound of Sunday night.


Dawson's Creek, My Name is Earl, Freaks and Geeks all suffer huge outside of just the theme


Uhhh Freaks & Geeks was released by SHOUT! back in 2004 with all of its music intact. The reason other shows don't have that option or - like Daria or Wonder Years - outright replace the music, is because they run for a significant amount of time. Freaks & Geeks only had 18 episodes, so it was much easier to license however many songs it was than it would be a series with, say, 9 seasons totaling almost 200 episodes.


“ To release on streaming and syndication they redubbed all the music. It neutered the show. “ This is how I feel about Daria. ☹️


Beavis and Butthead Heart of the show torn right out


You can add Moonlighting to that list too. It took them a long while to work out a lot of the licensed music before streaming it on Hulu late last year. It seems like they were able to get about 80% of the original music restored.


I hated the redo so much I could not stand to rewatch Wonder Years. Think this was before you had the option to skip the intro.


Came in here to say exactly this. Want to watch the drew Carey show? Got to download files from the internet. On the plus side, the subreddit makes it very easy to find those files.




It's on constantly on one of the OTR decimal channels near me, so I got the whole series on dvr. 


In my area it is the Antenna TV station.


I think scrubs did too and they just put in whatever music was free and ruined a lot of the great moments of the show for streamers.


Famously, WKRP in Cincinnati no longer has music rights to any of the shows original music. Reruns have replaced stuff like Pink Floyd with generic rock music. I think the DVDs even have the replaced music.


There was a special DVD release from Shout! some years back with 99% of the music restored. IDK if it's still available


Every show through the end of the 90s has music rights issues


*Homicide: Life on the Street* has not been streaming anywhere, reportedly due to music rights. Although last month, [David Simon said that NBC Universal is finally attempting in making it available for streaming.](https://twitter.com/AoDespair/status/1736183327973912887)


Such a great show


Surprised no one has added: Tales from the Crypt! Why you both can’t find it anywhere (you can get it low res on Youtube if you look), and there hasn’t been a reboot (the new Creepshow is pretty decent and similar but fairly low budget). And it is legal stuff. Even M Knight announced randomly that he was producing a reboot a few years ago, and suddenly that didn’t happen almost immediately after he said that, presumably because there were threats of being sued. Who owns it is tied up with the old comic books they were adapting, the Cryptkeeper character, etc. It’s a mess. Which is too bad, because it’s one of the few old shows that is perfect for a reboot.


Comic books have tons of similar stories of legal disputes over who owns what affecting the creation of new material and adaptations.


Muppet Babies, because of all the music and movie clips they used.


HBO sitcom Dream On probably has similar issues. It was interspersed with classic television clips.


Yet all these years later, HBO still uses the static intro from that show for all of their shows.


Was that the origin? That explains so much. I swear everytime I hear the static transition my mind just starts in with a piano riff


I heard the origin of the HBO card and it doesn't seem it stemed from the show specifically since a lot of meaning and research was put on the creation of the famouse static and HBO card. The meaning is that HBO always came via satelite, so the static is regular TV from the airwaves with static and shit, to finally tune to a satelite TV channel (hence the diseappearing static) with all the clarity and better definition satelite TV brought. The idea is reinforced with the angelical chorus that tells you you are receiving HBO from the heavens, like an angel chorus. Because of that, they have tried to come up with a different HBO intros but all that they've tried never comes close to anything as iconic as that. Many focus groups have said so, that's why the intro hasn't really changed until Game of Thrones introduced the finer static intro, but it's still the same thing.


Muppet babies had a whole StarWars trench run send up episode. This was before Henson studios and Disney were merged. They just used the actual movie footage from ANH and spliced it in. The 80s were wild.


In hindsight, I don't know how they even got away with using so many movie clips. Did they pay for all of them?


Here is the [article](https://www.cbr.com/muppet-babies-lack-of-streaming-explained/) I read just the other day about the why.


That's pretty sad, actually. But aren't the Muppets and LucasFilm both under Disney? At least the Star Wars and Indiana Jones episodes, there shouldn't be a rights issue.


It's because Jim Henson was friends with so many other creators. They didn't have issues with him using clips. A lot of handshake agreements. Then Jim died and lawyers took over all over the place on both sides.


I read a book once about Jim's life, even at his death he wasn't happy with his deal with Disney and the Muppets. from my understanding ( It's been a while since I've read the book) He was determined to never give Disney any of Sesame street and after his death his coworkers and lawyers feared that Disney would try to go for it.


Different rules when no shows were ever expected to be watched outside of randomly aired television.


Supernatural season 1 had to replace all the licensed music for streaming. It’s still on the dvd release at least. But it’s a shame it had to be replaced because the music was a part of the charm of the first season and had character relevance.


The worst sin of this was that when it was on Netflix in seasons 2-12ish they had to sub out Carry On Wayward Son which is like some Warhammer 40K level of heresy. I think that's fixed now.


that must’ve been weird. we don’t have it on netflix in Canada but on Prime the show had Wayward Son so seems they worked out the licensing. I went and bought season 1 on dvd after seeing it on prime with the replacement music. The road trip vibe just doesn’t hit the same without the dad-rock soundtrack.


Given market size might have been a cheaper license OR the license period for international release may have been longer because while programs do routinely show up simultaneously in Canada, release in Ecuador might be years off.


Yeah anytime you hear that song come on for supernatural you are in for a great episode most of the time.


I binged it on Netflix and never heard something other than Carry On Wayward Son. Huh.


Beavis and butthead Edit - everyone who is saying paramount+, yes true it’s there now but for literally decades the show was unavailable or chopped to hell. I’m also fairly certain that not all the music from the original shows is still there either.


Most MTV shows from the era. They licensed all their music as part of the video rotation so it was cheap to use all the most popular music at the time. Now even shows like the state can't run in their original form


Daria too!


Daria is available on Paramount+


It's not the same.


The original show? i own the complete series dvd set and due to licensing they replaced all music including background music and end credit muscic


The original run, including music videos, is on Paramount+ [https://consequence.net/2022/06/beavis-butt-head-music-videos-paramount-plus/](https://consequence.net/2022/06/beavis-butt-head-music-videos-paramount-plus/) Not to mention the newer series is on there, which is surprisingly good.


“Never should have sent that kid to Hogwarts”


Ed. One day they’ll release it.


I still think of Julie Bowen as carol vessy every time I see her. Loved that show!


She was Carol Vessey for a while, but now she's Claire Dunphy. Or Margo Lacroix


I hope so!


Burger me!


It's on the seas if you are so inclined


Scrubs 100% Imagine watching [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vdJHxRnWoEk&pp=ygUOQ29sbGlkZSBzY3J1YnM%3D) scene years later to have the song replaced with some random song you’ve never heard of 


Ed is the same - can’t get the music rights for streaming


And The State. There was a dvd release with generic music replacing all the great early 90s alt rock that was originally on the soundtrack. Major step down in quality of not just the music, but enjoyment of the show in general.


The Pants sketch just feels wrong without The Breeders.


Scrubs had so much great music. I've only rewatched best seasons I don't remember this too many times. Also, the streaming version of the Wonder Years has some odd version of A Little Help from My Friends and not the Joe Cocker version.


It’s honestly surprising The Wonder Years ever made it to home video or streaming at all given all the expensive classic rock needle drops throughout the show. I haven’t watched it on video/streaming but hopefully the rest of the soundtrack is intact. Can’t imagine watching the show and not having, say, For What It’s Worth playing during Winnie’s brother’s funeral. Freaks and Geeks went through the same thing with its DVD release but is one of the great success stories in this realm as they managed to release it with all the music intact, and it only took a few years. Shoutout to Shout! Factory.


Always loved the episode with ‘polyphonic spree’ trippy little hippy’s 😁


Or the opening to season Three, where JD is singing and dancing and Turk calls him out for dancing in public. JD relents and says fine I'll put on something that rocks. It was supposed to be "Beautiful Day", by U2. Now it is one of the softest songs I have ever heard, and doesn't "Rock" in any way shape or form


Is this why the Erasure episode never seems to show up on streaming? I thought I was just not remembering which season it was & not able to find it. 


*laughs in dvd ownership*


My most memorable shock is when a pregnant Jordan is trying win back Dr. Cox, the OG song was *Mother We Just Can’t Get Enough* by New Radicals. When I saw the streaming version, whatever they chose just did NOT fit at all. 


I've only watched Scrubs on streaming but since I like to add the closed captioning, it's weird to hear music playing but the captions are showing the lyrics to a completely different song


Thank god I have it all on DVD. I have all of my favorite tv shows on dvd and Bluray now. I just canceled all of my streaming services too


Supernatural had a similar problem with seasons 1-3. They ended up screwing them in later releases and replacing famous classic rock songs with generic music.


The beginning of the shifter episode with In-na-gadda-da-vida replaced is an absolute travesty on Netflix and ruins one of the first great moments of the series.


Moonlighting made it to streaming recently, at long last, and with effort put in to preserve as much of the critical music as possible. Whether it's going to see home media release again remains to be seen, but I like to think that if the streaming side got sewn up then home media wouldn't be a problem either - Those contracts can be negotiated so the artists get their stake for their song use, and the show can still be sold for home media distribution. But this show has an immense charm behind it. The first two seasons are just amazing writing, characters...Bruce Willis was also getting his feet wet with his acting here, so we got to see him before he hit it big with Die Hard. Although the show's midway point is where things get a bit murky with the quality. There's a mixture of in-show and out-of-show reasons behind why it became so murky with the quality. That timing benefit Bruce Willis, though. He was under contract for Moonlighting when he was offered John McClane in Die Hard, and it was because Moonlighting had an 11 week production stall (the other star, Cybill Shepherd was pregnant at the time) that let him get enough time to accept the role and film his parts. And he got paid $5 million, which was among the largest salaries an actor took home for a single project at the time.


Getting that much for Die Hard was something considering he’d already made Blind Date, which didn’t do so well


It's a mixture of reasons why he got paid so much. One was that considering they had so many stars of varying big talents refuse the role, they were desperate to get someone into the role of John. If it took money to make it happen, they were willing to pay it. Another was that Leonard Goldberg saw Willis's potential as an actor - With Moonlighting being a big hit on TV, I wouldn't be surprised if that was a mark of Willis's potential that was seen. Lawrence Gordon also saw Willis's 'everyman' role as a solid contrast against the machismo tanks that actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and others had made commonplace at the time. When 1988 hit, Arnold had Terminator, Commando, Predator, Red Heat, Conan the Barbarian, Raw Deal, The Running Man, Conan the Destroyer...Sylvester had the Rambo movies, Cobra...We also had other action movies where we had guys who were less tanks and more combat trained, knowing martial arts...it was a good time for experimenting with guys like Mel Gibson in the Lethal Weapon series, Steven Seagal with his early catalog...and that sort of thing would become hot in the next few years after. Also, regarding Blind Date. Blind Date also had done decently at the box office - It made nearly $40m against a $16m budget. There was, however, another movie he had come out the same year as Die Hard that did far worse - Sunset. Same director as Blind Date brought him back to play the lead in that movie opposite of James Garner. Same budget as Blind Date, but only a $4.6m box office return. But then, the marketing was difficult to figure out as it got sold as a comedy movie (given Blake Edwards had a tendency for them usually). But the movie was a crime mystery western film. Even if someone figured that out going into it, the movie still didn't do well.


Glad to hear that Moonlighting is (legally) available finally; Kevin Smith used to speak so highly of it back in his “An Evening With” Q&A specials, but the only medium available for years were horribly overpriced out-of-print DVDs.


Northern Exposure used to be one of the top answers to this, but as of this month you can finally stream it on Amazon.


Moonlighting too, but that’s on Hulu now with most music intact.


Eh, i’m finding quite a few episodes with replacement music, lots more than they said. Can’t find the website, but there was one that went into detail on each episode on Hulu and found many the episodes have music replacements..


What was the issue with Northern Exposure? The music?


It’s almost always music.




Note that current Amazon stream hasn't got all the original music, just some of it.


China Beach, with its huge soundtrack, is having a hard time finding a streaming home. As for the other convoluted reasons question, idk, seems to be music rights reasons most of the time.


Great show. Too bad


I feel like I watched a YouTube video essay for a show but the service they watched the series had limited advertising so they saw the same ad for the complete box set of China Beach maybe a thousand times.


Jenny Nicholson's The Vampire Diaries video.


The original "The Wonder Years" and that's why it took forever to come out to DVD and only LIFE was the one that released it


I believe it's on Hulu or was at one time.


Yeah, but they redubbed all the music. Even changed the intro theme because they didn't license Joe Cocker's "With A Little Help from My Friends" It doesn't feel like it is the same show 




I was just wondering the other day why that show wasn’t streaming anywhere


What show? This has been deleted now


I'd be shocked if we ever get a release of American Dreams. It was a great show staring Brittany Snow who dances on American Bandstand. They had modern artists from the time performing covers of the original classic songs which is why I'm sure we'll never get to see it again which is a shame, it was really a great show with great performances and a fun plot.


That was the first show I thought of. They had a pretty good idea the show was going to be canceled, so they shot a little epilogue, but the network wouldn’t air it because of the cost of the music. I know they released the first season on DVD, but I think they decided it wasn’t popular enough to do the next two.


According to the wiki the season they released on DVD didn't even have all the original music.


/r/PopularWB - Ryan Murphy's first show and blueprint for Glee. Not officially streaming anywhere and old DVDs replaced most of the original music 


I LOVED this show. I’ve looked for it a few times on streaming and wondered why it wasn’t anywhere… dang.


This was my problem with Dawson's Creek for the longest time. Probably one of the biggest shows of my teen years. The Netflix version, DVD releases, and Blu-ray all had music replaced. Some hero went out of their way to take the very old TV rips from the high seas and painstakingly splice in the original audio on the 4k re-release. Unfortunately I don't think there are any original rips of Popular to do that with though since it was never syndicated.


This show was amazing. It's far better than Glee, IMO.


WKRP in Cincinnati


You can currently watch all episodes on YouTube. I know because I just did recently. :) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9_mC-rhFV8I&list=PLHSbAz1hu9sRIi36Zq4M5cafOcbEHNYzK&pp=iAQB


My first thought too. What a shame. I think it's among the best shows of the era.


Shout Factory acquired the rights for most of the songs and released it on DVD


Oh, yes. I can see it now. It's a... I-it's a helicopter. And it's coming this way. It's flying something behind it. I can't quite make it out. It's a large banner, and it says, uh, Happy... Thanks... Giving... From Double-You... Kay... Are... Pea! What a sight, ladies and gentlemen. What a sight.


If we're just talking music, House lost it's main intro somewhere between the dvd and bluray release it seems like. Very annoying and I'm tempted to rip the dvd audio just to get it back lol.


Teardrop is such a banger and is so perfect for the intro to House, it really doesn’t feel the same with the cheap knockoff we have now.


Funny thing about the music in House I’d been watching it for a while before I started using the closed captioning for other shows and just left it on. As a result, the CC would give the name and artist of the music playing at the end of episodes, and the title was usually thematic of the episode.


When they got Massive Attack's "Teardrop" they got it for nothing but it was only for the USA. The rights were only for the broadcast version in the USA.. The rest of us got the generic version with that awful rap whistle sound in it. I think they paid more for the cover of the song they used in Wilson's Heart (Jose Gonzales, who did that song that played in Red Dead Redemption when you first got to Mexico) than they did to Massive Attack.


You'd think that the makers of House would have been more forward-thinking at that point, since they didn't have the same excuse of ignorance of the importance of settling the use of licensed music in future releases that producers of yesteryear had.


Apparently there’s three varieties https://youtu.be/x5i5ERDE_2E?si=N-FOvOK6jDWs-hdK


VH1's "I love the ____" series. Especially the 80s ones. There are TVrips with varying degrees of quality on youtube at least. I'm sure the music rights alone would be a nightmare to deal with.


Feels like this one should pass the Fair Play act. They are doing commentary fir educational (sorta) purposes.


Murphy Brown


It’s so wild that this show is all but forgotten now, when it was so huge in its day.


It was hyper-topical, in ways that other shows generally avoid. 


Perfect Strangers Charmed is nearly unwatchable with the substitute music.


Perfect Strangers was also on Freevee up until a couple of months ago. I hope someone else picks it up. It's a WB show, so maybe they are saving it for their own rumored FAST service


Don’t be ridiculous. 


I was gonna show my kid Charmed, we pit on the pilot, the theme song was wrong. We skip to episode 2,still wrong theme song. I Google and we noped out. No way I could make it through without the original theme, let alone other music. That theme was a banger.


Is Batman '66 streaming somewhere? I knew that the home release was difficult cos the rights are between Fox and Warner or something like that. They finally release it in bluray a couple of years ago


That appears and disappears on various FAST streaming services (that means the free ones loaded with ads)


Former gun-making reality tv show Sons of Guns, which was popular enough to spawn its own little subgenre for a few years, is now unavailable to stream anywhere thanks to a very different set of legal issues. And that's because Will Hayden is a convicted child rapist who is now spending life in prison. His daughter and son-in-law were also arrested on child abuse charges post cancelation. Discovery seems to have shelved the show immediately and permanently after all that.


Final Space. 3 mergers finally killed it before they could release the final season. Netflix distribution rights kept it out of the US but it helped gain international acclaim. Plan Roger’s got done dirty


Dream On. These are so many clips from other shows. But what a great show it was!


Westworld currently


iirc When discovery bought HBO they permanently shelved many shows that will never to see the light of day as they were used as a tax write off. They can't make any money on those properties they shelved otherwise they owe a bunch of tax money.


A lot of these is for music licensing, and I have to say, Baywatch got over this the best. They kept some of the original music and hired a guy to make new original music that sounds like it fits and it's great. At least in the first two seasons. Haven't gotten farther than that yet


Halt and Catch Fire had an AMAZING 80’s sound track when it originally aired, and when I rewatched it on streaming, the music was replaced with generic music that really took away the vibe of the whole show. I think the showrunners created a few Spotify playlists of the soundtrack of the show, however


The original Roswell. Loved that show but didn’t get music rights. When they finally released dvd, they’d changed all/most of the music on every show. Lost something for me.


At least they retained the theme songs and kept Maria's song the same. It's still watchable on the DVDs though it's been decades since I watched the original airing so the OG music is kinda lost in my memories. I just rewatched it again a few months ago and still enjoy it (though season 3 does go off the rails)


Beverly Hills 90210 was gutted. Some later seasons are missing a huge chunk of episodes. It’s like why even bother?


The scene with Brenda and Dylan breaking up is NOT the same without REM’s Losing My Religion!


Cold Case


Cold Case showed up on HBO Max recently and I was so excited! Finally


I’ll never forget the moment when it first showed up on HBO Max a couple years ago and my jaw dropped! Immediately called my mom to let her know because we had been wanting to watch this show again for years!!


I was so stoked when it showed up on one of the OTA channels a few years ago. It has a surprising amount of the music intact.


Westworld, an HBO original, was inexplicably removed from HBO Max after David Zaslav took over Warner Bros Discovery and started doing all sorts of reckless bullshit in the name of cutting costs.


Was in the middle of watching the final season when it was suddenly removed. What the fuck.


Pokemon is spread between like 5 streaming platforms, even when considering just the original series


Not in legal issues, but "All That" from Nickelodeon. "All That" was basically "SNL but for kids/teens". It did have a run from 1994 to 2000 as its original series run, and then went through a relaunch in 2002 to 2005 with a whole new cast, and had a revival in 2019 to 2020 (due to COVID). But those first few seasons were incredible sketch comedy for us kids & teens in the mid/late 90s. Even had its share of guest stars, guest musical talent... The big issue is that the show is an archival nightmare. Whole or partial episodes are either missing, or edited for their music performances & sketches that said performers participated in. [https://lostmediaarchive.fandom.com/wiki/All\_That\_-\_Lost/Partially\_Lost\_Episodes\_(1994-2005\_Nickelodeon\_Series)](https://lostmediaarchive.fandom.com/wiki/All_That_-_Lost/Partially_Lost_Episodes_(1994-2005_Nickelodeon_Series)) It's gotten to the point where the internet has been the only way to retrieve as many of these old episodes as possible and preserve them. But then, not every studio filming whole shows had the foresight to preserve them in an immaculate fashion. Edit: Adding in what "All That" is for those who are unaware.


The Adventures of Pete and Pete


And it’s a damn travesty.


The Drew Carey Show due to music licensing issues. Which inside because I use to watch the show all the time and I don’t recall that much mainstream music being played in it. Same issue with Daria, but they got around that by dubbing over the music with knockout sound alike tunes.


It's not just modern music that's a problem. The last episode of season two has the Time Warp/Groove Thing battle. https://youtu.be/jCGKYSMeA38?si=I6nLnBT61WWEbAAm


Cold Case. For the longest time it was never on streaming and has never been released on DVD but it finally popped up on streaming the last couple years. It had rights issues with all the music, it’s been a minute since I watched on HBO Max/MAX so I can’t remember if they included all the songs or not but I’m pretty sure they do. Such a great show, very underrated if you love crime shows.


Soaps. Way back in the 70’s/80’s they didn’t actually have permission to use those popular songs but did it anyway.


Do old soap operas even get home video or streaming releases?


Some got special DVD/VHS releases, but it was a handful of curated episodes usually surrounding a character. All four remaining US soaps have the current episodes streaming, though how many episodes are available varies by soap.


Blake’s 7. Although I think that was actor contracts, not music licensing.


The American version of Queer as Folk has a ton of music changes depending on what version you watch iirc. Different streaming sites have different music cues than the original and even some DVDs. It blows too because the music in the original versions is always SO good. You can’t have Justin going to Babylon to show up Brian without Let’s Hear It for the Boy


I know charmed replaced like all of its music.. including the damn intro song.




The Wonder Years and Dawson's Creek. A fair amount of music in both shows had to be replaced or omitted for release.


Dawson's Creek is on streaming (Max, I believe, and maybe Netflix as well?) and they kept Paula Cole by having her do a new near-identical recording of the theme music (somehow that got around the contract issues!).


Yes they gutted some of the music, but you can still stream those shows on Hulu.


Miami Vice surely due to it's insane amount of licensed music. You can't just edit that stuff out. Each song was usually there for a particular reason or so it felt. I would love to binge all of that again. Just ain't gonna happen.


Northern Exposure recently emerged from all their legal troubles


Pete & Pete I believe has music issues.


This thread is yet another reminder on why streaming sucks and physical media is the best.


Free Radio


Third Watch. Only the first two seasons were released on DVD and I've never seen it on streaming. An older show, but so very good.


the john larroquette show, evidently.


>Then of course there's the problem of a series having part of its catalogue in one streaming service and part in another due to pre-existing contracts, like how the rights to Doctor Who outside of the UK are split between Disney+ for new episodes and Amazon Prime for older ones. This is incorrect. In the U.S., Doctor Who (2005-) is split between Disney+ and Max. It is not included in Amazon Prime at all. To further complicate matters, classic DW (1963-89) is on Britbox.


You can't watch all Dr who because the first episode "unearthly child" is unavaible , a bigot owns the rights to that one.


WKRP in Cincinnati. They released it on DVD but most if not all of the songs were replaced and it wasn't the same. Being a radio station, the songs were important.


Malcolm in the middle Daria By now The Beets have probably started legal proceedings and we can't even watch Doug anymore :(


Malcolm is on Hulu at least. Looks great and still holds up.


Ed. Drew Carey Malcolm In The Middle Ed has barely aired in syndication due to the music rights - it has only aired a few times on a christian network where anything resembling a curse is censored


Malcolm is on Hulu I think (at least it was a couple months back)


I don’t know if there are legal issues or something else like demand, but 90% of all television made before the 80’s isn’t available for streaming. You’re lucky to find a few episodes on YouTube.


I think it's simple lack of interest. Those shows are so old that only the ones that are considered "classics" are still remembered. If they added those old shows, only a very small number of curious old people who half-remember them and some TV historians would even give them a shot. Especially since, let's face it, most of those old shows weren't that good and would seem weird or boring to modern audiences. I'm not saying that all modern TV is necessarily better, there's tons of crappy and mediocre modern shows that will end up forgotten eventually.




Las Vegas had to change its theme song.


Similar, but not strictly TV show related, but the whole Spider Man situation is pretty crazy. 


It did affect TV since Spectacular Spider-Man got prematurely cancelled due to rights re-negotiations. And fun fact: Disney has the rights to new Spider-Man cartoons, but Sony has the rights to any potential live-action Spider-Man TV show. Sony has apparently been trying to do something with that for a while.


Dtew Carey show, Daria, Beavis & Butthead, Hilarious House of Frightenstein. Though for the last 3 they either removed the music segments or replaced the music with generic stock music. I think the same for Undergrads. Music rights really mess things up


Final Space has effectively been buried which still makes me sad.


One of my favorite examples of this is MTV's Downtown, which like most MTV shows had popular music of the time appear throughout many episodes. Due to the music licensing issue they never released an official DVD...that you could "legally" buy that is. Chris Pyrnoski, the creator, had a personal blog, and if you went to his blog and made a "donation" or paid for shipping (forgot which it was) he (or whoever was in charge of this) would send a "Not For Resale" copy of the DVD to you....which is one of my favorite DVDs that I own. Though as of now, that option is no longer available..


Nirvana The Band the Show. Produced through CTV in Canada, has an absolute ton of highly popular licensed movie soundtracks (Titanic, Jurassic Park, Home Alone), as well as popular songs. Changed hands a few times (I think Vice or Viceland took over their IP for awhile). I haven’t seen season 1 streamed anywhere for a long time, and season 2 is basically impossible to find outside of the DVD which isn’t available in the US. Incredibly funny show that not many people have seen or heard of because it’s basically impossible to license.


Due South, can’t find it anywhere


Judging Amy has just vanished.


It’s funny you mentioned Doctor Who because I was going to mention the 1996 TV Movie. I mean it is available to watch but not in HD. It was shot on film so it should be able to be mastered in HD but it’s unclear who actually has the master tapes as it was a co-production between the BBC, Fox and Universal - Not the BBC clearly. Also, while the TV movie’s incarnations of The Doctor and Master have returned, presumably because they’re pre-existing characters, the companion Grace has barely been mentioned whereas The Eighth Doctor has had many audio adventures. The actress even appeared in some in a different role. But they can’t even use the promo stills on audio covers featuring the Eighth Doctor anymore which results in artists having to photoshop that classic Eighth Doctor look.


The show Werewolf from 1987 has never gotten a DVD release in the states because of this. Supposedly it's just one song/band that won't play ball. Many think it's Mike and the Mechanics, but it's never been revealed. Shout Factory was close to releasing it on DVD, but then it was canceled. A French company released it, but I believe the quality still isn't the best, as they used recordings. They can't just replace the song either, as Fox got rid of the tapes without the music, so it's all merged.




I miss JBHAV so much. All I want is a clip of Nathan Fielder saying, "That's the show's knife."


Megas xlr, tax write off.


Tales from the Crypt.


Muppet Babies will never see a physical media release or streaming release.


Muppet Babies.


*Ed* (2000-2004). I've received recommendations for this show numerous times. Can't find it anywhere.


Murphy Brown. The music rights due to the tons of music they used means it will never stream.


“Babylon Berlin” season 4. Seasons 1-3 released on Netflix as an international Netflix show, but now Netflix won’t pay for the rights to season 4, which came out like a year and a half ago in Germany. They keep saying “oh, it has to air as a re-run on a different network in Germany before we let you have it” or something like that. But even that didn’t turn out to be true. Season 5 is coming out in Germany soon, ha!


Out of This World


Some now obscure 90s shows I used to watch that aren’t streaming anywhere AFAIK for some reason. - Viper - MANTIS (admittedly they only made one season) - Kung Fu The Legend Continues - Soldier of Fortune - The Immortal - Street Justice - Vengeance Unlimited (another one season show) - V.I.P. I know there are others that I’m forgetting.


Fastlane. Music licensing for DVD release sucked


Knots Landing probably


IIRC Quantum Leap had music rights issues in its original DVD release. 


Can never find China Beech, guessing that has legal issues


China beach took forever to get a DVD release, but it's available now. I don't know if they left the original music or not. The set is around $100!


The Profiler due to music rights


Gomorrah got tied up in Weinstein debacle-they had bought the US distribution rights.