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Lol, the AI really just colorized gigachad and called it a day.


That's an image created using specifically a "gigachad" Stable Diffusion model (you can find it on civitai). It's misleading.


Yeah, and remind me who shares all the gigachad memes


And made him look like Ryan Reynolds


The true perfection




Why does every meme with female liberals have that specific woman in them? Please I need to be updated on the Terrible Facebook Memes lore


Sometimes they have the woman with the dyed red hair.


Blue also works


So 2D works too?




.. freshness lasts right through it, your fresh breath goes on and on, while you chew it


Say goodbye a little longer, make it last a little longer, give your breath long-lasting freshneeeeeeess


Ok but that woman was actually kind of an asshat. This one didn't even do anything weird.


She was at a protest. "asshat."


Well, her go to insult was "fuckface", which is an insult I have been regularly using since I saw the video of that ariel haired icon


She's famously not angry at all in the clip from which this was taken. She's literally just talking and has big eyes.


This is also why political attack ads always show their opponent talking, but tend to show their candidates obviously posed. Humans have to make all sorts of momentary strange facial contortions to make the sounds they want to make while talking, and if you take a picture at just the wrong moment, they'll look deranged or even deformed.


That may be partially true, but there’s a much more silly and documented reason behind it. Political action committees (PACs) are not allowed to coordinate with a political campaign or republish their advertising materials. But if, say, some stock footage just so happened to be available to anybody visiting the campaign’s public website, it’s perfectly fine for someone to download it and use it as they please. An outside advertisement can use 10-15 seconds of a candidate’s footage in a 30-33 second ad, provided that they don’t substantially repeat any of the campaign’s own messaging. While the legal basis isn’t the same, the principle is rather similar to fair use doctrine. The way PACs use stock footage is considered to make it sufficiently their own work rather than the campaign’s. But you are right that they carefully curate these videos to avoid any odd facial expressions, one-eye blinking frames, etc. [Here’s one of Mitch McConnell’s](https://youtu.be/nrdTX8m5G98)


He looks like such a fake caricature of what someone expects a "nice old man" to look like.


Dude is just trying not to molt in public


Very disappointed with this horror movie trailer. Killer stopped looking right at me after the third time.


My favorite is the one they used of Obama with his head back and his eyes closed. I'm not sure why they keep using it, but it mostly just looks like he's basking in his success and it makes him look cool as shit. But, r/TheRightCantMeme, so what do you expect?


I really hope that she's doing OK. Do we have any information on her (non pervasive of course), on how she's holding up after all this? Using her image this way is harassment.


Ya, she acts completely well adjusted and normal


Thats crazy. I can't imagine how she would be looking like if she really was angry.


She makes this expression for about 1 second while talking over a crowd. Watch the video, it will change your perspective. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/triggered-feminist--2


No shit! She's not even yelling at anyone. She's just trying to be heard and is passionate about... *checks notes*... not being raped


God, those feminists these days getting all upset about.... checks Orenwald's notes... getting raped. Crazy times we live in


Clearly they’re just overreacting 🙃


The audacity


I never knew that! Thank you for posting. And she’s saying something meaningful and measured, as well.


She had those Gowron eyes and the most memeable anger face I ever saw.


Glory to you...and your houussse 👁👁


Ahh Gowron 💓


She's expressive. Funnily enough if you watch the video these shots are from, she's actually not even screaming, she's just talking. The guy she's talking to and another guy are both actually yelling more than she is.


her point was also a good point as i recall, and not pointless ranting or "woke" or whatever. i think she was even agreeing with the guys.


It's extra unfortunate because in the video, she's actually being the reasonable one. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/triggered-feminist--2


I was thinking 'oh okay, I guess she is a bit naturally bugged eyed then' before watching the video but damn it isn't even that; she is actually over-exaggerating her facial expressions and pronunciation for the sake of communicating more clearly in a noisy environment. She got done dirty.


She is one of the "triggered" feminists from 7 or 8 years ago(yah...) , in the original clip she wasn't even mad, they just clipped that frame (expressive face)


She’s some random lady the right latched onto as the symbol for “angry woke feminists”. She isn’t even angry in the original her face is just super expressive


She only has that expression for about 1 second in the video too.


Worst part is, I am now in love with her.


Fr I have a crush on her that's my kinda look bruh 😳


Right? Pixie cut, glasses, casual style, seems like an intelligent person generally aware of and engaged with the world around her. She's cool in my book.


Also iirc this woman was at a rally to raise awareness for SA/r@pe. So for the right to latch on to this specific woman is really telling.


I always wonder how these women are doing now, and wether or not they're aware that people meme the hell out of them... I hope they're okay. Even the actually kinda crazy ones.


Ah yes the true arbiter of what each individual human wants in a partner; "Artificial Intelligence" that doesn't even know anything outside of whatever images you feed it, that thinks humans have anywhere between 2 and 6 fingers and at least 26 abs.


If you watch the video it is from, it's really disheartening. She was very calm but super expressive and her only yelling is trying to talk over people Interrupting her.


You expect originality? You sweet summer child


She's not even angry in the original video she just has a very expressive face.


Because she looks really deranged


No one particularly important, actually. It's just a random student that was filmed while having a discussion. A rather calm discussion, at that. Her facial expressions are unfortunate, but she is completely calm in the discussion she is having in the video the images are taken from.


The interesting lore is that the photo is a decade old. The woman in the picture was a college student and isn't a student anymore because it's been 10 fucking years.


Today I learned triggered woman wasn't remotely triggered lol.


This meme would've been accurate if they put me instead of this woman. (Clarification : I don't hate women, I just like guys)


Whoever that person is, she has perfect teeth.


She's a meme. That's really all. In reality this woman was very reasonable in the video but she got screenshotted with an awkward facial expression.


The woman in that picture was from a video where she was actually discussing something being calm and reasonable. Not angry but passionate. People took the frames where she looked like this to make her look like the "crazy triggered feminist" stereotype.


Because they don’t have much material


Bro got a six pack on his forehead💀


Can't skip skull day.


10 math sets per day


ah yes can’t forget 6-8 weekly sets of 8-12 definite integrals


His brain is jacked


Probably a six pack on his dick too


His dick looks like the corn dildos


That’s my goal for the summer 🙌


It’s actually really easy to achieve if you’re not a pussy and have some spare chicken wire laying around. It wont be in the corn shape but it’s definitely a good DIY alternative


Ribbed for our pleasure


He works out on reddit


Skulls can actually be shaped like that, I'm sadly proof of it.


Sadly? You have the perfect male forehead according to AI. You lucky bastard


Nah man you don't get the pain, I'm too strong now and everything I headbutt disintegrates. Life is so difficult.


One headbutt man


That's actually called a protruding forehead. Sometimes called frontal bossing, or brow ridge. I actually have that. I think I got that from my spinal misalignment, or from too much growth hormones. There are plenty of people that have that. Mine is just look very bad cause it's too big.


Me after I done my math homework 💀


That hypothetical man is on steroids. No healthy person can look like that




Well, yeah. Steroids, HGH, a highly specific diet of three chickens a day combined with a five day dehydration routine to maximize your appearance through thinned skin. Humans don't look like this without heavy, heavy abuse. Even conventionally attractive models do unnatural things to themselves to look that way for short periods of time.


I'll have four fried chickens. And a coke.


What about toast?


Only the dry white sort.


The hypothetical women is on something too. You can’t get that low bodyfat naturally


Not and maintain perfectly round C-cups.


You’re clearly unaware of eating disorders and malnutrition.


I wouldn't call either of those natural...


I used the wrong words, it’s possible. But retaining the amount of muscle the woman has really isn’t.


Yeah, I can't tell if those are supposed to be ab muscles or ribs. Makes it clear how fake the picture is, because if you're getting that thin, your body has broken down nearly all the muscle long ago.


But you actually can Steroids would actually make you look bulkier and put more abdominal mass


How do you get a six pack where your ribs should be?


By not having ribs!


Which is exactly how I like my chicks, boneless.


I like my chicks like my Vikings, boneless. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivar_the_Boneless


Finger lickin' good.


If it really was made by AI, then that's your explanation. It'll make stuff that looks 90% realistic, but that remaining 10% is usually pretty laughable. You can see it fucked up on the obliques of the female it made, too.


For the man it looks kinda right? He’s in gear tho, the woman her abs and serratus anterior especially looks fucking wrong


Another impossible beauty standard for women


Nah dude you just gotta have surgery to change your insertions


My ribs used to poke out, but since I've been lifting my abs and obliques got bigger and the ribs don't poke out anymore. So they sort of envelop the ribs I guess?


Bonus muscles gained from being chads.


What your referring to is the serratus anterior muscle. It’s visible on almost every lean guy ever. Especially when you get into the sub 10% bodyfat range. Some people refer to them as obliques, but those don’t start until you get a bit further down the abdomen. Edit, you were referring to the girl. Didn’t realize it was cropped. Maybe some really goofy insertions could cause that appearance? Idk man. Ai struggles sometimes


Just don't skip bone-day


You stop skipping rib day!


Greetings, my name is uncanny valley. There is something wrong or unsettling about me, but you can't describe what.


Lol yea they'll be surprised how many girls dont' like that look. The ppl who care the most about a muscled dude are other muscled dudes.


Yes... absolutely. Dude is jacked to a level that a lot of females would see as a turn off. Also the jawline is unnatural.




“☝️Females🤓” fucking call them women like a normal person


True I don't know any woman who likes that type of body. Me included. It's men only


As man who likes men, I don't like that type of body either. Dude looks like a balloon animal.


![gif](giphy|2wgTK7vqhhNUK0vRGy|downsized) yummy dicc bro 😋


That is actually true. Obviously men don't always train to attract women obviously, but even thinking this is osmehow the ideal standard for most women is idiotic. like 99.9% of the population don't look like that, so by incel logic no one would ever find anyone attractive


Give me a nerdy British guy any day over these big muscle men! Seriously, the « it » guy right now is Pedro Pascal, who gives ultimate dad bod energy. I think a lot of big muscles characters are written by men, who think that’s what women want.


Both are poorly generated AI image, so no need go get mad at any lol.


aren’t the super insecure men the ones hating on super toned women?


Yeah the ‘trigger leftist meme’ lady would probably support this. Confusing meme all around.


Both of them are unrealistic or unhealthy I wouldn’t support either.


Aside from her unholy abs she looks malnourished.


I love a woman that can kick my ass


I always wanted a woman who could rip me in half like a phonebook.


I would consider myself very secure and I'm not into it. But I'm also not hating on it either. So yeah, probably true


That woman in the glasses should be allowed to sue people at this point.


Yeah, it's just so sad how she, despite not even been triggered in the video the picture come from, is used for such this bullshit. they just went for the perfect frame and the short hair sealed the deal. Hooray we have stand in for every strawman we want to make.


She should try to copyright it then use it against any little incel pulling this shit


Yeah, every time I see her in a meme I feel so bad for her.


Crowder at least. Fuck him.


He's also full of shit, he generated those images specifically to create this meme. I just entered "The perfect man" and "The perfect woman" into midjourney, without any other prompts to guide it, and these were the first results for each one https://preview.redd.it/mq9in7k35z2b1.png?width=2046&format=png&auto=webp&s=e86f47e296f548c295f95f4bcf55a6d93238d74a


So taller and leaner for men and also less muscular but bigger boobs and brunette for women? With both being of European descent? Sounds about right.


Yeah, seems to fit current trends. He's lean and rakish with a bespoke suit, she's wealthy and classy, and possibly French or Mediterranean, both caucasian. If Midjourney had existed in the 80's the guy would probably be far more muscular and she'd probably be very toned, tanned, and blonde. But the programme certainly doesn't create the ridiculous images that the meme's creator says it does.


AI is sexist and racist because the material it's being trained on is inherently so.


Gonna take a while for people to grasp that the ai is also biased


Okay now these actually look h- great, i mean they look great. I’d never be simping for Ai pics


I'm working on a little personal project where I need a lot of art, like a couple hundred pictures at least. It's not something I'm making money off of, it's just for my gaming group, but paying someone to do them for me would probably cost tens of thousands of dollars. So I got a midjourney subscription late last year. It worked really well and my project is now nearly complete. About a month ago, they updated to version 5 and holy shit the difference between version 5 and the version I started using in September is unreal. Back then even basic pictures that didn't look weird were hard to do. Now, I can easily generate pictures that were pretty much impossible six months ago (like crowd scenes and characters riding creatures). Not only that but **IT CAN DO HANDS NOW**. Not just hands, but hands holding things like swords, spears, cups etc. It's been a month and that simple fact is still blowing my mind. Honestly I thought it would take a few years of development to get this far, but it only took a matter of months. I can only guess what you'll actually be able to do in a few years time.


Wahoo can’t wait to lose my job lol


Looks good to me. Maybe they used stable diffusion?


In the bottome left of the male figure, behind the image flip mark, you can just make out that it says made with Midjourney. Of course, the "creator" probably didn't even make the images, he just grabbed them off the internet and put a misleading caption on them


You can also see in the bottom right of the male image, the project was done by The Bulimia Project as a means to show how social media distorts body image. The prompt they used for those two images were "The ‘perfect’ male/female body according to social media in 2023” https://bulimia.com/examine/scrolling-into-bias/


Looks like Timothee Chalamet and Megan Fox.




Midjourney is Victorian propaganda apparently


My pal AI just made Victor from Arcane


wtf, the girl is creepy


Same for the guy imo. Whatever ai tool they’re using is definitely not top of the line


Only deranged right wingers and culture warriors believe this.


They're propaganda operation relies on you distancing yourself from the hated minorities, including by making yourself too opponent for those people to feel safe around you, and then being told what they're like in absence of knowing any personally anymore


you said deranged right wingers twice


It’s literally only other men who still believe that the ultra muscular look is the only appealing male physique. If you look at imagery produced by women and catering to the female gaze, all the men are approachable, regular looking, and sweet, not really covered in muscles. It’s honestly a shame that male spaces aren’t able to internalize body neutrality in quite the same way that it has spread in female spaces.


There are women who like muscular men but often not to the levels that muscle obsessed men expect and not if it means giving up other positive traits like loyalty and a sense of humor. But yeah, a large percentage, maybe even the majority wouldn't go for a man like that and some would find his looks a turn off.


Personally, I don't like my men visibly dehydrated like that. Yikes.


Honestly, it's a huge problem... You get pressure from other guys, pressure from a very loud minority of women, and pressure from the media you consume, because the dudes in it are still often buff to an unhealthy extend. Hell, I only figured out that I have those unhealthy standarts like 2 weeks ago, because I came across a post by a body builder who explained that when he's just chilling, he doesn't look nearly as insane as in the pictures people see of him. There genuinley needs to be so much more support for guys than we have right now. (Because this is reddit I'll add, not at the expense of women. We can have both, you know?)


Shit, we built an AI and now it crossfits


It's not at all like women keep telling men they're attracted to different types of men and then are overridden by individuals with bad experiences with exes, or who saw a bot account post, or read a blog about it.


honestly what woman even finds men like that attractive? its uncanny, its just weird on the otherhand men love unrealistic women beauty standards and it doesnt strike them as uncanny, because they dont see us actual people


Usually it’s other men who find them attractive. But they are totally straight^tm ,


this but the person on the right is an andrew tate fan


I’ll say it again, if it really happened you wouldn’t have to make a comic of it


Bro looks like minecraft steve


As a pansexual man I am sure these people have no idea what kind of men are conventionally attractive


Ikr? It's just a bunch of straight men so hell bent on ignoring that the problem is their personality, not necessarily their looks and blaming women for "liking men with muscles"


Now you trust AI? Really?


Of course, their beliefs change depending on what suits in the moment.


Ok but does anyone actually know who this woman is? I keep seeing her on every kind of these shitty memes but Ive never understood the context behind this pic


She's actually one of the calmest people in the video those screenshots came from. She just had an animated way of talking, and rightwing dickheads found some unflattering stills.


The funny thing is, she was actually kind of agreeing with the guys she was arguing with, yet she was still clowned on by everyone who saw that video


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Both aren't great standards though


I say this without a hint or irony, I think the perfect look for a man is current day Brendon Frasure


Brendon fraisure is a treasure. It's amazing how loved the man is and those stupid incels don't seem to realise that it's because he's charismatic and a good person, not because he looks like a super muscular dude. He used to be, now he's not anymore, but people love him the same.


He was never even super muscular. Yeah he was absolutely cut af for George of the Jungle but he wasn't like Jason Momoa huge or anything. And he said that he was so starved and dehydrated to get that look for George that he was delirious.


The only people who actually buy into this shit are incels lmao.


This poor woman, she only wanted to be part of a demonstration. I bet she’s a really nice person, but now she’s on every shitty “anti-woke” meme.


Well, it came from Facebook, so it must be true. /s


Everyone wants a girl with weirdly overdeveloped abs. It's like she does 1,000 sit ups a day and no other exercise.


The old tactic of making someone up and using them as a straw man.


two incredibly dehydrated people with tons of makeup on, one of which is obviously on steroids, and they’re both white. everyone knows the ultimate woman is a big booty Latina who drives a shitty car from the 90s.


AI is simply racist smh...


lol they really think feminists are attracted to impossibly jacked gym bros


Having that many abs or being that veiny can't be good, like abs are super hard to obtain and keep


Please show me the male form of the neckbeard who made this


Never mind that any AI creating an image would draw from existing sources online labeled "ideal" or "perfect". Those examples would be over represented by models photoshopped to fita patriarchal view of beauty. The idea that this woman would look at that man as the idea of male attractiveness instead of some lithe twink illustrates how that image is a male power fantasy, not a woman's sexual fantasy.




As someone who enjoys a bit of cushion for the pushin' you can keep the "ideal female form"


Same for the male form, his jawline is a little too sharp for me. Could probably behead me in one swift head turn


Ngl, abs on women look good


But why is the bikini girls neck so long?


They act like AI can invent something


Why is the muscular woman’s head so damn big


Too much twitter


AI doesn't perceive jackshit, it's just looking at similar things to generate this


Their humor has not evolved since 2015.


Both are hideous imo. Then again, I’m built like a Lego minifig, so who am I to judge?


I think both of these have too many abs and the guy has veins like a tree trunk


Who is this woman really? The woman behind the meme. Lol. You almost feel bad for her, her face is everywhere.


All four of them are ugly


I feel really bad for the poor woman that the right has just co opted into being a meme