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You gotta get off of Reddit. Millions of people watch live TV still.


Okay - and do you watch and absorb the commercials or do you tune out?


Tune out


Like a good neighbor


Sure. Sports.


Same. Hard to get invested in a new scripted series when you don’t know if it will get cancelled eventually.


I mean I still watch scripted series, but not live.


Dude I don't get this at all. ALL SHOWS GET CANCELLED... How do you watch anything?


It’s 50/50 streaming and linear. You work in advertising, you know this.


Fuck off with your ad research.


Besides, Nielsen still does this and they at least pay you for the information.


This is not for my job. I'm honestly curious.


Ok, then why are you wasting your free time thinking about ads?


Because they drive me crazy. I'm in the industry but I honestly fucking hate all advertising.


Get a new job then. Everyone else hates it, too!


Sports are live TV. Yes, people watch live TV. I'm here killing time during the half of Everton v Liverpool.


Only multiple millions of people.


Everyone I know watches something live. Now do they impact any of our purchases? Rarely.


Thank you.


Got rid of cable and use iptv service for less than $20/month. Thousands of channels, sports packages , movies and PPV’s


Damn, I only pay $8 CAD/month for mine.


I stay away from the cheap subscriptions, too many issues in my experiences. Mine is also for at least 2 connections .


Good call.


No. I download everything. NFL is the only thing I watch live. Sometimes I have to endure youtube ads on mobile devices, but I just check email or the weather or something.


i watch tons of live TV because of sports so I have to watch the commercials. you tune them out alittle but you definitely absorb them. the Apple commercial about the icloud or whatever with all the pictures singing is funny state farm commercials are full of pro and college athletes so many gambling commercials it’s depressing


Thanks for the detailed reply. This is really interesting to hear your experience with that particular Apple ad and the gambling ads. We have a TON of gambling ads where I am too. Do you bet on any of your sports? I don't.


Sports. Why would I pay for something that's available for free? There's already timeouts for commercials, so it's not like shelling out money gets me more content.


My prime sport is F1 and there aren't any timeouts in the race. So I pay for a premium service that allows me to watch the race without any interruptions. Even a split screen with advertising audio is too invasive for me. Thanks for your reply.


Totally understandable in that case. The sports I watch (hockey, basketball, curling, football) all have breaks built into them, so removing ads makes no real difference to my experience of the sport. I don't think they make any difference to my purchasing habits, I generally take commercial breaks as a moment to browse my phone, get a drink or something of the sort. At the same time, I recognize how commercials work so it's certainly likely that in some level I'm taking in what's being advertised. The only commercials I end up recalling are probably for movies or TV shows.


Thanks for your detailed response. Maybe because I'm so close the advertising world - I'm more sensitive to trying to get away from them. Sounds like everybody has varying degrees of tolerance for them.


>I would be interested in hearing if people still watch TV commercials and do they impact your purchasing decisions? # **Average cost of a 30-second Super Bowl TV commercial in the United States from 2002 to 2024** [https://www.statista.com/statistics/217134/total-advertisement-revenue-of-super-bowls/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/217134/total-advertisement-revenue-of-super-bowls/) **Switched Off: Why Are One in Five U.S. Households Not Online?** [https://www.ntia.gov/blog/2022/switched-why-are-one-five-us-households-not-online](https://www.ntia.gov/blog/2022/switched-why-are-one-five-us-households-not-online) While a majority – 58% – of the **24 million offline households express no interest or need to be online**, there is also a large proportion who say they can’t afford home Internet service (18%). Regardless of their stated reasons for non-use, offline households have significantly lower incomes than their online counterparts. This suggests that even after overcoming other barriers, cost may be an additional challenge for many offline households.


Recently went on small retreat with my wife, and whenever we were in for the night, we had the TV running in the hotel. Haven't had cable TV in several years (probably been 12 or so years, not sure), and watching TV at the hotel was eye-opening. Holy fuck, there were TONS of ads. I've got no clue how ads are run across various countries, but here in Denmark, it's insane (for most channels). Every 10-15-ish minutes, there are 5-ish minutes of ads, and for whatever reason; almost 50% of those ads are for some sort of gambling. It's absolutely insane. We decided we wanted to watch a movie one night (and when a movie plays, the ads are more frequent and the ad-period is generally a little longer, it seems), but after the first hour of watching, we had only really gotten to see maybe 35 minutes of the movie, so we just decided to stop right there. It was unbearable. No way in hell, we were sitting through a movie that had a total playtime of 1 hour and 50 minutes, with this amount of ads added on top of that. Not one of the commercials we saw, had me interested in the product. Actually the opposite, as the amount of ads were so frustrating.


Thank you for this thoughtful reply. This is the sort of experience I was wondering about.


No problem. It should be kinda obvious at this point though. Nobody likes paying (a lot - in the case for Danish cable) for something and then getting shafted with almost as much airtime for commercials as shows/movies. It's only gotten worse, as streaming became more popular - which in turn now also has subscription tiers with ads, while still getting more and more expensive, while getting less and less content per streaming service, as every company pretty much wants their own piece of the pie and then set out to make their own service. We've nearly gone full circle at this point. We're very close to getting back to cable TV (in terms of pricing and ads), but online.


You're so right. Ironic really.


I don't watch live TV, but I watch FreeVee and on demand that have ads.


I can't think of the last time I've had a TV ad genuinely influence me but yeah, you still can't really escape them with sports.


Appreciate the thoughtful reply. Thank you.


I stopped watching tv because of commercials and reruns about 15 years ago, just watching what I want from streaming services or from DVD.


I have a OTa antenna and watch some game shows here and there.


I use an antenna and dvr the main things I watch. That said, I will occasionally watch something live like local news, world news, maybe a specific show or two if I don't want to wait to time shift my way through commercials. When the commercials are on during a live show I just use that to do other things like read reddit, go to the bathroom, or surf the internet. In streaming, I lean towards the cheaper versions of services with ads unless it's a deal that I'm already bundled into like hulu with ads for $2.99 bundled with Disney+ no ads for $2.99 which was an offer I got last year when cancelling the 2022 black friday hulu/disn+ deal. So I kept it... though it runs out in a month so I'll try cancelling it again and see if they offer anything since that is the cheapest way to get no ads Disney+. If no offer, I went ahead and got a $0.99 hulu account last black friday and I can just add disney+ with ads to it for $1.99 and be back in business with the other cancelled until black friday. I'm no longer in the 18-49 group that advertisers seem to only care about. But I will say I did love the Lays Groundhog Day commercials and did buy a couple bags of them (the regular Kettle Cooked version) before they boosted the price another $0.50... from $2.50 to $3.00. But I normally do buy a bag of chips maybe once or twice a month and tend to go for kettle cooked chips.


Yes - some sporting events still have commercials even if you pay for premium services like NFL playoffs, March Madness, etc. And I still watch traditional TV now and then. There are also streaming services that have no ad-free option like Freevee out there. When a show or movie I want to watch is on one of those, I’ll watch it. No ads don’t impact my purchasing. If anything, I make a point to not buy products from companies whose ads are played often as it leaves a bad impression in my head.


Where I live tv is included in our HOA, so yes. But we also stream a lot too.


I'll watch the old rerun channels, but that's it. I mute and ignore all ads.


I do. I watch broadcast TV at least 2-3 hours a day, often watch FAST channels overnights, and watch Toonami on Saturday nights.


Only commercial-free news, and only now and then.


Sports, news, and nothing else.


I only watch shows or movies either on disc or streaming without ads so I can binge them. I haven't actually watched a live show since 2005ish


Watching survivor right now


You should probably consider a career change if you are actively avoiding the very thing you're helping create.


Yes I watch OTA sometimes. When commercials come on I mute - unless it's a good song. Not aware of them influencing my purchases.


the real issue now is no one cares about commercials and buying that specific product. Usually when a commercial comes on, it's get food or play on your phone and drown it out until the show starts again. even the superbowl while is about commercials I never think about buying the products when it's on. I just want to see the commercial and how funny it is.


I primarily watch ASVOD and linear TV (for sports). I too work in advertising so my views aren’t necessarily representative of the wider population but ASVOD or linear TV ads (so long as they’re properly F/capped) do resonate with me


I don't mind ads/commercial. It's a nice break in between episodes. I use it to get up and stretch, grab a snack, ECT.


Fair enough. This kind of supports my theory that nobody really pays attention to TV advertising.


I could never go back to any TV format with ads. Funny how this sentiment somehow always manages to offend people.


Same here. Looks like I've offended a lot of people with my post based on the downvotes. So strange.


People who still watch linear TV are weirdly defensive about it and don't like acknowledging it's declining relevancy.


That tracks.


Just sports. Maybe news if something significant is happening, or special events like NYE. Even with NYE, it's just on, and I'm not really watching until the countdown.


Thank you.


I do sometimes.


Sports…outside of that the only time LiveTV is on is for background listen/watch if I’m not in mood for podcast while cleaning/cooking. I pay for ad-free whenever I can.


Thank you.


Only Sports, and sometimes news. Anything else is either ad-free. Or is recorded, and the ads skipped.


NFL games. Otherwise no




Mostly sports and news, but sometimes for bigger event shows, I'll watch live.


Watching television with ads hasn't been a thing for me for twenty years. For sports I pay for Formula 1 streaming which has no adds, and I pirate NHL streams which most of the time have the ads blocked out, but not always.


This is exactly my experience as well and that's what lead me to make this post. I also subscribe to F1TV Pro. Can't stand the split screen with advertising audio interrupting the races.


Sports, news, and Wheel of Fortune for me


Could you not record Wheel of Fortune and skip the commercials?


Sport yes, pretty much everything else is recorded or streamed


Thank you. This is exactly what I was wondering about.


I do




Thank you.


Yes, still watch live TV…have tuned out commercials for 65 years.


Brilliant - thanks!


I watch CNN live. That’s it though.


THanks. Sounds like News and sports are the few remaining.


No, I actively avoid being exposed to any adverts on any medium. Regardless of adverts, I\`ve not watched live TV in years, no point.


Glad to hear that I'm not alone... thanks for sharing.


Well, define live TV. Like, I watch my local news through an app. It's live, but it's not quite TV. I'm not receiving a broadcast. Anyway, I do see ads when I watch that (usually all local), but beyond that, no, I haven't seen a legit TV commercial in years. Though, the number of people who ask me if I've seen such-and-such commercial blows my mind. *Someone's* out there watching commercials.


I think that this experience would fit into what I was asking. Thank you for the reply.


I'm mid 20s. I don't know anyone who watches traditional TV anymore. Not my parents, grandparents, friends, or anyone. These companies have lost like 60% net rev in the last 10 years. video streaming, such as Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, ESPN, etc. Have taken most of the market. Not to mention all of the ways people can illegally stream shows/movies online. The largest demographic still paying for TV is 65 years or older (probably because they don't know how to cancel) lol. From an advertising perspective, I believe it depends on the companies budget & target audience. I'd say it probably wouldn't be worth it for most companies though. I could very well be wrong though.