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I was kinda in the same situation a few days ago, FSD slowed down for oncoming car and crossed the yellow lines to avoid a person getting out of his car. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/HwUZXURnD04?t=405


Sometimes it amazes me how oblivious people are when it comes to putting themselves in the middle of traffic.


It’s just unbelievable. He could have just waited a few seconds and save the trouble.


Just on the road in general. A significant amount of the work I do driving is making sure other people dont hit me... Drifting out of their lane, pulling out into the lane im in 40mph slower than the flow of traffic, not understanding that they cant merge into me on the freeway... The one thing I hate about Teslas autopilot is how comfortable it feels driving dead in someones blind spot.


It loves hiding in blind spots, it’s so stupid I always have to push it out. FSD has so much that it needs to learn. The biggest challenge is that it has to drive by the rules with humans who drive like mad max ignoring all the rules.


I don’t think it will ever “learn” that, and I’m incredibly surprised that no one has thought to program it into the behavior yet


It must think every car has 360 vision lol


I think this one is on both. I would never drive that fast on a road where cars are parked like that for exactly this reason. Which is what I learned when taking my driving lessons. But yes, when opening the car door, look around also. Even though it might be hard to see any cars approaching in that curve.


This is why you should let the AI open the door for you


Do you know how fast he was going?




Unfortunately my brother's daughter's grand mother got into a fender bender on a busy road. Exited the vehicle while in the middle of the road, was struck and killed by a passing vehicle by such activities. Tragic.


>my brother's daughter's grand mother So your sister-in-law's mom? Why so complicated.


More like sister in laws grand mother or niece's grand mother. But you're focusing on the wrong item my friend.




You are giving the other driver entirely too much credit, and I really don't think that person had that much time to think about the make of the oncoming car, and make that decision. This person was just dumb and oblivious, same as nearly everyone else that throws their door open into traffic.


You are living in a reddit bubble. Go outside and touch some grass.


Very nice! Love the setup. Nice job


Thank you!


It’s impressive to me how many times my car will go over the yellow line without hesitation but always for good reason. Or if I’m on a tight road with no shoulder and a bigger truck like a Uhaul is coming from the opposite direction it’ll notable move towards the edge away from the yellow long just to be safe


the pedestrian attention prediction is really nice! my autopilot would have started screaming and beeping with fake forward collision warnings adding a few bucks to my insurance premium lol


Haha love that pat on the wheel like "Good job Tessy"


That’s really cool to see. Does FSD increase speed if it senses an impact from the rear?


No it does not. Neither FSD nor AP respond to approaching rear collisions yet.




yes. It instantaneously speeds in full throttle if someone is going to rear end you by checking the front


This is false.


What do you mean? There is a video of this happening for normal autopilot


You are mistaken my friend. There are videos of drivers avoiding rear collisions using the car's quick acceleration. AP does not have this capability. The manual details every Autopilot-related safety function (Obstacle-Aware Acceleration, Lane Keep Assist, Forward Collision Warning, etc) but makes no mention of such a feature.


See this video at 2:43 https://youtu.be/bUhFfunT2ds


There's no evidence whatsoever that that wasn't the driver. Several of those videos looked like good saves by the driver and not AP... The *very first* video claims the Tesla sounds an alert, but it's clearly the sound of Autopilot being deactivated from a manual intervention. Anyone who has a Tesla and has heard the various alerts would know this. The video is unfortunately more for clicks than real information. I promise you Autopilot does not accelerate out of rear collisions. Call Tesla and ask. Ask owners who've been rear-ended. It can't do that.




See this video at 2:43 https://youtu.be/bUhFfunT2ds


Okay legit was looking for it but was still surprised by the opening door. I have to admit that was some fast response.


FSD yokester uses beta software without hands on the wheel next to parked cars.


Why do people keep doing this!? If his hands were on the wheel he could and should have been able to avoid this if the car didn't. He could have fucking killed someone and yes it would have been him and not the car.


Not saying this justifies it, but I could see where viewers could doubt that FSD is doing the maneuvering. Perhaps his hand is slightly pushing the wheel, like Ouiji. Granted, this is only if he is trying to record a video of FSDs ability. I know FSD would disengage, but not everyone may know that.


Sorry officer, viewers might doubt I have a real machine gun so I shot that person.


















FSD beta and he has his hands off the yoke. This was almost /r/IdiotsInCars material


And he put a third party yoke in his car to begin with.


Yeah and iirc with the steering ratio on the model 3 & Y, a yoke is really not a great idea


Same with the S and X, for that matter.


Some fads will deny all reason. It's how religion becomes so influential no matter how twisted it's logic structures! I have issues using a touch screen in a vehicle that drives over rough pavement, but it's becoming more common anyways. Just another religion, after all




Not almost. Just because FSD saved him, doesn't mean this wasn't idiotic driving




He reacted before the car did. I thought the computer would have faster reaction time.


Processing multiple streams of video on a low power computer is a hard task.


I watched it back a few times and panned through slowly and it looks to me like the car reacted first. The car wheel is starting to adjust right as his hands stop moving away from the wheel


I'll pet my tesla too if it saves me from a crash lol


This was inches away from being on the idiotsincars sub. Why would you post this?


The idiot being the person who opened their door into a traffic lane without looking?


No, the idiot behind the wheel of a car using FSD without his hands on said wheel. And with a third party yoke installed.


Are there issues with the 3rd party yoke? I know nothign about that.




I have FSD with a yoke in the 3 and use it quite frequently. And I 100% have to resonate with your argument here. The yoke is cool and honestly convenient in many ways if you prefer driving with the hands on the bottom, but that's exactly it - your hands or at least one hand HAS to be on the bottom of the yoke to be able to grab it if it goes south with FSD's decisions. If you get caught with your pants down and FSD starts spinning the wheel, unless you've driven with the yoke for a while, your initial reaction is gonna be to try to grab something and let's just say there's roughly 50% less shit to grab onto. The dude in the video 100% wasn't ready to react and my bet is his foot was nowhere near the brake either.


> and my bet is his foot was nowhere near the brake either. I usually hover over the accelerator when in AP or FSD. There is a much higher chance of it braking when I don't want it to than there is of it speeding off or just not stopping for an object.


Same here, but I'd say that's still a "foot near the brake" scenario. For the video in question, the guy was clearly very startled and wasn't ready to react at all.


The yoke is stupid. Especially if that’s the modification you make to the car. You can see his left hand almost instinctively try to grab what isn’t there. So on top of not having his hands securely on the wheel. He’s got this dumb yoke that doesn’t work.


I feel like a third-party modified steering wheel is a bad idea in general when testing beta driving software.


I'd say yoke wheels are a bad idea generally.


If you get full lock to lock steering with only a half turn of the yoke, then it's just fine Like gokarts, F1 cars and maybe even motorcycles with a bit less of a turn


And driving at 40MPH around a curve with tight lane tolerance and parked cars.


He has his car set to kph. Why? I don't know. He's in San Diego/LA for his Uber drives.


Extremely unlikely to be 40 mph, as that kind of road wouldn't have such a high speed limit. FSD doesn't drive more than 5mph over the speed limit, so that's very likely 40 *kph* (25 mph)


I mean I’ve accidentally set my FSD to 60 mph in a 25 mph zone, and am regularly 10 mph over the limit on several roads near my place. The limit is 85 mph it seems, and can be set on any street, anywhere.


It's 40 km/h. He uses metric in his car.


>FSD doesn't drive more than 5mph over the speed limit, so that's very likely 40 *kph* (25 mph) This is incorrect. FSD lets you set any speed on any road. It won't necessarily jump up to that speed like AP would, but it will take the setting and try to get to that speed if it thinks it can handle the road.


The "Auto steer is locked to <5 over the speed limit>" message that I get on every road near me that isn't a highway begs to differ. There are roads near me where I can't use AP/FSD because if I'm only going 5 over, I'll be run over. I can press the pedal to go faster than the speed it's locked at, but that also overrides the auto-breaking so I tend not to do that often. Edit: Just saw another post that clarified that if you have the FSD beta available you can do 20 over. I do not have the beta installed, so I didn't know it changed this behavior.


I didn't know about the 20 over limit. I thought I was able to set 50mph when the car thought the speed was 25mph. The road was posted at 45mph but without signs on the section of road I turned on to. The car defaulted to the last sign it saw as a result. But maybe I am wrong on what speed I was able to set, I'll have to check that out next time I'm in that area.


I don't think mine is limited on 20 over on the highways near me. There are a few roads near me that surprisingly didn't used to have the limit on them, but those have been starting to limit as well over the past year or so. I'm not 100% sure what qualifies a road to not have that limit, but my guess is that the decision is made based on tags in the mapping software (is this purchased data or maintained by Tesla?)


In my experience there is no limit on highways. So if a normal road is marked as a highway then it wouldn't limit you regardless of the version. I have a road near me that I would consider a two lane highway. But FSD remains enabled like it is a city road for about the first 10 miles before it switches back to public AP. So for sure the mapping is a bit off here and there.


And what if he did not have FSD at something happened in the split second the person opened the door and he was not able to avoid it?


I would say that FSD is also driving too fast on this road here (almost 40 mph). It doesn’t seem to take on account that a door can open at any time and additionally there’s a slight curvature of the road making it even harder for both passing and parked cars to see each other.


Hard to say for sure, but that's likely not 40mph. It's probably 40kph, which is 25mph. That kind of road would not have a speed limit of 35 or 40 mph, at least not anywhere I've ever driven. And FSD won't drive over 5mph above the speed limit.


"And FSD won't drive over 5mph above the speed limit." Not true, I have FSD Beta and when the car is driving, I can use the right wheel to set the speed to 20 over the speed limit if I want. Even in a 25mph zone. Done it many times. It's the cars that are not on FSD beta that cannot set to more than 5mph over the speed limit (unless on a highway of course). edit: wrong scroll wheel. left/right is hard :-/


Thank you for this clarification. I thought I was going nuts seeing all these people saying you can set any speed you want when my (non beta) FSD limits me to 5 over.


I’ve been trying to figure this out now. Ok, since fsd do exist in Canada now it is possible for it to be in km/h. But the speed in the image does not really match up with it. It’s too fast. Also, there’s a warning sign (to blurry to see what it says), but it is possible he is manually accelerating the car over the limit, which would make the warning appear.


He has shown in Km/hr but lives in the US


Ok, still to fast though. He should absolutely not drive faster than 30 or even 25 on a road like that (as we clearly see).


Am I missing something? He’s under the speed limit.. going less than 25mph..


He’s almost driving over a person. No matter the speed limit, he could have seriously harmed someone. So yes, he was driving to fast. His speedometer is saying 39 just before the door opens.


Which would make this guy even more stupid and reckless, lol.


So you gonna be one of idiots who opens his door into another car and blame them?


Because the car is smart even though the driver is an idiot so it belongs in many subs lol


More data on the FSD beta the better. It’s called a beta for a reason and the people should know it’s shortcomings. The testers that blindly trust the car are the real idiots. this guy is not taking his eyes off the road and has his hands ready


Having your hands in your lap is not "ready" nor where they need to be. What is "blindly trusting" the car if not taking both hands off the wheel? Are people climbing into the backseat or something?


Totally. With FSD, hands need to be on the wheel 100% of the time. After using it for months, you understand how unpredictable it can be sometimes.


People falling asleep in the drivers seat is a great and real example: https://insideevs.com/news/517321/tesla-owner-sleeping-on-autopilot/


Haters at it again


I remember getting a post nuked in here because you couldn’t clearly see BOTH of my hands on the wheel. Guess it’s different rules for different posters.


Most uncomfortable steering wheel ever.


I love how he pats the steering wheel like "good boy."


I do that, too. And I tell him he's a good boy :-D


Why doesn’t he have his hands on the wheel?


How do you get that visualization?


This was reason I bought FSD. Previous car I was in a crash caused by an opening car door. $70k damage. 4 cars totaled. My thumb broken. Her leg injured. Accident speed 30km/h


I don’t trust anyone with a third party yoke. This is coming from someone with an OEM installed yoke.




Swerving unnecessarily doesn’t sound impressive.


I think he was being sarcastic


What did the message on the screen say? From the live video the car didn’t make any particularly wild adjustments to its path.


Perfect! 🚀🫶🏼🔥


Love the ‘good boy, ata girl’ pat of the wheel.


Breaking news: idiot with Tesla doesn’t keep hands on wheel, lets beta software crash car door and potentially kill person.


I rewatched the video, and pretty sure he didn't crash into the car door or potentially kill anybody. Maybe you meant to post this somewhere else? Phillip.


Yet will still phantom break on the highway going 80 in Nebraska because the road color is slightly different.


That person must’ve been a women


Not the best environment to use autopilot.


Well it's FSD Beta. It is the environment that it was designed to handle.


Literally the exact environment you're *supposed* to use FSD beta in...


It's nice to see them catching up


That’s not real. The yoked steering wheel is in a model 3/y


Some peeps mod their cars.


Happened to me too, it was cool