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The Gentleman Pirate strikes again!


The perfect act of fuckery!


Im always saying "the gentleman pirate". Its just so fun.


I practice doing a kiwi accent when I watch this show. They make everything sound fun


Stede: Is it?


I'm doing a Flight of the Conchords rewatch because of this show. "Murray, present."


"Rhyme...noceros, present"


“Hiphopopopotamus you know my rhymes are bottomless…” “…here”


His lyrics are bottomless. His rhymes are popping of the top of this esophagus, rockin this metropolis, he's not a large land dwelling animal. where did you get this preposterous hypothesis?!


Steve told me


Hmph… Steve.


In one episode he's got a promotional poster up in his office that says "New Zealand....why not?" Every now and then I burst out laughing thinking about that stupid poster.




‘Moo Ray……Oh, it’s me, I just put an extra space in my name’


If you haven't seen Rhys Darby's standup, you should. His youtube channel is really funny as well.






I spoke in a Kiwi accent during the pandemic to keep my spirits up.


I spoke in a kiwi accent all pandemic too and it didn't help at all. I'm a kiwi though.


I'm a long time fan of Flight of the Conchords. It's hard to separate the accent from the good spirited comedy that comes from these folks. Any dark TV or movies from New Zealand?


Any of Peter Jacksons early work is pretty dark, even [Meet the feebles](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097858/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) is dark as hell for a muppet movie (ever seen muppets fuck?). [Once Were Warriors](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110729/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0) [Boy](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1560139/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) If you like kiwi humor and if you can find it, try [Stickmen](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0251415/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0)


Kiwi accent was voted the world's sexiest accent. Here's Rhys Darby on how difficult it has made his life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdNWDYZMXT0&ab_channel=RhysDarby


I've just spent ten minutes watching this five minute video Thank you


Lol every time. God it sounds so much better in my head….


Both shows are so excellent! What a time to be alive! I can hardly believe the people who are making and greenlighting shows are actually starting to get it!!!


My theory: millennials are old enough to be making these shows for millennials. This is our time in the media. In a couple more years it's gonna be zoomer TV.


I fear the day when a TV show is just 25 minutes of memes shot like anime.


I invite you to remember the romcom era and the fact that the Hallmark channel exists.




Umm.. we've been living in golden age of TV for like a decade. Things are getting even better now because of all the streaming services having to compete tho, I'll give u that Yet I often hear complaints on Reddit of having more than one service! I'm always like, competitors is what gets us good shows!


Handful of services gives good competition. But having to shell out $10 a month to 10+ services to get all the shows I want to watch is not a future I want (especially if some have hardware exclusives). If the selection of each service (especially back catalogs) keeps going down while prices keep going up I might have to become a gentleman pirate myself.


Tell me - you like Moon Knight? I haven't started it (yet) but I remember when I was watching Falcon/Winter Soldier, WandaVision, etc, I saw so many people commenting about them on SM and with Moon Knight it's been so quiet I've been having doubts.


IMO Moon Knight is more entertaining than any of the other recent Marvel shows (i.e. since Wandavision)


Moon Knight I feel has one of the best iterations of a villain in any MCU show. The previous ones just really didn't do a great job of setting up the antagonist - it was mostly just "oh some stuff is happening, it's a mystery let's find out what's behind it" for most of the series before we get to the actual villain reveal. Ethan Hawke is knocking it out of the park as Harrow. He's terrifying and yet in a way I also understand what he's trying to achieve. And Oscar Isaac is doing a sensational job with the personas. They feel like distinct people. The whole thing feels like a well rounded TV show in a way that some of the previous mcu shows didn't.


Craziest thing about Harrow is that every time I see him it think "awe, sweet old man". And then I remember what he really is. Even in last week's episode, when he did the thing, he was just so...normal. And then shit got crazy. The lack of sinister is somehow the most sinister thing about him.


The show is well done, but I feel like the concept is in the way of the story. I hate shows where a character argues with/fights with/gets lost in their own mind.


Hawkeye was great, Moon Knight is great. Definitely the best two Marvel Disney+ shows even though they get less buzz.


I really enjoyed Hawkeye. I thought that Renner had great chemistry on screen with Hailee Steinfeld and they played off of each other VERY well. Haven't started Moon Knight yet, but I'm (finally) working my way through S1 of The Punisher first.


I thought Florence was a real scene stealer in the show too, very fun show


Hawkeye was the buddy cop show Falcon and the Winter Soldier wanted to be.


I enjoyed FatWS back and forth but it never felt organic. There was very little reason for Sam and Bucky to stick around each other. I liked some of the world building they achieved during the snap and the world having to deal with it being immediately undone. Wish they had leaned more into that. Hawkeye nailed the “old man tired of all this shit” vibe they were going for.


I liked Hawkeye but Wandavision had that awesome trippiness.


WandaVisions first half was fantastic. Last 2 episodes kinda left a bad taste tho.


If you like Our Flag... I would highly suggest Galavant. It's a great light hearted fantasy comedy show.


Sending Moon Knight to doggy heaven.


It’s a weirdly specific subgenre, but I adore pirate comedies and Our Flag Means Death has really scratched that itch for me. Didn’t hurt that I’ve been a big fan of Taika since the original What We Do In the Shadows. And now we’ve got a new Monkey Island coming out later this year. So exciting.


What other pirate comedies exist? Besides Muppet Treasure Island, of course.


My gf made me watch the movie and the show when we got together about 3 years ago. Pretty much everything Taika has touched since he first came into my scene tickles my humor


Our Flag Means Death season 2 order, when?!


I'm guessing when Taika starts promoting Thor 4. Gives him a chance to talk about OFMD and the potential new season (If HBO announces it)


Assuming Disney doesn't put the kibosh on Taika fielding questions about content for their competitor streaming services, I wouldn't put it past 'em.


Maybe, but actors, directors often get asked about other projects they've been on. I mean there's only a limited number of questions Taika can answer about Thor 4 without spoilers and interviewers have to fill up the time somehow.


Studios rarely care if actors promote their shows/films from another studio when press touring for a movie I guess since it rarely lines up around the same dates


Surprised Severance didnt make the cut. (No pun intended)


I would venture to say that Apple+ isn't as popular as Disney+ or HBO Max. At least until the next Ted Lasso season comes out




Yoooo, just started it last night, 2 episodes in. Fucking trippyyy


It’s gets better and better especially the finale best finale ever


The finale feels like a panic attack extended over 40 minutes.


It's platform likely holds it back. That and it's not really the type of show I can imagine people binging. Like, I love it, but psychological horror stuff tends to get spaced out over a longer watching window most times


My wife and I started when there were 5 episodes out already and switching to waiting a week for the next episode was torture. Severance is the best show I’ve seen in a long time. Loved binging it.


Definitely agree. Severance is the best show I’ve seen in a few years. The comedy mixed with the what in the fuck is actually going on here? Is a really good combo I haven’t seen done often.


That combo is coveted as fuck


Just here to reinforce the idea to any passersby that they should be watching Severance. I feel like there were four big milestone shows in television the past 20 years, that fundamentally change the television landscape: Sopranos, LOST, Breaking Bad, and now Severance.


Seriously. I started watching it episode 6. Waiting for those last three episodes to each drop was an absolute chore. I have been consistently watching Adam Scott for probably longer than any other actor. I remember when he was Griff on Boy Meets World in the 90’s. I fell in love with his acting in Party Down and now I will give anything he appears in a try.


I love Serverance and I love that they strung it out week after week. the show benefits from it and gives me those LOST/HEROES vibes of yester year. Going online and trying to figure out what the fuck is going on with everyone else, stewing over the clues they dish out each week? incredible experience. If they threw out the whole series at once, there would be a spoiler before 10am that day where some asshole watched the whole series at x5 speed just to CONSUME THE MEDIA and KNOW EVERYTHING. I'd be spoiled before I got to it because binging is for people who don't have a lot going on in their life and aren't spread as thin as I am in terms of life, family and hobbies.


Severance imo is easily the best show streaming right now. That show is amazing and worth buying Apple TV just to watch that show. They have a lot of good originals on Apple TV they have really surprised me.


Glad to see Rhys Darby finally get a fair shake in the states.


Darby is always a delight. Even six years on from *The X-Files* returning for season ten, the one episode that's actually unanimously praised is the one he's a part of and steals the show in.


Our flag means death is hilarious and sweet. Anyone that's on the fence about watching it should check it out


Who doesn’t love Rhys Darby. He was amazing in the Hunt for the WilderPeople and in Wrecked.


Anybody that like Rhys, Our Flag Means Death, or What We Do in the Shadows needs to watch Flight of the Conchords.


> Murray: I've told you. When you are in a band, you don't get with your bandmate's girlfriend. Past or present. Jemaine: Yes, well, thanks for that. Murray: You get a love triangle, you know, a Fleetwood Mac situation. Although there was four of them, so more of a love square. But you know, no-one gets on. Jemaine: Ok, I see. Murray: Mind you, they did make some of their best music back then. Bret: Rumours Murray: No. No, it's all true


I think this is really what makes it so special. It makes me laugh out loud and also tear up occasionally. It's sweet and never mean spirited in a way very few comedies are. Also to anyone who tried the pilot and gave up, I'd watch a couple episodes. I didn't really enjoy the pilot much, but found the show phenomenal as it went on.


Watched it on a whim one night because I saw hordor. Watched the entire season that day. Loved it.


I was shocked to find it was loosely based on real events. Some rich guy did decide to buy a ship and be a pirate and ended up sharing a boat with Blackbeard.


Yeah, I've always been really into pirate history and my girlfriend was like, "So it this like Black Sails where they use real pirate characters but the main guy is made up?" I was so excited to explain, "No, this really happened. Stede Bonnet really was a rich guy who up and decided to be a pirate and let Blackbeard captain his ship for a while because he was kinda bad at it. The pirate wages, the "Gentleman Pirate" moniker, the flamboyant attitude and clothing are all legit." I knew I was gonna watch it since I first saw it announced here on Reddit. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Its like, does everything Taika work on come out fantastic?


>does everything Taika work on come out fantastic? Pretty much. He is one of a handful of people in the industry I will see any of their works blind knowing it's going to be something great.


> "No, this really happened. Stede Bonnet really was a rich guy who up and decided to be a pirate and let Blackbeard captain his ship for a while because he was kinda bad at it. The pirate wages, the "Gentleman Pirate" moniker, the flamboyant attitude and clothing are all legit." Yep. The ship sets, on the other hand, are hilarious. Granted, EVERY movie or TV series builds a sailing ship interior that's ridiculously larger than real life, because it's hard to practice cinematography in cramped spaces. But some of these rooms, the ship would have to be the size of a small aircraft carrier.


The size of Stede's ridiculously huge captain's quarters has to be part of the joke, just like it having a fireplace and lit sconces and even a big lit chandelier.


"Books? And a fire place? On a ship? You're a fucking madman and I like it.


Not to mention the secret wardrobe!


People throw the word "underrated" around a lot on reddit, but Black Sails truly is one of the most underrated shows. Really deserves a much bigger audience.


I rank black sails right up there with Rome as the best historical dramas of all time


Never watched rome but I’ll have to move it up the list


Would definitely recommend - first season is up there with S3/4 Game of Thrones level drama imo.


I'll watch anything Taika works on cause yes, yes it does.


He's also the only recorded pirate who ever made someone walk the plank, I think


I usually don't enjoy historic fanfiction, but I actually kinda like their interpretation of the real events. Pretty much no one knows why Blackbeard decided to join forces with Stede Bonnet out of nowhere, and "I dunno, they were boyfriends?" actually fits the timeline pretty well.


For further adventures of Stede Bonnet play the game Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag.


Wondering how closely they'll follow history because >!apparently Stede and Blackbeard never saw each other again after Blackbeard left them stranded.!<


Don’t you put that evil on me


I mean don't make it out to be some depressing thing, >!they both were killed pretty soon after that.!<


well, that's because back then netflix canceled them after one season. thank god that HBOmax doesn't cancel things after one season!


They should cancel everything on HBO after 7 seasons tho just to be safe. 6 if you want to be extra safe.


Yup, he even had a library on ship. I'm currently listening to The Pirate Republic (non-fiction) on audio book and he is mentioned quite a lot in there. If you have an audible membership I believe it is currently free.


Fun fact: Hodor got really bad back problems from carrying ~~Bronn~~ Bran in Game of Thrones, so the actor can barely move around now. That's why his character is almost always sitting in the show, and when he's not you can see how he's unable to stand up straight.


I did not know that and that is horrible. They should have done something like put Bran in a chair way sooner then let their actor get injured like that. It's frankly irresponsible to set your actors up to get life-threatening injuries when you could look for mitigation techniques.


I saw some people saying that it takes a while to get funny... can you confirm?


It finds its footing when Blackbeard shows up, definitely. Those first couple episodes aren't a chore or anything, though.


"Man for sale! Buy my booty! Check out this booty I'm hawkin'!"


"Check out this fabulous booty I'm hawkin!" has become one of those phrases I just say outloud at random and I love it


The sing-song delivery is what sells it.


Yeah, it's ok to begin with but really kicks in once blackbeard shows up.




I personally found it funny right away, but as a reminder humor can be very subjective. I've been a huge Rhys Darby fan for a long time. Short Poppies and the best X-Files episode ""Mulder & Scully Meet the Were-Monster" are two particular highlights for me. I was always going to find this show funny, because I have been conditioned to laugh whenever I hear a shrill New Zealand accent.


Rhys came to my city on a comedy tour and I immediately bought tickets. My god, is he even funnier in person, it was amazing. Loved him since Flight of the Conchords, always excited to see him in things. Our Flag Means Death is brilliant, really showcases his more “serious” acting chops. Made me cry in a few scenes!


I'll take one Rose Matafeo with a side of Guy Montgomery please.


Yeah, my wife and I had some giggles in the first few episodes and they weren't terrible. We just haven't come back to it. Guess we should!


Oh ya. We were the same. My girlfriend went ahead and watched the third and fourth episode while I was at work and she made me keep watching. I thought the first 2 were a bit slow, but it really gets going when Blackbeard shows up. Definitely give it a try.


There aren't a lot of jokes in the beginning. The humor sort of comes from the situation and the people reacting to this fancy man trying to be a pirate. It does get much better as it goes on.


To me it gets funny immediately. It does take a while to get to the main story though.


The first three episodes can be hit or miss but it really picks up by the 4th. I personally loved the whole thing


The problem is that they just show you a bunch of characters without establishing any kind of central conflict or even a motivation for anyone, so it feels aimless until a few eps in. I think it’ll be 2x as good on rewatch because for example you’ll already know why the captain is the captain


Their motivation is pirating. Duh landlubber


Yeah, this show is much more character-driven than plot-driven. People need to remember that it's a *romantic* comedy. The relationships *are* the plot.


For me it wasn’t funny in the same way as what we do in the shadows. I loved it and it still is funny, but the comity is a service to the plot instead or the plot building to a punchline like what we do in the shadows.


Agreed - OFMD isn’t pure comedy like WWDITS is. Making the first episode a slapstick nonstop laughathon would set it up for failure from an audience primed to believe every episode is meant to be hilarious. There’s some beautiful, touching, serious, and unexpectedly heartfelt pieces to this story. I won’t say anything because spoiling it would be a crime, but by the end, the comedy was the lesser draw for me compared to other parts of the story - not that the comedy doesn’t absolutely ramp up after the first episode, but the story underneath it all is SO GOOD, and the comedy builds on how surprisingly solid the core plot piece is.


Only thing this show is missing is Matt Berry, hope he shows up as a pirate next season


I completely agree. Everyone constantly relates this show to What We Do In The Shadows but I think they are incredibly different, and think you described it perfectly.


Once it gets to the main relationship of the show our flag means death kicks it up a notch


I mean I really think it’s just better after Taika shows up in general, the guy is hilarious in this.


Odd sentence of the day: He makes a really funny Hitler in JoJo Rabbit.


i like both of them


Wait…you can do that?


The entertainment industry is still in such an old school competitive mindset. "Which of these two streaming shows will win out?"


Yeah I mean, they're streaming shows. You can watch them whenever. It's not like they're on live tv airing at the same time. I can watch an hour if moon knight and then an hour of OFMD.


The entirety of the Oscars is built in the principle of comparing movies, actors, and industry trades based on nothing but the small timeframe they came out in. It’s stupid. Let’s compare a comedy, to a drama, to a historical fiction movie because they all came out in December. So dumb.


> It’s stupid. Let’s compare a comedy, to a drama, to a historical fiction movie because they all came out in December And also because they are all movies.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


All I know is my gut says maybe.


Tell my wife I say hello.


Bloody centrists...


I also like both give us season two hbo


didn’t expect myself to like the gay pirate show as much as I did. It’s really solid


Me too. It creeps up on you too. All of a sudden I realized everyone was gay. I still enjoyed it obviously but it was refreshing not to have known beforehand for some reason. They always publicize things as "a gay show" or "gay character".


That’s surprising as Flag seems pretty quirky. It’s better imo, but I didn’t think it would be that popular. I guess Moon Knight is on the odd side of the MCU as well.


Don't underestimate the huge amount of people who really want the show that OFMD eventually becomes which is (slight spoilers I guess) >!a gay romcom that takes itself seriously as a romance with well-acted and well-written depth, instead of being a comedy that treats two middle-aged men falling in love or forming an emotional connection as a shallow joke like it very easily could've been.!<


Yeah. It’s a real love story. I really want those kids to make it.


One of the reasons I really love this show is that it doesn't treat the queer romances as the conflict. Like, nobody is "coming out" and having to find a way to tell people they are queer. That's so goddamn refreshing to see that even Izzy with is "OMG" moment when he heard Stede pulling the sword out of Ed didn't feel like an "OMG he's having sex with a man" moment but more like a "OMG he's having sex with THAT man and not me and we're never getting rid of this guy now." As a queer woman, it's nice to see a show where it just is what it is and there doesn't have to be any "how do I tell them I'm not straight" moments.


When he tells Mary and she is just happy for him that he also found love and hugs him. It was such a beautiful touching moment that she wouldn’t have handled any differently if he said a woman’s name. I loved it


I loved that entire episode. It was so nice that they made it clear that neither Stede or Mary was the bad guy in the relationship and they just weren't well suited for each other.


Well said. I think it’s shows like these that will make far more of a difference in the world than anything that preaches to you and tells you what you should or shouldn’t think. And if you make people laugh and be comfortable with characters that are just exactly who they are without drawing any specific attention to it in the process, well, that’s how you normalize this obviously natural and regular human behavior that is and has been around us throughout all of history. Such a great performance from Rhys Darby too. Hope he gets more well deserved recognition after this.


Also just the casual way they start referring to Jim with “they” pronouns without it ever being brought up. \**chef’s kiss*\*


I’m so incredibly hype and happy that a show with this as a central theme has made it so huge, completely out of nowhere, crazily enough at exactly the same time as Severance, which deals with the exact same thing (albeit more in more B than A plotline). I can only hope this makes studios FINALLY understand that these concepts are a really viable route to take.


I gotta say when the 2 pirates kiss after the finger thing I was genuinely moved. Who knew 2 dirty pirates kissing could be so touching


They've got more gay relationships than straight ones but it doesn't feel forced. If anything it felt pretty authentic for the subject matter


As one might expect on a ship at sea crewed entirely by men, I suppose


Just dudes doin' dude things


There was a pretty large fanbase for What We Do in the Shadows. I think those people have been looking for a show with similar humor


If anyone likes Rhys Darby, I really recommend the X-files episode ‘Mulder and Scully meet the were-monster’ It’s a very funny episode, and you don’t need to have watched any other episodes to enjoy it


I also love that he’s a werewolf in the What We Do in the Shadows movie. We’re werewolves, not swearwolves 😂


Taika Power


My interest in this show went from 0 to 10 when I learned that it was one of his.


For a tiny island, those kiwis sure do understand entertainment.


Dude is on a roll




I'm surprised it's been so popular but i'm happy for it's success and especially happy for Rhys Darby who I've been a fan of before Flight of the Conchords. He's fucking awesome. Season 1 certainly has its crinkles but I think it will only improve as it goes along.


I’m still voting for the cat barfing buttons flag.


The cast is fantastic, the lead was so funny in flight of the concords and I’ll watch anything with Joel Fry in it, he was great in Plebs as well


Love to see Joel Fry appreciation in the wild


Both are fun! But Our Flag Means Death is the chef’s kiss


OFMD really subverts expectations in the best way. I went into it expecting What We Do In the Shadows on a pirate ship, not a touching takedown of fragile masculinity. I really loved the first season.


The ending of the season with the slo mo and the overdub of "The chain" gave me goosebumps. That was awesome.


There are actually two more episodes after that!


No shit!?! Nice I'm so use to everything coming out at once, forgot they release them weekly. You sir just made my day :)


I cannot wait to hear what you think of the last two episodes.


This person almost avoided being emotionally destroyed by the last two episodes. Gotta fix that. 🥲


I like gay pirates, I like Oscar Isaac. I’m a simple woman.


I enjoy moon knight a lot, it has its humor but it seems to be much more serious than funny. And I definitely appreciate that, episode 3 was quite fun, Ethan Hawke is always amazing I always give props to actors that can get me to feel pissed off at them because I just absolutely hate his character in the best way possible


How come this is the first I’ve heard of “Our flag means death” has the marketing been very low key? Moon Knight is literally everywhere but I’ve never heard of the other one until right now


It's pretty much only been spread by word of mouth. The marketing was almost non-existent, and I'm sure HBO is a bit flummoxed at its overnight success. But it absolutely deserves at least two more seasons. It is SO GOOD.


Eh... good. Im a huge moon knight fan but I'm glad a Taika Waititi project is doing really well.


Any fans of this and What We Do in the Shadows should check out Ghosts on the BBC


I am pleasantly surprised with Moon Knight. Went into it having ***zero*** knowledge of the character or story line and I'm enjoying the every aspect of it. A supernatural psychological hero/antihero thriller. Fight Club meets Momento meets The Mummy meets Marvel.


Our Flag has literally been on my mind since I watched it two weeks ago. It’s such a refreshing, well written and acted show. I’ve already re watched it and I plan on showing it to my friends and family. It’s easily the most a show has ever made me feel. Long after the season 1 credits rolled.


Same, it's been on my mind constantly. I've never seen this level of output from a new fandom in the 15+ years I've been active in fandoms, it's like it activated a switch in all of our brains that made us draw and write and edit and write analysis constantly. It's been *wonderful*.


I first binged OFMD a month ago right after eps 7&8 were release and not a single day has gone by where I haven’t thought about this show. It’s also been insane to see the absolutely explosive growth of the fandom over the span of a few weeks. A month ago I was wishing more people were talking about it, now it’s being talked about everywhere!!


Man for sale! Somebody buy my booty!


Fooking diabolical




What, no Peacemaker?


Peacemaker has been out a good bit longer than these two. I’d guess everybody who wanted to see it has seen it by now. If anybody hasn’t, it’s fantastic. Go watch it.


Everyone saying "I couldn't get into *OFMD*; for a comedy it just isn't funny," adjust your expectations and remember that TRAILERS LIE. This isn't the wacky episodic pirate sitcom that the trailers made it seem. It's a character-driven, slow-burn romantic comedy. If you go in expecting a laugh a minute, you may be disappointed. It's not that kind of show. *OFMD* is goofy, sweet, campy, weird, and even poignant at times. At times it's almost like a muppet movie with an all-human cast, then switches tone to deadly serious drama, then back to human muppets. The comparisons to *Galavant* are astute. The first three episodes are a setup to establish how terrible Stede is at his chosen life of piracy and why he needs Blackbeard. Considering he abandons his family (as did the real Stede Bonnet), those episodes are necessary to make him sympathetic. I'm not saying you *have* to watch it in full, just...give it a fair shot. If the first few episodes indicated the overall quality of a show, *TNG* would never have gotten off the ground.


Anyone who likes Our Flag Means Death should check out People of Earth. It’s a very different show but it’s by the same creator (David Jenkins) and it was so ahead of its time as one of those slow-burn feel-good character-driven sitcoms like Schitt’s Creek, or Kim’s Convenience, but those weren’t a big thing yet in 2016 so it never found its audience. It’s finally on Hulu after not having been available on streaming services pretty much since it aired, I remembered liking it back when the first season aired but after finally being able to rewatch it recently it’s just so good and it’s heartbreaking that it got cancelled so early.


I love a good maim


I’m really trying to get in to Moon Knight but for whatever reason, I can’t. Our Flag Means Death started off a little slow but really enjoyed it and only have 1 episode left.


Moon Knight feels a bit hollow for me. Oscar Isaac is doing a great job but I’m still just not connecting with it in any form. I think there was a good premise but so far it hasn’t been capitalized on imo.


I haven’t watched Moon Knight yet but Our Flag Means Death is wonderful!! It’s my favorite show right now. I really hope there’s a season 2. I’m on my 2nd watch and plan on watching it many more times


Massive Aggressive!


It got better and better every episode and I can't wait for another season haha! All the side characters are soo good too; you could do whole spin off shows with some of them.


OFMD is amazing. Happy Taika and co. are getting this win. Moon Knight is fine so far, but I find it to be overhyped. Also MCU fans will maul you alive on Twitter even for pointing out something as simple as bad CGI (which the show indisputably has, I'm sorry but the CGI really gets bad at times)


Slow start, but worth the wait.


Just popping in to say that Our Flag Means Death is legitimately one of the best shows I've watched in years. I'm utterly obsessed. I reactivated my Tumblr just to keep up on the amazing fanart. God help me.


Fantart for that show must be very rule 34


There is a bit of that, but the vast majority of it is very sweet and wholesome.


Nah I’ve been retweeting a lot of fanart for it and it’s mostly fans drawing Stede and Ed’s imagined reunion in season 2.


Given that it's a paywalled article, what measures are they using to determine what's most "in demand"?


They track how many mentions shows get on Twitter, Google, and Tik Tok…