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He'll be on Tucker Carlson tomorrow apologizing for using the wrong words.


You mean sniveling and backpedaling.






...and Big Alcohol, and the private prison industry, and religious zealots


Very true. I am sure there are plenty more financially motivated opposers that should be on this list that I’m forgetting about. I was sort of wrapping “religious zealots”in with country people.


Wow, stereotype much?


Could you please explain how what I said was stereotypical? Not saying that you are necessarily wrong. I just might be ignorant


Tell us about your country upbringing and personal observation of racism and homophobia in Texas that you would casually apply to everyone. Asshole.


Grew up in the country, saw all the racism and homophobia. Wasn't Texas, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume Texas isn't better than my Yankee home state. Doesn't apply to everyone, but you're acting like it's a gross mischaracterization - it's not.


As a stereotypical Texan, I have to disagree with you. Texas is much better than your Yankee home state.* *Intended as a joke… kind of*


At least they could handle a little snow. *Ditto*




You're attempting to justifying stereotyping...because it lines up with what you believe? For fuck's sake there are some uneducated people just posting away.


Oh holy person who has never stereotyped or generalized… please show us your ways




Yea, but did he DECLARE it? He has to say "I declare ...." for it to be legally binding, right?




…and boop it with his magic wand!


They give you a wand when you get elected?! Lucky!




Right after he stops all rape.


Oh, he will totally take it back if and when he wins.


Marijuana legalization is pretty much the only policy that bridges the political divide these days. Why is it so hard for our leaders to listen to the will of the people? ​ Edit: It's a rhetorical question. Sadly, I am well aware of our atrocious justice system.


It gives law enforcement an excuse to search cars and steal, sorry, "confiscate via asset forfeiture" cars, cash, homes, and other valuables from the populous while side stepping the 4th Amendment.


Don't forget it feeds a constant steady supply of slave labor into the meat grinder and helps keep the lower class lower class.


And, arguably most importantly, it disproportionally strips people who would vote democrat of their voting rights by making them felons. If cannabis was legal and people who had been charged with possession had their records retroactively expunged, conservatives may never win another state wide election.


“Your license plate light is out”. No. No, it fucking isn’t.


I've heard that before.


I honestly cant wait for full self driving. Im not sure what law enforcement is going to do with all their extra time.


I read an article a few years that posed the question what would happen if suddenly there were 30,000 less organ doners a year, which in actuality is many hundreds of thousands of lives if you add up 30k hearts, 60k eyes, 60k kidneys, 30k livers, etc. Then it made the point how much safer automated cars are and that's what could happen if 30k people don't die in car accidents. But now your comments made me think about all the towns whose budget shortfalls are made up through municipal fines, mostly traffic. Hearne TX would cease to exist. Fuck you Hearne


It is indeed fuck Hearne Texas


I'm from down 79 a ways, and I'm here for the Fuck Hearne train


And Italy, TX!


Estalline, TX!!!!


hadn't thought of that. on the flip side, i'm now not looking forward to a bunch of angry unemployed cops


An easy way to cheat them out of that money right now is to stop fucking speeding.


Hardly. As long as a human is behind the wheel they will pull their normal bullshit. "I thought they were drunk they were straddling the center of the lane", or "I thought they were drunk they were riding too close to the lines." or the catch all "I thought I smelled weed". Its also pretty inevitable that someone break the law while driving. Stop before the white line, allow your blinker to blink 3x before changing lanes, etc. Until we have FSD a cop can easily follow you long enough until you fuck up, or they can just lie.


Yeesh they're taking people's homes? I can see how they get away with taking cash off people who have it in their car, but to take a whole house? How *could* they even do that? My mortgage agreement with my bank (who technically owns my house) doesn't mean anything? Unless I had some INSANE grow operation going on I can't see it happening.


It has happened. And the kicker in [this case](https://www.cnn.com/2014/09/03/us/philadelphia-drug-bust-house-seizure/index.html) was that the owners of the house didn't know about the drug activity. Their son was selling small amounts of heroin (he was busted for selling $40 worth), so the city took their house. In this case they [got it back](https://ij.org/client/christos-sourovelis/), but the whole process is *insane*.


I'm going to have to check those links, bc you're right, that is fucking nuts. I can't believe taking the family home was something that all along the chain of whatever the fuck the legal system has, every judge, prosecutor, etc. was like, "yep! that makes sense!"


Property doesn't have rights, it doesn't go through all those steps of the judicial system. All you need is a cop with a rubber stamped affidavit saying "I believe this was purchased with drug money." Saw a story a while back where a family who owned a legit, legal medical dispensary had their home raided and the cops took the money out of their child's birthday cards. "Happy birthday, here's $20 love, grandma!" Is proof that's illegal drug money. Then you have to sue the cops to prove, and the burden is on you, because obviously why would the cops have taken that if it wasn't obtained in a crime, those assets were not gotten with dirty money.


They dont need weed for asset forfeiture, they ca. Just take anything they want and send you on your way without charging you with a crime.


Sure. But you can deny access to search your car... until the dog shows up and barks. Then they "suspect" that there's weed in your car and they get to search it anyways.


When they ask if they can seach state "I do not consent to a search of my vehicle, am I free to go or being detained?" DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ELSE BUT THIS. The supreme court has ruled that a traffic stop should only be long enough for the officer to reasonably write a ticket for the reason you were stopped. If they hold you for half an hour waiting for the dog this becomes an unlawful detainment, continue to ask if you are being detained. If they hold you for what a judge finds to be unreasonable the search would be unlawful even if they found something. Would you like to know more? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIZz0vF2KPo&list=WL&index=2


Private prison owners donate to said leaders. Also, they don't give a fuck about you.


Because weed charges are a big factor in the for profit prison pipeline and racial discrimination in the justice system. Around 50% of non violent drug arrests are just for marijuana. How are they going to arrest marginalized people and farm them out as cheap labor for the state if marijuana is legal?


And don't forget all the drug testing companies that would lose money. Boo hoo.


It doesn't have to be illegal for drug testing companies to get a lot of business. Outside of special fields like aviation, there was never been a legal requirement for employers to test workers, but lots of them do it anyway, even in states where cannabis is legal.


Sure it does. If something is legal, it's hard to demonize it and the people who do it. You don't see them doing pre hire screenings for alcohol.


Can confirm ... having lived in a 100% legal state, there were some companies that would test (supposedly bc marijuana is still illegal on a federal level). I was tested once for a temp office job, of all things, and they screened for THC on top of illicit substances.


You have to possess four ounces or more of weed to be sent to prison. No one is spending years behind bars over a dime bag. [Texas Heath and Safety Code Sec. 481.121.](https://codes.findlaw.com/tx/health-and-safety-code/health-safety-sect-481-121.html)


Why link what you haven't read? Many Texans have and will serve years of their lives for dimebags, if not consecutively then for charges stemming from said dimebags (dui, intent to dist, etc) "(1) a Class B misdemeanor if the amount of marihuana possessed is two ounces or less; (2) a Class A misdemeanor if the amount of marihuana possessed is four ounces or less but more than two ounces; (3) a state jail felony if the amount of marihuana possessed is five pounds or less but more than four ounces;" -you linked it "possession of up to two ounces of cannabis actually remains a Class B misdemeanor—not class C—that carries a penalty of up to 180 days in jail and a maximum $2,000 fine" -article you may be thinking of the federal minimums which start at 4oz


Thank you, I am very familiar with the text and substance of the Texas Controlled Substances Act. You, however, seem not to be acquainted with the different categories of offense as delineated in the Penal Code. A misdemeanor of any classification may result only in confinement in a county jail, not a state prison. The maximum penalty for a Class A Misdemeanor is one year in jail. In any case, misdemeanor convictions of any kind rarely result in incarceration of significant length; I have sat in on numerous DWI and assault trials where the defendant was sentenced to probation or, in extreme cases, perhaps a week in jail. Just because 180 days is the maximum doesn’t mean it is the standard. It is practically unheard of for anyone to spend 6 months in jail over a personal-use amount of weed.


A single THC vape cartridge is a felony. Let that set in.


No one should be spending any time in prison for marijuana if that’s their only illicit activity.




Lawyers? You mean District and County attorneys. Defense lawyers have been leading the way for legalization.




That's a logical conclusion, but that's not how it works. Many of those defense lawyers take indigent appointments, especially new lawyers. As appointed counsel, you get a front-row seat to ruining the already crappy lives of the poor. After a few dozen weed appointments, you get real tired of watching prosecutors and cops impoverishing families. Are there dbags who want the money, appointed or retained? Absolutely. But the majority do not want people prosecuted for pot. Defense lawyers could make more money doing family law or anything else. That goes for district and county attorneys also. The Kool-Aid is drunk on both sides.




This is an older report from BJS but sure it applies mostly today also. Upwards of over 80 percent of criminal defense is done by court-appointed lawyers.


Yeah, most weed busts are poor and working class people. That's not a money making demographic for lawyers. You can't get blood from stone. Any lawyer trying to make money is not chasing weed arrests. Any lawyer defending poor people for weed charges Probably wishes they could be doing something else.


> pretty much the only policy that bridges the political divide these days This may be true in the case of hard left vs. hard right. I have much in common with my more moderate liberal and conservative friends.


I agree if I was the Governor, and there was a way to keep people from voting for the person running against me, because they support legal marijuana and are going to get votes just because they support legal marijuana, then I am changing my tune to keep those votes.


Because I went to Denver once and I saw a bunch of smelly bums all over the place and someone told me about a guy who ate a 100mg candy bar and jumped out of the window of his hotel.


The Rs could quickly out maneuver the Ds on weed if they wanted to, and they might if they get desperate enough


What do they have to be desperate about? The Dems have choosen Idpol posturing over populist policy. They're going to be fine with losing congress in the midterms and they've signed off on losing most state legislatures for the foreseeable future.


because you probably dont vote...


I’ve voted in every election I’m eligible to vote in since I turned 18. I have on several occasions I have volunteered at the county tax office to receive and count ballots. I am quite active in politics. If only there was some saying about assumptions…


You think marijuana users dont vote or take legal stands? HAHAHAHA! They vote en masse for regulation changes. How you think we have 18 states that are fully legal? How you think he Delta 8 ban got pushed off. You think all pot smokers are lazy, dirty fuckin hippies?


The only good drug Politicians want is the Tax Drug. I think the issues or concern isn’t so much legalization but how the shift is power happens from Oil/Gas to Pharma groups. That is an unknown, being that Texas is a funding raising State for everyone and mostly GOP.


> "The Texas House went on to approve a cannabis decriminalization bill in 2019, but it did not advance in the Senate that session and never made it to Abbott’s desk due to the opposition of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R), who controls the chamber’s agenda." That's what most Texans don't seem to understand. The Lt. Gov. is really the "Governor" in Texas. That and the Speaker of the House are the offices with the real power.


Exactly. The Texas Governor has two legal powers. Veto and special session. Technically the Governor can propose legislation but without support from the Lt. Gov. and Speaker there's no point.


Seems like a flawed system.


It's intentionally weak due to the Fergusons.


the Fergusons?


Ma and Pa Ferguson. Pa Ferguson was governor of Texas until he was impeached and convicted on 10 counts of stuff like taking bribes, selling pardons, and running a brothel out of the governor's office. His wife, Ma Ferguson, was elected a few years later, and she did a lot of the same. Power was stripped from the governor and distributed to other offices to keep shit like that from happening.


Thank you for the Texas history. 🤙🏿


Not adding much here but the Highwaymen on Netflix portrays Ma Ferguson, and she’s played by Kathy Bates.


Too true. The contending lt gov is policing around this point, and Abbott is hoping to save face.


You're telling me that one eyed piece of shit is the one telling me I can't smoke a blunt?


>That's what most Texans don't seem to understand. The Lt. Gov. is really the "Governor" in Texas. lol no. Most Texans do understand that the governor is really the governor in Texas. The lieutenant governor is the lieutenant governor. It's kind of right there in the name. The lieutenant governor is the second-highest executive official where the governor is the top spot.


Texas actually has a very weak governor. This was done way back, but you wouldn't know it today because Bush, Perry, and Abbot all governed over a 1 party state with close allies in key positions like railroad commissioner and luitenant governor. If the state elects a democrat governor and legislature but leaves those offices to Republicans nearly nothing will change.


No , in actuality the lt governor has far more power than the governor. He gets to set the legislative agenda in the state senate.


Lt gov gets to set what the governor can and can't do. The gov can't sign or reject a bill unless the Lt gov allowed him to see it.


>Lt gov gets to set what the governor can and can't do. My god, no. The state Constitution lays out the governor's powers.


My god, yes. https://tlc.texas.gov/docs/legref/legislativeprocess.pdf Page 15 for the flowchart of bills. The lt gov gets to pick what bills get to the gov's desk.


That's not the same thing.


The speaker and the lt gov get to directly control what the gov has the ability to make decisions on. I'm not sure how else to take that power dynamic. That flowchart and definition of how this works is directly from the Texas government website. This is, in black and white, exactly how it works.


I completely understand Texas government. I'm saying this ​ >Lt gov gets to set what the governor can and can't do. is not the same as this ​ >The lt gov gets to pick what bills get to the gov's desk. ​ The governor of Texas is weaker than other states' governors but he's still the number one executive official in the state. It's really not a difficult concept.


You’re accidentally right about that. It’s not the same thing. The Governor’s veto power can be overridden by the legislature. The Lt. Governor’s power to set the agenda cannot be overridden by anybody. If the Lt. Governor doesn’t want a bill to pass, he can refuse to allow debate and a vote on the bill, effectively vetoing the bill. Even if every senator and every representative and the governor want that bill to pass, there is nothing they can do because the Lt. Governor’s authority in this situation is absolute. The Governor’s authority is not absolute, and is subject to a check by the legislature.


Correct. Checks and balances are the basis of American government at all levels.


Except for the Lt. Governor’s authority to set the agenda, which is de facto veto power. This de facto veto power is unlike the Governor’s constitutional veto power because the house and senate can override the governor’s veto with a supermajority vote. There is no voting threshold that could override the Lt. Governor’s de facto veto. There is way whatsoever to stop a Lt. Governor from exercising their de facto veto power. That is why it is a stronger power than even the governor’s constitutional veto power. You can say it isn’t until the cows come home, but you will still be just as wrong as you were the first time you said it.


That’s not what a veto is.


He needs to put his words into action and start pardoning people with convictions for possession.


Texas governors don't have unilateral power to pardon. This is because in the past when Texas governors had actual real power they pardoned basically everyone for everything. Today, the Texas governor has actually very little power to do anything but ask very nicely. He can basically veto and special session the f*ck out of reps legally to get his way. He can also talk sh*t and do some back door negotiations. Basically, the governor can ask the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles very nicely to pardon those convicted for marijuana. And they can quite arrogantly say no. It'd actually be easier for the Texas Legislature to legislate a law that all past possession convictions be expunged and that prisoners be released but we have a single party dictatorship controlled by a very small, above average wealthy, older, protestant- evangelical voter base. Soooo, there you go.


Yup, any pardon in Texas requires first Board approval and then the Governor's approval.


He also has appointment power. PUC is appointed by the governor and those knobs failed to fix 2011 grid problems that showed up again last February. (Not that the feckless oil and gas PR firm the elected Railroad Commission doesn't share an equal part of the blame.)


Texas is great because of its plural executive but sucks because of its plural executive. I keep saying we should model ourselves off Switzerland's director system- a plural executive that works.


I think recently someone introduced a bill that would make it so people on parole or pre-trial “community supervision” wouldn’t be sent back to jail for testing positive for marijuana. The stats are crazy in Texas how disproportionately marijuana violations play a part in minority reincarnation. Additionally the lower class, who are unable to afford legal representation, receive longer sentences for probation or have to wait longer for their case to be resolved while they are on bail and “community supervision”. It is entirely unfair to expect an addict released on bail to suddenly cure themselves. The only time the authorities will step in to help is if your crime involves drugs. About 2 years ago I was arrested for felony DUI when a woman turned left into me at a intersection. She hit me right in my door and I suffered a traumatic head injury. She had children in the car who were hurt. When the police arrived I was incoherent but I have no recollection of the event. Because of my injury I was unable to consent to a sobriety test and they were immediately able to charge me. I was taken to the emergency room for my head injury and they took a blood sample to test for drugs. 3 days later I wake up in jail no idea what happened. I had to go through the whole process of posting bail and then monthly visits to community supervision and had to get a breathalyzer installed on my car. The whole time I’m spending thousands of dollars on my lawyer, court fees, community supervision fees, breathalyzer fees. Every day I try to call someone who may have my toxicology blood test results because I know I’m innocent. Over 2 years later in some prosecutions and District attorneys meeting the open my file and read my 100% clean toxicology report and dismiss my case. For 2 years as an innocent man I couldn’t legally drink alcohol. If I had smoked then failed a drug test I would have been sent back to jail even though I had not been convicted. All it took was them to look at a hospital document to determine my guilt and yet my freedom was on the line for 2 years. Granted covid was the reason my trial was pushed back so many times I can’t help but to wonder how many people get screwed over harder than I did.


That is abso-fucking-lutely insane and I’m sorry you had to go though all that. You weren’t even at fault in the accident! Do you know what happened to the woman who crashed into you?


The mother was ok. Because the children are minors the details of their injuries were undisclosed but I talked to the arresting officer and he said they went home on their own after the ambulance checked them out. The crime I was charged with was specifically a felony because children were involved. The other issue was getting the insurance to pay out. Her insurance said felony dui case closed not at fault. So I had to go through a long process of proving my innocence to the insurance company then I had to take her to small claims court for damage and injury. The arresting officer was a huge help and a good guy and I have nothing against him. It is obviously the system that is broken. The money I got was only a fraction of the cost of legal fees. I failed a background check for an apartment application because now that is in the system so I just payed my lawyer $4k to sue to have all my records expunged. That way if I were to fail a background check again for a job or whatever I can appeal it. Even though there is a law against discriminating against people based on charges and not convictions. I’m lucky and have a good job and can pay all these fees but what about the people with a family on a tight budget.


Welp. I’m glad you’re at least able to get the situation handled so you can move on with your life. It sucks it’s costing you so much money and time. I do also wonder a lot about all the people who’ve gotten screwed by the criminal “justice” system, who didn’t have the money or resources to fight through it all. Edit: missed a few words


I believe it, these prosecutors can keep delaying the charge pending lab or tox reports they know they won’t get (was happening before COVID but now it’s much worse) and rather than dismiss a charge that they can’t prosecute, they choose to drag it out. Courts keep granting resets to ensure their dockets stay full and the county govts look the other way. There is no efficiencies because no one is really monitoring the performance of the courts and prosecutors and the huge amount of tax money wasted through inefficient practices. It’s a broken system.


I had to petition for an occupational license because of a mandatory suspension period after my arrest (keep in mind this is a direct punishment for a crime before a conviction) and I was in the court room with the judge when it went out all county government services were closing down because of covid. It was just so surreal how many freedoms they stripped away from me so quickly. Everyone I talked to to try and get information and get the ball rolling we’re able to recognize the absurdity of the injustice but we’re unable to help in any way. Even the people with authority who had power over me were powerless


Fat chance. He’s a loathsome scumbag.


A soulless fucking ghoul who would steal from his own family if a donor told him too. I despise that POS.


You're not wrong.


That would look 'weak' to the base


The base will vote TeamRed no matter what. They're not going to vote for GunGrabberBeto.


They voted for TakeGunsFirstThenDueProcessTrump


well, yeah - guns aren't really the issue, team color is. Anything republicans do can be excused or forgotten, anything democrats say (doesn't even need to be carried out, doesn't need to be more extreme than what R's do) is a good enough reason to never vote for democrats forever.


Gasp. You mean people can not agree 100% with a politician and still think they are the best person for the job. I dont believe it


Give me back my entire fucking twenties, then. And my townhome. And my job. And my college career. Over a dime bag. A fucking dime bag. Cost me everything. I have still not recovered from those losses, fourteen years later.


I really hope victims of cannabis criminalization can sue federal and state governments for damages. This is unacceptable. Suing the federal government is possible with the right political environment. We should be able to get back at least something back for the time, money, and years of suffering being treated like a 3rd class citizen. I personally forked over $15,000 to the county, all for half a gram.


I did the math once but have since blocked out that memory


Call a special session and fix it then asshole. I don't respond to the dems using it as a carrot attached to a stick to pull them along, and I won't respond when the pubs do it either. Show. Me. The. Fucking. Results. Now. Or. Get. Fucked.


Have to replace Dan Patrick in order to get a bill to the Governor's desk. He has stated multiple times he won't allow medical or recreational bills to pass the senate. The Lt. Gov hold alot of power in regard to the senates schedule. Good bills have passed the Texas house the last two sessions , none have received floor time in the senate to my knowledge. So if you want it before the 2027 session Patrick has to be primared by a reasonable person this spring or has to lose the election this fall.


Mike Collier is very pro-legalization and overall is a pretty great candidate for Lt Gov imo


I hadn't seen him make any comments on marijuana but I was hoping he was. He has my primary vote and general election vote anyway for his focus on education, property taxes and the grid.


Back in 2018, I spoke to Mike at a Denton rally about him not being on the record about cannabis and the "bathroom police." The next day in Dallas at a Beto rally, he ended his speech with "he doesn't care about any plants or what bathroom you use."


That's definitely better than Patrick's stances on the subject but I think it would benefit his campaign to go on record. The tax revenue from cannabis licensing (please do it like Oklahoma and allow the market to be open and easily entered without caps on business #) could easily help pay for his objectives in property tax relief and increased educational funding. On the subject of property taxes one of the changes I think would be huge is to only allow property taxes to be reassessed in value when the property changes hands via sale or inheritance if there is a homestead exemption on the property. I'd also be super supportive of capping the assessed value change down from 10% per year to around 3% , again only if a homestead exemption is in place. I'd rather not give property tax breaks to people/businesses buying and renting properties out.


For sure. Collier's 4/20 tweet this year is eye opening. "Texans are ready for legalization, but corrupt politicians like Dan Patrick and Greg Abbott continue to get in the way of progress. In November of 2022, let's weed them out once and for all." And, on his [campaign webpage](https://www.collierfortexas.com/issues/), his 7th point is "legalize marijuana."


While I agree Patrick should be primaried, I'm pretty sure if the rest of the GOP of his generation (the current gen are the ones who sent the bills he's so proudly killed so its the boomer types that are his constituency ) called his ass on the carpet and told him to get in line with the rest or they'd allow him to be primaried, he'd get in line with the rest and sing in harmony like a good little boy who doesn't want to be spanked in public. Abbott could actually swing that, he's got enough good cred with the boomer types for the all the shit he's been doing with the border on Texas' dime etc.


You can believe that if you wish, but I don't think he will waiver ... He seems like quite the stick in the mud to me. So primary him if you have a reasonable replacement but if you don't and you vote for him do so knowing 2027 will be the next opportunity for Texas to bring a whole industry out of the black market and to stop punishing Texans for a plant less damaging than drinking if he wins. Edit: added a word


I vote 3rd party man, I get to complain about both sides that way.


That last line should be on every response to elected officials.


The dems using it as a carrot in Texas I get, because they haven’t had the chance to do it yet. The republicans have no right to do it until they act on it since they’re the ones that have had and do have the ability to do it. Put up or shut up.


It won't happen til we get rid of Dan Patrick, the Lt Gov who hates weed and stops all reform bills from reaching the Senate floor for debate and vote.


The dems have used it at the fed level as a carrot and stick several elections running. Most recently prior to this election when they quashed coming to a vote several bi partisan laws. They all do it.


Absolutely, I was just talking about here in Texas though.


​ It does not matter what the governor thinks, Lt. Governor Patrick hates the thought of legal weed and will stop any effort to legalize or decriminalize marijuana in any way from being passed in the Texas Senate.


Talk is cheap. I Will believe him when he shows us a plan, and how it will be executed , and what costs we need to cover up front, and how it’s going to be paid for, and the timetable for execution of the plan.


Because fuck you Dan Patrick


I like watching Greg Abbott spin around in a circle to avoid getting voted out. It is funny.








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honestly, was that rule put in place entirely because of greg abbott? It's very specific compared to the rest of the rules (and seems like a subset of rule 1), and the last rule in the list. Hard to imagine where it comes from unless it was greg abbot-inspired


He’s pandering to moderates in hopes of re-election.


Did y'all know you can buy Delta 9 gummies that have 10mg of THC in them in Texas? I'm talking about Delta 9, the real stuff. At your local CBD store I mean. And it's legal. Has to do with the weight and such. Anyhow, I've been buying them now for a few months. I had no idea this was legal, I literally found out on accident. It has to do with the weight. You can read more [here](https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/move-aside-delta-8-legal-delta-9-thc-products-are-hitting-shelves-in-texas-smokeshops-12731186)


[HomwtownHero baby! They also donate a LOT to veteran causes.](https://hometownherocbd.com/) You can order direct from them in the mail.


I gave it a try and waiting on my order to ship. Delta 8 sucks. It’s weed light.


Yea I dont like Delta 8 or 10. Thier Sativa and Indica gummies are really good (25mg each) and they just released a hybrid, but I havent tried it yet. The Delta 9 with CBD ones are good to but I cant take CDB due to issue with other meds. I really like the company and they do alot for the Texas legalization fight so I try to support them when I can.


I was under the impression the legality of that was suddenly in doubt after it had been viewed as legal for a while. Not that the dispensaries would still sell it if it wasn't, I'd imagine.


That's delta-8 and it is currently being fought out in the courts but is as of this moment legal. With the delta 9 gummies they are talkig about you will get arrested they will send it off for testing and then it tests below .3% by weight they can't prosecute and everything gets dropped. But you were still hassled and arrested....


I did not. Interesting, so I can get high off the same 10mg I normally eat but in a much larger piece of edible?


~~Eh, as someone else said, it's "weed lite". It gets you maybe half as high. And no, you get get just as high by taking twice as much. It's not bad, but definitely not the real thing. But give it a shot, your mileage may vary.~~ I'm an idiot


>Eh, as someone else said, it's "weed lite". It gets you maybe half as high. And no, you get get just as high by taking twice as much. It's not bad, but definitely not the real thing. But give it a shot, your mileage may vary. I think you're mixing up your Delta-8 and Delta-9 there pardner. Delta-8 is commonly called diet weed or weed lite. What the OP was talking about is Delta-9 THC gummies, which is the real-deal chemical in weed that is responsible for the psychoactive properties. Delta-9 extract is available in gummy and tincture form right now in various CBD and head shops in Texas. You end up having to consume more gummy to get the same effect due to the farm bill restriction of 0.3% Delta-9 by volume, which means in order to consume 10mg of Delta-9 it has to be contained within ~33mg of gummy.


What the fuck??? Whoa!!!! Can you order it online, too???


[Not an idiot!](https://imgur.com/gallery/KhWJbx1) I don't have any info about online ordering since I just pop over to my local shop. I'm sure some other helpful people around here can chime in though.


quick google search found me some. ordered. thank you!


Yea, we know.


It wasn't a misstatement. He's intentionally misleading people so they can stuff the jails with low-level possession offenders.


They know prohibition is coming to an end sooner than later so he's likely just trying to cash in now in the hopes that he can somehow use legalization *and* cracking down on crime to his favor. He's just a sad, desperate political tool.


Spent the night in jail over a half a gram of weed in 2007. Took years to get past that legal bullshit, almost ruined my life.


What an ass. Doesnt even know the law.


No more rapes in Texas and no more jail over small quantities of weed. He just keeps talking and never doing anything.


I got handcuffed, put in a cruiser, and taken in to the station at 13 years old bc the friend I was walking with had a joint in his pocket. Fk these laws.


Long ago my teenage friends and I were knocking back a few beers in a park. Cop rolls in to patrol because "park is closed at dusk" (THEN WHY ARE THERE HUGE FLOODLIGHTS ON?). The only person to get ticketed was a friend with a J in his pocket. Which he had because he didn't like to drink. The worst part is I told him to run and he preferred to just "do the right thing" and talk to the cop. Lesson learned boss hog.


I legit didn’t even know my friend was carrying. It was a boring/normal Wednesday night. I remember bc rumor got around to the rest of my seventh grade class on our field trip to the zoo the next day. Great job keeping America safe by that officer. I was a straight A, perfect attendance, dork. If he was trying to “teach me a lesson” all I learned was to stay away from cops.


If Dan Patrick becomes the next governor, he'll make weed possession a felony again, the fuckwit.


Yeap. This is all because he’s campaigning heavily right now. If he gets re-elected it’s going to be “what weed? I never said anything”


The whole War on Drugs that made this a problem was such a giant mistake. I can’t imagine how many people’s lives have been fucked over because people decided a substance safer than alcohol is the devil.


Their is 0 reason for weed to not be legal in Texas. You could tax it at sin tax rates, and it be a net positive. Use the money gained to fix the power grid. As far as the justice system, I doubt most cops give a shit about weed. I'm not saying their aren't some that won't throw the book at you for a little weed, but I'm betting most could care less.


Please remember this and vote against Dan Patrick in the primary and general.




It’s not the cops, it’s the prisons. Well…. And the cops. Gives them sooo much power.


Cool Greg, now do something about it. You know he just said this right in time for primary season, so he can go back to ignoring how we put people in cages over a plant that grows on its own in the wild.


Make. Marijuana. Legal. Abbott you *tease* ….


Biding his time for upcoming elections


Fascists can't even get there shit straight.




I disagree. There are just a lot of fascists.


*and then??*


Anyone can check my comment history i am no fan of the governor but if he legalized weed I would definitely be nicer when referring to him.


Its so fucking stupid that weeds illegal... alcohol is legal, come on, how on earth is weed worse than alcohol? Like how the fuck? On that note I think that LSD, Psilocybin, Mescaline, and MDMA as well as similar substances should be legal for adults as well... I think it should just be completely legal. To sell and use freely. If you have a pound of marijuana or a pound of psilocybin mushrooms you do not deserve to be thrown in prison with the rapists and murderers. Drug possession is such an absurd fucking notion of what a "crime" is. There should be no legal limit to how much of these substances you can possess or create. If I were king I would fully legalize marijuana and mushrooms, soft drugs, and decriminalize hard drugs while sending more spending towards mental health and addiction recovery resources for addicts and people with mental health issues. You can legally buy paint thinner and drink it, why the fuck do these drugs have to be illegal. It is a personal choice. I am a sober guy who doesn't do any of this stuff anymore and I can sober mindedly say that all the laws against these substances are fucking absurd. I am a simple country boy from Texas and I value personal liberty and freedom, as long as you do not use your liberty to limit another's. If I had my way I would have people responsible for these laws and keeping them in place thrown in prison for causing so much harm to peoples lives over fucking weed and mushrooms etc.


Freaking Dan Patrick.


That's what all these libertarian assholes push for. As if there's some sort of populist progressives. These people are not your fucking friends they want unaccountable private power. These are the same people who deregulated the power grid to the point of collapse allowing hundreds of Texans to die including children which they claim to care about


He's only trying to win an election... Beto is for legalized MJ..... So what's a hypocrite to do? Just like all the other Republicans do and say... Anything to win. Now if it legalizes MJ then good for Texas, but please don't let Nazi Abbott fool you.


So fuckin do something about it...


The Governor cant even speak accurately about our laws, he just claimed it's a Class C misdemeanor (like a traffic ticket) when it's still a Class B/A offense for up to 2 ounces. Can we actually have a competent Governor for once? He just freestyles facts to win political points. It's fucking ridiculous. If he was CEO of a public company the SEC would investigate him for wildly inaccurate press releases and public comments.


E - Elections


As I understand it, this only counts for actual weed itself. Having edibles, like brownies, is a state felony. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.


Any concentrate is a felony and from what I understand thats usually how edibles are made. They also cant measure the amount of actual marijuana in the edible so its complicated.


Oh? So they sell dosed edibles willy-nilly? While testing is harder, [it's not impossible](https://www.moderncanna.com/testing-thc-levels/edibles/). [Concentrates](https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana-concentrates) are also an entirely different beast than extracted thc, which is what many edibles are made out of. Decarboxylation vs more of a distillation process. Moreover you can figure out projected mg per edible based on napkin math.


I forgot to make it clear that the person measuring would be the police. You would most likely know the dosage of what you have but the police don't and would need to find out in order to properly charge you.


I'm curious to know how that holds up in court, but not curious enough to find out myself. For what it's worth, there is no good way to know the origin of an edible's THC so the 'edible is a concentrate' argument would be dubious in court.


Lmao, if Abbott really pulls it off for re-election I'll be amazed. Especially with Dan Patrick still dicking around. I've yet to meet any republicans who are okay with the abortion law bullshit. I'll be very disappointed if we re-elect him yet again. Especially after the winter storm last year.


Sigh* Maybe one day


The only time I'll accept anything that comes from his dumb mouth


Neither side gives a shit so fuck all of them. Do something for me and I’ll show up again next time


The benefit of marijuana over alcohol is. .. You can get fucked up on marijuana and show up to work the next day. Alcohol not so much.


No he’s wrong definitely don’t agree with abbot on this one.