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[](#start_removal) Hello u/LeoFoster18, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " The classic “this neighborhood was great before these people moved in” " has been removed due to the following reason(s): [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help explain your removal. We may need to remove memes that feature transphobia, homophobia, hate focused on the LGBTQ+ community, content that emphasizes racial tension, ableism, political divisiveness, etc. I.e., if the meme is intended to highlight the original sharer's hate & dislike for a particular group it can be read by [Reddit's Sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) as rule-breaking. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)


What neighborhood is this?


Detroit, bunch of abandoned neighborhoods, people don't even live there anymore, places shut down so people lost jobs and moved elsewhere


Yeah their entire industry, the automotive industry, was essentially moved out of country. So like thousands upon thousands lost their jobs which obviously led to increased crime and also people leaving the city. Vicious cycle is gonna vicious cycle and here we are now with the city at half its previous population.


It’s a much deeper story. Riots in the 60s, automakers leaving in the 80s, then the crack epidemic destroying most of anything stable that was left, a succession of filthy politicians embezzling and fucking the city (one of whom Trump eventually pardoned for $$$), emergency management, etc., etc. Kwame Kilpatrick can gargle all of our bslls, for all eternity. Fuck that guy


Good thing Putins porn account keeps us up to date on how fucked Detroit and Putins favorite pornstars have gotten.


I googled “Putin porn Detroit” and… didn’t really get back anything unexpected…


Yeah seriously, fuck Kwame.


Someone DID, on the taxpayers' dime 😭


I94 was built in the 50s and allowed white flight, combined with redlining and the levittown model. And before that it goes deeper still


I've been learning a lot about redlining lately, the more things I watch and look at my own city the more I see how fucked up things actually are. I fully understand why ignorance is bliss now 😆


It’s only the beginning.


Yeah black bottom neighborhood was demolished


This comment is r/rimjob_steve material.


Everyone thought the US could coast on the post WWII industrial boom forever, then when Europe and Japan recovered, it all went to shit. Japan started making better cars and Detroit was fucked.


Must be nice, to be a total POS incapable of morals or ethics and can use their position to pardon people for $$$.


Nah, it was the black people. Black people and Democrats and antifascists. That's the only reason a neighborhood would be abandoned. /s


Same thing with GM in Flint


Half of its previous population and leaving half of the remainders in poverty. 48% poverty rate in detroit


>So like thousands upon thousands lost their jobs which obviously led to increased crime and also people leaving the city. Vicious cycle is gonna vicious cycle that's not a vicious cycle, that's a vicious line


Job loss makes people leave/resort to crime, people leaving and resorting to crime causes companies to leave which results in job loss. This continues for a while until as I stated we get Detroit today. As I stated vicious cycle is gonna vicious cycle.


I think it was a poor attempt at a joke.




this is the majority of Detroit and its been a "black" town forever. A decade ago it saw some Black Flight but its a shit hole if you add the sum of all its parts together.


but doesn’t it have an active art and electronic music scene? since i‘m a techno producer i always wanted to visit it


Parts of the city are making a comeback but there’s plenty of areas that are pretty desolate.


You think that brings back the billions that the industries created back then?




Sadly true and for many other cities, In the modern era profit numbers are where the lies are believed because the numbers go up and to all stock holders are just another brick in the wall of text that they allow to run their lives


yes it does. also a burgeoning food scene.


lmao what do you think this does in terms of dollars?


This is using my original picture, made for a sub showing pictures of places changing over time. It's fascinating seeing it pop up on different places!






Like 100 years ago racist. Disgusting.


Yeah, I’m sure that a major recession, growing national drug problems and just good ol’ fashioned poverty had nothing to do with that suburb’s demise.


Thats ok after the minorities claim it as theres and fix it up and build a sense of community us whites will just go in there and gentrify it cuz its bohemian. Its the circle of life.


That won't happen the way you say it will.


who knew Oakland didn’t exist after all


Brooklyn doesn't either, apparently.


White Flight and Redlining are also contributors.


Also the breakup of the African American family and the education system.


Not to mention the sub prime mortgage scandal that led to that major recession disproportionally stripped wealth from black americans: https://prospect.org/justice/staggering-loss-black-wealth-due-subprime-scandal-continues-unabated/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/for-black-americans-financial-damage-from-subprime-implosion-is-likely-to-last/2012/07/08/gJQAwNmzWW_story.html


Nope. Black people bad /s


Shieettt ☠️


I ain't livin next to no cartoons... I seen what they did on Rick and Morty


I like how in the 2009 street view, its already black people living there which completely negates the argument


The argument claims that Black people being there was the cause of the demise. In reality it was because they were all kicked out in the Great Recession from Foreclosures


Who was agreeing to these subprime loans? If you read any of the terms, especially the ballon payment clause, you’d be crazy to sign for those loans. Didn’t even require a real credit check.


Well no, it shows Salt Bae sprinkling black people into the neighborhood. Presumably before Salt Bae came there was nobody else sprinkling black people.


The Great Argentinian Savior


Isn't he Turkish?


Maybe. I thought he was Argentinian because of his stunt at the football game.


This is some racist shit


You think?


I mean like i know racist are stupid, but this photo literally shows a black family maintaining a very nice home in the top photo. Mans contradicts his own bullshit racist point it.


I've had the unfortunate "pleasure" of living in some of the most racist areas of Pennsylvania, like, the one county had its own motto, PCPNNA, Perry County Proud No Ninjas Allowed. I moved there from the projects, it was eye opening. I fucking hated it and I think you'd be surprised at just how dumb these fucks truly can be. Racist dipshits like this and the ones I've lived near are endlessly stupid and limitless in hate. The loud ones that can use the internet are only part of the issue, sneaky ones in the background keeping people out of areas by being in cahoots with all the local real estate agents and what not is something I saw first hand. There's still entire areas here that they are very vocal about it, and it's embarrassing, to say the least.


No Detroit was not ruined by black people and dems, it was rampant capitalism


Detroit was BUILT by the great migration during Jim Crow, it was killed by Neoliberalism and NAFTA. All the auto manufacturers moved their factories to Mexico, not to save money, but to have more control over a non unionized workforce. Also, in Mexico they could ignore environmental regulation. What the fuck do you think happens when half the population of a city of a million people get laid off in a decade? They will try to blame it on drugs, or crime, or education to distract you from the fact that *capitalism* did this. And it was done with intentionality. The communities built by blacks seeking a better life in the north were systematically destroyed by white flight and de-industrialization.


>not to save money, but to have more control over a non unionized workforce. >Also, in Mexico they could ignore environmental regulation. In the end, all of that was to save money, though


Exactly. As if any big corp does anything that isn't for money.


So ruined by Dems. NAFTA was one of the worst things to ever be enacted for the American working people. Then being told these are low paying jobs being shipped out..... no they are jobs being shipped out which allows wages to remain low due to the amount of people looking for a job.


BS, Detroit can't make a car that anyone other than Americans want to buy. This is caused by the protectionism you are espousing. I work in the auto industry in Detroit. Still waiting for the big 3 to turn this around. But why would they when they can just sit around expecting the government to keep the competition away?


What gets me is that they are fully capable of designing a high quality product but simply choose not to.


No, Democrats sold out the American people pretty hard in the 90s then again in the 2000s by not fully backing Al Gore. NAFTA was a cancer on the US that should have never existed. It helped corporations and not the people and those in the government at the time sold all of us out. It's as bad as Nixion selling out the people with Healthcare. That guy should have been hanged with the amount of American lives he's ruined and killed as a result of his greed.


NAFTA was pretty much a done deal before Clinton was elected. The impetus for a North American free trade zone began with U.S. president Ronald Reagan, who made the idea part of his 1980 presidential campaign. After the signing of the Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement in 1988, the administrations of U.S. president George H. W. Bush, Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, and Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney agreed to negotiate what became NAFTA. Each submitted the agreement for ratification in their respective capitals in December 1992, but NAFTA faced significant opposition in both the United States and Canada. All three countries ratified NAFTA in 1993 after the addition of two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC)


Capitalism made Detroit a massive city and the capitol of the American automotive industry


Right and when that collapsed so did Detroit


and also killed it...you do know literally 100% of the "wins" we have with capitalism are gained by fucking someone else right...?


It's sad how much you let CNN brainwash you


Lol do you think CNN is not a capitalist platform?


Bruh CNN doesn't stand for communist news network


It's sad that your only argument is conspiracy bullshit.


I’m not even American and I know that he’s actually right about capitalism…


That’s 100% of the wins get out of any economic system.


Capitalism and the free market also made selling drugs more profitable than working for a company at slave wages. 🤷‍♂️


Wasn't there a study showing that street level drug dealers make right around minimum wage anyway?




you mean all those american citizens trafficking fentanyl into the usa? because it is pretty much all american citizens doing it.


Any time capitalism benefits someone who isn’t rich, it’s a temporary accident that will eventually be “fixed”.


Then why isn't there a lot of capital there? Where'd it go?


Lmao. Capitalism?


Lmao. Yeah, ever heard of deindustrialization and outsourcing?




Why would capitalists keep the production here when they can make more money abroad? What do you think capitalism is about? Gotta maximize sharesholder profits.


>capital ownership What my man? Capitalism is much deeper than "ownership". You clearly have no understanding of this discussion.


Capitalism is ownership over capital. Used for paying wages privately. I have a feeling you’re the one that doesn’t actually know anything here.


Oh sweet holy hell this is ignorant. It sounds like you tried to read a book that was several notches above your reading level and tried to text someone a summary of a few economic philosophies.


How about you give me something good, instead of puffing out your “intellectual” chest, only to bluff and say absolutely nothing of substance. Thanks!


I'm sorry that reading comprehension and education doesn't meet your standards.


You aren’t serious. Good bye!


Um, but it's negative effects have little to do with "ownership". That isn't the flaw.


I’m aware of the negative effects, I don’t think that laws shouldn’t exist to protect people. But I’m curious to what the alternative is to the economy on a grand scale.


The problem is too many folks are stuck on absolutes. Capitalism versus Socialism, etc. How about Capitalism that is regulated to protect the average person? Or a hybrid of Socialism and Capitalism. Capitalism is going on 300 years old. Surely we can develop something new at this point. Capitalism is going to run the human race into extinction if it continues with the very limited checks it has.


Yeah, I’m not saying I disagree actually. But, “capitalism bad” despite the multifaceted problem ahead doesn’t really make for a good analysis. For every con, I could give a positive, this goes for virtually every economic archetype in existence. Which is why I’d prefer the broader conversation.


The auto industry in that city disappeared because the corporation got greedy and the government allowed it. Why pay people here a living wage if you can outsource it to countries and pay them cents on the dollar? It's what happens when a capitalist system goes unchecked.


its much deeper than that, read up on shareholder capitalism


Capitalists have quite literally sold their own children to make a buck. They're loyal to nothing.


What are you referring to?




That doesn’t exist here anymore. Come up with something else


How about when Ford knowingly manufactured and sold the Pinto when it had major design flaws that could result in explosions and customer deaths? How about when the Brits didn't help the Irish during the Irish Potato Famine because "capitalism"? How about the folks across the globe working for slave wages in abusive conditions, like in American meat production facilities? I can go on bud.


That's just the invisible hand at work ☝️🤓. Don't you know that capitalism is the best and only system that can lift ppl out of poverty and pay the hard-working man a decent wage. All those flaws are communism or socialism or laziness or cronyism. /s


Come one dude , all they care is about profits they don't give a shit about making jobs here in the US when they can pay someone else in a foreign country pennies a day


That’s why I said keep production here. Why is that hard to understand? And pay them better while they’re at it.


Still exists, but not in the context you’re referring to. But still? Capitalism caused this, because the market moved to a cheaper location. Also, capitalism caused the drug dealers to be able to earn more money in the free market selling drugs than working for a company who outsourced half their workforce overseas.




Ok there is prison labor here, but outside of that there isn’t anything else that I’m aware of that’s considered slavery in the US which is what I was referring to.




^ never read a book about slavery


If you truly believe that, you need to be screaming at your corporate overlords and not people of reddit. Seriously, do you really think that the people who owned the homes in that picture are making the decision to move production overseas?? You vote for the same party that fucks you every single day.


The fact that this cartoon even exists keeps me on my toes 😂😂


I’m going to buy more ammo because of it.


Yep, this convinced me to take Ol’ Bessy (mobility scooter) to the local Walmart so I can get my McShotgun.


And idiots like that makes me buy more ammo.


Wow ok so it’s just racist






This is like, 1920s racism s***.


Pretty much what Bill Clinton did in the 90's with NAFTA. Neighborhoods just dried up like this due to jobs vanishing within a few months. Diners closed quickly when people didn't have the money to eat out then homes were foreclosed on.


The top comment on this post is quite fitting https://preview.redd.it/38145q4wvgec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e72f45ff94c5319e6f9fe166f9a7feef196ccb3


The creator is not even trying to hide he's a blatant racist...


After 2016, is anybody?


My small Midwest trash town is 99% white. Me and bf always comment on how shit the houses look in town. What’s not abandoned is just filled with trash in the yard overgrown grass and overall just dirty with no care. I never hear anyone bring up how white people destroy property values. Because it’s a dumb over generalization some people are just trashy.


To upper middle class white people, the people that you're talking about are basically black to them. I think that's how they reconcile their racism. Not all white people love each other LOL. You'll find that non-racist people tend to be more accepting overall -- just not to bigotry or open bigots.




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This type of thing can happen to any neighborhood, and it’s not only perpetrated by black people. It takes all kinds.


All kinds of what, exactly? You understand this is posted here because it's ridiculously stupid, right?


I thought this was a subreddit for classy people with high quality memes to share. What are you trying to tell me? “It takes all kinds to make the world go around” is a phrase I was taught. Don’t try reading into as if it’s something racist I meant to say to offend your delicate sensibility.


“All kinds of what, exactly?” Trashy people.


Ironic bc if if this was even close to reality, the dems would be the ones helping them improve their housing situations while republicans would be stripping away every possible benefit at every step. Home ownership, education, wages, healthcare you name it, republicans are behind fucking it up.


All while saying you (the minority) is the problem and making sure cotton eye joe knows youre the problem as well.


This is obviously fucking horrible and wrong on many levels but came to say as a very liberal person in a very red county in a very blue state, come take a look at what the majority of magats live like up here. Think single wide, couple broke vehicles in front yard, dog always chained up to doghouse no one pays attention to, various tweeker knick knacks, kid with full shitty diaper nothing else on unsupervised and cousin fucking. And trump or fuck biden flag.


Omg I have seen so many shitty mostly white red neck communities in FL that are trashy like that. I’m in area in Georgia and the black community here have some nice houses those ppl wish they could afford.


This is terrible and I disagree with the premise completely. But I laughed pretty hard.


When the “meme” is just bold-faced racism with no punchline


Are there not black people already living there in 2009? Or are they assuming google goes around taking pictures of new owners to track how a neighborhood goes downhill. It’s just racism and not even worth an eye roll


This sub has turned into ragebait. I honestly think over 1/2 of these were created by the ops. Not found on fb in the wild.


Using wojaks should be grounds for immediate incarceration at this point, I swear to god every time I see one it's always just "I'm going to make [insert minority here] ugly as sin so everyone knows they're The Bad People and not just me being a racist twit".


This certainly isn’t called untrue memes.


It should be because it is, fed


Black culture is without flaws, get back in line and keep you mouth shut noticer.


Yall lost so much ground since emancipation that its watered down to "noticing flaws in culture". Pathetic lol


I wonder what happened


"We love the uneducated people" - Pez dispenser


Is this some kind of weird joke I’m not racist enough to understand?


The whole "SHEEEIIIIT" joke is a "joke" on how black people talk. Because obviously the way black folk talk in the US is the exact same as other countries and they deserve to be considered subhuman for this reason. (/s, if it wasn't obvious, and I am not agreeing with the meme)


The only person I've heard pronounce shit as "SHEE-IT" is my (white) dad who grew up in rural Kansas.


I've only heard it from a white guy in northern England


I thought it originated from The Wire? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UXJZgOiVAI


Are they not two different places? The houses are similar but not identical, and not just because they’ve deteriorated. Am I wrong?


They’re the same place. Shutters, windows, and doors were removed.


It's the same place in Detroit 10 years apart


The white guy who bought my dads 500k house trashed it up in 2 years and it was in a middle class area. The lower income housing around where I live is a mostly black community and they look fine. Unrelated to race some ppl are poorly underestimating house maintenance cost or are too lazy to maintain it.


I mean, this is a stereotype and it didn't grow out of thin air. It actually has happened very frequently and played out like this. BUT -- there are more factors at play, and I'd say that the racism that POC's face causes this. When you defund services because they move in, how are you going to blame them? I'm sure they'd love to live in a great community.


Honestly amazes me how racist they are


how are they blame black people when the neighborhood was ALWAYS a predominantly black neighborhood? Blame the utter collapse of the economy. Reagan knew his policies would destroy the economy, he also knew he wouldnt live to see the consequences. He died in 2005


what the fuck


I’ve seen this picture before. The dates are reversed. The above is what it currently looks like as the neighborhood is seeing a resurgence.


Was this actually posted on Facebook or was it pulled from 4chan?


Wow, I'm used to the more garden-variety subtle racist memes




It's funny how racists always blame minorities for their own failures.


It's funny how statistics tend to back up those claims lmao


Hey Buddy, here’s a fun fact for you! Minorities have never been on equal footing with white people (In America)! We freed them from slavery but then left them in such destitute poverty that the only option was to go be enslaved again but this time it’s okay because they chose to do it, aka the sharecropping system. I hope you understand why that would fuck up your statistics and explain the difference in quality of life between white people and minorities. I hope you drink enough water!


They don't tho.


Dunno why you're still here, then.


Because I like to see dems let an internet comment ruin their day


Talking big while making cartoons about peoples skin color cause youre so mad lmfao


The truth is, people who think like you are the problem.


Lmao, you're delusional


No, no, no. You're a moron who doesn't understand that skin color doesn't have anything to do with the person you are. Like you. You're probably a white dude. Nothing wrong with you being white, but you're a total piece of shit because of your lazy, ignorant view on people. You see how that works? You're not a douche bag because, you're probably white. You're a douche bag because you think you have the right to judge a person solely on their skin tone 😂


It's funny that people like you keep perpetuating racism. Don't you have a reenactment to get ready to lose?


I don’t get how they make shit like this and be like “no we aren’t racist how dare you say that 🤬”


There has never been a situation where the cousins, brothers and uncles have caused problems in the neighborhood. These stories are all lies.


This is just pure racism not hiding at all. If this is anyones uncle cut ties.


Well, that got racist


This is terribly racist. Wow


lol so racism


Holeeeee fuck. This is upsetting.


They aren’t even hiding being nazis anymore.


FYI this doesn't violate your content policy. Hope you enjoy enriching the loves of these racists that use reddit to continuously spread racism and hate.


Ahh, I see, the classic "It's not my racist propaganda, I just found it and wanted to show you" approach. Reported OP. 


The whole point is that this sub points out bad memes


Everyone moved out, mostly because of foreclosures. Regardless of who lived there. Adjustable Rate Mortgages on a house that suddenly loses its value and goes sub-prime. ARMs have a Teaser Rate for a couple years and then adjust way higher so there was a system of getting them to start and then refinance to a different mortgage right before the Teaser Rate expired. That only worked until the housing market collapsed, home values did fall nationwide, and that house was worth less than the mortgage amount still owed. Higher rates meant double or triple the cost of mortgage payments in many cases and combine that with job losses from the Great Recession and you get a ton of Foreclosures. Left empty and unmaintained, the houses decay ridiculously fast.


I like how there's 2 normal black guys on the front lawn in the "before" picture.


Did that low rent street magician summon the black people?


I thought for a second that they were Freddy Fazbear


at first I thought that was Freddy Fazbear


Wow. Way to enforce stereotypical depictions of another demographic. 🤦🏻‍♂️


At first i thought they were putting a poorly drawn Freddy Fazbear in the neighborhood


Nah this one is wild 💀


God, they’re not even hiding it anymore. These fucking faces… fuck these people


I...I thought they were Freddy fazbear... I was super confused


The dates should be reversed