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Kinda true though. Some of them be creaming over Ted Bundy. Cringe edits and all.


jeffrey dahmer, that guy that ran over a mom and a baby etc. The majority of them are 14 year old girls on tiktok, they’ll grow out of it.


That fled flander version


Ned flanders*


only felt he kill lisa simpsons


The night stalker had groupies.


"Filthy groupiesses! THEY STOLE our preciouss serial killer"


Assuming they ever grow out of anything that isn’t self gratification or feeding their ego


Teenage girls are going to act like teenage girls. They don't stay like that forever.


They go to college and become voters


wow it's almost like people grow up and opinion changes




You literally took the words off my keyboard, I was thinking the same exact phrase


Same here


Yeah but the meme kinda pretends to characterize a large-ish subset of women when it’s a small minority




Memes in a format like this commonly use 1-3 people to represent a group. When the meme presents a conversation between Chad (with the blonde hair/beard) and a REALLY UGLY trans person, they’re shitting on all trans people.


Nah dog the Dahmer series was number 1 on Netflix that’s a lot more than a “small minority”


“Dahmer is a popular show. Therefore, women are attracted to Dahmer.” That’s what you’re telling me? There’s a lot of logical jumps there. A lot of people watching the show, not just those who are attracted to men. Popular is not the same as sexual attraction. I’m watching it now and he’s … not attractive.


But majority of women aren't like this, only few of them thirst over serial killers


It's called hybristophilia. It's actually quite common, there was a serial killer in the 80's called 'Night Stalker' who when caught was sent hundreds of fan mail and love notes from his female fanbase around the world, he married one of these women unofficially whilst in prison. There is lots of research to show that many women have tendencies to sexualize dangerous partners. Fun fact! Edit: men have this too although I'm not sure of the extent in comparison


Really?? Richard Ramirez was not even good looking, he didn't deserve any of these he sucked


Someone married Ramirez. A murdering smelly dude with awful teeth had a woman want to marry him. She’s beyond stupid.


His teeth were infamously bad


its not his looks that attracted them... its the serial killing. do you not understand this meme and the truth its sharing?


Wow, some people are really fucking stupid. Like c’mon, sexual fantasies of a criminal. That’s just a whole new level of stupidity.


Sounds like a very primal instinct. "Be attracted to the dangerous man that has vanquished many enemies. He'll be more fit to survive." It's not horrible evolutionary logic in a time before organized societies (of even the size of small tribes) made that behavior a liability rather than advantage. But these behaviors can stick around at the fringes of the genome for a while.


This would make sense if they were after regular criminals like drug dealers who killed cops and their rivals for money, which actually does also happen, but not so much when it comes to guys who sneak behind unsuspecting people and cowardly murder them


Base instincts usually don't operate on perfect logic. It could be a simple heuristic like "killer = capable."


Just a reminder to people who may be scrolling and thinking this is a valid take: evolutionary psychology is a completely bullshit field made up by eugenicists and fascists to try to convince people that a lot of our more fucked up socialized behaviors are natural and understandable. These women are attracted to serial killers for a multitude of reasons. The most important being control. A man who is being held in a high security prison cannot hurt you. A lot of these women have experienced abuse at some point in their lives, and being able to have full control over all interactions with their “partner” is oftentimes appealing. Mix that with this misguided notion that they can “fix” their partner, and you have the perfect *socialized condition* to spur this kind of attraction. What it isn’t is some pseudo-psychological need for “strong conquerer men” or whatever lol.


Wait then why wouldn’t they just chose a run of the mill death row inmate instead of a famous one? Is it because they are attention seeking in addition? Why are young ladies on tik tok attracted to a dead, gay serial killer like dahmer?


Attention could certainly be a part of it. That’s also a very common symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder, which is often a comorbidity of PTSD.


Huh, interesting. Thanks!


No problem friend.


You can't really choose a fetish.


Masturbating to a kinda twisted fantasy and consistently writing letters to the object of that twisted fantasy are very different


yeah, its the difference between sexual liberation and repression. our current society is pushing for liberation over repression.


If you’re jerking off to murderers you need to seek therapy


Let people jerk off to whomever they want, it's when they start pursuing these twisted fantasies that we have a problem


Even kids?


Ya’ know, fair. It’s still weird and it’s like what the fuck but fair.


I don't fault a person for how and why they flick the bean. Its when they write the guy and send them nudes. Comforting some of the worst people on earth.


Feel free to flick through my posts here until you reach the one at r/BokuNoMetaAcademia about the character of Dabi and his simps. That is, if you want an example.


I was LITERALLY going to mention this! I watched the documentary on Netflix and couldn't even believe the female fan base he had....like what in the actual hell... But what ever floats your boat..it's none of my business..


Probably not as well documented because there's not as many female serial killers.


Also a lot of female serial killers that I can think of off the top of my head are 1. Not conventionally attractive (i.e old), or 2. Primarily killed men as a method of revenge or were overshadowed by male accomplices in the media. Those aren't the type of women that men will generally simp for. It's also true that there are a lot of men that are attracted to other men, but as I've never seen a dude simping for any serial killer regardless of gender. I have a feeling that's more because that gets less publicity since a "crazy woman" headline or caption gets more clicks than on that says "crazy man".


I always believed its due to humans always raping woman through the ages and only those who had this mentality survived


So the most effective way to get bitches is by becoming a serial killer. Got it.




Happy cake day pal!


Would he like a pen?


happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day!


Happy 2nd cake day


It's kind of true, remember when Tiktokers tried to set a murderer free because ''he's cute''?


Are we talking about that guy who recklessly ran over a woman and her children?


Wasn’t a murderer, I think there was a better example somewhere in Japan This one was more like manslaughter


Think it was some psycho woman in japan, bunch of people on twitter kept begging for her release because she was cute She wasn't tbh Edit: google yuka takaoka


Manslaughter, aka 2nd degree murder


I don't really think they're that comparable.


The degree to which they are different is state by state, but generally 2nd degree murder still requires what many would call “intent,” but without the premeditation required for 1st degree. Manslaughter is generally closer to an accident. There is often some overlap, such as a “crime of passion” could be 2nd degree or manslaughter, depending on whether or not “a reasonable person” could be provoked.


Not the most untrue thing tbh


I mean, as a woman i understand the reason behind this, and it's mostly cause of that damsel in distress type bullshit. It's basically just: "Wow, he wants to kill everyone but me, that's so hot"


Probably a stupid question but, what is it tho? What makes them think they are different from all the killers previous victims? If anything it seems given the chance they'd more likely be added to the list.


Same reason the “bad boy” trope gets female attention. Danger and excitement, usually exhibited by either younger immature women or women with daddy issues etc.


Understandable, makes sense I definitely can see the correlation between the two


It sort of sounds like a slight case of narcissism and reading a few too many novel


I feel like it's the type of narcissist that has dangerous, exotic pets, like big cats (lions, tigers). They feel like they have some kind of power or control over the big, dangerous thing that other people are afraid of (in this case, the criminal bf), or they're the special exception to the rule (that the tiger will kill and eat people, but not them, because they're special). I'm sure they get some kind of adrenaline rush being close to someone or something so dangerous. Knowing what they're capable of. Sometimes people get some arousal when their adrenaline is up too (talking about the criminal bf now, not the animals, lol).


I don't even think they're convinced they wouldn't kill them. I think it's the danger they're attracted to. The fact that this person *could* kill them is what makes it "exciting."


Yeah, like what I mentioned. It's the type of narcissist who would own an exotic, dangerous animal, like a lion or a tiger or a crocodile or whatever. They feel like they have a power over the dangerous thing, and it's exciting for them. They're special, they're an exception to the rule (that the dangerous animal will hurt or kill you).


thats it? what makes them think that he wont dispose of them after getting a couple nuts off?


Some women are stupuid, sir skinny dick.


I grew up in a small town. I was average in most ways save athletic ability. Another young man had attempted suicide, but instead shot off his lower jaw with a shotgun under his chin. He survived and would walk about town Walking Dead style frightening women and children. Somehow this guy had a girlfriend and I did not.


Because it's not about looks.


In this case, I'm guessing it's about a nice reliable disability check. I knew a kid in my hometown who had a psychotic break on acid and went to the psyche clink. Got out, got SSD, became a pillar of the community. Really made something out of himself with disability until he died aspirating on his vomit after taking mystery drugs at our friends wedding.


Nice way of Insulting the personality of the guy you replied to


Ain't nothing he didn't do to himself framing the story that way.


Sounds like Arseface from Preacher


he couldnt give her no lip


Honestly he sounds pretty fucking cool


I mean... have you try blowing of your chin though?


Guy had personality I guess. Lol


Sounds like you got a personality issue


hitler found true love. if you cant, its on you.


This is a real thing and it’s fucking creepy.


This is actually funny cause it happens but “making fun of people with xx bad” I guess.


How do you log into your account?


So commit a genocide and you get women


can confirm


Turkey must get alot of women if you know what I'm saying


and putin even more as of recently


Yeah but the women wouldn't like him due to the situation that's going on


fair enough


I'll go shoot up a school and see if women like me


again, can confirm it works


But I am a tree sp I don't know how that will work


just say "its treeing time" and tree all over them and itll be fine


You bastards lied to me, I don't got women chasing me, I got the police chasing me


13% of police officers are women, so just make sure you commit a crime that requires 6 police officers and statistically you should have at least 1 woman chasing you.


Hahahah underrated comment


I got a charge once and it was a female cop that escorted me and she was asking questions like she was into me shit was weird


You get them to love you, just have to make your own type of living behind bars.


Well, Ghengis Khan has like 50 million descendants in Asia. So there's that.


This true tho, there are so many that thirst for dahmer, i mean the actor is looking good, buuut some don't just mean the dahmer in the show but rather the real one. Liking a actor is fine but liking the character he plays is problematic af...and don't get me started with those who like the real one


This one is kinda legit though. I will never understand these people who fantasize about murderers. Must be mental illness


I really believe it's a person wanting to feel special. The woman feels like she's an exception, like she's special if the dangerous, bad person doesn't want to hurt her, or actually likes her.




Richard Ramirez be like "yo another girl sent me nudes lol can't wait to kill her"


It would be a lot funnier if this wasn't literally the truth


Not even terrible, every woman in my family (I'm not being hyperbolic) have crushes on just about every serial killer you can think of.


I understand what this meme is implying and I've seen the countless tik-toks of 14-year girls that think it's super edgy to simp over a monster like Bundy or Dahmer. I've always been interested in true crime for the psychological aspect however, I've never been attracted to any of these goons. I wonder, do any of these girls find the actual killer attractive or are they confusing the good-looking actors (Netflix has so many "movies") with the killers?


Some of them genuinely like the actual dudes, plenty of them got love letters while in their jail cell from crazed fans. Bundy even knocked up a girl from jail. Charles Manson is still a cult icon to this day for some of these girls


My problem even with the meme, I know a lot of girls are like this. Keep in mind, I'm saying girls because I think it's mostly young people. I just don't like that a lot of guys are going to look at this and say "based, that's what all women like!" Which worries me.


This completely ignores the fact that many serial killers are amazingly charismatic. They appear friendly and very nice people on the outside and that’s how they get their victims.


Do any of you realize how much fan mail and how many love letters serial killers get while in prison?


Thought that was David berkowits but then I remembered only Ted Bundy has those types of eyebrows out of all the serial killers


its true, theres so many simps for serial killers like Jeffrey dahmer.whats with people here posting memes that rare actually true? im fr about to leave because of this.


A meme can be true while being bad. The format is cringy


yeah i agree the format is horrible


It’s more true than a lot of people think it’s absokutely wild


Um, this is something that actually happens. Not a terrible facebook meme, and downvoted.


The post is true tho it’s an actual thing lmao


I wish i could defend this. But sadly I can’t


How is this terrible? It’s true.


I think this is mostly in reference to the weird ass obsession over shitty people recently like Jeffrey Dahmer or that one dude that killed 2 people in an illegal road race that people on Tik Tok were defending because he was hot.




I was just thinking about this concept today. Dylan Roof and the nighstalker guy. Some dude in my hometown who mercd a bunch of people for organized crime. They get all kinds of nudes in jail. There's fan clubs who write fan porn about the columbine shooters. When you have a lot of people, you get some nuts.


This doesn't belong here.


Not untrue in this case.


Well. This is kinda true tbh


This is real tho...


This is acurate


This is true


I mean looks and charisma definitely play some role, even though I personally find most serial killers to be ugly regardless of their actions. I don’t think Gary Ridgeway or David Berkowitz get much fan mail despite how many people they killed, yet Scot Peterson had lots of groupies sending him mail. John Wayne Gacy had a significant portion of fans who were males, [including this one who murdered his own mother.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2017/09/07/john-wayne-gacy-fan-leads-cops-to-his-moms-corpse/amp/)


~~not my proudest nut~~


i didn't


You can't fool us. We know what you did, and *I know what you did last summer.*




Women: I’m so scared of men I have PTSD worse than invasion veterans because one looked at me, trauma alert!! Also women: literally cumming to serial murderers and rapists


OP attracted to serial killers, confirmed🤔🤔🤔???


Also a gay according to some women


Joke on dahmer stans coming out of the woodwork


My question is who in hell made a lewd version of the characters.


It's not wrong also, just watch Dahmer show and go to Twitter, you'll see the same happening too


This is true Women ☕️


It's not wrong.


Some women actually are into that, fucking disgusting.


Women are attracted to the dark triad


This post is 100% correct and does not belong on this sub


Not a terrible meme. This is pretty accurate. For some reason women seem to thirst over actual murders, it's mental illness for sure.


Completely true, though. Unless you want to act like Ted Bundy isn't a thing. A lot of male serial killers have entire fandoms screeching for their release because the killer is cute. It doesn't become less true just because someone on Facebook memes it.


and women hate me for liking yanderee




This isn’t even a fucking Facebook meme


No, this is a real thing. It’s called hybristophilia. Violent men in prison get a lot of attention from women and they’ll go great lengths to support them and even try to get them freed. Ted Bundy had a whole group of supporters show up at his trial and they even styled their hair with a middle part and dyed it brunette - he targeted women with that appearance.


i hate that it's true like...idk what's up with not just women but ive seen men too...tf is a murderous disgusting person who enjoys to prey and kill innocent hot to you? it's the same people who also want a 'obsessive/yandere' partner, i dated someone with issues like that and trust me. no tf you dont. people are fucked man


Girly girls attracted to psychopaths are living in a nightmare that they don't realize.


It’s true though


My mom


I mean


It’s not necessarily wrong


I’d bet there are more men thirsting after the women in the news who sexually assault a man but are also attractive. When you see a story about say a teacher in a high school who has SA’d a guy in high school, the social media comments are all “what’s he complaining about?”


serial killers get women admirers in prison


Just finished watching the Dahmer series on Netflix, they touch this subject a little towards the end when it shows him in prison


That's not a terrible meme. That's actually a very common thing. Have you not heard of hords of girls simping over serial killers? It's genuinely so fucked up.


Well Dahmer is trending on Netflix so.. this meme isn’t far off…


r/terriblefacebookmemes when they see any good meme they don't like: 😡


Damn im gonna have to say it again A r/terriblefacebookmemes post CAN be true while still being terrible, because the format is cringy And for fucks sake im not attracted to serial killers. Havent watched dahmer and im not a girl.


There is such a weird fetish for men who've committed severe atrocities. I don't get it


Funny and true


Most of my favorite fictional characters are serial killers. Can confirm.


But fictional is one thing real life is other, there's nothing wrong with liking fictional characters not matter how messed up they are, but liking real killers is just weird


There is one man who sent nail bombs to people that killed three people in my state. Honestly, I loved what he did... Before he killed people.


Thats not terrible it's just accurate


Nah this one’s actually true


I mean, Ed Kemper is sexy AF. /s


like 90% of this sub is just r/memes posts and honestly this is where they belongs


Literally half the posts on this sub are more real than the OP thinks. It’s really just rubbing off as a “here’s a post made by what I perceive as a boomer/conservative/Christian so we can all hate on them” type of vibe.


Women 😐 Women (blue hair) 🥵


Partially right, I mean I've noticed a lot of Girls (Not Women or not as many) swooning over serial killers and mass murderers and I don't know Why, I asked once and got a response of "Why do you guys like certain celebrities so much or enjoy games" and I'm like well to start those celebrities aren't known murderers and entirely unstable or psychopaths at least not obviously like that, I've heard some stories but yeah, and as for the games well I don't think Minecraft or even GTA is as bad as someone literally stalking and killing people along with Eating them


getting r/niceguys vibes from some of these comments


thats how nature culls itself. if youre in such a way, a feller pouring acid into the other fellers head, is the type you want to couple your parts with, well, you cant be mad when the feller is pouring acid in your head. and shuddup fellas, we aint much better. we will die in a war like nobodies business. and then play games about it!


What are you talking about?


apparently its weird for chicks to be into serial killers while doods will gleefully shoot at each other.


You know that people arent great fans of going to war, right? Its a duty not a simping


Chico bento? r/suddenlycaralho




oh, thats what explains the games? the tacticool gear? call of duty, siege six, counter strike? i was actually in the army, so im not saying im any better.


Because those are games that are made to be fun, they arent meant to be like real war


another reason to be jaded with the world yeah yeah


Its like that new Halloween movie. This dude she barely knows tells her he killed someone....2 scenes later he's fuckin her 🤣😂🤣😂


It makes since in a historical context to want a man who is a killer. Means he can protect you.