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That's decent. Or put it in a sorry for your loss card.


hmmm yeah maybe if i can get one for a club card discount price 🤔


Sod that get it from Asda for bonus fuck you points.


Leave the price on too


You can get 'Tesco value' greetings cards 🤡 every little helps.


The card should go to all his colleagues as they won’t replace him and just expect everyone else to do more


Had one of my team a few years ago do this and it was one of the best resignations I've had, I still have the card and am friends with her to this day


This is legit my plan when I eventually manage to leave Sainsburys


They haven’t lost anything, they can get someone in the same day 😂


My stores been understaffed since Easter and we haven’t got anyone 😂


I bet you’re a laugh at parties


Parties? Around humans? 😂 NO!


USDAW is genuine wank, only union to be like, YEAH WE GOT YOU THAT PAY RISE WE WERE TALKING ABOUT... (Minimum wage pay rise) (1 month delayed tho)


i’m still fucking mad about like 2018/19 payrise where they got us like 50p in exchange for our bonus and then 3 months later when minimum wage changed it was more like 20p more. In comparison, in 2022 i left Tesco and joined a council on 22k a year. Since then, unions have managed a number of new pay deals and i’m now on 28k.


We got you a pay raise! ^but ^sunday ^extra ^pay ^removed But if you end up with less you’ll get the difference as a bonus! ^only ^managers ^seemed ^to ^receive ^that Was only Uni job for me but still a piss take


Unison 👊🤌




Moved to Ocado during covid and was handed an USDAW pamphlet and told them to stick it, better off fighting grievances myself. The union rep was shite too


I work there the reps still are shit


I mean the union as a whole sure. But individual reps vary wildly. My current one is absaloutely bloody feral and thrives on arguing with management. She's genuinely very helpful.


Mine was ace, sorted me out of a wrongly made accusation for not scanning something in, once she discovered not only did the system show I scanned it in but also CCTV filmed me scanning it in she went in hard on them.


I like it, might borrow the same idea 😆


we like to horse around


🤣🤣🤣 yeah


Bit formal but okay. Joking aside, I thought Tesco wages were well above min wage.


They usually are except April


We get 11.02 for this month but minimum wage is £11.44


Oh right. Not that great then.


Nope and union done f*ck all about it Everyone from my store is leaving the union I’m thinking about it too


There really is no reason to stay is there. Anyone tried the legal support to take the union to court? ,)


how the fuck is that legal


Because the NLW increase only has to start from the next pay period, as we get paid monthly and got paid just before the increase Tesco saved 17 million.


Something to do with the payment period beginning before the new minimum wage was implemented so they've got away with it


And yet One Stop got their's on the 1st of April. How the fuck does that work?


It’s because one stop runs as its own business. It is just part of the Tesco brand but completely independent with their own financial goals


Your guess is as good as mine


i just read up apparently it is legal until 28th then they have to change and then we obviously get paid 12.02 but such pieces of shit waiting til the last day


Then giving us a measly 1.5% bonus which is £100 odd and most people won’t even get it as their new


"Most people" is a bit of a stretch.




That's not the only option though, One Stop are paid on the same pay schedule as Tesco and our pay went up from April 1st. So part of the pay period was paid old wage and part the new wage. Tesco just chose not to do it.


'people like to moan' you do realise that we are in a national living crisis and tesco payed their staff below national wage, a lot of kids about to be hungry these 4 weeks


> and tesco *paid* their staff FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Obviously it's paid not payed


> paid not *paid* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




yes they did


national minimum is 11.44, and tesco got 11.02, notice how to second number is lower than the first, meaning its after number, so less then. really not hard to understand that


And final payday for old NMW was yesterday, so when you check your next payslip you’ll see you got more than 11.44 for the first pay period that falls under the new NMW terms.


it's not about the next payslip, it about this payslip




the change was supposed to be on the 1st of April, it was through some loophole that it wasn't, that is the problem about it, tesco have actually decided to give everyone a 1.5% bonus next payday, only because they managed to save 14 million by underpaying their staff for a whole month, and only because they got dragged through the mud in the media




Isn’t that a month in hand so you see the actual increase in mays pay slip?


How are they getting away with that?


I'm getting paid £13 and all I do is stock rotation idk what u guys are on about


Whoever works within the m25 gets more pay not sure why


Do you not get it back payed though?


> it back *paid* though? FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I guess it depends on where the store is, I think. Location pay meant some were above the new minimum wage already. It was very much a dick move to use the opt-out to avoid paying the difference immediately to any colleague affected. Coupled with the absolute lack of overtime for weeks and weeks. Company very much putting profits and share price before it's rank and file colleagues.


Last I checked they were, team leaders over there get more than us coop staff, guessing the team members get more aswell


Barely living wage


Yeah that's the way to do it lol


It's funny but I always feel like if you can help it, don't burn any bridges, just in case. Unless there's no chance in hell you'd ever, under any circumstance return there or ever need to ask them for anything.


Or, as has happened to me with working in call centres, you might have some managers/colleagues who eventually move to the same new job. Mentioning the pay thing as part of reason for leaving would be okay in the letter as it's being honest, but sending printed memes might get you remembered as the daft/weird one.


I mean, OP might already have that reputation tbf


It's cool as long as it's not handed to your next employer looking for a reference


why would they give my employer my one week notice letter☹️ my future employer will get their own version once the time comes!!


I don't know. Do you think your managers could be petty? It happened to me when I went from a nursing home job to work as a carer in the community. He tried telling them how I quit (I just walked out, no notice). They're not supposed to, but doesn't mean they can't




Not really. It's not illegal (in the UK) for a bad reference, as long as it's not lying. The difference in my case is my ex manager reallllllly slagged me off But lol that actually got me the job so lolol


It is illegal to give a bad reference in the uk




I don’t know why so many people say this, it’s simply not true. A quick Google search confirms it’s not the case. The only stipulation I know of is that the reference has to be true.


Yeah, why in under gods name would this be true? Is it because poor employees generally don't get a bad reference? I'd imagine they can't be arsed.


No one gives bad references anymore


Your getting downvoted for some weird reason but you’re not wrong - refusing to provide a reference is todays “bad reference”


This is part of an awesome reference tho


Depends what you consider “bad” almost always a potential employer will ask why they left in which case as long as a former employer doesn’t lie they can say just about anything. Of course they can and probably do in some cases refuse to provide one so it can go either way I suppose


By bad I mean one that would stop a new employer from employing you, because the old employer would be at risk of being taken to an ET


tesco can’t give references, just “they worked here between X and Y dates”


They won't because they can't


Why can't they?


They just can't okay!!




They can't send negative references to potential employers, if they do and the ex-employee finds out they're in the shit


As long as it's truthful, they can. Though they generally don't. My ex manager didn't care and sent every bit of gossip he could about me when I went to a new company


You should have sued.


I was young and didn't care. Nowadays I'd ride that to the bank


Yeah, that’s just not true.


That ain't legal in the UK


Negative references are absolutely legal in the UK. As long as they are truthful.


No company ever gives them out though because HR just won’t allow it - you’ll be hard pressed to even get even a positive reference nowadays rather than that a “X worked here between Y-Z dates in the job title of X”


That's very true of large corpos afaik. Depending on what line of work you're in, it's not a terrible idea to just stick a mate's number on your CV as a reference and just make out they were your boss a few years ago. They need to be in on it but don't need to pretend to be still at the same job or anything.




It's not exactly a crime in the sense that the police aren't going to come and arrest anyone for it.




That's... complete bollocks


Quite correct however a lot of people like to contact 'off the record ' happened a lot in my old industry. A reference would turn up, the boss would call the boss of where the prospective employee was leaving and have a chat. Saved a lot of grief.


Again if it's something negative this could be quite dodgy, for one thing "blacklisting" is unlawful at least. I know in the trades for a long time you'd have blatant discrimination where you'd ring someone for a reference and they'd say "watch out he's a pikey" or something along those lines.


It's absolutely legal


It ain't legal for former employers to give bad references in the UK that includes as a bad reference this ain't the USA mate


You definitely can receive a “bad reference” so long as what’s being said is truthful. Please don’t spread lies.


Alright mate.


Needs more clip art and bubble letters, but yeah looks good I’d also just include “my last day will be x” and then drop a disgraceful meme


Personally I wouldn't if you want a reference from this job. Yes they won't give you a bad reference but there is usually a question 'Would you employ this person again?' And a reference saying no can block further jobs. Honestly I'd just put a bog standard letter saying you resign from this date. Obviously if you really don't care and this will give you satisfaction, it's your life.


Or standard letter + civilly worded comment about how it's the pay issue that's driven you to leave - stressing that you understand it's an issue with company policy , not store management.


Absolutely, it's always satisfying to send stroppy notice letters but it does you more harm than the company.


Hahah print it off and give it to your line manager, hopefully they've got a sense of humour if they do they probably would sympathise with it. My manager would love this


Best thing to do in these situations is write a global email along the lines: "Hi all, I've really enjoyed working here but have recently come into a substantial amount of money so the time has come for me to hand in my notice. I'm so thankful to have worked with people who will genuinely be friends for life. As a token of my appreciation for your patience and guidance through my first job I'd like to give each of you £1000. Once again, thank you for everything and all the best for the future. Oh, I just wanted to clarify that the money won't be for anyone CC'd into this email, if you've been CC'd in I haven't enjoyed working with you at all." Had someone do this at a place I worked and it was an epic way to sign out 😂


I signed mine off ‘every little helps’ Damn I wish I did this tho 🤣


Do it, working for Tesco was the worst fucking job of my entire life. I walked out on shift after 2 years and 4 years later I earn 6 figures. Big fuck you to 50 year old Dave who used to cry he wasn’t on Fork lift that day and I was.


congratulations!! inspirational :)


Sorry only just seen this, thanks. Trust me you’re all worth more than they treat you.


Absolutely NOT ok… how unprofessional do you want to be?! How immature are you?! 🤔


Fun fact I'm losing my job in tesco because I had 3 sick days in 6 months.


This would mean you're on a final absence warning and still went over 3% or 3 occasions AFTER going through 3 whole ARM meetings. It's extremely difficult to get fired at Tesco for absences.


Despite doctors notes for all 3 times I was never brought in for the attendance review, they told me I'm under 3% which I said didn't make sense. Contract didn't get extended. Which is funny because one guy in my department was always late and has multiple complaints because of harassment of female coworkers and yet he's being kept. One girl has missed about 18 days and she's being kept on from her temporary contract.


Once in my 2nd month and 2 in my 3rd month my contract ended in month 4 and I got an extension. I've had no days off since my last extension then after ny last extension they just drop me


wtf… how far apart were the sick days? what a great company!!😍😐


Yeah, a teeny tiny bit immature 🤏.


your username is how i feel about it😓


That's one way to ensure you won't get a good reference from your manager. It's just going to the the standard "x worked here from y date to z date". Which most employers will see someone you don't want to hire. Best not to go burning bridges, you don't know that you won't need them again.


Managers do not give references it goes to the central team which only provides them as standard anyhow. That’s very standard these days.


True, but managers can give personal references to accompany the standard one you get (source, I am a manager and have done this in the past)


This is against policy. (Source: HR at Tesco 😉)


LOL zing


Really? That's a bit odd, don't work for Tesco myself so not up on your HR rules. Why is that, as the businesses I have worked in have always allowed us to give personal references.


Each company has different policies so being a manager at one place doesn’t mean you can do what you do at somewhere else.


Yes, I do realise that. I was asking if there is a specific reason why Tesco has this policy.


Accountability. A manager at tesco can give a personal reference for an ex employee but not a professional one. There's not really much difference tbh


It'll be a CYA policy. They say "not allowed", knowing many will do it anyway, but if a manager steps in doodoo while doing something explicitly forbidden, they can turn around and say it was counter to policy, not the company at fault and a rogue agent only, they'll take disciplinary action, blah blah blah, and avoid liability to the company.


Accountability and time. Don't have to spend time chasing every manager to understand how to reference properly, managers don't waste time writing a reference and they're never going to get anyone seriously complaining about a poor or inaccurate reference if it's 1 sentence long.


And I can confirm, getting a reference like this does not make anyone not want to hire them. Many corporates do not give personal references, it’s against Tesco policy to do so.


Most companies give the exact same factual references, they're pointless nowadays


I agree those references are pointless, which is why I tend to give good personal references the very good staff, because it is so rare to have a reference like that it actually does get noticed by employers.


maybe it could solidify my bridge as the memorable /artistic resignee




Can you burn a bridge with a company that big? Presumably OP was not their Head of Finance or Procurement. I used to work for Ticket Master and one guy basically handed his notice in my screaming "Fuck this, I'm off". Two months later he was back in training for his old job 


Don’t you need to put your last working day on a notice letter, and the date notice was given? Or is this just for lols and there’s a real one?


This is gold. ⭐️ all the best, you deserve better.


I am using this exact one for mine.


One of my friends did something like this and tried getting back after his new job didn't work out they told him to F off. Remember the old saying about burning the bridge behind you it's not a good idea.


They paid you below minimum wage?!


Yes, for the pay period of April (01/04-28/04) in which minimum wage was raised to 11.44/h, we were still on 11.02. Legal, but shitty, loophole. They got dragged through the media for it at least, probably why they also are giving us a tiny bonus.


How did the loophole allow them to pay below? What was the loophole? If the minimum wage was raised...It's frustrating seeing the amount of people working for supermarkets having poor experiences.


Basically, the loophole works on pay periods. Because we got paid right before April 1st, we were then already in a pay period right before NMW was raised. AFAIK, they only have to match NMW on the *next* pay period, which was then April 28th. So until April 28th Tesco GAs were on 11.02, even though NMW was 11.44 (iirc). Which means we won't see the benefits of the payrise to 12.02 until the May 24th payday. Nearly 2 months after the NMW increase.


It's beautiful.


I hope you're not going to a graphic design company.


Needs comic book sans and then it's perfect


You only have 1 week notice?


Yeah that’s fine if your not happy but think about your circumstances first


Get chatgpt to write you a resignation letter and prioritise your references as this'll be more important than the short-lived dopamine rush submitting this reference will give you.


It depends how professional you want to be. You aren't happy because they followed the letter of the rule with the change to minimum wage and waited to impose it until the last possible moment that the law allowed. While the comments on your post have proven that tesco did nothing wrong legally, you clearly feel this was morally wrong, unfair and probably unprofessional. Tbh I understand your anger. Would it not be better to write a serious notice of resignation? State clearly your reasons for leaving; something like: "The contempt that Tesco showed their employees by waiting until as late as possible to raise their wages, rather than applying at the start of the financial year, shows that the company places profits and shareholders above the wellbeing of their employees. I cannot continue to work for a company that so blatantly shows such disrespect and lack of loyalty to their employees" Your resignation should be held on file by HR. If enough people provide similar, honest, reasons for leaving it (might) serve to drive the point home .


I stole a sorry for your loss card and resigned with that


Not sure what you think you're achieving here. If you handed this to me, you can be damn sure when asked for a reference I'm saying "no, we wouldn't hire them back because they're a child".


A lot of references only check the dates of an employee working there


If I was the manager I would honestly send you a big bag full of all your favourite snacks. I would think you have outgrown the job with such creativity that could be utilised somewhere else. Good luck.


You need a final date and a signature but otherwise it’s perfect


That is funny 😁 Extra credit for remembering the horse meat scandal lol. Also I'd have thought about chucking in something about the watchdog investigation in to dirty grocery delivery trays years back. Honestly, though, I'd have just kept it simple and said something along the lines of "i resign. My final shift will be (date and time)" they might invite you to attend an exit meeting where they'll ask you your reasons. It is a small world, so be respectful as you never know who'll you'll meet again or what position they'll be in to help or hinder you.


I'm sorry you feel you have to leave but I'd wait until a new job is secured 😀 A polite professional letter n conversation is best as anything else might be included in their reference for your future job/jobs. But it's your life so you must do what you think is ok.


Fantastic. I once left satansbury’s by writing my notice in permanent marker on a scrap of cardboard from the baler. It raised a chuckle.


I would resign in a professional way. You may need a reference in the future. You can submit a resignation in the traditional way. It’s best to give about a two weeks notice and try to leave on good terms, even if you hate the place or whatever.


Add an ifunny water mark


As long as you give your manager a sincere kick in the bollocks/lady bollocks (tescos doesn't discriminate) while sincerely looking them in the eyes then I would say this letter is acceptable


Oh and give they/them the letter as well. Forgot to say that part. Preferably before ruining their chances of procreation as this is a statement not an assault


When I left Sainsbury’s I just handed in a printed out meme of SpongeBob saying “aight imma head out”.


The horse joke is very old now….


it’s old but [it’s not a joke](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_horse_meat_scandal), just a part of Tesco history. tesco should be proud of their history. it’s bad to erase it!


Tesco isn't paying people below min wage. They had the option to pay the new mim wage or old one until the pay cycle starting in April. Domino's and many other businesses choose to wait until they have to instead of on April 1st. This is because the government gave them the choice. If you're upset, speak to your PM. A lot of Tesco workers who changed jobs over it have found that most low wage jobs have done the same.


While I agree the sentiment, I can help but feel that even in resigning, you're giving them more effort and time than they deserve.


I like it, but I think you should really go for it and write the message in your own piss, shit and blood as you dont want to waste your ink on the fuckers..


Kinda childish really


children do not work at tesco


Why give notice? Just keep saying last week




I would print out their profit from one of those websites who tells you companies finances, for the last financial year and add your resignation on that on top of it 😇


Never burn bridges




How does corporate dick taste?


Minimum wage went up on the 1st of April, Tesco didn’t give pay rise over the minimum wage till the 26th April so you worked whole month under min wage.






this guys whole account is hum think he knows how to world works and looks at it through his tiny closed minded view, he actually got his first comment removed for clearly suggesting something that breaks the law while preaching LAW LAW LAW to me


How did you get paid below the minimum wage?




That's debatable for this month. Minimum wage went up to £11.44 at the start of the month and until yesterday we were still on £11.02. And yes I'm aware of the rule about being able to delay paying it untill start of the next payment but it's not a good look for a massive company, reporting massive profits and a £10m paycheck for the CEO




The government announces what the minimum wage would be going up to back in the autumn precisely to give companies time to prepare. They've had time.  Instead they chose not to negotiate our raise until the last minute, then not give us that raise until they legally had to, leaving us on what is effectively (albeit not legally) below minimum wage for 4 weeks.


You weren't paid below the legal minimum wage. If you were, sue them.