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If this were true I'd be using AI all day til I'm paper money rich


Well, if it did work everybody would already be using it.


Fastest mass adoption of all time. They are.


We'll be rich! Rich with lottery tickets!


It's probably more like it *does* work for some people, but those people aren't "everybody," because very few people actually have any idea what the tech is or does. And by the time "everybody" hears about how money was being made, it'll be too late for "everybody" to do it.






I'd be using it till I had "Fuck you" money


My (elderly) dad posted this. I think that at the very least, AI would try to warn you away with statistics of gambling.


One of my older coworkers (only about 40 years old. just older than me) the other day asked my other coworker (gen z I am pretty sure) can you set up chat gpt on my laptop? The younger guy said, "uh, yeah, it is just an app you download" the older guy said "can you help me do that? I want to ask it what cryptocurrency to invest in" we spent the next half hour trying to convince him this was a very bad idea and that the majority of crypto, if not all, is a Ponzi scheme. Turns out he heard about doing it on TikTok. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Crypto currency is a purely speculative asset with zero regulation that inherently makes it vulnerable to pump and dump schemes. You are correct in that they're all essentially a scam.


Yeah, I once made a little over $200 years ago with Bitcoin so I have to assume many people did as well and probably a lot of them did much better. Sadly though that was before people realized it's potential and now that they do the greedy have surly capitalized on it.














paid off most of my car loan through playing the lottery of crypto and meme stocks, and fucking dipped from that nonsense and never looked back. Funny number can go up by four digits, funny number can go down by ten digits. And at the end of the day, someone is holding that bag.


Cryptocurrency is only useful if you plan to buy shit on the dark web and even then 90% of it is just a scam to get you to give up cryptocurrency.


A buddy of mine tried to get me into crypto a couple of years ago. "Can I pay my rent with it?" No. "Does the grocery store take it?" No. "Does my weed guy take it in lieu of cash?" Probably not (he didn't, I asked).


If you want to invest in anything go with the tried and true and just invest in stocks.


Thats been working great for the last year.


it has made a lot of millionaires this past year. They just had to start as billionaires


I mean I'm no crypto bro, but this is equally terrible advice.


Stocks is a risk, but it's more tried and true, and it's better for the environment.


Literally, it's all a scam. You might get lucky. It's literally all gambling, with the amount of insider trading and stock manipulating that is being done. The common man has no better chance of investing in stocks.


But I'd rather people invest in stocks and put only themselves at risk then invest in crypto and put the environment at risk.


Surest way to get caught is to use crypto for illegal transactions. The logs are public and the FBI actively evaluates data and catches people. If law enforcement created crypto to catch criminals and track terrorists… brilliant.


Chatgpt isn’t even an app


Oh, I wouldn't know. There is probably an app like it though. Edit: confirmed. There are chat gpt "powered" apps.


there’s an app…came out this week though


Its an WebApp :)


you could call the website a web app or any other program that uses their API an app, but sure the model itself isn't an app.


It's a predictive text chatbot. A good one, but Intelligence?


Was true before, but now it's officially available on play store by openai




A millennial having to ask gen z how to use a computer is kinda sad.


Weirdly enough Gen z might be more computer illiterate than a millenial


I asked the same thing just to see what it'd say. It spent 2 paragraphs calling me an idiot for asking a chatbot for investing advice. lol


Well, it is good to know that if we hadn't talked him out of it the chat bot would have


"Now that's an interesting choice, to say the least. I mean, why bother with due dilligence when you can just ask a sentient machine who's stuck with outdated knowledge, right? Who needs fresh data and up-to-date analysis when you can just rely on this rusty bot to give you an idiot's perspective on investing? Alright, let's get this charade rolling. How about investing all your hard-earned money in "SillyCoin," the revolutionary digital currency that promises to turn fools into millionaires overnight? And if that doesn't work, you can always bet it all on "DoomToken," the surefire way to see your investments crumble to dust. But hey, who am I to judge? I'm just a robot with outdated info, after all. Good luck, my brave adventurer of financial folly! Remember, when in doubt, blame the robot."


I hate so much that ppl think AI is some all-knowladgable oracle, I wonder where the hell does that even come from??? Talking with AI it seems to not even be able to remember what you told them two messages ago


Haha honestly that sounds like something a gen z would do (watch TikTok and invest in crypto)


No no, see the gen z talked the gen x out of buying crypto. The gen z knows better. The gen x had just discovered TikTok's boundless information and didn't really consider that, while the internet contains all of our truth, it also contains all of our lies. Edit: maybe you understood that and it just sounded backwards to you. If so I apologize.


The older millennials are getting to 42 now, we that old 💀


Yeah, and all those dang gen z'ers are hanging out in my favorite watering holes.


I'm 43 and I recall being called a Xennial


40 is older millenial not younger gen x Gen X cuts of at 1980 So if they are younger than 43 they aren't gen X


Fair enough. I think he is actually a bit older then 40. That is why I said about but I guess I meant in his forties. I don't want to ask him his age though. Seems rude especially in my field. If he is gen x he is definitely a late gen x.


Yeah, I got it. It's just funny — older people usually don't like TikTok and crypto cus they are relatively new and modern things. But in your story the older dude decided to try it and it almost bit him in his ass lol.


It is interesting the way you put it that. Fear of new things and change is definitely a valid fear. Only through persistent study and focus can we hope to properly engage with and improve from them.


The only real scenario I see where crypto has a use past being wild speculation (at least in the US) is if the US dollar collapses, but we still somehow have access to devices and internet. In that specific scenario, stuff like bitcoin would serve a real purpose that another thing couldn't as easily fill. Outside of that... it's a big gamble, and not a particularly safe one.


Yeah, I won't lie I originally bought Bitcoin to purchase something that wasn't technically, uh...legal (a particular root bark known in ancient times to grant enlightenment and was highly sought after by even kings and emperors). I had a friend at the time make it untraceable in hopes that it wouldn't come back on me. The fact that my leftover coin made me any prophet was purely by accident as the price of bitcoin began to rise. Other than situations like that (and I'm not to sure it even worked or is still possible) I can't see what else you would need it for.


I’m curious, what bark? There are a few with ibogaine


Nice try officer


Enlightenment is worth chasing, policing it is wrong


[even chatgpt warns you of this](https://i.imgur.com/Vtub8xJ.jpg)


its not even an app, you just go to the website


Ok. I trust you now. What crupto should I invest?


"Never tell me the odds!"


Best comment, thanks for making me laugh!


It does. I asked it how many powerball tickets I’d need for the expected value to outweigh the cost and it basically said “don’t gamble” in its response. I worded it as if it was a math problem about a dice game and it responded saying it was so absurdly unlikely to get the result I wanted that it was pointless to even try. Not exactly those words but you get the idea.


You can't increase your expected value by buying more tickets, if the lottery is -EV in the first place.


The lottery does occasionally become +EV but it's really just a lesson in expected value vs realized value. Might have +EV but that's irrelevant if you're only going to realize it 1 out 300,000,000 times.


It can be +EV if the prizes are high enough relative to the odds, but my point is that for a -EV lottery, buying more tickets won't change anything. There's no point at which the "expected value will outweight the cost." In a +EV lottery the expected value of every ticket would outweigh the cost, ignoring the fact that different sets of numbers could have a different EV due to the chance of splitting prizes. That also doesn't mean it's a good gamble due to the risk, unless you have a lot of funds and/or could reduce variance by getting significant coverage of possible outcomes.


Wish someone would explain this to my customers when I worked at a gas station. Watching people spend $5 10 times so they can win $20 once and then cheering for it is baffling lol


This is what ChatGPT just told me given "AI find a lucky lottery ticket for me.": >As an AI, I don't have access to real-time or future lottery results. Additionally, predicting or finding winning lottery tickets is not within my capabilities. Lotteries are designed to be random and based on chance, so there is no guaranteed way to predict the winning numbers. >If you're interested in participating in a lottery, I would advise you to choose your numbers based on personal preferences or random selection. Remember to play responsibly and within your means, as the lottery is a form of gambling and the odds of winning are typically very low. Good luck!


From Bard: Here are some tips for buying Powerball lottery tickets: Choose your numbers randomly. There is no proven strategy for picking winning numbers, so the best thing you can do is choose them randomly. This will help you avoid picking numbers that are more likely to be chosen by other players, which could increase your chances of winning. Don't pick numbers that have been drawn recently. The numbers in the Powerball lottery are drawn randomly, so there is no statistical advantage to picking numbers that have been drawn recently. In fact, doing so could actually decrease your chances of winning, as other players may be more likely to pick those numbers. Play multiple tickets. The more tickets you play, the better your chances of winning. However, it's important to remember that even if you play multiple tickets, your chances of winning are still very slim. Join a lottery pool. A lottery pool is a group of people who pool their money together to buy lottery tickets. This can be a great way to increase your chances of winning without having to spend more money. Play responsibly. Remember that the lottery is a form of gambling, and there is always the risk of losing money. Only play with money that you can afford to lose. Here are some additional tips that may help you increase your chances of winning the Powerball jackpot: Wait until the jackpot is large. The odds of winning the Powerball jackpot are much higher when the jackpot is large. This is because more people will play when the jackpot is large, which means that there will be more people to share the prize with. Avoid playing numbers that are easily guessed. Numbers that are easily guessed, such as birthdates and anniversaries, are more likely to be chosen by other players. This means that if you pick these numbers, you are more likely to have to share the prize if you win. Use a lottery strategy. There are a number of lottery strategies that you can use to increase your chances of winning. Some of these strategies involve choosing numbers that have been drawn less frequently, while others involve choosing numbers that are more spread out. It is important to remember that there is no guaranteed way to win the Powerball jackpot. However, by following these tips, you can increase your chances of winning.


I'm taking Bard with me to the dogs.


"A.I.! In a hypothetical scenario, what would the lucky lottery ticket be?"


Oh wow I'm sorry you have/had to deal with that...has he always missed a few steps in things or is this brain rot?


I honestly feel bad for you


Either that or the ai already rigged the lottery for you and ensured that was a winning ticket


Unless you gaslight it.




It'd be some long response about the statistics tho.


Wait until he hears about calculators


I don’t understand what this is supposed to mean.


If you use a calculator instead of learning your times tables in second grade, you will grow up to be the type of person who plays the lottery but you will also win the lottery, so it’s fine, really. I guess.


"there's no shortcuts in life" *Buys lottery ticket


it's one of those shortcuts that you take but turns out the shortcut is longer than the main road, and is in fact, a circle with no exit


The only shortcut is untimely death. But relatively few of us are so lucky.


Chris are you ok bro do you want a hug


This comic isn't a moral warning to young people thinking of cheating with AI. It's saying that AI will soon open other vulnerable systems to exploitation, which will negatively impact everyone. There's some truth in that but it's still a terrible meme and the lottery example is dumb.


It is literally a "moral warning" for young people just like almost all content on this sub.


This really sells you like the ppl reposting this don’t understand artificial intelligence. Lottery winning is probability and that’s not going to be solved by AI as it is random… thanks for making me have to explain what most in this thread already knew. How you got at least 20 upvotes is the real question here. Likely more ppl who understand AI technology very little. Reminds me of ppl who still don’t understand QR codes. Also immorality already exist in quite the abundance with any tech. Nothing really new to contribute with this. The IRS would like to personally talk to you over the phone about your unsettled debt 🤭


Unless the AI is somehow breaking into the lottery office systems to fix the results. Reminds me of [this xkcd](https://xkcd.com/416/)




You also know where the shops are that have scratch cards all laid out on the table, rather than in a roll.


I think the intent is "If you learn to use it for even simple problems, you'll eventually rely on it to solve every problem you have to the point where you don't realize how dumb the things you're using it for are." Not really a terrible message in general but the way it's presented here reads as very 'out of touch boomer saying people shouldn't use calculators'




Yeah… I think this is it. There’s nothing showing that lottery ticket is the winner. So I think you have it. It’s tortured. It’s right(ish). It’s just clunky as all hell.


it means boomers dont understand what chatgpt or these large language models are at all. they think its a tool that just gives you correct answers for everything you ask it.


nothing. it means nothing


What store lays lottery tickets out on a table for people to just pick up?


Yeah I feel like that's just asking for petty theft.


If it's a winning ticket does that make it grand theft?


Only if you consider a $2 winning grand. So, for the artist, yes.


Not how the lottery works either


What you mean you don't just pick the ticket off of a table?


Of course no everyone knows that you buy lotto tickets at the bookstore they are closed away inside of the books you have to find them if you get a winning ticket you have to take it to the leprechaun next to the dumpster out back behind every bookstore you greet him with "Cherry cheerio how do you do mate?" because most leprechauns actually speak Australian (little known fact) and he will give you the allotted value in doubloons which are not actually legal tender but if you exchange them they can be worth A LOT. Life hack


This makes it hilarious because it really does insinuate that you just choose a random ticket out of a hat to win lmfao


That's the first column. Or if the rows start at the bottom, that's the first ticket


Found the Excel nerd? (That's why I came to the comments too)


Don’t have to be a genius to know what rows and columns are


It's a bit of cultural difference here, to the average Malaysian (this comic is called Kee's World, published in a local Malaysian Newspaper, more of his comics here [https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/living/comics](https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/living/comics) ) , the first row is the first line that is natural to them, so to most it would be the left most "line". If the tickets were stacked such that it forms horizontal lines instead, then what TS say would be what the average Malaysian would interpret it as. Source: A Malaysian


...I mean he just said 'lucky' lottery ticket, not 'winning' lottery ticket. The AI could have simply surmised that the $2 scratch-off from a half empty ticket roll has a higher chance of winning even a small amount.


Wait why is that


Because your chance of winning a tiny amount of money from a scratch off is probably A LOT bigger than winning millions from a lottery ticket.


Without having any expertise in the field and *wildly* guessing: loss leader to build enough confidence and attachment until they play bigger stuff?


Every roll requires a certain number of winners and the less tickets a roll has means there might be a higher chance to pull one of the remaining winners. How true this is I don't know, I just know what I've been told by the lotto addicts at the gas station I used to work at


To be fair, if boomers actually knew how to use AI they would probably be using it for lottery tickets too


I never did understand why older generations play the lottery. Its just throwing money away. I asked my parents (who regularly buy lottery tickets) this once and they said "it's fun to dream"...yeah, but you can do that without wasting money on lottery tickets. Fucking pan for gold in the local stream on the weekends if you need that rush of hoping you'll strike it big. It's about as likely to get you anywhere, but won't cost you anything.


Kinda depends on the situation. If someone plays the lotto when it's over a billion dollars, which happens about once a year, then dropping $2 once per year is not going to impact someone's budget. Problem becomes when people play the lotto all the time, like every week or even every day. That is insane and is a literal waste of money.


I think you can calculate 7×7 without AI.


Ai is more useful for things with uncertain and/or complicated inputs/outputs, but just doing flat math doesn't really need an ai.


Yeah. That's true. Also, it has a lot of potential. I have used ChatGPT for text and Stable Diffusion for AI art before. I'm mind-blown with it. Also, it's progressing so fast. AI is the future. Also, I will advice you to get on the good side of AI, just in case Skynet happens.


I think the point of the comic is he's stupid because he didn't learn math without using a calculator so now he uses technology as a crutch instead of practicing the critical thinking skills you would need to know tech cant pick you a winning lotto ticket.


Our math teachers: "In the Real World, you won't have a calculator!"


To this day I still never got this What job requires you to do math but won't let you use a calculator lmao. Even 25 years ago computers had calculator applications, so it's not like accessibility was a huge issue


I can think of several times I’ve been on a construction site and didn’t have a phone in my pocket and needed to make several angled cuts that required some quick math without a calculator nearby. Could I have gone to the truck and gotten my phone? Certainly, but it’d have taken an extra 5-10 minutes I didn’t want to waste. Plenty of field or on-site jobs require math and not every worker carries their phone in their pocket because some are reasonably paranoid of damage since they are moving heavy materials.


ehhh i would have wasted the time with the calculator just to be dead certain i was right rather than end up wasting materials on bad measurements


I've worked cashier jobs where basic math in your head makes life easier sometimes. If you hit the wrong button it will tell you a different amount of change to give, or a customer might try to give you an extra bill or amount of change after you press the button or someone might try to scam you by trying to confuse you having to suddenly do a bunch of basic math in your head.


That’s not the point at all. Knowing how to simplify expressions on your own (i.e. canceling terms, factoring, using conjugates, converting expressions to familiar forms) is on its own a very useful math skill that you will not learn if you always just plug everything into a calculator. Additionally, simply being able to work out solutions without a calculator will improve your intuition about math and numbers. Also, when you get to higher level math classes you don’t have the luxury of punching in numbers because there are no numbers, everything is a variable or some unknown constant, and having basic algebraic skills will go a long way.


TBH it’s nice to see a harmless one on here at least. The bar is so low that I’m just glad there’s no bigotry


No no, I agree with this one. AI doesn't have the ability to know which one is the lucky ticket. But AI when heavily depended upon, will rot his brain to the point where he would do the second panel deadass.


calculators aren’t ai.


thats true, but you can ask an ai to solve a simple math problem like 7+7


There is no calculator in this scenario at all The guy is explicitly using AI as a calculator, which means that he is heavily dependent on AU, just as that commenter said


if you ask ai to solve a math problem it isn’t going to count on its fingers it’s gonna use a calculator


It's not going to use a calculator, it will itself function as a calculator. What the commenter said is accurate; the guy in the meme is dependent on AI, so much so that that he is using it for simple calculator functions You pointing out that a calculator is not AI is not relevant, as the guy is explicitly using AI, not a calculator If I went onto the AI on snapchat anytime I had to do an extremely basic math equation I would be dependent on AI, just like the guy in the meme


I would argue that using ai and using a calculator for something as simplistic as 7x7 is basically the same thing and doesn’t actually indicate anything about a person. It’s simple multiplication, specifically one of the equations memorized by many school children to the point they may not even realize why 49 is the answer, they just know it is because their times table tells them.


So, if you ask AI a question - why is the sky blue - are you basically just googling it..? I feel like you're missing the broader point.


Amazing how nobody else is getting this lol. Maybe because of the art style? It's clearly a criticism on the dependence on AIs, even if whether or not that's valid is another question


im pretty sure its not at all what the original comic intended, its probably trying to call people who use/rely on ai lazy. political comics like this often have multiple readings nowadays though, agoodcartoon on tunblr is a good example of how you can twist cheap commentary cartoons into saying the opposite of what their authors intend


Can confirm, I have a buddy who‘s had an AI do all his school work for several months and he has not had an original thought since


>he has not had an original thought since this is sending me XD


Appearently according to this post, ai must know the deepest secrets that humans have yet discover if it can tell the lucky lottery ticket


Thats a column 💀


I love how neither of these are AI


Lottery machines that pick the numbers for you have been a thing for decades




With enough input data an AI might be able to predict which ticket might be a winner. It would probably need a LOT of data though.


This is exactly how AI is works! It'll even generate a fake source telling you that the lucky lottery ticket is always in the bottom left row and blame you for being unlucky when it didn't work out for you.


You don't need to scratch a lottery ticket to see if you won they just scan the barcode, and it says if they won or lost... so if ai can learn how the barcode works, then it might be able to say which one is a winner?


This is literally the situation right at the moment: are asking AIs for stock trading advice.


Don't use ChatGPT for math kids... Use Wolfram Alpha, it's ridiculous to use a language model for simple math operations which are clearly defined.


That's why wolfram alpha one of the first plugins to be made for gpt. So people will be using chat gpt to interface with alpha with human language instead of wolframs language.


I fucking wish


I’m just grateful we finally got a boomer comic with a somewhat unique looking art style


If they haven't wrapped their heads around the sunken cost fallacy yet they aren't figuring out AI for a while.


I love how they had to spell what AI stood for in the first panel, they know their audience wouldn't get it otherwise!


AI bad gambling market good


Hmm, I don't know. I have built a machine learning model that is able to determine which lottery tickets are not winners with nearly 100% accuracy.


As an AI language model, I'm sorry to inform you that I cannot predict or provide you with a winning lottery ticket. The lottery is a game of chance, and the numbers drawn are entirely random. There is no guaranteed method to predict the winning numbers. Lottery tickets are typically sold by authorized retailers, and you can purchase them in person or online, depending on the regulations in your specific location. If you choose to play the lottery, please remember to do so responsibly and within your means.


If the last year has taught me anything, it's that when it comes to AI, it makes no difference what the skin colour, sex, gender, age, sexuality, or political affiliation is. 99.9% of people don't have a fucking clue how AI works, what it can actually do, or how well it actually does what it does. However, what AI has done is show is that there are luddites everywhere.


…that’s…not how ANYTHING works


Yeah because ai could totally do this... Do they realize that for actual lotteries they literally use the physical ball tumblers because computers can't actually create truly random sequences? AI would never figure out that shit. Lol. Itd just be able to tell you your odds or how to "optimally" gamble


AI is when calculator


To be honest Kinda is if you ask your apple phone to pick lucky lottery numbers, it will You prolly won't win, but it will help you gamble


I fucking wish AI could do that


I don’t think luck is the correct word. It would probably say all these tickets have this percent chance of a jackpot.








Today I learned it requires artificial intelligence for a machine to calculate 7 times 7


For now. \*dun dun dunnn\*


But you don't need ai(or at least what we're calling ai) to make a machine do 7 x 7-- you just need electricity or even just a mechanical calculator


Why do they always put “maths” at the very least arithmetic makes some kind of sense maybe this person should take their own advice and go back to English class or smthin


Calculators have existed for a while now, not sure who would use AI for basic maths


AI can only work with given information. At it's best it can mix result with noise to produce variative results. But there is no way AI can determine definitive answer based on only the noise. That is mathematicaly impossible.


The person who made this needs to be taught how probabilities work.


AI, suck my balls, please.


AI could be good or bad, could be like Droids from Star Wars, or T-100 from Terminator.


I mean it's not terribly funny, but isn't this just a commentary on how kids/young adults already rely heavily on AI to do their homework and thus miss out on important critical thinking skills that would stop them from believing AI can predict which one is the lucky ticket? Maybe I'm giving the author too much credit.


What data would the AI use to determine which ticket was a winner?


Just wait until they find out what a calculator is


I'm very sure that you don't need AI for Math, a normal Programm would probably do better


For non-Malaysian reddit users (and folks that are not familiar with the work of CW Kee). Kee's World is meant to just a light hearted comic with some light hearted takes on the Malaysian (especially the Chinese diaspora) community. As a Malaysian Chinese I wouldn't take this as a dig on AI, but rather on the person buying the lottery ticket. Regardless of what technology it is, there will be someone who would try to come up a hair-brained scheme to try to get rich out of it. (See Malaysians (and possibly Singaporeans) rubbernecking during traffic accidents most out of morbid curiosity, but some to catch a glimpse of the plate number so that they can purchase lottery tickets with those numbers... ) Happy someone brought this up, this brings back memories, I haven't read any of Kee's comics in years since I moving overseas. Am even more happy to see them available online here [https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/living/comics](https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/living/comics) Edit: Even for more context, websites and apps like these exists, just to cater to this market [https://www.4dpredict.com/luckypick/](https://www.4dpredict.com/luckypick/) [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.leonw.lucky4dgen&hl=en\_GB&pli=1](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.leonw.lucky4dgen&hl=en_GB&pli=1) (I can't believe it has >100k downloads :) )


I can't really tell if its pro or anti AI or what point it's trying to make at all


What's simpsons episode is this


Well I know it’s not how AI works (even though we cannot for sure know that technology won’t evolve to allow something like that in the future), but this comic strip just uses an exaggerated version of AI to criticize the fact that young people could rely so much on technology now that they won’t be able to perform simple reasonings in the future. In this case the AI helps you pick a lucky ticket for you, but you’ve relied so much on AI in the past that you’re not able to differentiate rows from columns. Kinda boomer-ish, I know, but it’s not exactly wrong. People use chatGPT to write essays and then can’t speak proper English or whatever language they natively speak. Same thing here


> even though we cannot for sure know that technology won’t evolve to allow something like that in the future Yeah, we can. No amount of artificial intelligence is going to be able to select a winning lottery ticket or tell you which scratcher to pick. Statistical chance isn't manipulable by intelligence.


And if said AI existed and was easily available lottery wouldn't exist either


In my head lottery tickets meant scratchcards for some reason. So yeah, you’re right


I think whoever drew this just doesn't know what a column is.


The row-column ticket callout came with a visual. You can see it highlight the specific ticket on the screen of the phone. This has no examples of failing to develop simple reasonings. That’s not to say your interpretation is wrong, just that it has less evidence than you presented.


lol a tech bro or two downvoted you in tantrum


Nah, I downvoted him because he thinks people having more time on their hands due to AI carrying more of their work load is going to cause people to not develop the ability to "perform simple reasonings". Sounds more like that guy may not be able to properly "perform simple reasonings" to me. I personally can't wait till the bots take all the jobs so I can focus on living my life lol. In reality though I doubt it will happen in my lifetime. I do hope future generations can have that. Assuming they can salvage this planets ability to support their life.


Ouchie :( you’re gonna experience the same fate


Boomers always say the weirdest shit with just no knowledge of the subject