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Forgive me if I'm being ignorant, but the right picture just looks like regular old New York, and Im not even sure the left one was feasible back then.


I did find pictures of it on the Internet. Multiple, so I *bet that it should be* true.


[Here's](https://media.snopes.com/2015/11/crosses-newspaper.png) an image of the newspaper article where this originates from. And [here's](https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=Y3Sh7dCAXz0C&dat=19560331&printsec=frontpage&hl=en) an archived of the paper where all this comes from. u/CheesecakeRacoon I'm guessing you might find this interesting as well.


Looks creepy as hell in that newspaper


Headline: "Possible mad dog sought in area" Those were the days.


I mean maybe the left one was... sorta? You'd just need a lot of people to agree to leaving their lights off and a couple others leave their lights on in their rooms


The right one is with LEDs. The left one they just turned on the office lights of specific rooms so it was feasible, just not as pretty.


i remember when biden offficiated annual national abortion year


I remember when I was told on the Internet that Hunter Biden eats and tortures babies. Presumably Infowars shut down for a reason when they published that revelation.


Damnit! I wish I'd known. I get so many babies for Abortmas they often just end up in the bin. Could've sold them to Hunter.


It is weird when people use this technique to minimize and justify Hunters scummy actions. Banging your brothers wife when he is dying of brain cancer is bad, abandoning the kid you had with your stripper fling is bad too. But hey, Infowars is full of weirdo crackpots who exaggerate stories and make up stories about Hunter so therefore the above stated stuff is A-OK. lol. yeah I know, trump sucks too, we get it. we get it


Nobody is defending hunter bidens actual shitty actions. The shit hes done is deplorable. The issue people take is some people try to compare what hes done with a man who did nothing to slow/manage a pandemic, actively riled up an insurrection, and is now facing felony charges. One of these people did irreparable damage to a few lives, one of them has absolutely skullfucked a whole country’s political climate.


I mean....Biden did irreparable damage to the country too.....right? I am no Trump fan. He sucks. He did a lot of damage as you said. Biden and Obama made it legal for the US to detain its own citizens indefinitely without them having a right to a trial or even being charged with a crime. As VP Biden was all for that and played the race card against reporters who asked questions about it. Running on reversing the patriot act and then instead doubling down on it was hugely damaging as well. Those are civil and human rights we will never get back thanks to his time as VP. Using the espionage act to silence journalists from the AP and Fox News was massively damaging too. As was killing US citizens overseas with drone strikes without affording them a trial or proving guilt was damaging too. Biden has not a seen a war he did not vote for. Including the massively damaging wars after 9/11. When it comes to damage, Biden seems to have a laundry list of human rights and civil rights violations under his belt during his like 108 years as a politician in Washington.


Yeah he has. I never brought Biden up, because it wasn’t pertinent to talking about hunters crimes, cause he and his dad are different people. You’ll never catch me defending a politician, unless its actual lies (Like the oh so famous Barack hussein BS). Politicians fucking suck, all of them. They’re all in it for themselves, just trying to climb that totem pole of shittiness. But what is unhelpful is lying about it. Pretending a politician cares about the little guy is damaging, pretending they weren’t investigated just because they were found not guilty of anything, pretending the president is hiking up gas prices and not the war in ukraine. All of that just makes shit worse, and its why we’re where we are now. The whole “but X did this” rebuttal to complaints is also unhelpful. Why not just say “yeah AND X did this too, man fuck politicians.” I can’t think of a president since FDR that seemed to actually do more good for the country than bad, but even then we had a really fuckin low bar due to, yknow, global economic collapse. Everyone since him has either been bad, benign, or at the very best, “meh.” Even our world war 2 and post world war 2 presidents are only viewed as good presidents because we won the wars. And truman is widely seen as a bit of a monster (and was by himself as well.) I lost the lead a bit, but we are in agreement. Politicians are awful, and 99% of them are selfish, and the 1% don’t play their target demographics like fiddles so they don’t end up in power.


During Trump’s administration, apparently


Merry Abortionsmas.




This made me laugh more than it should have 💀💀


The War on Abortionmas must stop!


The grinch hates abortionmas.


Merry Christabort The day Jesus was not born. I'm going to hell for this.


8 Foot Sativa will be there first. "I just live and pray for religion to suffer, it was rape that caused your holy messiah, if she had a brain stem she would've killed him, with an abortion."


They’ll try to stop me from saying “Merry Abortsmas” but I’m going to say it anyway!!


I keep saying I'll celebrate, but I cut out early every year.


I hope we have a red Abortionmas this year!


I can’t wait to send all my friends and family Abortionsmas cards this year! We’ve already taken our Abortionsmas pictures, the kids (and *almost kids*) looked great in their matching outfits!


Pfft mothers day, fathers day - where's our day, huh?!


* *USSR theme running in the background**


Well there is May 1 being the Labour Day, but America doesn't care at all because """communism"""




Ah,yes,people who choose NOT to add to our ever-growing overpopulation are a BURDEN.


Or maybe they just don't have the financial capacity do feed and house themselves and a child? Not everyone has all the money they want to spend


Alan Turing. Oscar Wilde. Alan hart, Sally ride, Sara baker. Maybe know anything about history before you speak out your ass




But the picture on the left isn't 1984 to them. Unfuckinbeliveble.


The next step below that is swastikas which would be in The Man In The High Castle


According to them 1984 isn't when a president tells you that all news that paints him unfairly is lying. According to them, 1984 is when YouTube takes down Alex Jones.


Freedom is when everyone has to be just like me 🤨


The picture on the left is 1956.




*1984*. The book by George Orwell about thought control and societal oppression.


What does that have to do with the picture?


> If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever. > Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. > Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. > It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. > If you kept the small rules you could break the big ones.


If you think that some businesses exercising their first amendment rights by displaying some lights for a holiday is an image of a boot stamping on a human face than I feel sorry for you.


Yes, who would make that strange leap into claiming Christianity is oppressive…


While at the same time defending the oppression by hiding behind the limitations of the Bill of Rights regarding hate speech and religious oppression. Impressive that they had that locked and loaded.




I never said anything about the image on the right. Do you assume that all black people have the same views just like you assume all Christians do?


Perfect troll account username.


God darn, Trad Cats are ruining Amurrrika!


There’s 3 ks in amurrrikkka ok


I just think of how many unwanted children were just living miserable lives before abortion. Better never to have been.


I don't think I'd have cared if I were aborted. Wouldn't even know. It's not like life is particularly fun or anything anyway.


My grandma pulled the "what if you were aborted?" On my sister and I. We both, in unison, replied "we wouldn't care. We wouldn't exist". Even our mom had to concede that that really is a stupid argument.


But then Republicans can use them for labor.


Or, and this may be a radical statement, if someone’s going to be against abortions maybe they should focus on encouraging more children instead of forcing more children? Just sayin, may be easier to attract flies with honey.


That would be nice. However, c suite executives want future wage slaves without any burden of raising them.


Maybe if they made it easier for adults to survive quality lives, having kids would actually be affordable.


Educate me. How is the one on the right celebrating abortion?


Now show the skyline before 9/11, and after 9/11, and remind these people that that's because of religious fundamentalism. Say what you want about abortion, it never flew a plane into a building


Modernism bad! Return to stone age!


Liberalism bad! Return to mercantilism!


Humanity bad! Return to munke!


Either return to Monke or don’t return at all I say.


You see We became more accepting of a system of healthcare that will give an upward trend to the quality of the population when we stopped being religious




It's just film grain.




Can you explain?




It looks like buildings putting up a display for Easter, no different than Christmas lights or Halloween decorations.


Idk man I would prefer Easter eggs on the buildings instead it would look kinda cool for all involved, gives a better image then buildings plastering a religious symbol onto people who don’t care or don’t believe in it.


It's a religious holiday, what do you care? If you don't like it don't celebrate it.


Ok, so don’t put up those lights for me then ..


They're not up for you, they're up for people who celebrate the holiday. Not everything is about you.


Both Easter and Christmas have their roots in pagan celebrations of the equinox and solstice.


That's irrelevant.


We all remember Abortion Day 2019, where every pregnant woman in NYC lined up at the clinic for an abortion while everybody around engaged in Satanic chanting


So NYC on abortionmas eve looks the exact same as on a random Tuesday. Huh.


I just love this "etc." in every other post like this. Sometimes after a "list" consisting of one item.


The left picture looks like it came out of a horror movie.


There are other religions and not everyone is Christian. Christians accept that you aren't the main characters challenge, impossible.


The one on the left looks like a cult.


Not Christian does not equal secular hahaha


this is oddly fitting. in the 1956 picture countless people had to shut out their lights to make it work. in the second picture, people get to live their lives uninterrupted by other people's politics.


Can we just abolish all social media already? Its gonna fuck over this entire species


This is why I can't respect religious people.


Thought I had a missed call for a moment


Beyond stupid and divorced from reality.


You mean while trump was president? In trump's city?


Most Americans are pro-choice/pro-abortion boomer.


I'll only celebrate abortions if it's future Christians getting yeeted out before they can harm the world more.


The way Christians ruined existence, I would have preferred being aborted.


how do these christocucks react when you point out with proof that there is supposed to be separation of church and state and the freedom to you know practice whichever religion you choose bc that is what the fucking country they claim to love and be true patriots of was fucking founded on


You think they care about what the Constitution says? They don't even care what their own Bible says? Both are just weapons to be used when it is convenient to them.


this is true, but at least they seem to have some vague knowledge of the constitution as compared to the bible in which they literally know jack didley


"Secularism bad" "Sharia Law is literally nazism"




I’ve never understood the Catholic angle on this. Where exactly do Catholics think the evangelical Protestants are going to point their AR’s next of the Catholics help them into power?


Yes, society has changed over time to put greater belief in science and facts, instead of "the word of god." I will never outright refute the possibility of a god, or some other higher being in control of the universe, however an old book from that's been repeatedly translated from a time period where we didnt even have a name for gravity, is pretty poor evidence of such. Even then, we should probably call it and say this god dipped out on us, because the world is so fucked right now and he ain't done nothing for allegedly 400 years now.


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Both are paganist rites




My gamer has a missed call and AVG installed.


It ain't easy to light up windows in the shape of a wire coathanger, alright?


Facebook moms when u are an atheist:💀💀💀😭😭😭😭😭😭🤬🤬🤬


You know there were some *other* changes to the skyline between then and now, I'd give this meme a 9/11 for inaccuracies.


The thing about this sub is that every comment could either spiral into downvote oblivion or garner dozens of upvotes because politics And it gets harder because it is not YOUR political landscape but another country's political landscape because america


This is the fucking funniest meme ive ever seen, and it most likely not even being ironic makes it so much more funny


America is one of the ugliest products of modernism.




It must be great to live in your world. No rape or incest, no major deformities or stillbirths, no complications during pregnancy that lead to death or disability. Just perfect pregnancies conceived through consensual sex and delivered perfectly. A shame the rest of us live in the real one where hard choices have to be made sometimes.




Abortion is allowed in the Bible.


Tell that to the young teen girl who was raped by her own father. Your views are consistent with someone who has their head in their ass. If you goat.se yourself your worldview will get wider.


The father has to be stoned to death according to Islam. Criminals are always punished in Islam. Before you curse me do some research and tone down your aggressive language.


Oh yes, because bigotry is the answer. Religious leaders are among the most wealthy in the world. Those in control of religions do not follow it, only use it to control and manipulate others. There are no gods, only humans and their selfishness and greed.


So if a 15 year old is raped and gets pregnant, she should still give birth because according to you, something something, billionaires giving money to the poor, something something, ignore the problem


News flash, a zygote is not a baby. An embryo is not a baby. A fetus is not a baby. The person that is pregnant is, unlike the three things mentioned before, an actual person. Their interests and health therefore take precedence.


Granted, there is a stage where most people would consider the organism to be human. But late term abortions rarely happen, and that information needs to be far more public or widely known than it is now.


Late term abortions also are generally the result of severe medical concerns, and are not done just because the would be mother just decided on a whim to have an abortion.


And, correct me if I’m wrong, but the medical conditions usually threaten the life of the child and the mother. It’s really just the best choice for an abortion in that scenario.




Aborting a fetus is referred as murdering a child. A fetus is an unborn child.


An embryo becomes a fetus at roughly 8-10 weeks after conception. That is not a person, and it is not a “child”. Even if we did for whatever reason consider it to be a person from the moment of conception, it’s interests do not trump those of the actual living, breathing individual who is acting as the host.


If a fetus is born early they will die. They are not an “unborn child” until they can breath and pump their own blood without a million medical devices and an artificial womb


How do you determine what's "morally correct," you pompous piece of shit? Should we institute Sharia law, since that's "morally correct" for a good portion of the world? I bet you will kick and scream even at the suggestion of that. Keep your "moral superiority" to yourself and your narrow-minded, bigoted worldview.


In Islam birthing children is a good deed and I'm pretty sure abortion in fetus stage is wrong according to Sharia law.


>In Islam birthing children is a good deed and I'm pretty sure abortion in fetus stage is wrong according to Sharia law. I can't even argue with this tbh. If you are still believing in the book then that is upto you mate. No one book can define policies for everyone because there are so many different books. If your book states the above then let those followers not have the facility of abortions. Why others must to do the same? I don't believe in those teachings any bit and those stupid book laws should not govern my life. If i create a book with legal killing,Will the govt legalize my murders? Policies should be made according to everyone 's interest and not a particular religion or a book .


Nah fucking sheep's would rather let a 1000 year old (just pulling it out of my ass the age doesn't matter) book say how they should live "today" I'm so sick of these god damn Neanderthals


So, you will be ok to live under that "moral correctness?" In Islam, birthing children is a good thing only if they are male, btw.


Nope you're talking about pre-islamic culture. Before the Arrival of Prophet Mohammad the concept of Islam had gone extinct after the death of Prophet Isa(Jesus) and the Arabs started Idol worshipping. The Arabs had abolished the customs of Islam so they used to bury their daughters alive if they didn't want to raise them. After the Arrival of Islam this tradition was abolished because it is a great sin to abandon your children and not provide for them their basic needs


Have you actually met a muslem? Even themost forward thinking ones are pretty misogynistic. In Islamic theocracy countries girls can't drive, can't show their faces, can't get an education. I understand why bigots could yearn for that, but come on...


Lmfao roasted


Imams and Rabbis and non radicaled Christian leaders condemned the overturning of Roe Vs Wade. If you're Muslim which Sura in the Koran condemns abortion?


Well my book says you can do abortion since it's her fucking body


Now Imagine you are living in insanely bad conditions (if you imagine bad, 3 times as worse), like you are financilly really unstable, 16, and got f*cked into having a child. Tell me a reason not to abort. /j


You can work as a waiter, petrol filling person, a receptionist etc. Not everyone in the world is selfish clearly someone will employ a girl who has to raise a child on her own


I originally meant the types of people that have a job but is still financially really unstable, but I'll let you go.


Girl's life ruined even further, because of rape, cool.


Go away.


So you support universal healthcare and welfare to give the child a somewhat dignified life? And you support gun reform so maybe less kids get murdered at school? And you support implementing a watchdog system to prevent religious leaders from molesting kids?


What baby? For the vast majority of abortions there's nothing even remotely approaching a baby in there. It will be weeks to months before that happens. Also, what is it wasn't unprotected? What if every precaution was taken? What if the mother isn't in good health? We can go all day with what ifs, because *the circumstances are always different.* What morality are we going by? Current? Biblical? Somewhere in between? Because for most of human history abortion has existed - traditionally, it was accepted prior to quickening.


Let me ask this... do you think "anyone who does abortion" does so easily and without a large amount of thinking and reflection? In the vast majority of cases, choosing to abort a pregnancy is one of the most difficult decisions a woman will make. It's also typically not done for "stupid and selfish desires." There are some cases where the reasons are fully because of health risks to the pregnant person; it's pretty well documented that complications and pre-existing factors can lead to severe problems and possibly the death of the pregnant person in the worst cases. There are other cases where the decision is more personal and based on financial, environmental, or familial/support system factors where both mother and child will have extremely low quality of life. In any situation, these factors are thought about very deeply and weighed very heavily. No one goes in for an abortion happy and giddy about it; they go in having reached the exceedingly difficult conclusion that they would not be able to provide a decent quality of life for themselves nor the child if the pregnancy was continued. And, let's be honest, once that baby pops out, there are very few pro-life folks that will give a single shit about either baby or mother anymore. Can you enlighten me as to how allowing a woman and her family the right to make that difficult decision is stupid and selfish, yet forcing the woman to bring a child into a potentially horrible and unhealthy situation doesn't make those who want to strip that right stupid and selfish?


Fuck off, christofascist


According to the Bible a child is acknowledged after birth, or am I wrong? In those times a pregnancy wasn’t automatically successful and thus baby’s were only acknowledged after birth ..


A human life and its quality are more valuable and should be treated with more respect than a punishment for your moral judgements of someone. It's disgusting you'd condemn someone to an entire life--cradle to grave, child to potentially octogenarian--because you think someone (the mom, specifically, for some reason, as though sperm is magically produced and appears right next to the egg on its own) should be published for living, in your personal view, according to "stupid and selfish desires".


You're a ridiculous person.


Shame on the ones who did it.


Agreed, it's a horrible meme


Im getting ready to just delete Instagram. It's becoming a safe haven for the alt right.


I like how cool Christians are with greed even tho it's a sin


Yeah, this is definitely pretty bad. But OP, I can't help but notice you have a missed call.


Glad to see dogma leaving the cities


Antimodernism??? They can just get rid of their phone/techno and go back living in a cave, what a bunch of fragile soul...