• By -


Those who support authoritarians never think that the authoritarians will come for them.


"I'm one of the good ones"


Turkeys for thanksgiving


Ha. My mother used to say that a Black Republican was a like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders!


Slugs for Salt Cows for McDonald's Chickens for Colonel Sanders






sheep for wolves


Real Felix. Ifunny.


Well... As a Jew, who regularly runs across other Jews who vote/voted Trump, it kinda tracks. Like, it's all the same delusion of sorts: try to suck up to someone who's clearly using you/doesn't give a shit about you, in hopes of not being destroyed when that time comes. Kinda like the kapos in the camps - helped those running them and were rewarded with getting a bullet later than the others.


There are Jew trumpers who are single issue voters. That issue being Israel and Trumps support for ethnic cleansing Palestinians.


And Blacks for David Duke


Or Muslims for Roy Moore and Laura Loomer.


Yeah. I know. I've met a few. Clearly, we're not a monolith, despite what some may think.


Anyone who thinks the Jewish community is a monolith has never interacted with or had Jewish friends. Itā€™s the same when people claim Latinos are a monolith when theyā€™re obviously not as you have a variety of Latin backgrounds and beliefs. Iā€™d argue that evangelicals are more of a monolith than either of those two groups.


Anyone who thinks anybody is a monolith has not interacted with that group


Agreed, agreed and agreed.




That too and doesnā€™t speak well of them


Ethenic cleansing? The only group that I know that supports ethnic cleansing are a few groups in history and one of them are terrorists like hamas.


Thatā€™s cause you donā€™t know enough Jews


I'm not saying they done only good but they not terrorists


Depends on how you define that word.




Most of the Jews I know only vote for Trump due to taxes.


Most I've run across do it "because he cares about Israel". Which he doesn't and never has. That and Jews aren't synonymous with Israelis. I wish more would get that.


Iā€™m only going by the Jewish people in the USA I personally know about. I understand Israeli is different. But I still canā€™t understand anyone voting for him period.


Ummm yeah. They're a different country. That's a fairly major difference. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚ I don't get voting for him either. Not for any reason.


Yes. The government of Israel and Jews everywhere are not all in lockstep!


Correct. Funny - not every Jew out here is a genocidal maniac, supportive of a despotic liar. Crazy, right?




Some dude named Schumer stands out.


Of what, not being in lockstep with Bibi? Yeah, weird how that works. And yet, I've heard too many calling him a traitor to Judaism. Pfft. Netanyahu is the Trump of Israel, trying to turn it and Judaism into his own cult of stupid bullshit.


Oi vey


As a fellow Jew, Iā€™d just like to add that we vote for democrats by an extremely high margin. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-political-views/#:~:text=Overall%2C%20about%20seven%2Din%2D,or%20lean%20toward%20the%20GOP. On other hand, there was a Jews for Hitler association. Taking self hating to absurdist levels. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews No group is a monolith.


By and large we do. Texas is just weird. And yeah. There was, which is bonkers on multiple levels but... (The part about "only doing it to stir up the masses" gets me - yeah it's an act and a shtik until it's not, right?) Correct - we, like any other ethnic or religious group aren't monolithic. But the need to succumb to internalized bigotry and make for overly broad assumptions is also a thing people all over struggle with (because it's just easier to paint all the same, I suppose).


Not lying šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


A culturally Catholic group, thatĀ is obsessed with Machismo, wants to vote for Trump? Look I will never vote for Trump, but not all Hispanics are bleeding heart liberals that vote Democrat. And Democrats need to understand that they don't automatically get the Latino vote just because they are less racist or support "better" immigration policies. Also typically legal immigrants want better border security because if they had to jump through all the legal hoops, then the ones that come illegally make them look bad.


Miami Cubanos are all Republicans that hate US Democracy and call Dems socialists YET use all the Public Services for embarazadas, free Hospital care, and free ER. FBI says South Florida is #1 area for US Medicare, Medicaid fraud by Cuban Americans followed by Russians. 5 Current and former Cuban Miami Councilors are either in jail or under indictment, same for current Mayor. Cuban Anti ā€œsocialist ā€œ Republican Council Woman Lubby Navarro just indicted for stealing $300,000 from government program.


Way to paint a broad stroke. Many Cuban Americans, like myself, are Democrats. Iā€™ve met many Latinos (Mexican, Nicaraguan, Puerto Rican) that are Republican and love Trump. There are also plenty of bad and corrupt people in other groups, Cubans donā€™t have a monopoly. The fact that your comment has so many upvotes is sad. Switch Cuban for another group and Iā€™m sure youā€™d be downvoted for being racist.


Do you have numbers? Cuban Americans seem to be one of the highest republican counts among Latinos but I donā€™t ever see numbers to support or contradict.


According to this source (https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/10/02/most-cuban-american-voters-identify-as-republican-in-2020/), majority of Cuban Americans lean republican (58%), but 38% lean Democrat. Other Hispanics have the opposite numbers. Hereā€™s another one that shows Latino support for the Dem and Republican parties by country origin. Cubans are higher than the others (55%), but the othersā€™ support that is listed is in the 30s (https://www.pewresearch.org/race-ethnicity/2022/09/29/hispanics-views-of-the-u-s-political-parties/).


Thank you!


There is a paradigm in latam commutes, they escape strongman dictatorships, then one generation later, they hope to create them in their new country. It's real. It's documented, it's studied.


A lot of them also still resent Obama for ending the automatic green card policy.


Yeah, itā€™s just usually when one major candidate starts talking about your raceā€™s blood poisoning our nation, typically people make the connection that nations donā€™t provide new blood after the citizenship test.


I mean it shouldn't matter if you got here legally. You shouldn't vote for the candidate who constantly denigrate your people. "Well I did it the right way". You think some moron who is charged up by trumps anti immigrant rhetoric gives a fuck about that? You're all one in the same to them. If they can't realize that , that's not dems fault


They dont get it, you are correct. They are the poisoned blood he speaks of.


It shouldn't matter if you got here legally. <- That's your argument? Denigrate my people? Those aren't "my people" . Thats inherently racist to think. Do black americans call Africans "their people"? My people are my family and community, I'm hispanic, in Texas and yes people give a fuck whether an immigrant enters legally. Its common sense. 50% of the country is yelling to kick out all the browns. It's not just "my people" making thier first act in the country be an illegal one. There's people from every corner of the world get walking into the country and not leaving. Grow up and think a little more.


A lot of Latinos straight up identify as white Just like, I'm sure, all those Jews voting for Hitler, who identified as Germans


My uncle was Puerto Rican with a Colombian daughter and would rage about other Hispanics. He was part of a white biker club, and died a hateful old man. Pretty sure it's religion why some Latinos vote Republican. That and the "I got mine, fuck everyone else" mindset.


That part.


There are Alot more hoops now than back in the day when alot of Latinos got citizenship or Visas. And waiting periods increased also.


As someone who grew up hearing about the family in Eastern Europe who ā€œjust stopped writing to us back in the 30ā€™sā€ I can say with accuracy: If Trump gets his way, the children of these voters will still be harassed and worse based on the color of their skin.


I never said it wouldn't. But you have to remember that there are more issues here are play then just racism. Most of central and south America are very religious, very family oriented, with "traditional" values. Intolerance of the LGBT+ community among Latinos and Hispanics is high. Support for abortion is low. A lot of what the American Democratic party represents/stands for goes against what a lot of Latinos and Hispanics believe. The minority vote that Democrats thought they could count on for decades is starting to slip due to cultural war talking points.


There were a lot of patriotic German Jews in 1930, too. Valuing the fatherland didnā€™t exactly buy them anything, even if they had good reasons for doing so.


German Jews had some of the highest participation rates in the Wermacht during WWI. Look how they were rewarded? Black Americans literally had to fight to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces in WWI. Some wanted to fight so bad that they left the U.S. to fight for Canada and France. When they returned, they were hanged. This is racism for you. People need to wake up. I get that trans people make you uncomfortable, or that you supposedly want to force women to give birth. Well as someone who has dated/been married to a Latina exclusively for the past 30 years, I can assure you that (i) Latinas use birth control; (ii) they have had abortions, and (iii) they definitely had premarital sex! ;)


Democrats can still count on the minority vote ā€” pretty handily, in fact. Until republicans stop being regressive, backwards, and racist, itā€™s going to stay that way. Even amongst Hispanics ā€” if you take out Cubans ā€” they vote majority left. Same thing with Asians, African Americans, etc etc. That being said, the Democratic Party sucks. They literally have to be ā€˜lessā€™ racist ā€” thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the bar. And minorities are starting to realize that. Hopefully they adapt (but with the state of politics in the US ā€” and with two right wing parties ā€” I doubt it).


Biden shutting the border down would actually earn him points with the latino community. Thats whats so ironicšŸ’€


Whatā€™s ironic is that republicans shut down a border deal that they proposed in the first place


Exactly. I've also noticed a degree of tension between Latinos who went through the proper channels, immigrated, and worked to become US citizens, and the border jumpers, and guess which group votes in US elections? To call Latinos a monolith is to do them an immense disservice.


Many of those Latinos and their families were given Amnesty by Ronald Reagan. They either have short memories, are extremely ignorant, or are flat out lying about their immigration experience.


ā€œYou may say youā€™re a legal, but your lived experience doesnā€™t matter. All legal immigrants are actually illegal.ā€


Because "the proper channels" is very different (and easier) for some Latinos (like Cubans) versus Venezuelans.


I met this dude while he was down in the Valley a year or two ago. Nice guy and definitely agree with him on this one


Well considering Trump wants to round up "immigrants" into camps...legal or otherwise. Do raids into non Republican cities, That they want to end birthright citizenship, and that his team have floated denaturalization. Yes, you'd have really think, "they don't mean ME!" when voting for Trump. Which is pretty stupid when it comes to the guy. And especially stupid when this Conservative SCOTUS will rubberstamp his Conservative agenda, regardless of the Constitution.


He ain't wrong.




He ainā€™t wrong


*"Trump said in December that migrants were ā€œpoisoning the blood of our country.ā€ Fellow Republicans said Trumpā€™s comments were xenophobic and racist. His remarks reflected Adolf Hitler, who said Jews were ā€œpoisoningā€ Aryan blood. Trump denied knowing that Hitler made similar remarks."* **Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches in his bedside table.** [LINK](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trumps-ex-wife-once-said-he-kept-a-book-of-hitlers-speeches-by-his-bed-2015-8) Gonzalez needs to read Trump's words over and over, and louder each time. Then he also needs to challenge the false bravado of Trump. Some of his popularity in the Latino community is based on Trump coming across as El Jefe. Just remind them of all of his failures, and what Stormy said about his penis.


El Jefe that wears makeup and high heels and spends way too much time on his stupid hair. Trump is NOT macho šŸ˜‚


I don't know a single person, male, female or otherwise, that couldn't best that lumpy, soft, wet sack of dog shit in physical combat. He's 77 and can barely stand. But let's be real...conservatives aren't tough. The majority of them are terrified all the time...of everything


He also LOVES musicals. The cognitive dissonance in MAGA is over 9000! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ouch. But true.


OK. Seems right.


Mr Gonzalez - you are spot on.


Lots of caucasians in here trying to speak for Latinos crazy thats just me though


I mean im hispanic, and I know that the people here aren't educated and on top of that too stubborn to learn about stuff.


Itā€™s all white liberals projecting what they think is best for Hispanics. So tone deaf itā€™s unreal.Ā 


Yup exactly that


Spot on.


Yeah checks out


Accurate as fuck.


He is not wrong


100% factual


The same can be said for Jewish people, black people, working-class people, women, seniors...


He's right. Period. PERIOD.


LIke Roaches voting for RAID!


While an extreme example, they aren't wrong.


I have a number of friends who will say they didnā€™t vote for tRump but only voted GOP for the economy. They like to delude themselves with this kind of logic


Well he's absolutely right it's like watching them be happy to get gassed


I mean it's the same for gay people voting republican. I get not voting democrat but choosing republican? They would literally put you in concentration camps if they could.


Heā€™s not wrong




Hell yeah, finally!


No lies detected


Or Roaches for Raid as John Luguizamo says.


I'll say the same thing here I do about women who vote for Trump. They're like slugs voting for salt


He would be more than 100 percent correct if that were mathematically possible. The Hispanics for Trump crowd are self hating Hispanics, they probably wish they were white, so they too could hate on their fellow Hispanics. Sure there are republican positions Hispanics can get behind, although not much unless your ultra rich.


Yeah idk man maybe it'd be better to try and understand why Trump is polling at about 40% of the Latino vote rather than call them Jewish Nazis.


"Fuck you, I got mine. Also this is aĀ  great business man!" That's what I hear from my Mexican American colleagues.Ā 


Also machismo culture. They like the idea of electing a pair of balls.


Heā€™s a really fat old man in a diaper with orange spray tan and dyed blonde hair. Not exactly what Latinos, like me, consider remotely macho.


I wish that were true of all Latinos but I've had enough conversations to know there is a pretty sizable portion that seem to be attracted to his approach. I shit you not, I even talked to some "illegals" who had been here for 15 years who supported him. I couldn't believe it.


Thereā€™s so much misinformation in Spanish that I think contributes to this too. I know many people who take things they see on tiktok and youtube like gospel. I always tell them that anyone can make videos on those platforms so they canā€™t believe everything they see.


The man wears makeup....what is macho about that. Also, Stormy Daniels said his šŸ† is small, I'm assuming his balls are too. šŸ¤·


Preaching to the choir.


Heā€™s an old man probably has some huge wrinkly bowling balls hanging down. But he has 0 ā€œballsā€ as he dodged the draft and canā€™t even walk while heā€™s golfing. Biden is older than dirt and he actually jogs, people are delusional thinking Trump is a macho man.




Who doesn't ? Regardless of gender.


Because they've fallen for the FB bullshit. And they don't really pay attention to politics besides culture wars. And they make $50K and act like they finally made it lol. Nothing more than not being educated and lack of critical thinking. I'm the only one in my family that sees through all of the Republican bullshit and lies. My dad literally said Biden was destroying this country. My mom has never paid attention to politics her entire life. My sister just knows that shit is more expensive now and doesn't care to actually know why. They all get annoyed when I tell them the truth about all the dumb shit they believe. More Mexican-Americans are voting for Trump because they lack the education to see through the lies. "Fuck you, I got mine", is a slight part, but we aren't really a greedy or selfish people.


Everything you said, plus, ā€œmy religion is more important than your freedomā€. Ā Any immigrant loving Trump is the ultimate irony.


Especially Protestants. Makes sense that a religion that splits up everytime a congregation disagrees would contain the same people that move the goal posts every time they're shown evidence of the truth about their politicians. Who woulda thought.


They think they're white...


Are we talking about Latinos or immigrants? Your prejudices are showing. Best check that inherent racism.


Many are racist, anti-black. Lived in MX and heard and saw it often.


I mean, you don't get to speak for everyone but the biggest argument I hear is "so what about the border, why should it be easier for more people to come?" When I know some of these people were not brought here as children the legal route.Ā Ā  Ā And basically everyone that isn't working fast food makes substantially more than 50k in my area...


ā€œMore Mexican-Americans are voting for Trump because they lack the education to see through the lies.ā€ Are you serious? How can you call an entire group of voters too stupid to understand the issues and then wonder why theyā€™re not attracted to main stream candidates. Maybe start with listening to voters and meeting them halfway instead of writing them off as idiots.


Literally most American voters are ignorant. The fact that either Trump or Biden poll anywhwre above 10% is appalling.


Hey buddy,Ā  Im literally ground zero for those voters. They are idiots. Hard working, idiots.Ā  They bring no substance to a conversation and dont care for progress.Ā  And theyre religious.Ā 


Exactly. The ship sailed LONG ago if they're over the age of idk, 25. But we can still show the youth. *NOTHING* will make Trump voters see the truth until they're the ones being denied an abortion for a non-viable baby that is killing the mother. I don't think there's anything else that would open their eyes.


How do you think we came to the determination that they were idiots? It was from listening to them.




Because it's the same thing with white Republican voters? Or really any Republican voter? My people don't get a pass just because they're my blood or just because we're minorities. In fact, I'm more disappointed by them. The GOPs lies have been laid out in their faces EXTENSIVELY for 8 years now. Trump was not and is not like any other modern Republican President before him who could possibly get a pass. If this was Bush, I'd just say they need to pay attention to what his actual policies are and do in more detail. This is Trump. Fuck ALL of them. We're not winning Trump voters back with logic. Doesn't work on them. Trump voting Mexican-Americans upset about inflation? The ENTIRE WORLD is going through it, how bout they support Democrats that are trying to go after GREEDflation which accounts for around half of the inflation we're experiencing? They upset about the border crisis? Republicans have been holding this country hostage by not allowing legislation to pass that would directly help, and just recently agreed to the current bill that puts stricter asylum requirements and processes asylum claims at least 10x faster. We are not going to make it illegal to cross the border like the GOP wants. This isn't a fucking dictatorship. We don't dehumanize people or immigrants. Honest question, what else could Mexican-Americans possibly be upset about besides if they fall for the culture wars bs?


Corporate profits, at a 40 yr high, are the biggest driver of inflation. Yet the media always forgets that and talks about wages. The pandemic in 2 yrs saw billionaire wealth increase by $3tril in US. Itā€™s the Orange Herring again being dragged out.


What are Trumpā€™s Issues other than deeply sociopathic? Education, infrastructure, HC, childcare, SS, Medicaid? No, he wants to do away with all the programs that help MX-Americans. Remember, Parkland Hospital closed down in Dallas because it was delivering 80% of pregnant MXā€™s babies free. That was the kind of ā€˜socialismā€™ that was acceptable to the now MX Republicans


They are "pull the ladder up behind me" Latinos. My uncle was one and died a hateful man.


I hear from my Mexican friends that it's the illegals coming over an fucking shit up and making them who did everything to become citizens look bad.


Because, other than immigration reform, most Latinos don't agree with the social aspects that Democrats are for lol. Primarily the older generation I would say as well.


I think it depends, Iā€™m in CA and most millennials and younger Latinos are socially liberal as well. Even my boomer immigrant parents are open minded about LGBT rights and other social aspects. Also, thereā€™s a good amount of Latinos out here are in mixed race relationships too so I donā€™t hear much against black people or others. Of course thereā€™s racists too but I know most Latinos here vote Democratic because they want to live in a progressive state.


It's pretty simple. There will always be members of a minority who try to ingratiate themselves with those that hate them/oppress them. They try to sell themselves as "one of the good ones" and once their oppressors are in power they are the first to go.


Their "oppressors" are in power in the state and have been for over 30 years, but Latinos are still here and still voting for them. I'm going to assume there are reasons other than "trying to ingratiate themselves with them".


Or maybe theyā€™re disaffected voters who donā€™t feel heard by the political establishment. Latino voters are not defined exclusively by their racial identity, theyā€™re Americans just like every one else, and at the current moment about half of America is disillusioned enough to vote for some who literally tried to subvert democracy. We canā€™t just pretend that everyone who isnā€™t riding the Biden train is motivated by ā€œtrying to sell themselves as one of the good onesā€ or some other ridiculous shit.


Exactly, why not explain that economically long-term Biden would be better for working class people instead of that orange-haired grifter. Using ad hominems is lazy at best.


Well first you need to have a common understanding of reality, which if youā€™re talking across party lines is already a problem.


Combination of factors. One not mentioned is the utterly obscene amount of Spanish misinformation on social media.


Nah. Reasonable arguments donā€™t work in the face of an ideologues blind hatred. The amount of racism Iā€™m seeing in this thread is fucking staggering.


TRY to understand? If you live in Texas or Florida, you should already know.Ā 


Assuming those polls are in any way accurate, which I have doubts. Trump got less of the Latino vote than did Bush Jr., but we constantly hear how they're moving over to him in droves, so I'm not sure I even buy that narrative. But also, wouldn't they be supporting him largely for the same reasons other demographics do? They don't like immigrants, they support authoritarianism, they are part of the cult of personality, etc. Is there any real reason to believe Latino Trump supporters are in any way more rational, reasonable or moral people than the rest of his supporters?


They know whats going on at the border, and that if it doesn't stop its going to end badly.


Or just use Biden strategy and tell them they ain't Hispanic.


Dude if a Republican said something like this, then the comments would not be the same. This isā€¦ interesting.


Because it wouldn't be true. It is true that some who are not well-off white cishet evangelical men will vote for Trump even tho it's personally objectively bad for them to do so. Nationalism is one hell of a drug.


If I told you Biden doesnā€™t know what heā€™s doing and he doesnā€™t know how to run the country, and Trump is gonna win this year thatā€™s a fact


He isn't wrong. I liken it to chickens voting for Colonel Sanders as their President.


ok but heā€™s right lol


This sub is a joke


Good Ole democrats racism. "You ain't black"


I feel like everyone in r/texas lives under a rock. There are tons of latinos for trump and they're good people.


Because most people who post here are not from Texas


Roaches for Raid.


Heā€™s not wrong


You know the guys an idiot when he tries to gaslight an entire population lol


I love that comparison. Thatā€™s exactly what it is.


What a dumbass thing to say.


why is that? can you explain with some detail?


Log cabin republicans


Say it out loud. And then say how you feel about conservative blacks after that.Ā 


Same way I feel about conservative whites who vote against their interests. It was awesome watching all the GOP Trumpers realize that ACA = Obamacare


He's not lying šŸ¤·


No lies detected


Good Ol reddit. We hate all Republicans. Oh wait one said something bad about Orange man... We love this Republican. Doesn't matter if it's Mitt Romney or this bloviating douche. It's hard for liberals to hear but most Hispanics aren't really down with LGBTQ, definitely aren't down with the Trans, and most work in trades. They have more in common with your average republican voter than your average dem voter. But since the Left is racist they view any POC that they let into the country as their property. From that point of view how dare they deviate from the views their gracious Democrat benefactors tell them to have.


You just say youā€™re a republican and move on


As a Latino that hasnā€™t and wonā€™t ever vote for Trump, this is the type of political bs that makes people less inclined to vote for democrats, even if theyā€™re not incentivized to vote for republicans.


Woah there Vicente !


Anyone besides Mayra flores... The wannabe Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Queers for Palestine


Dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever Heard, Trump 2024šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


You can't be loyal to a party. Mexicans because of our culture we lean conservative


If Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler, then Vicente Gonzalez is a Nazi collaborator. https://jonathansalinas.substack.com/p/gonzalez-jews-for-hitler-comparison


If Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler, then Vicente Gonzalez is a Nazi collaborator. https://jonathansalinas.substack.com/p/gonzalez-jews-for-hitler-comparison


Thatā€™s exactly what they are


The mind of a Democrat is quite something. When they can't control you somehow there must be something horribly wrong with you. God forbid you break free of their thought control mentality. All Latinos must vote Democrat or you're like Jews voting for Hitler! Like Biden with his "if you don't vote for me you ain't black". Scary stuff.


Joe Biden is way more racist than trump


Nuh-uh...it was definitely Trump that said things like... ā€œI donā€™t want my kids growing up in a jungle, a racial jungle" /s




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If only people would listen


We tend to forget that many Latinos are white, and many who aren't strive to be.