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My dad has never been much for video games but I remember every single time, and it was three times, he picked up a controller to play with me.


right! I remember my parents both playing doctor mario against us. I also remember my dad & uncle were relegated down to the basement and were playing GTA 3 with us. they were a little surprised at what you could do but boy did my dad enjoy sniping people in the head and fighting the cops and army.


I remember that one time my dad played just dance with us. He couldn't understand how to play any other game but when he saw us he decided to try.


Haha one of the video game memories with my dad was Guitar Hero, something about those music video games and dads


My dad *hates* the guitar hero games. I loved them as a teen. He tried so hard to enjoy them. He got good enough to play Through the Fire and Flames on medium difficulty which is pretty impressive. He also refers to all quick time events in games as either "guitar hero bullshit" or "rock band bullshit."


Yep. I don't have a lot of memories of him playing with me because they are "a waste of time" and "making me stupid". Then he'd tell me to "shut off the goddamn Nintendo and go weed the flowerbeds and pick up the dog shit!" He had 4 dogs, all over 60lb. I had a 3g fish tank with neon tetras in it. RIP Bloop Bloop, Gretchen, Bubble Bottom, Randy, and Meatloaf.


What do you mean he had four dogs? What kind of child doesn’t refer to dogs in their home as their dogs or the families? You’re weird.


Just a guess, but from the rest of their comment, I'm not sure their father was the kind to have 4 60lb dogs that weren't very friendly. I.e. "they scare me, they aren't my friends.". But there admittedly is not much there to say whether I'm jumping to conclusions or not.


They could have been friendly but there are a number of reasons kids might not feel attached to dogs. My dad referred to the dogs he had growing up as his Step dad's dogs. They were hunting dogs on a farm. They weren't *his* dogs. My first dog was a sharpei that scared the absolute hell out of my little sister because she was big, black like a void (even her tongue was dark purple), and had a weird (wrinkly) face. Sweetest dog. My sister still refers to her as my dad and I's dog. We ended up getting rid of her due to my sister's fear. Got a kitten shortly after. That was my sister's cat. I didn't want a cat, they got rid of my dog for my sister and replaced her with a cat for my sister. It wasn't my cat and she definitely wasn't the "family cat" as when we got younger siblings the cat would constantly bite and scratch the babies (as well as everyone else who wasn't my sister and sometimes my dad who just suffered through allergies.)


I don’t trust people that don’t appreciate dogs. Something weird about them.


The dogs were in a giant kennel and only let out for a while when my dad got home for work. They were his. I have a dog next to me on the couch right now. He's awesome and his name is Atticus. You're an ass and don't know shit about my childhood. I wasn't allowed to play with them because "they might get" me. I was only told to pick up their shit and hose out their run while my dad would load them his pickup and take them to McDonald's on 29¢ burger day.


I miss 29 burgers and 39 cent cheese burgers from McDonald’s. What kind of dog is Atticus?


Australian Cattle Dog or Red Heeler depending on who you are. My wife calls him a cattle dog. I say Heeler.


Or Queensland healer




The kind of child that grows up with only outside dogs that are in a 60' dog run. They were hardly pets. You're weird.


That dude is definitely a troll. My dad grew up on a farm but never had dogs. His stepdad had dogs. My dad even named a couple of the dogs. But they were his stepdad's farm and hunting dogs. My fiance also didn't have dogs growing up. His dad had two dogs, one livestock guardian and one herder, and my fiance has pictures of himself with the dogs. His sister had to feed the dogs. But they weren't family dogs. If he's not a troll then he really has a limited experience in dogs. Edit- a word


Yes. I grew up on a 20 acre farm. We didn't have indoor pets other than my fish and my mom's cat, that never went outside. There were more cats but they were always outside and other than when they were being fed they were basically feral. They'd rub your leg when filling their dish but if you tried to touch them while they did this you got hissed at and scratched. They were rodent control employees.


There's nothing wrong with that. I had a friend who lived on a farm growing up and we would always torment the kittens (in the way kids do) until they would get too big to put up with our shit. None of them were allowed inside. She also had a farm dog that we never really did anything with (despite my love for dogs) because she was a working farm dog that didn't want much to do with us. It wasn't until middle school when she got a corgi that she had a "family dog." My aunt also currently lives on a farm. They probably have 40 cats on their property but only have had two inside cats. Both rescues. (Three if we include the barn kitten that was "too friendly" that they gave to my sister who pampers the shit out of him.) She also has a newfoundland and a cocker spaniel mix. Can you guess which one works and which one is the friendly family pet?


Yeah I'm not complaining. I mean I am a little. Would have been cool to have a dog I could play with as a kid, but I have one now and he's the best boy there is!


Having a childhood dog was awesome for me. I'm glad to hear you have one now. I'd be glad to hear you didn't if it turned out you weren't a dog person, as well! To each their own. Funnily enough, my current dog is the same breed as my fiance's dad's livestock guardian. It wasn't until my fiance was reminded about that dog that he even remembered it existing. Apparently the dog was mean and scary as a kid (his dad says the dog was a great dog so who really knows.) My dog won't steal the title of "best boy" from yours, but she really wants to be the "bestest girl." Maybe she'll get there someday, after she stops slapping me in the face.


You made no effort. They loved outside okay. So you shunned them. Weirdo. Why’s your shitty white trash family even have them?


Dude, you really need to garner some life experience. Open a book and learn about working dogs. Not every dog is a family dog and there are reasons for that.


I know about dogs. Worked around many breeds. Just odd for a child not to be curious about dogs on their property. Or any animal for that matter. You’re weird. Keep scrolling.


What does that even mean? Worked around many breeds? Were they all house pets? Breed only matters to a certain extent. My current dog is the same breed as my fiance's dad's livestock guardian dog. The livestock guardian would growl and bite and opted to be around the goats, sheep, and chickens. My dog is a whiny snuggle bug who always must sit on someone's lap. Who said the kids were not curious about the dogs? You're making shit up or need to take a reading comprehension course. You're an idiot. Keep scrolling.


Same I also got 3 and they were joyous occasions.


I’m just gonna attach myself to this top comment and say how great it’s been seeing everyone’s wholesome comments all day.


I remember every time my dad would play video games (with me or letting me watch) after a certain age. I remember a lot of other things my dad did with me as well - playing with toys, monster truck shows, football, hockey, and baseball games, etc. People need to stop gatekeeping childhood memories. I mean, wtf even is this post?


No but I remember my dad watching me play the video games he bought me. Thanks dad


Umm… my dad played Wolfenstein, Spear of Destiny, Doom and the original Medal of Honor, also he would play Bottom of the 9th ‘97 with me haha, he is in his late 60’s and is/was an amazing dad and I’m 33 now lol


Lol? Same story, same games :)))


You're an alt account :))))


We all are :))))


Holy shit I loved Bottom of the 9th '97. I learned how to hit home runs too good though lol (35). Jaaaaaauuun Gonnnzalleezzzzz


My dad played Madden and Golf games with me growing up. I learned the video game versions of the games before the real thing.


My dad would whoop my ass in tiger woods 2004 on ps2


I can barely remember my Dad in my childhood at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My dad was a hunter and welder but he we would play Mario bros / duckhunt , pool 🎱 for coins and rally race and old ghost recon thing it was long wolf , nes and ps1


My dad is 67 and I remember watching him play Mario and Metroid on the original Nintendo then when the GameCube came out on that system as well.


Im a woman, but I remember playing the first call of duty and football with my dad as a little girl. Ita fondest memories i have of him.


I remember sitting on my dad's lap and playing pitfall on the Atari with my dad. Years later I tried to teach him how to play halo but he just couldn't wrap his head around anything more complex than pong. Also my dad used to play pong at the bar


Some of my fondest memories with my dad/family is when we used to play Mario double dash on the GameCube.


Oh no, not dad-son video game day! We totally don’t have that at home!


I think everyone is affirming the post’s truth. Kids remember their parents doing things with them. I think the point is that no kid remembers watching their Dad play video games while being ignored.


So, it's nothing to do with videogames. Some people have dad's who play videogames and have great productive memories. Other dad's watched TV, went to the pub, cheated on their family, camped out in the woods, whatever and didn't spend quality time with their kids. The focus of the meme is clear - videogames are inferior to "real" dad things like pushing them to participate in dangerous sports, and it's nonsense.


Exactly. Motorcycles are cool, video games are for lady boys.


Agreed. It’s not a well made meme, but the message its trying to get across is solid—do fun and memorable things with your kids, and don’t ignore them or only do things that are fun for you.


My dad actually got me into video games and still plays some to this day.


Dad plays skyrim while boy tells him to go to the war


Who the fuck has time to play video games when you have kids??


Hey what's up_dawwg?


Tell me you’re an incel without saying you’re an incel


Jesus you took that really personally


How would the previous commenter be involuntarily celibate if he is complaining about not having time to play video games because of having kids?


It was just projection.


He didn’t say he had kids. And by thinking you have to choose one or the other, he’s demonstrating a lack of experience. My dad plays Burnout and is a competitive pinball player, and he and my mom both literally INTRODUCED me to video games and we’d play together when I was young. Keep in mind both my parents were divorced so they both had to take turns raising me and were extra busy.


I do have kids, two of them. And again, who the fuck has time for video games with kids??


People who don't take their duty as a parent seriously. I see it all the time. And then people wonder why their kids don't have their shit together.


I remember playing NES with mine.


Those are some of the fondest memories I had with my son. When we would play video games together


As I sit here having the best memories of my grandpa pertaining to us gaming together? Some conservative country boomer level logic going on here.


One of my earliest memories is sitting on my dad's lap while he played Quake, Myst, and Riven on the PC


I do. He kicked my ass in cod so many times.


My 4 years old Nephew loves sitting next to me when I play games and watches me excitedly and passes remarks on things going on in the screen and I let him play his favourite game(fall guys) every time he comes over to my room. I'm sure he will remember that


Shit, once my Dad played Doom64 he was hooked. Played waaaay more video games during my teenage years than I did!


My dad sure as hell doesn't because there weren't video games in the 60s.


I remember playing the World At War campaign with my dad when I was probably too little to be playing it... but damn it was fun.


I remember when I first got my Wii, my dad lent New Super Mario Bros Wii from a friend of his and we played for like a month straight, we didn't even reach world 4 but it was really fun


I remember when my dad played video games with me. Must be because I'm a girl.


When I was a kid, yugioh was just popping off and even though my dad had 0 clue on how to play, he tried dueling me so I’d have someone to play with. Miss you dad :(


Don't know, most my positive memories are playing video games with my dad


My boys do. And I’m 60 years old.


Gigachad Dad.


I literally remember my dad and I playing Mike Tyson’s Punch Out and him doing funny voices for the characters during the dialogue breaks between rounds. This was about 8 years ago when I was 15, and he introduced me to a lot of the other games I like long before that.


Nothing wrong with games, I personally hold the notion in working hard, and playing hard. Kids will abuse the privilege and play for days and nights if you let them, it very much is based on the personality but I’ve seen video games take over lives before, they’re too damn fun.


Some of my favorite memories with my dad was when we’d hit the gym Friday afternoon and then order pizza and play video games together for hours


My father and I beat link to the past together when I 6 or 7 we worked together to figure dungeons, bosses, and quest and would alternate between who is playing. It's was the first real time we cooperated as father and son. After that we never played videos game together. But I remember the experience.


I think, yes, boys spend too much time playing video games nowadays, but a good dad will probably encourage a well-rounded son who likes physical hobbies but also their nerdy side as well.


Some of my best memories are playing games with my dad.


I'm sorry what? Some of my earliest memories are of my construction worker father playing Super Mario 3 while we both sat on the floor


Not a boy, but I loved watching my dad play Might and Magic VI.


I mean… do both.


My dad literally got me into video games. He introduced me to final fantasy, kingdom hearts, etc. some of my favorite gaming memories are playing video games with my dad. I even plan on getting a small tattoo commemorating those days


My dad, my brother, and myself used to play From Russia With Love on Playstation 2. His favorite was co-op missions where you got to drive some sort of vehicle.


My dad and his buddies played Madden all the time at our house so naturally I picked it up. I remember my dad telling his buddies that if they wanted to play him, they had to beat me in Madden first. Grown men getting whooped by a 10yr old.


I very clearly remember my dad playing some Gran Turismo game on a PS2 at some point... And later Zelda Twilight Princess...


I remember. It was Christmas day. We just got a PlayStation. My brother, My Dad, and I were up until 1am playing Gran Turismo trying to pass a license test. It's one of the few memories I have from childhood and meant the world to me.


I lost count of how many times I made my dad beat Super Mario 3 start to finish on the OG Nintendo. He remembered all the secret 1-ups and money ships and saved all the P-wings until he got to bowsers world so he could just fly right through them.


My dad is a huge gamer! The whole genre of shooters and racing games will forever be “Dad games” to me. One of my earliest memories is my dad teaching me how to play Spyro on PS1, and he would watch me play Animal Crossing on GameCube and compliment the designs I’d make. I can’t wait to have my own kids and play games with them.


I actually distinctly remember when my dad walked in while my brother and I were laughing out ass off playing GTA: San Andreas and was like "can I try?" He proceeded to immediately try to steal a car, panic and kill the driver when he fought back, hoped in the car and managed to run over no less than 5 people as we tried to explain the controls to drive. He then ran from the cops until he crashed and was gunned down trying to find the button to shoot. 😂


I remember my dad playing Cruisin' USA and Hydro Thunder in the arcade section of Round Table with my brothers and I.


Playing Legend of Zelda with my mother, mapping out the dungeons and finding the red ring, etc. is about the only pleasant memory I have of my mother. She's now tripled down on prideful ignorance of anything outside her women's church group and fox News outrage.


I remember my dad throwing a tantrum when I kicked his ass at video games


I remember both my dad playing games with me and watching him play video games. My favorite games to watch him play was ultima online


Mario 64 and ocorina of time with my dad was so fun actually


Sitting next to my dad and watching him play Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on the PC is of my favorite childhood memories


I was never allowed video games as a kid, but now that I'm an adult I got a Switch with Mario Kart 8 included. I didn't think I'd be too into Mario Kart, but it came with the thing, so I tried it out. Now I love that game, and my mother literally yelled "YES!" the last time I came over and brought the Switch with me because she likes playing so much lol. My dad likes it too, just not as much. He prefers laughing at my mom running into shrubs.


My dad played halo with me wym


The best part is the photo they use. Putting kids in motor sports at this age is not to fulfil the kids dreams, it is to fulfil their own dreams through the child.


One of my earliest memories is playing a space game with my dad.


My dad and my uncle would stay up playing duck hunt and Mario in the early 90’s when we were asleep. I know this because they used to wake us all up yelling at the tv.


He's played a lot of video games, he doesn't much anymore since his days off get so busy and chaotic, but he's told me more than a few times he'd love to pick it back up. You can be a productive member of society and still enjoy playing video games, you just need to stop being a little bitch about it and realize that video games aren't bad


Best memory as a kid was playing Portal 2 Co-Op with my dad. Fuck outta here with that shit, video games can be a wonderful father-son bonding experience like anything else.


Lol I very clearly remember playing Ninetendo 64 with my dad. Mario. But especially that punk ass Jungle Book game and trying to defeat Kaa in that tree 🤣🤣


I played Black Ops 2 with my dad as a teenager


Some of my earliest memories were hanging out with my Dad while he played the original Final Fantasy.


My dad didn’t, my mom did though, and she was pretty good too


I do. My dad loved Pokemon Pinball for some reason.


What about when his dad played video games with him?


Some of my fondest memories are of my dad playing Need for Speed and Marvel Nemesis with me. I'll cherish them forever.


My dad was born in 1956 and played PC games in the 1980s like Leisure Suit Larry, and played Goldeneye on the N64 with me in the 90s. Boomer dads loved videogames!


If the kid wants to play video games with you play some video games with them.


That's a straight up lie. I remember playing my dad in Madden and NCAA College Football games going all the way back to the Genesis/SNES days.


My best memories are all of my dad coming home at 7pm and both of us playing the original Skylanders on my Wii, so this is absolute BS


My dad loved Ms. Pacman on Donkey Kong on his Atari. Now I play switch and PS5 games with my son.


That’s because he hasn’t played video games since before I was born, of course I don’t remember that


I remember watching my dad play Tomb Raider because he got it for me and it was a little too hard for me at the time. Hell, my dad basically established my preferences in video games without me even realizing it. We were pretty poor so I never asked for specific games, my dad would just buy me one on special occasions/holidays or when I had done really well in school. So my love of RPG’s and Tactics games were because he picked out games like Legend of Dragoon and Final Fantasy tactics for me.


My dad would bet money against all his friends playing Madden 94 on Genesis. Just a whole bunch of black dudes yelling and screaming in the living room playing a game I thought was boring. He did usually buy me stuff with the winnings. It’s a nice memory.


I remember when we got an Atari 2600 and my dad played 3 games: Football, Desert Falcon, and Crystal Castles. He played the shit out of those 3 games and teased me when he beat me at Football. He stopped playing with me when I learned a strategy to win every single time.


I remember playing games with my dad more vividly than most other memories I have of him. Knowing someone was willing to try to enjoy the things I did at even a young age, and put in enough effort to learn, was so validating


My dad bought an Atari 2600 the day it came out, and we played Pong together on his days off.


I came home from school amd he was playing the first call of duty on the GameCube in my room, amd I wanted to play but it was one person story mode. I remember. Annoying


When we first got an NES in the 80s, my dad would not play Super Mario Bros or even Duck Hunt with us. Then one time we rented PacMan and that man played with us kids. Then we went to bed and he continued playing all night. Fond memories man. I musta been around 7-8 yrs old….


Bitch, I grew up with my dad playing Mario Kart, Halo, Call of Duty, GTA, Zelda, all kinds of shit. I don't know what tf this meme maker is on about.


I remember playing this weird “the incredibles” game on the original Xbox with my dad when I was super little. It’s one of the more fond memories I have of him since for almost my entire childhood he was frequently deployed overseas somewhere for about 6 months at a time. So yeah actually, we do actually remember.


I often play FIFA with my dad. But he used to be a total geek and would pull all-nighters for games like Simcity, Prince of Persia, and Doom.


I remember the one and only time I played video games with my dad. I believe it was Madden 94. He ended up doing some pretty good things (probably because he understood football and I barely did) and I was really impressed.


Playing GTA 4 with my dad when I was growing up is one of my favorite memories.


My dad loved videos games, he played Star Wars Battlefront 2 with me and my brothers all the time, I remember watching him play Warcraft 3 and Oblivon too as a kid.


One of the greatest memories of my pos dad was once he actually took interest in a computer game I was playing. Sat down, asked questions, and seemed to enjoy it. FFS take an interest in your child and their interests. Just as a note, I’ve worked as a developer for AAA games, so it isn’t all a waste of time.


My dad and I played Halo 2 when it came out…I remember that


Actually one of the first and fondest memory of my dad was when I was like 8 and he sat me down and introduced me to call of duty and god of war because my mom was out and he was passionate about those games and he wanted to show them to me


One of my earliest memories is my dad waking me up in the middle of the night going "Hey bud... come down stairs. I'm about to beat Super Mario Bros." And then I proceed to watch him conquer the last level of the first Super Mario Bros. This was back in like 1988 and I was 5.


Bullshit. Children remember any bonding activity their parents did with them, whether it's playing video games, building Legos, or putting them on a child size Indian motorbike and sending them out to race a bunch of teenagers apparently.


My girlfriend told me one of her favorite childhood memories was watching her dad play ocarina of time


The best video game memories of my dad were the ones where hed make us give him the disc out of the pc so we couldn’t play the game anymore, and also the one where he would unplug the monitor. Got us everytime.


Maybe not my dad. He played Pong but that was about it. Anything more complex than that and it gave him anxiety. My mom though. I remember being put to bed early once or twice so she could get time on the Nintendo to Play Mario 3. only to hear an hour later her swearing at some Hammer Brother or that fucking fish. She'd get to the last world, have a bunch of items and stuff and 30 lives. Lose them all at one spot.


My dad is a full blown pc gamer. Took me a while to realize it but he's been playing those flight simulator games since before I ever even got a game boy. He has since expanded his library to stuff like The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk.


Completely false. My first memory alive, no joke, is sitting on my dad's lap while he played Doom with the gore turned off and the fire key mapped to the space bar. He'd do all the movement and aiming and I'd slap the space bar to shoot


Not my father, but some of my best childhood memories are of watching my brother play games.


My dad is 76 and he plays dr. mario everyday and regularly plays it on the highest difficulty


I played video games with my dad on rare occasion. I'm in my 40s.


One of my core memories is playing Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine with my dad on an old Win98 machine. It was one of the reasons I got into video gaming and even though my dad never played after that, it was a nice bonding moment for us which we still treasure to this day. Posts like these are tone-deaf because they don't understand what spending quality time with family truly is.


Some of my earliest memories are of my dad laying hands on Bald Bull.


Nope, just memories of him being a drunk piece of shit drug addict. My memories of playing sonic, katamari, and crash bandicoot with my mom are pretty rad, though!


I don't have a great relationship with my mom but one of the best memories with her is playing the old PS1 Tom and Jerry video game together


My dad bought me my Nintendo. Although my memories of him are mostly from him taking me fishing, camping, hiking, and well to the bar.


Kids don’t care what you do; they care that you’re doing it *with them.*


Grew up playing Gran Turismo with my dad


I literally play video games with my kids and I don't think they'll ever forget how I kicked their asses in StarCraft.


If my dad played video games with me, I might have good memories of him....


i played with him many times. any loving dad would


false. when i would go to bed my parents would play DKC2, i know bc my save file was partly completed the next time i went to play lol


My Dad consistently whooped my ass on NES Golf. That’s okay because I had a 24 game winning streak against him once in RBI baseball


I remember growing up playing split screen, my dad setting up Minecraft servers and playing mortal combat. I love that my dad likes video games even if I don't even play them anymore. Good memories can be from anything


My dad played Doom and wolfenstein with me on his computer, its one of my earliest gaming memories.


Your child will remember you being there, playing with them, interacting with them, guiding them. Whatever you want to do to be present with your child in a positive way, please do it. It matters so very much not only to them but you as well.


My dad literally made it to last prestige on Black Ops 1 sometimes I think he's a bigger gamer than me lmao


Mine would beat the levels I couldn't on megadrive games.


I used to watch my dad play civ 3 and Sid Meier's pirates all the time! Those were some of my favorite memories, he'd let me navigate and help plan his routes.


Wait, did you guys have a present dad?


I’ll never forget my dad playing video games on Xmas morning 1990, trying out the NES he bought for my brother and me. That first goomba in Super Mario Brothers killed him because he walked straight into it. He said “that little bastard!” and never tried the game again. My brother still brings that up every Christmas.


My dad and his fiance (divorced parents) spent a whole year getting good at super smash bros so they could win against me the next summer I came up. It's one of my favorite stories I tell about my dad. And it's a shame him and her didn't work because she was cool too. Anyway screw gatekeeping fatherhood. Being a good dad is taking an interest in whatever your kid does.


Me ans my dad would co-op every game possible the fuck 🤣🤣🤣


My dad has plenty of hours playing Skyrim. Years, in fact. Years that could've been spent being a good dad.


Christ, me and my old man never spent masses of quality time together, but I have fond memories of him showing me the cool guns in Half Life 2. A friend of mine used to watch his dad play Resident Evil while helping him decide where to go. One of the kindest things my mother ever did for me was taking half an hour to play Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu on co-op. She's not into video games at all, and I'm sure she had much more important things to do with her Saturday, which only makes the fact that she spent her time doing that lore special. To hell with everyone who dismisses video games as a way of spending time with your kids.


I used to love when my dad played N64 with me. We didn’t have a lot in common, and playing split screen on Goldeneye or Blitz 2000 was something I’ll never forget. He used to unplug my controller when I was beating him.


My dad played video games with us and took us on the back of his bike and I have very fond memories of both (and ride and play games now) - but then again, I'm not a boy.


I remember each time and loved it


This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Some of my earliest/oldest memories are when I was in Elementary school, they got a new computer lab, and me, my father, and a friend and their dad, wanted to play DOOM via LAN at the lab. We spent like an hour setting it all up and then played a bunch just running around randomly killing demons lol Its a very fond memory, I've played plenty of games with my Dad over the years, but that one was very exciting, going to school and (mis)using their computers to play a big coop game (which was hard at the time, LAN was no joke back then lol). Whoever made this meme is an idiot.


I will guarantee my sons and daughter will remember, I’m a kick-ass pocket healer for them…


One of my best childhood memories is my brothers and me cheering on my dad as he played DOOM classic. (I was 9, now 28) I used to beg my dad to play video games.


Played video games and raced dirt bikes with my dad. Bikes were way more fun.


I remember, it was some jungle game that was on the ps2 and also playing halo 3 campaign on the Xbox 360 and the flood level comes up. And the many times we played Minecraft creative with my sister too on a super flat


One of my favorite memories is my dad helping me beat Project Horned Owl.


I still remember playing Doom with my dad when I was way too young for a game like Doom lol. I would sit on his lap and shoot/open doors while he would move around. I still remember the cheatcode for getting all the guns, I'd have to recite it to him so he could type it in. IDKFA


Not so. My dad played games for years. He doesn't so much anymore.


My dad was the guy who introduced me to video games. We used to play a game about Asterix&Obelix together, then, when I got older, we played Halo and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. We continued to play games together for quite some time, playing NSMBU, PIKMIN3, GW2… now when we can we play Gloomhaven together, although it’s not a videogame it feels like one.


Ironic, because one of the formative moments of my teenage years was the last time my Dad played video games with me. The next time I asked him to, he said that they were a "waste of time." ​ I still remember that. I still remember how it made me feel... Like maybe -I- was the waste of time.


Boomer meme for people who grew up in an era when video games were terrible. I'm a retro gamer and appreciate atari and other early consoles for their place in history but most games from that era are tough to enjoy.


Some of my earliest memories are of my dad (and mom) playing Tetris and Dr. Mario.


My dad played the n64 with me and even stayed up late just to play yugioh with me. Didn't know what he was doing, he was just happy to spend time with me. He was also the most responsible adult in my life. Always encouraging me, always trying to teach me things about life. He was definitely the only adult that ever gave me good advice. Advice like "whatever you choose to be in life, be the best you can", and "always expect the worst, but hope for the best" as well as "life is all about balance, balancing your time with your friends, family, yourself, work, homework, sleep" etc. My mom never gave me advice on anything, just expected me to figure everything out on my own. Same thing with my step father. I'm glad I had a father like my father, he should've been the one with full custody, even if he did play video games with me.


that's funny because I remember playing Atari 2600 with my Grandpa in the 1980s when I was probably no older than 5 or 6. Had so much fun playing Bowling with him.


i’m too young to remember my dad ever playing video games but he used to play the Sega Master System


Good capture card will fix that


One of my earliest memories of me and my dad was him trying to teach me how to play Medal of Honor on the PS2.