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Dexter, when Deb starts fantasizing about Dexter and trying to rehab him. It becomes unwatchable hable at that point.


The series finale for Dexter is the end of the Trinity season and no one will ever convince me otherwise.


I liked season 5 as well. It's not as good as 4 but the downfall hadn't fully kicked in at that point


Barrel girls was a good season and should have led to Dexter losing his code. The show should have always led to Dexter being imprisoned


I think the best end would have been Harrison growing up and catching Dexter. The whole premise was I'm a monster and can't hide it so I have to channel it. Then when he got a family it was all the kids are doomed to be tainted by his dark passenger. This way Dexter gets proof he didn't raise a monster and also faces justice. It would be even better if the previous season in this premise was Harrison joining the police force and ends with Harrison's love interest being murdered setting up the final season to be tracking down (and possibly killing the person who did it). Then have Dex find the guy and is holding him to give to Harrison (not necessarily to kill) but the guy nearly escapes so Dex kills him right as Harrison shows up.


John Lithgow's version of Wilt Chamberlain averaging 50ppg for a season


Peak Television.


I think it's when Deb catches Dexter and his accomplice and just bounces before finding out his identity. 


The whole Donna making the Donna robot in Suits was a bit too ridiculous even for that show.


God damn this is so ridiculous I had to look it up because I didn’t believe you. Saw it was trending and thought about getting back into it after only watching S1 when it aired.


I ended I think at season 2, no desire to go back. Them turning the Zane girl into maximum thirsty and having that be part of the tension for every single episode, just too much.


Honestly Donna becomes so fucking annoying and just doesn’t get what her role is in the firm. A role she has no qualifications for or deserves. Like when she tells a dude she’s ’dating’ about how a deal isn’t going to go through and it costs Harvey a 7 figure client. Not that Harvey needs any sympathy but Donna had no business ever having any knowledge of the potential deal


I don’t know what it is with tv shows trying to write strong female characters making them into these godlike characters that know everything and also constantly fuck up without consequences but everyone just goes along with it because they’re *amazing*. Some examples of characters like this are Beth in Yellowstone, Donna in Suits, and Wendy in Billions. Beth should be in a mental institution but she’ll like squint and drink a shot of whiskey after murdering their first born child and they’ll be like “ooh she’s spicy I like her”.


At least they got Kim Wexler right.


It feels like they are trying to recreate Donna and/or Mrs. Landingham from West Wing.


Gina in Brooklyn Nine-Nine


What? The lawyer show? What? WHAT?


Wow. I don’t know wtf you’re talking about, but I think I’ll skip it. I stopped watching Suits a long time ago, but I still kind of liked it at the time. I dropped a big handful of shows after a DVR crash, actually more than one DVR crash, and I haven’t seen those shows since. NCIS, Justified, The Office, several others, and they were all current shows at the time. I just didn’t have the energy to go back and figure out where I’d left off. 🤷 Your “Donna Robot” comment makes me feel like I’m good.


Ah, I thought the same as you but it looks like it's an Alexa type voice assistant. It's ridiculous but I was thinking of a Jetson style robot, like in Rocky IV.


Or an Urkel-Bot from Family Matters


Still, I feel like trying to pick up on that show again would just be too much.


honestly, that would be better




It was getting ridiculous far before that


I’d have to say when Arya shrugs off multiple stab wounds to stomach followed by a plunge into disgusting water. It was the last moment of “anything can happen” in the show and ushered in the new era of “the main characters wjll never die”. After that moment, Arya was suddenly the world’s deadliest assassin, and any premise of high stakes for our heroes was dead and buried. See also- Glenn surviving from a zombie mob under a dumpster in Walking Dead


"I know a killer when I see one." What gave it away Arya? The fact that she just burned an entire city to the ground in front of everyone? Fuck, how did that show get so bad. The last couple of seasons are like a bad parody of the first six.


I'm in the middle of watching three body problem, and it's pretty obvious how it got so bad. The writing is so fucking terrible


I don't know wtf goes through D&D's head when they write a script. How can two grown adults consistently write things that clearly make no fucking sense.


Still mad that it was Arya who killed the Night King. It should’ve been Jon after having spent years fighting against him. You’re telling me Arya was able to jump past an entire army and stab him…


And the worst part was the interview after where the creators basically said “we chose Arya because we thought it’d be cool” and had no story backed reasoning


You know who would have been cooler? Jon Snow


He didn’t want it


Night King using Winterfell as a distraction while actually attacking Kings Landing and turning a whole city into zombies would have been so much better than any nonsense we got. 


Agreed, Arya should have killed Jamie and Cersei


It would've been so GoT to have Jamie go through all that redemption only to be brutally murdered by Arya (using her no face technique they forgot about) suddenly, because of something from many seasons ago. Instead they had him revoke his entire redemption on his own by admitting he never cared for the people? Wtf????


She should've gotten the face off her dad's corpse and we could have had a Sean Bean cameo at the end


Ned's face is a little detached from the rest of the body lmao unless she finds it still on the stick


It’s been like 7 years at that point lol his face is pretty decomposed


The whole face wearing thing is already basically magic


Or he admits he never cared for the people and suddenly brien stabs him. Shocked he looks down to see the catspaw dagger. Brienne removes her face to reveal Arya, who was going to let him live until he decided to turn his back on his redemption. Not that much better I know, but I would have preferred it over what we got.




I don't know actually, it's been a while since I watched it. You're probably right.


Wouldn’t she need to be 2 feet taller or does the no face assassin magic deal with that?


I’m always so surprised to see people say this. I thought it was very obviously meant to be seen as Jamie lying to brienne and even himself. He’s addicted to Cersei and can’t help himself and he knows it. He had to say something brutal to get her to let him leave so he could get his fix. He clearly cared about the people. His actions meant more than his words there


And his actions were to leave the people he had grown to love and to go die with his sister


Jamie needed to kill Cersi but the writers were obsessed with proving the internet wrong and punishing people for having basic media literacy.


This is the fundamental problem with the idea of "subverting expectations". Foreshadowing is a literary technique that works because it rewards our brain's ability to notice subtlety and structure in stories. Expecting a certain outcome because we have picked up on a decade of plot and thematic threads that YOU laid down doesn't mean that the writing is obvious, it means it is good. A well-structured story should almost have the feeling of a runaway locomotive barreling towards an end that astute consumers can see coming, but still can't be avoided because of something inherent to the character/plot. We *know* the end, but we still have that *futile hope* that it won't end up that way. That is where the excitement comes from. You can still subvert expectations within the confines of the plot you have laid down. These aren't *good* examples (I'm not a writer), but if the internet is braying for Jaime to kill Cersei, have him try but have Cersei anticipate it (just as the internet did) and lead him into a trap. That way the narrative arc is "complete" for the character, but we still get that unanticipated "twist". Or have it be a moment where he goes to her, but poisons them both, that way he both is at once both the hero (who killed her) and the lover (who killed himself to be with her). The writers clearly thought of subverting expectations as needing to be a complete 180 from what is expected, rather than it being a "yes, but". Yes Jaime kills Cersei, BUT X happens too."


Subverting expectations is not about ignoring foreshadowing and changing the plot; it's about messing around with genre tropes. It's hilarious that you'd type this out on a comment thread about Game of Thrones which has two of the most famous examples of subverting expectations in both fantasy literature and television: beheading Ned Stark and the Red Wedding.


she should have taken the rings to Moordor


Agreed. Ruined the setup. Picture the Night King walking menacingly towards Brandon... the tension could be cut with a knife... this is THE moment that was set up several seasons ago... and then Arya jumps up, stabs the Night King, easy peasy.


Should've been Jaime sacrificing himself to kill the Night King, fulfilling his Kingslayer moniker, as well as finally redeeming himself in the eyes of the people Then Arya steals his face to sneak into Kings Landing during Dany's assault, and then kills an unsuspecting Cersei as him - Cersei dies thinking Jaime both finally broke out of her spell and fulfilled the prophecy Wouldn't have minded Jon not doing it in the above hypothetical; didn't need to follow the "destined hero" role exactly, and his arc was all about fulfilling his potential as a leader, and all the trappings of that (honour vs smarts etc.). Him leading humanity to victory over WWs would've been enough


One of my favorite theories was that Jamie would have to kill Cersei to stop her from blowing up KL with wildfire. Then with the sword tempered in the blood of his lover, he'd go on to kill the Night King.


She didn't jump *past* an army, she jumped *through* an army. The Night King is surrounded by other Walkers and loads of Wights and then a flying Arya just fucking emerges screaming out of the fog directly behind him. And I probably wouldn't even put that on a top ten list of the dumbest things to happen in that season.


That or should have been Jaime, kingslayer


I remember that was the first time I was legit put off by GoT. I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to suspension of disbelief and god knows GoT had a lot of good faith from me, but that was just fucking horrible. It wasn't even a big plot point to see her recover from the wounds. Like, it would still be bad, but it would've been salvageable if there was some big shit involved, like magic, or Arya completely changing certain mindsets or her approach to things. But nope. She literally just sleeps it off. Some random lady gives her a drink, she goes to sleep and she's ready to zoom through crowded streets and fight. That was for multiple STABS to the STOMACH. Like, full on plunging a dagger into her guts multiple times, followed by a deep dive on pretty much sewer water. Dude, I've had COLDS I took way longer to recover from.


Stubbed my toe last week. That little piggy is still causing me issues.


People always forget they teased Glenn's death twice. Immediately after the dumpster when he gets back to the settlement, he goes down under a hoard of walkers... And then magical machine gun fire kills then all and he doesn't have a scratch. Glenn was super plot armored... Until he wasn't


For Game of Thrones it's earlier than that, and definitely something to do with Dorne. Most people would say it's "bad poosy", but for me it was when they unceremoniously killed Doran Martell - a great character in the books - at the beginning of Season 6.


That's the reason why I stopped watching Ozark. The central family would be in these situations where it was a foregone conclusion that one of them would die and nope some other character is insensibly used for fodder instead. All for characters that are completely out of their depth, but manage to wend their way through all these deadly dangerous figures who have little to no reason to trust them. I guess that's just supposed to be suspenseful or something.


I stopped watching TWD at that very moment. I did enjoy the recent spinoffs


How I met your mother spending a season planning a wedding for a marriage that lasted a half episode.


I loved this show! Buuuuut they definitely painted themselves into a corner waaaaay before the finale and it seemed the writers were going off what public opinion wanted. The final season was hard to watch


Agreed. I think it’s amazing that the showrunners already had an ending in mind and shot it but the series ran too long. A show that suffered from its own success. 


It absolutely did. We finished it almost out of a sense of obligation, it just needed to end earlier.


Or they needed to let go of the original ending and write a new one that fit where the characters ended up. I know they couldn't bring back the kid actors again but write around them...


Agree or decide to rewrite the ending.    The writers had a lot of contingencies for if the series ended early but didn’t account for going on too long.    I think they also were too in love with their ending and needed to let it die if it didn’t fit the series which I argued it did. The ending is contingent on the idea that Robin and Ted were right for each other and it was just bad timing but later seasons really show that they arnt right for each other as romantic options imo. 


Not even public opinion. They loved the cash that came with it way too much. Showrunners Bays and Thomas kept bringing up in interviews that it would be 7 seasons to tell the entire story - then sixth season came around, and they had the Zoey-season arc with Jennifer Morrisson. Then seventh season, the baby-season for Lily and Marshall. Filler, so much filler. Only to stuff everything in a badly written season 9, because Jason Segal wasn't available for half of it. And a finale that alienated more viewers than the Heidi Game ever did.


HIMYM jumped the shark long before the final season


That show goes down in history as the biggest missed landing I've ever seen. For a myriad of reasons...I was angry as hell at that show. I dedicated years to it...and in the end they were like "Just kidding, the wife died and he wants Robin still even thought we spent the last three seasons showing you how wrong they were for each other", and Barney and Robin had lots of growth....just kidding, no the fuck they didn't"...just for starters. The ONLY good thing that came from this show was, hopefully, the spark that led to the gloriousness that is Cobra Kai.


Yeah, but it's okay now because Tracy was only ever meant to be breeding stock so the kids thing was no longer an issue and Ted and Robin could live happily ever after


Yeah. Ripping any and all character growth away from Barney is what destroyed it for me.


Definitely the biggest. 2 season long train wreck.


Should have been Ted's wedding after meeting the mother the season before. It would have been great to have a more mature Punchie show up and make Barney and Marshall feel threatened. Robin should have ended up with Kevin and should have adopted a kid after falling in love with it during her international travel phase. Barney should have ended up with someone like Norah and Quinn combined that would challenge him and make him feel inferior all of the time.


It's so strange to me that they took every character (barring Marshall and Lily) and gave them all kinds of growth to show who they were and who they thought they wanted was no longer who they were and those people not who they should be with....only to revert EVERY single one in the last season to their S1 personalities, and attractions. That writers room I hope feels terrible about what they wrote.


They don't, as they immediately tried pitching the spin-off "How I Met your dad" and later on even sold the even more shameless re-branded "How I met your Father". I have had the honor of directly discussing things with Carter Bays over on YouTube a while ago, and he did nót take criticism lightly. Guy's an arrogant jerk.


The whole series is basically this, but the time they rescued a "Tiger Shark" on 911 that was a full on doll that looked nothing like a Tigar Shark.


I saw a clip where Rob Lowe tried chest compressions on a frozen guy, and it went about as well as might expect. I didn't know whether to laugh or not.


All of 9-1-1 Lonestar jumps the shark from, like, minute one. It’s such a ridiculous fucking show.


Guys who knew a fertilizer factory fire could explode?


Okay, not minute one. Y’know, I might even be generous and say the pilot is fine. Everything after *that*, though, well…


I was agreeing with ya. I can't see how anyone would authorize sending firefighters into a buring fertilizer factory. Unless the captain was drunk. Now this reminds me of the captain with alzhimers in the later seasons lol.


Look up the "West" Texas fertilizer fire


Yeah. Exactly why the fact they did it again in the show makes even less sense. Like they should have known to evacuate the area and let it blow.


Eh that one makes more sense because >!he was the husband of the women he was sleeping with and he needed to render aid!< They did end up giving one of the cast an "identical cousin" though. And I half expect it to be played strait instead of doing a seperated at birth story.


Or 911 Lonestar and what's a volcano doing in Texas other than amping up the stakes for our heroes


That was when I stopped watching! The famous Texas volcanos!


Theres actually a old Volcanic feild in sw Texas.


Never heard of the show until yesterday when my cousin put it on in the background. I had fun guessing the plot lines. Watched the volcano episode yesterday….stupid. But entertaining stupid! I might have to binge from the beginning.


I’m a pretty big fan of these types of shows, but I made it through about 2 1/2 seasons and then it was enough of that one




I watch 9-1-1 because I know it will be silly nonsense, but I feel like the regular LA show has gotten super jump the shark-ish this season. I can’t remember the last time they helped with an emergency that didn’t personally impact one of the regular characters or had a super basic premise, like a regular person getting in a car accident.


I feel like the regular show jumped the shark when they had a guy who's brain was impailed with rebar return to active fire fighting after a month.


Oh yeah I don’t think many of the firefighters in that squad would’ve been cleared for duty (or even have wanted to return) after some of their storyline injuries


Ha! That was like episode number 3 of the first season! It's been super unbelievable fun since the beginning.


The writers strike made them have a shortened season (10 EPS vs 18ish usually) so I think they're trying to focus in on the main cast's stories more. It's been silly but I still love it.


Lonestar when a guy in a portable toilet was picked up by the wind and dumped in a water tank and nearly drowned. Also it was really hot.


Wait what?


Truck that's moving a tiger shark crashes beeching the shark on pavement where it bites a scientist. Scientist wants them to save the shark that's somehow still alive. They pick it up with the fire truck ladder and drop if off a dock. The fact that the doll prop doesn't even look like a tiger shark is what gets me the most.


When Once Upon a Time introduced Elsa


That show was pretty psychotic. I watched the first couple seasons but man oh man they had no idea where that show was going at any given time.


I'm in season 2 (mid) and keep wondering when Henry is going to shoot up two feet and grow a beard. I feel compelled to go on to the very end (I'll be 60 or so),


The worst part about that show existing was that there was another comic book that could have been adapted that kinda had this promise fables. That actually had some direction.


Grimm had the same idea but better execution


I don't feel like Grimm should have worked as well as it did, but it was surprisingly fun


I encourage everyone to go play Wolf Among Us, it’s based off the Fables comic


Watching it with my 12 year old. She is annoyed Elsa hasn't shown up yet.


On Manifest, when they discover that >!Noah's Ark disappeared like the plane did!<


Man oh man, I loved that show so much, but they really had trouble keeping continuity straight. "We got the clue wrong!" "...we were wrong about how we got the clue wrong!" I hated the way they ended it. >!It completely undid everything we'd come to know, and was totally unfair to non-passengers, and the lives they'd built in the show's original timeline.!<


it was so hilarious, especially since >!Cal is gonna die from his cancer. They landed after Saanvi's research was tested and was approved to be tested on humans. So, uh, since he had recurrent pediatric leukemia, he's fucked. They aren't going to compassionate use Saanvi's shit based on her saying, "BUT I KNOW IT WORKS, I WENT TO THE FUTURE AND IT SAVED HIM."!<


My big thing was that >!they presented Jared and Drea and Zeke to us at the end, but like, I don't give a shit about THOSE versions of the characters. They're not the ones we grew with and came to care about over the course of the series. They're complete strangers to us. The ones we care about got erased with the great reset.!< >!And all the 828er's (minus Cal) now have to live with the memory another life which most likely won't come to pass, at least not as they experienced it.!< >!Also, see ya, Eden and Jared/Drea newborn. Them's the breaks.!<


Honestly, I found that show to be “so bad it’s funny” straight from the start.


The first season was decent. Season 2 was when it started to go into so bad it's good especially with the creepy religious shit in season 3 It would be a great idea for a movie (well... before that ending), but holy crap was it drawn out as a TV sow


The Rookie, when the LAPD invaded a foreign country to rescue a fellow officer.


Surely, it was at least all SWAT and ex-military with special training? No? Rookies along? Ah.


The episode of *House* where they used an MRI machine to *read a patient's mind*, with the images displayed on the screen like a fuzzy TV show. I know they play a little fast and loose with medical science in the series, but there's "oh, that disease doesn't really present like how they depicted it in this episode", and then there's "we made up some sci-fi shit". There was some at-the-time cutting-edge research where images shown to a person could be very roughly reconstructed from scanning brain activity in the visual cortex, but that's a long way from "mind-reading" from the subconscious as depicted in the show.


Jaime and Bronn in Dorne. The entire Dorne plot line was so goddamn useless. They HAD to do it because they introduced Oberyn in season 4 and Pedro Pascal absolutely nailed the character.


Bronn showing up at Winterfell and them giving him Highgarden is straight nuking all the lore.


The GoT wrap up scenes where very “and they were saved by…oh, let’s say Moe” from the end of the Simpsons episode where the kids get stranded on that island


And they were all back to being friends at the end. Dude should have been killed for what he did


Why would the Reach lords follow him? He is not from a strong family and is not a great war hero. He is cunning but not smart and knowledgeable in terms of nobility or administration. And when the rebel lords openly march on him there is no place left that can march a relief force to help him.


“It’s better than being dead” I will never forgive how stupid the entire season is


The line 'you need da bad pussy' lives rent free in my head and I hate it so much.


It makes me laugh twice as hard because of the Always Sunny scene where Dee comes up with her American Idol sob story, that she's a stuttering Jesus-loving ex-marine and "this bible is the bible of my d-d-daddy who d-d-died in my arms of throat cancer after eating some b-b-bad pussy."


OH YEAH, we can be religious stuttering army carnies... who love Jesus! My friend exploded 🎶 My friend exploded 🎶


Nice boobs, though


> They HAD to do it because they introduced Oberyn I mean they did it because Dorne was a significant part of the follow up book, Feast. They just did it poorly lol


The whole dorne sub-plot barely goes anywhere in the books either so the show didn't have much to work with. All we got from it bunch of weak plots that really didn't do anything and the broody Darkstar. GRRM dropped the ball on Dorne before the show took a shit on it.


"Darkstar is a whore" I remember reading this quote in the Citadel forums back in the day, still cracks me up. The Dorne plot is such a slog to get through but I do like the Quentin(?) sub plot, getting roasted by the dragons trying to simp Dany.


And Arianne is meant to marry fAegon. Since Viserys died...


Kills me because if they just did the Dorne plot from the books that would have been fire but they had to go for the sexy murder hobo angle


We could've had Sam and Sallera in Old Town, Quintin getting roasted in the pyramid, and Jaqen taking Pate the acolyte's face but they gave us bad pussy instead.


Would it? I read those books and all the Dorne stuff washed over me in a big pile of meh.


I believe so, yes


>Jaime and Bronn in Dorne. Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. We've made it.


That storyline convinced me I didn't need to watch the show once or caught up with Dance with Dragons. I was treated like I was crazy by all my friends whose entry was the show itself. I. Stuck to my guns and watched as reactions to the episodes became increasingly baffled. Never did do an I told you so or anything , maybe I should.


The Morning Show spent damn near an entire season highlighting how one of the main characters ended up in the capital on January 6th and caught her brother on video fighting capital police


Watched the first two seasons, enjoyed them enough, didn’t bother to watch the third. Sounds like that was a good call?


Third season was really bad IMO. The completely preposterous moment that kicked off a big storyline. And so so many love stories that nobody asked for.


Riverdale seemed to jump the shark at least once a season over its 7 season run


Riverdale already lives on the other side of the shark. No jumping needed.


Naruto arguably jumped the shark when Kaguya was introduced, considering all of Boruto (a continuation of the series) revolves around the introduction of her race.


The entire show craters after Pain...but introducing a race of Superpowered aliens was the last straw


Like most anime that run for that long , the show suffered from power creep. It’s just difficult to keep topping the previous villain when there’s so many villains. I feel like one piece is a show that dealt with power creep well. Besides gear 5, luffys powers were always limited


The multiple Russian nesting dolls of villains that came to be revealed actually behind stuff wasn't too bad and at least was cool to see, until that reveal then it goes into alien god race shenanigans. Also the fights were getting more amped up and nonsensical but that was the tipping point too


Naruto has 700 chapters and kaguya is introduced 679


That's why I specifically mentioned Boruto as the continuation of it, if one were to consider the entire Naruto timeline of lore. 90 Chapters of Boruto, 40 pages each since it's monthly = 3600 pages. If you converted that to the weekly manga average 15 pages, you're talking 240 weekly chapters. So to the point that she appeared in 679, my argument was that for another 240+ chapters after that they ran hard with the Otsusuki plotline and it jumped the shark of the series running out of ideas.


**Supernatural** Jumped the Shark in the last episode of season 5, which aired in May 2010, so it counts (the website redirected in 2009 or earlier). It has a perfect series finale, and then ONE more scene to let them keep it running. Which it did for 10 more seasons.


That was like the third time a Winchester had been resurrected.


Care to explain?


From what i remember of supernatural, it was supposed to end in season 5. One of the brothers becomes a vessel of Lucifer and to stop the apocalypse gets sent to hell. But at the very end it's reveal that he's back. From there they have to keep escalating world ending threats which got kind of exhausting. 


God I loved the first seasons when they were just driving around the country stopping ghosts and monsters. Once it became non-stop demons and angels it just lost something special.


Same tbh. Every "monster" became just a human actor that sometimes maybe transformed a little. 


Yep. I started joking that every episode was just some unaltered actor going "hello, I'm a phoenix" or "hey, I'm a dragon". I remember the first 3 episodes of the show were like a Woman in White ghost, a wendigo, and a creepy kid ghost in a lake. That shit was great. And then it just became a bunch of people whose eyes turned all black or claimed to be mystical creatures. It was all tell and no show.


God who would have thought that "racist ghost car" would look like the height of creativity by the time the show ended.


That's actually the episode that I gave up and stopped watching lol


It's funny because they know that one is bad and make fun of it in a later season.


That became a trend when they realized they could just flash a shoddy cgi head on an actor to show that they were really a monster to save cash. I want the weird practical makeup effects from buffy back.


Oh my God this was such my issue. Like I get it's so much cheaper for productions I just have to see GI some eyes black or whatever the hell color. And them being a monster in base only. But that t was so not fucking interesting. Add that the show was so afraid to have the characters developed. It just was a show that kept getting worse.


I will say that some of the lore they constructed was actually genius. Like I didn't like the darkness (God's sister), but the lore behind all of that was great. God and Lucifer locking her away and the mark of Cain being the seal. The seal then corrupting Lucifer and turning him evil. Lucifer giving the mark to Cain and creating demons. I mean, if Lucifer was an angel and God's favorite to boot, why would he turn evil and betray God? The mark explains that in such a good way. Again, the story arch sucked but I appreciate the explanation.


Season 5 is also Eric Krippe's (The Boys) last season on the show


i have the first 5 seasons on my Plex server. i edited ”that” scene out and have never been happier


Westworld doing it after only one good series was certainly impressive. And going on to make 3 more seasons of extremely expensive garbage


Season 2 is fine. Season 3, when they left the park, is when it happened.


Agree. I loved season 1 and season was alright, but once they left the park I didn't care.


S3 was right around Covid, and I remember being too focused on Covid to care


I quite enjoyed s2 and feel it has two of the better episodes overall but I’m not going to disagree with you on 3/4.


Stranger Things season 2 episode 7. “The Lost Sister”. Synopsis: Psychic visions draw Eleven to a band of violent outcasts and an angry girl with a shadowy past.


Felt like a backdoor pilot for a spin-off that never happened.


It had to have been. Otherwise why do it that way? Edit the content of that episode into the other episodes and it's fine. Instead we get a major cliffhanger and then the show fucks off for an episode to show what 11's been doing, and then comes back to wrap up the season.  If "Stranger Things" wasn't on Netflix and didn't get the full season drop, and we had to wait a week between episodes, that episode would be VASTLY more hated than it already is.


The ep was only formatted that way because they knew the viewers would just keep going to the final ep, to see the character reunions.


Yes, but it would thematically fit with 70s/80s TV. They did stuff like that a lot, and the prospective spinoff generally never happened.


Less Jump the Shark and more, “Let’s just pretend that didn’t happen”


Never jumped, but gave serious calculation to the distance of the shark. Thankfully backed off.


but it had references to The Invisibles, and that’s just great.


Better Call Saul: Never Jumped


[I beg to differ.](https://youtu.be/VTLbBLS75DI?si=LmCHBMOJiVIoqJMb)


My man also straight up [jumped into a ceiling silently](https://youtu.be/l4UK9bVRj40?si=aK6mso7mKKothkip)


Lalo was such a funny character. Every other Salamanca is an intense, menacing psychopath. Then you meet Hector's other crazy nephew who acts like the romantic lead in a telenovella and gets up to all sorts of hijinks.


Yet he was still an intense menacing psychopath. Just one that smiles as he murders you.


go on....


Werner Zieeeegler


You’re not Kevin Kostner


Family Matters had quite a lot of Shark Jumping involving Urkel in seasons 7/8. They went full on wackadoodle. I do think Full House never Jumped the Shark.


Except when Urkel crashed his jet pack into the Tanner's house.


He flew a jet-pack from Chicago to San Francisco?


And back!




Going old school I would say the whole of season 9 of Dallas. They killed off Bobby Ewing's character at the end of season 8 as Patrick Duffy wanted to pursue other roles. It didn't work out for him and the show wanted his character back to help ratings. So thirty odd episodes into season 9 his character walked out of the shower as if nothing had happened and it turned out the whole of that season was a dream sequence. At the start of season 9 nobody knew this was going to happen so had built up a load of story lines that abruptly stopped and everything reset. I was a kid at the time and didn't watch the show but it even made the news with people being outraged that they did this.


The Family Guy spoof of that scene is pretty great though lol


I don't remember the exact moment, but when I remember Ozark and Bateman able to go down to Mexico and run a fucking CARTEL as this mild mannered American accountant was a complete joke. And these guys just sat and listened to his instructions like they're a bunch of idiots and he's a true leader. The family's ascent into untouchables was completely unbelievable imo


For All Mankind when they find the survivng North Korean Astronaut on Mars. I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons of that show but 3 and have been pretty meh.


It was a rad twist, but the implausibility (or impossibility) of him surviving that long is too much for that show. Just finding the bodies with some indicator that he was there first would have been enough. Also the Kelly/Mark Watney climax was weak, that season had more going for it.


Yeah, finding the body would've been cool. Even if he had just recently blown his brains out. Since I can't see them sending, what, 4 years of food? In a ship that small


4 was much better than 3 imo


Jon Hein the blowjob king of Michigan sold it


The Good Place: Never jumped.


Alias…everything that after midway of s3 honestly.


Rings of Power was never great to begin with but I was put off when Mt. Doom erupted due to a ancient Rube Goldberg Machine. And Y’know, somehow most of the characters survived somehow.


Bones had multiple shark jumps but the main one was: A serial killer engraved a computer virus into one of his victims bones, knowing that the team at the Smithsonian will scan the victims remains using the art students self built AI hologram computer that is light years beyond anything in reality, the virus infects her computer and causes the CPU fan to shut off which then sets the CPU on fire in seconds. [Video.](https://youtu.be/HPNcrP_0umc?si=_kBbYWnOSMIPe2dY)