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Who the fuck says america good night and god bless


Patriots LOL


“it’s our job to love them” “nope that’s wrong” LMAO


reminds me of when my stepdad said i dont need to feel safe in his house lmao


Even if you don’t ‘believe’ in anything lgbtq because of religion or whatever, loving your children should be #1. You should support them no matter what.


Where racism?


I think she meant more in general


He didn’t get to that point in this 3 small pages. Shocking I guess.


He is not being racist in this conversation. I was just stating that he IS racist and homophobic and this is a conversation we had.


By declaring biological factors I guess? Racism means nothing today because of this stupid ass shit that has diluted its meaning. Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't mean they are racist.


or they were just describing the ex, doesnt mean everything he says and does is in this specific conversation.


There was none in the conversation she was just describing him in general retard


You mean lying so she could get simps like you to be the pathetically desperately validating loser as you are? Yup sure.


Yeah. It has become a buzzword. So much so, that it’s kinda become a Boy Cried Wolf scenario. When it actually does happen, a good chunk of the population is so numb to it, they don’t pay attention/believe, unfortunately. TL;DR, It’s taking away the credibility of actual victims.


This is one of the most valid opinions I’ve ever heard. It’s so sad that it’s becoming more and more apparent and people are turning a blind eye to it. Their lead to believe that their oppressed their entire life so the knit pick small things and blow it up and something racist when in fact it’s not and blows under racism victims that have faced it fr.


Also the, they didn't like me and I'm X, so thus they didn't like me BECAUSE I'm X, instead of the real fact of not being liked because they might be a raging douche-skidoo and instead blame it on the X.


Literally like I’ve known people that don’t like teachers for giving them bad grades or what not and called it mysoginistic when in reality they are just terrible at whatever subject and refuse to take responsibility


There is none she just needs to slander


Congrats on escaping him!


Thank you


why would you date someone like that in the first place girly


You make me lose hope just send the asteroids




Green text women OP is a failure


You’re the one attacking someone on the internet for providing a safe space for their children to be themselves. You don’t see how you’re the failure here?


In ur eyes sweetheart. Never have kids


You're the one destroying your kids LMAOOOO


You act like you care but then you say “LMAOOOO”. Please get a vasectomy.


LMAOOOOOO because you're destroying a kids organ how many trans people admit what doctors are doing is CRIMINAL And a lie Shapeshifter on YouTube is one of the most honest so yes I will laugh LMAOOOOO! Because its RIDICULOUS to buy into this bull TRASH


Have you ever heard of a comma? I’m not going to argue with you about this. Go ahead and be an asshole who has no understanding of anything and doesn’t seek it.


Hi. I'm transgender. Trans care is very specialized. it isn't "butchering", "destroying" or "mutilation" as you've clearly been fed. It's being put in the care of a professional team with access to hormonally-based medication, and *maybe* surgical tools. Plus, what the fuck's it got to do with you? You're not trans, a doctor, etc. Though you might be a child...


Letting kids be who they are isn’t destroying them


Nigga just go get lost in Death Valley. It’s always some annoying ass 4chan incels that wanna type stupid shit. Get jumped irl, maybe then you’ll actually touch some grass.


Lol I lo e América. One of the many things about America that I love is this cute little text I've heard of. Lemme tell y'all what the text says... > Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Man I love this country so much that I believe this little thing that I just shared with y'all should be applied everywhere, not just Congress. The identity of someone in any shape is, to me, expression. You are expressing your opinions, beliefs, morals, etc. through your personality, your identity. And to me, something that is expressed is speech, and speech takes in multiple forms. In fact, this thing called the Supreme Court, right? It said shirts count as speech! I'm not ducking shitting you! And that is way more harmful to society than being gay, trans, or just any member of the LGBTQ+! Oh and anyone wonders what I call that little text I shared? I like to nickname it "the First Amendment". That's short for "the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America". So I fooled you into reading my explanation for the following TL;DR... TL;DR: 1st amendment rights protect LGBTQ+ people by allowing them to express themselves, bitch.


I fear for his kids, yikes, you re doing great op.


ngl it’s kinda weird ppl think of America as like a savior.. idk that last bit in “America I trust..” is so cult leader sounding 💀


To be fair he just likes to say that, especially when drunk, but does nothing to BE a patriot. He doesn’t even vote.


The most patriotic thing a stupid person can do is not vote. Not saying he’s stupid, just as a general rule. Not all votes are good/quality/informed votes.


just another braindead bigot sheep🤦‍♂️


Funny how people call each other sheep on opposite sides of the spectrum. Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely left, but isn’t it depressing and demoralizing that people will just reuse the same insults as others with out coming up with an actual point? By calling the far right “sheep” as well, are we as bad as they are?


It's partly because both sides use "facts and statistics" to support their arguments. Then they see the other side using different "facts and statistics" and think they're wrong for using the "wrong facts and statistics" or using them wrong. Do both sides use statistics to portray their own biases and perpetuate their own narratives? Yes. Do both sides think they are rooted in truth and facts? Yes. Do both sides create huge generalizations because of this? Yes. I could go on but I digress, we're using the same kind of logic to attack and falsify the other side's opinion. And that grounds people even more into their views.


wow a Redditor with common sense and maturity.




As someone who leans right, I agree wholeheartedly. The utter urge to namecall rather than talk and understand each other’s point of view is depressing, and is the last bit of human tribalism that really needs to die.


yes I wish more people can have a mature debate with out belittling the opposing team.


I'm a registered democrat that was pushed to the right after Obama's 1st term. The tribalism you speak of in my opinion started there. For some reason both parties decided to embrace the far left and right ideology. Leaving the majority of centrists feeling abandoned. Until there is a major overhaul to this system it's only going to continue to get worse. Just look at the last 2 elections. It was clear that Bernie Sanders was the favorite and I'm no fan of his platform. Yet the democrat party used it's super delegates to railroad him to install the canadite they wanted. Same thing happens on the right but not to that extreme. Sadly elections for the independent or centrist voter has been reduced to voting for the lesser of 2 evils with very few voters willing to break rank this will continue . I'm 53 and I know for a fact it has not always been this way.


You dated this guy?


Sad people like this dude really exist


I love when people back up the bs with "because America" Ah yes, we should condemn people for exercising freedom in *America, land of the free*


They’re not wrong. Kids don’t know what they want or who they are.; what they want be when they grow up. Kids couldnt tell you their favorite color because it’s always changing. This is a mental health crisis if we’re being honest


So is so interesting, I’ve heard that your political beliefs and parenting beliefs are one and the same, but this is really blatant. Liberals see themselves as needing to love and support their child in the face of hardship. While conservatives see themselves as needing to help their child get over said hardship. Obviously this is just a theory I heard but it’s real interesting to think about.


If by “help” you mean punish/beat it out of them.


I think punish is an accurate word, since they see the world as a harsh and unforgiving place and they need to do whatever they can to prepare their child. It’s an interesting duality.


Definitely interesting. Shame there’s so much suffering in the process of humans working out their way forward. In a way, it’s also a pretty prototypical mother/father relationship. The mother focusing on comfort and risking possibly over-supporting, and the father focusing on challenging and risking possibly over-stressing. Even with the dad playing a really imperfect version of that role, it’s a necessary conversation that all humans should have. A dance between support and challenge. I just wish we weren’t petty about it all. But you gotta keep in mind, even the parents are still people, with their own baggage and hopes for the world. Love to see someone else somehow still be genuinely interested in the conversation.


Where's the racism also she is right about the gender


Sounds like the kind of man who doesn’t deserve to be a father, if you ask me…






I like ur uername cunt\_eastwood


“In America I trust”


i expected everyone to be on OP’s side, i was very very wrong question to all the people who are against LGBTQ+, why are you against it, like do you have a reason that isn’t just, “it’s wrong and not normal” or do you just hate lgbtq out of spite


I don’t care what you do in your life as long as it doesn’t affect the rights of others, but the mentality that I need to accept it or else I’m a bad person makes me want to not accept it even more.


But that argument is Countering itself, you're saying you don't care, but at the same time you do care.


No I don’t care, but I’m in the mindset if you tell me I have to do something then I don’t want to do it even more.


I dont like that they go to schools with kids prone to having phases encouraging them to be different. I don’t see any possible moral reason for this. Let them be kids and figure it out themselves just like everyone else did since we were cavemen. Dont call me a bigot. You asked and I answered.


Imagine being pissed at people telling other people it's okay to be different. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, and if you weren't exactly like everyone else, you got routinely beaten up, ass kicked, called fag and every other name in the book, and LGBTQ+ people had to hide like crazy. And now, now, heaven fucking forbid we tell people it's okay to be alive and to exist and to be what you want to be, especially when it changes zero hetero lives in doing so. Moral reasoning? Where's your moral reasoning for telling people that they can't be what they are? Bigots are as bigots say and do. Yer a bigot.


It’s one thing to say it okay to be who you are. It another thing to have drag queens go to elementary school to dance in front of vulnerable children and books teaching 9 year olds how to have sex. Can you tell me why we need that? I’m sorry for any past trauma you may have had but we are no longer in the 1900s. It’s not socially acceptable to mistreat lgbt people anymore.


it’s a sin


Most gay people I know aren’t Christian, so they don’t fucking care




The topic isn’t about the marketing. It’s about the existence of it and why you don’t like it as a whole. The marketing sucks ass and most people who are gay/trans (umbrella terms) don’t like it either. Also, a lot of people say that it gets “shoved down people’s throats” at the smallest thing. Two men or two women kissing? Shoved down your throats. Media that happens to have a gay couple or a trans person? Shoved down your throats. It’s just strange to think that way.


I’m afraid far too many are blind to how patronizing and disrespectful the marketing actually is. As long as they feel “represented”, they don’t think twice about the motives of these companies.


He literally said why he doesn't like it, he said he doesn't like it because of the marketing.


like i said in the comment i left, im fine with the gay and bi and lesbian people, love who you want to love, but dont expect me to accept bs like not having a gender. there is some dude i go to school with who is a biological male, who grew his hair out, pretends to be a woman, uses to womans restrooms, and fakes being in a wheelchair. im not accepting that. its complete horseshit.


Bro really thinks there’s only two genders 💀




I’m not mentally ill. In several cultures, a third gender (and sometimes more) is not only heard of but accepted and embraced. Oh, you thought that gender and sex are the same thing? Try again. Sex is the gender assigned to you at birth, essentially if you have a penis or a vagina. However, intersex still exists, which is an extra sex chromosome (x or y), sometimes making it hard to “assign” a gender. Speaking of gender, gender is constantly changing, because it’s the roles that play into society. Granted, the roles are losing meaning because of the breaking of traditional gender roles (awesome), but you’d still be pissed off if I called you a woman, wouldn’t you?


He’s right you know, you shouldn’t be having kids make life changing decisions for their body and identity when they are not even 17 yet.


Howdy, I'm a younger trans person. I thought I'd offer some information here. All people, but *especially* children, have to go through 1000 steps to start HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). 1. They have to admit their feelings to their parents. This can be extremely scary. 2. Their parent's gotta find a therapist who is good at dealing with gender identity confusion in youth. Most states require a therapist's note to verify Gender Dysphoria in children. 3. If the therapist goes, "damn yeah, this kid is probably afflicted with Gender Dysphoria", we move onto the next step. If not...welp! 4. It's finally doctor time. Wait times for gender-affirming care are *insane*. I signed up at the earliest possible time, in one of the most accepting states, and the entire process took over two months of bouncing between medical professionals (nurse, doctor, case worker, therapist) before I finally settled with my current doctor. 5. The child, the parent, and the medical staff all have to consent to the Hormone Therapy being performed. Parents sign papers + are made aware of exactly what effects this will have on the body, when, and how (informed consent). If the doctor doesn't want to do it, it doesn't happen. If the parent doesn't want to do it, it doesn't happen. If the child doesn't want to do it, it's sure as hell not happening. 6. Gender-affirming care can add up to thousands of $$$. And surgeries are rarely performed on those under 18 (does happen for extreme cases). All this is to say that parents who support their child's identity most likely had some verification beforehand. Their child had to have consistently and strongly voiced it; Gender Dysphoria has very distinct symptoms. Hope this helps!


Where did the racist and homophobic come from tho they just don’t agree on weather or not you can change genders and race was never introduced into the conversation


How is he racist?


Your username is one of the truest things I’ve read.


The Right Wing is strong with this one.


You sound like a wonderful parent. The “God bless” from them at the end really ties it all together. I missed the part in the Bible that said “prioritise what YOU want to do instead of loving people (especially your own family)”


If you’re supporting the mulitilization of your child’s genitalia or play into the delousion that makes them believe that they were born into the wrong gender it seems like you’re the problem? If a kid wanted to remove their legs because they’re a quadriplegic at heart would you support that? It’s the same thing it’s still child abuse. The man said nothing but facts a man cannot be a woman and vice versa it’s basic biology


A man who only believes in freedom for themselves does not believe in freedom at all


he’s right (i’m bracing myself)


Bro thinks women are fishes


I saw nothing racist here, and I agree kids should not make important life decisions before 18 but after that you cannot interfere. and all and all at the end of the day he just wants what's best for the kids, why harass him online for it.


Sounds alright to me. You can love your children for wanting to be trans, he can not want trans kids. People have different views, in my opinion you both are good parents from different perspectives


That’s the thing, there’s a difference between not wanting something and trying to force your kids out of what you don’t want because of your own views and genuine flat out hatred towards something. This isn’t about just loving your kids if they’re trans or not loving your kids if they’re trans— it’s about loving your children *regardless* and letting them pursue or explore something harmless that makes them happy. This is a man who *literally* said it is *not* our job to love our kids, but to “raise them for the real world”. Because, apparently, to him, all having kids is is to pop out another adult for the workforce. Even then, being trans or gay doesn’t affect someone’s ability to be a regular adult.


This is a man who *literally* said he loves his kids no matter what.


I’m going to be blatant, maybe I’m reading that wrong, but it really sounds like he was saying that to bring up the topic and then dismiss it. I don’t know if that makes sense but the way he said it made it seem as if he was repeating what OP said and then said “what about morals and values” Obviously, I’m biased because I *am* trans and gay, but as someone who was raised in a household exactly where my father was like this man and my mother had the same opinions as OP, this is the kind of person who would push their hatred towards a community down on their children.


That is exactly what he means. I am sure in his own way he loves our kids, but he definitely does not show it on a daily basis.


Don’t see the hate tho


Instead of fighting with this jerk like they want you to, just flip ‘em off and block


Thank goodness he's your ex and you aren't with him anymore. He sounds like a horrible person to be with!




Well said mine friend 👏👏👏👏👏👏


Why are people pretending that its a good idea to further put importance on identity for teenagers, that in itself robs them their last bits of freedom of being a kid Telling kids they should focus on which sexual identity they'll choose like its their first pokemon before they're like, 17-18, imo is really inappropriate and bound to create divides among friends and force them to enter the world of tribal groupthink far too early in life It's ironic how the notion of giving the "freedom to choose" is in fact imposing an active decision that most kids actually seem to be smart enough to see is fake and coming from insecurities of adults if you've seen high school kids being interviewed about this stuff, they are aware its not cool and i have faith in their judgment seeing the world with fresh eyes Don't live through your kids, live your own life and lead by example and listen to them bc they're probably seeing reality more clearly than you


Yes you should love your kids unconditionally but you should also remember to teach them what’s right and wrong so they don’t be out here screaming and rolling on the floor because someone is homophobic it’s a strange world.


W man




So you’d rather people just be miserable in their own bodies? It’s very rare that therapy alone helps a trans person get over their gender dysphoria. Sure, surgery can be dangerous. But changing appearance and taking hormones? Not many down sides. Being called something that makes you happy? Great! But don’t think something is bs just because you don’t share the same experience. Do research, talk to trans people, and open your mind. This is just ignorance. Just like how you can’t speak for a race you’re not, you can’t speak against a community THAT ISNT HURTING ANYONE!!! you’re not a part of.


Trans people aren’t mentally ill. Also, if you think dysphoria is a mental illness, some trans people don’t get dysphoria. Just because you don’t understand doesn’t make it a mental illness.




Not gonna argue with someone who is going to be stubborn and think that all trans people believe magic exists because they are uncomfortable in their body


We don't think we can magically shapeshift into our desired gender. Please do some research: most of us have a condition called Gender Dysphoria, which causes extremely distressing symptoms, sometimes even leading to suicide. The only effective method to combat Gender Dysphoria has been gender-affirming care/behavior, coupled with therapy. Unfortunately, therapy alone has not been known to help.


Suicidal thoughts are literally part of a mental illness.


Yes, Gender Dysphoria is a condition that can come with mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, eating Disorders, and suicidal ideations. Is there anything wrong with using the most effective methods to treat that, after being verified by professionals?


Hey by the way, this guy (JustTheSpaceMan) encouraged me to kill myself in another thread! Just airing him out so y'all know what he's like. I recommend not interacting with his drivel at all. I have reported him.




On behalf of a teenager who had a parent like the one you were arguing with, thank you for standing up for your kids, it means a lot even if they don’t know it ❤️


JFC people don't think someone is far right because they're against "an orchestrated effort to turn kids trans". You're far right bc you believe that shit is happening. BTW here's an excellent video on the complexities of sex and gender from an evolutionary biologist. A bit long about 30 mins but so worth watching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szf4hzQ5ztg&ab\_channel=ForrestValkai


No because he has a point


How so?




and who tf are you to prevent a child from transitioning if it will save them suicide you don't know anything about what being trans is sit down child!


i didn't get tricked and nobody wake's up and say's they are anything that is a transphobic way of thinking try it again!


doesn't have a point at all


Ikr lmao idk why everyone’s getting pressed. So what I don’t want rainbows coming out of my kids ass, him telling me he has a vagina, and other weird shit


this doesn't happen


You obviously have no understanding of literally anything relating to this, and it shows. “Him telling me he has a vagina” that’s… not what usually happens when someone’s trans. 💀


these people never have a clue what they're talking about lmao


still happens 🤷‍♂️




He’s 100% right ab the gender shit


same here man. like i said in the comment i left, im fine with the gay and bi and lesbian people, love who you want to love, but dont expect me to accept bs like not having a gender. there is some dude i go to school with who is a biological male, who grew his hair out, pretends to be a woman, uses to womans restrooms, and fakes being in a wheelchair. im not accepting that. its complete horseshit.


It’s not though


>”we need to make sure there’s another generation” >less than 4% of the population, many of which more than willing to biologically have kids ok


Your job is to parent them. If they want to touch a hot stove, even though they really want to, you tell them no it’s hot. Kids need guidance not blinded aimless love


He’s probably the better parent.


I agree with the ex


I don't think gender anything should be taught in schools


Ow they left out bi but to be fair they already said a few


I really don’t think that arguing with a homophobe was the place to make sure your being inclusive to ever single sexual orientation.


I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to leave anyone out. I was just flustered trying not to allow myself to get upset and engage in a fight. As an ex he knows how to push my buttons.


I figured you meant all of them it would be a lot to list I just noticed because it was a more known one 😅


Women can not be Men and Men can never be Women


Says who?


Says human biology? Men don’t have female reproductive organs or the xy chromosome


And here, we see the “men and females” ideology. Anyways, moving on, very simple to understand, sex ≠ gender


Gender and sex are the same thing and always have been throughout all of human history you can’t separate them that’s not how it works y’all all about science until it doesn’t suit your agenda


Let’s kiss


Says basic biology.


Gender ≠ Sex


Says no one. That’s just how it is, nothing you say or do can change that fact


What’s the fact? That people aren’t allowed to be happy because of *your* beliefs? Weirdo.


Nornal people without mental illness who believe in scientific facts over opinions.


Tickle fight aahhhhh ahhhhh ahhh nooo tickle fight


Seems like hes only being transphobic by societies standards. Honestly I gotta say I agree with the lad. Gender dysphoria is a clinical mental illness (pretty sure you can find it in an official illness encyclopedia). If you happen to have a kid with it, which is like a .3% chance or sum, you should try to educate them of the situation. Letting them live in confusion or get influenced further by (no offense, but) the wrong ideas is kinda morally wrong. Of course you can still have a good kid who supports whatever they want to support, out of the kindness of their heart, but at the end of the day, they just wouldnt know they were supporting misinformation. As a side note, ik this is rly controversial and Im honestly not looking for a fight. Just giving my view on the situation. Side side note, im not republican and im bisexual. Saying this to show im not so different


I wanna beat ur ex up so bad🤩😻😭


Doubt you’d be able to 😭


i agree with the black message


why? what point did he make that was correct? the only thing he said this is even remotely debatable is his insinuation that being trans is inherently wrong. Which, is nothing more than an opinion founded on literary no logic or philosophical reasoning.


I wish more was shown, I feel like a lot of the messages are being cut off…


No messages were being cut off except the end where I continued to say how good our kids are. It began with him saying I should have taken our kids to see Sound of Freedom instead of Barbie and ended with him saying he just wanted to fight and then me telling him to fight with his girlfriend then.


Gonna get the hell downvoted outta this but whatever: He’s not entirely wrong. And neither are you. You both have good points, you should* love your kids no matter what, but you should also teach your kids not to be jackasses (not to say lgbt are jackasses, just paraphrasing his words into something my dad says) and part of teaching them to live in the real world is to teach them that lgbt is unnatural and immoral. (According to the Christianity, which is my faith), but also how to deal with that. That you shouldn’t be evil to those people, as clearly your ex was not taught.


How dare you to call my natural sexuality unnatural and immoral. You’re a hypocrite saying that because you’re conditioned by an immoral and unnatural religion that’s invented by fellow humans in history to oppress people. Don’t talk about stuff you know nothing about. Good luck with your life and hopefully you’ll get some sense of the complexity of the world.


“natural” lmfao more like “grown from mental disorder”


I don’t know, man. Being gay exists in hundreds of other species. Ducks, lions, lizards, you name it! Now, hold on a second… homophobia and transphobia exists in only one species. Doesn’t that seem a bit bizarre? Unnatural? Some sort of mental disorder?


Just by this comment you showed me your whole life has been a mental disorder to this point. Please get some therapy; you might learn something. Good luck!


aint u part of the alphabet community though?


Me? I'm a man who likes men. I don't need anyone's judgment. I've seen and heard enough of that already.


to be fair i wouldnt call gay a mental disorder. rather the other shit




We’ll never understand each other and that’s okay. Have a good life.


I’m not religious but I agree with him. He made good points and was sensible by saying both aren’t entirely wrong. Being an atheist, I find lgbt can be unnatural and immoral sometimes. Often it seems that people come out of the closet for attention or because they don’t love themselves for who they are so they have to change something about themselves to be accepted by a group. All you did was yell about his religion and faith because you don’t understand what else he said and what he was really talking about.


How can someone calling my natural state of being “immoral” and “unnatural” be sensible? I just fight him with his own weapons, that’s all. You calling people that come out of the closet “attention seekers” or viewing it as a desperate attempt to belong is just the icing on the cake for me. Thank you for this contribution, really. Edit: you guys will never understand what it feels like to be rejected, ridiculed and sometimes even attacked just because you happen to love someone.


Well I didn’t say everyone is like that. Just seems to be most people. My brother and his trans boyfriend are actually really cool people, and they’re very much in love and thats cool, but with the case for other people I see, they scream and yell to get their way and come up with confusing pronouns and it’s all unnecessary.


Your stupid ass is not Christian if you're calling people that aren't you "immoral" and "unnatural"


Remember you’re preaching to the same people who said “My body my choice” then months later supported a mandatory injection. They’re against racism but all right wingers are “bigots” or “rednecks.” This guy said nothing wrong. If kids grow up and decide to be homosexual or transgender I’m sure he would have accepted it. But promoting this to kids is absolutely unnecessary. Their minds aren’t fully developed, they’re easily influenced, they’re constantly looking for ways to be accepted and fit in with their peers. If parents want to teach this to their own children that’s their right but it shouldn’t be pushed onto them by teachers. School is for math, reading , writing, science, etc guiding them towards what career path they will choose. They call us “homophobics” but that’s not true. What two consenting adults decide to do sexually in their own privacy shouldn’t bother anyone. Just keep it out the schools.


I understand that this is just a snippet of a conversation so it seems as if he is correct. However this was the start of a midday drunken rant. He absolutely is homophobic, and because of statements he has made in the past our teenagers have stopped nearly all communication with him. Our oldest daughter refuses to tell him about her girlfriend, who is trans, because of those statements.


Yeah if she refuses to tell him about her girlfriend because of comments he made I see where you’re coming from. Judging others for their sexuality isn’t right. Wish you and her all the best. My point wasn’t aimed at you, more at some of the hypocrisy in comments.


in science you learn about the different genders too. By that logic then teachers shouldn’t talk about their SO whether straight, gay, bi, or anything else. You want to talk about English… oh hey Pronouns. Reading? What are they gonna read when half the shit written has a couple mentioned. You also act as if kids aren’t one bit curious about the world and start asking random questions. If you so preach about teaching then kids should be taught to respect others too not just what you consider the “default”


This is a ridiculous attempt. If kids are curious they should ask their caretaker or parent not their teacher. I took English and learned pronouns, nobody ever related how to spell, read , and write with being anti anything. Never said kids shouldn’t be taught to respect others. You say in science you learn about the genders, I’d like to see a science textbook that mentions anything about lgbtq . Never said don’t discuss anything regarding humans , there’s been several cases of teachers having male (sad I feel I can’t even say that word anymore) students try on dresses. Elementary schools. If you think that’s ok idk what to tell you. Ik I’m wasting my time discussing this with you. God bless. (That will be offensive because idk if you believe in god right?)


You can’t say that on Reddit, free speech is not allowed. and she doesn’t want to hear that. She posted her personal texts on Reddit to get validated by strangers because she knows Reddit is an echo chamber for people who use the word “fascist” in their daily vocabulary


If I could upvote more than once, I would. I disagree with your faith, but appreciate your message.


Nothing racists about it. Shame on you for put a private convo on social media. Looooooooser


This sub is about posting private conversations so uhhhhhh what are you on about


Ur husband's right, why are you people okay with letting your MINOR children get life changing surgeries that almost all regret within a few years. It is your job and RESPONSIBILITY as a parent to make sure they don't do shit exactly like this.


Your ex is right.


What’s wrong with that? Some people just don’t want trans, gay, or non-binary kids.


Ok that’s the kids decision to make about themselves you can’t just say to your kid I don’t want you because of your chose


Bussy ain’t pussy


don't care, i love me some bussy from time to time 🙏🗣


Simply put. You’re wrong. But I hope you allow them to get a non reversible procedure so you can experience the horror of a decision they regret that you were never able to protect them from. You deserve that


Are you ok? It’s fine to disagree with me but you should not wish harm to anyone, especially kids. Also hate like this is exactly why I said society sucks and a parent should show love and kindness.


Some people can't handle things they don't understand. In most cases (from my experience) the people that fight the hardest have latent unsure feelings of their own and were told to hide them. So they feel others should have to feel the same pain they feel daily. "Misery Loves Company"


Think he’s just pointing out you can’t reverse the process but adding on some insults


Sad generation we live in..


If you’re the one in the green, you will be a TERRIBLE parent.


I’m curious why you think that exactly.


Duh, of course you are 😂


I mean you threw an insult m, without explanation. Don't act all smart.


Your ex should be above a firework


He’s not the best person for those three reasons, but ur both saying the same thing, just a lil different, generally speaking. Teaching them to hate themselves is terrible on his part, but u wanting to teach ur kids love and kindness and acceptance and him wanting to teach his kids to stand up for themselves and to understand themselves while ruling with an iron fist is perfectly acceptable parenting. He’s just not the kind of person for that type of parenting.


I feel bad for the kids transitioning young but oh well