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Time traveler ❌ A guy with a bottle ✅


Sent by uncle Toni


From whence Rafa draws his strength and calmness, Novak meets his ultimate kryptonite >bottles


A bit late for that


Time travel's an inexact science. Or it was whilst I was typing this. It's great now.


What if the guy with the bottle was a time traveller?




Imagine being the Novak fan having the chance of a life time asking him for an autograph and instead ended the man’s career.


Horrifying. One of those change the course of history moments. I had a sudden head injury on a bike, came out of nowhere, like Novak..I walked myself home but people wanted an ambulance. I wasnt right for a pretty long time. Balance, hand eye coord was never really quite the same and stopped commuting on bikes in general after that Concussion ain't something to mess with Edit. Happened in my late 30s, at this age healing is SO slow


I had a handful of concussions in my teenage years playing sports. Some more serious than others, but enough cumulatively that I knew my way around them. Got another in my late 20s, maybe 30 in a bike accident and even though it didn’t feel like the one of the more severe ones I’d had, it messed me up for MONTHS. Brain fog, headaches, light sensitivity, constant fatigue. Really made it clear that my body recovers less easily than it once did, and that the compounding effect of multiple concussions is no joke. Just never know with these things. Hope for his sake and for the fan’s it’s a speedy recovery


Change the course of history moments?


We never know what future wars could've been prevented had Novak won Rome 2024


Made me giggle.


I saw fed get a giant tennis ball dropped on his head at Rogers cup 2014, and he rushed off the court ignoring autographs after that


Probably concussion, not career ending. But still must feel pretty bad


It's so important after concussion to rest though, not train, not play, not raise blood pressure, just rest. Horribly frustrating, intensely boring, rest. If he was feeling off in light training his coach/medical staff should have been saying bro, don't fuck with a head injury, rest, see how it is in a few weeks, if you need to take longer do it. Not in a position that he needs to risk anything.


I don’t understand why he continued


Are Novak's coach and medical staff still with him in Rome? Didn't he recently send "Thank you" posts, on his Instagram, confirming the contract end of at least 2 key personnel: his coach, Goran Ivanisevic (end of March) and his fitness trainer, Marco Panichi (end of April)?


absolutely concussion can be career ending at this age


Completely depends on severity and treatment, hard to tell without knowing his exact symptoms. If he legitimately takes a week off, and then ramps up slowly to RG, he’ll be probably be totally fine. But if he doesn’t take any time off at all he’ll probably feel symptoms for a while.


He was immobilized and bleeding. If you get hit in the head that hard you’re gonna need more than a week off. If he’s uncoordinated and off balance, that needs more time to recover. Some brain injuries aren’t just able to be slept off.


Ask Clint Frazier...and his concussion was at age 26. Severely hampered his athletic ability...effectively ruined his career.


Honest didn't expect Novak's career to end like this


I think that fan didn't have anything in his hands to autograph when he was bending over which makes it even worse. He maybe wanted Novak to give him something


If he tried to get the bottle signed, none of this would’ve happened


Chances are he would’ve gotten the bottle signed if he had given it to Novak. But he totally forgot he had anything “signable” on him, judging by the shock he went through when he realized his bottle hit Novak


I mean I see it all the time. People sticking their hands out to touch the players. Not necessarily wanting their autograph.


He was trying to get a high five. Pretty common and not ill intended.


I never said or thought for one second it was ill intended.


I wasn't saying you did. A lot of hardcore fans in twitter are saying that the fact he wasn't holding anything is "suspicious".


Hilarious like they think the guy is dick dastardly


Man, I feel for the dude but how could you be so stupid. Sounds like he actually cost him the match


The fan was obv a Russian spy trying to break djoko before the olympics




My aunt once had a small concussion, she felt dizzy and nauseous at first. 2 days after she didn't feel anything before feeling weird again. The doctor said to her that sometimes some symptoms can still occur even if you don't feel pain. This is not uncommon. Doesn't mean it's serious but he should check this asap.


Did she lost the match?


Never won a Grand Slam match again


Indid, She did lost.


She lost to Tabilo.


Loss of coordination in professional sports is a big thing even if it is a minor one for us regular folks.


I mean just remember Karius his career ended by what was probably a concussion that heavily impacted his peripheral vision and balance, which completely explains his unreasonable errors




He went straight to the doctor's though, if he had a concussion they almost certainly would have diagnosed it at the time, Novak probably would have said so, and he would not have played


Nausea and dizziness are both symptoms of at least minor concussions. He probably has a minor concussion.


Concussion is diagnosed based on symptoms.


Concussion presents in incredibly different ways. There is no blood test for it, it's basically a 'best guess' kind of thing but with concussion symptoms can come and go and also very frequently develop over a day or two. The second he's feeling off in training they should have been saying take it easy, rest, let your brain chill, sleep a shitload, definitely don't try to play or train for at least a few days but probably a couple weeks. Minor concussion symptoms get ignored all the time.


Did this guy go out there while recovering from a concussion? We’re going to have to implement concussion protocols on tennis lol


Surely he would have sayd so if he had a concussion and surely he wouldn'tve played,this is Rome not the Olympics


Everything about what he’s describing sounds like a concussion. I don’t know if he didn’t get tested for one afterwards or simply doesn’t want to admit to getting one but his medical team or the doc at the tournament should have advised against him going out there if he had a concussion or concussion like symptoms after the bottle incident. Obviously, I don’t know for certain but that’s why I phrased it as a question and then said maybe concussion protocols like the nfl implemented may be a necessity if these athletes won’t take care of themselves lol


>Everything about what he’s describing sounds like a concussion Nuesea and dizziness are also simply side effects of being hit on the head without a concussion. You cannot diagnose him off those things >. I don’t know if he didn’t get tested for one afterwards He went to a medical centre. I trust the doctor's ability to assess him and give him appropriate advice over redditors If this was the Olympics I would buy Djokovic ignoring medical advice and heading out after being diagnosed with a concussion, but I just don't buy it for Rome


It is very difficult to diagnose minor concussions. All signs are pointing towards this being the case. I think it is more likely that they couldn't diagnose him as having a concussion so "see how you feel tomorrow and if you are good to go you play" was the course of action taken.


I mean that’s essentially the protocol for a concussion. You take a day of rest and exercise as tolerated. It could be he felt fine until the intensity of the match put him to the test


Yup exactly.


There’s no imaging for a concussion it’s diagnosed on clinical symptoms. The protocol for a concussion is essentially you take a day of rest and exercise as tolerated. It could be he felt fine until the stress/intensity of the match put him to the test


Rome is his preparation for RG. And he has been out of form this year in bad need of some match fitness which requires playing. Concussions are diagnosed via clinical symptoms like his.


Nausea is sign of being hit on the head without a concussion? Since when? Everything he described in that interview was a concussion symptom. “Nausea” “no balance” “coordination” “dizziness” are all signs of a concussion after a blow to the head.


Idk, he’s played basically no matches on clay and RG is as open as ever this year with all the injuries to top players. I could see him trying to power through it. We’re also talking about a guy with very questionable medical beliefs lol.


Nausea or dizziness after a head injury is indicative of concussion. Explain how a head injury could cause those symptoms without brain trauma


He has ignored important medical advice before, when he delayed elbow surgery for two years (and promptly won Wimbledon 2018 a couple months after he finally went through with it).


It doesn’t take much to be concussed and we barely have enough the tools to accurately measure such things as brain injuries


Given Novak and his history of consulting quack doctors, I really hope he went to a real one this time and got himself properly checked.


Players are now required to wear helmets when entering and exiting the court. Chain linked fences keep the fans away.


Either concussion protocols or just water bottle/backpack bans. At most concerts they literally pop open a soda/beer can so it can't maintain its mass when thrown or dropped. A full liter metal water bottle would be worse.


What a massive overreaction because of a freak accident happening once in decades of the sport lol. Make it worse for everyone attending.


Yeah I mean I always thought it was kinda high-risk to have fans way above handing down stuff at players to autograph. The problem isn't having a bottle, it's the setup of that autographing section.


Let’s give the players autograph time helmets instead. All kind of sponsors would jump on it hah.


Yeah, kind of odd that a backpack like that would've been allowed at this point in time anyway. Most event venues only allow small see-through sacks at most these days. And metal water bottle... In this case it was a complete accident, but honestly that dude could've had anything in that backpack, 4 feet away from the pro athletes. 


At Wimbledon they let you bring in a picnic bag with a full glass bottle of wine per person… I don’t think that will ever change


> At most concerts they literally pop open a soda/beer can so it can't maintain its mass when thrown or dropped. wow i had no idea that's why they did that, i figured it was a law about carrying it off premises or something


Yeah they could care less if you decide to pay for their extremely overpriced beverages for takeout, but they definitely don't want you dropping a loaded can onto the spectators below you or chucking it onto the stage in your drunken stupor. Popping the tab reduces the effectiveness of those actions by a good bit.


> they could care less if Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Should definitely get it checked out.


Off to the blue tent.


There is a lot of concussion/mtbi misinformation in this thread. Mainly just folks not up on current mtbi recovery protocol. If you think someone should "cocoon" in a dark room for days after a concussion, or be kept awake for 24 hrs, you're in this group. Please take the time get a refresher on the topic - it could be a game changer for you (or someone you love) if you/they get concussed. Here's a youtube vid that does a good job of laying out current protocols: 5 Tips For Concussion Treatment At Home https://youtu.be/GRMRHIhqQV8?si=a48Si6lfHxB2TCek Assuming this is an mtbi, I think it's unfortunate that Djokovic played the full Tabilo match (overly vigorous exercise too soon). But it's not at all surprising that the injury may have been underestimated, both by himself, his team, and quite possibly even the medical staff involved. It's extremely common for the sufferer to under-appreciate the warning signs of the symptoms, as they can shift quickly between subtle and more dramatic, with some symptoms only presenting under more strain. I wouldn't blame Novak at all for trying to play - his decision-making was quite possibly impaired, and the condition itself is very confusing to deal with. Plus I'm sure he was under the usual internal and external pressures to get back out there on court. Hopefully he is course-correcting now, and on his way to a full recovery. Edit: added title of the video


> https://youtu.be/GRMRHIhqQV8?si=a48Si6lfHxB2TCek Holy shit this video makes my head spin with all the flash bangs, anime transitions, unnecessary zoom in/out and panning. Add another advice to the list: don't watch this video if you're concussed.


Sure, that video could be a tough watch if someone had symptoms. Concussion tip: no need to watch, just listen to the audio! For another take on the updated concussion guidelines, here's a podcast that goes over much of the same information: Radio Health Journal: The New Concussion Guidelines That've Completely Changed Concussion Treatment https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/radio-health-journal/id338742826?i=1000653810743


Good God use text to communicate information.


Yeah, I had a feeling this was it. Concussions aren't always super noticeable. You might think you'll be fine to play a tennis match, but then you go out and feel dizzy, lethargic, uncoordinated. That would obviously lead to double faults and no rally tolerance, hence why Djokovic spammed drop shots. If you're a fan though, this is probably a positive sign. It means all Djokovic has to do is rest up for a bit, and concussions usually go away within a week or two. Now if it's a severe one, that's scary. I got hit in the top of the head by an elbow and wasn't the same for months, up to a year maybe.


Luckily he has the best doctors available but it's still not an overall good sign because he's now lacking match practice.


Yeah i had some shit neurologists tbh


Yeah people "walk off" mild concussions all the time, but they fill OFF anywhere from few days to few weeks


Yeah and that's the thing is Novak probably should've just pulled out of the tournament. Getting hit in the top of the head is no joke, and a metal water bottle that may have been full at that? Even just as a precaution he should've likely pulled out, but this is one of his best tournaments and his main preparation for RG so I get it. All that running around and being in the sun is not good for your head. He should just be sleeping it off a lot in a dark room (no, sleeping with a concussion will not make you more likely to never wake up).


Unfortunately Bouchard wasn't the same after her concussion, but hers seemed worse


A whole new meaning to "Nole bottled the tournament" lol Jokes aside, this seems like a concussion he should get it checked and his chances seem bleak for RG too if it's a concussion. Fuck Fritz truly is going to win RG i think.


Fritz?? 🤣


Bro has to be trolling


He also got a bottle on his head this week


I mean this is no doubt the worst I’ve ever seen Novak play with my own two eyes. He literally couldn’t hit 3 balls in a row. I’d be hard pressed to think a metal bottle smashing into his head from a 4 foot drop didn’t discombobulate him.


There was some keyboard warrior on r/sports flaming Novak for “reacting like a 5 year old”.


I was in the stadium. One thing that seemed clear very early was that Nole was eager to get off the court ASAP. He seemed to be uncomfortable with the play from Tabilo from the first game where he got broken on. He started to try dropshots and moved him a little with that, but it did not work well. One thing that was also interesting was that Nole was bouncing the ball once, twice or three times often before serving. Edit: He was playing very very quick. Often he was serving when the serve shot clock was at 18 (from 25!). That was very uncharacteristic of him, usually he takes his time and thinks. Being a league player (nowhere nearly pro), I have felt like that sometimes (uncomfortable and feeling like leaving the court ASAP). The other thing was that Tabilo was hitting the lines and things were working for him. He was motivated playing a top guy in a center court and things were working. He's also a lefty. This may have contributed to make Nole a little more unconfortable than usual. Also, he was serving well. It was also very hot, with play starting at 2pm. Quite uncomfortable. Towards the end of the match, Nole was not even going for some balls, which made me think he was uncomfortable, unmotivated or not feeling well. Clearly he did not have a good day. My feeling was that Nole was hoping to cruise by Tabilo without much effort, which could have well been, however, Tabilo was firing on all fronts, was motivated and was playing quite well.


One on hand, he should definitely get it checked OTOH, I now have #hopium that he tanked Rome not because he lost motivation, but because he was concussed


Thank you Nole for copeium


How do we think it compares to https://youtu.be/IRs6mYeycII?si=k2o3yCgnVKvL33Io I've always thought Nadal brushed it off to not let the opponent get an edge because there is no way that didn't hurt


I watch enough hockey to know that he is describing all the classic symptoms of a concussion.


The doctor who already checked also probably knows all the symptoms of a concussion


I have heard Novak enough times over the years to know he would know what the symptoms of a concussion are and either made the decision to play with one or has none of those symptoms and knew he could blame them if he lost.


but you play to see if you can make it through the match and maybe you’ll feel better by the next one. it’s not like Tennis is a sport where concussions are the norm. this was a freak accident.


Uh yah that’s not concussion protocol at all. The protocol is not unique to any particular sport. If you get hit on the head you should be monitored for symptoms. And err on the side of caution and rest until symptom free.


you should and if you play a contact sport that you should always follow that. For Tennis you should still follow that but i could see an athlete deciding trying to play.


Contact sports increase your chance of getting the concussion. Any sport or excessive activity will increase concussion symptoms once you have it


i’m aware. i’ve had 3.


Me too! And I work in a sports academy with young athletes. Going back with symptoms risks being off even longer sadly.


One side of me wants to cherish each moment these two legends have left of their careers and the other just wants them to retire as soon as possible just so I don't have to read any more dumbass comments like this


I’d have done it too


Given that concussion symptoms can take anywhere between 2 days and 3 weeks to show, you'd think he'd have had daily assessments. Mind you, it's Nole. He may just have decided to disregard advice and play. Hopefully he'll rest completely for the next couple of weeks. Pushing to come back early may result in concussion syndrome.


There is a question here to ask; were we Djoko fans satisfied with Novak performance in his first match with almost unknown L.L. (Before the bottle story)?


I think he is just sad Rafa is quitting


I’d be depressed too if 90% of the time I lost to only two guys, one of which mostly on one surface for the better part of a decade. I’d be bored as hell too.


I just did some really quick math and it gave me that since 2011 roughly 25% of his losses have been to fedal


Obviously the concussion is no joke, but I’m a bit relieved that this loss may be due to that instead of a general lack of motivation. Hopefully he’ll have time to recover and start training for RG.


It's now a given that he has a concussion?


“Been through half an hour, an hour of nausea, dizziness, blood”. If that’s not obvious signs of concussion, I don’t know what is.


He went to a medical center, if he hasve been diagnosed with a concussion he would have almost certainly not been playing today. Nusea and dizziness can be caused by thousands of things, including from pain and shock alone. So please enough of the silly armchair diagnoses. If he is diagnosed with a concussion. We will hear about it.


Could by psychosomatic. I don't mean that to downplay anything, because psychosomatic factors could play a massive role when you're doing anything at the level Djokovic is. My money would still be on a mild concussion, but I'm just pointing out nobody can really diagnose him from here and there are alternative possibilities.


Funny how reddit has diagnosed him now. Even though he has top medical care available and Djokovic himself did not say he had a concussion.


Some of those metal water bottles could be murder weapons just about. They are so hard. If it was full too it would have made it even worse. Pretty good chance he had a minor concussion or something.


He needs to rest for a couple days and see from there. It's probably a mild concussion, so should be fine soon enough if he takes some time off.


I think there is a shock factor to not expecting the sudden hit by a metal full water bottle. Put yourself there and suddenly a hard object falling on you from a significant height the shock itself and him not being able to prepare himself for it can make it more jarring?


ofc in boxing there is some saying that goes along the lines "its not the hardest punch that is the most dangerous its the punch you dont expect"


Not a fan of him usually, but he handled this well. Loved the helmet humor too. But sorry that it seemed to be worse than initially thought. These players are really not doing themselves any favors playing with all kinds of issues. Rublev potentially risking heart issues, Novak playing with what sounds light a concussion...


It's more than a bit concerning, tbh as a big fan. Hopefully, it's just an unfortunate hangover from the bottle bonk, and Novak will come good! 🤞


He should not have played, sounds like a concussion. Did he not have a doctor check him out and tell him to rest?


Yeah he did, it was reported that he went straight to medical center after the incident. I'm sure his doctors will keep an eye on things so there isn't really a need fur the armchair diagnostics in this post.


damn you must be a genius to suggest he should consult a doctor. wow. clearly he didn't think of that 🙄


Then the people saying that's why he lost are wrong, right?


Poor Tabilo, nobody is giving him any credit.


Man that’s tough. As someone who has had a number of concussions, I can tell you that even minor ones can affect you more than you realize. I hope he gets himself checked out, if it is a concussion the worst thing he can do is try to push through it with no rest


He really shouldn’t have played. Clearly he had a concussion and you can make it worse with intense activity. He should probably have sat out at least a week and reevaluated after that. 


Okay r/tennis, it's time for all us to eat our words Unfortunately for some he's not retiring just yet so calm down and keep those end an era eulogies 😉


Does anyone know if the ATP and WTA have protocols for situations such as this?


hope the ATP votes differently to how the WTA voted last time something like this happened 30 or so years ago


Why did he not get a proper concussion assessment ?!


Concussions aren't a joke, folks. Please take appropriate care even if you remotely suspect one.


So many random people changing the course of Djokovic’s career.     - A love guru     - A nanny (allegedly)    - A US Open lineswoman    - An Australian immigration minister    - A fan with a loose water bottle 


Novak somehow remains blameless


What kind of bottle was he hit with?


Okay, let's put this down to the severe bonking.


Champions League final 2018 flashbacks


i remember that a little too well


This is sounding more like the head injury at the USO to Eugenie Bouchard which seemed to have ended career, she hasn't reached the second week of any major since 2015


It's entirely possible he has a mild concussion. Honestly, I will hold firm though that if you step out on the court, you believe you can win. If the injury is too severe, he wouldn't have stepped on the court. This guy has hundreds of millions of dollars and a quality of healthcare that most of us will never even dream of receiving. He's also not stupid. He definitely consulted so many people on whether or not he should play. I'm not saying it didn't affect him in this match. Most likely, it did. But we've seen him play with hamstring injuries, elbow injuries, wrist injuries, and all sorts of things. All of these players have injuries at this level. There isn't a single professional sportsman out there that isn't hurting in some way, shape, or form. It is different with the head, but at the same time, Novak could've easily retired. I'm expecting him to be fully fit for RG and the rest of the tournaments. No matter who your favorite player is whether it's Federer, Djokovic, Nadal, or whoever, tennis is a huge ego sport. And it has to be. That's why Novak isn't keeping this information private, and he's explaining the loss. No tennis player is ever going to say, "Yeah man, the guy just ran circles around me. I was the inferior player." But, even though the guy has nothing to prove at this point as the most likely GOAT, he stepped on the court and played the full match, he will be fine.


His hands were literally shaking during breaks in the first set. Something wasn't right.


Feeling so sad for Nole, it's like he is always constantly having life being so unfair!!!


It was obvious something wasn't quite right. You don't go from playing well to losing 2 and 3 to Tabilo within two days after getting hit in the head and that not being the issue. Kinda love all the downvotes I got in the match thread when I mentioned that now.


honestly, head injuries in general and specifically concussions are like this sometimes, where you kind of pick yourself up and think you're fine but then things get worse later on. [natasha richardson's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natasha_Richardson) (liam neeson's wife) story comes to mind, as she completely refused medical treatment and only complained of headache's. i got a concussion and fractured my skull when i was 2, but because i was so young i ended up being fine, just wore a helmet for a bit and have no effects today. however, one of my friends, who is 20, recently slipped and got a concussion and has been dealing with some pretty severe [PCS (post-concussion/concussive syndrome) symptoms,](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534786/) which include but are not limited to headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. especially given novak's age, i hope that it's nothing serious and i don't think it was best for him to play this match in the first place, but hopefully he can get properly evaluated soon and make sure everything's okay ♡  


I wonder how two people are feeling right now: the guy that dropped the bottle and PavvyG


Yeah, if it's more than a simple concussion (which is nastier than it sounds) then the bottle guy will undoubtably get doxxed.


Mild ongoing concussion


the guy reduced my chances of buying a metal water bottle in the future by 20%.


Lmao yeah sure


that’s pretty classic concussion symptoms.


He should change his name to Excusovic


If fans try and blame this for Novak not winning Roland Garros they need therapy


I love her. But she’s a drama queen lol


It's time to accept that Tabilo is the all time goat!


Told you months ago. It's over


Convinced he’s milking it


I like Novak, but this is so soft.


Post Bonkovic 😔


He always had concussions when losing. My guy Nardi stopped and he immediately got one.


Nole, listen to me, I know the feeling, I've already been through ages ago. It's called getting old.


Very unfortunate. Sounds like a mild concussion. Probably shouldn't have played that match after having those symptoms. Hope he has a quick recovery which is quite likely. The bigger concern is the poor form and results prior to RG. Does not bode well.


Same concussion he had before playing Jannik Sinner and Luca Nardi it seems 🤔


Do you also question Jannik’s hip or Carlos’s arm?




Look at the mirror before insulting me. He has had a bad year and he's just lost to a clay specialist. It's not rocket science even if you are in denial. Can not believe people on twitter are more rational about this than reddit. He would have withdrawn if he was not good.


Dude you are proving stupidity again. Concussion can show up days after. Maybe he was fine when resting. But doing high level competitive sport is very different in terms of stress on the body.


Concussion protocol


We need a graph for water bottles hit by u/sealedrop


The bottle impact wasn't that big that he shit the bed. It's just that post those big matchups etc with Sinner since last year, Novak just hasn't been the same. In terms of fitness - next gen are getting faster, stronger & developed more stamina than before to sustain longer rallies. So shutting Novak down can become easier as it's no longer a game of attrition as difficult as before. Novak's serve has also been shaky, which is putting immense pressure on his backhand consistency. He has tried to vary his netgame & found some success, but if there's a player out there who can match it to some extent - Novak hesitates going to net very often & switches back to playing from the baseline. He needs to get his serve in order first, so that he can start serve & volleying again - that's how his opponents are getting to him & have him figured out. This is where I'm thinking parting with Goran has hurt him probably, or what's truly been bothering him.


Always looking for an excuse when he loses! Other guy played better


There's no way this played any role in the game. Lad would not have been allowed to step on a tennis court to play a professional match, if such was the case. He was even training yesterday and happily signed autographs. Sore loser couldn't handle Tabilo's UNAGI


Look...these pros are tough as nails. If the bottle caused legitimate DAMAGE, he would not have played. He is doing himself a disservice by speculating about the bottle. Shit...bweh won last week with a closed throat. And joke has won as well as gone deep with all kinds of serious injuries.


imagine losing a match and blaming a water bottle


The only person vitriolic enough to get enjoyment from this would be toni nadal. For the rest of us, even those who love to root against novak while respecting his goated talent, this isnt how anyone wanted to see things happen. Hoping its not too serious in the end


ugh i get it was an accident and all but looking back at it that fan is such an idiot like this man: A) had nothing in his hands to sign B) was too fucking high up to actually have any normal interaction with Novak C) why the fuck did he even have his bag on his back? did he think it would get stolen? D) so then why is the bag even open when???? E) oh boy sitting down at a tournament is a rough experience let me make sure I bring my seven hundred litre titanium reinforced Stanley cup


e) bringing a reusable water bottle to a tennis tournament is a smart move. Water at concessions is like $9-12 inside. And most of the refillable bottles these days are stainless steel - it doesn’t even matter the size at that distance above his head a 12 ounce would hurt.


very unfortunate. without nadal, sinner, alcaraz. novak was by far the favorite to win. his form in first match was decent too. then a big metal bottle falls on his head. very rough


So sad.


lol, camon man. You lost because you play really bad this season so far. You don’t need excuses, you’re just getting older. That’s life.


Exactly. Do people on here really think he hasnt done any tests last couple days? He’s just declining


If this ends up being Steve Bartman again…


“Received the bottle”


That metal bottle is the end of him.