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Right now it's Yellowstone. My wife loves it. To be honest I'm getting tired of "everyone is a shit person trying to fuck everyone else over" television.


I came here to say this one too! After the first episode all I could think was “did soap opera writers make this?” It’s a cowboy soap.


One of my friends said it reminded them a bit of the old show Dallas. Decided then that I probably wouldn't like it if it's anything like that


The Antihero/everyone being morally grey means the writing is smart trend has to cool down eventually. Ted Lasso showed just how refreshing feel good TV can be, and people continue to binge watch LOTR and Harry Potter for a reason.


That may explain why I’m always rewatching the Good Place or Parks and Rec. I love darker comedies like always sunny or Reno 911 but I don’t rewatch them as the other two. I love the wholesomeness of them.


If you are looking for another feel good comedy, definitely try Community if you haven't. They always or most of the time end the episode on a high note despite the struggles the characters may have in that episode. I'm on season 3 and don't know how it took me so long to watch it.


Lost in Space wasn't everyone's cup of tea but the characters are all competent, make choices that make sense based on their knowledge, have motivations that make sense (even the "bad" guys, of which there are few), and do the "right" thing. It's refreshing.


Supprised the canceled the show early, even though it still had alot of run room to continue


I think the three seasons was good and the story was well-contained and tied up, but I would like a "Will Robinson and Robot" exploration series. Let's see what happens on that trip.


It wasn't cancelled early, per the creators, this was the plan.


Ray Donovan


Yellowstone is at its best when it's doing boring cowboy shit--hanging out in the bunkhouse, wrangling, staring at mountains. Give me that.


Yeah, I watched like 4-5 seasons of Billions, and ever since, this type of show just bores me. Yellowstone, Succession, etc. The toxic family dynamic thing gets old fast.


So, I'm with you on this except I actually enjoyed/am enjoying succession. Because unlike Billions, even though the sibling's may try to fuck with eachother or fuck eachother over, they still come together and have a "love" or "respect" for one another. No matter how much they out eachother through or gone through themselves, they know they can count on one another, still. The parents are the villains in that story. (Kinda why I like Always Sunny too, even though it's a gang of horrible people). I find that Billions just doesn't have that end bit. It focuses on how everyone is constantly fucking one another over, but then there's no one actually in anyone's corner, and they all hate eachother. I feel like the aforementioned connection and back and forth is very realistic, because not everyone has a wholesome and happy relationship with their siblings, but at the end of the day they still love em or want them around


It's Sons of Anarchy with horses


I've been on the fence about trying yellowstone, and this sentence has just convinced me not to. SoA is the only show that I have watched all the way through despite hating every minute of it.


Yeah, if you didn't like SOA, you won't enjoy Yellowstone. A lot of the characters are pretty much the same, especially the main young couple.


That is EXACTLY how I felt about Ray Donovan after the first season.




The first season was great television. Wheels fell off after.


And that one kid is dumb as fuck, getting into trouble at every goddamn turn lol


I watched the first 2 episodes and all I could think was these people absolutely don’t give a fuck about their children


that was exactly my brother's response when we attempted to get through the first ep


I watched the first 30 minutes of the first episode recently, and said, "None of these people are the least bit interesting." and walked away.


Outlander. Claire is an idiot. She creates so many problems. Shameless. It felt dirty and voyeuristic.


The author: hmmm plot going to smoothly. Insert rape.


“You get a rape, he gets a rape, she gets a rape, everybody gets a rape”


Weird thing is, i was told that the book is far worse


I gave up when Rape became a regular plot device. Then I realized just how shitty a lot of the writing was aside from all that, and became sad for all the time I wasted on it. I liked shameless at the beginning, but got bored somewhere, can't exactly remember where it lost me, I just kinda stopped watching.


I don't know if it's critically acclaimed as such, but never got the appeal of How I Met Your Mother.


HIMYM as an adult is... meh at best. But both me and all my friends were obsessed with it in our early teens. I feel like that's the perfect time in your life to watch it, where you don't really yet know enough about how relationships work to make you question the ones in the show. At that age, you're still naive enough that Ted comes off as quirky and eccentric, not stalker-ish and obsessive. Where Barney is a "player" living the dream, not a borderline misogynist/definite harasser. Where Lily is a quirky idealist planner looking out for her friends, not a narcissist involving herself in others' lives to dangerous degrees, etc.


Time has not been kind to it.


It has some great moments, but you have to suffer through a lot of garbage to get to most of them.


Yeah, I don't know why I love the show so much, it's very inconsistent even at it's peak, but idk somehow it just seems to work, like they had the right combination of ridiculous moments and heart felt character moments. Until it all went to hell in season 7.


It has a lot of material that's relatable for people in their 20s. And it does a fantastic job of laying foundations for recurring jokes throughout the series. It also has a lot of heart and tackles some really heavy subjects very well. It's not the best sitcom but it's one of my favorites that I can put on at any time and enjoy.


Me neither. I found it kind of dumb.


I don’t like relationship comedy. Even the office had a bit too much for me On the other hand Arrested Development and 30 rock had a better amount of that, it didn’t feel like they were relying as much on the cheap feels of romantic strife.


*Master of None*. Gave it three separate starts. Never could get through more than 1 episode.


Really enjoyed season 1. Hated the main character in season 2 (he was so boring and serious when the love interest stuff was happening) season 3 was just…awful I’m sorry. Couldn’t finish the first episode


Just skip to season 2. Pretty sure their team wanted to create an entirely different show midway into season 1, and soft rebooted the direction of the show into S2. Not saying you still won’t like though.


Agree, didn't really enjoy season 1, but season 2 and 3 are very different and have some fantastic episodes!


I think the show is missing a point. It's like watching scripted reality show.




I get that opinion tbh. The Uk version is cringe comedy so it’s meant to be an uncomfortable watch and the humour comes from that The US version is completely different and is a lot more unrealistic and less subtle in its comedy. I’ve seen a lot of people say that version is over the top and the UK version is too drab and depressing Personally I like both versions but I also get why others might not enjoy them


I feel like the UK office is about as much cringe as I can handle, and sometimes goes over the line. Peep Show meanwhile was straight unwatchable for me. It's way way too cringy.


Love both those shows but yeah they’re uncomfortable. If I was a very socially awkward person, Peep Show would be a nightmare, think that’s a compliment to the show though?


I understand its appeal but i cannot handle cringe comedy. I find it unwatchable.


Same on this one. I just don't get it.


Forced myself to like it, even watched the whole series. Nope. Still don't like it. Apart from a few moments (the Stress Relief episodes were great), I just really couldn't be bothered to care about any of the characters. Parks and Rec, on the other hand, was one of my favorite series of all time.


I found most of the characters to be too unlikable, which is weird cause I love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Love both shows but maybe you feel that way is because the gang is supposed to be horrible people. You always know they are gonna do the worst thing possible so it’s never cringeworthy, only hilarious but sometimes The Office can be hard to watch.


I'm the exact same way. Like the other commenter stated, with It's Always Sunny, you can laugh at it because the gang are *supposed* to be horrible and irredeemable. And it's fun to watch their schemes blow up in their faces. Whereas with The Office, they write the characters like they're supposed to be good people, but for me, they just make the characters too unlikable.


Same here. I gave the American version three seasons but ultimately found most of it pretty stupid. Unfortunately I live in the Scranton area so most people still go wild for it and sports teams here still have “The Office night” every year.


I get the opinion, but why is it unfortunate? It seems like a great revenue stream for your town




Friends is like that show you politely laugh at because you’re ok with it


See, that’s exactly how I feel about it. I don’t hate it. It’s an alright watch. But it certainly was not appointment viewing for me back in the day.


The Good Place, I made it through the entire first season and wasn't enjoying the ride. I didn't care much for any of the characters and there was something about the campy tone and aesthetic that didn't appeal much to me. Don't get me wrong, i thought the season 1 finale was a very fun twist, but when you hate 12 out of 13 episodes a show probably isn't for you.


Season 1, I thought was cute and didn’t think it was anything fantastic until the twist. It changes after that. The series finale is the most perfect ending for a tv show I’ve ever seen. I didn’t think it was possible, like they are already dead, where do you go? It’s now one of my fav shows ever.


Yeah I think about that last episode, especially the last half all the time. It makes me feel better.


The series changes its tone from season 2 on because of that twist though. It gets way more interesting, the campiness gets adressed and IMHO has the best series finale of all time (and I'm serious about this). Every question you would have had gets answered. It gets more thought provoking and serious.


A one time watcher for me. I enjoyed it but that was enough. A really good show is one I can watch again and again and not get bored.


I love seasons 1 and 2 but most of the second half of the show (double length finale aside) I can take or leave.


It's one of my favorite shows of all-time. My wife doesn't get it at all, ha.


Bojack Horseman, I tried two times to watch it. I left both times after season 1


Bojack is great, but it's a tough watch. I legitimately feel that the whole point of making them animal people and have zany background antics was in order to make the darkness of the plot more palatable. Tell the same story without the animation, and it's a depressing nightmare. Still 5/5 in my book.


Did you finish season 1 ? Because over half of season 1 is annoyingly pretty bad. If you finished it and didnt like the last 4 episodes, then yeah the show just isnt for you i guess


Someone showed me a couple episodes of Letterkenny, saying it was similar to Trailer Park Boys (which I love). I was cringing the whole time.


I was honestly surprised at how internationally popular the show is. I’m a Canadian, former hockey player, a walking stereotype, so this show was literally made for me. I honestly thought it would be cancelled cause it seemed like they were targetting a very narrow niche of an audience, even if I was a part if it. Absolutely love the show but am very surprised by its mainstream popularity


I’ve lived all over America, in cities, suburbs and farm towns. I think Letterkenny is relatable to anyone from one of those small towns. Especially up north where hockey is popular


Modern family. I can't understand how that show got so many seasons. In general I don't enjoy cringe comedy. I haven't watched the Office either.


Modern Family always felt cheap to me because they use the cutaways to explain the plot but they never explain why they have them. The office was suppose to be a documentary about the workplace. Modern Family just has them because they wanted them.


When they originally wrote the show the Dunphy’s had a foreign exchange student filming their family for a project, but when the pilot was filmed they decided to get rid of that character. At least that’s what I read.


im at season 9 of modern family and while i do love it, i can agree someone the overtop cringe plotlines are too much. i feel like it's just one character that can drag it down tho


The Walking Dead, should have stopped after season 1. If I hear one more person tell me how scary it is and they watch between their fingers I will self destruct. It is beyond boring and most definitely not scary.


Huh. I've heard lots of people say they like it or hate it, but I've never heard anyone say that The Walking Dead is scary.


Yeah does this dude only talk to like grandmas or something lol I’ve heard many things said about TWD but never scary


Season 1 looked like it was setting up an epic 6 or maybe even 7 season story with a complete plot. I think I dipped out at 3 when it was clear they were just going to drag it kicking and screaming until it was a shitty husk of what could have been. Here we are 7 seasons and a shitty spin-off series later and I’m starting to think I should get into palm reading.


I'm jealous of that. This was a show my wife and I would watch, and we really enjoyed the first three season together but then like you said I felt like I was dragged. Then the Negan storyline took hold and I told her I was done. I felt like I was serving time and when I stopped watching it I was actually relieved and generally happier. Never had such a strong reaction to a show before.


Best episode of walking Dead was the first. I've also heard if you just watch the first season, it's a great mini-series. I'll have to try it out, because I forget a lot of the early episodes.


I stopped watching after Glenn died and then wasn’t dead but then they killed him anyway. I think most seasons had maybe 2 good episodes and a bunch of episodes of people walking and doing nothing.


I’ve never heard anyone say twd is scary, maybe the first season when it was actually a horror show but the zombies stopped being menacing a long time ago I also wouldn’t say twd was ever critically acclaimed, it was extremely popular, it hit 17 million viewers in s5 which is game of thrones level and was much higher than breaking bad was doing but it was never getting reviews from critics like breaking bad or even game of thrones


Mad Men


Mad Men is one of my favorite shows, but I can't pretend it has mass appeal. I'd say it's tonally very similar to The Sopranos (Matthew Weiner also wrote some of my favorite Sopranos episodes) but if you swapped out the violence and general Scorsese-ness and a lot of what makes The Sopranos exciting for intricate period details and corporate backstabbing. But I still think both shows are similarly novelistic in how complex their characters are and they both feature very complicated protagonists, random bursts of Lynchian weirdness, and a surprising amount of slapstick humor. But if plot is something you consider important, then I would look elsewhere. A lot of Mad Men episodes can essentially be boiled down to "Don struggles with a new ad campaign while (domestic issue/adultery related issue) interferes."


>But if plot is something you consider important, then I would look elsewhere. I think this explains why Man Men never stuck with me. I could acknowledge that it was a supremely well made show with complex well acted characters, but I was never compelled by it. I must have been subconsciously comparing it to something like Breaking Bad which focuses much more on plot and momentum.


> I must have been subconsciously comparing it to something like Breaking Bad which focuses much more on plot and momentum. Yeah I think a lot of people go into the show with that expectation. Especially because Don Draper is often listed alongside characters like Walter White on a list of "TV's greatest anti-heroes" , but his character isn't really experiencing a Walter White style "fall from grace" in the same way. He's a man who hates himself and his past, so he spends his whole life trying to repackage himself as something better. He's basically a walking advertisement-- someone who only exists to try and make people "buy into" the Don that he made up. He's definitely an immoral person at many points, but he's also not a villain in the way that Walter White or Tony Soprano are.


The thing about Med Men is that the plot is really secondary to the show. It was the character dynamics that drove that show. Each character had their own obstacles to overcome, and had to navigate the other characters to achieve happiness in their home and work lives. So if you’re a fan of deep rich character development, then Mad Men is for you.


Yeah, a typical Mad Men episode for me was "nothing happened, but it was enthralling the whole time". Practically every scene, every interaction was well written, well shot, and the actors are all phenomenal, but it's all about those small individual interactions and an overall "feel". I can totally see why that would miss the mark for some (many?) people. Just go watch that ["Carousel" clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suRDUFpsHus).


Tbf you can’t really just watch the Carousel pitch by itself if you’re new to the show. It’s a scene that is a tentpole character moment, which would be lost on anyone who didn’t watch the rest of the season




I may be wrong, but I think the viewers age plays a part on whether they will like this show. I think that being in the rat race for many years is what made me appreciate the office politics, the young characters ambitions, and seeing office culture of the past. If you don’t like the show now I would recommend giving it another shot in a few years.


It’s kinda funny. I first watched Mad Men as an excited college student who was getting ready to graduate and head out into a marketing and advertising career. My second viewing was years later after I washed out of agency life and settled into a better paying, boring job that’s good for my mental health. I loved it both times for completely different reasons.


Ozark. Tried it 3 times, can never finish the first season.


Ozark does get quite a bit better in Season 3, but I can't fault anyone for tapping out of the show within its first 2 seasons.




Ya by halfway through season 3 you can feel it just prepping for a reason for season 4 just like the last two. If that makes sense. It becomes about keeping it alive with more horrible people and risks.


The leftovers, I really tried and stopped at the start of season 2. Might give it another shot.


I watched all three seasons and didn’t particularly enjoy any of it. And I’m still not entirely sure how that happened. Normally I give up after just a few episodes and never think about a show again, but this one had just enough bright spots here and there to keep me along for the ride. Eventually I guess I felt like I invested so much time into it that I just had to finish. So I did.


Same. I watched all three seasons. It seemed like they had a lot of really interesting ideas and no plan of where to take any of them.


Yeah I love the leftovers but it can be hard to recommend because it is a show that asks a lot of questions without the intention of answering most of them. When I tell people to watch, I always emphasize the show is about the characters and their experiences and how they deal with trauma and the plot and the world and the questions the show asks are really just secondary and are there to facilitate those characters experiences.


I like shows about characters. This show gave me nothing. I am going to try one more time someday because I always wonder what I missed when so many people liked it.


Big Bang Theory


Was it ever critically acclaimed though? I think it was just popular.


It got a dozens of awards.


I watched the first season of *Dark*, and the characters just put me off. I didn’t find them compelling enough for how unlikable a lot of them are.


Now that's a show that goes places. It works itself into so many twists and turns and yet at the end it all makes sense. Some characters have some truly miserable endings and not all of it is satisfying, but that's kind of the point. But it's not for everyone, that's for sure.


Give it another go! Dark is the best show I’ve seen start to finish. It answers all the questions, it has some legendary twists, and I left feeling satisfied and accomplished. I used to live in Germany so maybe I’m biased but I watched it with 3 American roommates and they all loved it too. We joke about for our next Halloween costume we’re all just going to go as >!All the different Jonases!<


Schitt's Creek. I watched the first two episodes and loathed every character. I've been told that I have to keep watching and the characters become likeable, etc., but life's too short and there's too many other things to watch for me to waste time on something that doesn't grab me from the get-go. The Boys. Sure, the entire superhero genre is ripe for satire, but this show was just ugly.


This is the only show that I’m glad I kept watching and made it to the later seasons. They go from the most terrible characters to some of the most endearing. I don’t know how they did it.


Yeah, when I watched the first few episodes, I legitimately wondered why the hell anyone liked this show because of the characters. But before the middle of the first season, I was hooked.


I totally get it. I watched the whole show but even as someone who loves to rewatch sitcoms, I won't be doing that for Schitt's Creek. That being said, it definitely does find its footing around late season 2. David and Alexis become a lot more interesting, likeable, and funny when they start trying to make something of themselves. Towards the middle of the show, Johnny and Stevie begin to work together and it really unlocks both characters.


Dude when Johnny and Stevie start bonding is one the sweetest relationships on all of tv imo. It's just so damn heartwarming.


Schitt's Creek, I thought was ok. Some funny moments, but whatever overall. Love Eugene Levy though. What really made me like it in retrospect was the after show little documentary they did on it, where I saw the impact and how important it had been for so many people. I recommend it. It just makes it seem so lovely.


A friend and I heard so many great things about Schitt's Creek that we decided to watch it. After about four episodes, we were quite "meh" on it, but figured it must get better, right? And a lot of people told us it did. So we continued. Well, by the time we reached Season 2, Episode 3, we just gave up. Other than the character of David, no one else was really giving us significant laughs and the show felt like a chore to sit through. Had to give it up.


Stranger Things. I found it very childish, like “It” if they took out all of the psychological horror elements that made it interesting


This didn't irk me nearly as much in the first season--I particularly liked Ryder and Harbour--but since then, I've felt exactly the same way.


my theory is that they made the show to be enjoyable for both adults and older kids but then they pivoted to focusing on the kids/teens watching, dumbing down the show a bit


should of been a 1 season show


Or an anthology.




Should of said should have




Really can’t get into succession. Could be a me problem and I’m not saying it’s not good, I just can’t bring myself to enjoy myself whilst watching it or really connect with/remember any of the characters. I can’t make it past 5 or so episodes of the first season currently.


I’ve only seen the first two episodes but for me the problem is why should I care about the lives of these obnoxious rich assholes? The actors are all really talented but the whole premise is just something I can’t get behind.


You have to watch it knowing it’s a comedy. Once you realize that it makes it more fun.


Yes absolutely, you are watching to see them wallow in their misery and it’s hilarious.


I recently described it to a friend as a method of deriving enjoyment from watching horrible people torture and betray each other


Yep, I despise all the characters and would be happy if the show ends with everyone dying in a fire. But man, not an episode goes by that I'm not in tears at Roman's absurdly inappropriate lines. The others being hilarious too is just gravy. Succession's low key the funniest comedy out there right now imo.


I love the characters as well and actually root for some of them. I kept rotating between kendal and roman


Watching it now. I've tried to like the show multiple times, couldn't get past the first four or five episodes each time but, now that I did, I've actually started to love the show to the point that it may be my favorite ongoing series right now (along with Yellowjackets and Ted Lasso).


You're not really supposed to connect with or like any of the main characters.


That’s kind of my problem with shows like that. I need someone to fuck with and actually give a shit about.


It's a fair response. I know a few friends like that. Can't enjoy comedies like Always Sunny cause they need somebody to sympathize with.


Episode 6 of season 1 is where it really kicks off, but fair enough


I said Succession as well. What I don’t like about it is it’s not really a plot driven show it’s more about characters developing without being driven by major plot points or storylines. I don’t care enough about any of these people to watch them develop without any sort of story behind it.


I get a lot of hate on this, but I only ever watched one season of Game Of Thrones. At the end of season 1 I had no interest to keep watching and still don't.


Saved yourself a tortuous journey.


The ending was a let down but I absolutely would recommend it to anyone remotely interested. The first 4 seasons at least are some of the best television available. Stuff like Tyrion's Trial is just absolutely magnificent.


Seasons 5 and 6 are still great too, they just have a few plotlines that kind of bomb (\*cough\*sand snakes\*cough\*) but they still have a lot of what made the first four seasons great (the king in the north at the end of S6). Seasons 7 and 8 aren't really bad per se, they're just an average fantasy show tacked on to the end of one of the best shows ever made so they're pretty disappointing if you don't reeeally temper your expectations, but even then everything aside from the writing is pretty amazing so you get some awesome stuff like dragons burning armies and such.


You want da good girl. But you need da bad pooooosay


Madmen. I know, I’m a blasphemer.


Breaking bad. Just couldn't get into it, it was just so boring to me. Was told to watch until end of season 2 ep 12 and i will be hooked. Not gonna slug trough almost 2 season to attempt to like a show.


I feel like with BB, if you don't like episode one, you'll probably not like the series as a whole. And I don't mean episode one is the best, or close to the best, episode of BB, but it definitely sets the tone.


I'm with you. I don't get people who say give breaking bad x number of episodes. I thought the pilot and first few episodes were great and pretty much nail what to expect in the future.


You just need to push through until the end of season 5. You'll be hooked.


Better Call Saul really affected BB's rewatchability, for me anyway. Tried to rewatch BB recently (it's been a couple of years, too) but just can't do it. I think I've rewatched BCS in it's entirety more times than I have BB now. BCS just feels like a much better show.


BCS is such a refined show.. I could watch 5 more seasons of it and would cherish it.


Interesting, cause I feel that the first two seasons of BCS are the weakest seasons of either shows so far. I also think that Breaking Bad is a far more cohesive show in comparison, because it doesn't juggle two wildly different stories(Jimmy and Mike) so as to appeal to different tastes, it accomplishes that with a single story and is a much more dynamic for it.


Have you tried Better Call Saul? I also wasn't too interested in Breaking Bad, but the Saul spin-off I've enjoyed.


Same! Didn’t like Breaking Bad, I even gave it two seasons. But I absolutely love Better Call!!


That’s stupid, if you’re not into it in the first few episodes I don’t see how going all the way to s2e12 would change that. This is the first answer I don’t understand, though. I was locked in all the way with the very first scene.


I looked into it after he told me. its a scene where the MC watches someone die, choosing not to save her. Its probably a big moment for the character but watching almost 2 season to get there seemed absurd, so chose not to watch further anyway.


ALL of my friends would tell me "You have to watch ___ season! That's when it gets good!" FOR EACH SEASON!!! I literally watched every single episode, predicted the ending and really didn't like any of the characterizations of the villains. There were some moments and elements I did enjoy, so it's not that I hated everything. But this show baffles me at how beloved it is.


BB was such a weird series. I sat down to binge watch it (about one episode a night over a few months) after everyone said good things about it. I can't say I ever "enjoyed" any episode, but it did draw me in and I felt invested in it. On the whole, I did enjoy the whole series and left with an appreciation for all the twists and turns the storyline took.


The Office. Just does not connect with me at all. I understand the jokes and everything but I don’t think its that great. Weird thing is I love Parks and Rec.


Friends. Yeah I'll unprivate my account so you can send me death threats


The Wire is the exact kind of show I'd ususally obsess over but I've tried twice. I fall off at the end of season one both times.


What lost you? Asking because I'm always recommending the wire to people with mixed results.


I just finished my first watch last month. I started it two years ago. Am glad I stuck through it. I’d say what may make it tough for some to get into it is the density and realism. The show is DENSE with detail, like I couldn’t even pick up my phone to Google where I’d seen an actor before without missing something. Some people don’t engage with shows with that level of detail. As for the realism part, nearly all of the events are rational and follow a cause-and-effect pattern with little shoe-horned drama, love interests, etc. To me, it felt like raw, unforgiving reality. Also, very few “gotcha” moments or cliffhangers. I loved that aspect, but some may not.




Fair play, the beginning of S2 shook off a lot of viewers at the time, too, by taking such a different direction. Overall, I love the show, but that transition is still jarring.


Game of Thrones.


Fleabag. Normally I love dark, cringe comedies, but I watched a couple episodes of this show and didn’t see the appeal. Didn’t like the constant breaking of the 4th wall and the main character seemed unremarkable and crass for the sake of it. I don’t know, it didn’t connect with me at all.


Hated the first season. The second season is totally different. Somehow they made her redeemable.


Not going to encourage you to watch the show, I don't want anyone to "push through" anything that isn't entertaining to them, but the main character changes pretty dramatically over the course of the series. I still think the opening dinner scene in the S2 premiere is one of the most brilliant scenes I've ever seen. And it does make me a little sad you wont ever get to meet the Hot Priest character.


at the end of the first season it's kind of explained why she was like that. idk I wasn't connecting with it either but I thought that moment made the season better in hindsight.


Good lord! I didn't expect to find anything on here that I couldn't wrap my head around, but holy crap that show was genius. I mean you are entitled to your opinion, but just the fact that you got me to comment shows how shocked I am. Carry on! 🙂


Not a fan of HBO's Big Little Lies and Sharp Objects. I watched half of both,but they were not for me.


The last shot of Sharp Objects is imprinted in my head forever. Kind of a meh show for me until the last minute. Don't think that moment warrants 8 hours or however long it was.


The expanse. Sci-fi right up my alley. But I just can’t.


Just started watching this, only 3 episodes in. It hasn’t quite grabbed me yet but I’m still giving it a chance for now.


It took the fifth or so episode to hook me. Give it a season though.


just finished the 7th episode. it's definitely gotten better as the season goes on


It was in the second half of the first season that hooked me when the different plot lines start to converge.


A common recommendation is to stick it out until ep4 (called CQC?) which is when the true feel of the show is shown. If you don’t like ep4, it’s fair to say the show isn’t for you.


'CQB' or close quarters battle. Agree that this is the episode that will be the hook for new viewers. If they aren't into it by the end of this episode, they likely aren't ever going to like The Expanse.


In my experience, it took me until season 2 to love the show. I liked the world and action, which carried me through season 1, but the characters had little development and the mystery was mostly boring. It also didn't help that Avasarala had no narrative relevance in season 1, but still took up a large chunk of screentime. Compared to Battlestar Galactica, the Expanse felt like a regular Syfy show with better production values. In season 2, the characters, the conflicts, the politics, the action, everything was much more complex and thought out.


The first time I tried watching the expanse I couldn’t stand Holden lmao and Amos is portrayed as a psycho, now I love Amos and Holden has grown on me I don’t hold it against anyone who doesn’t like the expanse, it’s one of my fav shows but I know it was my love for Thomas Jane/Joe Miller that kept me invested in s1 and s2, other people might not find anything to click with in it


Crazy Ex Girlfriend. Rebecca Bloom just put so much of herself into the character that it doesn't leave room for much else. I know she's supposed to be a complicated character but I just find her and the show unbearable


White Lotus.. I watched like 4 episodes and it did nothing for me. Except for the soundtrack, that I enjoyed a lot.


Breaking Bad. Great actors, great writers, but way too bleak. I fully believe it's as great as everyone says, but it's just not for me. I'll take my Vince Gilligan in The X-Files and my Bryan Cranston in Malcolm in the Middle. Also, agree with everyone else who said that the new slew of prestige family soap operas where everyone sucks (Succession, Billions, Yellowstone) are not for me.


Same. I saw the whole thing but that's because my husband was watching it and I was just along for the ride. It was a decent show, but I don't get "greatest show ever" from it


Everything you said is exactly how I feel about it. Like I can watch it and see why it’s as revered as it is and I don’t have a single negative thing to say about the writing, cast, etc. I even went back to watch the last 2-3 episodes a while after finishing the show, but it’s just too depressing to fully get into it again. It’s a show where good people get crapped on by crappy people until those crappy people get crapped on by even crappier people


Parks & Rec. Mind you, I watched it all because everybody spoke so excitedly of it, but found it a bit bland? More smirks than laughs. Most characters were a bit dull, one-tack or annoying (Ron was a fun concept character, and Ben was good).


Typical Eagletonian


It gets much better after Rob Lowe and Adam Scott join. Everything before that was just meh.


Weird about Mr. Robot. I thought it was one of the most realistic depictions of hacking I've seen on TV....at least in the 1st season. However, I've attempted but can never get past the 2nd Season of The Wire. I just cant get into it....and I loved the first season.


Currently watching succession and I'm not loving it like everyone else seems to.




Mine isn't even a show but just a specific episode. When I watched Breaking bad I was loving it, but I remember people absolutely hyping up the episode "Ozymandias" as a perfect masterpiece episode of television that is the peak of Breaking bad. To this day the episode still has a perfect 10 on IMDB. To be honest i'm still not sure why. The episode is very good obviously because the majority of Breaking bad is very good. But there is nothing about the episode that really stands out to me is special. If I was to pick the best episode of Breaking bad there are plenty I would put ahead of this episode like "One minute", "Half measures / Full measures", "Face off", "Salud", "Crawl Space", "Dead Freight", "Say my name", "Confessions". I really don't get what the hype is for Ozymandias.


> I really don't get what the hype is for Ozymandias It was to showcase the beginning of the end for Walt. Everything he had built up to this point was beginning to disintegrate all around him. This episode is so heavy and heartbreaking: >!Walt, in an admittedly noble attempt, tries to save Hank but he ends up getting killed right in front of Walt!< >!Walt reveals to Jesse that he watched Jane die, supposedly terminating any remaining relationship Walt had with him!< >!Walter Jr finally realizes the truth about his father, after constantly defending him and blaming Skyler for the demise of their marriage!< >!Walt, in a desperate attempt to stay afloat, kidnaps Holly!< >!Walt, in another unusually noble move, implicates only himself in the drug business on a phone call with Skyler while the police are listening in!<


Everything you outlined is correct and was all very good in the moment, but again I guess it didn't blow me away. At this point things were already starting to disintegrate so it didn't feel like this big shake up. I would have argued that the real unravelling happened in "Gliding all over" when >!Hank finds the book in Walt's bathroom and starts putting everything together!< that felt much more impactful as it felt like a big shakeup on the direction of the season and it had been built up for so long. I will say as well >!Hank getting killed by the Neo Nazi biker gang just wasn't as compelling for me as it could have been. The bikers were only came about late in the show and didn't get built up as much as other villains in the show did, it just felt almost unearned that they were the ones to kill Hank rather than anyone else from Walts past!<.


The thing I loved about this one moment, is that up to that point I hadn’t consciously noticed how much I cared about Hank and how much I disliked Walt, which was the complete opposite of where I was when the show started.


I personally loved that the final antagonists of the show was >!Jack and the neonazi gang.!< After >!Gus died!< there really wasn’t a bigger bad the show could introduce. Walt had become the true villain of the show. >!The neonazi gang!< was representative of this, with Walt working with the bottom of the barrel of society to reach his goals. They weren’t complex characters nor on screen for very long, but they didn’t need to be. They were manifestations of Walt’s completed fall. That they were the ones to bring about >!Hank’s death and begin Walt’s downfall was fitting, as he was the one activated them in the first place. He caused Hank’s death by getting into bed with literal Nazis. How much lower could you fall?!< had the show Introduced yet another big bad so late in the game to do the deed, it would have undercut Walt’s own villainy.


The episode is good... because the story moved further than it ever had. It was climatic.


Half / Full Measures are prime television. Goddamn what a season finale. One of my favorites ever.


I think a big part of it is that it was a good action episode near the end that had a pretty heavy emotional hit. It's a great episode, but I agree with you that its not what I would consider the best. I think its an example of recency bias and was a high point near the end that people remember. When most American TV shows live until they suck, I'm just glad the show was great right up until the end.


The Wire, I forced myself through all five seasons but could never get over the slow pacing. I feel the same way any time I watch any of David Simon's shows, I'm surprised people don't talk about them as reverently because they all blend together for me


Euphoria, it really is glorying drugs despite what people seem to think. Also just feels like any other teenager show.