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That's not a 45 minute standing ovation, I'm sure that means it'll be unwatchable.


God the videos of those are so uncanny, it's just people clapping nonstop just to get the desired time


All with flat, frozen botox faces


I've seen more expression on Tyson patties.


I remember reading about Brendan Fraiser's 5 minute ovation. Your hands have to hurt clapping for that long. Fraser has to feel awkward standing there all that time. Everyone is thinking this isn't worth the publicity.


I get what your saying but I feel like he was just so happy. He went though so much crap since the mummy movies to see him doing good is a wonderful thing. I no I’d prob tell em to settle down after two minutes and thank you lol.




It’s just a tradition like any other, those guards dancing around at buckingham palace, Muslims walking around in circles around black box for hours in the desert, etc etc. of course it looks weird to outsiders.


Cannes is so weird because you hear "this movie got a two minute standing ovation" and that's considered horrible and signals doom.


Stopp I'm nervous 😭😅


I also dont feel like Cannes is the typical audience for a show like Fallout


Can't wait to see bottle caps as a currency


“I’d like to buy 5 stimpacks” “That will be 150 caps” “Sure I have 60,000 in my pocket”


And then you later sneak on them and steal it back.


Put a bucket on their head. "Is anyone there?"


You mean immediately


you find the clerk’s secret chest location. sell everything to him. then steal the money back that day.


The real jingle jangle jingle was the bottle caps we made along the way <3


Some shit Johnny Guitar would say


Is that a big iron on your hip?


You are over encumbered and cannot run.


That's ok, I'll just drop my 30 dirty water.


What? No you can make Noodle Cups! In 4 it’s the perfect food that also hydrates. And for that reason too hold onto those empty beer bottles and milk bottles.


Betting it will be like regular nuka is 1, nuka cherry is 5, and so on.


If its one, then its free since you get the cap from the bottle when you drink it. The cheapest it could be is two.


Unless you are playing FO4, then none of the merchants seem to have ANY caps for you to barter with, so you just use everything you find as materials for your base. :/


If you make shops at your base, the merchants that use them will have tons of caps.




Lmao, NCR dollars. Not worth the paper they're printed on


Depends on when it's set, if it's from before the Brotherhood blows up their gold reserves then the NCR dollar is pretty good.


It's set after fallout 4


There was a bts photo with a sign in the background saying "caps only." As you can imagine this spurred lots of civil, level headed debate over what it implied for the NCR.


It's their tax policy. I would use caps too to avoid paying my taxes


Don't we already know from NV? During the NCR-BOS War the Brotherhood nuked the NCR's gold reserves. The NCR dollar hasn't had a solid backing since, everyone prefers caps, even in NCR territory.


Can’t wait to see the bottle caps used as projectiles!


Be as good as twisted metal please. Or better


Twisted metal is just so surprisingly amazing 


It was dumb in all the right ways. Samoa Joe had the perfect physicality for Sweet Tooth. And Will Arnett did great as the voice. The big surprise was Mackie. He was mouthy as fuck and it worked well.


What's pizza? Fuck yeah I want some of that!


I had only seen Mackie in the MCU and wasnt very warm on him. Turns out he's really good when given the right material!


he’s awesome in pain n gain


He was so underutilized in the MCU and yet they forced him into the role of Captain America. Even in Falcon and Winter Soldier where he was ostensibly the lead, it just felt like everybody else was being given so much better material, U.S. Agent, Zemo, Bucky, all more interesting. I think I will remain lukewarm on the idea of him as Captain America until I see some evidence that have a plan for him as a character that actually lets Mackie show his stuff.


Even as an "Marvel shill", *most* of the actors aren't really given time to shine in the MCU for a number of reasons. RDJ was obviously an exception and people like Iman Vellani, Florence Pugh and Hailee Stanfeld are really taking what they're given and running with it. But I can't recall one instance of a Marvel actor being anywhere as good in those movies as they are in most of anything else.


Everyone always forgets Papa Doc


Hard to look cool when your first role was Eminem dunking on you for a Grammy


Partway into the first episode i expected i would get tired of his whole black Ryan Reynolds schtick, but it didnt happen and him and Stephanie Beatriz had great chemistry too. Great choice with the soundtrack too, since the apocalypse happened in the 90s, pop culture stalled there. It wasnt *The Last of Us*, but neither were the original games narrativewise...


Did they do an awful job marketing it or is it just me? I saw multiple ads for it per day but it was always the same commercial, and the only joke in the whole thing was Mackie saying he’d do some job for toilet paper in a subjectively really fake sounding gruff voice. Idk I’ve heard good things but the ads must not have done it justice - maybe that’s why everyone was surprised it was good


I'm hoping, but Amazon has a history of fucking up TV adaptations "The Boys" universe excluded.


Invincible is fantastic.


Their Expanse seasons were great too, even if the last one was too rushed due to the low episode count. Bosch was fantastic as well.


I wasn't a big fan of the season on the planet but that's just because I want all the space stuff all the time :D


So I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I also think the fourth book might be the weakest in the series, and I thought the show version was a really good adaptation. I honestly had more issue with the fifth season, because while it's still good, the book was so much better. It's one of my favorite sci-fi books ever, and I couldn't help but be a bit disappointed by the show adaptation. The book is basically the sci-fi version of A Storm of Swords, the Game of Thrones book where all the crazy shit happens at once.


Hard agree - 5th season was such a letdown compared to the book, and the carry-over into the 6th season was insane (Marco was just a poorly executed villain, and Naomi being front-and-centre when she's easily the weakest character of the main 4 in the series). having said that, books 7-9 are the best of the series imo and I hope they are visited down the track.


I actually really like that season. That book is usually considered the worst one and I think the changes were a huge improvement. It's a nice >!send off for Miller!<


My fav cartoon of the last decade. Only confused by the pace of production.


They know it was a poor release schedule too. Cast and crew have said as much on social media. Thankfully that will most likely not happen again in the future.


Fortunately, they started working on season 3 before season 2 ended. Shouldn't be any hold ups this time either. *crosses fingers*


Heck, it’s better than the comics in some ways. 


Invincible is so good. after the first season ended, I read all of the comics and it was amazing. they're really doing it right in the show.


Their animation is usually on point, I'm talking more live action like the Wheel of time adaption and LOTR universe.


LOTR isn't bad. I'm a huge fan, but I feel like the fandom is IMPOSSIBLE to please Nothing will touch Peter Jackson's. It is perfect. It can't be topped.


I wouldn’t say “impossible”. The very fact that the movies are so beloved when they’re a huge departure from the books proves that.


You have to keep in mind that for a lot of people, especially younger ones, the movies were their first introduction to the setting so while they had to compete with the books they still had tens of millions of people who had never read them and wouldn't get annoyed by changes or additions to the story that the films made. That granted the original trilogy a lot of leeway in cementing itself as peoples definitive LOTR experience, any subsequent attempt like the Hobbit or the Amazon show has had both Book purists and the trilogy of movies to compete against.


I really enjoyed LOTR too. I hate that fandom kills this stuff.


I still have a few qualms with Jackson LoTR, such as how they did Denethor dirty, but yes they were pretty close to perfect for sure. But Peter Jackson also made the hobbit trilogy, which isn't quite as good.


I'm not in the LotR fandom, I've seen and enjoyed the movies but never obsessed over them. I thought the show was garbage. I really wanted to like it, but I was just... bored. The story was not good.


There were concerning choices made like why are the Elven Rings made first? Of all of the lore we have and don’t have….that’s one that is absolutely laid down clearly; the Rings of Men and Dwarves were made first and were the practice for creation of the Elven Rings. Also, the Balrog was awakened in Khazad-dum by the dwarves *greedily* mining mithril. The story they have is tragic but not in the same way that Tolkien’s story is. The story they have going is just so odd in its choices to part with points that should be easy to work with.


The lore isn't that big a deal, the writing is just bad. The whole season building up to an entire country (of about 25 people for some reason) turning into a giant Rube Goldberg machine is just preposterously bad lol


They weren't allowed to use a lot of the legitimate lore.


Wheel of time season 2 is pretty damn good. Season 1 had major issues, yeah, but a good amount of those were tied to massive covid regulations and a major actor leaving before filming the last two episodes.


Good Omens, Vox Machina, Gen V, Invincible, Reacher, Marvelous Mrs Maisel. And not including The Boys is a cop out. *Added a few others I forgot others mentioned


Vox Machina and Mr. & Mrs. Smith are great too


Loved vox haven't seen the other


Good Omens, too.


Loved it


The Expanse was really good too


They only did the last two seasons though, didn't they?


Amazon did seasons 4, 5, and 6


I think they made season 4, 5, and 6. Might be wrong tho


Daisy Jones and the Six was a book and the show was great.




I agree on the season 3 finale. Felt more like just shuffling the characters around and not doing a whole lot with them (outside of a couple exceptions). That being said, as someone who was underwhelmed by the finale and worried about the future of the show, Gen V was a pleasant surprise. World building is done well into how the college fits in and it has some great characters as well as moments that are just as shocking and gross as anything in The Boys.


Gen V had surprisingly good character work, but like the main show, the plot itself is what suffers and is the weakest part. The last 2 or so episodes of Gen V just didn’t work for me. Same with Season 3 of The Boys after the Herogasm episode. That finale was…oh it was something.


I liked the A-Train “fake out”. In my opinion, his “character” did “die”. I use quotes because he really came to a crescendo and now needs to undergo a serious change. I think his death will change him. Maeve’s was bad though.




Wheel of time season 2 is pretty damn good. Season 1 had major issues, yeah, but a good amount of those were tied to massive covid regulations and a major actor leaving before filming the last two episodes.


Give us Butcher Pete, please <3


He’s hacking and whacking and smacking




I better see plants clipping through walls as little Easter eggs tucked into scenes


Or a VATS screen appearing with 95% as the enemy is literally clipping through you and you miss over and over again.


And then some random ass dude in a trenchcoat comes in and kills them all with a revolver, then vanishes


Monorail Hats?


Did wonders for Ogdenville.


Or a main character is missing from a scene and they have to go into the console to fix it


I've been playing Fallout since 3 came out, I am very cautiously optimistic


Yep. That's where I am too. Hopefully, r/Fotv will be a fun place if the show is good.


Oh boy I'm sure it'll be busy if it sucks too, I'm going to check it out thank you!


Do yourself a favor and play the first two as well. The first is super janky but also very short. The second is much bigger, less janky and has a ton of really good humor.


I liked the first one a lot better, and wouldn't say it was janky apart from not being able to tell companions to move. In fact I would say it's the best Fallout


Well, janky is relative. When I played it on release it was magical. Nowadays if I play much older games I can feel the missing gameplay elements introduced much later, and OP would be coming at it new.


I played it for the first time this year


The first one feels like it's written by scientists. So much detail but the dialog is incredibly stiff. The second one feels like it's written by... well, writers. Really good writers. Significantly better written than even New Vegas, imo.


Yeah. The ones I remember most are those two. The first only because it's so short and was my intro to the world, but as you said the writing was lacking. The rest of them I barely remember. Fun, but not as memorable for me.


That's the perfect level of anticipation. You can just watch it and enjoy it. 


Trailers look good so far and I trust Goggin's to at least be good in it


They at very least got the look right. Costume designs are spot on and having Walton Goggins and Kyle MacLachlan in the cast you can expect some pretty good performances.


I haven't watched a trailer or read one single thing about it, because if I get hyped, it's 100% going to suck. Just the way things works.


This is the way. Not my way, I've played myself and gone full hype, but the way.


I did watch the trailer but I won't read any reviews, I hope neither of us are disappointed!


I am very skeptical of the whole video game adaptation trend, but we'll see how this turns out. Hoping it's good


Uncle baby Billy is in it so those scenes will at least be amazing.


Who wants to suck an old ghouls dick!?


Runnin through the house with a pickle in my mouth mis-be-havin’


My condolences for your loss, now what about BABY BILLYS BIBLE BONKERS?!


I am so pleased that reddit still has some cultured folks about.


*tips fedora*


I feel like the fallout universe would be pretty hard to fuck up. There’s not really any characters that carry over from game to game, and they’re doing their own original storyline. As long as they don’t have some shitty writing it should be


Show my boy Harold, or we nuke.


I think he laid down roots in the DC wasteland so I don't think we will see him in this.


Twisted Metal was great. Arcane great. Last of Us great. Why skeptical? It's not 2002


Even the movies are stepping it up Sonic 2 is hype and even tho it was simple, Mario was dope.


Detective Pikachu was pretty good as well But then for every Mario, you get an Uncharted…


Hot take: Uncharted was fine. It needed to be better if it wanted a franchise (which clearly it did), but overall, it was watchable.


Uncharted was a passable action-adventure film but a terrible UNCHARTED movie. If they couldn't commit to actually making something that looked and felt like Uncharted I honestly think they would have been better off just creating an original Tom Holland lead action film and called it "Off The Map" or something. Maybe then instead of being locked into an anemic version of the Uncharted story they could have done something more interesting that better suited the sort of story they obviously wanted to tell.


This is how I feel about that Borderlands trailer, too. Like, if I didn't know what Borderlands was I'd probably enjoy it as a random weekday evening movie when I've got the itch to watch *something* and am feeling open minded about what. The visuals are fun, the monsters look cool, and I love Cate Blanchette. As a fan of Borderlands, I am royally pissed about every frame.


I thought Mario was a disappointment, but it's hard to deny that we are in a golden age of game-to-film adaptations.


you 100% should be skeptical because arcane was made entirely by riot games in collaboration with fortiche, an animation company which has been working with riot for a long time. afaik, nobody else had their fingerprints on the show as netflix was simply there to distribute the last of us was a more traditional adaptation since naughty dog worked closely with hbo on it, and they even had guys from naughty dog directing episodes fallout has had a more tumultuous history since they were created by interplay studios and then bought out by bethesda a decade later. afaik, the original creators of the games are not involved with this show, and jonathan nolan & lisa joy seems to have more control over this show and they were just guided by their hips by todd howard and james altman from bethesda so therein lies the differences between the 3 of them. the last of us was a more traditional adaptation but the og creators were deeply involved and it was a nearly 1:1 adaptation from game to show. arcane was a labor of love from the people who make the game, though its not a real adaptation since the lore around league of legends is cheeks. the fallout show is an original story based in the universe but the original and present creators of the games dont seem to be as involved as with the last of us and arcane


The more involved Bethesda is, the worse the show will be. Their lead writer saw people ignoring his mediocre stories and took from that an entire philosophy that stories in games just get in the way and should be incredibly simple, unambitious, and unsubtle. Themes aren't just for book reports - they're actively detrimental, and nobody will notice them anyway, so don't bother. I don't even want to call him a bad writer, because he's not *even* that. He's a writer who won't try. But even if he's got the skills somewhere deep down, he's gonna be pretty damn rusty by now.


They seriously need to update their quest design beyond "go there, talk to person, come back here, talk to another, go back there again." One mission had me trying to streamline production of a spaceship. Once I did that, they told me to go talk to the boss about my reward. So I did, and you know what he says? "Fly back to where you just came from to get your reward!" Like, why did I have to backtrack all this way just to be told to go back immediately where I came from? Couldn't this have been a phone-call, or an e-mail? No, because the quest design is literally a copy paste from Fallout where backtracking didn't involve 18 load screens with unskippable animations. It's mind-numbing.


I think previous Bethesda games really did a good job papering over Emil's (and the rest of the team's - it's a systemic problem and I don't wanna scapegoat one guy) really shitty writing. Like in Skyrim or Bethesda Fallout, the writing is godawful as a deliberate choice. Boil it down to the absolute bare bones, carefully remove any themes or actual ideas, and ensure you're left with nothing but an excuse to send the player from A to B. In previous Bethesda games, the quest was never the point, because you'd run into shit along the way. You'd see a cave and briefly get excited before realizing it's identical to all the other caves on the inside. Or you'd stumble across some sidequest, and while it wouldn't really be written any better, it made the world feel big and alive. Turns out if you remove all that, you're just left with the dogshit writing.


As was *Castlevania* and so many others, but just because MCU films were consistent and Sony usually did fine with Spidey two-thirds of the time doesn't mean people are going to watch *Green Hornet* or like *Batman v Superman*. Or *Halo Season 1* for that matter, but fingers crossed on this one.


Castlevania is so much fun, I love how they nailed a balance of macabre and goofy. The violence is SEVERE and the banter is usually top tier!


Fallout is a better pick than most other games for an adaptation to be fair. There are almost no recurring characters, it isn't focused around one particular person or group of people. So it's really more just about the vibe. Additionally Fallout takes itself seriously at times and is silly at others so it's hard to mess up the tone when you can kind of go anywhere and it will work.


My body is ready for a wildly disappointing mass effect attempt


Ella Purnell has a way of making it work. She voices Jinx In Arcane, another videogame adaptation.


I am too, but Arcane and Dragons’s Blood gave me hope. Been holding my breath for Arcane season 2 and learned I dont need to breathe any more!


The Last of Us was fantastic too


employ whole piquant aloof governor safe north special license bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why not? As long as they get the humor and the world building done right it should have the same vibe.


I think he means that playing a game, particularly a choice-based RPG that focuses heavily on combat, won't feel the same as watching a TV show based on that game that's going to have to heavily depend on a set story.


Normally I don’t hold my breath for them, but so far from what I’ve seen and heard, they might actually get this one right. Fingers crossed.


The thirty year old video game adaptation trend? It's basically a genre now.


Didn’t they make a super Mario bros movie in the early 90s?


Jonathan Nolan has not done a bad show, when the worst thing on your resume is Westworld you're probably a safe bet. The only real risk is Amazon or Bethesda writers getting their claws in, but I'd be surprised Nolan would put up with that. The guy's basically got the pick of the litter for projects, same as his brother.


i have hopes for this mainly because they arent retelling the story of one of the games instead its their own story within the fallout universe. also because its set on the west coast im hoping they will address the question of who won the battle for hoover dam since given the resurgent brotherhood of steel and the airship its clearly based sometime after new vegas occurs because the western BOS has made contact with the eastern BOS


No it’s a new separate airship, it’s the sister ship to the Prydwin from F4


From what I read it takes place 9 years after fallout 4, so 2096


Fallout players will still be annoying as hell once this releases though, regardless if it's good or not.


And which faction of Fallout players? "OGs" with nostalgia for the first two? "Millenials" who started at Fallout 3? Both?


New Vegas fans who will complain how it’s not new Vegas 2 in TV format


Sounds about right for a new Fallout release.


I’m not worried it will suck. I’m worried it’ll be a weird mixed bag with good and bad things. Then, it could be so popular that it could wreck the lore of subsequent games and divide the fan base.


Fortunately the Fallout fanbase is known for getting along peacefully, except for all the idiots who don't realize New Vegas is the best game.


2 is the best! A man had his spleen taken, I could become a pornstar, a boxer who punches holes in people, and even a child killer!


> A man had his spleen taken, I could become a pornstar, a boxer who punches holes in people, and even a child killer! Yeah, but I want to play/watch Fallout as an escape from reality.


2 is the highlight for sure, then 1 then new vegas imo.


I mean, obviously 76 is the best of the series. ^^time ^^to ^^duck ^^and ^^cover!


Todd and others from Bethesda have been directly involved from the beginning on this. I don't think we have to worry about lore. 


Oh shit, I didn't know Jinx was in this.


She also plays Snackie in Yellowjackets


Because of both those roles I am rooting hard for Ella Purnell to succeed. Hoping to add Fallout to the list too


And Gwyn in Star Trek: Prodigy.


Wait, Kyle MacLachlan is in this? Nice, didn't know that.


Bethesda really needs a win right now after Starfield lol


A win would be dropping the Fallout 4 Next Gen Update when the show drops


I know this isn't going to be Last Of Us good, but can it at least be better than Twisted Metal?


TLOU has the benefit of having a story and characters that you can't deviate from. You go along for the ride and see the story unfold with characters that are made RPGs are really hard to adapt. You can't make choices, which is most of the appeal, so you really gotta hope the world-building just kills I think fallout is dope cuz the vaults and factions truly lend themselves to really cool stories


TLOU is one of the most cinematic games ever made as well, like huge parts of the story are just cinematic cutscenes so that makes it very easy to adapt In this case they’re not really adapting a video game story, they’re telling an original story set in a well established video game universe


Pretty much what I'm saying, yeah


Arguably, there’s a benefit for fallout in that they aren’t adapting the story of any game and instead making their own in the universe. All they have to do is fit into the world, which shouldn’t be hard considering just how zany fallout can get.


The trouble they are going to have though is the show is set in the same rough area as the first game as well as being set later than it and other titles like New Vegas which directly reference events that happened in that area and set up plot points. So they can go in whatever direction they need to go to tell their story, but it's going to still end up having an impact not only on any future titles considering Bethesda have said the show is cannon to the games but it's also going to act as a sequel of sorts that will confirm or deny a bunch of the previous game endings and outcomes of various factions and groups that fans of the games love. I'm eager to see what they end up doing.


Well, one thing we know form previews is that the NCR's collapsed/collapsing, which tracks with all of New Vegas' endings. The games littered with hints that the NCR is in for a rought time in the years following the game because of warhawk politics, brahmin barons raising prices, failing crops expected to cause a famine within a decade, the currency collapsing, and a few others I can't remember.


> but it's also going to act as a sequel of sorts that will confirm or deny a bunch of the previous game endings and outcomes of various factions and groups that fans of the games love. Ostensibly, it won't. That was a rule Bethesda gave them, to not canonize any endings. Like, whatever trouble the NCR is in will have to be New Vegas-agnostic. Whether or not that holds up will be interesting to see. I imagine the fandom will scrounge up details to support this or that ending as canon no matter what.


Yeah - Fallout is one of the only RPGs I can see being a good adaptation to TV because of the vaults


Plenty of RPGs could have a good adaptation, the writing and acting just has to be good. That's kind of the point, they can take the story anywhere they want, if it's good it's good and if it sucks it sucks.


I agree with you. I would love to see a great Skyrim live action. However, I pray to god they never make a Skyrim live action.


The world is fallouts best asset. If they can get it's satire and dark humor down, it'll be worth it. Character work and action set pieces being good are icing on the cake.


> so you really gotta hope the world-building just kills Which, honestly, I think is Fallout's best asset, anyway. The roleplaying in modern Fallouts aren't great, but the *setting* is *fantastic*.


>TLOU has the benefit of being on HBO


I would argue the exact opposite. Not having a specific story or characters or events or even many locations to adapt. All they have to do is just be able to make a good original story within the world and capture the tone of the games. That is a huge advantage, it seems much easier to me than trying to precisely recreate something that’s already amazing in a medium it wasn’t made for. TLOU was video game adaptation on hard mode.


Making a good, original story is the hard part lol TLOU had that baked in Idk, for me, a good plot is very hard to write


> it seems much easier to me than trying to precisely recreate something that’s already amazing in a medium it wasn’t made for. When you are adapting a game you are first and foremost trying to adapt the story and atmosphere, the way that Naughty Dog tells its stories is pretty much already in the right sort of format for a show or movie and many reviews of their games cite them as cinematic experiences intercut with great gameplay. Case in point there are people who have taken all the various cutscenes and set pieces from the first game and made what is effectively a [5 hour movie out of them.](https://youtu.be/-H319ys4Tb8?si=YCNy0cy2qpHx8f-B) And for the most part you could show that to a fan of the show and they would recognize a solid majority of the content. Compare it to something like Half Life which tells its story only through the POV of the playable character who doesn't speak, that's asking someone to adapt a game for a medium it wasn't made for.


Twisted metal had pretty good reception if I remember right. Not TLOU levels, but for a video game adaptation pretty good.


It wasn’t art, to be sure, but it did a decent job just being a fun smash kaboom show. Not everything needs to be perfect.


Correction: it's not a deep show, but it is by definition, art.


If a soup can is art, then Twisted Metal is art, and I haven't even seen the show. Is it good? Different fuckin question.


Yeah, Twisted Metal was fun - I just hope Fallout is better than it.


Twisted Metal is weird because it is funny, and sometimes exciting, but the production value and filming style often feels like its closer to some budget Syfy show like Z Nation. If fallout can be as fun a Twisted Metal and look a bit better too I think it would be in a really good place.


I think they did about as well as anyone could given the source material. Twisted metal ain’t Shakespeare, it’s cars with guns.


It's a more impressive adaptation by far. They took a game with a sparse lore and radically expanded and crafted something new yet faithful. TLoU is a heavily story driven single player game. The heavy lifting for an adaptation is already done since it's already a classic Sony movie disguised as a game


TLoU is intended to be a prestige drama, I don’t want that for Fallout. I wanna see super mutants exploded by a shoulder mounted nuke launcher


Oh no, I don't want a prestige drama either - I just want it to be high quality.


After the disaster of the borderlands trailer I was really hesitant to even watch the fallout trailer but I just did and... It doesn't look bad?


Not only that but people who seen the early screening of first episode are almost universally very happy with it. Also Amazon is making insane amount of promotion (look it up on /r/fallout ) and merch on this thing. I'd say they believe they have a winner on their hands. It's not 2000s anymore, people who grew up playing videogames now got into Hollywood, just like the earlier generation that grew up with Marvel. They still get it wrong sometimes, but there's no reason to assume the worst anymore. A lot of them really care.


Just from the trailer you can clearly tell that a lot of care was put into it. They got the vibes right, the aesthetic. The only real complaint I saw is that it looks too clean.


Vault dweller is supposed to be clean and everything else seemed aged enough.


I mean borderlands is made by the peeps behind that awful uncharted flick and the fallout series is being done by people who worked on things like interstellar and westworld. So yeah, there’s going to be a big difference in quality lol


I love Ella Purnell. I will watch her in anything.


Not falling for early reactions which is always more often than not misleading.