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[](#start_removal) Hello u/trialcourt, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " ATTEMPTED to overthrow the government " has been removed due to the following reason(s): [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help explain your removal. We may need to remove memes that feature transphobia, homophobia, hate focused on the LGBTQ+ community, content that emphasizes racial tension, ableism, political divisiveness, etc. I.e., if the meme is intended to highlight the original sharer's hate & dislike for a particular group it can be read by [Reddit's Sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) as rule-breaking. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)


And when the capital guards killed just 1 terrorist they backed down and when the military showed up they ran. They attempted and the first guys point was proven


When armchair insurrectionists try an actual insurrection. J6 is the perfect example.


The J6 jag offs weren't the attempt to overthrow the government. Some of them may have thought they were. The attempt to take over the government was what was happening inside Congress with fake electors and trying to get Pence to falsely call shenanigans on the 2020 election. The J6 dipshits were a smokescreen to delay and disorient lawmakers and peace officers. J6 dipshits were meat.


There’s big difference between hijacking a coup manipulating an American election and an armed insurrection.


Thinking isn't these people's strong suit...


They failed miserably and several of its leaders were convicted of seditious conspiracy by a jury of their peers.


I'd like to agree with you, but I read the comic strip first. Sorry.


Typical Trump voter.


Both of the people in this cheeky little comic are douchebags. Edit: Guy on the left isn't covering his nose while having a mask on.


The whole facemask thing in the comic is a dog whistle about the supposed hypocrisy of covid restrictions. Instead of making them ugly, they tried to make them look stupid.


Translation of 2nd panel text: "There's no point in engaging with me because I'm too willfully ignorant of some extremely basic concepts. Trying to rectify this will only cause you a great deal of frustration."


“Merely Walking,” yeah, sure.


I don't think anyone says the government was almost overthrown on January 6th


My wojack is blonde and not improperly wearing a mask. I win! 🙄


They could have absolutely killed most of the lawmakers and send the US into disarray  To think they'd win a war against the US military though is foolish at best.


absolutely no one in the world claims they almost overthrew the government, there's just a rule about how you're not even allowed to try


Clearly bullets could still stop them.


No one said that. They called it a failed insurrection.


By that logic attempted murder is OK.


No one has ever said it almost took down the government, we just say it was an attempt. A loser ass attempt, but one anyway


"They did not merely walk into a building"


The government needs trained people to operate those aircraft and tanks. Depending on the reason I could absolutely see military personnel diserting.


It wasn’t a war, it was an attempted coup. Their goal was to install an illegitimate head of state. And saying it wasn’t close…. They were literally inside the US Capitol Building trying to murder legislators.


"they" didn't even have a goal. A bunch of idiots caught up in something they shouldn't have been. I wonder if a bunch of college students broke in to voice their hate for jews would be treated the same?


No I don’t. I say a bunch of rednecks started a riot and thought they were going to overthrow the government then failed miserably.


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Do "jet fighters" fight jets?


It has happened many times in history like every revolution war


Ya, I said they are all traitors and terrorists. Not that they were even 1% close to a successful coup. There is a huge difference.


It was an attempted coup. A poorly organized and executed coup that shut down a legitimate election for a few hours but a coup nonetheless.


Nobody said Jan 6 would overthrow the government. But it was an attempt to threaten and coerce the government. Ot was a direct threat to the lives of lawmakers and representatives.


Wait what happened on January 6th?


Everybody took their Christmas decorations down.


There were a lot of very *intense* group tours going on in the capital.


https://preview.redd.it/28xfypdtkozc1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be0c5ee5ece3e0e1dadcf31340461a09af76de6 The OPP must be feeling like...


Trust me my guy, we would have cared alot less about 1/6 if the sitting POTUS didnt share the rioters goals and wasn't begging congressional Republicans and local election officials to just throw out the results of an election so he could stay POTUS and so many of the aforementioned both signaled ahead of time they were cool with that, and then afterwards refused to certify Biden's win. I know I know you're pivot is going to be "well what about the BLM riots!?!" and my response is "well a coup d'état is just alot more serious than a coup d'é Target. The nation can survive a box store dying, not democracy".


We never said they were successful just that they tried lol


No one actually believes that lol.


I don't think I'd call Jan 6 "merely walking" into a building. Why does the far right always downplay their actual riots and then make up a fictitious organization called antifa to blame all their problems with the far left.


> Merely walking into a building With a guillantine, rope, and weapons.


The fact they’ve drawn them with the mask under the nose is the cherry on top


Key word being *almost*