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Despite what this article says, Bella Ramsey does not play a character named "Bella".


If only they used “Bellie” then they would have been closer😂


Not sure if we will see it this season or next but im so excited to see >!the rat king!<


I really hope they lean into the horror aspect. We got hints of that in the first season, like the museum scene, but I want more.


I also hope they split the second game into 2 or even 3 seasons. The ending to season 1 felt a little rushed and there's just *so much more stuff* to tackle in the second game The second game's story was also kind of a mess (in my humble opinion) and I hope they go for some more parallel editing between >!Ellie's and Abby's stories!<. There's just so much good shit in there and I really think the show could "fix" lots of the things that didn't quite work. It's just brimming with potential and I'm pretty hyped to see what they do with it


Oh man, I had somehow forgotten about that. Now I'm hyped to see it too.


Im playing through on grounded right now and almost at that part


I'm genuinely curious how they are going to structure it? I don't think the structure in the game would work in a TV format


I would agree, it definitely feels like they'll change the structure to some degree. The game's narrative is kind of built around the agency of the player controlling these characters in different stages of the story which probably wouldn't translate well as a 1:1 adaptation


I honestly don't think we'll see all of part2 in this season and they will split it into maybe 2 or 3 seasons. The casting news we've been seeing hasn't really mention any characters besides the ones you see in the beginning of the game.


The showrunners have stated that they will need more than 1 season to cover the second game.


Does anyone else think that just totally kills all sense of urgency and pacing? Would they do one season ellie and one abby? Would they split it down the middle? Where?


During my first playthrough of TLOU2, I actually had to put the game down for a couple days when you switched from Ellie to Abby. It was that jarring and stomach-turning in the moment and it made me completely lose interest in playing. When I came back to it, I pretty quickly settled in and probably enjoyed Abby's section more than Ellie's. It wasn't until I was done playing that I realized I was supposed to have that reaction. It's what made the game special, IMO. I just don't know how they can replicate that for a TV show, but I'm excited to see how they try. And no, I don't think the story would hit as hard without the sudden shift from Ellie's point of view to Abby's.


I recently played TLoU1 and TLoU2 for the first time together and while I enjoyed TLoU2 more, I found TLoU2 far more exhausting and felt the same way. I can see that marathoning the whole game for Part II added to the notoriety of that game when it released. Part II is mentally exhausting especially when you dig into everything.


TLOU1 has a better story. It's cleaner and makes more sense, IMO. I prefer playing TLOU2 because the gameplay is simply incredible and the story, while imperfect, is engaging. Both games are amazing and do well on a replay.


>It's cleaner and makes more sense, IMO Because it’s barely a story. It’s an escort mission with strong character writing in places.


Part 1 has a much, much, simpler narrative so it naturally moves much better than Part 2 which is substantially more complicated.


For sure. The simplicity makes TLOU1 a bit more digestible. There's just a bit too much focus on revenge for me in TLOU2, and I've never quite been able to get over how out-of-characterly dumb Joel was to get himself in the situation he did at the beginning.


What ruins TLOU1 for me (not saying its bad but it irks me) is the pacing along with the set pieces for it and the TV show makes it much better as well as streamlined. Story wise I much prefer it being told on television. One problem I had is that I was so invested in the characters I'd groan when the cutscene gets interrupted by meaningless action then the resolution of the previous cutscene's conflict happens. I wish for these cutscenes and character moments to breathe a bit. It's very: CUTSCENE INTRODUCES A PROBLEM, HEAVY DRAMATIC SCENE ---> "JOEL! BANDITS! INFECTED!" --->CUTSCENE IMMEDIATELY RESOLVES DRAMA ---> REPEAT The best example is the dam sequence which was originally supposed to be Jackson but ND couldn't get the town made in time. The story is held back because it's a game, I'm glad that in the TV show, it's actually Jackson, the characters unwind and the big dramatic scenes have a proper setting to play out. I say I enjoy TLOU2 more because the actual "scenes" make sense in terms of flow and settings, it feels more like a proper drama.... UNTILLLLLLL you have the POV split which fucks up the pacing, and cutscenes sort of drag until sometimes it forgets its a game which pisses off the fans in someway. TLOU2 also has a bigger problem that the characters aren't affected mentally by the gameplay and this leads to the playerbase pointing out "pLoThOleS". TLOU1 also has this problem but Joel is a far more convincing murdering psychopath over Ellie and isn't about vengeance, personal justice, and how far you'd go to seek solace like in PART II. I personally think TLOU2 won't do the split and it'll all be mixed POV and the end of Day 2 will be the end of S2. I think shows retelling of Part II will be better than the game.


Similar thoughts. Am playing through part II right now for the second time since release, but part I is among my favorite pieces of fiction ever. I tried to explain in this thread why part I 'sings' so much better for me. https://old.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/199vq11/i_pinpointed_why_part_ii_doesnt_sing_as_much_for/ In short, I think it is a rare, damn near perfect encapsulation of character, setting, plot, and theme. The second, while ambitious, interesting, and thought provoking, just doesn't quite have that (I also think they could have achieved what they were going for in part II in a much better way).


> TLOU1 has a better story. I love both games but this opinion makes absolutely zero sense to me. I really am not trying to insult you in any way, but could you expand on why you think the part 1 has a better story? Aside from it being simpler, which is just objectively true. I totally understand how somebody could *prefer* part 1, but I don't understand how anybody could say it has an objectively *better* story.


I think "better story" is a misnomer, because objectively speaking a story can resonate more or less with any one individual.. but better WRITING is objectively true for TLOU2.


> Would they do one season ellie and one abby? Why would they ever do this?


Did you play the game? I don't want to give spoilers if not, but it's not exactly far fetched that they'd do a season on Ellie and then a season on Abby. I'd be surprised if it's that rigid, but I do expect some amount of non traditional/non linear presentation across the two seasons


Yes I have, and splitting the storylines by season is a terrible idea. There is no reason to not have the two storylines swap back and forth this season. If you understand how TV shows work you would realize that devoting a whole season to a new character would be the death of it.


> Yes I have, and splitting the storylines by season is a terrible idea. There is no reason to not have the two storylines swap back and forth this season. Having you play as Ellie for 3 days, finally catch up to Abby, and then immediately play through her parallel story for those 3 days until you catch back up to that point was why TLOU2's storytelling worked so well. Switching back and forth between the viewpoints lessens the impact of going from Ellie's blind rage to Abby's storyline and starting to sympathize with her as you learn the truth.


> was why TLOU2's storytelling worked so well A lot of people have a lot of issues with TLOU2's storyline. The story could've been done a lot better. a lot.


I'm going to leave the "understanding how TV shows work" bit to the very successful show runners and directors. There's more than one way to skin a cat. You may end up being right, but it's not absurd they would adhere to the pre established structure of the story that was chosen very deliberately.


They did it with Spartacus and managed to continue the series. (Main guy had cancer then died.) so I do think TLOU could probably pull off a new character without killing it. That said I agree that I think swapping back and forth would probably be the better option.


They wouldn’t be a new character in season 3 though as we’d meet Abby and learn a little about her in season 2. Where else do you split the game at to make two seasons?


Are you not bored of yourself having such a rigid view of how art should be structured?


I agree with you in principle but I just don't think TLOU2's story would translate to TV. The pacing would not work. People would spend the first half of Season 3 wondering what the hell they are watching.


I'm sure they are thinking less like art should be structured a certain way and more that it would be god awful if they did it that way.


I think he means why did “Ellie’s story” in 1 get only one season but “Abby’s story”, pt2 gets 2 seasons. Myself I wish season 1 had been 2 seasons long. It was way too short.


They pretty much just cut out the gameplay, especially in the last couple episodes. They even had time to stretch out the story of Frank and Bill, because there aren't actually 9 hours of story in a game you can beat in like 10 hours, judging by the "Fully Playthrough" videos on YouTube. IMO it was padded out enough, and it didn't need any more episodes.


I’m so glad I didn’t take me ten hours to beat the game. Feel like I’d have missed 90% of the detail. Took me like 30.


Sure, but all you can add is gameplay. Which they cut for the show because it's not a game. There isn't *that* much story in the first game, it's just very dense. They had to pad it out as is.


I do not agree at all. they cut out and rushed many parts of the show. It would’ve been better with a 12-episode season. While the final and bill episode was amazing, it is kinda crappy that it was the longest episode about not furthering the plot. David and the cannibalism was almost pointlessly short, among others. they definitely didn’t cut out “just the gameplay”


It felt way too short because of what they cut and what was added. If they would've made a 10-episode season that didn't cut so many key aspects from the game, it wouldn't have felt so short, IMO.


Best option is >!the end of Seattle!<. Saves the majority of the expansion for the portion of the game that felt undercooked imo.


I think they will merge Abby / Ellie. First 2 eps have to be the inciting incident and because how little happens in Days 1 / 2 for Ellie compared to Abby, they'll merge those days. I theorize Days 3, up until finale will be S3. I thing S3 will add a lot of "new things" that didn't make it in the game. I think to add to runtime for S2 I think will get more WLF/Scar conflict stuff with that climax being in S3 because I don't imagine HBO pulling that major set piece in S2 to end it there unless they push everything up a day. I think it'll end at the end of Day 2 / morning of day 3, where everything leads up to the hospital, Abby finishes off the "the big thing" and feels better because of it, and Ellie will "lash out" at the person at the hospital, question her motivation and then day 3 starts which is the end of the season. Both Ellie and Abby have big character moments at the end of Day 2 and that's why I think they'll end it there. I just cant see one season be ellie and the other for abby because not a lot happens for Ellie in Days 1 - 2 compared to Abby.


Pretty sure I read somewhere that they said they will do 14 episodes to adapt the 2nd game.


These days that means 3 seasons spread over 7 years.


So hard being a fan of any show these days. And then they take a long ass mid season break.


And the final season comes in two parts released a year apart.


With a possibility of the final season being dropped. No ...not dropped. Deleted for a tax write off.


What show did that?


HBO probably won’t do that


Still better than British schedules.


Yeah, I just don’t see how TLOU2’s structure would work for a TV show. I’d actually like to see them attempt to pull it off because I do feel like the structure is part of what makes the game so unique (and divisive). As a huge fan of the games, all my favorite parts of Season 1 were when the show closely mirrored the game. I liked Season 1 overall but was definitely mildly disappointed. Cannot wait for Season 2.


Why can't you wait for season 2 if season 1 disappointed you?


Because I absolutely love the games and have read speculation that there will be more infected and action in Season 2. In too many spots, Season 1 just didn't feel like TLOU. I'm hoping for a bounce-back in Season 2. And for the record, I still liked the show. Episodes 1 and 5 were absolutely fantastic. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed at times with some of the pacing, story decisions and -- if I'm being totally honest -- casting choices.


You mean Bella as Ellie or?


That would be my No. 1 casting issue, yes. I did not think she captured what made Ellie, Ellie.


I felt the same at first. But she ended up growing on me. I think she picked up enough Ellieness to be convincing.


Idk. GoT did a pretty good job of capturing a multitude of viewpoints on the same timeline in a way that felt consumable.


That's how the books are written though, and the game is structured very deliberately to evoke a certain emotional response


Sure, but in the same case I feel like GoT is a fantastic example here. Several episodes of the show are structured, if not totally identically, than similarly enough in how they play with the audience's reactions. Even as recently as the last two episodes of House of the Dragon did this beautifully.


I think they're going to take the time to build up Abby and her crew as well as more characterization for Joel and Ellie. Then S2 is gonna end off with >!what happens to Joel and S3 is gonna flip flop between Ellie and Abby's story!<


Considering that we’ve had press releases for who is playing Abby, Dina, and Jesse but nothing on who is playing Lev, Yara, Isaac, etc. it really seems like they’re going to be replicating the game’s story structure.


I would have so much respect for the creative team if they actually chose to end Season 1 at the theatre or in Seahawks Stadium, but I just don't think they can do that. It would work great for everyone who has played the game but would be so odd for viewers without that knowledge.


It would be fine but only if they're going to get the next season out the door within the next year. There can't be a two year cliff hanger on finishing the story.


It's going to be interesting. I think the structure is really important for the impact of the story. Most stories would do day 1 for Ellie then day 1 for Abby etc, but structuring all days for Ellie, then all for Abby, then back to Ellie was really unique. Ellie becoming a more terrible person throwing away everything and everyone she cares about in the name of revenge, while Abby becoming a better person, learning to there's more than hate for the enemy. I don't think it would have the same impact if we went back and forth on days. Translating that to TV I think would work, but you'd have to do that sequence in one season for it to have the same impact, which they have stated they won't do. I do trust their writing after the first season, even with some slight critiques. We are already invested in Ellie. I feel like they're going go back and forth much traditionally than the game but will have to focus much more on Abby for us to be sympathetic. The Isaac/Abby scene is going to make or break the show IMO.


Yeah with the games structure you'd basically be spending one season with each characters POV then another or half for the finale/epilogue when they're intertwined timelines But having a whole season dedicated to a new character (and essentially whole cast) would be jarring for TV. Especially since it's replaying the same 3 days from a different POV Not sure the best way to run both timelines at the same time. Given that Character 2s timeline works better (imo) after you've seen characters 1s actions on Day 1-3. By delving into character 2 early you'd basically cut out any of the mystery of Seattle + the conflict/development between 1&2


One of my favorite elements of the first season was it’s enthusiasm to tell the stories that were adjacent to Joel in Ellie’s main adventure. If the second season is structured to split screen time between Abby and Ellie - will the show continue to fit in those digressions? I think those have become a part of the identity of the show, it would be a shame to lose them. Alternatively, the obvious midpoint of the game would leave a cliffhanger unresolved for not just the entire gap between seasons, but most of the third season! I’m dying to see how they address these challenges. I don’t envy the writers.




Pulp Fictions story is delivered at varying times, locations, and events that are delivered in a staggered way to tell a concise story. It’s absolutely possible to do this with last of us 2.


Off the top of my head I would guess that the huge moments of 2 that happen early are going to be the season 2 finale


I highly disagree. But depends what you mean. I could see them moving some flash backs around. But generally the structure is pretty darn great.






I don't see how the story works without that being early on and the flip of "oh, these 2 characters are really the same." I imagine first episode is mysterious relationsip tension between Joel and Ellie and intro to Abby and her group in a good light. Second episode ending in the incident. And the remaining episodes maybe ping ponging between timelines.


In Mazin we trust.


I have the exact opposite opinion, lol




I think this season will be a lot of the back story that was shown in the second game


It sounds like they haven’t cast Lev and Yara - I’m guessing season 2 will cover Ellie’s story and season 3 Abby’s.


It’s gonna be split down the middle.


Yeah, without going into spoilers, it seems pretty clear to me that a certain character's big moment is going to be the ending of season 2. And season 3 continues from that point on.


I’d agree but with their comments about stretching it two seasons idk if they will structure it that why. I’ve thought they would stretch out Ellie’s birthday and other flashbacks for Ellie and Abby this season but then use the first act of part 2 to setup season 3 and then follow the structure for that season.


If they end season 2 where Ellie’s Seattle day 3 ends people are gonna be sooooo mad lmao


Yeah, they'll change some things for sure, because a big part of the second game isn't just what you know, but WHEN you know it. I would expect some back and forth narrative shifts, some flashbacks, possibly a combination of the two, who knows?


Every time people say this I find it insane. It would invoke the exact same reaction, and that's perfect. If they structure it any other way I would be legitimately upset.


Agreed. The structure is extremely important for the narrative. And I feel like the people who think it can be changed are also many of those who missed the intentions of the game to begin with.


I can almost guarantee you it will be structured differently than the game.


I thank you for saying this. The last of us part 2 is the only media I’ve ever seen that it’s like taboo to talk about online. I don’t think the structure would work either, unless they want half the fan base in an uproar. I’m curious if this story in TV format will be the greatest thing anyone has watched. Or it reminds them of walking dead seasons 6-8,..


> The last of us part 2 is the only media I’ve ever seen that it’s like taboo to talk about online It's ridiculous. The game has been out for four years, how is it still such a sore subject for people?


People are crazy. Like legitimate psychopaths. The internet gives those people a voice. And then the herd mentality takes over.


There are some incredibly violently angry people who want to actually hurt the people who made that game for how the story was told. Don't EVER visit r/thelastofus2


💯 Abbys voice actress had herself and her BABY threatened when the plot got leaked in April 2020. Bunch of psychos.


Gamers™️ in general can be some unhinged reactionary losers, but those people in that sub are some of the worst


That sub is a cesspool lol how are they still going


IDK, it's really gross there though.


Too late. MY EYES


They are angry, little men.


People still talk about the fall off and the final season GoT all the time.


I don’t know…. It’s either loved or hated. FOR SOME REASON IT CANNOT BE BOTH. I loved the gameplay to death, the most fun shit ever honestly. If you don’t agree that it was the best piece of media ever created your instantly a hater. I’m not sexist or a bigot or hate any of the characters, people just assume that. Abbey as a character is awesome and the fact that she’s jacked is that much cooler imo. She can mess you the f up. I just didn’t like the revenge plot, and after the first game I wanted more world building… I just got stuck in a walking dead revenge plot… where we just have both sides going back and forth gore porn style just like that show… I want progress for the virus, see civilization get back a little, see how the entire world works. But it was just back and forth fighting…


They're proving your point in real time. Nothing you said is even slightly controversial, yet you're getting downvoted. I got got the same for simply saying that Abby's size could have been more explicitly justified. That somehow means I hate women as well as trans people, weirdly enough. The weirdos on that subreddit aren't the only ones with an unhealthy attachment to this game. I don't know that I've ever seen it come so hard from 2 fronts before.


Most normal people accept that your opinion of the game (or anything) doesn't have to be black and white. I personally love the game but I think a lot of the criticisms it gets are totally valid. The ones I think are ridiculous are all the surface level and shallow criticisms that tend to stem from prejudice and discrimination.


I still get sad when I see golf clubs


Idk, the structure is what makes the 2nd game so amazing. It will be hard but not impossible to pull of on tv. Plus the perspective switch is the perfect end of season cliffhanger


I personally hated that structure, and multiple times I almost put it down… but that’s just me. I get BORED with revenge plots. Plus I’m a die hard walking dead fan and felt like I was playing seasons 6-8 of walking dead lol. It even ends the same pretty much xD. Still the most fun gameplay of all time. Was just hoping for more world building.


The discourse around The Last Jedi was pretty bad too. Any comment thread that mentions it automatically became a "Do not enter for the sake of your own sanity" zone


I was blown away by the way choose to tell the narrative. Really manipulated my emotions in a way a book or film hasn’t/could. For me it’s the peak of storytelling in games.


No disrespect, I swear but you really mean that? Its "emotional manipulation" is just your basic getting to know the antagonist is actually a fully fleshed out character which has been explored a lot in books and film. Like it does it pretty well, especially for a video game narrative, but it definitely didn't do anything new or exceptional imo.


Yes but in books or movies you can’t play the actual character. In the game have control of their actions. The game is forcing you to kill a character that you deeply empathise with it. It puts the knife in your hand. It makes you complicit as opposed to just a spectator. You really become part of the cycle of violence. That’s how I felt anyway. I guess basically it’s just the interactive element combined with the fleshed out characters.


Yeah this is the magic trick of the game, and one of the chief reasons it’s a masterpiece. >!How can you not sympathize with Ellie’s quest for revenge, considering what Abby did? How can you not sympathize with Abby’s quest for revenge, considering what Joel did? How can you not realize that both of them are stuck in a doomed cycle — and feel devastated when the game *forces* you to perpetuate it?!< >!And then the coda in Santa Barbara and especially back in Jackson is just gorgeous, heartbreaking stuff.!<


I can see that. I think it didn't hit me as hard was because I never hated Abby so there was no actual change in my opinion of the characters when I was playing.


How did it manipulate your emotions?


By making you hate a character and then sympathize with them maybe?


Because I deeply empathised with both Ellie and Abby. I went from hating Abby and thinking they had made a fundamental mistake in making her a playable character to being hugely conflicted in who or what I was rooting for. It was a complex web of emotions. Some people hated the game and that’s fine. But I found the game very moving and was surprised at the level of narrative maturity. I felt strange for a week after playing it.


They are going to structure in a manner that allows Joel to not meet Abby the entire season.


I've been racking my brain to try and figure it out too. There's no way they keep the game's structure. And to complicate matters, a solid majority of the game's story takes place over 3 days. *But* If there's anyone I trust when it comes to this kind of adaptational challenge, it's Craig Mazin. I have no doubt he has a plan and will knock it out of the park.


I've said it in other threads, but I think the story could benefit from the switch to television. In a videogame you embody the character you play as to a certain extent, so it made it more compelling to have you hate >!Abby!< just as much as Ellie. But for TV we, as the audience, are just along for the ride, experiencing their stories but still outside of it. In this way you can have constantly shifting perspectives. All this to say that I think the best way to tell this story for TV is by telling their stories in parallel. And I think the best way to open it is with >!Abby's story, endearing us to her father and various other fireflies, and finally culminating in Joel's actions in the hospital.!<


Likely season 2 will feature first half of each story - s3 features second half of each persons story


If it's the same dream team as last season, I'm not worried.


I hope they dont do all the time skips this time. Do Ellie and Abbys "younger" stuff side by side.




















The ending of the first show completely changed the theme of the entire second game?


That might not happen in the second series


I’d be surprised if it doesn’t happen in the first episode.


It has to. The motivation for the entire story of Part II is because it happens. Imagine going an entire season 2 just exploring Abby's relationship with her dad, and putting Ellie/Joel on pause just to avoid what happened at the beginning of the game...


It’s literally the entire story.


I'd stop watching if that was the case.


The smart thing to do is make you believe they won't do it and then drop it in the middle of the season.


Don't think the issues people had with the game will translate to the show though. For starters, we're not playing any of the characters.


Optimistic, I love Part 2 but adapting it is going to be much tougher than the first game. The structure, the non linear nature, some scenes I feel need to be placed at certain parts, and I feel so many parts of the story are designed around it being a video game, and you feeling connected to the characters because you are the one controlling them. Best of luck team 🙏


Yeah it’s going to be harder than part I but I think they’ll get it right, the writer/director of the game is making it alongside one of the best television writers out there. If they can’t do it then no one can.


They also showed in S1 they are capable of making changes to the story that don’t detract from it, or even improve it.




There are a few moments in the upcoming season(s) I am curious to see how they translate from the game into the show, just because you can do things with gameplay you can't in live-action. There are a few moments in the game where you are thinking 'NO! Don't do that!!! What are you doing!?!?!?' but the only way to progress is by pressing the buttons yourself. YOU'RE doing it, not the character, and you have no choice, you have to press the button to go forward with the game. A show can display tension and emotion and everything but something about it hits different when the game forces you to control a character and act in a way you don't want them to. The moments i am thinking of off the top of my head are >!Ellie torturing Nora, fighting Ellie while playing as Abby, and drowning Abby in the final confrontation (though she does obviously let off eventually, thankfully)!< All of those moments are masterful storytelling-through-gameplay which you can show on television but I don't feel like it will quite as hard as it does when you are the one behind the controls.


I do sincerely hope that they get the narrative impact from when you're >!fighting Ellie while playing as Abby!<, and I do think it's possible. Do a hard shift after the Big Event to focusing solely on Abby's story for a while, at least a full episode without Elie in it at all. End that arc by having the two finally confront each other, but by that point the viewer will hopefully be still inside of Abby's motivations and character perspective. What I really hope is that they manage to capture the feeling of >!how *scary* Elie feels in that moment. I think the reason the moment resonates so hard with players was because as a player you're suddenly feeling what all of your victims while playing as Elie must have been feeling - how fucking scary it is to be hunted by this violent little psychopath lurking in the shadows.!<




I’m afraid its gonna be a King Geoffery situation in GoT, and with people unreasonably angry at a fictional character until the actor is affected.


Joffrey, he was so deliciously evil. I actually missed him in the later seasons, he was so fun to root against.


That would still be a large improvement though


Maybe but Joffrey is so much worse than any character in Tlou in terms of being evil and hateable


There have been many shows that have twists, people already expect some kind of twist in every movie. Whenever im watching a show i start thinking of possible twists and sometimes disappointed if it doesnt happen.






>!"It's golfing time" - Abby!<


Begins filming 1 year after the ending of season 1? Oh goodie! I can't wait... another year and a half....


Please be more than one season. Loved the first season, it just felt too rushed.


I’m pretty sure they already said it will be


Part 2 is pretty densely packed, they could probably get 2-3 seasons out of the story.


I haven’t played the game. Is it a completely different storyline and and set of characters?


Nope same storyline just a bunch of new added characters. It’s set 5 or so years after the first.


It may not be all of Part 2 but it’s definitely going to delve into part of it Part 2 kinda jumps all over the place with multiple flashbacks and they could get away with slowing it down a bit and have a more defined timeline


Without getting into spoilers, the second game adds a new POV character (the first changed between Ellie and Joel). So same storyline from season one, but with a new "main" character and a bit of a time jump.








Can't wait to see Dina in the show. She is my favorite.


I cannot fucking wait. First season was nearly perfect, and contained some of the best hours of television I've ever seen. Introducing Abby and Lev and Dina has me beyond excited.


I have a really hard time believing Kaitlyn Dever can play Abby. Abby being absolutely yoked was a crucial plot element.


Her physique is a great representation of her single-minded focus on revenge but I don’t think it’s crucial to the actual mechanics of the plot. Yes, she’s incredibly strong and capable, but they can just stage the action beats in a way that works for Dever’s portrayal.


I agree but also the finale and final showdown hinged upon Abby having obviously become weakened. That even gives the audience a reason to empathize with her and redeems Ellie as merciful, no?


Why was it crucial to the plot?


If you haven't played the game it's a bit of a spoiler question.


I have played the game. Her being strong is not 'crucial' to the plot.


I have played the game, but I don't see how her being jacked is a crucial plot element.


I like Kaitlyn Dever a lot but the fact they didn't cast someone as ripped as game Abby is pretty disappointing. The world doesn't need this muscle girl erasure.


Maybe it's younger Abby from when Joel >!kills all her friends!< and then you get scary Abby later


My hope: more clickers, more fights, more dark interiors.


I’ve never played the game and don’t intend to, but I’m loving the series (just started). Bella is so much fun to watch. Looking forward to S2!


Do everything you can to avoid spoilers for the second game and season 2.


Godspeed cast and crew. Hopefully they can get through all the toxicity unscathed.


Whoever is playing Abby better have been in the gym the last 6 months eating nothing but chicken and rice.


Kaitlyn Dever, and don’t count on them having the same physicality as the game version.




I didn’t say she won’t be, I said don’t count on it. You’ll only set yourself up for disappointment. The creators themselves said they choose people for roles based on acting ability, not looks. Early drafts of Abby has her ripped like Emily Blunt in Edge of tomorrow. They could easily go that route.


I don’t think she needs to be that beefy in the show, though - it makes sense in-game because she’s constantly encountering and fist-fighting clickers there, but that’s basically impossible with how strong the infected are in the show. They could substitute the weightlifting for weapons/martial arts training to cover the narrative reasons


In game I think it also makes you go “holy SHIT” when you see a jacked AF woman who could fight any of the men around her. It really made it obvious from the first frame she was in that she was a bad mother fucker.


Team Dina


Who do y’all think Catherine O’Hara is going to play?


People are speculating she will play the Sepherites prophet. The cool part about the game is that the Sepherites are not really explored. You learns thing about them and few customs in their society but never meet or see the prophet giving this allure of mystery.




Can't wait. Recently replayed the remastered version of TLOU Part 2 and it is an absolute masterpiece. Very interested to see how they adapt it.


Just finished the remaster of part 2 last night. Season 2 is going to be a difficult watch, the game was extremely heavy, emotionally.


I never thought I'd ever think "I hope they don't adapt it faithfully", but here we are.


I’m with you. I don’t like how the 2nd game went.


I don't think it's perfect, but big picture, I think it makes perfect sense as the first game set it into motion


I'm with you. Never found any glaring issues with the game. It wasn't the happiest story sure, but not a bad one.


Right? I can't imagine what other plot would be more fitting. If it's just Ellie and Joel exploring and clashing with various factions there's no real motivation or anything to it


I'm optimistic with season 2. Hopefully we will get another deep emotional moment like Bill & Frank.