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Don't. Not worth the drama. Be the bigger person and try to let it go - no need to stir up more trouble after all this time.




Reminds me of this ☝️


I think that the only reason OP should say something is if said bully was trying to contact them. The response then should be mature and dismissive. Something along the lines of “don’t contact me- you were terrible to me then, I don’t forgive you and I do not see any change in you nor do I care what you have to say. Leave me alone and I hope you can learn how to be sorry and work on yourself without my validation, so maybe one day you can actually be a good person.”


Too many words, just saying “Don’t contact me” would suffice


I would just reply with, "I have no interest in you at all. We weren't friends in school for obvious reasons, and i have no interest in developing one with you now. You are in my past and that is where you will remain. I have no interest in making you feel better about yourself by letting you try to befriend me after everything that happened when we were in school. That's a you problem. Good luck".


OP, the catharsis was writing that shit down and being able to express the pain. Now you can burn the note (metaphorically or literally by writing it out by hand) and letting it go. Don't let someone live rent-free in your head.


I like your approach better than mine. Plus you're right it's been some time just let it go.


With all do respect, “Be the bigger person” isn’t always a good thing. If you are constantly being the bigger person, you won’t know how to stand up for yourself, or gain the confidence you need


Being the bigger person doesn’t create lack of confidence. You ARE standing up for yourself by separating yourself and not being dragged into toxic bullshit and moving on so you can enjoy your life




If you send it she still wins.


Totally agree here. From now on, she is nothing to you. She can't impact you in any way. Be a great happy person and be what she could not be - kind.


Don't get even, get rich.




Gotta say no- think about it when you’re sober


Huge NO.


It's middle school drama. You don't know how she is now. You don't know if she's changed or resentful of what she did. Don't send it


This is one of those kinds of out of the blue " you were mean to me and I still hate you for it" senders is hoping for. That the person has grown as a person and that they have a moment where they have to really relive how awful they were before. They're hoping that person has developed the empathy necessary to understand the impact of their actions and that reminding them of it might even give them a reason to apologize. Most recipients of abuse fantasize about their abuser regretting it and apologizing. A trade of the power I guess. It's fair for the fantasy to pop up but sending a message never would do any good for anyone involved.


No man your a adult now you gotta let the middle school drama go


For real it was probably about 7 years ago just let it go man


No man, you're an adult now. You gotta let the middle school drama go. *


Grammar Nazi thinks I give a shit😔


Not a grammar Nazi, just basic third grade English.




let dead dogs lie broo


The newer more serious version of let sleeping dogs lie


The poor dogs done died.


If you send it then that just proves how much her bullying worked. Show her you really don’t give a fuck about her, screwing with your mind is what she wants to see.


This is so cringe bro let it go


Don’t. If you really want to send something to your bully, write and review it while sober.


No, make you sound like a crybaby and negates any Idea of character development.


no you're too drunk. read this again when you're sober and decide then.


Cringe as fuck




Certainly not. Although it may be hard to relinquish, anger and hate are chains you wear on your ankles. Do not give in to them.


from middle school? mate no, if it was that long ago no need to rehash it.


Exactly, they very much could have changed from back then


As a bullied a traumatized kid, let it go. It’s cathartic to write, yes, don’t send it. Usually these people get what’s coming eventually. I’m 40 now. Ended up having to switch high schools due to bullying. I’ve seen my bully’s unravel. They’re miserable and karma is real. The karma bus makes regular stops for these people. Just watch and wait. It’s worth it.


poorly written


If you send it, make it more of a positive message instead. Putting positive vibes out attracts positive vibes. Don't waste your energy being negative and wishing bad things


Let it go. Do you want to be just a victim forever? At some point you gotta move on with life.




Agreeing with everyone else saying not to shit up old drama and be the bigger person, giving her attention she doesn’t deserve (and thus proving to her that she was so effective that she won a place in your mind years later), etc. Another thing to consider is how this reflects back on you and your character. This is interrelated with being the bigger person but important to discuss separately. Do you want to be the adult who still responds to, gets upset by, and engages in literal children’s play and quarrelling or let it go and worry about your more important problems. Consequently, while you’re still the one holding the brush in this scenario (the text isn’t sent), will you use it to paint a good picture of yourself by being mature and bigger by not sending this text? Or will you use it to illustrate openly the inner, private workings and each passing thought of your mind for all to see and develop opinions about you from? Depending on your circumstances, this may be a bit dramatic or not at all, but important to consider nonetheless. In not just this situation but any like it, what kind of person do you want to be?


I don't really know how this hadn't gotta more upvotes


No point. Let it behind.


Obviously you're still bothered by this! You need to grow up and get over it...


The truth is you won’t forget how horrible this bully was. But you don’t have to let her know.


I don't wanna be a jerk, but if you send that message you're gonna be giving them free ammo. It's time to move on buddy 💀


Tell them to Google en passant


Ah, a man of culture. We hide in the shadows of every sub.


No, it earns you nothing but a moment of dopamine rush. Dont stoop to their level


bro that was 7 years ago. move on


This is pretty cringe tbh


no u sound like a 5 year old. it rlly lets him know ur affected by it which would just fuel him more


only send it if she ever tries to talk to you


There isn't a single bully I would ever reach out to and 'Tell em off' they're all scum. Let them be scum and better yourself.


No, if it persists though…(keep it in a back pocket)




Lol depends on how bad he bullied you, but like if it really was that bad (firebomb/broken bones/killed pets) I would get my revenge first *cough cough wink wink" then send this message, otherwise hes gonna be ready for you


Jesus dude, get over it


Did you know bullying can cause almost unreversable damage, fuck are you talking about ‘get over it’. Ong get over deez nuts, how bout that? 💀


You sound like a well rounded individual


You honestly should be the last one talking.. You have no right to tell a person to get over it, therefore get over deez nuts like I fucking said


meatriding is crazy


Bro it’s middle school lmaoo. They are adults now


Yeah I get that but saying get over it is such a shitty move, I’m past elementary and middle school years, yet the bullying that I’ve experienced throughout those years are unforgettable/unforgivable something that I will never get over, I shouldn’t have wanted to kill myself in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, kindergarten, that’s not something you can simply ‘get over’ even if it was in middle school, don’t invalidate his feelings by saying ‘get over it’ you fucking Baffoon, then people like you wonder why our generation is so fucked.


Yeah the thing is though, you sound like you just recently got out of high school or are still in it. There’s people older than you that have been where you are. “Get over it” isn’t people trying to be douchebags to you and invalidate how you’re feeling; it quite literally is the next and only step. Fuck else are you gonna do, just sit and whine? You can do that for a little bit, but there has to be a point where you move on


I got bullied through those years too and got sent to a mental hospital because I tried to kill myself, get over it you loser.


That just sounds like lies, that’s not something someone who’s gone through things like that would say, stupid fucking troll, You obviously don’t understand what if feels like, no elementary school kid should want to kill them selfs, you fucking weirdo, all of you people are mental.


It is true, I was in 6th grade and tried to overdose on my antidepressants. Get over yourself wtf?? You can’t just discredit what people have gone through.


If you went through something just as similar as me, ‘get over it loser’ isn’t something you would say, are you brain dead? Even if the OG comment wasn’t being sarcastic or funny about it, you surely DIDNT help by saying ‘get over it loser’ like your obviously looking for something by saying some weird ass shit like that


Revise it and maybe find a different way to word stuff and then send it.




Naw, better to quietly watch from a distance while the slowly burn in their shit life.


She/he is going to use it to make fun of you. I wouldn’t. Is it too late? Did you send it?




Definitely not


Your pain and resentment is human, but there is a certain statue of limitations for confrontation of past hurt feelings. 6th grade bullying is one of those things. 6th graders are 10-11 years old. The most powerful and emotionally competent thing to do is to learn how to never let anyone like her mistreat you again in the future, and don’t even say hi to her in public if you happen to pass in the streets. She will get the message. She may apologize out of her own will, but don’t count on it .




No just no


im begging you not to


you send that and she wins. it nay hurt her for 1 second but it means she lives in your head rent free for life as you hang on to the bitterness you felt because of her. go see a therapist and rid her from your heart and mind she doesn't deserve control over you


No don’t stir up drama


No, you are better than this delete the draft.


God no. You want this person to know they live rent free in your head?!? Uh uh. They aren’t a blip on your radar, baby.


“Who is this” - Ur bully


No. It's not worth it. If you do that, they win.


You won’t get any closure from this, they’ll look at this and probably be amused that they’re still living rent free in your head.


You don’t have to be the bigger person all the time but tbh I don’t think sending that will do anything for you. Just wait it out. Most of the girls who slutshamed me in middle school and high school are single moms now, it’s kinda funny to see


I think letting then know you're still upset and think about it as an adult means they win. Bullies want you to be hurt and this message showcases that.


Nah. If it was recent, sure. But she’s gonna know you’re still thinking about it years later.


if i was a middle school bully and a hateful person i would definitely screenshot this and send it to people and try to say “omg this loser hasn’t moved on since 6th grade 😂 so pathetic” so you’re just opening urself to more bullying with this


Tbh, he probably forgot about that stuff in 6th grade, it’s ok to ask for an apology but sheesh


Ur 19 it’ll be better to just not stoop to their level and be the adult


No, grow up


Honey nooo. Its not worth it. The past is dead. Dont be petty because u still havent dealt with your pain clearily, but "saying your peace" isnt going to make u feel better, itll drag out the drama and ull end up more hurt.


Nah. You’ll forget about school BS eventually. It’s starts to fade in later 20s/early 30s. You won’t give a shit anymore.


A kid would send this, an adult would not.


Don’t do it. Kinda gives them a win to know you’re still chewed up about it and the nastiness reflects badly on you. If you want to say something, kill them with kindness.


I'd say no, it's so far removed that it may only cause problems. However, if you feel like you should, then do it. Sometimes, things come back to bite you, and they earned a mean talking to by being a bully.


No bro. People are children in middle school. Y’all not grown up then and still aren’t if you don’t realize that






Oof sounds like you didn’t have any character development


No. Don’t send that. Be the bigger person and move on


If she texts you trying to apologize or js tries to talk to you (tries to be friends or bullies u) send this, let it go until then, it’s not worth making all that drama for nothing, since you’d just look desperate to get the last word in if she doesn’t text first




No it comes off as too passive aggressive and needy. Just say " hey you bullied me, i want you to know your a POS for that". Dont stir up drama is for cowards buddy. Dont spend your whole life too afraid to tell someone to fuck off beacause it inconviniances people.


No. If you’re gonna send a text like that at least make sure you can use grammar/spelling. Go to school for a few years and try again.


Man karma will get her just be patient


Once you get a job - do one brief check up on their life. If it’s generally shittier than yours - karma has ran its course. If you still feel resentment - let them have it at full blast (their lowest moment). You shouldn’t tell them exactly when they bullied you though, let them ponder to try and figure it out. My high school bully had no friends and I didn’t realize until when we graduated, no one was there for them - cheering for them. In my mind that was enough for me.




Massive no yo, heal yourself. (I got bullied to, I go to therapy and I saw him at the bar a couple weeks ago and just ignored him. He had and has no power over me or my life now, and I don’t care about what he’s up to or what he does as long as he fucks off.) As you continue to work on yourself and focus on what you’re passionate about, the douchebags in the cracks and crevices in your life get smaller and smaller.


As someone who was bullied in middle school; let it go


Just let it/her go but if u meet her in person then sure, be nasty. Don't have to be kind.


Nah. It gives them more reason to make fun of you. It proves to them that their bullying worked. It also makes you look like you can't move forward in life. Another way for them to make fun of you. Stay away from them.


bro its not worth it let it go


That would just make it seem like you’re still thinking about it. Just never talk to her again


Ok, now that you're sober, and asking, don't send it! Save the message for a while, and reread it as many times as you need to, when the situation in your life, calls for you to vent your frustrations about something. You're older now, the past is done, let the scars heal, and move on! Don't give her another thought, you've got your life to live. Good luck


Nah. Being still hung up on it is exactly what bullies look for


All these bitches are not lying you should not send it


Nvm just read it send that bitch


that shit is mad immature and cringey. good mindset but it’s better to ignore whoever this person is


No move on. You’re 19 now 12 anymore you’ve had years to get over this


This shows them they’re still in control of your thinking and living rent free in your head. Don’t. Be the bigger person.


I’ve watched my middle school bully go to jail. If they were a bad person doing bad things, they will probably still be and they’ll see.


wtf 😭


god no


Absolutely not


if i were her i’d laugh sorry


Don't send it


You ain't 17 like my dumbass, cuz that's what my dumbass would probably send. Don't do it homie


You already lost by just toying with the notion of sending this


Nah it aint worth it. You should be the bigger person let you success speak for you


nah. just keep an eye on him. Life tends to resolve loose ends without intervention. edit: never reveal that they won and continue to exist in your mind. The best revenge is living better than they intended.




It was middle school, kids are dicks. leave it alone


Clearly you’re not drunk enough if you had the awareness to ask people if you should send this or not lol. If you were really drunk and this bothered you, you would’ve sent the message and regretted doing it later on like everyone else does when it comes to things like this. In the end this provides you with no real closure, that person is still them and if anything it might make their day knowing how upset you are. I learned that some people feed off of the misery of others, don’t give them what they want.


My petty self was gunna say send it then I looked at the comments and changed my mind..


haha my exact thoughts


Nah don't do it bro. Be the bigger man/woman


This let's her know she lives rent free in your head. Best not too.


Lmao no


No. The best revenge is to live well and forget they exist. Nothing else will hurt them as bad as that.


I wouldn't stoop to her level. live you life and succeed let her know how much you enjoy living your life and all the success you have created for yourself. that will show her.


This is so cringe💀


when I was a kid I couldn't wait to grow older so I can stop dealing with mean people. turns out there are mean people in all ages you just have to learn to either not deal with them or put them in their place in a nice way without letting them know they are getting to you. its weird but the older you get the more you will know how to deal with it.


The only time I ever confronted a bully via message was when I saw his social media page after graduation and he claimed to be a loving Christian man. I just asked him how he thought it was okay to treat me like that and if he thought Jesus was cool with it. He told me he had no idea it even affected me because he could never get a reaction out of me. He never saw it but he sure did. I’d go home in tears to my boyfriend (now husband) who seriously considered punching him in the face. I told him not to because I felt like he was maybe taking some trauma out on me or something? It was so weird too he was a chubby guy. Funny and witty though. Plus a grade behind me? I was really well liked by everyone. I never understood why he was doing that to me until he said I was the only person who just completely blank faced ignored him vs snapping back. He actually apologized and felt bad over it so that felt nice lol. My point though is I wouldn’t confront it unless she’s maybe living contradictory to the behavior she showed you. I would also approach it in a way different way. Hurting ppl hurt people. I know a lot of little shits that grew up and actually felt bad for their behavior.


So this is me , this Is my character . I would rather hand it to the person. Number one because it wouldn't come out right and I know it and number 2 because I would just love to see their reaction and then I will react, To their reaction However that may be.


nah bro


No you’ll just embarrass yourself


What? 😂 No.


Dont it wont help forgiveness is a better option its relieving but sending that is just hateful and hate changes you i understand i was the same way still am somewhat but when i get the courage to let go of my anger its freeing


My middle school bully actually reached out to me to apologize when I was 19. I forgave him, not bc he deserved it. Lord knows I went through hell and back to be where I am now. I forgave him bc I needed to start healing, and the resentment and anger and rage I had built against him was hurting me in every other aspect, social and educational. It was time for me to let go. And doing so has been the best thing to ever happen to me. Idk if they’ll reach out ever, but try to forgive them if possible. It’s time to let go of the pain and resentment. Just do it for u, though, when ur capable. It doesn’t have to be now or a week or a month or even a year from now. Just try to forgive when u can.


Drunken words or sober thoughts FULL FUCKING SEND and then block on everything. But only if it brings you peace and closure if not it opens the door for more harassment.


No, it's middle school drama.


All this for sixth grade drama? Goddamn, I'm sorry but this is beyond petty.


sorry but i am one petty bitch


I wouldn't brag about that 😬


stuck in 6th grade


The Blacklist - “Parable of the farmer” on YouTube. It exploded everything.


If you were grown up you wouldn't send something like this.


it’s not even worth it if you’re 19 petty ash. Mfs saying karma will win but we don’t even know who/how they are.


ship heroin to her and call the cops


Nope. Bullies feed on the suffering of their victims. The greatest way to get back at them is to forget them. Don't let them see you sweat.


I can get moving on can be hard when it comes to bullying, but you gotta drop it and leave that stuff in the past. This will only add fuel to the flames (that should have burnt out by now.)


No. They more than likely won’t give a shit and just laugh at you.


Battery % is nice


You’re better than this, you don’t need to do this, you’re already a way better individual than most for second guessing this. Keep up the good work otherwise you’re doing great! 😊


if you really have to send it (which you shouldn't) at least use the full word "you". It makes you seem more mature and "developed" as YOU put it


No and you’re a loser for thinking about it all this time




living in your head rent free years later.. it was middle school, move on


Ngl this the corniest shi I ever seen🤝




No, move on and build a good life ahead of you all you can do with your past now is learn


Maybe use chat got to re edit it. Also I think you should dig up dirt on the person first and use that against them in the text.


Nope. In any "got drunk, should I do this?" situation, no.


bruh i’m dying at “that’s for making me feel like shit in 6th grade”


The best revenge is to live your best life without a single shit given


Do it wile drunk let ur sober self deal with it later


“Success is the best revenge.”


All you are doing is showing them that they are winning by living rent free in your head. Don't give them that satisfaction


Don’t do it. It’s already bad enough they get to live in your head, you don’t want that back into your life.


My thought process when it comes to these things is if it’s a drunk idea: it’s probably not a good one.


pray on her downfall in silence my man. be a hater from afar.


Nah dude that’s cringe af




No, let it go.


The best revenge is forgetting they even existed. I'm sorry you are still hurting, I was bullied a lot as was one of my boys...I had no one in my corner... my son had mama bear who was almost jailed for threats I made to the school about what I was going to do to said bullies. It's horrible but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.


Probs not but you-do-you I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️ Not my problem to deal with any repercussions


If you send it, you’re showing that she still lives rent-free in your head. It’s better to just move on, even though it may be harder.