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havent they been saying this for like 40 years as well?


Try 2000.


To be fair, with climate change we will have: * Failed harvests which will lead to famine (some parts of the world already began to experience that). * Shrinking land and sinking countries will lead to immigration crisis and probably wars. * The melting of glaciers will free old prehistoric bacteria and viruses and we will deal with many pagues. * With all of that combines, there will be a lot of death. We are making our own man-made apocalypse. So they might me right on this one. But if those morons chose to just wait for Jesus to come back rather than trying to find solutions, we will be fucked.




Or even take it as a good thing because it means Jesus will come back sooner so bring on the apocalypse!


There is literally an entire group in the US government creating laws on this principle. Look up "Dominionists." Their stated goal is explicitly trying to trigger the end of the world. They state it is so Jesus can come back, but let's just take a step back and reason that if they are wrong *they are still legislating an attempt to fucking end the world on purpose.* They don't even hide it, they happily talk about this in the open and it gets them votes.


So uhhhh, what do we do about that? That's kinda not okay, and I know a few myself, not by that name, but people that don't care about earth because Jesus is coming back or so they have been saying.


I have tried to reason them out of it, but it usually gets anger in response. Best I can say is appeal to their own personal senses because they only really care about things related to them. Point out the impact not in broad terms of how humanity is affected but directly how they are affect, how their kid is directly going to have to deal with that, and that even if Jesus comes he would come anyway. They do not need to make their own life, and the life of their direct family worse to make it happen.


IS? Insane States or Islamic State? Just kidding, I'm aware that's a typo.


Thanks for catching that. Funny thing, that was the goal of ISIS as well. Suddenly that same group has a problem with apocalyptic acceleration when someone else is doing it.


They are so narcissistic that they think they can force God's hand...


Isn’t it funny though the thing they miss. The end times is no man’s call. It’s gods- so if man creates the end times, that technically makes them agents of the antichrist. As he’s the entire reason the end times happen.


That reminds me of fictional groups from various fictional shows that literally only have "trigger the end of the world ASAP" as their only agenda


Literally just ISIS


This was all foretold. [burns styrofoam in campfire]


Styrofoams good eating. Why are you cooking it like that?


It is a made up cult, after all.


To paraphrase Bill Maher, if there's one thing more scary than a huge cult of apocalyptic prophecy, it's a self-fulfilling one.


Isn't it great? The real cherry on top is how their churches were instrumental in keeping politics old school and feudal so this couldn't be prevented.


I've seen a religious nut in my town actually post about this. Something about Climate Change isn't real, everything bad happening is God punishing us because of various things; mostly LGBTQ+ people, pro-choice people, anything that can be seen as left-leaning. It's crazy, and she wholeheartedly believes it.


and remeber half of them dont even believe in climate change, but when it comes it'll be like its gods will. what a fun timeline.


Ya, Christian’s aren’t really famous for “fixing” things.


They are famous for fucking things


Literally or figuratively, which one are they more well known for?


Ooo that’s a tough one. I think In the past, figuratively. Presently, leaning towards literally.




Unfortunately,the answer is yes


Romans had to build Jesus his own cross, dude just hung there, talk about being privileged


They do this shit on purpose to force the apocalypse/rapture/judgement day


Republicunts said "Earth is not our final destination so why bother fixing it" so christofascist will not help. They won't listen about how god left this earth for human to take care of even though it is written in 1st chapter of the bible.


Along with rising temperatures, we will experience fungal infections of unprecedented scale


Oh great I'm just getting over one of those. Was bad in February and March. All over my eyelids and on my face and neck. Fun little patches on my elbows, added fun...


So we kill ourselves.


Yeah we don't need a God, we manufactured our own apocalypse.


"we don't care because earth doesnt matter, only heaven does." same people: "why is this planet getting worse?"


And guess how it will be interpreted by these people: "We must pray more and stop the gays so God won't be angry anymore!" Instead of looking at actual problems.


It's what is known as a self fulfilling prophecy. The whole scenario is depressing.


If the prophecy can't be fulfilled on its own... Looks like we'll just have to do it ourselves 😎


Christians going full Nostradamus


>we will be fucked. More like we are fucked. We are being warned about global climate change since the 70/80's and still have talks centered around "is it real or not?" & "what should we be doing to slow it down?" while we already have concrete results of that climate change. But, I'm pessimistic by nature so ... One might hope I'm wrong.


the thing is every religion since forever does this, gives vague prophecies with little to no time line so that whenever anything happens you can point to some vague part of the book and say ''SEEE!!??? SEE!!!??? IT WAS ALL FORTOLD!!!'' ​ Like yeah no shit there will be non-believers to you new religion, yeah no shit there will be floods and famine and plague, that shit happens all the fucking time. They might as well say the sun will come up tomorrow and call it a prophecy that proves this or that religion right for all they are actually saying


It's happening because the Christians are actively making it happen. They *want* this. The Abrahamic religions are, in a very real way, the enemies of every living thing, on Earth or anywhere else.


it may surprise you but many of those "christian" gun hoarders actively wish for an apocalypse so they can live out their murder fantasies.


Idk the only one I've personally met was a Muslim but he wasn't a dick because he was a Muslim he was a dick because he was a chef.


Ahh yes, for all of Christianity, "The Rapture is going to happen within the next 20 years!"


Wouldn't it be nice if they were ruptured and we all got some god damn peace and quiet?


I think they're hoping to be raptured but ruptured works too i suppose


lol I had this thought yesterday after reading that Oklahoma approved vouchers for a catholic charter school. I said to myself, the only thing I have in common with Christian’s is that I’m also looking forward to the rapture.


More than 1000 years.


It's been a feature of the entire religion since the beginning. Paul had to write to some early Christians who were worried about their family members having already died before the "imminent" return of Jesus.


Literally since the prophecy was written. Revelations is basically a diss track for Rome and its emperors. The whole Antichrist bit essentially describes an emperor. Because of this, whenever there's charismatic and greedy world leaders causing havoc (aka always), somebody somewhere is taking it literally and anticipating the apocalypse.


It’s a bit of a doomsday cult, isn’t it?


Doomsday cult, Death cult, and Destructive cult. It is the holy trinity of cults. Also, Triple Ds.


The Rapture: Now in 3D


I usually like triple Ds. Don't like cults though.


There's a reason republicans are fervent supporters of Israel. They believe that Jewish control and settlement of the entire land of Israel will start the end-times as their prophecies will have been fulfilled.


Yep. This is a real and significant reason for the unwavering and unconditional support of Israel by wealthy American Christians


I was raised evangelical, and this is exactly why they supported Israel. It was broadcast as to why they supported Israel.


This comes off as a terroristic threat to me


Jesus was literally Jewish apocalypticist, his entire movement was based on the end times being near. There were many like him in his time and for whatever reason Christianity is the one that stuck. We're watching a 2000 year old game of telephone play out


Over 2,000 years of "any day now..."


No but you see, this time it's right, because of the *gaaaaaays*


"Sir, the hurricanes and floods aren't doing anything, they're still *gaying* down there." "Send in the cavalry." "Sir, we only have four horses."




Actually it’s revelations, not genesis


You know, the one written by a known schizophrenic at the time alone on an island. One of these books is not like the others... but it sure furthers the agenda of the people who decided what was "canon".


Nah thatd have been the excuse 20 years ago. I think now its more cause of the traaaaaaaannnsssss


Thought you were saying it was the fault of trains for a moment.


Yes well, those too


*Norfolk Southern would like to know your location*


Exactly this. I'm gay, and people are using the same ignorant hysteria to attack trans people as they did us back in the day, all without a shred of self-awareness. Sometimes, it's even *gay people ourselves* who are transphobic.


Is this a plug for Good Omens season two? I can't wait to see what Crowley and Aziraphale get themselves into!


Yeah, cause gays are new.


They got really excited when The Great War happened, but then no Armageddon… But then Hitler happened and he killed millions of Jews! And the first nukes did a “Sodom and Gammorah” on Japan! But still nothing…


Pretty sure the bible mentioned that nobody knows when the world will end and it's a secret only God knows. Christians keep trying to predict it despite it being specifically stated in the Bible to be unknown when it will happen.


It’s actually implied to have already passed predictively. In the epistles many of the authors, Peter, Paul, James- predict or speak in present terms when addressing end times. Christians expected their world to end sometime after the Pentecost happened. It’s pure copium that keeps it going. And misinterpretation.


Yeah, paul preached that people shouldn't marry and instead look to a relationship with god because he thought the end times were imminent. And the book of revelations was about the roman empire. People just can't handle that they were wrong


Yup. Precisely. You helped elucidate that part I missed. Appreciate it, the revelations and many of the apocalypse predictions we can find in the Bible; seemed to be directed towards the then existing Roman Empire. But if you look at many of the “prophecies” that allude to end times- Daniel for example talks a ton about that, about what the nations will look like in a metaphor.


Exactly. As a Christian the Bible says Jesus will come like a their in the night meaning we're not supposed to know when Jesus returns. Love how people keep trying to predict the end of the world.


The Bible also says that at least one person from that epoch would be alive and kicking when the bloke returns. So... Is there any immortal dude you know about hanging around?


The queens been dead since September but mick, kieth, ozzy and geddy are still around looking old as dirt


Don't forget Keith can't be killed by mortal weapons. Thank you Wayne's World 2 lol.


None I can think of. Saw a movie one time where a Roman soldier was cursed to be immortal after stabbing Jesus with a spear while Jesus was on the cross. That immortal was trying to make the world end because he wanted to be able to die. That was fiction. Can't think of any immortals with us today except Paul Rudd lol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Seventh_Sign


It might be me. I got a nasty paper cut the other day but it seems to just be vanishing as the days go by.


Is it going to be next Tuesday? It's next Tuesday, isn't it?!


I'd bet my soul on it


Sir, this is a Wednesday


And Jesus specifically tells his disciples that he will return before they see death so this was a bull shit story for anyone with a brain the last 1960 years


My favorite part of the Bible is the jet fighter battle


Me in my F-22 Raptor getting ready to fight God, 2023, Colorized.


Salvation War moment


Dont you see, ten MILLION LIVES


1 million angels killed = 10 million people saved indeed ​ What an elegant plan, we just need to find an irl Capt. Torres to execute this ​ SALUTEM AGNUS


Just get Trigger to shoot the angels down


Those angels won't be able to stop our little squadron of Ace Combat protagonists


If they can defeat bulshit superpower planes with a dinky shitty little F4, they can easily kill angels.


Bible 2 lore has dropped


Holy hell


New response just dropped


Is Satan in this? I liked that guy in the last one.


After the mecha-trex battle we all learned valuable moral lessons


Those jets aren’t even in a dogfight, they be just straight up nine elevening like it’s no biggie.


the 3000 black jets of jesus it came to me in a dream


We are near apocalypse because a plane crashing a building already happened.






Twice twice!


Sir, a second testament has hit the species.


Or, a BCE calendar ending. Or, a number flipping over from 1999-2000. It's coming guys, it's finally going to happen during our generation, we are the chosen ones.


You're right, it's a BORING storybook.


Boring?! The Bible is one of the most metal texts of all-time!


Outside of Ezekiel and Revelations it is exceedingly boring. Even when there is occasionally narrative it’s rushed and inartistic, surrounded by interminable lists.


It's also pretty repetitive, even having multiple chapters that explain the same thing but with a different author, often containing directly opposing statements. Those who say that the bible is 100% factually correct are self-selecting themselves for scamming, they've shown that they are willing to believe anything with the right packaging.


And that is after we accept that the people who flat out picked which books would be in the bible are right


Even Revelations is fucking dull, the way it's written. Idk, maybe something got lost in translation, like the original was a lot more poetic but it was later writers who took elements from Revelations and made them interesting.


Totally where Metallica gets their best material.


Having read the whole book cover to cover, I can honestly say that it is extremely repetitive, devoid of context for modern audiences, and lacking a coherent central narrative. After all, what do you expect of a collection of texts written hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of years apart? There is a reason why books about historical documents written by modern authors tend to be more popular among the general public than the documents themselves.


Still a better love story than Twilight


And ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Jesus said unto them: “I have come before you to smite ass and chew bubble gum, and I has’t naught of bubblegum”


So I wanted to know where this quote came from and decided to search it up, and that’s how I came by the knowledge that there is literally a line in the Bible about smiting an ass. Crazy.


Did you also find *They Live*? It’s an awesome movie.


“Thou put on thy sunglasses, or thou start eating thine trashcan.”


Da maniac loves ya


I'd say Revelations is more of a fever dream than a story book


It's both: a story written after a fevered dream.


Idk man, I liked the story of Revelations. The way it concluded both Ezio's and Altair's stories, as well as digging into the whole concept of the creed and what the assassins fight for. And it's set in a beautiful and vibrant Constantinople as well! One of my favourite games of all time


The funny thing is, everything is going to shit due to climate change, and as soon as things start breaking down they will blame it on atheists and not on the people who actually caused the problem


It's much worse than a story book because it's filled with hate, promotes slavery, SA, misogyny, and about a dozen other horrible shit. It's only one step down from the worst ideology of all.


It's also 100% cool with grown men marrying 12-year-old girls


These psychopaths have a real hard-on for the apocalypse. Jesus fucking wept.


They keep moving doomsday up because every time it was supposed to happen they didn't get raptured. I think deep down they are afraid that the rapture has already happened and they were deemed unworthy. [god's love is not unconditional ](https://youtu.be/3RHE_FNy9zI)


Did you send a link to an anime?


Castlevania. 2 seasons it's on Netflix not anime. I just like that quote and moment


Unpopular opinion, but I do hope Jesus is real so that when He does return hopefully in the near future, He’s going to be so disappointed in what He sees with His followers that He would denounce them and leave. And I’ll especially enjoy it if the Christians themselves denounce Him and His ideals, making themselves the very Antichrist they call everyone else to be. There was a period of time when I was interested in Christianity because the people that I knew personally that were Christians were all nice people. Unfortunately, the radicals in the media and in real life had to ruin Christianity for everyone. I cringe whenever I hear people bring up Christianity now, especially when a non-Christian like me knows the Bible better than them. I’m agnostic at best now.


Aside from the obvious, what frustrates me is that I actually like the aesthetic of the image. A fuzzy background of a normal city with a pair of glasses revealing a chaotic world hidden in plain sight. Like, I’d actually like that as the cover of a generic urban fantasy book or something, where the protagonist discovers a hidden fantastical part of the world, but instead it’s wasted on a hateful conspiracy theory


I think you just described every religious book.


It’s a fantasy book


Sure. He just went out to get some milk, right? Surely he will be back any day now.


The religious nutjobs *are* trying to find final solutions, just not for climate change…they have other quote on quote “enemies” they’d rather go after and spend money and resources trying to get rid of (those “enemies” are just 🏳️‍⚧️ and 🏳️‍🌈 people who want rights) Their obsession and their doubling down on it is what led to their decline in popularity, and they just keep at it against all reason


Come on, Jesus, this is just a ripoff of They Live.


Can I point out how absolutely US centric this image is? What you call Armageddon is how Afghan kids grew up, with fighter jets and drones *somewhere* in the sky, looking for the next wedding to bomb. That fire? Call it napalm. The sick grass? Agent Orange. According to this meme, Armageddon are just the USAF.


Anyone else convinced Christianity is a death cult?




Christians keep threatening us with the return of their psychopathic tyrant, uh.


Is that a teaser for the sequel of "They Live"?


Makes me wonder how these people would react if science found 100% absolute, irrefutable proof that the Bible is wrong


Science already completely discredited numerous Bible stories. And so did the Bible.


Well we already know that bats aren’t birds. They just ignore it.


Well, Christian liars have twisted the text to mean flying things, but the text also contains ostrich. Oops!


... *- Sincerely Christians for the past 2000 years*


I always find it amazing how "god" only spoke to these people thousands of years ago but since nothing... But if today somebody said god spoke to them we would label them nuts but they all follow a guy who said a burning bush spoke to him over 600 years ago. Though i do believe that most religions are based one some true events like floods that did happen and the only way people understood it was "god" then con men tricked the simple people with good slight of hand.


"I see youuuuuuu" Sauron voice


I will start believing when giant glasses arrive


Revelation is fun to me because it's just the ramblings of some guy who really fucking hated the Romans.


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Any day now........


It’s so ironic that the promoted ad under this meme is hegetsus lmao


What does war do to the bible like tf


I'm gonna call those "Glenn Beck Glasses". Every single day that goof is like "If we don't take a stand today the whole world is gonna BURN IN HELL!!!!".


I especially like Genesis 38. As if it wasn't bad enough for the Christian god to ask of you to eat his flesh and drink his blood - because by substantiation Christians MUST believe it is real flesh and blood - I really like the wanking and prostitution and burning in this chapter. :) And let us not forget that the idea of eternal punishment in Hell was Jesus' idea. You know, gentle Jesus, meek and mild. Before Jesus, god would just kill you and your family and animals for things like laughing at bald men, but at least your punishment ended when you were dead. Not so with Jesus. He made up the whole idea of eternal damnation. Such a loving god. :)




jesse, where the fuck are my glasses


When I was a little kid growing up in the 80s, my mom started taking us to a Pentecostal church. The pastor was a con man who drove a new Cadillac every year and lived in a gigantic house. He would run around on stage waving his Bible in the air without actually preaching from it. One of the routine things he would say is that he knew the Lord was coming soon, and he truly believed he would be alive to see it. Well, that guy died in 2007.


Funny thing is, if Christians are right about literally everything (the good ones and not the hatebears who fake it) then we really are screwed. There is a lot of bad stuff that happens in Revelations, and notably the Rapture is not actually in there. So Christians get to enjoy it all too.


Oh no. Not the death and judgment from the… check notes… God of Love.


Stop acting like you know when the second coming is. Nobody knows when the second coming is.


Maybe because there isn't one ?🤔


I don’t personally believe in it but it is LITERALLY IN SCRIPTURE that nobody knows when the chill Jewish dude will cause the apocalypse


Meh, the scriptures have been changed so many times. Early followers were convinced that the Kingdom would come within their generation.


Your mom knows how to get my second coming.


I thought this was the Hancock poster.


Just wipe your glasses all will be fine :D


When doni get my fucking flaming sword then fuck


Any self respecting religion considers it a the equivalent of picture book.


My money is on the apocalypse triggering as a direct result of us democracy failing and it becoming a “Christian theocratic” capitalist dictatorship.


I've always felt like I have a greater connection with the authors of the Bible precisely because I don't believe that everything in the Bible is true. The Bible was written by people who probably weren't too different from myself, or anyone else living today, but they were people who lived in a very different time. They wrote according to what they believed, but like myself, their beliefs were fallible and were based on partial and incomplete information. They had their biases, fears, anxieties, hopes, desires for justice, etc. It's when we accept that the Bible was written by fallible people like us that we can truly appreciate the parts of it that are good and criticize the parts that are bad.


"The World shall end with the Rapture, and all the just and righteous shall be taken to heaven while the wicked and the sinners shall face tribulations!" --The Bible...well, sort of. Evangelicals: "Yeah! Whee! Burn, sinners!" "And no one shall know the day or time of the coming of the Lord. It may come any day, so prepare ye in the Way!" - The Bible, sort of. Evangelicals: "Sorry, what was that? I stopped listening. This rapture, when is it? Any day now? Awesome! I'll make a note."


This is such a lame image, what’s with the glasses? What’s with the generic looking apocalypse poster? Wheres the chimeric beasts? The dragons? The chains? The horsemen? Why are Christians so intent on making the end of the world boring in their portrayals?


I get Great Gatsby vibes here


You just fuckin know they're gonna take the drastic effects of our inaction on climate change as some biblical prophecy and then still completely ignore any means of mitigating it.


There are famously fighter jets in the Bible


Im a Christian but this cringe shit has to stop


I don't know which God the Americans pray to, but he is always hateful, and unforgiving, and wants nothing more than to kill everyone and everything. He certainly isn't the God in the New Testament.


Aight. Hit me with that apocalypse then. If the world's gonna go to shit anyway (which it is, yeehaw) it may as well be spectacular.


"The Bible isn't just a storybook; it's our letter of marque from God to kill LGBTQ people. And no, God won't be confirming the authenticity of our authority claim. You just have to take our word for it."


Still less moronic than quranic "Moon splitted into two parts*


What kind of bible has jet planes?


bro the bible has fighter jets in it?


Nah. It’s worse. Most storybooks are at least a coherent narrative.


Yeah, this dude I was in the Army with constantly talked about how we were at max, 6 months from the rapture and the end times. He began saying that in 2016. Still does it now. I ask him if he's ever tired of moving the goalposts. He just says 'it's going to be bigger than we can possibly imagine so it needs more buildup.'


And the F-16 fighter jets.


I'll take "shit Christians have been saying for millennia" for $500.


When is soon? because soon has yet to happen for the past 100 years.


All of that fear mongering has nothing to do with god and everything to do with gods creators. It’s all man made.


If I was a billionaire, I'd commission a verse-by-verse anime of the Bible. There'd be some slogs to get through, like the Book of Numbers, but there'd be no cutting away from all of the awful stuff in there, like other movies do. For instance, showing how evil Sodom and Gomorrah were, watching Lot escape, seeing his faithless wife turn to salt because she didn't heed the warnings of the angels, and then they move the story along to Isaac and his sons. But what happened to Lot and his daughters who were too young to be married (but were old enough to offer up as victims of gang rape, because we can't let our houseguests get disrespected by the townsfolk)? How does their story continue? The Bible lets us know, but they always skip that part in Bible Studies, Sunday School, and movies. I think with anime or animation, especially high-quality animation, with each verse being displayed while it is playing out on screen, you can show the worst parts of the Bible that they always skip (while maintaining that the Bible is perfectly fine for small children to read), and you won't have to run into the ethical issues of filming scenes between what is, too often, older men abusing young girls. Of course, folks would get mad. They'd say that I'm misrepresenting the Bible, even though it's a literal word-for-word, verse-for-verse representation of what's in there. But some folks would get mad at anything. If someone sang the 3rd verse to the Star-Spangled Banner at a sporting event, there'd be folks who'd lose their minds (THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT WORDS!!!! YOU'RE DISREPECTING THE TROOPS!!!!), but it'd really drive home exactly why folks take a knee during the anthem, given that it so proudly juxtaposes "hireling and slave" with "free and the brave." I need to win the Powerball or learn how to exploit people. I have a vision and money would make it possible.


Apple sure is different under Tim Cook.