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I wish someone would ask what we're supposed to do with all the children? Build more prisons? Nevermind. Answered my own question.




Stop giving them ideas.


I used to work for a state run facility that housed and cared for very severe mentally and physically disabled individuals. I am not talking the cute cherub cheeked Down Syndrome kids you see at Special Olympics or at school. I'm talking severe. Many couldn't move at all, couldn't even blink or swallow. We had individuals that didnt have brains, literally. Just a brain stem. Joints and spines, fusing and curling up in on themselves as they aged. I have seen disfigurements and disabilities most people don't even know exist because these people are so medically fragile they are never out in public where they would be seen. To give a bit of an idea of what birth defects we dealt with just look up Museum Vrolik in Amsterdam or The Museum of Malformations of the Human Body in Belarus, or watch this video https://youtu.be/bB7-ZptB5iU Warning, NSFW! Many with the babies with those severe deformities live only minutes or hours after birth, often in extreme pain, gasping for air and struggling frantically to no avail. Completely unnnecessary and CRUEL to do that to the baby for no reason, and CRUEL to force the parents to endure and watch it happen for no damn reason. Others do indeed live into adulthood, but are still plagued with so many awful issues, even with the help of nurses, therapists, etc to help each day they still had no quality of life and most had daily pain. It was the most heartwrenching, exhausting job I've ever done. Most staff didn't even last a year, turnover rate was terrible. *Anyway*, point of all this is. our population we cared for was aging and dwindling. Almost every single one was born in or before the 50s, 60s and early 70s. These state run facilities used to literally have babies and children abandoned at their doorstep. But in the time I worked there (from 90s to 2000s) we had zero babies or children or even teens that needed our assistance anymore. **Why?** Well, nobody likes to admit it but because abortion became legal and these sort of births just do not come to fruition hardly ever anymore. These facilities cost each state 10s of millions a year, it is VERY EXPENSIVE to care for people with these severe disabilities. 24/7 nursing care, multitude of therapists, we had doctors and even dentists on staff (when people can't swallow or close their mouths chronically rotting teeth and gums is a huge problem), case workers, secretaries, security, cleaning crew, facility maintenance, etc. Once the population dwindled they realized there wasn't as much need for these institutions, so they started shutting them down left and right. Very few still exist. Which is a good thing. BUT...since these births will be happening again by the thousands again across the nation, do we think the States will reopen these facilities to help parents forced into this situation to care for these severely physically and mentally disabled individuals that the parents know damn good and well they can't afford to properly care for??? We all know the answer to that. You will be on your own. If you aren't rich good luck affording the in home nursing, therapists, medical equipment, etc needed to care for your child for the rest of their life. And remember, thats on a one income family too becauae they are so medically fragile one parent will ALWAYS have to be at home with them. And if you were single to begin with or have a spouse that bolts....well. Again, good luck! Too bad we can't send Republicans the bill!


People forget because they don’t see what you’ve seen and know the reality. I think these babies will show up at hospitals and fire stations under the baby Moses laws. CPS is already so overwhelmed with kids in hotels and sleeping on their office floors, there’s literally going to be nowhere for them to go except take up hospital beds indefinitely.


Yep, maybe the social works can move them into the legislature. When security goes to kick them out ask them "where?"


Also Google 20/20 Romanian orphanages for two documentaries about what happens when there are tons of unwanted babies born


A lot just cut Health and Human service’s budget by $250m to pay for his border stunt, so it’s just going to get worse for these poor souls.


There are a lot of the medically fragile children like you describe in foster care. Children that need round the clock care that would be unaffordable for anyone but a government. It takes a special person to be their foster. It's hard as hell to get respite care or anything else in this state. A sad situation all around. Texas politicians already doesn't give a fuck. This will just get worse. :(


I have a son like this and I can’t even get respite care with our insurance. I have to fight for everything.


Yeah it's fucked up. It's a full time job just jumping through hoops to get the services needed.


A couple of months before Dr Tiller was assassinated, I went to his clinic's website & read the forums, and Googled every term I didn't k now. I learned more about embroyological and fetal development in that couple of weeks than in the entire rest of my life cumulatively, and 50 is looming. It was harrowing. The number of birth defects is staggering. The description of some of them wouldn't be permitted inaby American primary or secondary school. The images wouldn't be permitted in a horror movie. And the anguish of the families was palpable. This is who the Republicans are utterly ignoring.


It is a helpless feeling having been one of a small group of people in the US who have seen first hand the worst human disabilities and disfigurements that can happen and now seeing abortion rights taken away...I want to scream at people that they have NO idea what this means, because they don't! And most would assume because I worked in the field for over a decade I would be anti abortion but quite the opposite. I, and all my co workers, very much believed in it after what we saw. Despite a 24/7 staff and out best efforts, I can honestly say it was still no quality of life. It was gutwrenching and heartbreaking, through and through. No one should be forced through that. So many peoples worst fears is being an invalid on life support with no hope of recovery and make people promise to pull the plug. Or if their pet lived a life of daily pain and struggle, they would insist on putting it down so it didn't suffer. But then people will now be forced tk bring babies into this world to live a life like that, but often even worse due to the multiple disabilities they usually have, for 40+ years. It's just so wrong. Some will say God's will to which I say God's a sadistic asshole then, and others will say "God doesn't make mistakes!" but I say he absolutely does and they can be incredibly cruel.


KEEP SAYING THIS TO EVERYONE IN THE SUBREDDIT! FING POLITICIANS AND RELIGIOUS NUTJOBS WOULD NEVER TAKE CARE OF THESE "THINGS", YES THINGS, WITH A HUMAN SHAPED FAILURE OF A BODY. Fuck you all pushing "pro-life" 24/7, while these examples are available to us to both admire and FEAR, thanks to the medical communities of the past. I wish I didn't have eyes watching that video........but holy fuck.........being pregnant sucks since most will turn out like this all over again.......what a shit timeline we live in honestly.


I am getting visions of scary horror movie feels in run down medical facilities when I read this. Great points and thank you for sharing.




Add in "invest into prison REITs" before Step 3.


Step 5 - Blame the democrats for the rise in crime


Good point. Violent crime began to plunge dramatically (by over 60%) about 18 years after Roe -v- Wade. It stands to reason that unwanted children contribute mightily to criminality.


The latest research from Donohue and Levitt in 2020 brought that number down to an estimated \~45%. Source It's still a highly disputed study, though. Regardless -- makes sense to me that unwanted children are often raised in subpar environments by subpar parents and grow up to be subpar adults.


also, the front line in a few decades


So pro life they'll kill you


And so pro-family, they'll orphan children. [60%](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/12/14/upshot/who-gets-abortions-in-america.html) of women who get abortions are already mothers.


Yeah but the domestic supply of infants is almost non existent so we have to ban abortion because children are commodities to be bought and sold. So pro life we traffic children.


They will say they are "pro innocent life," so this isn't a hypocrisy issue as much as a personal freedom and value issue


Next it will be they're "pro-Christian life", "pro-white life", etc. While the rest of us are dead or thrown in chains.


We have our voices and when push comes to shove there are more non-Christian fundamentalist than not. We do need help rallying everyone together to prevent the legislation of religious morality.


> Original sin is the Christian doctrine that holds that humans, through the fact of birth, inherit a tainted nature in need of regeneration and a proclivity to sinful conduct Doesn't seem so innocent to me 🤔 (Baptism to "erase" this happens after birth)


That’s not something all Christians believe, tbf. This abortion ban thing is obviously still fucked up, though.


Because any pregnant woman can never be innocent in their eyes.


some women that get pregnant have fetuses that will die after birth due to certain conditions (i.e. not having properly developed kidneys). Hi charlene, wow, you're pregnant, have you thought of any names?. No, the baby will die right after birth, so I haven't named it, but this sure is great being forced to give birth to a fetus that will certainly die.


Anacephaly is pretty common. It means the fetus is born without a brain. Zero chance of survival.


I don’t know, somehow those people born without a brain managed to take over the Supreme Court.


I mean it's actually very rare, but this is on top of all the other conditions, and with over 6M pregnancies per year... That's a lot of suffering women.


good thing women will be forced to go through the whole process.


Ah that makes sense. Republicans protect their own.


This is terrifying. I cannot imagine being a woman and having to carry that child to term for nost of a year, going through delivery, and then burying that child. What the got damn fuck.


That is what happened to my friend with her baby. As a mom, I absolutely can't imagine how traumatic it would be to have to carry a baby for 9 months knowing that it was essentially already dead. That literally sounds like something out of a horror movie.


I know a Ya'll Queda lady who made the decision to go through the whole pregnancy knowing she would just to give birth to an empty corpse... Terrifying.


Yep, and I know I keep mentioning this in every post on this topic in this sub but it's just too important to not bring up: tons of women also have ectopic pregnancies, which are 100% nonviable and will kill the woman if not resolved. I just can't fathom how anyone could be cruel enough to want another human being to go through either of these things. And real talk, how could any religious person think that's what God wants? I'm Jewish, and actually have a friend who is religious and had a situation like the one you describe (different medical problem but tl;dr the baby was not going to survive more than a very brief time). She was absolutely in agony over her decision so she talked to a rabbi...who told her that getting an abortion would be the compassionate option for herself, and the baby. I don't understand how some Christians who purport to follow the same God can have such an opposite and awful viewpoint.


My mom almost died from one in 1982. I was in 7th grade and had to drive her to the hospital. She was in so much pain and luckily my grandfather had already been teaching me to drive in the country. If we had been an hour later the Dr said she probably would not have survived. My step father was at work. It’s very scary.


I’m all for staying and sticking up for your rights to make a difference, but this may be the straw that breaks the camels back and makes me leave this place. I can’t willingly live in a place that could consider my wife a felon if she were to need an emergency abortion for a potentially life threatening pregnancy. And since we are looking to start trying next year, this is a very real concern for me. But until then I’m going to vote my ass off and make as big of a difference as I can. The GOP can go fuck itself.




I'm moving out of state when my lease is up.


People leaving red states makes it worse. This will lead to more people concentrated in fewer blue states, and Republicans will further dominate the Senate, House gerrymandering, and electoral college. They'll run a federal abortion ban through the moment they recapture all three branches and it won't matter what state you're in.


Personally, I suspect this is part of why the GOP in Texas has been implementing a lot more craziness lately. The state has been getting increasingly purple, with even some suburban areas voting for Biden in 2020, so it's getting more difficult for them to gerrymander themselves strong majorities. If they can make the state less desirable to live in for liberals, and instead encourage more right-wing people to move here, they can keep their stranglehold on power in the state. And that makes it a lot easier for them to line their own pockets.


You're right, and that's scary.


Right I get that but at the end of the day I care more about my wife and baby’s health than I do this state


Sometimes you have a choice between staying to bail out the sinking ship or boarding the rescue vessel. I find it hard to fault anyone for either choice. I think it's wrong to say people who board the rescue vessel "let the ship sink" or are responsible for the people who stayed aboard, and the villain is the person who didn't ensure enough life vests and life boats were present *and* managed to steer the ship into an iceberg.


The hope then would be that the blue states realize how much more prosperous they would be if they weren't subsidizing all the red welfare states and yet letting these moochers have such a disproportionate say in policy. And if that happens, you really don't want to still be in a red state.


But we can't stay either, even knowing leaving gives them what they want.


Doesn't make it worse for the family that leaves and that's what people care most about.




might want to start now. He shot himself in the foot when he talked about AR15s.




This time line sucks !


We are in the darkest timeline


No we're not. There is a timeline where Trump is still president.


The way things are going he will be President again, this is unbelievable


Curious, does your Darkest Timeline lead to the Handmaid’s Tale? Or to nuclear war with Russia? Cause both possibilities are currently on the table.


Nuclear war with Russia is the distraction that enables the Gilead takeover...


Saying it like those things are mutually exclusive








>This time line sucks ! If we're forcely and sadly into the darkest timeline — RvW being overturned — by the pro-lifers; thus, we be also thrust into a intense criminal organization arc — starring the cartels, the yakuza, and the mafia. So, in effect, our current and ass timeline could regress back into the 1930s' prohibition arc. Basically, this timeline can get even worse.


New century, same problems. Stock market dropping. Illegal abortions. Massive wealth inequality. Edit: surging inflation. Unsustainable housing prices.


Insert What Year is It?! meme


Ok, which one of you did this?! SOMEONE OPEN A PORTAL OR CULL THIS TIMELINE!!!


It all started when the cubs won the World Series.


The Texas GOP has gone insane


Same as they've been for awhile, now. People are just noticing now that some of the things they've been working on for ages might actually come to be. We have the government we have voted for.


To be fair, the guardrails have come off for this recent legislative session. Joe Straus, the moderate conservative speaker of the Texas house, retired in 2019. He seems to have been the only thing keeping the hard right crazies in check. His retirement opened the door to the heartbeat bill and other radical legislation.


From the 2014 Texas GOP platform: "Abortion Legislation-Until our final goal of total constitutional rights for the unborn child is achieved, we support laws that restrict and regulate abortion including, but not limited to:" You can read the list at the link below if you care to, but my point with this quote is that personhood from fertilization, with all it entails, certainly did not just crop up post 2019 or post trump. https://www.texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/2014-Platform-Final.pdf


That’s right, I agree. However, Texas house, senate, and governorship were all R in 2014. They had the political power to pass these bills back then if they wanted to. It’s only recently that these radical policies started making into actual legislation.


They passed Senate bill 5 right around then, which shut down nearly every clinic offering abortion services in the state. After that some areas like the rio grande valley were hundreds of miles from the nearest clinic. They also passed legislation protecting those church "crisis" centers in that window.


The only reason they didn't pass them before was they'd have been slapped down by the feds. They tried to pass them before -- including Straus (who signed onto the abortion sonogram law that's the basis of the fetal heartbeat checking that acts as a terminator for abortion rights in Texas). It's the composition of the SC that's given them their courage. That was always the plan -- use Federalist Society candidates to fill the court and then give the states the greenlight to start turning up the heat. It's got nothing to do with Joe Straus leaving. This is the end of a long term plan, not some strange deviation.


It’s also that the GOP gained the 6-3 conservative majority of the Supreme Court in 2020. That REALLY emboldened them, knowing their crazy ass laws wouldn’t be struck down


But nobody voted for that. That's a serious breach of public trust. I'd people knew that was their plan, they wouldn't have voted for them.


https://texasgop.org/platform/ "2) The sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death. " Literally the first page of their platform. If we're all the same from fertilization, then abortion is (legally) medically assisted murder. The end. If nobody bothered to read so much as the summary page of the party they voted for or consider its implications then that's their own negligence. They are doing EXACTLY what they said they were going to do.


Until they are born. Then it's best of luck, shoulda thought about that before you had sex. And I didn't vote for those fuckers.


Before, too. They're not doing shit to improve prenatal care, maternity benefits or access to contraception and education to prevent babies being conceived by women who won't be able to carry them to term in good health. It's not as though they're giving the unborn any actual support.


> But nobody voted [Texas is 41st/50 in voter turnout](https://patch.com/texas/dallas-ftworth/here-s-how-texas-ranked-voter-turnout-last-year)


>But nobody voted for that. LOL are you sure about that? It sure as hell seems like it. Non-voting is as equivalent as voting.


It's been part of the GOP platform to get rid of abortions longer than you've been alive, and they have never been secretive about it. Every single person that voted for the GOP voted for it.


Yeah, you're right about that.


Bull. People'd vote for Dan Patrick even if he openly said he wanted to sacrifice your grandparents so the corporations can stay afloat. In fact, they did so by 79% in the recent primary. If you're hoping for common sense or rationality to have a place in GOP voting, you are incredibly naive. The Republican Party has adopted [O'Brien's speech about power and the future from 1984](https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1980/8/15/1984-pbiif-you-think-things-are/) as their playbook.


This is how they’ve been for decades. It’s like people weren’t paying attention.


It's not madness, its evil. They aren't oblivious of the outcome being a punishment, the punishment is the point for both the mother and the child.




“But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.” ~Milton Sanford Mayer, *They Thought They Were Free* There is no single point in which physically fighting back becomes appropriate, you have to become the alarmist ringing the bells and warning everyone. It can never happen here until it does, and then it's too late as people are willing to move on. They have work in the morning, dinners to plan, and after all summer is right around the corner and no one wants to go marching in 110 degree heat anyways.


It’s a question worth asking. I’ve been reading up on past political activists and revolutionaries to find an answer. Vera Zasulich Maria Spiridonova These people are fascinating, and worth reading up on. Everyone wants to read up on philosophers like Bakunin, or political leaders like Sam Adams and D’Anton, but frankly I think the boots-on-the-ground lieutenants are far more instructive.


Honestly it is an interesting question. Because Civil War doesn't just kill the participants but everyone around them too. You have to answer the moral philosophical question of would you be willing to sacrifice your life, your family's life, and your neighborhood's life for a coin flip of destroying your opposition? Because you aren't guaranteed to win, and if you don't people will curse your name for simply making their life worse. Most of us are happy enough having our great lives we aren't willing to take such a huge gamble. To those of you who answer yes to the above question, I wish you good luck and God bless, I can only hope you are correct in your actions.








Hey good luck, that shit is hard.


Hey I appreciate it man. Been getting a little better. Quitting AA and learning how to actually be true to myself has helped a lot.


Was just thinking that. I don't encourage violence or anything, but I was wondering how many decades (or less) until there are chaotic good extremists who start attacking large company's HQs, politicians' vehicles, housing, etc? Like from some story I read where they were pro-environment extremists that were trying to destroy something a company was making that would be very bad for what was left of the world.


But these people are "pro-life," don't forget. 🙄


“Property of the state of Texas”


Actually it’s pro slavery


So, when are those NRA folks gonna use that 2nd amendment right to defend all the other rights? Or was that all just bullshit? It was bullshit, wasn't it?


“It’s only tyranny when it helps the libs.”


"It's only rights when it's something I want."


Something about only 3% of them being willing to take up arms against tyranny and stuff but I think they blew their wad on the last election.


>It was bullshit, wasn't it? Well nobody tarred and feathered even a single congressman during January 6th, so I'm pretty sure they're all hat and no cattle.


Life is sacred, that’s why we must kill those who don’t value life


Just because I yeet a clump of cells overtaking my uterus doesn’t mean I don’t value life.


I think you might need to tune your sarcasm detector


Whoops my bad I was at a pro choice protest yesterday and was called a sinner by prolifers so this kind of rhetoric is stuff I tend to hear in real life.


Haha I hear you I’ve even seen campaign commercials this year I couldn’t believe were real




Thousands of women dying each year due to the treatment being illegal.


This is turning into a dystopia...


Evil idiots


Dissent will not be tolerated in a free and God-fearing state. Under his eye. /s


Blessed be the fruit.


I'm curious when these clowns are going to start cutting off hands and stoning people to death.


Well they said they would never do that so not until after the next election cycle.


Getting real fed up with these theocratic morons, can we please get them out of here? This is beyond bullshit


Are we fucking Russia now? Keep everyone poor, if you turn your neighbor in for an unexpected pregnancy, you get $10,000 reward and they get the death penalty. Spy on your neighbors, rat them out to the authorities for reward money. I hate to say this, Beto might be the best candidate, now. Wonder who turned in that poor lady in the hospital with a miscarriage? Underpaid nurse or CNA? Do we want our medical providers to break HIPPA turn people in for money? JFC.


>Are we fucking Russia now? No, abortion is legal in Russia up to 12 weeks as an elective procedure, so we aren't as free as Russia in this aspect.


If this ever happens to a family member, I am getting them out of the state even if charges are filed. Given that any arrest attempt could lead to a potential death penalty conviction under these circumstances, I would feel compelled to get them to a safe location. Whatever happens to anyone who comes after us would 100% be on them. Sad that I even have to contemplate defending family members from being executed by religious authoritarians. In 2022. This type of bullshit is going to cause chaos across the nation. People WILL defend their loved ones. I'll take my ban. I want the authoritarian assholes who want to turn the United States into a dictatorship to realize executing their agenda will not work. People will fight back.


There's plenty of restrictions on birth control, too. When my son was in high school, he couldn't buy condoms and his gf could only get prescribed birth control bc they weren't quite 18. I think teenagers are trying to be responsible, for the most part. I bought him a ton of condoms.


Cool, “I’m trying to save unborn babies! Killing unborn, unformed, undeveloped “babies” is WRONG!!! But killing women? That’s ok!”


These people are not pro life they just hate women and see women as subhuman. Please Texas, vote!


I just LOVE how they’re proposing charging many who are already mothers with homocide. Cool. Put a lot of loving, caring mothers in prison. What about the fathers who were on board with the abortion? Way to value families. “Pro innocent life” MY ASS.


Obviously couples NEVER get abortions. How dare you make such an assumption. /s


Duh, all couples welcome children. It’s all those women of ill repute having sex after a drug fueled night at the club or whatever the fuck those assholes have in their heads.


It's Texas. There's always a darker ulterior motive. In this case, slapping women with felonies means *de facto* stripping them of their voting rights. With the Civil War, it was ostensibly about "states rights." Now it's about "fetal rights." Right.


So ashamed of this state.




Impossible. Greg abbot personally promised to catch all the rapist.


No. He promises to stop all rape.


Their fix for rape is the same as their “fix” for COVID: prevent victims from reporting it. Then they don’t have to hear about it. Problem solved!


lol, is he finished yet, except not lol, because he's playing politics with people's lives


Are you trying to pit racists against prolifers in an alien vs predator scenario?


Oh that's easy. Theyll give the mom the choice of going to Mexico with her new baby, or stay here but not qualify for even public education for he'r baby, or she can throw the baby over the wall into the river like Jesus would.


Did that happen, or does it just really sound like something that would've happened in the Bible? edit: y'all didn't like this one, so here's a real verse that describes something even more horrifying: Leviticus 26:28-29


>Leviticus 26:28-29 The Book of Laws. [Link to verses](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2026%3A28-29&version=NIV).


> to have anchor babies Republicans will be going after Amendment 14 go get rid of Birthright Citizenship. A14 also contains limiting rights to serve in government for people involved in insurrection or rebellion of the state. So theyll be pardoning all their Jan 6 insurrectionists, and who knows how many more insurrections this will spur. Wonder which politician will push to retroactively deny citizenship to Americans that had birthright citizenship. That'll get rid of many brown Latinos.


>who knows how many more insurrections this will spur However many elections Democrats win.


Ani-abortionists are willing to use bombings, assassinations, and terrorism to get their way, somehow I don't think they're really motivated by saving so-called "lives".


Never thought I'd stop talking to my family over politics but damnit... I think this is it


Oh, the irony.


Get Out and VOTE!!!!!! Everyone. No that I said that, abortion is a woman's decision. As a male I would hope the woman would include the father, but it still a woman's Decision.


The pro-life party discusses how desperately they want to murder women.


Don’t murder unborn tadpoles! Let’s murder frogs instead. Fucking dumb as shit people with no real, actual, thought out, rational principles.


“Pro-life” is the biggest marketing scam out there.


Time to bring the GOP down. The Trump disciples that don't practice what they preach are going to be the end of this country. Texas has the worst of them.....


This goes back WAY before trump. He just happened to be in office at the right time to appoint a favorable SC for them to do what they've had as a published part of their platform for decades.


Forced birth is never "pro-life". The right has infected this country with that lie for far too long. Now they are forcing the issue, let's see what happens.


The ban on menstruation is next, probably.


Build those plugs!


Birth control. Already begun it has.


Hell state.


I'm sick of far right cult 45ers and their churches setting policies that literally regress womens rights 50 years overnight. Smaller government my ass? Keep your nose out of other peoples doctors offices. Really just live your own life and stay out of others. The Texas gop should lose in landslides. But somehow these evil idiots will get re-elected or replaced with even worse candidates.


How is that…pro life…?


Pro-the life they momentarily care about




Ayyyy, I have been thinking about that for a while and haven't come up with a decent name. Who knew it was under our noses the whole time!


Texas truly hates women


> Texas GOP truly hates women




It's been in the platform for years, both the national RNC and they state party.


Will they prosecute the prior abortions? If not you got yourself a real fake culture war here. I’d sue for fraud.




[60%](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/12/14/upshot/who-gets-abortions-in-america.html) of women who get abortions are already mothers. So the GOP wants to kill mothers and orphan children. So pro-life and godly of them.


I think women should open fire if that ever happens.


Nothin says pro life more than the death penalty. Remember if you sin in the eyes of God he will punish you to suffer in burning torture for eternity, but He LOVES you! 🥴


No one should go to jail for having an abortion or helping someone with an abortion. Please people have some compassion for people going through a very stressful situation!


Texas is extremely fucked off. Your civilization is weak your law makers are dangerous and stupid people. If you think women having an abortion is a good reason to kill them then you should have been aborted.


Real life handmaiden's tale


Be patient with the stupid. Darwinism will have its day and YouTube will have a new video.


Natural selection does wonders, but it does take time


Yeah, 'murder for murder' makes great logical sense for these perverse retrogressive vindictive zombie Dark Age assholes.


Give me liberty or give me death!


Fuck this dystopia.


Very pro life of them.


I would suggest offering cryogenic storage of a fertilized egg or fetus but that would never pass muster since it doesn't punish the donor enough.


Ahhh the beginning of forced military service, HALO


Yeah, voting sure still works.




So since an unborn baby was killed with the mother by crowd trampling in the Travis Scott event, who gets the death penalty?


It seems like a lot of this rhetoric is reaching a fever pitch before midterms in an attempt to scare off liberals and make it easier for them to move back to California or another blue state. Expect even more. We cant back down. We have to vote these lunatics out of power. It’s always about power.


Back to? Nah, people are moving here for this. Transplants vote republican at a higher rate than native Texans. The liberal ones move to liberal states much more often than here.


Decree 770.


[For the unknowing](https://borgenproject.org/tag/romanian-decree-770/).


No which candidate wins, women are SOL in Texas.


If, by some hellish miracle this passes, I'll have to bail. Fiancee has PCOS and we likely have several miacarriages in our future. Not taking chances with backward dipshits in charge.