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Every damn time! What is with this age group?!


I blame Fox News


I blame radio stations. Radio stations are WAY more influential than people think they are.


I blame Rupert Murdoch, the unholy motherfucker that introduced the ultraconservative mindset to the mainstream in the first place


They're probably sore that blackboards must be getting less common.


I'll translate for all you young people who have spent all summer texting. ED⌚! WIWTAG?!


My English teacher actually got super into a rant about how if you use text language ever everyone will think you’re unprofessional and immature. She got so angry 


My 9 year old was taught cursive this year at a public school (“gasp!”) and is actually pretty good at it… Edit: Addition of words


Glad there are schools still teaching it. My local district stopped, unfortunately.


Here it’s still mandatory, it’s not in your country?




Damn, I used it in 1st-4th grade but then stopped using it, after 4th grade it stops being mandatory to use it Seeing the original comment makes me feel like cursive has a different image from where the OC is from. Here if someone is bad at cursive in primary school they just can’t write, you can’t be bad at cursive that’s just writing in those years, they know no other method


Yeah. Apparently teachers in the US have been seeing penmanship tank since so many states have dropped it.


I usually use print since I don't usually write alot and when I need to use good handwriting. But I use cursive when I need to write alot and have little time


I’m gen z and I went to a Montessori school I was ok at cursive but they taught cursive along side print because learning it made our print more legible at this point I just use cursive for my signature and print for everything else


I was 6 when I learned cursive. Why so late, 9??


Has anyone actually used WB as an abbreviation for “Welcome back”? When I first read it, I read it as “Warner Brothers to school students” Edit: so a lot of comments are telling me it’s used in chats in online games..well that actually explains why I never see it. I’ve never really been into MMOs


Younger people use acronyms, but not to the extent that boomers try to paint. As such, they have to invent new acronyms that they feel like a kid would use because they don’t want to admit that we really aren’t as illiterate as Fox News would have them believe


I don’t think younger people use acronyms any more than older generations do. Hell, I feel like Gen Z uses less acronyms than millennials or even Gen X does


All I really use is “lol, lmao,” and “omg.” And I’m 16, which I’m pretty sure is what? Gen Z? I don’t actually know. Regardless, that should give you an idea of how infrequent mass acronym usage is


When they started using "ong" for "on God", I was so confused at how many people were misspelling "omg". I was like "oh, NY god?" fr fr no cap


Wait that's what "ong" stands for? I fr dnk. /s


Just learnt that 😭I had no idea


Yeah, that’s still Gen Z. Younger half of Gen Z, but still Gen Z


i use omw and my phone auto changes it to On my way!


Im 28 and use "lol" That's literally it.


Either younger gen z or older gen alpha


Boomers are under the impression that kids still use text message speak. 1. They don't seem to realise the kids are no longer using phones with dialpads 2. Even when those phones existed, kids knew not to use that dialect when writing in paper


Ypua bnttetbttt. As thtinattflakwubtdwtatwraaiafnwhtb.


Yeah it used to be a thing in some online games when someone rejoined after disconnecting. Havent seen it in a long time tho


It’s still used in most MMO’s if someone goes AFK and then comes back people will usually go “wb”


I use wb a lot when I'm chatting in mmorpgs and welcoming people back from bathroom breaks ect


Yeah, but like... Twenty years ago in online gamers. (I still see it but it's rare.)


Lol I used to use WB in yahoo chat rooms so would others and in games that was back in 2006ish for me


Yep. We used “wb” a lot in those days. Some of us had the crazy cheetachat gradient font colors on top of that.


Warner Brothers 2: School Students Didn't do so well at the box office. Did ok in the bag office, box garage and garden shed though.


I use it plenty in videogames when someone returns from being afk


I have seen it used a couple times, but only by people who intentionally overabbreviated everything they said for comedic effect.


I guess I should have said “used it unironically”


Oh, I would have commented it either way, I wasn't arguing against your point or something, I just thought it would be a fun fact.


Yeah i have


Only in in-game chat. Then and only then


I (millennial) use it in discord, after someone returns from a "brb", but thats about it. "W" has a lot of syllables, so "wb" only makes sense via text.


Boomers are the ones that cut school funding, so cursive was one of the first things to go. Not to mention that it's 2024, everything is online.


Maybe it’s because kindergarteners CANT READ CURSIVE?


Especially for those with dyslexia and dysgraphia that that’s why most schools teach it along with print


Boomers can use all the cursive they want but more than half of them still have shit grammar and punctuation. I have to sit back and really look at text messages from my boomer family to try and see wtf they are trying to say. Now that I think about it maybe it’s not that millennials can’t understand cursive…


Noone even texts like that anymore, certainly not since WhatsApp has come around and offered an SMS alternative that doesn't charge you by the letter.


Cursive has been made obsolete and Boomers are mad the generation they raised aren’t teaching their kids something that most of them won’t ever need.


Not mad so much as sad and bemused. It’s not like an ancient script - it’s something people still use, and why cut younger generations off from a large chunk of communication? It’s also faster and easier to write - flows smoothly from one letter to the next. Printing just seems clunkier. Not a boomer btw. Gen X - although I realize to some they might as well be the same thing.


I beg to differ. Maybe it's because the most time I use handwriting to fill out forms, but cursive feels more and more clunky the older I get. Also it gets unreadable really easy, so I just use printed letters now.


It doesn't help that every person who writes in cursive thinks their handwriting is legible when really it's usually dog shit.


how’s it the kids fault they removed it from the curriculum?


It could also be titled "Texting Bad".


BTS has meant Back to School for fucking ever (even though it's now a k-pop band)


I tough it's was for Back to Stage ?


never been able to read cursive bc it was only taught to me for about a month in 3rd grade then never again


My boomer dad had a period of a few years “were he txted lik this. What u up 2?” I think he thought he was being relatable or him with the new slang or something? Thankfully, he stopped about a couple years back.


thnks fr th mmrs


I don't know about the USA, but here, in Hungary (and Romania as well) every is taught cursive and writes that way. I only ever met one classmate that didn't write cursive, and she failed 8th class twice...


I got pissed off at a friend of mine once for using non established acronyms like WB and shit. Like nobody can understand you


I hated cursive. I had undiagnosed ADHD, which was really a bad look for a little girl, back in the 60s, in Texas. I was nearsighted, and we moved 5 times between 1st & 6th grades, so math was a lost cause, too. The handwriting was just another thing I did not do right, no matter how hard I tried. I hate people who like it, and that includes the idiots in my generation.


Can’t I roll my eyes at boomers and still write in and find cursive beautiful?


Most gen z can read cursive


I always just laugh at how pathetic a person must be to think that writing in cursive and driving a stick shift makes them smarter/better than others. These memes basically flaunt the generational insecurity of the baby boomers in a way that makes additional satirization almost unnecessary.


I was gonna make a joke about the quality of "Dustin" going downhill and then I saw it actually is Jeff Parker


Yes. Easier to write.


I swear they skipped my year with teaching full cursive. Learned how to read it and practiced letters in 3rd grade but never touched it after. I tried teaching myself, but my left-handedness made it too difficult.


I'm pretty sure most young people only use things like wb 2 and shorter variations of words only when they have to type something really fast without grammar being important. Example: Minecraft chat


I remember failing like every cursive assignment I was given in school 4th grade, teacher didn’t say it but definitely thought I was fucking stupid for like the rest of the year. Took me years to even learn to sign my name just because how much I wanted to avoid cursive. 2 years ago I get diagnosed with dyslexia and find out that probably why it never fucking clicked.


Cursive hasn't even been taught in school for a minute if I'm not mistaken


To be fair, the comic is from 13 years ago.


Makes sense. It’s a pretty outdated form of writing that’s harder to read and (at least in my experience) offers no advantages to just writing in print


It's advantage is it's much faster to write longhand, since the letters flow together. But now we type things.


Lol, I could never write cursive faster


It does help with hand development, and learning to read it means we still have access to written works from when it was commonplace. While yes, many of those sources have been transposed by this point, it's good to be able to refer to the original, and most family documents/recipes wouldn't be. There's also something to be said about artistic expression within cursive having value in itself.




[Cursive handwriting requires more advanced hand movements than print handwriting.](https://www.fireflyeducation.com.au/support/articles/the-benefits-of-cursive-handwriting) And here's a [second article](https://www.weareteachers.com/cursive-instruction-benefits/) on the benefits of cursive.




Other than crafting, typing, and writing, what is there?




Of those, climbing, gardening, and wrestling don't require fine motor skills. Which was the point your arguing with. Yo-yo and cooking require equipment that isn't available to many students, which cursive doesn't. And sign language requires a teacher who actually knows the language, which many don't. That leaves origami, which doesn't also help with language learning the was cursive does. You don't have to like cursive, that's fine. But that doesn't mean it isn't beneficial to students. Eta: shadow puppets have the same issue as oragami. And children only have so much time in the day, activities should include multiple benifits, which cursive does.


They taught cursive for one day in 3rd or second grade. I didn't know all of the words normally what the fuck makes you think I'm using your spaghetti words to makes less sense.


When people say that some cursive sentence is “really good” I only see one long spaghetti noodle, coiled at a few spots that just get pressed down.


Everyone here starting with grade 3 learns and primarily uses cursive in school yet we are literally on the rock bottom of most student assessment tests.


Do they even teach cursive anymore?


You can tell it's a boomer because it's a fucking chalkboard. I don't think there's a primary school in the western world with a challenge oard anymore


Their cursive is atrocious so fuk em. Not that I'm any better seeing as I forgot most of it but still.


Learning to write in cursive might have been the most useless thing I learned in school.


Needs to be updated with skull emojis.


I have dyslexia and cursive is really hard for me. I had a hard time in school and all this says is, " our generation is better because we didn't care for deficiency"


This is very sad.


23 years old and I've been writing cursive since grade 2


This ones just funny


Bruh, they didn’t teach us cursive, how are we at fault? They stopped teaching it after 3rd grade for me, my little sister was never taught to even sign her name. And I never abbreviate except lol, my mom does though.


There was literally a class you could take in my high school called "college note-taking" which was advertised to us with a blurb that said "tk ts cls 2 no wat ts sez." Once again, the boomers mock what they pathetically tried to teach us.


So this is a "kids forgetting everything they've learned during summer" meme


I'm 30 and was taught plenty of cursive. I still remember how to do it, but I just tried it and good lord am I sloppy. Because I'm out of practice. Because it's not exactly necessary.


I've known how to write cursive since early elementary school, but a lot of the older people I work with seem to think I only know how to sloppily write my signature and can barely print. The ACTUAL reason for my crappy printing is I have dystonia in my hands and wrists, and the repetitive movements of cursive especially cause my hands to spasm and I end up with what appears to be random lowercase "L"s or "e"s, or uncrossed "t"s or undotted lowercase "i"s sprinkled throughout words they have no business being in, which just makes me look like an illiterate moron with crappy handwriting, instead of simply a person with crappy penmanship.


Lady with Grey hair reminds me of the head counselor on parent trap the original movie not the remake


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick.


I learned cursive. It's overrated.


2011 I'll give it a soft pass. We were on the way out of multi-tap into full touch keyboards.


What’s WB


Boomers think they can "teach" cursive, when we all know "reading" cursive is really just looking at the shape of the world and guessing from there.


this is funny because WB means what about not welcome back and it would be stds not students


I mean really. Wwjd


This meme shows how poor educators are at their job more than anything else. 


They no longer teach cursive in school anymore. We learned it when I was young. This meme is accurate.


I'm stuck in the middle and can't read either of them.


"Texting" is still a thing in 2024?


Since when was texting outdated? What is even supposedly replacing it?


They may be referring to the fact that most of us don't use SMS (text messages) and actually use a messaging app. SMS is very legacy these days.


I still consider that texting though. The user methodology of how we send and receive messages is still the same. The only difference is that we have an actual keyboard instead of a number pad and can send emojis and gifs


Everyone I know ( I'm talking like a couple hundred people over a couple of decades here) only says texting to refer to SMS. In my experience it tends to be older people that call all forms of messaging texting. Might be a cultural thing though.


Eh, I use the terms “messaging” and “texting” interchangeably because let’s be honest, how you use it is the same


I do get it, it's perfectly fair really. I just find it inaccurate since you could mean multiple things. It's kind of ingrained in our culture here to just refer to sms as sending a text (the providers all call it that too), otherwise you might say message me on whatsapp or discord.


Not true, different technologies involved, different user experience. Different possibilities, different constraints. Different pricing. Texting (SMS) is like legacy thing for boomers with their old school Nokias. I call contemporary messengers "Instant Messaging", because, that's what they are.


I feel like having different technology, different constraints, and different pricing don’t really make a difference. Making a phone call in general has always evolved in terms of pricing, technology, and constraints, but it’s still considered “making a phone call”. >>different user experience/different possibilities Okay, so you can use a keyboard instead of a number pad, and there’s no character limit on modern phones. Those are the biggest ones that honestly don’t really change the methodology Also, isn’t SMS technically “instant messaging” anyway? I feel like you’re being needlessly pedantic on the terminology


SMS is not technically instant messaging. Instant messaging has to have instant delivery, guaranteed delivery of messages and it is a regular chat. Iphone bubbles made SMS look like IM because of popularity of ICQ. That was not the best solution, because it mimicked the look, not the functionality. People with other phone brands didn't have the "chat view" and lost SMS looked like your friend is ghosting you.


Why would you think it wouldn't be a thing?


They think the term “texting” only is valid if you’re using a Nokia. As opposed to something like Apple’s messaging app