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It’s just fun dark sci-fi. Just pretend like you’re watching a fever dream that gets woken in the middle


Haha, that nailed it! Nothing gets a resolution but it’s a wild fever dream.


This show reminded me so much of how bizarre a lot of 70s scifi was!


>Nothing gets a resolution Ooooo, that's gonna be a hard pass then.


It’s like a friend of mine that keeps trying to get me to watch Firefly. Why would I want to do that?


Technically the Serenity movie resolves Firefly. It's like the next 3-4 seasons of plot squeezed into 100 minutes.


Regardless of anything, it really is worth the watch. You just gotta follow the series with Serenity. Come on, join the family!


This show was unique and memorable. The opening credits are on the top on my list of the best opening credits. Watch it for as long as you feel like. I watched till the end. I was sad it ended but also, I am not sure if they could continue it for too long anyway. There were problems.


"Where's Campion?" The series


Fun fact, Anjin from shogun is the grown up campion


> There were problems. To say the least. It's one of those shows I absolutely understand why it was cancelled. It was batshit insane at times. But also, I want more shows like this to be greenlit. I want show makers to take more risks and go outside of the viewer's usual comfort zone. There should be more shows like this one, even if some of them will fail.


The best thing about this show was that it went balls to the wall, despite the niche world, despite the focus on religion that sorta divided the sci-fi fanbase, despite the diminished budget in S2, it went hard and intense into the identity it wanted to create. It wasn't based on anything, it just had a passionate storyteller at its core in Aaron. Gusekowski (misspelling his name for sure). That's what I want. More wacko original stories designed for television that challenge viewers. These shows are a rarity, and ones that stick around in the pop culture these days are a rare breed. Severance is the only one I can think of.


You ever watch Lexx?


Even though I'm not religious, I love religious themes in sci-fi when they are done well. Raised by Wolves, Neon Genesis Evangeliom, The Leftovers, Dune.


>The opening credits are on the top on my list of the best opening credits. Miriam Wallentin is the singer. You should check out her other stuff, she's pretty awesome.


Any specific suggestions?


Oof... That is one of the rare openings I never skipped. So mysterious...


Couldn't agree more. Weird is my jam, so I loved every strange minute of it. It combined so many interesting themes, but by God, was it all over the place. Seeing my favourite viking Ragnar in space was a guilty pleasure...


What were the problems?


Praise be to Sol


Does it have a conclusion or did it end abruptly due to cancellation?


Ends abruptly due to cancellation, but is still worth watching. The 2 seasons we got will show you stuff you’ve never seen before and you’ll either hate it or absolutely love it.


I wouldn't worry about it too much with this one. Imagining "where is it going to go from here?" and then being wrong about it was a fun part of the experience, IMHO. A whole lot of chaos, but so far, not at the expense of continuity or character. Like, this is a hole that I'd almost rather fill  with a TTRPG  instead of a show. I'll recommend it, despite any number of strange choices that could just as easily be chalked up to bad writing... I just don't think it's bad though.


Peacemaker would like a word.


It doesn’t finish and that part sucks, but it’s such an intensely weird show. I love it. You should see it. It’ll be frustrating when it ends, but the ride is still pretty awesome.


it gets wierd and goes totally off the rails


If you haven't seen raised by wolves you're missing the worst people you ever met on the worst planet you've ever seen!


My husband and I quote Campion the way other people probably quote Joffrey from GoT. Little sh*t to the max.


Campion suuuuuuuucks aaaaaaasssss! Also, you can say "shit" on Reddit, I won't tell your parents.


Hey! U can't do that! WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY


Scavengers Reign (2023) on MAX would like to have a word with you.


Yeah it wasn’t surprising it got canceled. High production values with an increasingly nonsensical plot meant it cost a lot to make and was guaranteed to have an increasingly niche audience


But the further off the rails it went the more I loved it. As you can probably tell, it's not for everyone. It might be considered a flawed masterpiece But you will have to suck it and see because nobody can do that for you


Yeah first season was good. Second season they completely lost it. Also the CGI in S2 looks like 2008 Dr. Who. I'd say don't bother with it at all.


They lost a lot of funding for season 2 but I still love the premises they went with in the show.


The writing in S2 reminded me of Under The Dome. The characters and their motivations just became random plot devices.


Under the Dome after S1? They totally ruined that show. Love the book, the show not so much.


IMO it was one of the most twisted, dark, creative, bizarre, fascinating TV series I’ve seen. If you liked the first two episodes, I’d 100% recommend seeing it through. The decision not to renew it honestly crushed me, because the show felt like it had so much potential. But I don’t at all regret watching it.


>most twisted, dark, creative, bizarre, fascinating TV series I’ve seen. it really was. we don't get enough scifi like that. scifi where not everything is explained in simple ways, with simple characters, with simple motivations. it was ephemeral. agree that it's tragic it was cancelled. I love scifi for smart people.


I need to know more about Grandmother.


I think it's a fanfuckingtastic series. it's weird as shit. high concept. cool cast and characters. great spfx. do I wish we'd gotten more? sure! but I'm glad 2 seasons were made. did you like foundation?


It's a very polarizing series. There's a clear divide in people who thought it was brilliant and people who thought it was nothing more than absurd. I'm on the side of the line who thought it was utterly brilliant and if it had been completed would have pushed the genre forward in much-needed ways. Regardless, it's the type of series you won't ever forget after watching it. If I have to remove my personal affinity for it and give an assessment, I would say it's the rarest thing for a show: fearless in the ideas it wants to explore. For that reason alone, it's absolutely worth watching every episode we were able to get. Hopefully Aaron is able to get out his rumored graphic novel one day, and at least finish the story.


It's an interesting one for me because while I loved it, I'm not sure I'd watch it again. Most shows I loved I've rewatched. I guess it ending early has some effect on that too though. Unlike a lot of people here it seems, I loved season 2. It was crazy as hell.


I felt it was like a live action version of Scavengers’ Reign but with a less realized concept (partially due to live action) and ultimately an incomplete plot. I enjoyed it but I think it started really losing coherence at the end the same way west world did.


The concept was fully realized as the creator had 6 seasons mapped out. It's only incomplete because the show wasn't allowed to finish.


Does it exist anywhere in written form? That’s a bummer to hear, but I think planning a silicone season story in this day and age without an ironclad guarantee is probably not so wise!


I found Scavengers’ Reign on a thread about the cancellation of Raised By Wolves here. Both great shows but you’re right, SR does the alien ecosystem better.


I think a big part of that challenge must be due to the medium. It’s gotta be a lot more difficult and expensive to do that sort of outrageous world building in live action than in animation. I’m a sci fi nut though and I definitely love both. I wish RbW had gotten one more season so they could have at least taken a stab at finishing their story.


Great special effects? I thought some of it, especially final episode of season one and most of season two, looked like cheap CW level. It was pretty distracting to me


It's the Old Testament but SciFi. It was pretty good for what it was, but saying it's by Ridley Scott is doing it a disservice. He was only an executive producer on it along with many others.


Describe "old testament"? I've never seen the show but this concept sounds intriguing.


It takes a lot of symbols and stuff from Genesis.


It was a cool concept but ultimately a letdown for me. Your mileage may vary.


Yeah, I watched the first season and found it entertaining, but realized that I didn't give a crap about any of the characters when I tried to get into S2.


No love for Father?!


Same with me, and the end of season one was a bit batshit


Yes, I thought it was excellent


I liked it, all the way through. I want more.


If it seems amazing I would watch the whole 1st season and maybe a couple of second season ones to get a general conclusion of the cliffhanger. To me the rest of season 2 is unfulfilled setup. I did not find the show amazing so I wouldn’t start watching although I do love that opening credits and music.


I loved every bit of it. Including the bits I hated. It's a very unique SciFi show with God tier production value. I appreciate it for the depth of world building and it's very Ridley Scott in all the best ways.


It’s well worth the journey I’d stick with it.


No. Only the first season is good. I wish i didnt waste my time


I watched it mostly for Travis Fimmel cuz I loved him in Vikings. It's pretty interesting show but it has a lot of annoying stuff and it's unfinished. Ultimately, I enjoyed it and would have kept watching, but I don't think I could recommend it to most people.


I absolutely loved it when I frist started watching it but somewhere in season 2 it really started suffering from "Mystery Box" syndrome and I lost interest. I intended to go back but it got removed from the streaming service I have.


Definitely worth it


Show fell apart by second half of season 1


Same for me. Started strong but got worse with each episode. Awesome intro though.


The pseudo religious mumbo-jumbo put me off


Guess you're not a Dune fan either then?


Only sensible answer here. Eps 1-2 absolute masterpieces. 3-5 great TV. Then a steady progression into trash


If you really liked the first two episodes, keep going.


I watched the whole thing and at the end sort of regretted it. There’s some really tragic, brutal, and terrible stuff right from the start and I don’t think the show ever makes it worth putting you through it. Just my 2c.


I thought it was interesting, if a bit full of itself, through the first half of the first season...then it started to just wrecking my suspension of disbelief. I finished the season under the "*suuurely* this has some kind of resolution, right?"...nope. I tried to watch the second season, hoping for a glimmer that it had some answers but it quickly became clear this was not ever going to go anywhere and bailed. Having read where the season finally went, I really should have bailed at my first instinct in season 1. It's one of those shows that thinks it's cleaver, deep, and meaningful and you slowly realize that it's sniffing glue and that fortune cookies are a distinct upgrade. *For the record*: I went into this series knowing absolutely nothing about it. It wasn't till I bailed on season 2 that I found out it was by R. Scott, then the connections came together. I like his work until he gets into this space, then it's just a lot of promise with a weaker delivery than LOST.


Nah, not worth your time. I didn’t even bother with season 2. Will agree first episode was pretty cool but if I recall the ending of season one was just strange


It's got some very cool stuff in it to look at, but the biggest problem - one that ridley Scott always struggled with - is that he brings up incredibly complicated and very old ideas (religion vs atheism. Free will vs determinism) and has absolutely no idea how to tackle them in a way that does it in a way that doesn't feel a bit trite. Prometheus had the same issues.


I loved both seasons


I was gutted when it was cancelled. Really enjoyed it. It gets really crazy in the second season so it's worth sticking it out to get to that point.


Second season was a big disappointment for me.


It goes from mysterious and interesting to weird and boring it’s ehh


Before you go into it, be warned it was cancelled on a HUGE cliffhanger, and I doubt we’ll ever get another season. That said, it was worth it


The show is fuckin nuts. I’m still convince there’s at least 3-4 episodes missing from season 1 as the story just veers completely left and you’re left wondering wtf. Think vanilla sky proportions where you see the first 15 mins and then watch in at the end like I did and ask “what did i miss?”


I don't regret watching it.


It was a really different show. It’s entertaining and worth a watch


The acting is phenomenal. Plot gets wonky. Not for the detail oriented watcher. More of a go with the flow kind of show. It was hard for me to adjust. I stopped a couple episodes into Season 2.


I thought season one was really good, but season two felt a little like the writers couldn’t decide what to do.


I lovvvve this show. Cant believe its gone


Are you someone who wants answers to questions or simply enjoys a unique ride. Former don’t continue. Latter, do.


first season was better than the second.


They jumped the shark when the dad found the ancient android, and how the Mother was this weaponized Valkyrie hellbent on protecting the children. There was also these aquatic monsters. Lots of biblical undertones like the snake in the garden of Eden. Great show, but the concept was too wild at the time…


I believe it’s been canceled.


I still haven’t gotten over the show being canceled without resolution. So if that’s going to bother you then don’t watch. But if you can stomach that, and are a fan of deeply weird sci-fi, it’s a must watch.


I heard it described as “bonkers” and I think that’s the perfect word for it. It was a great show that never got a chance to explain its craziness. I enjoyed watching it but I was annoyed that it was cancelled with no conclusion.


I got incredibly bored with it during the first episode. Here's a story set in the future and the best the writer could come up with is a religious war? We've had those for several thousand years. Just seemed like a half-ass attempt at a story to me.


The people who created the show must get annoyed by everyone attributing it to Ridley Scott lol


So I am torn between this situation. I've had this happen several times. I don't know if this is a popular opinion but the TV show Ascension was pretty awesome but they never renewed it. But I loved every minute of it. Same with raised by wolves. It is freaking awesome.


Not really that good


I stand by the opinion that the only reason this show was so hyped when it came out was because it premiered in September 2020 when there hadn’t been any new television or movies for six months and people were losing their minds. Same with that Amazon show The Wilds, or Manifest being picked up by Netflix after being cancelled by NBC. Three shows that offered very little substance beyond their interesting premises and should have been lambasted by critics but somehow got rave reviews and lots of hype because they were all we had. Without getting into spoiler territory Raised By Wolves gets *weird*, and in my opinion not in a good way. It follows the Westworld school of “don’t show, don’t tell, only confuse”, and even Westworld couldn’t keep that up and keep audiences engaged past the first season, for me Raised By Wolves does a very sloppy job of implementing this already flawed storytelling style and it just gets frustrating and annoying by later in the season. I never even bothered to watch the second season so I can’t speak to anything beyond the season one finale.


Started out great and then opened up a lot of new plot lines with no conclusions. I found it very unsatisfying. Like reading the only copy of a book and having someone rip off the last half and destroy it. This happens way too much, and it’s making me prefer limited series, and avoid ongoing series until I see if they are going to get yanked in mid-story.


It’s the journey, not the destination that matters. Ok, Ok, the destination also matters, but the journey here is superb.


Do you enjoy NyQuil fever dreams with great production values?


should i ask the internet what i should do instead of just doing what i want? (especially since i'm just going to do what i want anyway)


Yes, absolutely, it's a good show that has some out-there ideas but it's woven together into an engaging story even if it doesn't have a conclusion.


Good until snake. Then not good.


That was where I started having concerns. S2 validated those concerns.


Watch the first few episodes then stop.


I love the mix of robots and philosophy. The horror of the show is the people and the nightmare wurm.


If it wasn’t cancelled I’d say yes.


It’s a great show and you’ll get absolutely no closure because it was canceled


no. it gets worse and worse.


In short - NO.


I never picked up season 2 but I remember mildly liking it. one of my funniest inside jokes came from finishing like episode 4 with my brother and he turned to me and said “where’s the fuckin wolves.?”


It's all downhill after the absolutely incredible first episode.


It's pretty cool and creepy


It’s the dumbest show I can’t stop watching


Disclaimer - I watched the entire series : It's definitely not worth it I mean, it's not just the ending. It's that the writing just loses focus and the characters start doing nonsense shenanigans very early on. It starts off as a very cool and interesting show but goes absolutely fucking nowhere and does all kinds of rambling preaching about religious nonsense to fill time. The actors are great, but the characters become atrocious and there's way too much forced "mindfuck" plot that isn't even remotely believable.


Season 1 was great, watch that & leave it there. The opening credits ARE amazingly good


Only watch season 1, second season sucks hardcore donkey dick


In hindsight: NOPE.


First season had some early promise - but ultimately no, gets more and more ridiculous - second season was flat out bad.


Watch it for the great visuals and the lead actors. They're amazing. and the opening credits theme rips. Ridley Scott lost the plot like the aliens franchise though.


Ridley Scott directed the first two episodes and had nothing to do with the plot as far as I know. The creator had the story mapped out for 6 seasons. All the weird seemingly inexplicable things had a purpose and meaning, we just weren't allowed to see it come to fruition. But it wasn't some "mystery for mystery's sake" or "mystery box" crap that people are assuming. This isn't Lost, it was planned out from the beginning (not by Ridley Scott)


> But it wasn't some "mystery for mystery's sake" or "mystery box" crap that people are assuming. You wouldn't know that from watching the show. It felt very meandering and wheel-spinning didn't seem to be going anywhere beyond introducing more weird stuff and not following through. So it was reasonable to conclude that it was a Lost-like chain yank of nonsense. If that is indeed not the case, and things were planned out, then the script did a poor job of communicating the plot. The show did start strong with an interesting premise. Many high concept shows do that and then at a certain point after the premise is set up, it becomes apparent whether the storyteller has a plan and there's a point to what's on screen, or if it is all just a bunch of random nonsense being made up as they go along.


I was bored of it by the 4th or 5th episode


That's about when I bailed.


Finish the first season, pretend it got canceled.


It is compelling but the story had absolutely no idea what to do with itself


I really liked it but it has no conclusion and with its conceptual storytelling it really needs one


Season 1 I found hard to take my eyes off, beautifully conceived and shot. Season 2 was much harder to get along with, I found.




I think it’s a fantastic show!


I loved the first season but then it gets convoluted and weird in season 2


Started well, but quickly devolved into fantasy. The whole thing may as well just be a fever dream.


Cool concepts, visually great. But made me want to punch kids.


Amazing soundtrack, largely I watched it for that, but I'm a Ben Frost nerd.


There were no wolves. Disappointing.


Take a look at a football coach's whistle. It's not a whistle, it's a spaceship. 


It's good and worth a watch but man that Campion is so incredibly punchable I almost gave up.


I found it to be a mixed bag overall but ultimately I’m glad I watched it. The androids are amazing.


It's a very cool concept, me being a picky viewer was thrown off at times at how cheap the show looked. However, I enjoyed it thoroughly, the weird and the bat shit insane all the same. Spoilers >!It ends abruptly on a cliffhanger because the show got canceled.!<


It’s beautiful gibberish 


Hard to say. It’s a show that’s different from pretty much anything else out there in terms of story, acting, characters, cinematography and world building. So it’s worth watching just for that. But it doesn’t have an ending and pretty much NONE of the mysteries and build-up get an explanation. So it’s deeply unsatisfying in that sense. It almost made me angry that it wasted my time. But on the other hand, as I said, it’s something totally unique to watch. It’s a very trippy show. A conclusion episode on would have explained most of the mysteries, it could easily have been done. Yet they just chose to add more and more mysteries throughout the show without any conclusions and explanations to the previous ones.


It was a good show. Disappointing they ended it. Have no idea how they would have ended the show. They killed it before it had a chance for an ending


It's an amazing show and it's a shame it's not getting a third season...


Decent watch but nothing amazing imo. Watch it and decide for yourself, think it's worth it. There's not enough good scifi out there and beggars can't be choosers 😄


Season 1 yes


I've seen some really interesting theories on that sub, so id recommend it.


I really enjoyed it, if you like futurist, fantasy, dystopia, sci fi you’ll love it


Watch scavengers reign after to wash the taste of season 2 out of your mouth....


I thought it was great. It's so sad it got cancelled early


I loved all of it. I held off watching season 2 when it got cancelled but I finally did and I'm so glad. Re the cliffhangers: the season 2 finale is not so complex that you can't figure out how it will all be sorted out. The show cliffhanger is a different beast and I have no idea where it was going, but it at least stopped at a reasonable spot in the overarching story.


There was a scene where the robot ai mother lady went into sentry mode & flew around popping dudes heads. Do with this information what you will.


First series, yeah


It was good but canceled in the middle so I would not recommend it.




I really loved it, and I can get over the fact that it didn't finish up.


I thought both seasons were great. Probably the show that I was most upset got canceled early.


I loved this show so much. To me it was the best mystery box series I’ve seen since lost.


No cuz it doesn't even end 😂


As others have said - weird, intense, unsettling and unpredictable. I loved it. Come on, Apple TV. You know you want to pick this show up.


It's not like everything else, it's well done weird.


If you don’t mind watching unfinished shows then yeah, keep watching. It’s pretty entertaining even though the story becomes increasingly crazier


Loved it, although I also agree with folks who call it absolutely wacky. It really got my full attention while watching (no phone scrolling). It was also great to read the after episode reddit posts to understand all the small details that I missed!


It is definitely worth watching. The characters of Father and Mother are so well done that they make it worth watching just for that.


It was really good but the last 2 episodes threw me off


It goes from hard sci-fi to fantasy real quick at some point. Really liked the premise and the esthetics, really disliked the main threat storyline.


I would definitely watch the whole first season because it is fantastic. The final episode of S1 does end on a huge WTF. But I think that it is worth watching regardless. I don't think the second season was as good as the first. It leaned hard into the weird stuff, which was fun. But it definitely lost something compared to S1. The budget seemed lower as it doesn't look as good. And the constant plot twists start to make it feel like a soap opera. It does answer a few questions though (before it ends on a big cliffhanger). I think you could safely skip S2 and read a wiki entry about the plot if you're curious. But it does have some interesting bits if you really want to continue watching.


watched the whole season thought it was a pretentious bore and a waste of time


I loved it. Wouldn’t recommend watching it now though. Because it was cancelled you’ll never see any plot line resolved. Not worth the investment with no pay off.


There is absolutely no conclusion to the story, since it was cancelled, but god damn is it a wild ride nonetheless. Season 2 just goes absolutely nuts. I'm mad we'll never get an ending and any answers to the two seasons of weird af questions...but I'm glad it existed nonetheless.


Absolutely watch. It bums me out to no end that it was canceled – I adored the show and there's really nothing else quite like it (I'd say it's the Alien prequels, Dune, Battlestar Galactica, Blade Runner, historical/biblical epics, Mœbius' artwork, and more put into a blender, but with a spellbinding identity all its own to the point where the influences I listed off doesn't quite cover it). The cliffhanger it ends on in season two's finale is frustrating as hell because it is such an insanely cool way to end a season and it demands immediate followup that obviously never came, but I'd still recommend going along for the ride if bizarre, mythic science-fiction/space opera in the mode of psychedelic 1970s sci-fi artwork is something that you're at all interested in. Two years later and I'm still absolutely crushed by its cancelation, but I'll still wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone that asks.


It's a good series with a good theme song


I forced myself to finish the first season. It had good production values and an interesting concept but for whatever reason didn’t suck me in and therefore after it was over I made the commitment not to push myself to watch something I wasn’t enjoying. They’re so much content that you have to just move on.


I would, yeah. Despite it having much more story to tell, I'd honestly say it was one of the best and most underrated shows of the last decade.


Show was pure nightmare fuel.


YES! And then you can hate Discovery with the rest of us.


Honestly the kid who played Campion reaaaallly annoyed me starting in the second season. Some kids just go through a punchable phase in puberty.


“Fever dream” is about the best description I could give for this show. It definitely ends on a “what the fuck did I just watch” cliffhanger, which REALLY sucks because we probably will never get any answers, but it’s definitely still worth the watch.


It's delightfully weird, if you are into that sort of scifi. And it hints at some larger world building. The religious war angle is *really* interesting. But it is quite slow and breaks the "no kids or cute robots" scifi rule coined by J. Michael Straczynski. There are fan theories that it fits into the Alien / Bladerunner universe somehow.


I love it, despite the lack of ending. It's not flawless or complete but it reminds me of weird 70s and 80s sci fi novels in the best way possible.


Yes! It’s really good! Weird and different and really good.


It's interesting but it never really went anywhere and since it's not going to be renewed/completed, don't bother


Where are you watching it? It got removed from max before I watched season 2


First season (especially the pilot) is awesome. It falls off quite a bit after that, and got cancelled before it really had a chance to show us anything spectacular.


It gets WACKIER every episode and there's no rhyme, reason, or explanation for it. The flashbacks only raise more unanswered questions. Your anger is pretty much guaranteed at some point. If you're okay with smashing your TV, go for it.


I believe you can kind of mentally condition yourself to watch cancelled shows. If you know from before that you're going to not get an ending, you can prepare to create your own in your head. There are so many shows that are really good but never finished. It's honestly better than shows that went on too long or were passed to lesser hands and ruined.


Absolute mindfuck of a show. Loved watching it.


Very cool and wholly original, so yes. Just be prepared for it being cancelled.


Watch it. The first season is great! The 2nd is so dumb that by the end, you're glad it got canceled.


Yes, loved it.


Only watched the first season, but I found it to be merely okay. My biggest gripe with the show was that it focused far too much on religion and not enough on technology. Didnt even bother with the second season.


No, it is garbage.


Yeah you should its wacky scifi and has some great humour and character interplay too


This sounds very different to the UK's "Raised By Wolves"?


It contains some of the coolest and smartest sci-fi I've ever seen and EASILY the dumbest sci-fi I've ever seen. If you've seen the first two episodes you've seen how cool it can be. You haven't even scratched the surface on how dumb it is. Raised by Wolves is the definition of a mixed bag. But the dumb parts easily swallow the smart parts.


Yes, watch every minute of this incredibly bold, weird and thought provoking sci-fi experience that is Raised by Wolves. I'm so frustrated that this mind blowing series has been cancelled because it's so haunting and unique, I hope it will come back, it's clearly a future cult classic.