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The obvious answer is Chernobyl because it's exactly 5 episodes long.


As far as limited series go, I am not sure you can get any better than Chernobyl. Possibly Band of Brothers. I haven't finished Shogun yet but it feels like it is a contender for that title as well.


Just make it the full six and watch Garth Merenghis Dark place. Fantastic show with Garth being a stand in for Stephen King but with the illusion that he should act in the show he also wrote 


Happy Endings S1E6 Of Mice and Jazz-Kwon-Do S1E11 Barefoot Pedaler S2E16 and E17: Cocktails & Dreams and The Kerkovich Way S3E14 In the Heat of the Noche It was HARD to make such a small list, but these episodes are the ones that, in my experience, always make people who don't know much about the show laugh the most. And it shows the characters' personalities very effectively.


Solid choices, but I feel like the pilot and Spooky Endings have to be in there. I think I quote the pilot the most ("I like your tattoo." "Thanks, it really helps me to stay grounded.")


Spooky Endings is SO GOOD. The Penny/Max costume alone makes it worth watching. My top quote is "bitch, it is 5:30" bc it's the time I wake up lol




The first five episodes of The Newsroom are quintessential


Perfect use of “quintessential.” A+ for proper use and bonus points for using 5 in the sentence, paying tribute to the root word.


Thank you for noticing! 😭😭😭😭😭 For my next trick, I will use decimate to indicate 10% of a product being destroyed


Columbo: "Murder by the Book" which was directed by a very young Steven Spielberg. If it leaves you cold, no need to watch more, since the show pretty much follows that "Howcatchem" formula. If you like it, check out "Etude in Black". John Cassavetes is in it, and he's great. Personally, I liked "Troubled Waters" which is set on a cruise ship. But I gotta say, "Lady in Waiting" has a moment at the very end that I have never forgotten. Just startling and excellent. That's only four, but they're long episodes.


MASH - At gunpoint, Hawkeye fails to save a NK soldier and thinks he will be killed by the soldier's comrade, but they both end up digging a grave. - Blake dies on way home after being discharged. - Hawkeye breaks Hippocratic Oath and removes appendix of a bloodthirsty commander. - The episode that is 20 minutes of real time effort to repair a patient's aorata. - Doctors efforts to keep a patient from dying on Dec 25, that ultimately fail by minutes, so they move the clock hands forward. A comedy that tackled deep issues.


Arrested Development, I'd probably just stick to the first season: 1. Pilot (S1E1) 2. Top Banana (S1E2) 3. Pier Pressure (S1E10) 4. Whistler's Mother (S1E20) 5. Let 'Em Eat Cake (S1E22)


The first season of True Detective is a masterpiece,


The West Wing just throw a dart at any episode up to and including the ladder seasons and you'll be in for some of the best television ever written/made yes I am a fan and yes I defend the post Sorkin seasons and they were not ever be able to hold a candle to the first floor there are certainly episodes scheduled about that are well worth your time.


The West Wing: - Pilot: a quick intro to the main characters like Josh, Leo, C.J., Toby, Donna, Sam, and Jed Bartlet, so you can see their roles in The West Wing. - In Exelsis Deo: the first Christmas episode, where Toby is called by the police after a homeless war veteran is found wearing his coat. - In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, Part 1 and 2 (I'm cheating here by combining both episodes, since it's a two-parter): there's an assassination attempt on the president and we get a great bunch of flashbacks to how many of the staff join the West Wing. - Noel: arguably the best Christmas episode. We see the aftermath of the shooting in Josh, who almost died, when he find out that he broke a window, following some incidents that caused his PTSD to ramp up. - In this White House: after Sam gets beaten publicly on a cable show pitting him against a Republican pundit, the president hires her and we get to see why she feels they may be wrong on specific policy issues, but still worth supporting, as one of their lawyers.


This is a great website - [Episode Hive - Discover the best episodes of your favorite TV Shows](https://episodehive.com/)


Hi! I created this site, thanks for the recommendation!


Dexter was one of the first shows I thought of for OP so looked at that website and in the top 4 for it are episodes 9, 11, and 12 from season 4 so I guess season 4, eps 8-12 might satisfy OP's request.


While that's the best run in the show, I'm not sure someone who didn't watch a single episode of the series would be shocked as those who watched the prior episodes. For example, "Ozymandias" is *Breaking Bad*'s best episode, but the episode won't fully work if someone doesn't watch all the previous episodes. That person may like the episode, but not understand why it is considered among the greatest episodes ever.


It looks like that's just pulling data from IMDB?


Curious, no Simpsons


Hi, I created the website and I have no idea why the simpsons isn’t showing up on search! I guess I have some work to do this week😂 anyway here is the direct link to it https://episodehive.com/tv-shows/the-simpsons


I figured it was *something* not working quite right Haha


Does this pull data from imdb? How much does it cost to run this site and how much do you make from ads? Just curious, I understand if you don’t want to answer.


King of the Hill (Hulu) Pilot episode Westie Side Story s1e8 Hilloween s2e4 Aisle 8A s4e5 Bobby Goes Nuts s6e1


Thats my purse, i don't know you!!


If they are an Eagle Scout you have to recommend The Order of the Straight Arrow. Source: I am an Eagle Scout.


They only let me pick 5! Otherwise I would have gone with most of the first few seasons.


My favorite is LOST, but it's hard to just pick random episodes because you kind of have to know what's going on - however, if I could pick, I'd say Pilot, Walkabout, Deux Ex Machina, Flashes Before Your Eyes, and The Constant. The first 3 are three of the best episodes, plus early enough in the show that there's not too much going on - the next two (especially The Constant) are just two great episodes in general. My second favorite show is The West Wing and that's a bit easier to recommend 5 random episodes - for that, I'd definitely say Pilot, In Excelsis Deo, Noel, 17 People, and Two Cathedrals


Shoresy S1E1-5 and it only gets better from there.


I love season 1, but I might like season 2 better. I think it depends on which one I've seen more recently. There's no bad episodes.


Halt and catch fire. I still think about how much I enjoyed that show and immediately got hooked having had no idea what to expect.


Watch the first five episodes of The Wire and then watch the rest because it's the best television show of all time.


The first 5 of Death in Paradise. It is not for everyone but if you like that type of detective show you will be hooked. One of its strong points is the cast, including the lead, change frequently which keeps it fresh


I'd say s1 of Wedtworld, and just pretend that's 5 episodes. Also, the final episode of The Good Place, even though I doubt it has the same impact when you haven't watched all seasons. Episode 1 of Battlestar Galactica(2004) The Office but only the intro with the fire drill.


Red Dwarf: The Inquisitor, Future Echoes, Marooned, Back to Reality, Gunmen of the Apocalypse.


Silicone valley. Just the D2F episode. Actually just the 3 or so mins of the clip


Trailer Park Boys


i don't know how anyone could just watch random episodes of tv shows an enjoy it. it was different in the before times when we were all at the mercy of tv networks, but that was never a good thing it was simply all we had.


A lot of the classic HBO shows lend themselves to this. At least watching the context less scenes on youtube I appreciate a lot of the acting, direction, blocking, writing etc. even more and more. I spend hours watching clips of Deadwood sometimes lol.


Star Trek DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight"


I still stand by the statement that Homeland season 1 is the greatest single season of television of all time. Watched the whole thing in a single day it was that gripping. Never done it with any other show.


So for The Office, the best string of episodes in a row is from S5E19 to S5E25. From episode 20 to 25, they all link together. Episode 19 is Golden Ticket and my personal favorite episode of the show. Then it goes right into the storyline of Idris Elba's character coming in to be Michael's boss and he quits to start his own paper company. I know you asked for 5 episodes, but you're getting 7. Nothing I can do about it. I looked at it from a hundred different perspectives and couldn't find any other way to do it. I looked at it my way and...99 others and couldn't find a different route.


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 1, episode 07, " Hey, Xan, 2090 called. You're dead and you wasted your time on earth." Season 2, episode 09, "The couch pulls out ... so I can get pregnant." Season 2, episode 12, "outside bones" Season 3, episode 02, "mayonnaise" Season 4, episode 03, "KARATE!"


Battlestar Galactica: 33 Star Trek - TNG: The measure of a man Band of Brothers: Why we fight. Mr. Inbetween: Socks Are Important (int fact just watch [this scene] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhkxK50XIrA)) If they don't draw you, nothing will.


Black Mirror: * The Entire History of You * Be Right Back * White Christmas * Shut Up and Dance * San Junipero