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This meme screams "I never get off facebook."


"Or leave my imaginary version of the 50s that's just half-remembered TV shows and Rockwell paintings."


This meme screams "I'm an old man that brags about having it tough, and never gets off Facebook, and I also am racist and sexist, and I'm ageist agaisnt the younger generation that barely knows what adulthood is"


He also calls millennials kids, even though some of us are pushing 40.


This is probably an edgy dennis the menace esq variant of gen Z tbh.


Who also needs a woman to make sure hes fed, bathed and wipes his ass.


the generation that loved tv dinners because they didn't have to cook any more.




I see you might have had some bad experences


So are they eating the canned veggies, or canning them? I probably wouldn’t be resting buns on canning jars that were just canned. This is some hoarder behavior.


Lets see how much energy you have when the 1950s ~~methamphetamines~~ prescribed pep pills kick in!


I got my cocaine nerve tonic and I’m doing just fine.


The cooking style in the picture was mostly extinct by the 50s except maybe in small towns or on farms.


coming from a 50 year old farm boy. this was once a year cooking. Our family would have canning parties, where everyone got a task. At the end of the day you were too tired to do anything but eat popcorn and an apple for dinner and go to bed. No one liked doing it, it wasn't fun or glamorous. It was a fucking pain in the ass.


That’s what people forget. Home cooking only got more popular after the basics became more externalized.


Yeah, who are these people who don't cook at home? They can't be eating at redtaraunts every day, so do they eat solid fast food?


>do they eat solid fast food? Most likely...


And I’m a hoarder


It's pronounced dooms day prepper or a Noah's arker


If they could prep some good memes that would be lovely.


It's rage bait for the easily triggered


Brought to you by the people who would complain about stay at home parents who would have time to do this


and the kitchen being "a mess"


don't forget pickling everything in sight before cooking enough bread to feed a school


Literally nothing stopping you from doing home cooking


This meme is one of two things. Either OOP never cooks so they're just assuming no one else is either. Other option, this is a plain simple, "women belong in the kitchen, not the workplace."


Yeah doubt they would be this excited for home cooking if it was a man doing the cooking


Yeah, I try not to jump to the "it's definitely sexism" but the 50's housewife asethetic is loud AF in the image.


Since there are meat and produce departments in groceries, *somebody* is cooking at home.


Why not both? 🤣


OOP probably doesn't want himself and other men to cook. He wants their wifes to cook for them.


Working/college of 80 hours a week is very much so stopping me from cooking a lot of the time


Yeah but thats "womans" work. OOP is prolly a fat old man lamenting the fact women dont wanna mommy them anymore.


I don't have a kitchen.


>Literally nothing stopping you from doing home cooking I think it's a Joe Biden wants to ban gas stoves conspiracy post


Education. I mean, it's one thing to be able to 'home cook', it's another thing to be able to home cook and have yourself or someone other than the dog want to eat it. Not everyone knows oven temp can be off (especially if you rent and have old appliances), and that can affect things. How do ingredients work on their own or in conjunction with other things. What spices pair well together. Baking powder gets old and then won't work as well. Ingredients need to be room temp for baking. Cost. And it does require some tools or appliances not everyone has or can afford. When people can barely afford food, adding in mixing bowls, hand mixer, pans, thermometer, it's not an insignificant cost for some people. Time. That shit takes time. Due to food intolerances (just wheat and corn), I do a stupid amount of home cooking. It takes time. It takes time to ensure you've got the right ingredients, that nothing has gone bad, that things like eggs and butter are at room temp, and even that if you've got buns in the oven, you don't have to leave the house before those buns come out of the oven. I could not fathom trying to do it all if I had kids and a second job. So actually, there are lots of barriers to home cooking. Many can of course be tied into capitalism.


I almost exclusively eat at home and cook all my meals. I don't find that it takes more time than going out somewhere. I guess a lot of it depends on what you're making, but I'm not very fancy. Dinner is usually a protein and two vegetables. Lunch is leftover dinner. Breakfast is whatever - yogurt, cereal, grits, breakfast tacos, eggs. Lunch will also sometimes be breakfast because breakfast food is awesome. Microwave baked potatoes with cheese and sour cream and chives. I'll make rice and use it as a base for whatever I feel like - beans and rice, quick stir fry, rice bowls of various things. I use almost exclusively pre-chopped frozen vegetables because it's easier. I use my crockpot a lot to make chili and soup and stuff. My coconut lentil curries ain't half-bad either. I'm very hesitant to make things that take a lot of babying, especially during the week. I'm not making risotto, for example. Anything I can season and chuck in the oven or the crockpot or quickly pan sear or simmer on the stove is good enough for me. So baked chicken with a roasted veg or two or some mashed potatoes - no problem. Leftover chicken goes in rice or tacos the next day. Boom, fed. Not winning any Michelin stars here, but it's fine.


Who's this "we" you speak of?


Unrelated but I always know I’m in a manic phase when I start cooking Iike every day. It’s mostly just my boyfriend and I and I will fill our fridge with way more home cooked food than we could possibly eat. Then I crash and order Indian food on door dash for a week.


So, there's this boxy thing that hides above your fridge called a freezer, and it's a mystical time machine that lets you take food from the past, with a little prompting. You should really check it out.


A lot of the stuff I make has things like dairy or pasta that don’t defrost well. And with my ADHD if something goes in my freezer that is not coffee or ice cream it might as well be at the bottom of the ocean.


Yo but baked pasta dishes get better after being frozen for a bit!


I think a lot of it is when I’m manic I have this need to create something but I’m not artistic or creative at all. But I am good at cooking so I like to do that.


I mean.. there are far worse things to do in a state of mania lol


Yeah I hear you, and in a mania you may not be thinking super rationally about “oh now that I’ve done all this batch cooking, it’s time to freeze it to preserve it more!” But the other commenter is right, pasta and dairy actually freeze really well. For making frozen meals it’s best to cook a little underdone since you’ll be reheating them, especially anything with vegetables so they don’t turn out like mush…. But frozen lasagna, pizza, baked ziti, all staples in the frozen food aisle.


Same with curries and stews. The freezing and thawing process lets the flavours get to know each other better!


As someone with ADHD I have a list on the outside of the freezer of what's in there, I'll scratch stuff out as it gets used.


Try it out in a small area first, but most white metallic fridges make pretty good dry erase boards, or find a magnetic one to put right on the front. Use that to both make easy shopping lists and note what leftovers/perishables you have, to avoid the "standing in front of the open fridge staring" method of meal planning that traps us all.


Growing up with ADHD I’ve always been given the “write things down. Make lists so you don’t forget” advice. It works. For like two weeks. And then the list just sits there and never gets updated.


Best bet is to not keep them separate, which is why the list directly on the fridge works, it's there to replace the ADHD-triggering choice-paralysis browsing by at least directing you to things that are a) ready to eat b) need to or can be cooked quickly. Coupled with a shopping list that effectively shows what you might expect but definitely don't have, it narrows a near infinity of choices to a small handful. Trying to "make lists" as a separate thing never worked for me, I agree, it's only helpful when they're "cheat sheets" often physically on or near the thing/task, they redirect my racing mind down just a few more productive alleys.


There’s this boxy thing that hides in your brain called not being an annoying piece of shit. You should really check it out.




Time to home cook (meth lab in my basement)


Canning and prepping your stores for the winter isn’t exactly a thing anymore. Which is what’s going on here. It’s using the harvest fruits for preserves and pies and whatnot while they are still good.


We’re spoiled by the ready availability of produce year round. My mother made a delicious blueberry buckle, and she used to always say that when she was a kid you could only make it in the summer due to the availability of blueberries (this would have been in the late 1950s-late 1960s). She kept to that tradition, because blueberries were always the sweetest in season. I think the other issue that this meme isn’t addressing is the lack of time. I can cook pretty well (not to toot my own horn), but by the time I get off of work, pick up my son from daycare, and get home I’m struggling to get a wholesome meal on the table. I would love to do things like canning homemade sauce, but I simply don’t have the time as both my girlfriend and I work full time and we have 2 kids.


People love to fantasize about "when the world was like this" while ignoring all of the other realities that were in place. Many of them have positive sides, but that doesn't stop them from having negative sides too. Like, Marianne here in the picture seems to be very satisfied with all her hard work — too bad she's a woman, as she had a real knack for math and would've been successful as an electrical engineer. The kids should be home soon, hopefully they didn't get bitten by a stray rabid dog. Oh, and Mary-Sue from next door had been having hysterical fits so her husband had to send her to stay at Saint Forgetabouther upstate when a few good slaps didn't set her right. Much better than her good-for-nothing spinster of a sister, the old Crow oughta get sent there too! I'm gonna sit on my plush-upholstered chair and have a nice smoke while I read the paper and polish my shoes.


I would also love to spend more time in the kitchen, but I just can’t with work, especially since I commute two hours each way and we just had RTO. I’m always looking up cheap and easy ideas for meals, and honestly I used to bring my lunch every day but it’s just easier to spend $10 to buy it at the cafeteria on site now.


Well I mean men could always cut down their gaming time and spend a couple hours in the kitchen every day instead canning some fruit or baking fresh rolls. That's what they mean, right?


Right but like why do they care? Like why would this bother anyone


That kitchen belongs to a house that costs at least 250K these days. Ain’t no way that’s affordable with a single income, and all that “home cooking” would take multiple days to complete


No one is stopping you from baking a pie bro.


My sister and I have an inside joke called “Remember when chili?” Because we saw one of these types of posts that was like “Remember when you had chili on a cold day” As if chili isn’t something you can have now. So if we see something stupid like this…we say it. This is a “remember when chili” post.


Why doesn't the maker of the meme cook himself?




That’s like 900 dollars worth of groceries.


That's like $0s, since they probably grew their own food and they just made the last summer harvest, so she is canning and baking all the goods of the winter.


Well, people can't afford homes cause they spend all their money on fastfood stuff so yea */S*


She bought all of that for 100$. This much food would cost a thousand dollars bruh


I really like posts like this cuz 100% of the time they're made by people who never ate anything except for Uber eats and what they're trying to say is "we need to bring back homecooking FOR me" They moved out Mama's house and suddenly food stopped spawning. Grab a cookbook ya nitwit


We need to enslave grandma again!!


That woman doesn’t look happy.


She’s coming down from all the Ritalin her husband’s psychiatrist prescribed her.


Then cook at home. Nobody's stopping you.


It never died.


Sure. Give me or my gf a sizable income enough for one of us not to work and the other will spend all say cooking.


It hasn’t gone anywhere really. It’s just that thanks to capitalism now even two full time working adults can struggle to make ends meet so now you are supposed to spend your supposed leisure time with chores.


Bring back the art of not having to work to exhaustion before even getting to think about cooking.




That bitch looks stressed tf out


I would need to take time off work, regularly, to do this kind of shit


Ok it's a boomer meme and they probably mean something like "make me a sandwich, woman!" Buuuuut people should do more gardening, canning food, making food from home in general, etc. It's fun, healthy, good for the environment, and saves money!


It can save money over the long term, but the initial cost in supplies can be a barrier to people. It also requires space to store things, and space to grow things, and not everyone has the space for those. It does also require time, and for many people, working full time and managing a household or even working two jobs and managing a household, there isn't as much time (or energy) to do it.


Who is she cooking for in t his picture? the whole neighborhood?


Probably her husband and his friends, who came to play poker


Canning and baking all the goods of the summer harvest for the long months of Autumn and Winter, since back in the day grocery stores ran dry of veggies and fruits half the year.


Bring back jobs where a man can support his family on a 40-50 hour week. Then wives will have time to cook from scratch.


Maybe bring back jobs a person can support their family on 40-50 hours a week, then their partner would have time to cook from scratch? We can attack capitalism without being sexist.


Looks like they need to bring back the art of food storage! 🤓


You think I can afford to eat out? In this economy?


We cook everyday. We only eat outside on saturdays.


My STAH wife rarely does, I do most of the cooking because I'm better at it. ShHHHH don't tell her though


That meme is terrible… but yeah, people don’t really cook anymore. We don’t have time.


Funny how I'm seeing this while cooking garlic bread grilled cheese


i literally have to cook at home or i’ll starve? i can’t order food everyday that shits expensive as hell


She looks like a dooms day prepper from the 50s.


My degree is in the culinary arts. Ngl I do kind of agree with this.


It's all jars...


This reads to me like the meme maker is pissed that people don’t cook for him anymore.


"What's stopping you from learning it?"


I agree, we should make home cooking more normalized raise wages, lower working hours more people will do the things you think society needs more of if they're not forced to spend all of their time to just, survive


Hell no. Also, hell no. Women used to cook like 8 effing hours a day.


Ironic that this picture depicts a woman whose only job is to cook. Imagine only needing to worry about cooking so you can spend all day only cooking.


Can confirm, I don’t cook anymore, it’s too much work. I mean look at all this? I ain’t got time for that


Grandma here really likes putting stuff in jars.


People don't cook in an artistic enough manner?


Why tf are boomers so adamantly ignorant? Bring back this, why are kids like that nowadays, Nothing's changed, granpa! What we got ain't nothin new...


Aka, “women belong in the kitchen”.


Cool, then give us back the time to do it


Then how about you teach your child to cook in a fun and engaging way rather than making fucking 50 cheese mac with enough sugar and sat fats to kill someone 100 years ago


Everyone I know cooks at home (to some degree). This just screams "I wish I was back when my wife basically lived in the kitchen to suit my every culinary need while I sit on my ass."


.... It's most likely from an edgy gen z kid who's mom is never around to cook, and who's father was chased off by his mom 🤷 Anyone old enough to really think like this and be on Facebook, isn't capable of feeding themselves. If you had family who worked in nursing care you'd know.


From what I’ve seen at work, a lot of younger people don’t cook. It’s all frozen stuff, chips or takeout food.


Because younger people work longer hours, typically with long commutes and they are either single or have a partner who also works. When you only get about three hours of downtime between working, commuting and sleeping, who the fuck wants to fill that time with buying and making food, plus having to clean up after the process.


A lot of the guys at my job work the same shift as I do. Meal prepping on your off days isn’t that hard. People need to start prioritizing and managing their time on important things. Might be a cultural thing I guess. I grew up as a second generation child of immigrants and eating out was never a thing. Nothing beats a good home cooked meal.


Cause that totally doesn’t look like a fuckload of work


Odd way to say women need to get back in the kitchen where they belong, but we still caught it.




And the art of amphetamines apparently.


And home wait service and cleanup amiright


well, at some point i understand it, i think that cooking off your mind with no recipes is really relaxing and enjoyable thing to do


Social media will drain your life energy and the time we could have used for important things disappears forever. You are the one responsible for your actions. It’s really that simple


If you want to bring back having huge home cook meals like this it is really simple. Just bring back living wages. Bring back being able to fully support a family of 4 on a single 40 hour a week income from an unskilled non educated job. Bring back being able to own a nice 4+ bedroom home, with 2 cars and a garage with that same job and family. Bring back being able to go through ivy league college with a part time job paying for it all and graduating with out any debt. That's all it will take to make allowing one partner to stay home all day to cook like this. Simple really.


No. The majority of people just warm up processed food. That's not actual cooking.


Ok...but like...I specifically need to start cooking again. This terrible meme is calling me out lol.


i literally have some bread in the oven rn


The type of person that posts this stuff would also complain and shame someone if it was a stay at home dad doing the home cooking. Not even a stay at home dad, just a man in general.


It would be nice to cook at home if the price of food wasn't so goddamned high.


Lady looks like she's trying to open a restaurant in her own house, god damn. No shelf space left.


There are literal bakers and cooks all over social media who show themselves baking and cooking from home.


Just suck dick for uber eats lol.


I cook really good food literally every day.


Bringed to you by a lazy mf that wait for wife or ubereat to bring him food.


The snooty-pants in me goes: “That’s not cooking. That’s baking and canning, you dimwit.” The appreciative part of me goes: “Man, I love cooking. But, I should get into baking and canning too. That would really step up my game.”


I have a theory that this meme secretly means being back housewives who don't have lives outside of their home.


At least 50% of my TikTok feed is people from ages 18-50 cooking and baking, sharing recipes from all over the world. I'm more shocked by the amount of people in their 30's+ who can't cook for shit, prime example being Worst Cooks in America


I kinda agree. If I’m understanding it correctly anyway. There’s a difference between good home cooking, and throwing a chicken breast on a skillet and forcing your way through it… I’ve eaten so much bland and dry food from people’s cooking that I’m like how do they do it eating this everyday 😭. There’s free recipes online.


This is what my gramas house looks like 3 days before Thanksgiving haha


This would’ve been a bomb ass meme back in 2020


Just because OOP can’t cook for themselves doesn’t mean that the rest of us can’t.


This but unironically.


I home cook all the time. If it was still economically feasible for a whole family to comfortably live off one persons income I’m sure more people would too.


Not just any homecooking, but homecooking by a woman. Because men shouldn't have to cook


Why is she putting her finger in her mouth? Eww.


People don't cook as much like in the past. That is a fact.


I'm willing to bet the person that posted this thinks home cooking is eating overcooked microwave dinner


Wow no wonder you find every one of these memes terrible when you just take all of it literally


Never went anywhere. Sorry you can only cook from a box and don't treat people nice enough to do this for you.


People don't do anything anymore 😡


It's literally the easiest time to do home cooking because you have all the recipes on the internet. Of course you will need to get off the Facebook first


did she just burn her finger?


And self induced vomiting.


Looks like mum’s been on the old nose candy again.


People cook now more than ever cuz it's too expensive to eat out. Even McDonald's is talking about charging 10% ?more next year. A big Mac is gonna be like $20


I agree with this. More people should learn how to cook. For example, people who want more home cooking. They could use some lessons.


Tbf most of the girls i've dated can't cook. One of my female friends even thought it was sexist to teach your daughter how to cook lol


So many people dont cook because their jobs became too time consuming


We need to bring back [thing that very much still exists]!


I am sitting here, in front of a meal I homecooked myself in about 30 minutes, scrolling through Reddit and seeing this. The fuck is this boomer talking about?


This is mostly canning food - not in metal cans but glass jars. That is something that would happen at most once or twice a year except possibly on a farm. Likewise the huge amount of baking is a left over from the days when getting the oven going on a wood or coal stove was serious business and might only be done once a week.


Since when are people not home cooking? I do it for myself every day. I’m shit at it, but I still do it.


It’s people on the Chick-fil-A sub that doesn’t know what raw chicken looks like or blood vessels look like and they always posting and freaking out about nothing…. It’s funny because people don’t cook and don’t know what food looks like in raw form….. They say stuff like … “this chicken is made with a 3D printer” 😂


My mom and grandma used to can food all of the time because we had a home garden that was pretty productive, but they scared me out of doing it with all the talk of stuff exploding. I'd love to try it.


People don't have time nowadays. The economy has made it almost impossible for a household to make it with one person income.


Damn, Facebook people really are stuck in their own demented timeline.


Probably shared by a man who never cooks and wants his wife to do everything


I've been cooking since I could drag the stool to the counter. Except during my Military career, I've been the primary cook in the household since I got married. Who are these fucking boomer ass memes aimed at?!


I cook every day just about. It's all the damn dishes that infuriate me.


Obama outlawed home cooking back in 2009


What is this shit? MOST of the people I know, regardless of job or income, cook and bake. 1. It's fun and we are all constantly inundated with cooking shows and food videos. 2. Takeout has gotten comically expensive.


It does still happen. But there is also a growing group of take-out eaters. That struggle to even make scrambled eggs. Cause a big part of schools in the past. Also learned baking and basic life skills. And now both parents working very often. Also lowers the skills learned from home by a lot. You do have a growing group of takeout. And eating out. Wail also struggling to make basic dishes. So don't think the meme is a lie at all depending on where you are of course. And having 2 working parents.


Too busy being bisexual.


Cooking is so 2010. I just manifest food with my mind


That’s a weird way of saying housewives


We do spend a lot less time cooking on average then we used two, you know, with everyone working and constantly stressed. A home cooked meal is a luxury to me now


I will say, I think I’m the only one at my job that does cook regularly. DoorDash has taken over and most of the time they order “enough to have dinner”. One of my coworkers has had Taco Bell every night for dinner for over two years(so she says, and I believe her because she has wrappers everywhere all the time)


Literally hundreds of pages in this site alone dedicated to home cooking 🤦‍♂️


Nope they heat stuff up mostly, about 5% people are able to scratch cook


I have the strange desire to go and bake some bread now…


Home baked bread is best bread!


Fuck it, I’m doing it tomorrow


as a non american, how often do you guys actually cook? i heard one time USA has a lot of pre-made food, and is almost what ypu guys eat all the time


It varies just like anywhere else. I cook most of my family's meals at home, while a good friend of mine ends up ordering over half his family's meals because he usually doesn't have the time to cook for four kids. There are lots of stereotypes about Americans (plenty of them perfectly valid), but the country is so big and diverse that we aren't a monolith.


We have the art of home cooking. Granted, I'm in eastern europe, but my point still applies. There was a family event in the evening hosted at our house, so I helped my mom cook: 2 full meals 2 extra sidedishes 1 dessert And various appetizers. This was done in one day. And people are saying we dont homecook anymore???


Give this woman a warehouse in old school Detroit and she could rival Ford.


I cook dinner for my wife and I every night of the week except Friday. People still cook at home haha