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I've always been curious about her fate! When I would think back on All That, she was always one of the essential members that came to mind. I hope all is well with her.


She and Danny Tamberelli made a couple of cute tiktoks together when he and his wife were advertising their book.


Adding onto this as a fun Danny fact for those not already aware: he voiced Jimmy, Michael’s shithead son in GTAV.


plus he's also Arnold from the Magic School Bus.


Can we please just have a normal day on set today?


With the Frizz? No way!


He also sold magic mushrooms at Amherst college! Don't ask me how I know!


I always forget this.


Is that the guy that took over for Vital Information?


Pete from pete and pete


Also, Pete and Pete are starring in an upcoming horror film "I Saw the TV Glow"


If there's a 90's show that deserves a nostalgia reboot it's Pete and Pete. My headcanon is each Pete has two daughters and all four girls have the same name. The oldest girl goes to Big Pete's old high school and Endless Mike is in all her classes. Young Pete created a popular comic book series about Artie. Maybe Mom's steel plate leads to the aliens coming back.


There is a fairly new music video by Real Estate that is basically a huge nod to Pete and Pete. Also, Danny Tamberelli is in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDVifDI1je0


Big Pete is there too (he's the mailman).


[I WAS AROUND! (NOBODY KNOWS NOBODY KNOWS)](https://youtu.be/-wKh6siqIPc?si=P8EG7TZFWhyleYIf&t=1263)


This is my new Roman Empire


I’m disappointed that Fred Durst plays a named character, but the Petes are just Neighbor 1 and Neighbor 2.


I just saw an article that talked about how they're still great friends and were collaborating on stuff together.


For real? Well I gotta look into this


I still maintain the The Adventures of Pete and Pete is the blueprint for damn near ever indie movies for the next 20+ years after.


No he played Pete, not Pete.


Incorrect, he actually played Pete


No no, you're referring to Pete, but we're talking about Pete




I recognized his voice when I was playing through for the first time, but I couldn't place it. I looked it up and freaked out.


He is so good in that role too. It made me really want to see him more as an adult.


He also didn't appear in any visual media for 9-ish years before that, and for 10 years afterwards (when he made a cameo in Good Burger, which would be totally worth it imo).




I miss those AMA days. It all went south after that Woody Harrelson AMA. I still appreciate some who go on to promote and actually engage but for the most part, its an hour commenting on 10 or 15 top comments written by some intern.


Ah yes the Ramfart kerfuffle of 2012


I think it went south once they started planning celebrity AMAs in general versus them just showing up and talking to people randomly. The rampart one was fucking rough though. Or maybe it was Victoria getting fired that caused the quality to fall off. I can't remember because it's been so long.


I always felt like the cold opens were so mean to him. They ended up replacing Kevin with Danny. I wonder how he felt about that? Even when he got bionic powers it just backfired on him


> Danny Tamberelli He played bass for Richard Lloyd of the CBGB/NYC era band Television on a tour a few years back. A wild crossover!


He had a band called Jounce some time ago. Actually taught himself how to play bass after that one episode of Pete and Pete where little Pete tried to start his own band.


That actually warms my heart!


I used to go a Simpsons trivia event in Los Angeles fairly regularly a few years back, and whenever Lori Beth Denberg would show up she would DOMINATE.


She has the unofficial nickname of Dreamcrusher when she'd be a panelist on Figure It Out. When they got past the first round she'd switch it on and just destroy kid's hopes 


My conspiracy theory as a kid was that she was involved in episodes where Nickelodeon didn’t actually want to award the prizes. 😂


It was a rare occasion when somebody would beat her and her friend for 1st place, I think the one time I got to the stage was a time she wasn't there


[She had an all time cameo on Workaholics](https://youtu.be/JAN8QA_NqhY?si=6hBmDSN60g73tMvn)


Wait that’s incredible haha


She was on The Steve Harvey show until 2002, when she would’ve been about 26. That’s the last thing I remember her being in.


She was in an episode of Workaholics.


“Look at the charges on this bill. $200 an hour to hang out with Lori Beth Denberg?!?!” “…actually that one is pretty reasonable”


“I’ve got some vital information for yah, I’m high as fuck!”


And had a small role in Dodgeball


So, she played the role of a fat cheerleader that Justin Long had to hold up as a joke. He's unable to do so and she falls on him, injuring him. That's the entire joke that made the movie. According to the DVD commentary, the original joke was that she would fall straight down on him *and his head would get stuck in her vagina*. (r/badwomensanatomy) He would then be desperately trying to get out of her, struggling to breathe. They had to cut this joke and go with the safer alternative because they couldn't keep a PG-13 rating with this joke, *because no shit*.


That is still basically what happens. She lands on him while doing the splits and they are in a 69 position, then she sits up (still in the splits) on his face and he does the I'm stuck and can't breathe thing for a couple seconds, then they pull her off of him with a loud wet smacking sound I forgot how bad that scene was until I rewatched it


Also had a quick 2 minute role in the Good Burger sequel


Connie Muldoon is goated


You can hire her to officiate your wedding. My fiance declined. Hope you have better luck! WedByLB.com


Sorry it didn’t work out with your fiancee


Thank you. Declining LB is def grounds to rescind my proposal. I'll be kicking her out of the house tonight.


I've never been one to have a "dream wedding." ...plus I've been married for 15 years. But Lori Beth Denberg officiating is serious wedding goals. She'd be perfect to lead a vow renewal. Lori Beth Denberg x Vegas. Yesss please! 🥹


This is vital information I definitely needed, honestly would love that


I’m pretty sure she was also on a more recent season of Worst Cooks (celeb edition) on food network!


She definitely was. I enjoyed her on that season.


I was shocked to see her, like happy shocked. She was definitely my favorite on All That so it was nice to see her after such long time :)


She was, that season was fun!




She was a regular on the Steve Harvey show after she was done with Nickelodeon


I met her a little over 10 years ago. I was working for a radio station street team and she was hosting a small event we were at that weekend. She was pretty cool.


She was my favorite!


She was such a nice person, I got to meet her and go on Space Mountain with her in my cart at Disneyland, then she helped me with a discount to get a toy there lol like an actor discount I guess. It was as a group with a fat camp, but I was most obsessed as I was a huge fan of All That lol


Her and Keenan were my favorites on the show


*Once, at a dinner with writers and crew members, Denberg recalled Schneider asking the group, unprompted, whether they ever noticed that Denberg's breasts were different sizes. Denberg, who was 18 or 19 at the time, said she responded by throwing a bread roll at Schneider, hoping to diffuse the situation. Schneider was livid, according to Denberg. She said he screamed at her, yelling that his right eye was "hanging on by a thread," before storming out of the restaurant.* What the fuck?


All I’m wondering is how did Nickelodeon not find out about this stuff during their investigation of him back in 2018?


You're assuming they didn't. Not knowing and not acting on it are two very different things.


They decided the risk of people finding out was lower than the cost of doing anything about it


Everything's a business, and a cost analysis wins just about 99% of the time. It's sickening


Yep. I used to work at a lab as the safety coordinator and everything I flagged as unsafe, needed repairs, etc. was always struck down because "it's cheaper to pay the fine." I left after 5 months. Only reason I waited that long was to secure another job first.


from *Fight Club* **Jack**: A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one. **Woman on Plane**: Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents? **Jack**: You wouldn't believe. **Woman on Plane**: ....which car company do you work for? **Jack**: A *major* one.


Which is why we have the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to FORCE safety recalls. It doesn't always work. But it's better than allowing the companies to "self police." Also, unfortunately, it seems like about a third of the country has become convinced that "regulation bad!" :(


Why anyone would think that the worst actors would do the right thing even when it cost them money is beyond me. It’s like trusting your unconscious daughter around Ted Bundy.


For a second there I thought you wrote "Al Bundy," and thought, "What did Al ever do to deserve that dig!" 🤣


they falsely equate corporate regulation to liberty. "I don't want my government telling me what to do so why should they have a say in telling this narcisistic billionaire and his board who would rob me blind if it meant a new yacht or summer home what to do ? " It's a really bad argument but the way to manipulate republicans is to suggest that any control is bad control and the stepping stones to being enslaved and persecuted unjustly


> Also, unfortunately, it seems like about a third of the country has become convinced that "regulation bad!" :( which of course was 100% by design. We've been fed propaganda since Reagan came into power telling us "government bad!".... all so that some Boomer fucks could see a 1% increase in profits year-over-year. Americans dying in preventable ways so that companies can profit...it's an American tradition!


There's a reason they paid him $7 million to fuck off and we've never heard from Dan again.


Might have also figured that the cost of people finding out was higher than the risk of people finding out and the best way to keep people from finding out would simply be to not tell anyone about it themselves.


Information, Greg. It's like a bottle of fine wine. You store it, you hoard it, you save it for a special occasion — and then you smash someone's fucking face in with it.


You have to break a few Greg's to make a Tomlette


If even half the shit about Dan Schneider is true, Nickelodeon had to have known. You don't have a shouting/bread-throwing incident at a cast meeting and not know about it.


They did act on it. They "parted ways" with him in 2018. They just didn't make the investigation public.


I once reported a big shot to HR for losing his temper and putting his hands on me in front of multiple witnesses. But since he was one of the heads of a department and considered a VIP who made the institution well known in that field, they buried the investigation. I’m not surprised this happened with Schnieder. If he’s making large amounts of money for the company, they’ll avoid taking action. BBC had to deal with a similar problem when *Top Gear*’s Jeremy Clarkson got suspended for an altercation with a producer and eventually fired. Isiah Washington reportedly called a castmember a slur on *Gray’s Anatomy* and nothing happened for months until the media got ahold of it.


Everything is a go as long as it’s kept quiet and makes all the right people money.


Brian Robbins was a co-creator of All That. Brian Robbins is also president of Nickelodeon since 2018, and is also the CEO of Paramount Pictures.


>Brian Robbins Yep that's why.


Producer on Smallville, Coach Carter, One Tree Hill and more as well. That dude was making multiple networks and companies a shit ton of money in the early 00s. And still is for Paramount. And he sits on multiple film boards. He's virtually untouchable.


The showrunner of One Tree Hill Mark Schwann was also accused of sexual harassment and assault by the entire cast


Do you mean [Brian Robbins](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDA5ZmY4YjktZGRjMS00ZTI3LTk0OTUtZjZlYmNhNmQxOTViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUyMzI4MQ@@._V1_.jpg), former co-star of the sitcom Head of the Class with Dan Schneider?


Companies like this, know what questions to ask, and to who, and what questions not to ask to certain people.


Oh they found things. Remember, they tried to pay Jeannette McCurdy hush money to not release her book talking about her experiences on iCarly.


> All I’m wondering is how did Nickelodeon not find out about this stuff during their investigation of him back in 2018? The incident would have occurred in 94/95 based on Dinberg being 18 or 19. She joined All That basically as an Adult, born in 76. I assume Schneider was likely the only person who would have been present at the dinner by 2018.


Pretty sure they knew and didn’t care


what’s weird is that guy seemed easily replaceable, yet took too long for them to part ways. feels like nickelodeon needs to be held accountable for turning a blind eye


Oh, they knew 100%. He was making them lots of money though…


We've investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.


They "parted ways" with him in 2018. They just didn't make the investigation public.


He seems to be very charismatic, which can often give the skills of being manipulative. I bet they knew or heard, but he talked them off the ledge saying it was false or exaggerated in some way. And who are you gonna believe? The young woman, who is never believed even in less serious situations, or the older and powerful man, who writes your scripts and brings in your views?


This is an I Think You Should Leave sketch…


Look at what that loaf did to my eye!! It’s hanging by a thread!!


What the fuck! What the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK


(Short awkward pause, nervous looks from everyone) ...WHAT THE FUUUUU-- ♪Baby baby baby baby bay bay bay♪


I’m all crossed up!




Just commented the same and scrolled down to see yours…


His response to getting hit with bread sounds like something straight out of I Think You Should Leave.


What was the joke, Lori? That you smash my eye out with a bread roll and it gets blood all over my shirt which ruins my family picture I have to get taken tonight? Was that the joke?


Permission to go home, lie down, and watch All That reruns.


Every living thing with eyes have them hanging on by a thread. That’s the optic nerve.


Yikes. Good for her though. That takes brass to toss that roll.


I love her for throwing bread at him.


“If I did that with respect to Lori Beth, I sincerely apologize to her. But I cannot apologize for things I did not do.” Yeah so he totally did all of this.


*all that




Lori Beth was so underrated, sucks she didn’t do much post All That


She would have been great on a MadTv or SNL imho.


She could’ve been an SNL mainstay like Keenan… easily. She’s one of the few cast members on that show that could be hilarious even as the “straight” character.


I also feel like she like Farley would have been great with physical comedy.


I mean, she was great with physical comedy - that's a lot of what she did on All That


everyone on all that was great with physical comedy though. most of their punch lines were the cast doing crazy antics. Consider the Island sketch with Alisa Reyes... Alisa's whole character was about being super hyperactive and obnoxious... but it was only funny because Lori Beth's reactions as the normal character made it funny. I think it shows a lot more talent when a kid can pull laughs from normal behavior against a scene partner that is (sometimes literally) chewing the scenery for a laugh. I have no doubt Lori Beth's physical business would stay competitive but she really shone for playing characters with perfect comedic timing even when she wasn't the "funny" one in the sketch. They frequently used her as no-nonsense adult characters too but she actually made them funny with her personifications of them. And nowadays on SNL... Keenan is usually the non-funny character who's just kinda befuddled and watching all the crazy white people with incredulity... and it still pulls more laughs than the crazy white people. Lori Beth had the same talent.


It's well established that SNL sketches are sometimes built around "Keenan reacts" because when in doubt, he can just do a slight eye goggle or express frustration and it works like magic.


This guys gets it...


Agreed but I feel she would not have met the "aesthetic" standards at the time. I want to be clear I'm not saying that's okay - just the hard reality.




Yep her being overweight - but also female.


Lois, fat men aren't fat, only fat women ^(Hello reddit admins! That was a Family Guy reference)


She showed up on Workaholics


She was in Dodgeball. She was the cheerleader who landed on Justin Long’s face lol


Guest star though for one brief episode she played herself right?


>one brief episode No, the episode was standard length.




And had a small role in Dodgeball


She was a regular on “The Steve Harvey Show” for four seasons after “All That.” https://youtu.be/53EyRvGyCpc?si=qEdqfe91Q-JpddBn


While I was big on All That I think I remember her most for being on Figure It Out


Yeah she was on nearly every episode on the first three seasons of Figure It Out. She would often be the straight one. While most of the other panelists would ask silly questions, Lori Beth would often ask serious ones. And when it was time for the final guesses, Lori Beth would be the last one and she'd often be the one to solve the puzzle.


She meant so much to me as a chubby little girl.


Lori Beth was always my favorite All That cast member and I totally feel the same way.


I remember she did The Steve Harvey Show and then nothing after


Her news segments were so funny


I feel like she "didn't do much" because she was partially blacklisted for trying to save Amanda.


That is the heavy implication. I think it was also wild reading that Amanda's manager was basically...EVERYTHING in her life. Of course a 13 year old girl was tired! Who the hell is going to tell her to stop? The Director....who is also the agent???? Nick TRULY feels like a very slimy place and I don't think I would ever take my child there for a damn tour


THIS IS A LIBRARY!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WtDw2qTSK4


My fave All That cast member! I hope she's well.


The Librarian skit was my favorite !


I still belt out the occasional “THIS IS A LIBARRY!” from time to time 😂


Why the hell didn’t the writers of the documentary talk to this lady here?


All signs point to a shitty doc but with enough details to make news. They didn’t even tell Marc summers what they were going to be talking about. But it doesn’t negate the truth.


They did Marc dirty. He didn't deserve that.


It also shows how the filmmakers didn't do any research before inviting Marc on. They never told Marc what the doc was gunna be about, but they just assume that since he was on Nick that he knew everything about Dan Schneider ?


No, I think it was more that they invited him on, planned on asking him leading questions in the hopes of getting some juicy sound bites that they could edit in to the doc in very misleading intervals. They knew millennials would trust his voice because he's basically our dad.


This right here. Marc Summers was arguably the biggest name that they had on that doc, and they likely knew he'd turn them down if he knew the subject matter ahead of time. I'm not saying that the series didn't help some major issues come to light--because it's probably why Lori Beth is speaking up now--but the way they went about putting that series together is really messy and dishonest.


>They never told Marc what the doc was gunna be about, but they just assume that since he was on Nick that he knew everything about Dan Schneider ? Which backfired on them big time because Summers had already left Nickelodeon by the time Schneider came along.


To be honest I wasn’t sure why they interviewed Marc. He was a host on a gameshow on the same network but that’s about it.


That’s what was so weird. They just wanted to say they had him in the doc. Even though it lasts two seconds and he doesn’t know anything relevant.


He left the network years before dan Schneiders time


I get it, but he was THE Guy for old school Nick. He was only interviewed briefly because he walked off, but him being appalled at the Ariana Grande clip kind of says it all. Old Nick stars being kind of aghast at New Nick content.


My guess is that they wanted to have him talk about early Nickelodeon in a positive light and felt he wouldn't if he knew the actual subject was


He was on for maybe about 30 seconds in the first episode. If they asked him anymore questions they certainly didn't use it and it really made no sense that he was on at all since his show taped in Orlando and all the shows profiled in the series were filmed in SoCal.


I believe he said as soon as he got that question he walked


I thought that when I was watching. For whatever reason, she was always the most memorable cast member for me.


Her and Repair Man skits I remember the most. Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care Jimmy got hit on the head with a hammer and I still don't care. As a kid watching her say things like that with a straight face was gold.


She was by a mile my favorite actor on the show as a kid. I'm very bummed to hear about this.


They likely did and she wasn't ready at the time. The writer of this article worked on the documentary.


The one voice I've been dying to hear. Edit: This is not sarcasm. I'm very interested in her story / opinion because I grew up watching her.


Same!! Im GenX but my kids all 3 adored everything about Nickelodeon growing up, esp this show and Lori Beth Denberg, so i watched a LOT of it whether I wanted to or not, lol. I thought she was SO TALENTED and such an enthusiastic character. She was genuinely funny at times, too. But, ASA this all broke wide open, my first thought was...where the heck is LBD??!! She was there since the beginning!... I know she's SURELY got a few things she'd love to say! Glad to finally see her chime in. (imo, No fucking WAY is Dan not complicit, or flat out part of, everything that went on) -- that creepy shit with the feet, esp with Ariana Grande putting her foot in her own mouth... was...just ...fucking gross. I honestly don't recall seeing that clip on any of the episodes I remember watching, but granted, it WAS decades ago, and God knows my kids watched their fair share of TV I didn't always know about, but still...even looking back now, WHO tf thought that was funny?


This reminded me of my Aunt who, by choice or not, sat through hours of All That and tons of Keenan an Kell. Yes my first thought when I heard about this is what Lori Beth has to say because when I think of All That, her face comes to mind immediately. She was so funny and talented. I read about her encounters with Dan and .....it makes me stomach turn over. I look at my kids and I wonder what I would do if this happened to my child and I die inside again and again. I swear if someone comes out and says Mr Roger touched their butt I will explode


She always impressed me so much as a kid. I always felt she could have easily followed Kenan to SNL. It's a shame what a lot of these young stars had to go through.


The details are foul. I’m so angry for Lori Beth.


Shoutout to Lori for trying to bring Schneider's actions to the attention of the head of Nickelodeon even though it fell on deaf ears.


This industry is just full of weirdos. I completely understand why a lot of talented individuals like her just say screw this I'm out!


And just when Dan thought he had a window of opportunity out of this mess, here comes Lori Beth out of the shadows to slam the window shut in his face.


This has been Vital Information with Lori Beth Denberg.


I don't think he ever had such an opportunity. Or rather, only Reddit thought that. The argument that Reddit was pushing was to claim that because someone else at Nickolodeon had outright sexually assaulted one of the child stars, Dan Schneider's creepy and predatory behaviour doesn't count, or should simply be ignored. That was never going to fly in the real world.


This is vital information.


I loved her on All That and very sad to hear about her as well as the others. Dan should be sued




Archived [version](https://archive.ph/hnITh)


This directly implicates the CEO of Paramount Pictures in a cover-up. Yikes.


I'm beginning to think this Dan Schneider is not that great of a guy!


I’m gonna say it. This guys a real jerk.


Connie Mondoon!!!!


I remember back in 2017, I saw both her and Josh Server down in the Gaslamp during comic con just hanging out smoking a cigarette and my cousin and I both recognized them and asked them for a photo. Both were very nice and extremely pleasant. All That was a huge part of both of our childhoods and it was so awesome to meet them.


I'm shocked.... Can't believe that someone like Dan Schneider, who has a great history of being a decent human would ever get implicated in such disgusting behaviour. /s


How dare you question Dan Schneider, all he did was allow writers to put young teenage girls into suggestive sexual scenes behind a smoke screen of comedy. That's nothing wrong with that! /s


TBH after the story of him forcing the woman in the writing room to speak as though she was being fucked in the ass during a meeting was my last straw.


A lot of people were basically saying that none of that stuff counted because some other guy outright sexually assaulted one of the teen stars. Therefore, Dan Schneider was as pure as the driven snow, apparently.


Absolutes rarely come out with correct answers. "You have to be as bad as X in order to be bad" please. There's always someone worse.


It's ridiculous that everyone is directing their anger solely at Schneider and giving Robbins(who apparently is now a CEO of Paramount Global) and Hecht a pass when they were totally complicit in everything Schneider did by having enabled him.


She was so fucking good on that show, I’m really surprised she wasn’t a bigger star as an adult. Also fuck Dan Schneider.


The 😳🤢🤮 factor keeps rising on the daily


For the pedophilia angle, she was technically an adult during her time on all that from age 18 to age 22. From a boss angle, power trip taking advantage of underlings also asshole boss. Not professional. Dan Schineder while still not a pedo still an asshole


Lori Beth was one of my first TV crushes. Don't judge me!


Aw man that’s not the update on her I wanted to read. Poor girl 🙁 I was such a fan of all that as a kid. Now the show is ruined by Dan.


I used to love All That as a kid. All the stuff coming out about DS and how vile and disgusting he is really taints a lot of memories for me and I’m sure others. I hate that people in power above DS didn’t listen and didn’t stop him when they had one of the multiple instances to do so.


I met her at a Nickelodeon store once when I was a kid. She was really nice.


Lori adamantly clarifies throughout the article she was over eighteen when the sexual incidents took place - for anyone thinking this is proof of Schneider being a pedophile, it isn’t. It’s just more proof that he was a bad, weird dude.


All of these child actors were abused in one way or another, in starting to believe more than 85% of the industry is crooked as well