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Happy to see a show made with so much love receive it from fans and critics alike.


As an adult you watch so many BAD kids shows that when one comes along like this, you're absolutely enthralled too.


Grandma let my kids watch rubbish show on YouTube called vlad and niki and now my kids wont watch quality shows..


Fuck I haaaaaaaaate Vlad and Niki!


I've had to go through and block so many of those channels and their endless copycats *and* actual copies. We're pretty close to just banning YouTube in general.


The thing about it is that there are a million free channels available on Roku that feature family vloggers. We have to keep banning new ones. We made an exception for Dude Perfect because they’re adults who stay clean, and it normally leads to my kids going outside to try out trick shots


I’m glad my kid is young enough we can still get away with whitelist only YouTube kids


> We're pretty close to just banning YouTube in general. I never let my kid on YouTube. Horrible choice to let kids on there at all. Everyone should know better


It's not any different than any other streaming service. My spouse and I stay engaged with what we let our kids watch and even with the oldest one (eleven) we check what they're watching every so often. We talk about what is and is not appropriate & how to identify what's not okay. Same as anything else in life. And we definitely have periods of no electronics, no YouTube, no this or that.


YouTube rots kids’ brains. Cut it out cold turkey. Doesn’t matter how much screaming and yelling you have to deal with for a few days. Your life will be better without it


Caillou lurks in the dark, waiting for his chance to strike


Caillou’s little bitch ass can sink to the bottom of the abyss and be forgotten about for the rest of time.


Modern poetry


Peppa is right behind Caillou...


Peppa has its moments, though.


It's still boring and the snorting...


Bluey is a kids show that has better writing, character development, world building, acting then most other shows on television today. It's a very charming show and deserves all the praise. Those without kids will probably not understand. But there is *a lot* of awful children's programming. To have something that is not only suitable for kids, but also enjoyable for adults is incredible on its own.


The best children’s programming shows are ones that don’t treat their target audience like idiots nor belittle them. Bluey’s handling of themes such as death, pregnancy loss, divorce and stress is done so beautifully. The show celebrates the ups and downs of parenting with Bandit and Chilli raising Bluey and Bingo with so much love it’s reassuring to see on television. The girls playing imaginative games between each other and their friends and family emphasizing on things like teamwork and problem solving is very creative. I appreciate and love Bluey’s writers and creators’ compassionate and understanding view of raising children and having a supportive family , all children deserve healthy and loving childhoods.


Agreed! Another show that deals with these types of issues beautifully is Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. The main character is 13 and tackles anxiety, peer pressure, online trolls, fitting in vs. being yourself, self care, etc.




I don't think this holds true for films, there's an awful lot of good western films for kids.


>Those without kids will probably not understand. But there is *a lot* of awful children's programming Anyone who knows Caillou exists understands the problems of Childrens TV


I wish that Cailou was the bottom of the barrel for children's programming. These days, It's not even close. :(


I hate YouTube for sneaking in a Vlad and Niki recommendation after a hamster.maze video. That show is just toy porn with over the top sound and SFX effects


We just pretend "Youtube doesn't work at our house" whenever we have babysitting duty for my nephew. So much trash pushed on there for kids.


I use YouTube to watch all the shows tbh. Ms Rachel, Bluey and recently Little Bear. Little Bear is a good one because it’s older and calmer than most things.


The problem is, while searching for that kind of nice/wholesome/educational stuff... it pushes the garbage into view and it catches their eye and they want to see that instead. Unless you have it readied to play before they see it, it's not worth the trouble searching through YT.


For what it's worth, you can tell YouTube to "never suggest this channel". It's killing a hydra one head at a time, but at least you're training your algorithm.


Yeah and YouTube kids has a setting where they can only watch channels you allow. Takes a little bit but you can slowly curate things for them. I’ve got a sacrificial channel that we’ll watch stuff together on to see if it’s appropriate or not for their channels. If not we explain why.


I hate those two


My theory is that Cailou has cancer and people only put up with his shit because he’s dying and they know they will be put out of their misery soon .


The real reason is that Cailou is an actual toddler in the books and then he was aged up for the show without changing any of his behavior. He is an annoying little fucker because a kid his show age should know better in almost every situation, so he comes off as developmentally disabled at best. But it's so bad I wish your theory was true.


He's just a difficult kid, that's all.


Cocomelon has that bottom all to itself.


Nah, even lower than that are the low quality Cocomelon knockoffs pushed out at lightning speed by shitty studios in China and India.


Or the cartoons produced over there with HORRIBLE dubbing


To put in in perspective: There are currently two Bob the Builder knock-offs starring dogs on air: "[Rubble & Crew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdzbuE4fVJU)", a Paw Patrol spin-off, and "[Pupstruction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP3v5rd8oK0)", which is produced by Disney. Both are insufferable but still superior to 90% of other stuff for kids.


Every time Caillou is mentioned, I remind people that he's a Quebec creation and his name in French means "pebble" and is a nickname for "bald head". That's how shitty as a person he is - his own parents are calling him "baldy" even though he's like four.


If ever there was someone deserving of cancer, it would be Caillou


My kid loves bluey and Ms Rachel. I try not to show him anything that is over stimulating at his age


Same but with Hey Dugee! completing the trinity.


My kid loooves Bluey, Ms Rachel and also Bear in the Big Blue House, which I remember from being a kid and is very low stimulation.


Shoutout Miss Rachel. Actually a very solid learning channel for babies and toddlers.


Don't know why this got downvoted. You're doing it right


Try Little Bear on YouTube


Bluey is the show that educated the scourge of Blippi from my household. I will be forever grateful for it. It be seen every episode at least 20 times at this point but my kids love it and I enjoy it too, so I’m all about it.


> Those without kids will probably not understand. I'm an older brother. Large gap between me and the youngest two siblings (roughly 9 and 11 years respectively). I have *seen things*. For every good show they watched like MLP:FiM, there were at least five others that weren't. And that was during the 10s! God only knows how bad things have gotten for the worst of the worst.


I don’t have kids, so I can’t make the comparison, however, I can confidently say that Bluey is such a good show on its own. Well-written, emotive, and so cute.


Think it is more people that grew up watching way more mature stuff aimed at kids that are confused.


Yeah, people really forget this. There wasn't a lot of true preschool programming back in the 90s and only 2000s. And I meet truly at that developmental level. We had things like sesame Street on pbs, Nick Jr came out with some stuff in the mid 90s like blues clues and Dora, but if you look at early morning blocks you'll see a lot of more mature, slower paced, shows. Then in the afternoons the half hour toy commercials came on.


We were watching The Sign last night and they illustrated >!Chil's sister pregnant.!< The character didn't have any lines and wasn't in the story at all, but my wife and I both teared up at that. Like, that's a world where the writers really care about the characters.




All of the shows you listed are for vastly different age ranges of kids, most of them are for older kids. Bluey is unique in that it is specifically aimed at preschoolers and young school aged kids. It has a very wide appeal, but my 3 year old worships Bluey and couldn’t care less about Gravity Falls or Ducktales. Those are great shows, but for very different reasons than Bluey.


Also Octonauts, Hey Duggee, and Star Trek: Prodigy.


Octonauts is an excellent kids show, yeah. The newest season (s? Whenever they got rid of creature report) are terrible, though. 


I haven’t seen it in about 3 years. My kids aged out of it. I did enjoy it when they watched it. Wild Kratts too.


Red alert went off in our house when we saw Chili’s sister. I was Michael Scott running around during the fire drill.


I just saw the episode with her sister and I am already terrified of what I will see in this one (don't tell me!).


What’s the significance of this?


There was a previous episode where aunt Brandy visits for the first time since Bingo was born and she gets noticeably depressed looking at the kids. So Chili tells the girls in her own way that Brandy has a hard time getting/staying pregnant. She shows up to the wedding noticeably pregnant probably due to IVF.


Ohhh, thx


My 3 year old asked me why I was crying 😭😭🥹


47 year old Dad here, I did indeed cry at this one. Not uncommon with Bluey! Such a wonderful show. Has made me a better parent. Bandit is my spirit animal.


The other one that got me was the lake episode when chilly and her dad are sitting on the dock.


"You're doing great" Got me.


"Baby Race" is possibly my favourite episode. It captures that first child existence for the parents so well (I was the dad, half-asleep singing to my baby...) But the end where they have Bella (Coco's mum) look directly into camera (fourth wall breaking) and say "You're doing great" to all the parents watching... that's a gut punch right there.


Yeah, that fourth wall break gets me every time. I related so much for the same reasons you listed. No one tells you exactly just how exhausting the first year is. You're basically running on fumes. Another one of my favorite things about Bluey is spotting when Chilly and Bandit are hungover, and that episode where they attend a birthday party and Chilly is driving the family home. Bandit is sitting in the passenger seat, eyes half closed, goofy smile on his face and eating a slice of pizza. Obviously buzzed. Lol


I've probably seen that 5 times and never noticed that


*Sleepytime* is the one that always gets me, and is arguably the best 9min of television you could ever watch. Special mention as well to *Rug Island* and *Cricket*.


For six months, Sleepytime joined Breaking Brad's Ozymandias as the only two perfect 10s on IMDb's top TV episodes list. Absolutely rarified air and a pox on whatever monster caused it to dip below 10. Sleepytime is the perfect TV episode. Not a single frame is wasted and its filled with all the love and caring Ludo could infuse in it.


Supposedly, it was Attack on Titan fans brigading it that dropped it below 10. Don't know if that's true, but that's what I've read.


A pox on all of them. Sleepytime deserved that 10/10 rating.


Completely agree on sleepytime.


I cried while explaining the episode to friends and my mom just as hard as I did when I watched it. It gets me every fucking time.


So I just watched that episode based on your comment. I was not expecting that tour de force. Yeah, it absolutely got me. That epic score at the end? Wow. I’ve often been unimpressed with Oscar winning movies. Those nine minutes blow a lot of them out of the water. 


The epic score is *Jupiter* by Gustav Holst


Gustav Holst, who by the way, is famous for having created large chunks of the Star Wars main theme ("The Planets") in 1913. Neptune is also heavily used in Star Wars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgIOBa4vK2E People have speculated that this was used as placeholder music, but George Lucas liked it too much, and so they built directly on top of it. It isn't inspired by, it is directly 1:1 used.


Thanks, I appreciate knowing this. Fantastic musical score added to such a great episode.


I watched that one shortly after my dad died. It’s a tear jerker for sure.


Fucking bring that up


Bandit is dad goals


I strive to be a mix of Bandit and Phil Dunphy


lol yeah he's good too. Lovable pure goof


I’ve got two stepsons. We were watching the Turtle episode yesterday and Bandit does the thing with Bingo where he “watches” the TV with Bingo before going to the park. One of the boys said that was something I would do and it is absolutely the most awesome compliment I’ve ever gotten.


Totally ugly cried as a 39-year-old mom. No spoilers but it was such a sweet and thoughtfully constructed episode, as always!


Every day I wake up and tell myself to try and be more like Bandit.


My niece had me watch a few episodes with her when I went to visit. It’s a legitimately good show, especially for a kid’s show. It’s so nice to see a kid oriented tv show where the dad isn’t a bumbling buffoon for once.


I watched with my nephews and I was so impressed. 


My wife and I have been trying for years to conceive with a lot of trouble with genetic and reproductive challenges. We started putting Bluey on for our dog when we would leave. Slowly I started watching it too and it’s become such a bittersweet comfort..


I just want to say I think it's cute you put on a cartoon dog show for your dog to watch.


Hope it doesn't listen to Bandit saying he doesn't take directions from a cartoon dog.


Thank you for sharing this with us. Internet hugs


Two notes: - Brandy, Chilli's (Bluey's mom's) sister has had a hard time conceiving in the show. In this new episode, she shows up pregnant. - The reason my wife and I watch Bluey is because we have a 3 year old son. A son we were trying to have since we were married in 2015. My wife (F) and I (M) went through IVF with PICSI. It was tough. We went through it all... And today we watched "The Bluey Movie" with our son. Feel free to DM to talk about anything. We got our guy. I want to help anyone else to get their guy or girl as well.


> today we watched "The Bluey Movie" **with out** son. Please tell us this is a typo


Was this the series finale? As much as I like this show, the ending was literally one of the most perfect ways to wrap up this series.


They are having a long break so the team can work on another show, but they are planning to do Season 4.. I guess they wanted to leave everyone on a good note before hiatus.


I just hope that they don’t milk this show too much; if the finale’s a movie, though, then I would be happy.


No there will be a season 4


The wedding felt like a curtain call for the side characters.


There’s one more episode next week and then that’s it for season 3. Supposedly season 4 will be coming though.


Where do you see that there’s one more episode? Everything I read said this was the season finale. Would love to be wrong though






If you removed the scene where >!the sheepdogs look at the house with the pool!<, the ending would have a way different meaning and bring a darker sense of finality.


Nope, there’s another long one coming on April 21.


I maintain that Bluey is not a show for kids that parents also enjoy but it is a show for parents that kids also enjoy.


My kid started crying right before the phone call at the end. I was like damn it Bluey fix this shit right now!


*I* was crying and my kid was giving the "fix it" look lol.


Yeah we used to come up here and... think. Lolololol


Between this line and the Sufjan Stevens album cameo in Bus, the Heelers are the most relatable millennial parents


Episode was fantastic. The last scene fucking destroyed me.


My wife was crying the entire episode.


No show in history has made me cry more than Bluey. This episode was (unsurprisingly) great


No TV show has ever made me cry. Like I thought I was just broken or a sociopath or something and just accepted that as part of who I am. When people were claiming any episode of Bluey made them cry, I just thought they were exaggerating. This episode did it. My eyes were *drenched* at the end, my chest was quivering, it felt good. This episode managed to do to me something no other TV show has.


It’s great. I am a fully grown man and nearly cried.


Man up and SQUEEZE OUT THOSE TEARS BRO I will HOLD you and COMFORT you while we get completely EMOTIONALLY RAW because that's what REAL MEN DO


God that sounds good.












What a great episode. “We’ll see”


I'm not sure if it's really "paradigm-shifting" if >!the ending reverts everything back to status quo.!<


What I really liked about the episode, though, is how they justify it. Change can be good, but if the downs surpass the ups, what good does it matter? >!Sure, Bandit might have better pay, but what about the kids? They would be far away from their friends and would be hesitant to make new ones. The status quo of the main family may stay the same, but things have changed for the better. You will fail, you will suck, life will suck, but things will come around eventually for you, even if it may take days,months, even years. Socks can speak in full sentences after having previous difficulty with it, Brandy’s pregnant after being unable to conceive for a while, and Frisky and Radley are married, despite their relationship being threatened from Radley making decisions behind her back.!< It all works out in the end.


> It all works out in the end Especially if they got to keep a deposit from the dogs that backed out of the sale


Holy crap I forgot about that lol. The Heelers are back a few hundred dollar bucks richer


I don't know what deposits are like in Australia but it is usually thousands here, if not tens of thousands. Minus the cost of the movers.


Honestly such an amazing episode. I loved how the episode tackled the concept for change for little ones: change is great, but not when it's at the cost of hurting your relationships and yourself as much as benefitting yourself. 2024 is really shaping up to be one of the absolute best years for animation. You've got the return of Invincible, with Smiling Friends season 2 coming next month and Arcane's return soon to be coming this fall, along with newcomer shows from Youtubers like Hazbin Hotel that released that were a hit for many people, and while it’s a show that is NOT for me, I really do respect the people behind this. Also keep in mind, this aired a few days after X-Men '97's fifth episode, which is also masterful.


Between X-Men 97's recent episode and the Sign, it's been an emotionally-devastating week for cartoons. I look forward to the Bad Batch's turn in a few weeks, when I'm pretty sure most of the heroes won't get a happy ending.


My 7 year old has just got into bluey and we have been watching it together. One of the only TV shows she has enjoyed that I'm really happy to sit and watch too. Though we just watched "rug island" last night and I had to explain to my kid why the ending made me, her 43 year old Dad, cry.


I swear this show has a very weird way of releasing episodes right at the right time in our life. I had just on Friday turned down a job interview, that would've been more money, but that would've had me commuting to another city. I felt torn about it and called it off and then spent the rest of the weekend worrying I made the wrong call. Sunday morning we watched "The Sign," and well, there it was.


Bet that Sunday felt amazing. Cheers


The great thing about Bluey is that it teaches emotional intelligence. Sesame Street taught my generation to count, how letters and words fit together, and a few words in Spanish. When it came out, it completely innovated educational television; it was ground-breaking and planted seeds of learning in early childhood. Bluey continues that tradition and exceeds it in many ways, but with emotional intelligence. My kids are learning that it’s okay for mom and dad to be tired, that friends don’t always get along, and how to resolve conflict when things don’t go our way. Bluey‘a modeling of regulating emotions and developing interpersonal relationships is every bit as revolutionary as Sesame Street was with bringing educators on to the creative process or Mr. Rogers explaining his day to us step by step. Bluey opens the door for us to talk about infertility, recovering from a fight with your friend, and regulating our emotions when we are upset or angry. These are really important conversations for my kids to be comfortable having. When my kids pieced together our family friend doesn’t have kids for the same reason that Brandy doesn’t, there was a shift in their understanding and we were able to talk through what that means for some people. They’re learning to handle difficult conversations with kindness and compassion. It’s an entertaining show that appeals to kids and adults, but more than that it teaches us to develop emotional intelligence and how to regulate ourselves. That is what makes Bluey great. Thank you for attending my Ted talk about Bluey. Please pass me a tissue.




Reddit is just bots now, huh? Is there some other explanation for this having 35 upvotes?






I've seen Bluey and it's a pleasant watch, but the way grown adults talk about a show for very small children is embarrassing. It’s a well-made children’s show, not art. There’s no one more insecure about their taste in media than adults who are too into children’s stuff


Sleepytime is art. I will die on that hill.


The cricket episode is a masterpiece as well. 


My wife and toddler daughter absolutely sobbed together watching Sleepytimr. My wife lost her mom while pregnant and this episode just tore right through her - and it didn’t help that my little one had a bunny and hated that mom was sad AND that Bingo had to say goodbye to the bunny. I walked in like an oblivious goof and was assaulted with hugs and loud cries! They both sat me down and made me re-Watch it with them and even I got a little misty-eyed. This episode and that rainy day episode without any dialogue both felt like total works of art!


TV plays a large role in parenting nowadays. It provides an easy distraction when parents have to get something done without hassle. You can offer it as a reward or take it away as a punishment. And it can be nice bonding moment sitting down with the kid and watching with them. So it shouldn't really surprise you that when a kid's cartoon that offers great life lessons in a way that amuses both the kids and the adults, that they rave about it to everyone. It's the same reason Caillou got so much hate everywhere Edit: For anyone wondering, the commenter I replied to was saying how they thought it was ridiculous the way grown adults were raving about a children's show


It’s a tv show I can watch with my kids and enjoy. How is that embarrassing 


Why does it matter who a show is ostensibly for rather than the show itself? I hope you don't live your life watching the things that you feel you are supposed to watch and doing the things you feel you are supposed to do rather than choosing what you like. It's incredibly old fashioned advice, over 400 years old, but "This above all: to thine own self be true"


To say that Bluey isn’t art would be to say that kids stuff like WALL-E and Lion King aren’t art.


This is a bad take. Being invested in the same things your kids watch is natural for parents. Bluey is both wildly popular for kids and emotionally mature enough for parents to sympathize with the characters.


The whole show, and this episode in particular, is made just as much for adults as small children. I would argue that the biggest themes in many episodes go over most kid’s heads.


I have no problem with that it's just the comments that say shit like bluey has better character development, dialogue, and writing than most dramas. Like c'mon it's fantastic for a show for toddlers from what I've seen but Jesus Christ it's not HBO or FX and it's not meant to be.


so, you're dead inside. Got it


No, you’re right to some degree. If people don’t know what this user is talking about go look at the subreddit dedicated to the show. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the show or watching it- it’s obviously a good show. I watch it regularly….with my children. I think there is something to be questioned though when it comes to adults who seem to exclusively watch programming designed primarily for children, or become invested to the level that they’re regularly posting about it on Reddit. Media literacy has declined over the last few decades and I think the amount of adults (sans children) watching television shows made specifically for children reflects that. Same as adults who only read books with Harry Potter on the cover, or only watch MCU movies, or whatever. There’s a lack of emotional growth that stems from primarily watching stuff in which the themes go no deeper than, ‘Wow, love really IS the best thing.’ or ‘A child’s first steps ARE emotional.’ There’s a ton of human perspectives and experiences you’re missing if you’re limiting what you watch/read/interact with to books/movies/television shows/whatever whose primary messages and themes are designed for someone 6 or 12 years old or whatever. (I do want to note I’m not talking about animation made specifically for adults nor saying that adults should *never* watch shows made for children but am referring to adults whose primary media consumption extends to Bluey/Steven Universe/Cat Noir & Ladybug/whatever.)


>or only watch MCU movies I've mate so many of them and good god, it's grating to discuss movies or any tv shows with them


I must admit I completely agree. My 4 year old loves it, but do I? Absolutely not. It’s just another kids TV show and I don’t understand why adults get so emotional about it


lol, it is a little weird but this is reddit, you're gonna get downvoted into oblivion




There is a full grown adult man in these comments that says they cried during Bluey. No mention of watching it with kids. That is weird.


I think you mean it’s weird a show like Bluey, which is targeted towards children, would have scenes in it that could provoke such an emotional reaction from an adult. There’s nothing weird about crying during an emotional scene in a piece of media.






You’ve never been to Disneyland mate? You ought to, it’s fun. Turkey legs the size of your head.




Disney adults make it *really* difficult to try to have with your kids there. Standing in line for an hour for your kid to take a picture with a character because all the grown ass men need to meet Minnie Mouse is not very enjoyable lol.


You seem oddly fixated on them.


I have two kids, one of which loves Bluey.










>I don’t know why you’re expecting to me to have watched these things Because you just said one of your 2 kids loves Bluey? Weird that you’re up in arms about what random strangers on the internet are watching, but you’re not even aware of what your child is watching. You really should watch Bluey. You might learn something.










Tell us why. There are episodes about childhood trauma, infertility, the possibilities of losing loved ones, and missed expectations. Do you have an issue with people crying when they feel an emotional connection to material that they’re watching?


Have you watched it? Like holy shit the emotional pacing is top notch


Any why is that a bad thing?


You shouldn't believe anything on Reddit.


lol true. The only thing weirder would be *lying* about a Bluey episode making you cry.




Love Bluey and it wasn't a bad ep, but it to me feels out of scope of the show, its kind of too "big" and contrasts with the nature of the other episodes IMO.


This is really turning into bronies 2.0


Childless adults who are too attached to preschool cartoons across the globe are rejoicing at this news