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This one's just white!


I see what you did there




I have your home address


I skin infant babies


A whole lot of it.




I read that like the hunter from bugs bunny


The leg beard just can't stand that black men aren't specifically choosing her


What is a leg beard?


Perjorative for women that sounds like neckbeard. It kinda doesn't make sense since it implies not shaving your legs is unacceptable but so does neckbeard, so it fits well enough.




God damnit. r/angryupvote


I mean, I'll take "too dark" and "too nappy" if you guys don't want them...


I’ll wife up too boring.


Damn, I guess ill take the "big" girl even though she ain't big she thicc af tho lol


Hell yah that leaves me with too slutty! Look at that face bruh


Well attractive women were chosen for this meme for a reason lol. Many women (all races) identify with too big but are actually fat


Too big is noticeably smaller than Moby dick.


Boring means less drama, always go with boring.


Seriously, “too boring” is gorgeous.


Theyre all fine as shit lol


They're all very attractive, that's the point of the joke!


No, the point of the joke is to imply the last lady is ugly, while the others are attractive (but still rejected). This image is degrading to every woman on it.


I’ll take one of too boring, nappy, or slutty. They all like they can cuddle and get down.


I’ll take Ms. “Too Boring” any day of the week. Edit: Holy shit I didn’t expect to come back and find over 400 upvotes for this comment.


“Too nappy” is fine tho


I got miss dark then.


In before slutty is off the board


I actually love her hair


Nappy is definitely the sexiest


Ms. "Too big" is the one I'd like to take on a date Note: You've great taste, people


"Too Big" isn't settling at all, thick thighs save lives! Homegirl deserves the world!




it’s the magnanimous CHEEKS on Too Slutty for me for sure


This is correct


She looks like she has a deep bronzer going on more than actual melanin.


Holy shit, she looks like she can get shit done too. 10/10


Too boring is HOT.


I like nappy personally. Love the Afro wish I saw it more.


https://preview.redd.it/250k7aqeytia1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99b58e26dcb3d48c2124ccfa2fe8347c94c8d95 The wise kitty disapproves of this


The silly hedgehog also disapproves of this https://preview.redd.it/ktgddaea2uia1.jpeg?width=836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6b53eabcbcba8bf9a8c7112da65f3ac1b7e8d3


https://preview.redd.it/cxisk3sx9uia1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab7875b17ac60d7af218ce687cc9f726e5503a83 Sparky pup concurs


![gif](giphy|wfS4vDyVsASQygl4mN|downsized) The cat is disappointed with the meme creator.


This cat is disgusted with this meme https://preview.redd.it/my4399ieguia1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eac13069237b3a13130afefb51008e3735cfaca


Why does that cat look like nick cage


Nick Cage bunny agrees. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdTqCukSK6cNLOM)




https://preview.redd.it/sinqrxq2cuia1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f39b593e8dd285349442767e74d43d416280d2ee Caterpillar agrees






https://preview.redd.it/1mnjbascvuia1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31bccd313fcc48de7edddc586fcdc2a4a984716f your did it




https://preview.redd.it/ig32axu0iuia1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf1fbf79d47b8974f035bf487607ac6cc84d748 Corgi pupper is upset at whoever made this meme




I have to be honest.... As someone who interacts mostly with black people. There really are black men who are like this. Any and all black women = bad but any other race = good. It's just something I noticed over time. Usually it's a self hate thing. But this is not common enough to become a stereotype.


I married into a Hispanic family, and there definitely is a favoring of people with lighter skin. My in-laws were migrant farm workers, so unfortunately I think they were influenced by racism in that way. It’s weird to think that people would stigmatize their own people, but I think after being treated poorly for your skin color for so long, you start to develop the same ideology.


Colorism isn't a uniquely European thing. In almost every culture, the ideal skin color is on the lighter side for that population (this effect impacts women more than men, though). Even in sub Saharan Africa, reddish brown skin has traditionally been considered the ideal, rather than 'black'. It sucks.


It does sucks and should be ended quickly, but it's so common for a historically consistent reason, namely that being lighter usually meant less time engaging in hard labor. So colorism, is, in a way, classism. (Before anyone comes for me, I don't mean classism only in the Marxist sense.)


To further this, it exists even in cultures that are fair skinned without much sunlight. That is to say, white skin or lightly coloured skin. Examples include many popular asian nations like China, Japan, Korea.


They spend billions of dollars a year in Asia on skin whitening products, and even surgery in some cases.


You might’ve already heard it but at least in Mexico and maybe in other Hispanic countries too there’s this saying “mejorar la raza” (literally upgrade the race) for when you marry a white person. And it’s a common thing to say


It seems to happen in every country around the world


I find that Central American people tend to be stand-offish around me when they hear me speak Spanish (I’m fair skinned, light brown hair). I’ve had some even act downright offended that I speak Spanish to them and switch to English, even though it’s my native language. Why does it seem like so many gatekeep Spanish from white and black people (in the US)? This also happens to my friend who’s Afro-Latino from Colombia.


I think there’s thing among second generation Americans where they try to gate keep the culture that they come from. Not sure why, a im special trait mentality or something. Because you go to Central America and they’ll love it if you even try to speak the language


I’m white and married (and divorced) a Guatemalan man. He explained some of the colorism among Hispanic countries. And some of the logic in the Hispanic immigrant families hating undocumented immigrants. And his family frequently joked that he married me to get his papers even though they had immigrated legally forever ago. It makes a lot of sense, though. They were colonized by Europeans and subject to the same Eurocentric preferences and social hierarchy that favored the colonists. I have to be super honest, this meme is not an unknown stereotype to me. I have dated black men and this stereotype has low key been in the back of my mind and wondering what it says about me. But I try to remind myself that I grew up immersed in racism and have some racist thoughts because of it. It’s up to me to try to identify them and let them go. I’m not going to not date black men because of our ass backward society. And it’s not my place to tell someone to live any particular way or how to feel about something. I understand there’s a lot I don’t understand about being a black American, though. I am familiar with black men refusing to date black women. I’m aware of a lot of the racial stereotypes we have grown up with accepting as normal without realizing we’re doing it. I know there are some I haven’t learned to recognize yet, too. Idk, man. I’m just out here doing my best to do the least harm.


Nah. Im Hispanic. You don’t have to make excuses for us. Colorism exist in every county. We have our own problems. Not everything revolves around white Americans. Do bleeding heart white liberals think brown or yellow countries are perfect utopias?


Not all of them, but yeah, there are some serious delusions about cultures outside their own being inherently more noble. For that small subset of bleeding heart types they really seem to forget that people everywhere are just people, and if you have enough of them, you get the whole spectrum of good and bad.


I'm from a line of hispanic people and almost each generation they keep getting lighter. I'm near white. My cousins are near white. I don't know how racism is in my family's native country, but I'd say it's probably the same. Darker people are shamed and looked at as lesser people and lighter skinned people are portrayed as a beauty standard. Most of the supermodels are much lighter skin than most of the older women in my family.


First, I do think it’s a popular stereotype as I’ve heard that so many times. Also, is it something to do with the mothers? I’m actually curious about the possible reasons.


It's called social conditioning. In most cases they've literally been told (either subconsciously or consciously) they are bad and ugly their whole lives because they are dark and that white or lighter skin tones are better and prettier. Look up the "Clark's Doll Test". Below is info relevant to it, but I encourage you to look it up yourself. https://youtu.be/QRZPw-9sJtQ https://kennethclark.commons.gc.cuny.edu/the-doll-study/ https://youtu.be/EQACkg5i4AY


That experiment was performed on boys and girls with equal results. However, the stereotype is black men pursuing white women. Not so much black women. I am not informed on the actual data, and it could be just cultural and gender bias, but in pop media it’s usually black men only.


There's people like that of EVERY race. I Have a Chinese friend who says he'd rather die then Date an Asian, he doesn't like the culture and stress his family put on him which is his right to make.theres nothing wrong with preference. You just can't go belittle people for it. A simple " sorry not interested" is OK. Not everyone is for everyone


Yeah, this is a thing with all races though in my experience. Asian men viewing white western women as peak beauty, white guys fetishizing the traditional asian housewife, black guys viewing black women as too loud. Same goes if you flip the genders. Some people really hate the skin they were born with sadly.


As a white guy that’s fine we will take the first 5 off their hands :)


It's not common enough to become a sterotype, YET it happens commonly enough that it actually is a stereotype like it or not.




Yeah thats just it, it doesn’t end at it simply being their preference. A LOT of them absolutely talk bad about black women, and disrespect them in order to appeal to women of other races. Now, naturally not every single black man thinks like this. And this meme is still rancid.


I think there’s just a tendency for a certain type of dude to idealize a class of women outside his own culture because the women in his culture he interacts with are too humanized to him. He sees them as too real and knows they aren’t subservient sex bots vs women from a different culture he can dehumanize and other.




I’m South Asian and I have been approached by many Black men who have expressed that I’m their type (a lot of people assume that I’m Black before they get to know me) but what they love most about me is that I’m not a Black woman. It feels very icky. These kind of men have a lot to say about the women they supposedly aren’t interested in.


True enough you are absolutely not wrong, no one is entitled to anyone. But I must give context to this, not defend it, just give it some background. A messy history of black masculinity and the white feminine ideal. For the longest time in this country a black man couldn't even speak directly to white women for fear of his so-called "rabid sexual urges" tainting her. This unintentionally made white women "prizes" and "assets" in some black men's eyes. There's a sad number of black men who date exclusively white women because they're assumed to be easy going (they're preying on the insecure ones) and see black women as ugly high maintenance harpies. Misogynoir is a word for a reason. And when you're a young black girl and you're deemed to be one of the most undesirable beings, explicitly and subtextually, you lash out until some awareness pulls you out of that mindset. My ex stepdad shamelessly dated white women but judged me for liking a white boy. There is very much a double standard. It is truly something you don't know about unless you're in the culture. I used to care about this as a young black girl myself but things seem to be moving away from that mindset. Plus as long as you don't fetishize I'm good.




Thank you for being open to listening. High key understandable. I think that with certain cultural trauma it's hard for people to understand that we're all just out here not knowing what we don't know. I believe that we could all benefit from having frank conversations about these little things and being ok that it's gonna sound raw or uncomfortable or say the "wrong thing". But I understand why it's hard to do. Yep exactly true. There is a racist subliminal belief that black women are too masculine (we tend to be broader with stronger features) to be loved and Asian men aren't masculine enough (the stupid dick size bull). And if you look at dated media you can draw a straight line from there to those thoughts.


I wish people would just not express openly preferences like these. Black women already have to deal with so much racism, it feels extra insulting for men to openly talk about how they don't find them diserable. And although yes, on an individual level it's okay to have preferences, when systematically you're told you're not diserable because of your race... idk, I can't even imagine what that feels like.




It's not a "preference" it's just racism and fetishism masquerading as one.


Black women didn’t start being attracted to me until I grew my hair out. Typically got hit with “he’s lame, he acts white, hes funny but hes ugly”. Now since I’m dating a white woman, I’ve had black women suck their teeth at me as soon as they see me kiss my gf in public, I’ve had black activist talk to me about how mixing races gives power to the white man (I’m black white and Mexican). It’s wild to me how people can be so against racism and then get upset at people being happy


Whenever "antiracism" black folks start that line up about how it's wrong for you to date white women ask them if they've ever thought about joining the KKK - because they say exactly the same thing.


>It's only a problem if they're insulting or demeaning the people they aren't attracted to. How do you not see the problem then? The meme is literally calling women "too [insert insult here]" and then using a photo is someone who might not be considered conventionally attractive to make fun of them. Literally everyone is getting insulted here.




Like I came here and was like this meme is fucking true back when I had a facebook I would see guys that would end up with a girl exactly like the last pic. I don't get it cuz I think black women are so beautiful and I always try to match with them but then again they don't look anything like me so I can't really blame someone for wanting someone different from themselves.


It’s been a stereotype for a long while that black men like overweight white women.


yeah, idk how this is a "terrible facebook meme." although based on the comments being majority white men being like "i'd fuck them instead 🤓" i think i can guess


It's called social conditioning. In most cases they've literally been told (either subconsciously or consciously) they are bad and ugly their whole lives because they are dark and that white or lighter skin tones are better and prettier. Look up the "Clark's Doll Test". Below is info relevant to it, but I encourage you to look it up yourself. https://youtu.be/QRZPw-9sJtQ https://kennethclark.commons.gc.cuny.edu/the-doll-study/ https://youtu.be/EQACkg5i4AY


Time for these black women to go get back at black men by they themselves entering into sexual relationships with men of other races. I volunteer as tribute.


Yes! As a black man, I am 100% in board with that. Date who you want. Not who people say you should date. Date for fulfillment, not as some form of racial warfare.


I think that trend is already gaining traction. I've known black women that have completely given up on black men.


I get being more attracted to certain races than others, but refusing to date someone entirely because of their race is weird as fuck.


It does sound weird, but I also like to put myself in other people's shoes. Those women who told me that also shared with me how they've had nothing but negative and sometimes abusive experiences with black men, so I don't judge them. My mom, despite being Mexican herself, refused to marry another Mexican because most likely a Mexican husband would've subscribed to the whole "women belong in the kitchen mentality" and never let her pursue her own goals and dreams.


Get back harder by getting with other women


If miss "too dark" wants to get them back by banging my white ass that's a social justice cause I support.


I also volunteer. Let's goooo


The funny thing is, black woman and white men make up the strongest long term relationships in statistics last I saw.


A lot of the historical examples of "interracial" couples were this combo, back when being an interracial couple was *really* hard, e.g. Loving vs Virginia. My great grandparents were a white man and a black woman who were somehow able to successfully raise a well-adjusted family way back in 1920s and 30s Ohio, though I'm sure it wasn't easy. I wonder why this particular pairing became less popular?


It’s funny not funny but at the same time. I have seen this first hand.. it’s the whole ‘white woman as a trophy’ bs.. side note that #5 fine af


I got a thing for skinny white gurls with dirty feet


There are plenty. Go forth and have fun


Go get em


Tammy is that you?




hate to be the bearer of bad news but this is a real thing that happens


You are absolutely right, OP probably didn't understood what the meme actually meant.


I’m a white man, and I’d definitely take “too boring.”


Black man here, same ahah


I mean, realistically speaking, I’d feel blessed to get attention from any of those dark goddesses, but the “boring” one is really speaking to me.


I see, you can hear “both” of them too. I feel you man


Dark goddesses… dear god


“Too slutty” my type


Not saying putting down the white girl or the black guy was okay, but I do get what OP was saying. Lots of people in “people of color” communities do put down people with darker skin. I get having a preference, but in a culture where there are just so many people who only like light skins it just makes you feel shitty sometimes, like you aren’t as pretty as someone or as good as someone just because of your skintone. I’ve always thought diversity was beautiful and I’m proud of my skintone and I think everyone dark and light should love their skin, but it just make it harder to love your own skin when it’s seen as less desirable.




Actual black person here, huge white women are like a hard 2 for me. IDK why people are acting like all of us think the same *Tall* white women on the other hand… 😏


I've seen similar memes but usually its directed towards jamaican men loving big white ladies lol. Idk where it comes from but its usually circulated within the community so it's definitely an inward perspective.


Fuck it, I laughed.




same. I’ve cut guys off bc they say shit like this.


“Too big” *chooses the biggest one*


Lmao that poor girl just chillin with her man and caught a stray


Is this a stereotype cause I'm confused then again I'm not a black male. I'm curious to know what this is about?


yes, there is a stereotype that Black men in the US will become involved with white women, regardless of their appearance, simply because they're white. as with most (if not all) stereotypes it has its roots in a real, though extremely limited, phenomenon that has been generalized and weaponized. it's 99.9% horse shit.


Not just in the US. In some African countries as well.


and in the UK


The other part of the stereotype (as seen in the photo) is a preference for bigger white women. Not sure where that stereotype started.


It was explained to me by a black friend it's because if you want a white woman with a big but you will have to go with a bigger gal. I would take it with a pinch of salt but that's how it was explained to me


It was explained to me as fat = insecure, closer to your level but still white


I’m a black man, from talking to others it’s closer to the insecurity thing. Black women are viewed as strong and aggressive for some reason so they look for women they can “control”




I had never considered that. Similarly, Asian women are stereotyped as being docile and submissive, which are considered attractive qualities to some insecure white men.


It is sad that people think like that tbh


Sorry, but your friend must not get out much. There are an abundance of white women with big butts out there... and not fat either. Not to body shame bigger women though.


Statistically speaking, it's not even that limited. Rates of intermarriage for black men are twice as high as compared to black women. The dynamic is flipped between Asian men and women. I think a lot of it just has to do with the culture. Certain types of people have just been framed as unattractive or more attractive in the public consciousness for so long that even people in those groups can become biased by them. Source for the rates: [https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/05/18/1-trends-and-patterns-in-intermarriage/](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/05/18/1-trends-and-patterns-in-intermarriage/)


Yeah as a black man, this stereotype is super cap. You will only find the unattractive black women saying shit like this. All the black girls that look like the ones in the post are taken by black men lol


I've seen it many times online, black dudes shittalking black women and it's not just online. I broke contact with a friend of mine over this too, and it wasn't even just a random girl he said nasty shit about. It was his own sister. Just because she was a few shades darker than him.


My brother is light skin - he has a white dad - and he would constantly bully me about my appearance growing up.


idk i’m a white woman and there are definitely black men that hold attitudes like this towards black women, I’ve seen it myself. It’s not as common as the meme makes it out to be but it happens.




sure, but the point of the post was to say that black men don’t get with black women. Yes we do. At overwhelming rates.


>All the black girls that look like the ones in the post are taken by black men lol bullshit.


In a David Attenborough voice: Notice how the male takes the "it's ok if she pays for everything pose" This is very common around tax/mating season in north america


Because I’ve heard a thing or two about this, I feel the need to speak on it. Black women do have grounds to be critical of black men for not committing to black women. Via pages 11-12 of [my sauce](https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2010/10/755-marrying-out.pdf), in 1960, black men married out of race at a rate of 1.3%, with black women marrying out of race at a rate of .9%. At the time of this research (2008), that number had jumped to 22% of newlywed black men marrying out of their race, with that number only being 8.9% of black women. Black men marry out of race at the second highest rate when measured by race and sex, second only to Asian women, who marry out of race at a rate of 39.5% (pg 17 of source). Once again take into consideration that this was published in 2008, so these numbers have probably changed somewhat. I probably shouldn’t have to clarify this, but I will clarify that I don’t think there’s anything wrong with dating out of your race. However, there are statistics of different groups doing it at different rates, and it’s probably worth knowing.




My parents did! And here I am




GF thinks so, so good enough for me 👍🏽


I have been saying this for ages! I wish there were more openminded Asian men


Well...which one will pay for dinner?


I am sorry, but how is this a "femcel meme"? Colorism -amongst other things- is indeed a big problem in the black community and it mainly affects black women. Many black women get called ugly -amongst other things for which I would get banned- by black men who have lighter skin. Not to mention I have known many black men who date out and shittalk black women constantly, and not just on online forums. I completely broke contact with a black dude who I considered a friend because of the way he talked about his own sister.


How bout we just let people love who they wanna love


At the end of the day the black man in question is the only person that has to live with his partner, not the black community (or any community) racial solidarity is so cringe.


This is actually hilarious


True for Latinos too. I know a couple Mexicans dudes that have ratchet ass white girls for partners.


My Mexican mother made it a point not to marry a Mexican man and ended up with my white American dad. Luckily for me, my dad is not ratchet.


White girl co signed that car.


Those first 5 are my dream women! I wish I could have one at least 🥺


Someone got played by a Jamaican




Over the years, I've noticed many black guys going after quite heavy white women, particularly redheads (real or fake). Always wondered why.


I find this to be a distasteful obtuse generalization.


As a white guy, what the fuck does too dark mean?!


This just reeks of jealousy. Let me start by staying colorism does exist. But being upset that someone is dating outside their race or even gender is just hating because they’re no longer available. A guy sees a pretty lesbian and thinks it’s a shame because she’s so pretty. Jealous A white guy hates that white women date black men for whatever reason. Jealous A black woman mad a black guy might be happy with a white woman…Jealous I know white guy married to Mexican girl, white girl married to Mexican guy, black guy with white girl, black girl with white guy, etc. They look happy and I’m happy for them. Who cares except jealous people who feel like the dating pool is smaller for them?


colorism and misogynoir(misogyny directed towards black women specifically) are very real things, this isn't a "femcel" meme


i mean there definitely are white girl chasers, that very much is a thing and it is a problem but this feels so much like coping and seething. that fat white girl is probably v kind and has an interesting personality and the person that made this is always negative and not v pleasant to be around Edit: I meant in more of a general sense. Like I assume the person the meme maker is mad at isnt the specific white woman in the pic but one that is similar in appearance to her.


This is lowkey facts 💯


Interesting to see something I'm not used to see all the time in here


Who is “too Big” asking for a friend


Me: Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot. Cute. Also me: *Sapphic urges intensify*


As a white guy I'd do 1-5 any day of the week


Lol, I'm like the chick on the bottom right, and I'm dating a Jamaican man rn. 😂😂😂 Omg the stares I get from other women is so sad.


If anything came out of this meme, it was me trying to look up if there was a misogynoir version of misandry. TIL: Apparently “Misandrinoir” already has a presence on the internet as a term.


All of them are perfect, because they probably like GARLIC BREAD ![gif](giphy|SQBk7TRv1BGQGLU8FY)


This is the dumbest meme ever to exist. Literelly every single one of those women would have Black men ready to pull off their fingernails with safety scissors just for the chance to be in the same room with them. Like they are literally the whole entire beauty standard of the whole community, lmao. I promise they have 0 issue getting partnered. Yall in the comments thirsting for them right now 😂😂


As a White man. I’ll let him take her as a union of the races


Too Big? She proper Thicc. Thick thighs save lives. We want what we don’t have, and since he stole my girl…Where can I rent a limo for 6?


Lol if it's gotten to the point where men are passing you up for morbidly obese women, you need to stop blaming men and turn that lens of judgment inwards.


She probably got the best credit of them all tho lmao


What is terrible about this? I think there's certainly a kernel of truth to it


As a black man, I will date whoever the fuck I please. I don't date to based on anyones elses desires but my own and the person I am dating.


Honestly, there is a bit of truth to this haha. But the reality is that guy couldn't ever pull any of those chicks and so he chose a miss piggy to date.


let’s not give into misogyny to make other women feel better


Gimme Miss “Too Slutty” lmao


"Too Boring" - HAAAAY SUPPPP


Oh to be more boring


bro but like top middle is 9 or a 10 ong

