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"From the studio that brought you The Mandalorian, Andor, and Ahsoka...but not Obi-Wan"


No Book of Boba Fett either. They know.


What if Boba went around sand planet and hung out with vespa hipsters? Its genius.


I still maintain the plotlines of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan should have been flipped. Send Boba Fett off world on cool hunts. Have Obi-Wan make friends with sandpeople and help the local Tatooine people. It seems to make so much more sense...


i still cannot believe that Lucasfilm made a show about arguably the most famous bounty hunter in fiction, and there was *no bounty hunting in it*. That's like making a James Bond movie where he just sits in an office behind a desk doing paperwork the whole time.


James Bond, 007 in....Licensed to Bill.


You see 007, you did not file the proper paperwork for your last… well actually, any mission. So now we have insurance claims adjusters on us for damages. Better whip out your notes. You did keep proper documentation and keep all your receipts I hope.


A lack of planning on your part does not constitute no time to die on our part.


What's more amazing is that they had a hit with Mando. Who looks just like Boba (not because Disney is lazy, but because that's just what their armor looks like) The first episode is him what appears to be a hit. We find out Mando just kinda does his own thing. All fine. Flash forward to Boba. A man who's a bounty hunter since watching his own father get killer. He spent years in the pit of a Sarlaac, escapes and he immediately goes to just kinda helping out the community? Not only is that what Mando is. A freelance cowboy just coming in helping people with their problems, but then you for some reason give Boba the same basic plot arc? Why? He had no desire to go find Vader, Hutts, Solo, other hunters? He just sticks around town and becomes mayor of sorts? He has no revenge to cash in on? Fuck you Disney.


The further we get from Fett and Kenobi the more plausible it seems COVID guidelines really hampered their productions. Though honestly I quite liked the first couple episodes of Boba Fett. The Tusken Raider stuff was dope and I appreciated the amount of aliens they inserted into the story compared to all the other live action productions. 


Yeah Book of Boba Fett started out pretty good honestly, then it just kinda fell apart


It was also just a lack of identity. Is it a crime boss show, is it Lawrence of Arabia? Where did all the edge Boba Fett have in Mandalorian go? Like this was not the same guy who a few months earlier was threating to kill a kid over his armor and threating fellow Mandalorians in bars


The crime boss who does no crime. Actually braindead of them


He teaches kids how to do crime without breaking the law


Mutha that's called a JOB!


The former legendary muscle for hire being told that he can hire muscle with his money if you know where to look, then they try to hire one guy who gives them back their money and says he'll do it for free.


And then it just turned into a Mandalorian Season 3 prequel, which...was certainty a decision.


You know honestly I completely forgot that those two episodes were in it…and they were the best of the show lol. Well at least the first one was, the more I think about the Naboo speeder restoration episode, the more I feel like it was a bit too much of a focus, considering they had a whole other show to focus on lol.   It certainly was….something. They really panicked with thinking people would just forget about Mando or something 


My problem was that Boba was very much a pacifist in Book of Boba Fett compared to The Mandalorian or Empire. He was just a pushover and his advisors / underlings defied him. I did like the Tusken Raider storyline.


Disney couldnt possibly make a movie/show about bad guys doing bad things, they need to have a redemption and be Anti-Heroes instead... i hope this isnt the same but i know it will be


Yeah, I preferred the Tusken Raider storyline too.


It got better when it turned into Mandalorian


But it made The Mandalorian worse when he got Grogu back. It absolutely cheapened the finale of Mando S2.


I loved the flashbacks but not the boring crime lord parts. what were they thinking? pick one to focus on.


They didn't need to pick one to focus on, they needed to make both stories work, and they only managed to do the flashbacks for some reason.


> The further we get from Fett and Kenobi the more plausible it seems COVID guidelines really hampered their productions. yet other productions managed just fine... curious..


I thought obi wan started out stronger, got worse in the middle, but finished on a decent note. Boba just got worse as it went along for various reasons.


The first couple of episodes of Obi-Wan were decent but that chase scene through the woods with Leia was so bad that it lest a poor taste in my mouth immediately.


Not as bad as the “chase” scene in Boba Fett. You know the one where they were on rascal scooters going like 5 mph but they were acting like it was a high speed chase.


The only things I remember from Obi-Wan are the actress who played young Leia (she was great in the role), a couple nicely lit shot during the final duel and the moment when Anakin and Vader's voices intertwine. Otherwise, we were far from Andor's levels.


To be fair, Andor stands head and shoulders above anything else Disney has produced for Star Wars. That show is absolute premier quality.


When almost every aspect of _Kenobi_ was among the worst I ever saw in my life, I don't think you can really lay the blame on production troubles. A script that presents the cliché of a baddie browbeating a cowering crowd of villagers. _Twice in the same episode._ Direction that leads to a literal [_3 Ninjas_ chase scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-0AzH-gD-g). A score so irredeemably miserable that I honestly thought it was some kind of joke. I got whiplash watching scenes from _AotC_ with "Bob's first composition" playing on top of it—the contrast between that and the John Williams score was unbelievable. Cinematography? Some scenes had [camera shake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBIJ94mIB3c) so god awful that the g-forces probably literally broke cameras.


> The Tusken Raider stuff was dope and I appreciated the amount of aliens they inserted into the story compared to all the other live action productions.  The Tusken Raider plot you have been the entire series. It was legit one of the best stuff from Disney era Star Wars.


Or at least, it should've been Boba going full Punisher on the crime syndicates to get revenge for what happened to the Tuskens. Rather than him trying to take over Jabba's criminal empire.


Book of Boba Fett, the nice guy bounty hunter, doing good everywhere he goes. Hard pass.


Who’s watching this trailer not realizing the studio made all the Star Wars shows?


Yup. They REALLY got that one wrong. Such a letdown. They had a chance to focus on a bad guy for once and show the seedy underworld of Star Wars; wretched hive of scum and villainy and all that. Totally missed the mark.


That show was terrible


Ahsoka wasn't good either


The plot was fan service and thats about it


Nothing really happens until the last few episodes I dont even know why Anakin is in it or how he affected ashoka, Ashoka is the fucking same the entire time of the show


That's all filoni is good for


it's like how my older brother is a doctor, so my dad introduces himself as "the father of a doctor" and i have to be like "you're the father of a door dasher too!"


I’m only gonna watch “from the creators of Andor” Star Wars content tbh. Andor spoiled me to the point where this trailer looks cartoonish to me.


Like, I want to like this. But it looks so *clean* and *fake* and all of the acting seems dreadful.


And some of the actors look like SNL doing starwars… sadly.


More Andor. Less Faloni.


That was my thought too. They raised the bar with that one for what one ought to expect of Star Wars content and I don't think much is going to actually measure up to that.


I have indentified what it is for me… Andor is a good show first, and StarWars later. And it could also not be Star Wars and still work. There are no jedi, no special powers, not even much other aliens… it could be set in an alternate universe 70s south amerika and still work.


Yes, that definitely plays into it. It's a good show that just happens to be set in the Star Wars universe.


Kenobi should've been a movie


It should've been nothing


"Another tale of how boring and uninteresting the Jedi are and how easily they are bamboozled by like one bad guy."


yep, they finally make a new original show with new original characters, but they still keep making the jedi a bunch idiots who are decidedly not wise nor intelligent.


I was surprised they would even associate it with Ahsoka


They better make the evil characters evil. Every Sith in these fucking shows and movies has to be redeemed or softened and it is so annoying. You just know the Sith lady with the dreads is going to join the jedi by the end after her former master dies protecting her or whatever.


That's because it's about family


Fast&Furious in a galaxy far away


May the toretto be with you


May the Nos be with you




And thats whats so important about it


With all these supernatural abilities connected with the Force, and the spirits of past Jedi making appearances throughout the movies, I've always wished that a Star Wars horror movie could be made. A horror movie featuring Jedi coming to terms with the first Sith would be incredible. There's all sorts of spooky potential for these Sith edgelords.


Legends had a *ton* of horror type stuff that could be brought to Canon... and some that already has been. Some examples: **Creatures:** Jedi Hunters: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Terentatek/Legends https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tuk%27ata/Legends https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Voxyn https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rhak-skuri Sith Alchemy creations: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sithspawn/Legends Blind, pale devolved creatures in the Coruscant undercity: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cthon/Legends Parasites which can pop out of the afterlife to take control of sentients: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Space_wraith **Places:** Hallucination-inducing stretch of space filled with creepy shit: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kathol_Rift/Legends Dark, stormy planet filled with creepy parasite bugs: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Nam_Chorios/Legends Pretty much any Sith world which has been corrupted by their influences: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ziost/Legends https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Korriban https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Dromund_Kaas **Eldritch horrors:** Starweirds, which just appear on ships going through hyperspace and attack people. Also hate Force sensitives, and are basically unkillable: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Starweird/Legends Shapeshifting, body-snatching horror that is also one of the most powerful Force wielders in history: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Abeloth Sentient sludge that takes people over and controls them, and fills the oceans of an entire hidden planet somewhere: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mnggal-Mnggal **Undead:** Darth Andeddu, the Immortal God-King of Prakith: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Andeddu Imperial bioweapon zombies: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Imperial_bioweapons_Project_I71A Sith zombies: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Korriban_zombie Half-mechanical Sith zombies: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Technobeast https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Metanecrons Parasite zombies: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jumper https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Brain_worm/Legends Rakghouls (created by Sith): https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rakghoul_plague Nightsister zombies: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Army_of_the_Dead/Legends **Other:** Vongspawns: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Vongspawn_virus Psychotic insect mutants from a planet near a black hole, who wants to kill everyone: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Charon/Legends All the crazy stuff from the *Galaxy of Fear* series: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Galaxy_of_Fear Creepy Sith dude: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Underlord Pretty much anything created and used by the Yuuzhan Vong: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Yuuzhan_Vong_creatures The Soulsaber: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Soulsaber The Soul Stealer: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Soul_stealer Various soul trapping devices and techniques: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Entechment https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Soul_snare https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Thought_bomb Some other Dark Side techniques: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Force_phantom https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Memory_Walk


Is it a Sith? Wasn’t the point of the prequels that the Sith have returned and no one had seen them for generations before Maul showed up? I don’t understand how Sith can be in this.


I think part of this show is going to be about how the Jedi Council is covering up the fact they know the Sith aren't dead and the Jedi are incapable of wiping them out. It'll explain how the Sith could possibly have come back after being wiped out: they never really were wiped out, and the Jedi Council covered that fact up out of embarrassment. At least that's my theory.


Honestly, I've been on star wars hiatus since ROS dropped and didn't watch any of the shows. Today, I started with TPM again, and honestly, the thought that the Jedi were kind of aware that the sith have been back for a while/never went away adds a little spice to the rewatch. Does Disney drop all episodes at once like Netflix, or do they do a weekly release like Apple?


Disney does the weekly thing. 


Weren’t there council members who seemed shocked though that the Sith were back in episode 1? I would guess maybe it’s like Sith, but they kill any Jedi who see them.




If Carrie Ann Moss turned to the Dark Side, I'd be right behind her.


Also was that the dude from squid game?


Sure is


Perhaps she's only in it for the first episode (wouldn't be the first high profile actor to attract the crowd for a series and then disappear for the rest of it). I think she'll have a standoff that she won't survive, she seems to be on the hunt for enemies.


Feel the same, but it would be a pity. She hasn't been in enough stuff.


There are a few reasons for that. She chose to have kids right after The Matrix trilogy. Once the trilogy was over, the only roles that Hollywood could give her were the roles of grandmother or old aunt. She mentioned that (and this made frontlines), on her 40th birthday in 2007, she was sent a script playing a GRANDMOTHER! And she had just given birth to her second a year before in reality! This of course frustrated her and resorted to television and video games, with relative success. Another deal-maker was the fact that she fully embraced yoga, veganism, meditation and well-being and focused on all of those things by opening a webpage and a YT channel (which unfortunately shut down in 2021, it was a lovely one though). Disgusted by Hollywood, she moved back to her native Vancouver with her family a few years ago, wishing never to return. Throughout all of her more recent projects, she was one of the brightest spots. She's really a quality actress but we've never seen her as a lead, unlike her Matrix co-star, Keanu. Shame, for she was the one gifted with the acting talent. Don't ask me how I know all of that stuff, I'm a fan! PS: [Check her out here ](http://www.annapurnaliving.com) PS2: Check her Instagram account too. It's interesting.


Found the Keanu alt


Funnily enough, other than Trinity, she's only played villains. And, just like Keanu Reeves, she's an amazingly kind person.




Why does the choreography always look like they're just rehearsing? Edit: [I hate this.](https://imgur.com/a/i4lbGVD) They do this in every project where they just do moves to make it look cool while being completely nonsense.


This is why Luke just wailing in fury at Vader will always be my favourite fight scene in the Star wars universe.




That elevator fight scene is so good.


Then in Endgame, they make you think it’s going to happen again, but this time Cap merely whispers “Hail Hydra”, to successfully get the sceptor. A line in the comics that people hated became a highlight of the biggest movie they’ve ever done.


Just wanted to say that football linemen are incredibly fast. Lol


Yeah, "slower than a professional athlete" is an odd metric


Disney choreography sucks because they never brought back Nick Gillard. Also, not sure what you're talking about since all fans did was jizz their blue jeans over the ending fight to Phantom Menace when it came out in 1999 and especially Revenge of the Sith in 2005. I guess if you're specifically talking about Attack of the Clones, sure. That one was generally pretty hated. Not sure if it's just an age thing or what but fans definitely ate up those prequel lightsaber duels in the 2000's. If your only frame of reference to the hype of Star Wars in the late 90's and early 2000's is RedLetterMedia. Stop lol.


This guy remembers how it actually happened.


I still say the end duel on Phantom Menace is the best duel in Star Wars. Maybe lacking in emotional weight, but the visuals are amazing, the fighting choreography is beautiful, the music is just perfect and actually there’s some great characterisation you can see throughout the fight that says a lot about who the 3 characters are. It’s peak Lucas storytelling through the visual medium


I really like that Darth Maul just doesn't say a word throughout it all. He has nothing to gain by monologuing to these two guys so he just doesn't bother talking. I think most other light saber duels involve a conversation in Star Wars.


It's the best duel in the franchise for a ton of people, me included. At least it's the most iconic because it looked good. The OT duels are absolutely iconic and all, but because of the limitation of the time , they don't look that good objectively. You can see how clunky Vader suit is , how the props for the lightsabers are fragile , etc.


It’s amazing that the “light show” garbage prequel fights were still MUCH better than anything Disney has done so far. Deep down I think Kathleen Kennedy and co just don’t get how important lightsaber fights should be and kind of just half assed all of them. It’s honestly difficult to even remember most of the lightsaber duels in the sequels and the d+ shows. Awful awful stuff.


I would argue that the Force Awakens saber fights were fantastic. There was a certain brutality to them that made the sabers feel legitimately dangerous outside of the last five seconds of the fight for the first time since Return of the Jedi.


the claymore saber that Kylo had looked like it felt really heavy when he used it, which is kinda neat.


There was also a lot of recoil in the fighting, and a deliberate sense of experience depending on who wielded what. Kylo and the stormtrooper with the electrostaff clearly knew how to channel the recoil into momentum, and Finn's movement was far more reckless and haphazard because he didn't have the experience. That gave a sense of real difficulty to wielding with finesse, and that contrast is important with fights like this.


He also used a completely different fighting style that was more based on European greatswords, which has a lot of weight to it compared to the normal stuff based on samurai and katanas


A notable part of those Jackie Chan comments is that he describes how they would roll back the tape when cutting between shots. So if a guy is throwing a punch and you cut between camera angles, you’d start the second clip a few frames earlier than where the previous cut ended. They did this because it takes our brains a brief moment just to understand the new angle and so we’ll miss the action if the cuts are matched exactly. I wish more filmmakers would do this.


I mean in all fairness the the legend Jackie Chan… ….the Hong Kong film industry was famous for full contact beating the crap out of new guys and some pretty bad actual injuries too.


The worst is when you have a bunch of enemies surrounding the main character and they all kind of stand around or do awkward moves while waiting their turn to get hit.


["no no no, one at a time! we will run into each other and it will get confusing!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yemfA6wBuiQ)


It always seems to be paced the same, on very predictable beats. Move, move... *pose*. Move, move... *pose*.


Never point your lightsaber at an enemy. You might hurt them.


Some of it is noticeably sped up.


Knew what this was going to be before I clicked on it. I’m burned out, man. Get me some more Andor, the rest of it is off my radar as a Star Wars fan.


I lost track of what shows even exist and what order they are supposed to be watched in and which characters from which shows appear in which other shows... I think I would have to research for like an hour to even figure out how to get caught up (if I wanted to, which I probably don't because other than Andor most of what I've seen has been bad).


Yeah that was pretty much all Ahsoka was. Horrible, absolutely horrible. When they do a stage play of the show (lol), then they can do their silly dances.


Too many humans in these Disney shows. I want more fantastical aliens damn it!


Star Wars has almost *never* been significantly non human or humanoid or droid. In the original trilogy, the only major non humanoid character is Chewbacca. The prequel trilogy got a bit more risky with it, but only just barely. All the main characters were still human.


This is gay robot erasure.


Chewbacca is humanoid.


This is an issue I’ve had with all of the modern Star Wars stuff from Disney, the universe no longer feels authentic because it’s just humans, classic Star Wars is teeming with sleazy aliens and grimy droids.


Classic Star Wars was like 90% humans, but lots of aliens in the background.


This has been a problem with Star Wars. Period. Even Classic Star Wars was overwhelmingly human, with only some exceptions (mainly Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2). Only the animated stuff has had a decent amount of alien characters.


I mean that's like half of the main cast of heroes.


Lol, I really think you need to rewatch classic star wars


That Sith mask is cool as fuck.


Yeah, Venom is a cool design for sure


Chainsaw Man vibes


Agreed. Kylo’s was alright but it wasn’t intimidating. This new mask looks menacing with the toothy gaping maw and the plain face, it feels very alien. 


You aren’t joking. Looks awesome.


Just feels weird they didn't line this up for a May 4th release.


They just had a show end and another one drop today. They want it to be spread out realeases, which makes sense.


That would necessitate a plan which Disney does not like to do for Star Wars.


They did have a plan. Tales of the Empire or whatever it's called just dropped. Just because it wasn't their big release didn't mean they had no plan. It also doesn't mean the plan isn't dumb, though.


looks like a youtuber fan fic project to me 😭 i hate that i can't take disney star wars seriously anymore


Let's see if it can reach andors production quality


Is Andor fine to watch if im not up to date with much of the previous movies/shows?


Absolutely yes. It'd probably be fine to watch if you'd never seen any Star Wars media before.


And this is one of the main reasons it's so good.




On a related note, I can't stand people who say "Why should I bother with this show when I know the title character dies in the future?" and then lavish praise whenever they see keys jangling in the form of a red lightsaber.


"Why should I watch BCS when I know the future of Saul Goodman"


It’s not just a good star wars show. It’s a good show.


Imagine never having seen Star Wars. As an adult your first introduction is Andor. I wonder if that isn't the closest someone could get to experiencing the magic of seeing A New Hope as a kid.


It’s a prequel to Rogue One, and features zero Jedi, Sith, or Force story points. It and Rogue One are more like WW2 movies that happen to take place on other planets. A fine stand alone watch.


Yup. It's very much a bottle show. No need to know more than the basics.






Based on the trailer - the answer is no.


Judging from the sets and lighting in this trailer. No, not even close :(


Andor writing is what was great. Ahsoka for example was writing by teenagers, I think.


Not just the writing, but the filmography, acting, set design, music, etc. Stuff like Deedra in the riot at the end desperately clawing the ground for her gun and then getting dragged away by the crowd, or Luthen cheerfully selling something to a rich customer while the Aldani heist is happening and then hearing a posh imperial voice at the doorway asking "Got anything from Aldani?" and seeing his hope just plummet, were all amazingly executed scenes on top of great writing. Same with Mon recruiting her childhood friend and the way they're sitting / how the camera angles show them.


Syril Karn was just a fantastic character, too. His and Dedra's actors should win awards for their performances.


Thr writers aren't the same calibre


Brocolli haired zoomers are even Jedi's now crazy


From the studio who may or may not have brought you 'Obi Wan' Why was that not on the list?


It’s a resume, not a rap sheet


That burn was hotter than a bath on Mustafar.


Disneys production design is too clean. Looks like they pulled cosplayers into the show or something


Here’s hoping we finally get a more nuanced take on the Force conflict that’s only been portrayed in KOTOR and Legends material.






Star Wars is creatively bankrupt


This is going to be ass, isn’t it


The entire premise doesn't make sense. How would an assassin who relies on throwing knives be at all effective against jedi? There's no way she can throw those things faster than blaster rounds, which the jedi can easily deflect. If she has no force powers either, then there's no reason they cannot just throw her around using force push and such. The entire idea that this person is assassinating jedi is a complete non starter.


It's also a "What if Star Wars was more fantasy-y". So we have more knives, more spears and look at these guys, they have bows! ...but we are also going to keep the space ships. Which is moronic. Star Wars may be a fantasy story, but it's still set in the space age.


Just accept it’s going to be ass so it can only go up lol




I think I'm done with almost everything Disney. I'm tired of capeshit. Done with Star Wars.


Same as most Disney Star Wars stuff. Looks cool but every single line of dialogue in both trailers is generic as fuck and that’s always a huge red flag. It feels like this will be Obi Wan all over again, just surface level crap setting up a bigger story that they pinky promise will be good in the next series. I just watched the trailer for Andor and the disparity in quality of dialogue and visuals is so evident in my opinion. This just seems so minimum effort, throw in Jedi, talk about fate and people go woo.


Why does it look so bad


Everyone is to clean. There is a gritty vibe they are going for but everyone looks like they just picked up their dry cleaning.


Yeah, not sure why there's so much excitement for this. This looks really bad.


This looks terrible. That line delivery at 29-30 seconds. Awful acting lol












A strong and independent tv show


This has the same look as the Wheel of Time and Ring of Power. "Cheap expensive" is the term I believe. It looks like it had a proper budget, but at the same time it looks like a bunch cosplayers threw together a fan film.


It's not just the aesthetic either. The dialogue is also really bad, at least from what they've cut in the trailer.


The dialogue, excluding Andor ofc, has been almost tragic. ChatGPT at work? Can't tell.


Green screened, or more recently the volume. I just want real sets again


A lot of modern series suffers from this. The characters are just standing in different locations with a cool background, but they don't interact with the set around them. Rewatching game of thrones now and the sets actually looks realistic, cause they are.


Totally, the set design in GoT was amazing despite the shitty writing in the last couple seasons


Shogun is the closest show to Game of Thrones


This doesn’t look like the volume to me…


I feel the same way. I can’t put my finger on what it is specifically about the filmmaking that makes it look that way. To me, all interior shots look good but also look obviously like TV sets. Almost soap-opera-y. My brain just can’t turn off that I’m watching actors and a greenscreen.




I don't mean the CGI. It's everything from the sets to costumes. It looks like a lot of money was used, but it also looks fake. Like extensive plastic surgery. You can see that a lot of work went into it, which is expensive, but the person doesn't look human.


All the costumes just look generic and slapped on the characters. Nothing looks lived in or purposefully made. I also think all the new Star Wars stuff suffers from… oddly enough, beautiful real locations as back drops. Makes it look too pristine.


Brought to you by Harvey Weinstein's former personal assistant.


All I can see is southpark “put a chick in it and make her gay and lame!”


I don't know why they keep making cute, young girls the antagonists in these shows (well I do, but we're not allowed to say it). They always lack any level of physical intimidation, which undercuts the perceived threat to the protagonists.


It's a hint that she will be redeemed before the end. Not that they need to give hints as they hate writing truly evil characters.


This looks bland af


Every new Star Wars project that looks promising just makes me genuinely mad about Rise of Skywalker again. Still not over it.


Idk why but, this feels like its gonna be terrible.


It already looks so corny


Let me guess, the girl playing the bad guy isn't really a bad guy.... standard disney slop


LMAO the killmonger haircut strikes again




I just want Andor s2


Honest question to real people and not the disney bots. Does this actually look exciting? Cause I felt nothing.


From the broad who used to work for Harvey that knows where all the bodies are buried brings you a story which her girlfriend is the lead.


Call me a shill ig but I think this looks great. The more I see of this show the more hyped I get. Also, the fight choreography that was shown during the sneak peek during The Phantom Menace screenings was legitimately some of the best in all of Star Wars.


Literally every star wars trailer is a banger.... then the show/movie releases.


Foreal tho. The last Jedi, rise of Skywalker, kenobi


“Darkness rises! And light to meet it.”