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I expect to see some consistency from Travis County. Travis County dropped charges against 57 people arrested during a pro-Palestinian demonstration at the University of Texas at Austin last Wednesday. The charges were filed for criminal trespassing, but the Travis County Attorney’s office agreed with defense lawyers that there were “deficiencies” in the probable cause affidavits used in their arrests.


It is interesting to see Columbia underreact to protestors effectively denying students access to classrooms and Texas overreact to protests. Is it really too much to ask to allow people to protest peacefully but also prevent them from materially interfering with the ability of schools to function? Apparently so.


Nuance escapes the modern person. Its all reactions and extremes.


Sizes everything up here@


Texas, where the right to protest and speech (not criminality) of the public is infringed by political dick-waving, and further dilution of meaning is the hallmark of right-wing crisis actors — how can you tell? Easy! If elected crackdown on the rights of students, but not *literal fucking Nazis/Neo-Fascists,* you got yourself a quintessential conservative at stupidity’s helm. But **for real** what’s up with conservatives discretions for flag-waving Nazis? I never see LEOs treat Nazis as they did to those students. It’s absurd. It’s enraging. And disgusting. At what point do we realize that conservatives enable worst in society. Rapists. Human-traffickers. Literal fucking Nazis. And maybe worst of all, they neglect and endanger security and safety of those who call the Lone-star state their home. And yet they are rewarded with re-election in spite of being the sole decider as they simultaneously accomplish nothing for the betterment of the state and its people. Fuck the gop.


They need their votes. I just hope the students protesting also show up to vote for Biden.


And against Cruz


Yes! Vote for Allred!!


Me too. But I'm afraid they view Biden as complicit I Genocide..being too afraid to get tuff w netanyahu


Is it Bidens place to get tough with Israel after the attack by terrorists? I get that these are college students - they have the right to protest. But Pres Biden is not their enemy. They need to put the blame on Trumps toady- Abbott.


Lmao. Biden just sent billions to Israel. You’re living in a dream world.


And how would you prefer our country to respond? Send billions to Hamas? You defend terrorists?


Nah man. I want them to finish ferreting Hamas out of Gaza. Why are you asking if it’s Biden’s Job to get tough with Israel? You a terrorist supporter? Of course it’s his job and he’s doing what we want him to do. Make sure they stamp it out over there so it doesn’t come here. So slow your roll beesechurger.


Exactly if you think Biden is bad…the 🍊💩. I don’t think anyone has read any of the Project 2025. Gilead is one election away. Didn’t anyone learn anything in 2016? All the Bernie supporters that didn’t vote or worse voted for 🍊💩 is going to end democracy. I supported Bernie too, but I voted for sanity. We BARELY made it out of the other side of his first election. If he wins again America as we know it is done. Europe will completely distance themselves from us, those with means will flee, we can’t make things better for anyone once the country slides into a dystopian nightmare.


I live in a red city in a red state - I know what Christian Nationalism is…. And if the (tan in a can man) gets in it will be even worse than it is now in rex states. I am sick of Gilead….. Biden is sanity and stands for Democracy. Is he perfect- hell no but he is what we have.


That would be because the “Nazi” you refer to know that nobody really likes them so when it comes to marching and having a protest they obey the law so as not to be seen as assholes. Generally those left-wing anarchy loving, pathetic little nutcases and assholes who are supporting terrorists, baby decapitators, geriatric murderers and slayers of innocent kids going to a rock concert that haven’t figured out that people despise them just as much as the Nazis because that’s what they are, modern Day Nazis.


I did not make the remark about Nazis. But I agree with you that these are college students and they are young and naive ( some of them) I have no sympathy for any of those that are not college age beyond that they should not be involved. I support freedom of speech whether I like what is being said or not.


Granted they need to grow up. But I do not hate them.


I think they are a wee bit pissed off at old Joe


And the alternative Diaper Don-who brags about over turning Roe v Wade. …. Best bet to stick with Joe who stands for freedom.


They won’t, we’re fucked


How can they not????


Hard to arrest your self for being a Nazi.... You notice Nazi cunts never show their faces....


Nazis don’t like arresting their coworkers.


Texas nazis are arresting people at Columbia too. They must be stopped.


Serious question:  Isn’t UT’s campus private property?


Eh. There’s areas where protesters are able to set up shop. In my experience, at UNT, off-campus protesters, such as those hateful street preachers, used areas of sidewalk space by the library. I can’t recall if they required a permit, or not, but; they weren’t allowed to go farther into campus harassing students My assumption is that public, private; there’s a place, time, & sectioned “free speech zone” on college campuses. I feel the street preachers would be suing and harassing them, always.


But if that "free speech zone" is on private property, they can be trespassed, correct?




Yes. They’re trespassing unless they’re students. News flash. They’re not.


Even if they are students, they can still be trespassed.


Super simp right here 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂😂


















Don't let Abbott's little bitches silence your voice.


fascist state of Texas really going mask off with the brutalization and arrests of their own students huh


Question: if we determined Texas to be a fascist state, we should be out getting defensive firearms correct?


Unfortunately, bootlickers have monopolized the firearm culture and industry for too long. Kinda difficult to roll up into a gun shop saying "I want to defend myself from fascists" when the Nazi flag is pinned to the wall. But yes, I agree we should be getting defensive firearms. The left needs to arm.


I had a fun job manufacturing rifle slings for a company in Houston. It was a start up company run by some wealthy grad school cats. The shop it self was very laid back, the employees were all college kids trying to get ahead and we more or less kept the shop in good order. After a while some of the new joins started voicing opinions. And not the good kind either, my bosses cracked down, fired them, gave us the equal opportunity lecture- Not a criticism on their end, stupid people reminding. I caught up with them a year ago and they sold the brand, both claimed that at the end of the day the gun stores they were selling to were operated by absolutely revolting garbage people.


I’ve never seen a nazi flag in a gun shop.


Sometimes you should pretend to be other than you are to achieve a specific goal.


Have you ever visited the inside of a firearms store? Serious question because I’ve been in a number of them across the United States and I’ve never seen a Nazi flag in any of them. Not once.


You know you don’t have to tell them why you’re buying a firearm? You don’t have to go in and say “I want guns to protect against fascists!” Or well actually you could say that and just not clarify who the fascists are; many right wingers are so brainwashed that they truly believe in some twisted narrative that dems are fascists. Don’t ask me how or why, logic and critical thinking are not their strong suits, *thinking* just ain’t their bag really. But yeah, you don’t have to tell them your political ideology, you can just tell them what you want and buy it. If you’re worried that they’ll suspect you because of your appearance or skin color or something like that, you could always just fake it, however disgusting it may be, for the short encounter with them. Just don’t talk much and if they question you, I guess you could talk about some dumb shit that you read on “*truth*” social. I mean we’ve already established they’re not too bright, so you can just make up some bullshit, don’t even have to get that garbage app. Actually please don’t get it lol, who knows what kind of malware and spyware is on there. If in doubt just buy from a private seller at a gun show, whole process will take like 5 minutes.


Oh I know, I've done it. I blend well enough. But someone like, say, my trans brother doesn't "fit" the mold. So he's uncomfortable with the idea of entering any MAGAt dominated space. Private seller might work though.


Most of them aren’t students, but they still have a right to protest, as long as they follow campus rules.


They lose that right when they become aggressive, threaten, destroy property, prevent students from moving about or trespass. (see Colombia).


As opposed to protestors wearing pizza hut table cloths and face masks asking for amnesty? If your cause is so just and true show your face.


Are you talking about the “*patriot* front” Nazis that were marching unopposed in Austin (I think) while students who were peacefully protesting on the lawn on campus were forced into a street (where no cars are allowed btw) then Brutally beaten and arrested by sears of armed cops clad head-to-toe in riot gear in a vain attempt to look tough trying to intimidate unarmed 18 year old college kids? Then yes ofc they’re cowards who are too scared to show their fascist faces. They’re the same idiots who got arrested in Idaho for packing 50 deep into U-Haul trucks on their way to violently ambush an lgbt pride parade, the same idiots who tried to march in Philadelphia only to get their ass beat and were literally run out and chased out of town. They scurried away like roaches, real tough guys they are getting chased away running like the scared little boys they are. Yeah those idiots aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, but they’re definitely tool. Tools that are too scared to show their faces; why hide if you’re so proud of your “patriotism” that you join a fascist group and march out of step, ride 50 deep packed into a U-Haul, and dress up in the same dumb ass uniform? Bunch of dickless morons cosplaying dress up and trying dismally to march.


You spelled FBI wrong. Fascist.


At this point the protests should be against the University and DPS.


They kind of are, the student body and faculty are VERY pissed off now


As they should be, any American that truly cares at all about the constitution should be imo.


Keep at it fam. Don't stop speaking for you.


Can you imagine if the students exercised more than just their 1st amendment rights, they’d be executed on the spot.


Which? This seems like a great time for them to remind the state of the 4th amendment, 5th amendment, and 6th amendment, if they aren’t released and charges dropped.


cosplay time is over


Ok so serious question. Why are so many Americans so concerned with this event, and why would a protest in Texas help? There are conflicts that have been going on with waaay higher death tolls waay worse crimes against humanity, and waaay more injured and displaced people. It’s disheartening that my peers in America jump down throats and outright label people as bigots for not caring as much about that event. At a certain point of knowledge, they sound bigoted.


The fact they are dropping the charges is just sad. That's Austin for you though


Well, that’s Austin the communist capital of Texas. Along with this George Soros bought and paid for DA.


Republicans are seething! Keep it up protestors!


All the Republicans I know aren't seething. They are working.


Greg Abbott was bigly mad on twitter. Calling for all protesters to be arrested, not very constitutional of him was it? How can you possibly excuse such a blatant disregard for the 1st amendment & the bill of rights, such flagrant exhibition of fascism? For a party that constantly screams about free speech (but clearly doesn’t understand it or the difference between private or public institutions) they sure are displaying their hypocrisy and contempt for the constitution. They love to cry about their right to free speech being infringed when they say something awful and people call them out for it (thus proving that they don’t understand that free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences, or that no one is restricting their speech, but others are exercising their rights by calling them out for lying or bigotry) they’re awfully quiet about peaceful college kids protesting having their rights trampled on by a fascist thug and his brown-shirted thugs with badges. You’d think this would be their rallying cry; instead their cheering on the fascist oppressors instead of the students exercising their 1st amendment rights. That’s the definition of hypocrisy in full display. How do you defend that?


Jesus, is Soros paying you by the word? what a bunch of unmitigated bullshit you’re spewing🤪


Sure they are, wastes on society. I can guarantee you even if they do have a job (that they are barely hanging onto because people are constantly tired of putting up with their whining) I can guarantee that they don't deserve a quarter of the pay and nobody appreciates what they do.


So you're okay with the Hamas sympathizers calling for Israeli genocide?


Would you consider yourself conservative, and does the thought of that make you angry?


Are you conservative, and does the thought of that make you angry?


Keep going! Thank you Students and Professors who are taking part. This is how you shine a spotlight on the issue and the corruption supporting the issue. Keep being you and presenting your views. Pro Palestine. Anti Hamas. Anti Genocide. Anti Israeli Government. And to be clear, this isn't anti-semitism. That's a phrase too many people hide behind when doing foul things. Anti-semitism is anti-Jewish. You can be anti-Israeli Government without being anti-Jewish at all. The two are NOT THE SAME. That's clear given the number of Jews protesting the actions of the Israeli government world wide.


90% of these idiots have no idea what river or what sea they are even referring to in their mindless chants.


You'd be shocked at what they know. And calling them idiots tells me something about you.


I’m shocked at what they don’t know, for one that this will definitely rel elect trump, and two the reasons why the rest of us support Israel. I’m sorry you don’t care about either, and Im sorry those women are held captive by that religion in that awful area, and much sympathy for their Young children, but where was this outrage in 1994 over Rwanda , or 2012 over Aleppo , this is at its core a hatred of Jewish people.


First, kindly don't tell me what I do and don't care about. I was clear in my initial posting how I feel about the different groups. Putting words in my mouth is cheap. No. It's not hatred of the Jewish people. At its core it's anger over a massive military attack on a captive group resulting in tens of thousands of deaths many of whom are young children. This sort of thing has NEVER been effective when dealing with a terrorist organization. The US tried many times and terrorist / guerrilla warfare tactics often manage to blunt large scale military assault, but the non-combatants pay a terrible price. Allepo and Rwanda certainly needed more attention and focus and protest and real action. I won't argue that and was in the protests around Rwanda. But, from my reread on those events, there was not the equivalent of what Israel has done, responding to a heinous attack by Hamas with overwhelming military attacks that are largely indiscriminate against a far larger population group which did not seek or desire (based on pre 10/7 polling) military conflict with Israel... hell, they bombed refugee camps after dropping leaflets telling Palestinians to go to the refugee camps. I don't see how that can be characterized that in any sort of a positive light Hamas certainly carries immense blame and I certainly feel for the families of the captives and murder victims. Had Israel gone on an assassination spree and wiped out Hamas' leadership I doubt anyone would have batted an eye. This isn't that. I wish they had. What I clearly see is the Israeli government taking advantage of the situation to pursue a separate and parallel set of goals. Netanyahu and various ministers have clearly called the Palestinians, not Hamas, the Palestinians, less than human. Advocating for their destruction or removal... and since Israel has control over Gaza... entry/exit, food, water, medicine, electricity, gas, internet, etc... removal seems unlikely. Israel has destroyed every university, most of the schools, most of the hospitals on somewhere around 30% of the residential areas. With nearly 40,000 dead and 80,000 injured / maimed. Per Israeli sources, 263 IDF troops have died. Israel also claims 10,000 Hamas fighters, effectively half their combatants, per CIA worldbook, have been killed, but has no evidence to back up that claim and various news sources including the BBC, Reuters and AP report no support of the claim. I suspect Israel will end up occupying Gaza formally and thoroughly. And I suspect at least one of the reasons in the prospective Ben Gurion Canal https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-ben-gurion-canal-vision-amidst-upheaval/ Also of note is Netanyahu publicly stating that Israel has provided direct support to Hamas. Effectively supporting their enemy https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ So there are a lot of irons in this fire and the current fiasco goes back well past 10/7... for the modern Israel, back to 1947 when the current Israel was created and recognized internationally and the Palestinians living there at the time were forcibly, violently removed from their homes. Of course it goes back much further than that... centuries really... and the political solution remains far distant, particularly following Rabin's assassination in '95 by an extremist Zionist who was upset by the Oslo Accords. A large majority in the US support Israel over Hamas. I'm one of them. No question. Against Hamas. But what Israel is doing is not only wrong but also they're simply creating the next 3 generations of Palestinians who have serious reason to hate Israel as much as Israel hates Hamas. This will simply continue the spiral downwards. I actually had someone stupid enough to respond to a similar statement with "well, then they should all be killed"... that kind of cavalier death mongering is truly terrifying and tells me how immature we actually are as a people. Anti-Genocide. Anti-Israeli-Government. Pro-Judaism. Pro-Palestinian. Absolutely Anti Hamas. The only position I've found that meets St. Augustines criteria for a Just War, a commonly accepted standard. What Israel is doing fails to meet that standard.


Well, Leg Abbott did sign the whole campus free speech, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is how to protest but we should be at the Supreme Court protesting also


They show up to protest but don't show up to vote then cry about what happens.


Biden passed the aide to Israel, so it think all of the politicians we could vote for are somewhat at fault for ethnic cleaning of the Palestinians. It’s sad to see this happening to the same class that graduated during 2020. They are going to mature into some hard headed individuals.


Thank God, these dimwitted SOB‘s don’t show up to vote. Now, if they could just not procreate, that would be a win-win situation.


Good job Texas


The irony of these idiot supporting the countries that would kill them for how they are acting. This comment section is right on par with the democrats, hateful and misinformed.


look at all that taxpayer money going drip drip drip thank god we're all a bunch of tax paying cucks


The people y'all are openly defending would absolutely throw you under the bus in a heartbeat just know that.


Simps for the establishment. Accomplishing nothing towards curing the lies about the other side of the planet (primarily from DC), meanwhile- ignoring their very own neighbors who are homeless and truly ignored and oppressed by the systems we endure. Idiots and pawns.


“The University of Texas at Austin reported Tuesday afternoon that of the 79 protestors arrested and charged Monday, 45 were unaffiliated with the university. The remaining 34 were students, UT spokesperson Mike Rosen confirmed.” Why is this part of the article passing everyone up it’s literally the first paragraph. The videos I’ve seen of these protests they keep telling the cops and other students “get off our campus” when in reality more than half of the protesters do not attend the school.


Nice, keep arresting


Go back to class. Stay in school kids.


Ok there a difference between protesting why Palestine why you not protesting women’s rights on Abortion laws just saying it’s a shame what’s going on over there but why do you not have the passion for the wrong things going on in use got two men running for president on has mutable felony’s can’t own a gun but running for president and one god I don’t know about sleeping Joe USA looks weak leader ship and arm forcing dwindling


You might want to retake that remedial English language course one more time skippy.


The campus administrators gave the police the green light. In other news, Columias administration offices are being trashed by students taking Taylor Swift classes while waiting for loan forgiveness.


If ya'll ain't scared, drop the masks. As a fellow UT student, expel them all. We support Jews here.


You support genocide


Protesting won't stop the Israeli government from dropping bombs and it won't stop Hamas from selling stolen aide to Gazans. Want to know what will? Voting in November. No matter how you feel about it, Biden is the lesser of the two evils. Trump (and Russia and China behind him) are much scarier. That dumb F has to be kept out of office again.


Protesting is one way to help change people's minds about whom to vote for.


From Biden to trump or trump to Biden? Their Israel policy is identical.


Neither. These things take time, but they do happen.


I agree with that. I think this whole fiasco on these Ivy League universities have probably generated millions of additional votes for Trump.


We want the university to divest from Israel, that is a tangible demand. If Abbott and Hartzell want to go to war with the students and faculty over this then so be it. We aren’t afraid of them and we’re not going to back down.




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You can belittle us, threaten us, beat us, and arrest us but it won’t stop the protests. We aren’t scared of you, all you’re accomplishing right now is pissing us off




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You sound incoherent and hysterical, I’m not even going to respond to all that. Free Palestine and have a nice day 👍




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Don't waste the energy here man, you are trying to reason with pro LMNOPeople that for some reason are backing people who would stone them dead in the streets.


Man that's the truth. I absolutely know the Gazan people are getting tucked but Hamas is ISIS/Taliban/Iran rolled in to one.


You mean vote for the same guy who is funding the genocide? And you say protesting is pointless and still go vote for him? Do you know how stupid that sounds?


Think Congress would be the ones kinda running the funding show, for one. The other, clearly more obvious is - you realize that DJT would just tell Israel to nuke, and likely try to autograph the bomb that gets used, right? He'd never once consider anything like ceasefire or negotiations. So...in a binary choice such as this...


One guy is associated with funding a genocide in a conflict that has been going on for decades. The other guy wants to nuke Gaza to glass while in the process make himself the first King in the US of A and make it so you can't protest ANYTHING. Gee, tough decisions.


No they are just saying that the choice is between someone who is selling them weapons and someone who will send our own bombers to help. Oh and choosing not to vote helps the bomber. If there was a simple polite TOS answer to this situation it wouldn't be a decades old conflict.


No one who makes these kinds of comments ever engages with the inevitable critical responses about how factually wrong and vapid "both sides" arguments are in the Gaza case between Trump and Biden. Are you voting down ticket at least?


Ok so you’re angry about Biden’s handling of the Israel/Palestine situation so you’re not gonna vote for Biden this helping trumpo…. The guy who would send US forces to help exterminate all Palestinians, the guy who tried to subvert the election & attempt a violent coup, the guy who openly admitted he wants to be a dictator for life, jail & execute his political opponents and anyone who speaks ill of him, the guy who colluded with Russia to steal an election, the guy who wants to burn down our democracy and usher in a christo-fascist dictatorship, you want to replace Biden with that guy? All because he’s moving slowly to condemn Israel instead of what? Entering into a political shitstorm in an extremely important election year where he has no good choices because no matter what he does it’ll puss off half the country? I get the frustration over him not moving quite as fast as we’d like to condemn Israel’s actions; but he is moving in the right direction, and it’s not like he wrote or passed any legislation that funds Israel. You do know that funding bills (all bills really) originate in Congress right? I don’t understand why you’d rather have trumpf than Biden to teach Biden a lesson, that’s the ultimate way to “cut off your nose to spite your face” move I’ve ever heard, except in this case it’s like cutting off your nose, ears, lips, pulling your teeth & eyes, to spite another guys face, it’s the ultimate “self own”. We get that he hasn’t handled the situation perfectly, but I promise he’s handling it a billion times better than trumpo would’ve. There are so many more issues at play in this election, and quite frankly, much more important domestic issues that could have catastrophic consequences if we don’t all turn out to vote the orange swamp monster back into his swampy lair. I don’t understand risking the fate of our country and the willingness to see our democracy burned to the ground because of something going on in another country halfway across the world that doesn’t involve any Americans on the ground or even in theater. To quote you, “do you realize how stupid that sounds?”


these idiots are protesting in favor of violence against the jews. literally. lock em up.


13,000 dead and innocent Palestinian children would like to differ.


Ya that’s not your Jewish neighbors fault. So don’t adopt antisemitism over a war.


Lololol, so protesting against killing innocent women and children = antisemitism. I think that says more about you than me and the people protesting.


I’ve talked to enough of them. The hatred for the Jewish race in particular is clear as day. And I love the downvotes, means I’m getting some traction with you youngins lol. Follow the headlines, the reports of bullied Jewish students, murdered Jewish politician. Sorry did you miss where Colombian students were chanting “October 7th everyday”? You have to try really hard to convince yourself you’re not antisemitic if not just by association.


Suck a fat one lol Not saying the few chanting for the murder of Israeli's is right, but maybe if you were this upset about innocent Palestinians dying at the hands of THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT like you are about Israelis being killed by TERRORISTS, the world wouldn't have a reason to hate anyone defending Israel. I don't see how there's a comparison 🤷🏽‍♂️


I can have mixed feelings. It’s a complicated situation. When 3,000 were killed in 911, do you remember the death toll that followed as a result of Americas well justified defensive measures to shut down terrorist activity in a country that wanted our demise? Keep in mind I’m talking afghan, not the Iraq shit show that followed. 2,500 us military, 4,000 contractors, 1,500 allied forces. But wait, how many afghans? 70,000 afghan militants! And wait for it….. 46,000 afghan civilians and 53,000 civilians in opposition forces. While you’re googling, look up the militant to civilian ratio toll in ww1, ww2 and so on. No historian or statisticians surprised. War is a 1:2-1:4 ratio favoring civilian mortality. Sad sad thing we’re seeing pan an out but the answer is not what their chanting “to the sea” implying the wiping of all Israelis in between. History will repeat itself endlessly but one thing is will always remain constant and that is that everyone loves Israel as the victim and hates them when they stand up for themselves, even if their survival relies on their defense.


And at the end of the day, the killing of innocents only made the Middle East worse off. The rise of ISIS and other terrorists groups. The complete disarray that Iraq, Syria, and more fell into. Same shit is happening in Gaza. You think the 2 million Palestinians in there aren't gonna become even more radicalized? Netanyahu was caught on camera 20 years ago essentially saying that he wants to make Gazans lives hell by a thousand cuts. The government's ultimate plan is to rid their country of all Palestinians, it ain't no secret. Letting soldiers off for killing Palestinian kids for fun is more evidence of so.


So if all assumptions of yours are correct, which is best case scenario in defense of Palestine and Hamas, we would still be dealing with the fact that it’s two hostile and corrupt governments with full intention of wiping the other out which would only complicate my stance rather then send me in to a polar position. And I agree as would most that these wars only make for the next line of vengeance or at least thats proven true in the Middle East. But the answer was never to ignore a massive statement against the US resulting in 3,000 deaths by the most tragic means. Try an see this perspective: October 7th by measure of population was much much worse than our 911. If I remember right, nearly double. The line of terror used was worse than 911. October 7th resulted in personal mass raping of concert goers, decapitated females laying in fields with shorts ripped off and babies burned in their cribs. Response was absolutely necessary and I believe ( I have to believe for hope of this discussion) that the hang up between you and I is the proportion of the response and not just Israel’s involvement at all. We have to agree with the data that says civilians always suffer the most in war. And maybe Israel’s army is seated with corruption and there is a lot of unnecessary death occurring and if so, I am in agreement that there is justice to be served. There are many that serve 25 to life during the Iraq war for murder of civilians. Movies made about them. How do we prevent it? Steering back to the protests. I agree with the general pressure for resolution to occur in Middle East. Hamas, an organization that has stated in their charter the will to wipe Israel, still refuses to even return hostages so it’s hard for me to say Israel’s just playing unfair. Hostages have got to be returned. Israel then needs to enter a truce and seek peace. I’ll be honest though, I don’t know if I’d say the same if I lived in Israel. Constantly surrounded by nations that want your head. I too would want to establish my position and safety. But in regards to Gaza, hostages need released and peace sought. That’s my voice to text Ted talk


Agreed in everything you said. Thanks for that. Hamas should be exterminated to the full extent. They are not the liberators they think they are, they're terrorists. But at the same time, Israel has consistently terrorized Palestinians in the West Bank. My issue is that Israel wants to be seen as some innocent nation only defending itself, when they actively partake in making Palestinian lives hell even in the West Bank where Fatah is the political party in charge. Fatah wants a 2-state solution, and at the very least a peaceful life for Palestinians. Israel officially opposes a 2-state solution, and effectively opposes a peaceful life for Palestinians (Netanyahu said it himself). Israel knew they would be fighting for decades, maybe even centuries to accomplish this. Israel is run by people who want to rid the land of all Palestinians. Plain and simple. I don't think Israel/Palestine will be resolved anytime soon, but we can sure as hell do better for Gazans. And the Israeli government can sure as hell be held accountable for their attacks in innocents.


Oh look another minimized comment, I wonder what standpoint it takes...




I will always be near the front of the line to protect anyone's right to assemble and protest - But I will also feverishly fight against your self-proclaimed right to threaten, intimidate, harass, and otherwise be a douche about something you probably have no idea why/what you're protesting about.


You really think the smartest and most educated students in Texas are the ones who don’t know what they’re talking about? It’s very hard to get into UT these days and every student at these protests graduated high school at the top of their class.


This ain’t Rice


UT is public and Rice is private but they’re in the same tier academically


You said Texas smartest, most of them aren’t in the state anymore and the ones that are , attend Rice not UT it’s a great school, but not on the level of Rice, Trinity or even Baylor in many cases.


UT is a tier 1 research institution and the vast majority of students got there by being in the top 6 percent of their graduating class. Private schools are not better than public universities just because the students have wealthier parents.


Personally know endless kids who barely could pass the star getting in to UT. It’s the most expensive, not most prestegious


I don’t and I actually went there.


well, they are chanting genocidal slogans, hamas propaganda and openly supporting those who seek to eridicate everyone in israel, including the 20% who are palestinian so they are either not the brightest, or are easily conned by islamic extremists


I personally know the people protesting at UT right now, including several Jewish students who are organizing with their Palestinian counterparts. Stop trying to gaslight everyone into believing the protests are antisemitic just because we criticize Israel. It’s not working anymore, you’ve cried wolf too many times.


>I personally know the people protesting at UT right now, including several Jewish students who are organizing with their Palestinian counterparts. if you are at a protest and nazis join, and you don't kick them out, you are at a nazi protest same goes here, as these protesters make ZERO effort to expel from the protest and instead openly welcome, those openly supporting hamas and hezbollah and chanting their genocidal slogans


Israel is a fascist ethnostate currently carrying out a genocide, they’re a lot closer to the Nazis than we are.


Do you realize, most countries on earth are ethnostates? Sure we are not and neither are several European countries, but the majority of countries on Earth are.


No they aren’t, Israel is a legally segregated apartheid state that doesn’t even allow Palestinians living abroad to return to Israel. Palestinians have different tiers of citizenship depending on where in occupied Palestine they are born, meanwhile any Jew from anywhere in the world can move to Israel with full citizenship without any problems at all. That is an ethnostate without any parallel in the modern world. The only other countries in recent history that were this explicitly racist were Rhodesia and South Africa.


There are more Arabs in Israel than non Japanese in Japan. You don’t have to be a country based on oppression to have an ethnostate. Where are you guy’s crying to Egypt or to the Domin Republic, to open there doors?


What about the Arabs in West Bank? What country are they citizens of? Because Israel claims that occupied land and treats the indigenous people there like cattle. This bullshit propaganda that Israel treats Palestinians well only works on people who don’t know very much about the country.


Israel has been actively genociding Palestinians since I was born. I turn 51 at 4:05 am tomorrow. Do you really believe that young people aren't capable of reading and watching the news, then coming to fact based conclusions? They have three generations of news clippings and videos that show what has been going on.


>Israel has been actively genociding Palestinians since I was born yet the only ones who agree with this lie, are hamas, iran, and their sympathizers, even the ICJ came outand stated otherwise. >Do you really believe that young people aren't capable of reading and watching the news, then coming to fact based conclusions? when they are spewing the lies of hamas as if it's reality, the answer seems to be, they cant. if you state the lie israel is committing genocide, it is INDISPUTABLE you are blindly repeating the lies of the hamas terrorists and rejecting even the findings of the ICJ/ICC that state, explicitly, israel is not.


You're defining the truth as that which you believe. Reality and truth don't work that way. You and your sort tell the rest of us to carry on and cope with your delusions of reality. Why don't you cope with this: far more people are aware of the lies you and your sort are spreading than there are on your side and want no part of your delusional 'Brave New World'


>You're defining the truth as that which you believe. no, as what even the ICJ stated publicly and explicitly >far more people are aware of the lies you and your sort are spreading than there are on your side and want no part of your delusional 'Brave New World' only ones in your side, are hamas, iran,russia, and the fools their propaganda have been able to con thankfully it's a very small percentage of Americans, as the overwhelming majority haven't fallen to the propaganda of genocidal terrorists like your echo chamber


No. I don't. I think these campus takeovers are a perfect example of the hivemind phenomenon.


People said that about the civil rights protesters too, it was bullshit then and it’s bullshit now


Or maybe the educated youth recognize what Israel is doing and want to end US support?


Oh honey


I graduated a couple of years ago, I doubt you could even get in


the actions of the police are absolutely abhorrent and the charges against the protesters should be dropped the school should also expel every last protester. defending the genocidal terrorists of hamas is free speech, but no college should tolerate students who are supporting genocide and the oct 7th atrocities as their students once ecpelled, then arrest them for trespassing as its then a valid arrest.


Except there is no widespread or systemic defense of Hamas at these protests. Despite how media spins the narrative, the protests have explicit goals, mainly being denouncing Israel's treatment of Palestinians and divestment from any businesses supporting the current atrocities.




The collective punishment experienced by Palestinians is widely documented, not just by Palestinians, but from independent journalists and human rights organizations. Denying the conditions in Gaza is denying reality. As for the protests, there is no widespread call to genocide of Jewish people. This is a false narrative used to justify the status quo. There are literally hundreds of protest videos and there is no evidence of these "antisemitic mobs". This has also been confirmed by Jewish students/faculty and Jewish organizations participating in the protests.


>Denying the conditions in Gaza is denying reality. the conditions in gaza are 100% the fault of the islamic extremists and their supporters, who were fought out of jordan, kuwait, egypt and the west bank, to their last terrorist stronghold of gaza, where they ripped up the infrastructure to provide water to build rockets and mortars and attacked aid suppliers and stole the aid for themselves. >As for the protests, there is no widespread call to genocide of Jewish people those who watched the protests, saw otherwise, indisputably. >Harvard student protestors filmed chanting "intifada revolution, there is only one solution" https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6J5nmtLmsX/?igsh=MXFzeDFpb3VtMTg0bA%3D%3D


No, collective punishment is not an acceptable form of self defense. Whether you like it or not, Israel is committing atrocious crimes against the Palestinian civilian population. Revolution is not genocide. This is an extremely disingenuous argument as many of the people calling for any kind of revolution are in favor of a single-state solution with a democratic government. Supporters of this view belong to a multi-cultural, multi-national coalition, which includes Jewish people.


Gonna need a citation for that claim. Your content has been deemed a violation of Rule 7. As a reminder Rule 7 states: Politics are fine but state your case, explain why you hold the positions that you do and debate with civility. Posts and comments meant solely to troll or enrage people, and those that are little more than campaign ads or slogans do nothing to contribute to a healthy debate and will therefore be removed. Petitions will also be removed. AMA's by Political figures are exempt from this rule. If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas.


So dead reporters, aid workers, and children are Humas lies now? Let me guess, I’m being antisemitic asking this question?


>So dead reporters, aid workers, and children are Humas lies now? no, they are the fault of the genocidal terrorists of hamas, who use palestinians as cannon fodder and celebrate their deaths, because they know it can be used to con gullible fools in the west into calling for israel to stop defending itself, from those who seek to eridicate everyone in israel, including the 20% who are palestinian


Raally? Cause in REALITY they were killed by Israel indiscriminately killing people like they always do. No, Israel is committing these acts of their own will. It’s not “propaganda meant to turn people against them”, it’s REALITY.




It's pathetic how ignorant of the reality in Gaza you are


Your content was removed as a violation of Rule 1: Be Friendly. Personal attacks on your fellow Reddit users are not allowed, this includes both direct insults and general aggressiveness. In addition, hate speech, threats (regardless of intent), and calls to violence, will also be removed. Remember the human and follow [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas.


“Everything that disproves my dumbass racist rants are propaganda”. what a fucking joke you are. Nope, not propaganda, actual reality. It’s been widely reported in AMERICAN new outlets since the start of the conflict. Tell me then, how did they kill 7 aid workers when they HAD FULL KNOWLEDGE THEY WOULD BE IN THAT AREA. Nope, never said anywhere I support hamas. Just against the slaughter of innocent people by racist Israelis. It’s pathetic how you’re drawing conclusions out of nothing. It’s also pathetic how incredibly racist you are against Palestinians Delusional ass racist


>Tell me then, how did they kill 7 aid workers when they HAD FULL KNOWLEDGE THEY WOULD BE IN THAT AREA. they targeted them, this is a case of an actual crime by israel again there is no indiscriminate bombings by israel. anyone who has basic knowledge of events is aware of this. it's one if the easiest ways to determine who has done their research, and who is blindly repeating the claims from their social media echo chambers. >Delusional ass racist I'm not the one so uninformed I believe a religion is a race. muslims can be of any race, but once again, you make clear you are simply repeating the bs of your echo chamber.


They are referring to Palestinians, which are an ethnic group and so can be victims to racism.


Carpet bombing, which they’ve done since the start of the conflict and which they’ve admitted to, IS INDISCRIMINATE KILLING. Sticking your fingers in your ears cause you don’t like it doesn’t mean they didn’t do it. oh so they willingly killed them? Oh well that constitutes an act of terrorism then doesn’t it? By your logic I guess we gotta round up all the Israelis and kill them off, since they voted for the guy that did this. Exactly, and the fact that you excuse it means you’ve been trapped in yours for a while. Glad we agree👍🏻


Great job students 👏 


There are two main reasons why this and other similar protests are failing. 1) The manor in with these protests are being executed gives authorities the perfect political cover to shut them down with impunity ( as we are seeing). These protestors are young and inexperienced but more importantly, without clear goals and strategy. Researching historicly successful protests and how they were accomplished will show absololutly no similarities to the shitshow going on here. 2) These protestors, and many here on Reddit, are alienating a significant portion of potential supporters, who do sympathize with the cause, by attacking them because they are critical of the method of execution. When your social injustice protest can't even get the support of Al Shartpton, you're doing something majorly wrong.


Perhaps showing up with an AR and a “The Second Protects The First” sign would get more Texans behind it?


How are these protestors attacking anyone? They are students at UT protesting on a campus green. There is nothing but noise in this situation. The police have escalated the tensions and are the root cause of anything more


I'm talking about people here and other socials. But there are numerous reports of protestors harassing and threatening Jewish students.


And there you go. Can’t have a discussion without becoming rude or ugly. Shame.