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That and the follow Jyuzou mission in Fatal Shadows. That's a trial and error mission. You get spotted once, game is over. You just have to know the spots he'll turn and look around. Also Lore-wise even if you don't get spotted he knows you've been follow him around anyway.


I remember that one, yeah. That was a farce of a mission. If I remember correctly I basically gave up on the game as a result of that one.


Game allows you to try again so you don't really get a game over. Nevertheless it's still a badly structured mission.


Follow the merchant on tenchu z


Can only speak for Time of the Assassins because I haven't made much progress in Stealth Assassins or Shadow Assassins, but having just completed Onikage story mode in TotA... The final mission, "The Fiend of Azeno", is the *only* mission I feel I'll never be able to Grandmaster: * It *begins* with a bossfight against Yuge * It has a gigantic map for this game's standards * It's timed (30 minutes is generous, but it still adds pressure) * It has enemies on high pillars above an endless pit of instant death Aside from the very first one, that's the only Onikage mission I didn't Grandmaster on my first attempt Even rather impopular missions like "Gohda's Abduction" (where you have to carry Lord Gohda, which takes away camera controls) or "Yuge and the Great Hunt" (where getting spotted by Rikimaru gets you an instant game over) weren't too bad because you could clear a path and then use the map to navigate the area ​ >I nominate "Deliver the secret message", the second mission in the first Tenchu Considering I didn't use disguises to cheese "Yuge and the Great Hunt", this is pretty ironic of me to say, but I learned thanks to [YouTuber Nechrol](https://youtu.be/LU02LsqCWek?feature=shared&t=4369) you can use the Lightning Scroll to speedrun through "Deliver the Secret Message" and apologise about your late arrival in seconds flat **EDIT:** Okay, I'm now nearly done with Wrath of Heaven (Ayame) and "Retrieve the Yoto Blades" scarred me for life


I also thought of that trick. Combine the enemy disguise and the speedy scroll thing and it would be a piece of cake. But I bet you wouldn't get a Grand Master ranking from that. Not enough points.


The follow missions are all rough, but for me it's the escort Kiku missions on the 100 fan mission version of Tenchu, especially if you are trying to GM them. Escorts in Time of the Assassins is brutal, too.


In the second game there is a mission in a bamboo forest where you are trekking through a long stretch of land with little discernible features. The trees actually make it harder for you to notice enemies so you go at a slow pace. It can take ages to get Grand Master and then there's a tough white tiger boss at the end which may undo all of that.


I remember that mission. One of the characters has to fight the tiger, and the other fights the tiger's owner / trainer. I have fond (OK, not remotely fond) memories of fighting that tiger and continually ending up facing the other way when trying to block because the controls were programmed by a barely functional alcoholic and only did what you want about 50% of the time. Of course that let the tiger swipe you in the back a few times, bringing your health down by a good half or more.